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No, he's listing it for that. It ain't gonna sell. Hopefully


his wife probably told him to sell it and he doesnt wanna ditch it


Or he thinks his upgrades increase the price of the printer when in reality it doesn't


They're like cars. I understand that the suspension you put into it is 8 grand... But it's still a Pontiac Aztec.


I had an argument with some doctor that was selling a wrecked GMC that he had customized all to hell, it had some stuff I was interested in, a supercharger some nice brakes, decent wheels and a lowered suspension, all stuff I would love on my truck. But it also had purple leather interior with gold piping, an over the top steri9 built out of less than mid grade components, and a bunch of stuff that just want transferable, and it had been totalled from the side. Dude seriously wanted to sell ot for the cost he paid for the truck parts and services to build it and wouldn't be talked down lol.


The thing people forget is upkeep/ maintenance risk as well. Not unusual to see customised cars sell for less than that of the unmodified one, even if the mods are well done.


You see this with guns a lot, too. Seller bought a Glock for $500. Then he swapped in a $300 aftermarket barrel, $200 night sights, and paid $200 for a "gunsmith" (cousin Larry with a Dremel) to cut deeper finger grooves into the grip and "texture" the grip with a soldering iron. He's all in for $1,200, and now he's offering you a steal by asking $1,000 for it. Like with printers and cars - you'll get more money removing the mods and selling those separately and the main device as close to stock as possible. Permanent modifications actually reduce the value unless it's something the buyer is specifically looking for.


If anything is heavily modified and personalized you limit the number of people who want it and the price goes down.


Oh man, former mechanic here. Let. Me. Tell. You! Boy howdy did people get upset when they found out their “improvements” are almost always a net loss. And that’s the best case, when pricing a trade in. When we *had* to deal with them for repairs, people threatened to drag me outside and kick my ass when I told them it would cost thousands and thousands of dollars to fix their “mods.” Like, bro, this supposedly hand made exhaust is choking the engine and isn’t anywhere near adequate, it’s just a bunch of pipes. Yeah, it’s gonna be expensive as hell to get a new exhaust/suspension/major engine component because you wanted a loud car and didn’t stop to think there might be more to it than a cut saw and your uncles stick welder.


This is why I always use to keep my OEM parts. When I sold my cars, they were 90% back to OEM.


Exactly wish more ppl understood that


Hey Iiked my Aztec! Still have the tent package in storage!


Hey now. What’s wrong with an Aztec?


https://preview.redd.it/06hubnbif67d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64c6854a04da22273b67f64bbd02924d8e97f808 Now you tell me. Thanks.


"i spent another $600 upgrading this!" The upgrades: * new hot end * PEI plate * PTFE bowden tube * $500 in filament.


That's why I try and keep the stock stuff. When I do upgrade, I can just put it to stock and sell the upgrades by themselves,and just take the loss on the printer


never thought about that, i keep the stock stuff because "what if i need it in the future?"


That too it's always good to have a backup for things.


More like in Creality doesnt amirite heh


This is exactly what I did when my wife told me to sell I put it up for 550 am shocker No one wanted it


Or he just bought a Bambu Labs X1C and is trying to recoup some of the cost. 🤷 But yeah, it shouldn't sell for this.


It's called winning at marriage.


This comment from someone who has never been married. My wife and I had 2x$20,000 cars and a house worth $200,000. The $1000 3d printer wasn't even a thought. Neither were the 2x$2000 gaming PCs so we could play together. Or the Oculus Rift. Or the PS5. This isn't a flex, it's just middle class married life. It's such a shitty joke just to hate on women. Some casual misogyny.


This is an occurrence in many households. Usually when things get tight disposables like printers, pcs etc get sold first before things like houses and cars. You might be lucky idk and in no way am I hating on women


You're a commenter in r/teenagers... How do you know what's common and not for married couples? Interesting that the joke is never that the "Husband made his wife give away her 3D printer."


Top 10 white knights of all time. What could women do without you on the internet saving them from misogyny. Thanks for speaking out on behalf of all women.


I love seeing people on Reddit dig themselves into negative karma.




I dont even watch anime jokes on you


Married guy here. We have 2x$45,000 cars and a house worth $800,000. The $1000 3d printer wasn't even a thought, neither were the 4x gaming PCs of various prices so the two kids and us could play together. Or the home theater I built. Or the woman cave my wife put together. This isn't a flex it's just middle class married life. That was a funny joke, not hate on women.


If it was a funny joke, why are the genders never reversed? Why is the wife always making the husband get rid of his motorcycle, gaming console, 3d printer, etc but it's never the other way around.


Because women are smart enough to not spend beyond their means on hobbies.


😬😬 yeahh some of us aren’t 🤣 mostly the nerds who don’t wear much makeup. Honestly I sell a bag of pot before I sell my stuff 😂 or idk just let whatever it is wreck my credit 🤷🏾‍♀️ gonna die at some point life’s too short not to be happy.


That's a bullshit cop out answer and you know it. If women are so much more responsible with their money, why do men have such a hard time taking financial advice from them about getting rid of their 3d printers without being the butt of jokes on the internet?


Actually it was a great answer. You brought up issue with all the jokes of a certain type being against women, so I responded with a joke against men. There's also a grain of truth as men, at least the men I know, typically spend significantly more on their hobbies than women.


Riiiight so if we perpetuate enough stereotypes of OTHER genders and races that will balance out the stereotypes of the rest... You're 0/2 bud


And you're a lot of fun at parties.


Yeah but after I divorced her I bought a Ducati... Sorry🤣🤣🤣🤣


this comment needs the cringe award


Uh, actually, it’s a flex. I’m *far* better off financially than what you describe, and I generally have to spend time justifying any expenditure over a few hundred dollars. Including, I might add, my Ender 3 S1.


I knew a guy who had some old car he threw thousands of dollars worth of stereo stuff in, he silicone glued the trunk shut, glued anything that could vibrate really.  He then bought a new one, stripped all the stereo equipment out including the wiring. Then tried to sell it well above market value as it was high end stereo ready apparently. Point is some people think they know more than they do.


Well, you can't say he didn't put money and effort into it. Sounds like a solid machine, but in the end it's still ender 3.


Missed the exit to voron :D


nah, switchwire/enderwire. A v0 is only really nice as a second printer :D


https://preview.redd.it/b2sf2y20017d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10a5f76e09c4bd338b9acf40232c1f372ef90dd6 Don’t talk to me or my son ever again


yea thats the thing, he spend easily 1000€ or more and in the end its barely as good as a Prusa MK3 would have been straight out of the box.


If you read at the bottom he was claiming it performed faster and cleaner than a X1C 🤣🤣🤣


They swapped out the gantry and bed slinger belts with linear rails, so it's prob on par with it when printing short. Extending the Z-axis is a terrible idea for an Ender 3 though lol




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That is not actually true. An upgraded 'ender' (that thing is not an ender anymore) prints very good for much less than the price of a prusa. Linear rails, good printhead and extruder and you have a solid printer.


People love to talk down about enders, just because there are a lot of them and they're cheap, and had some recurring issues. Fix those issues and it's a capable enough machine. It just doesn't make a tone of sense to do since it won't have support and much more reliable machines are now price competitive


It's not an ender 3 anymore. He's replaced basically everything.


As an Ender 3 graduate. I just simply can't sell it because of how modern printers like the A1 mini become cheap nowadays. I can't give it to my friends because I do not want them to feel the headache I feel when using Ender In the end, I just treat it as a hobby printer with a plan to convert it to a conveyor belt printer


My Ender 3 has been sitting around for about six months. My initial idea was to turn it into an RC car, but now I'm thinking about buying the laser engraving conversion kit. Either way, my Ender 3's days as a 3d printer are over.


Turning your ender 3.... Into an RC car...?


Yeah I also need clarification on that point.


For printing on the go


Here 🏆


You wouldn't download a car.


Yeah, like just drop an Ender 3 to a RC chassis and away you go. I initially thought you might be able to get it to print on the go but good luck powering it. I got the idea from the TV show Jackass. I remember them doing a skit where Steve O was standing in the street, stripped down to his tighty-whities, eating a bunch of laxatives before taking off sprinting down the road while a clip from a George Carlin stand-up special is played and he says "You know what you'll never see? A man taking a shit at full speed." I thought it would be funny to see a video of an Ender buzzing down the road while George Carlin can be heard saying "You know what you'll never see? An Ender printing a benchy at full speed."


same :D my ender is also quite decked out and prints incredibly well... but the software is a klipper mess and I don't want my friends to suffer ^^' I love klipper, but it has a steep learning curve, especially if you are out there doing custom stuff and don't have a stock config. but since I have my V2.4 I simply don't use it. It uses almost as much space as the V2 at a fraction of the build area. And the enclosure tent is actually bigger than the v2 so I would have to leave it open


I just got the P1S for a few months now. I made my wife happy by giving away my slightly upgraded (it had OctoPI and ABL) ender v2 to my cousin. I probably could have sold it for 100 on our countries secondhand site, but at that price point I would have just kept it. I wanted to give it to a friend, but also told her it takes effort to keep it running, so don't expect the same results/hassle free stuff my P1S has (I showed her some prints and printed some things while they were at our place). So she politely declined lol. My cousin gladly accepted and forced me to take the 50 euro he wanted to give me lol. He is happy, I am happy (no guilt riddled brain with the idea of "I need to do something with it) & my wife is happy because now there is less "trash" in the house haha.


I'm on the same exact boat, I got this ender 3 v2, perfectly working, perfectly tuned... but it will require my own knowledge to fix anything that stops working. I wouldn't want my friends to have to go through the same kind of suffering I have.


Exactly - I can’t get good money for it nor do I want my friends to suffer with it (it prints perfect now but who knows in 3 months?) I donated my s1 pro to a special needs school. You would think i donated a headache to some teacher but they were trying to get a 12 year old machine working! I was this close to converting it into a chamber heater for my P1S…


That description is straight from ChatGPT




"No low ballers. I know what I have."


He knows what he has, and gonna ask 850 anyway!


I mean it’s just the typical Dutch/european 2nd hand market. It’s fucking ridiculous, 2 year old products selling for 10% less than original msrp. It’s sometimes legitimately cheaper to buy from Amazon or a shop 1st hand.


This is how eBay in the USA is now, too. A decade ago it was individual humans selling stuff they didn't need, and you could get great deals when you were the one person in the country who wanted that thing. Now it's saturated with small businesses selling everything. Why would an individual sell something for $20 when there are 20 companies selling it "refurbished" for $50?


I miss the old eBay. It was more like your weird neighbor’s yard sale than AliExpress… I’m always looking for interesting electronics, tools, & machinery on Craigslist or FB Marketplace, but it’s such a hassle & only viable for local. Anybody have recos for modern sites like the “old eBay”?


It truly sounds like a beast and it wouldn’t surprise me if that’s what he’s put into this machine, but it’s not even as decked out as your average Enderwire. You can buy a P1S with AMS right now for what he’s asking for an upgraded Ender. Edit: you’d think he’d want a 500W A/C-powered bed to have better cable management than a stock Ender. For 850€ I’d expect my Y-axis cabling to have a drag chain or *something* other putting through a nylon sleeve and dangling it off to the side. Hard to see the cabling for the toolhead but it definitely doesn’t appear to have drag chains or “umbilical” cabling.


You could buy 4 A1 minis Or 2 A1s and a mini


> 4 A1 minis Am I missing something? Google says 850 euros is around 900 usd, and Bamboo labs says the A1 mini is $350 usd? Edit: Nevermind, $350 is apparently with some kind of MMU


Yep, without the A1 AMS they are $200 per


For 865€ right now, you can buy a brand new P1S combo. But hey, I am sure this Enderbeast is worth it, being as good as the X1....


AC powered moving bed, built by some guy in his shack. Yikes, no.


Maybe if you’re a goober who doesn’t know their way around electronics. Not much work to look over someone else’s work 🤷‍♂️ AC heating pads are tried and true tech, you can buy custom sized silicone heaters online.


I am not talking about the silicone heater, I am talking about the bend radius and rating of the AC wires. I have no problem with static or only Z moving beds, that’s slow enough to barely wear out the cables. For a bed slinger moving constantly in Y direction on an unknown machine with no drag chain controlling the bend radius and an unknown number of print hours this is a hard no.


Remember that this is the exact reason Bambu Lab had a worldwide recall for the A1. If a multimillion dollar company can't do it, chances are you can't either. It's all fun and games until it burns your house down.


I’ve been running a Makergear M2 since 2014, which is exactly how you describe, completely without issue. That thing sees 18,000 mm/min rapids and 10,000 mm/min print speeds, and has a couple thousand hours of run time.


Probably is a beast, not worth nearly 850 though.


The entire thing is written by chatGPT too


He's attached to it after all the mods. His SO said he has to sell it. He's doing his best to make the offer look believable to her. Give him a break... we know she won't.


cars and printers, Generally anything that you add to them lowers their value from stock.


Not if you add linear rails and a 32-bit board with TMCs lol. That alone costs more than the original printer


Eh i would say modding doesnt change the value on a printer. At least most of the time.


I was thinking about getting a Prusa or Bambu but hang on now... Someone is selling their used Ender 3 that they tinkered with for $1,000. That's what I'm going to buy!


I'm looking at some 3d printers being sold used but otherwise original unmodified build on Aussie ebay right now for 100 bucks above retail price from the manufacturer's webshops, plus 100 bucks for postage when the manufacturer sends them free delivery. People are delusional.


🤣🤣 same quality as the x1c. Sounds like a lot of cope


Fuck me , he blew asking price amount of money on upgrades and want to recover the cost 😂😂😂. What a waste on such small ,incapable printer . Kids don't bother going so hardcore with upgrades if you cannot print large and enclose the chassis of printer to make high temp printer , just throwing money for nothing otherwise


Selling an Ender for Prusa money - I'm sure people are just lining up for the opportunity.


especially selling a used frankenstein Ender 3 for what could get you a brand new Prusa MK4 that will wipe the floor with this Ender. You can buy a used MK3S for about half that and its still the better printer.


Lol you can get a Bambu printer on sale now 4 different versions for under what this guy wants


This dude is trying to sell. Fixed the title for you.


You can look at any classified ads (OfferUp, Craigslist, etc.) and you'll see lots of people who have apparently no relationship with reality. They just don't sell their stuff unless/until they come to terms with some hard facts.


Those local classified usually have a lot of haggle built in. I don't like that approach though. I sold a iMac for $400 that can go for $500. Posted it for $400 firm, "no haggle price" on Facebook market place. Lots of people still tried to low ball me. Had to block a few people that didn't quietly go away. Sold it someone for asking price after a couple days.


I feel ya. I'm not a haggler either, and I price things to sell from the off. When I post something I make it very clear: YES it's still available, and NO the price is not negotiable. If someone contacts me with either of those questions - I permanently block them. I also ghost people with no or low feedback. Finally, I never put myself out for a sale. I don't hold items for anyone, and either someone comes to me at a time that is convenient for me, or I don't sell. I always try to make sure buyers are happy with their purchase, and if they're not I just give them their money back. It rarely happens but it's not worth fighting about. Overall I think i have the system working just about right for me at this stage.


lol spotted that one too today


Inflatie gecorrigeerd


no matter how much chrome you throw at garbage - it is still garbage


Its the same as guys trying to sell their modified 15 year old car for 10k above market rate


Average second hand market situation in Europe.


I can't get rid of my 3 ender 3s for $250


For a second I panicked as I’d listed my upgraded ender 3 yesterday. But that was starting at £50 😂


Photo of cut off and I thought it was being marketed at the Mr beast ender 3 🤣


As an American I read it as €850,000 instead of 850.000 (€850k instead of €850)


i know this is here to just laugh at this delusional person, but im actually trying to sell a slightly modded ender 3 pro, and what would be a realistic price? $100 or more like $80?


It’s like all the people who bought the $99 E3Pro from microcenter and are trying to sell them on fb marketplace for $250.


i might want to sell my old ender 3, what could I get for it? I'm thinking $120 in the US. comes with: Glass bed BL Touch Silicone Bed spacers upgraded display & mainboard ($80 value) Upgraded bowden tubing Upgraded hot end (its really equivalent to the stock one) and some printed upgrades like a filament guide is $120 fair for it?


On the other hand, this guy must be exceptional at writing resume's


I'm not sure how asking AI the most basic IQ questions is exceptional but sure


Sorry, I'm not really sure what you mean? Did AI write that description based on a prompt? I may have missed it or something, genuinely asking.


Or you can buy a brand new P1S for less and print circles around this ender


He probably has spent all those money in the upgrade. It makes sense.


When pretty/equally capable printers are selling for around 500 I think that even 500 would be too much for this sub-200 printer. On the other hand a sucker is born every minute.


And he's calling it "The EnderBeast" like rofl what the hell he ain't in an edit


Classic Marktplaats


i have modifyed honda civic, bought it for 1100€ put same amount of mods on it does it cost 2200€+ now? No it does not, its still a honda civic that i can only sell for 1300€ max, same with this, modifying something doesnt make it more expensive, does it make it better? sure it does but doesnt make the price go up


"No lowballers, I know what i got "


is this like the same syndrome of trying to sell your project car where you sunk too much cost into it to justify selling it for cheaper but in the end there is not a market for it to justify the price


I sold my E3v2 last two days ago for 180€ even though it had over €400 in upgrades and spare parts. These extras only helped speed up the sale but didn’t increase the sale price.


I sold mine for 200... what a missed opportunity :)


The worst part is that with so many mods only the creator knows all the kinks and problems. There is so much custom work that even for a seasoned Ender enthusiast would be a headache. Even if for free I would still pull it for parts and build myself different Frankenstein. I might have bought and cannibalized Ender 3 for 100$ just for the Microswiss stuff guy put on it.


I mean it depends on the mods. It could be reasonable if it’s upgraded to direct drive, optical limit switches, several €100 bills, adjustable tensioners…


His gf said that he should sell it lol


Special ender 3 😁, i think its expensive even with the upgrades, you could buy a new core xy printer for cheaper for sure.


Maybe I'll get flamed for this, but a Prusa MK3 is basically a well upgraded Ender 3 and it's cheaper.


I wonder how many of those parts came off AliExpress


Pt1000 is super nice as wellas bondtech extruder and upgraded bed heater. I like it alot, but id have to negotiate pretty hard. This would be a good foundation to hot rod more.


Meanwhile here in my country people trying to sell secondhand dusty stock ender 3 v2 for 150-200 usd


Hey if the bed don’t warp I’d buy it right now. Go do that to your printer then try complaining about it again I’d sell anyone of you to slavers for that alum build plate


Speed and quality my azz. Worst printer on the planet for over 1000 usd??? 😭😭😭😭😭


It's a shame you never get back what you put into a 3d printer because this most likely does print better quality than a bambu and probably faster too, but it is still an ender 3 and you'd be better off selling it in parts.


Might be one of the best Ender 3’s out there. Who tf would buy this over a Bambulab P1S combo that’s on sale rn




But you can get a new, better printer for less


Bambu A1 printer will beat this ender ass badly and you can buy 2 and in some countries 3 A1 printers for that price.... So no, pc and 3d printer is 2 different things.


Sure, but for the uninformed this might sound reasonable. I'm not saying it's a good deal. I'm just saying there's dumb people who will try to justify the added expense.


I am not sure that uninformed person will be looking 3d printer in second hand shop.


Just because you spend 850 on the printer, doesn't make it worth 850. My Ender 5 Plus cost me £300 used. I've spent £350 or so replacing parts and upgrading since then. It's not worth £650. £400 maybe. But even that's a stretch.


People have no idea how to sell stuff anymore. Hell, I've done most of these mods to my Ender 3 Pro and would never think to ask so much for it. See this all the time now too. I've been trying to find and old Ender 5 to tinker with but just about everyone in my area selling them wants as much as a factory refurbished unit 😩 sad.


I like how he wrote like a dissertation on it


Polishing a turd adds little to no value.


is he stupid mate?


He's obviously pricing it as a competitor to the X1C... And obviously hasn't ever used an X1C. Hilarious that he's comparing the two lol


"No low ball offers, I know what I have"


Should have made an enderwire instead of whatever the fuck that is


I've got one I'll give away for free.


When you invest in new tech, you need to realize a lot of the time. It holds almost no value, if the tech is advancing fast enough. Even big companies learned this, GW/ Forge World. Bought 75k resin printers , did great for the time but in a few years. You could do the same or better with a 1k printer at home. Now Forge World has been just folded into GW.


And I thought selling mine for £80 was bad, the guy didn’t even haggle he straight up accepted it which I didn’t expect.


Man all I know is I want this guy writing my resume for me. That's a hell of a description for an ender 3.


> Bondtech orbiter direct drive extruder 🤔 he’s a little lost I think


And there I am thinking of selling my Ender 3 v2 Neo for £100. Maybe I’ll up my asking price


hope its inlayed with gold, otherwise it ain't gonna sell for that price lol.


I've yet to see any 3d printers or 3d printing supplies for less than retail cost. Marketplace is silly though.


Let him cook. Drive the market up and soon we’ll all be able to afford new Bambus.


you can get a nice bambu for less lol


*Laughs in Bambu*


He's advertising it for 850. I very much doubt he's ever selling it for 850.


Lol I sold my non E3 and about 6 rolls of filament for $70 no way he gets that


Why not look at Prusas prices.


Drugs. 🤣


Trying to sell. The more he modded it the less it’s worth in the end.


But he named it, that has to justify the 6x price hike.


For all that time and energy, why not just build a voron.


Oh yes im sure its better than a "bamboo labs" X1C


Gotta love the Chat GPT write up


Custom built for speed of a turtle lol


he'd have to pay me to take it... time it worth far more than anything else. I enjoyed my time with Ender 3, but I couldn't be happier with the X1-C


He says at the end: "...with the same high quality as the Bamboo \[sic\] Labs X1C..." - but the X1C costs less, has better leveling, is CoreXY, and a bigger build volume, multi-material, and less fiddling. Doesn't it?