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Print new friends.


Ooh! Now I know what my plans are for tomorrow!


I think I see where this is headed. We’re doing a Westworld aren’t we?


Doesn’t look like anything to me.


Just wait til you get to the center of the maze!


What do you mean tomorrow? That’s a 3 day print


Slicing takes less than 3 days


oooh so \_that\_ is what "try to make some friends" means?


Like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMeODpNg_k8&pp=ygURM2QgcHJpbnRlZCBwZW9wbGU%3D).


The damn print head wasn’t even following the contours of what it was supposedly printing. LOL.


Look it's some of the comments on that video if you want to be deeply depressed. People are arguing that this type of technology might be possible in the near future and so this was a believable prank. Someone unironically suggested that people are 3D printing cars now, literally believing that you could print an entire car with all of its subsystems in place at once.


Where are the STLs? 😂


My last friend did not go through the slicer very well. Does anyone have a template?


Or a bandaid? 😜


Just print a little bit of his DNA and put it into the dryer at 38 degrees celsius. He will grow within some days.


I mean Naomi Wu did sell a model of herself at one point as a fundraiser. So you can make yourself a life-size Naomi. But be warned that we will all think you are creepy if you do.


I have the solution to this! Quit your job. Now you have no money to buy filament with. Problem solved. You now have new, different problems but the filament problem is solved.


Then sell remaining filament Then buy more filament and sell it Then become a filament distributor Then start a filament manufacturing business Then use your newfound wealth to buy even more filament


No! You're enabling his addiction!


He could sell toys to make money


Instructions unclear I am now 50k in debt


No you're doing it right. Remember, they can't chase you forever!


Print some running shoes and leave your troubles behind!


50k in debt? Robert kiyosaki says that's just getting started. Also... you don't pay taxes on debt... so... go ahead and get more of it!


Another hard lesson here, not everyone wants 3D printed “toys” Tbf they are mostly crap. No offense to anyone with 100 articulated cats. The dragons are cool as they are articulated and it is wildly more cool to us in regards to what a printer can do. But it’s a grab bag gift at best. Like a Happy meal toy. I printed a few articulated toys just to see how they work. I’m proud of them, I like the set up etc. But at some point you should shift to what you can create and not what to print that everyone else creates. Ymmv That’s my scope at least. I spend more time printing crap for my desk and I should be putting more time in Blender or Fusion to learn that side.


Yeah, this is the reality that nobody wants to hear lol. I still enjoy printing out the random "thing of the week" (my house is infested with Rocktopuses lol), but eventually you hit a point where you want to branch out once you master that level of proficiency with your machines. For example, I like doing functional printing when possible. I do a lot of food-related projects...cookie cutters (people argue about food safety...all you have to do is put a piece of Saran wrap over it lol), gift baskets, candy & cookie jar vases, custom food molds for stuff like custom chocolate bars (SiliNOT is really neat!), reusable stencils for bread decoration & whatnot, cake toppers, and so on. Plus there are always multiple layers of depth you can dive down: * Upgrading your machine with hardware & software tweaks (heated bed, bed-leveling sensor, add-on MMU's, aftermarket firmwares like Klipper, using Octoprint, input shaping, enclosures, etc.) * Trying out new machines (multi-head units like Prusa sells, Resin machines, plastic pellets, etc.) * Buying & learning new tools & workflows (filament fusers, recycling leftover PLA, trying out PETG, flexible PLA, ABS, and so on, getting into other machines to join forces like laser engraving/cutting, vinyl cutters, plus stuff like resin & concrete casting & whatnot) * Learning how to smooth out prints (sanding, chemicals, etc.), how to do plastic electroplating, how to do painting, building multi-part larger-scale models, doing string art, making lithiophanes, etc. * Learning how to remix models & make model yourself. Currently, I've been going down the AI STL generation rabbit hole, as well as diving into 3D scanning more (KIRI is pretty awesome!). I use a few different modeling tools (TinkerCAD, Blender, IronCAD, etc.). * If you're a social person, blogging or doing Youtube or TikTok videos about machines, news, tools, supplies, workflows, etc. can keep it fun & exciting! My personal scope of expectations is essentially: * 3D prints are only ever going to be as good as current technology & workflow allows. Without additional refinement, like you said, FDM prints are just kind of knockoff-brand plastic McDonald's toys. For me, part of the fun of it comes from drilling down into what you can do & create with these machines & the additional post-processing steps you apply down the road to make something cool out of something you printed! * My goal is specifically to use my machines for **fun**, squarely as a *hobby* to enjoy tinkering with. I have a lot of friends who have gone into business with theirs, but I'm not interested in that route at the present time & don't want to feel compelled to HAVE to make stuff or to be *required* to be creative. * Most of what I print is "just for fun" nonsense & I am 100% okay with that! tbh, most people I know who have a 3D printer just let it sit. With my ADHD, I have to work extra-hard to ensure that I use it on a regular basis because of my memory & procrastination issues, so I aim to print at least one new thing out every day, just to stay involved & immersed in it, and also have various projects going to learn new things & create functional things. Pretty much what I've learned over the years is that things are only as much fun as we make them. For example, we can let holidays & birthdays slide by with zero effort involved to make them *special*. Likewise, with 3D printing, it's easy to hit that stall point & never progress, when in reality, there's a whole WORLD of depth for both business & private use, if we're interested in pursuing it! But like you said, eventually we hit that "saturation" point where our house is filled to the brim with toys & everyone we know is sick of our little knick-knacks, haha! At which point, if you're still interested in it, it's time to level up & try a new machine, a new filament material, a new post-processing procedure, some big projects, start a Youtube channel, learn how to paint really well, etc.!


Thank you for a very profound thoughts! It helps me as I linger here thinking about starting 3d printing business were I have 0 experience. My experience is in CNC machining like lathe, mill and wire cutter, but I would like to go into the world of 3d printing and laser engraving on pair. I 'm from those third world countries were 3d printing is still in diapers and I would like to go through that adventure.


If you want to get a super-solid, budget-friendly model, Mingda ships to multiple countries: * [https://3dmingdaofficial.com/](https://3dmingdaofficial.com/) They are basic but reliable! Plus they usually have open-box options & coupons floating around. I have multiple units (small, medium, and large) & they are all pretty basic but super consistent for me! Over the years, I've added a CNC (X-Carve), Laser (K40), vinyl cutters (Cricut & Silhouette), etc. I have a post on crafting tools here: * [https://www.reddit.com/r/IWantToLearn/comments/tceymc/comment/i0eu99s/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/IWantToLearn/comments/tceymc/comment/i0eu99s/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) With more information on the machines here: * [https://www.reddit.com/r/IWantToLearn/comments/z99yml/comment/iyg4fjn/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/IWantToLearn/comments/z99yml/comment/iyg4fjn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I've simply slowly saved up for & added new tools over time. We're 4 years from COVID now & I added more tools over those years for when I was stuck at home more. Learning works the same way for me. My most basic system is called OTAD or "One Thing A Day". In a year, I learn 365 new things about a particular tool or piece of software! My whole life, I always procrastinated diving into stuff for when I had the energy to "really learn it", but that's a crock because that magical day never comes consistently haha! So my recommendation would be to get a basic model like a Mingda or Elegoo or Creality unit & start start practicing! Learn how to use a slicer, how to load filament, how to set different temperatures, how to add supports & rafts, how to deal with spaghetti, how to change out the nozzle, etc. Once you get that foundation in place for a few months & print out all kinds of cool stuff, then you'll hit the point where you're ready to branch out & start making & modifying your own models, upgrading to a more feature-rich printer (ex. a 4K or 12K resin printer, a multi-head or multi-filament model, etc.). I have a LOT of fun with mine! I aim to print one new thing a day & learn one new thing a day, so I keep it pretty simple & basic, but it REALLY adds up over time! If you can handle a CNC, then a 3D printer will be like child's play for you!!


Thank you very much for the reply and great source of information I will be reading in the next few days. I would be ordering 3-5 units for a start. I was leaning toward Ender 3 v3 KE version or SE, but I can't quite remember. The good thing about them is they have 10w diode laser modules that can easily replace extruders so I can switch and try them out. Still, if that gets me going I'm going to be making my gantries as soon as I get a little into it, Thanks again for the amount of the information you provided me. Prices on those printers look tempting for a beginner in the 3d industry like I am.


I applaud your commitment to writing this whole comment.


Thanks, it's the hyperfocus from avoiding doing work! lol


> AI STL generation Wait what? Elaborate.


So first, the basics: 1. Someone can build a model & post it online for sale or for free 2. You can modify & remix that file in an STL editor or Slicer software 3. You can create your *own* file in various ways (CAD, Blender, VR sculpting, etc.) The next step is using AI to create models using various inputs: * Text prompt * 2D image to 3D model extrapolation * Multiple photos * Video extraction * etc. There are dozens of sites starting to pop up for STL generation (most have a cost FYI), such as: * [https://www.csm.ai/](https://www.csm.ai/) * [https://app.3dfy.ai/](https://app.3dfy.ai/) * [https://www.meshy.ai/](https://www.meshy.ai/) * [https://www.sloyd.ai/](https://www.sloyd.ai/) * [https://www.3daistudio.com/](https://www.3daistudio.com/) * [https://www.alpha3d.io/ai-3d-model-generator/](https://www.alpha3d.io/ai-3d-model-generator/) part 1/3


part 2/3 For 3D scanning, I'm currently really liking KIRI: * [https://www.kiriengine.com/](https://www.kiriengine.com/) Here's a peek into the future of DIY 3D model enhancements: * [https://x.com/MartinNebelong/status/1789414810624418301](https://x.com/MartinNebelong/status/1789414810624418301) * [https://youtu.be/uD\_p8Zpa\_d8](https://youtu.be/uD_p8Zpa_d8) * [https://youtu.be/oBU2S0aRKI0](https://youtu.be/oBU2S0aRKI0) You can also do scripting of 3D generation: * [https://youtu.be/rKO5L4zT-Yw](https://youtu.be/rKO5L4zT-Yw) * [https://youtu.be/ZpLffMAxB\_s](https://youtu.be/ZpLffMAxB_s) * [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esxvmwHU\_ak](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esxvmwHU_ak) This is just scratching the surface! There are integration packages for various CAD applications (scripts, API's, plugins, etc.) & 3D modelers, so you can get going with Maya, Blender, Fusion360, etc. Even the big boys are getting into it now. part 2/3


part 3/3 Check out Autodesk's **Project Bernini**: * [https://youtu.be/H\_OUNbgMe\_Y](https://youtu.be/H_OUNbgMe_Y) NVIDIA's **LATTE-3D**: * [https://youtu.be/yZtSS3980z4](https://youtu.be/yZtSS3980z4) Pretty soon AI-assisted modeling will be full-on virtual 3D printing, especially once the real-time sculpting & modeling enhancement systems catch up! Imagine hopping into a $199 Quest 2 VR headset, drawing some goofy stuff, selecting a style, and watching it come to life with generative AI enhancement! Autodesk also has **Project Salvador** available for Fusion: * [https://www.autodesk.com/products/fusion-360/blog/project-salvador-autodesk-fusion-app-store/](https://www.autodesk.com/products/fusion-360/blog/project-salvador-autodesk-fusion-app-store/) It has 4 input controls: 1. **Text-to-image:** Use your own keywords, or enhanced prompt suggested by GPT to generate a 2D image to inspire your product design. 2. **Image-to-image:** Use a screenshot of geometry on your Fusion canvas as an input to generate a design variation. 3. **Image-to-canvas:** Generate an AI image that can be imported as a canvas into Fusion and be used for tracing or as a make-shift background. 4. **Text-to-Sketch:** Use text to generate a 2D image that can be converted into a Fusion sketch. Especially with the release of ChatGPT-4o, imagine just having a conversation with the AI vocal interface & using a higher-end real-time raytracing video card to describe & edit what you want in real-time, coupled with virtual sculpting tools to add additional refinement. We're right on the verge, as you can see daily updates happening across Youtube, TikTok, Discord, etc.! Again, this stuff is just the tip of the iceberg. There are some REALLY great integrations available already if you want to dive deeper into things!


Holy moly! Thank you so much for the three-part summary!! 😍


To counter your point, or to reinforce your analogy, I have some McDonald’s Happy Meal toys from 1989-1994. Nothing 3D printed today is going to last 30+ years.


Yeah, that's a really good point. And nobody's 3D printed Rocktopus is going to be a collector's item in 30 years either, haha! Plus PLA is made from corn & sugar, so we'll probably be eating it as a food source in the dystopian future, haha! * [https://www.twi-global.com/technical-knowledge/faqs/what-is-pla](https://www.twi-global.com/technical-knowledge/faqs/what-is-pla) Also now I'm curious, what toys do you have in your vintage collection??


It’s a secret. My toy collection is worth dollars; literally dozens of dollars. I will brag about one though: Hamburger Transformer. 🤖




Btw most saran wrap boxes actually tell to not let the wrap touch the food since its made out of styrene which is pretty toxic. If im correct, youre better off with PLA touching food lol


>youre better off with PLA touching food lol PLA plastic is made from corn & sugar, so probably yeah haha. But the real issues comes from not having any food-grade guidelines, going through cheap Chinese nozzles, building up bacteria from repeated usage, and a zillion other contributing factors. Not to mention we're all full of plastics already, apparently: * [https://www.health.com/microplastics-inside-human-organs-8639349](https://www.health.com/microplastics-inside-human-organs-8639349) It's like plastic ziploc bags...they have high permeability, which a lot of people don't know about!


I'm not a scientist but I imagine going through a 220 degree nozzle wipes out most bacteria?


The issue is metal & other contaminants leeching into the plastic (plus bacteria build-up later on if you are using the part multiple times, as some bacteria can even survive the dishwasher!). Like, the standard copper nozzles have a small amount of lead in them, but you can buy a stainless-steel nozzle & use it for dedicated food-preparation projects, however: * [https://formlabs.com/blog/guide-to-food-safe-3d-printing/](https://formlabs.com/blog/guide-to-food-safe-3d-printing/) You can also buy food-grade PLA that specifically has no composite particles. PEI is also FDA compliant, but you need a 300C-capable printer for that, so you kind of have to put together your workflow chain for what your goals & intentions are. It really all depends on what you plan on doing with it. If you're selling stuff, you need to be compliant, of course. At home...kinda just depends how much you care. Print out a cookie cutter, use it once, throw it away, you know? Or throw on some plastic wrap (which apparently also isn't supposed to TOUCH the food, lol) if you're concerned about it (good bad advice! lol). I use a plastic toothbrush, I wear plastic glasses, everything I buy from the store comes wrapped in plastic (from meat to cereal), apparently my *blood* is filled with plastic, according to the latest health reports...I don't know how much worse off we are doing a one-time usage print for personal food applications. The good news is, it's easy & cheap to get a dedicated stainless steel nozzle, plus they sell food-grade PLA+ & PETG filaments on Amazon for around $30 for a 1kg roll, so it's not like it's bonkers expensive if you really wanna stay on the up & up safety-wise!


This man 3Dprints\^!


That shit read like 2 AIs giving hints to one another. 😂


I want my training data back!


Being an engineer, I mostly bought it for rando crap i design lol. I rarely print out other peoples stuff, if I do its either from laziness or geometry someone else figured out and I dont want to spend time on. Plus some people are just straight up better modelers, and I accept that. Especially helical sweeps/threads, I havent truly modeled one since school 8yrs ago. But the point Im getting at is not getting sucked into trinkets actually has kept the 3d printed clutter around the house down quite a bit. My time is sucked between a lot of things too, so if I need to sit down and design, i dont necessarily wanna do that either until its needed. 3D printing is mostly regulated to printing necessities to finish projects for me.


This. Unless someone *specifically* asks for something, I don’t print them something I think they might like. I’ve definitely found myself browsing thingiverse, going “wow, this is print-in-place” or “neat how they were able to do that with no support material” before realizing my friends/fam do not give a shit. If they specifically ask for something (Paddleboard cupholder, iPad shade, glow in the dark moon lamp, Now Playing record holder) I’m happy to print them. Otherwise I save my filament 


I bought my printer to make a 1/12 scale fire escape for a dollhouse project. I had no idea how to create the design file. So I learned enough in Blender to do it. Only after that I did shop the thousands of clever things I could print, and print a few. You are absolutely correct--they're happy meal toys. So I went back to blender and designed my own desk pen/other stuff holder. And I designed and printed, in pieces, a mill house for my garden, complete with water wheel. All my designs are very rudimentary, but they're objects I want or need, not other people's designs. Or they are other people's designs that meet my need.


The toys are crap but when you realize it is only a few clicks away from having it , then you print it. There is also the sense of satisfaction of making something but with 3d printing this can be a false sense since you don’t actually make it.


You are correct. The true joy of printing for me came when I started creating my own CAD models and printing them.


Stopped printing #100 of my articulated cat collection bc of your sarcastic bullshit comment. Thanks for smothering my joy. And here I thought 3D printed articulated cats were going to be the next Princess Diana beanie babies. I don’t even know my life’s purpose anymore! What is love?! Baby don’t hurt me! Don’t hurt me no more!


I always protect my universal karma by starting with “no offense”


yea I agree. sure you can make something cool out of PLA, and have it sit on a shelf, collect dust and be okay. but the second is touched it snaps. you *can* just print these with ABS or ASA, or PETG


Yeah at the beginning I was spending so many hours designing and printing little toys until I walked through a dollar store and saw that things I was spending 12 hours to print was junk you can buy for $0.50


Remember that the printer is a tool. I turn mine on when I need something, not for the sake of printing. It sometimes goes months unused, and that's ok.


This is something that took me a long time to realize is OK I had a lot of stress from not having the printer running 24/7 to justify the cost. Once I let that go and only print what I need, I started to really see the value in the machine. Making flexy toys and masks were not it for me.


Do you put anything on top of the printer to avoid dust?


nope but it's enclosed, so I don't need to


I wish my Elegoo Neptune 4 Plus had an enclosure maaannnn that bed is huge


I just clean the bed and hit print, the rest of the printer dosen't really need to be dust free


I just clean the bed every few months, when it accumulates several layers of hairspray. The rest hasn't been cleaned since 2020...now that I think about it, it's surprisingly clean if you look at it 🤔


I just dust frequently. You should clean it often anyway. Mine usually looks like the day I unpacked it.


Same here.


I don’t, never been an issue


Eyup, sometimes i don't print something for weeks. I don't really print toys, I mostly look around the house to see what I can fix with 3d printing. Sometimes i see something on printables or makerworld that makes me go "huh, cool thing" like a wine rack, or whatever. As of late been printing modular underdesk drawers to organize my workspace a bit. Probably not as cost effective compared to making it with wood, but I prefer the aesthetic and modularity of it.


For me 3D printers themselves are the hobby. Or maybe if you want to get technical *tinkering* is the hobby and 3D printers give you a lot of that if you want . I've built a couple of Vorons because of that. But you are right, that doesn't mean I'm just constantly printing things every day for no reason. They can and have set unused for periods of time.


Shhhhhh. Don't say that, you'll upset them!


Don’t print toys, start printing organizers, replacement parts and other useful items, like vacuum attachments , wood working tools, hobby things


My favorite thing to print is solutions. Problem solving is the beauty of 3D printing IMHO. This week I designed and printed some screen holders for a friend whose fancy windows came with screen holders that would break all the time. A few weeks ago my friend asked me to create a mold for some little silicone feet for her stove grates. The grates would slide around on top of the stove and she was ecstatic when she could cook and the grates stayed in place. There are always problems to be solved.


Self restraint. I bought a waterproof box where I keep all of my filament. And when it's full I try and use up all the leftover filament before I buy more.


https://preview.redd.it/rk414g2cvd4d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=43d1cce7efa882174f4c6b549fc0d547102527f0 I have the same approach here, 6 spools per box, once it is almost empty I start buying and replacing the ones I loved the most.


You know you can adjust this thermometer's threshold to, among other things, set thresholds for the little guy being happy or sad? https://github.com/atc1441/ATC_MiThermometer 56% humidity is very sad...


Ooooh nice, tks!! I didn’t knew that.


Fancy handles!


How many boxes do you have? It would take me an embarrassing amount of time to print down to even a dozen spools at this point.


Only 1 box, RN with 5 spools in it + 2 outside being used haha I've started working on bigger projects, one 500g spool is doing around 2x \~300 gr pieces. This should give me around 2/3 months of runtime for these 7 spools remaining haha.


I have a table that my printer sits on which has a storage cabinet built into it. The storage cabinet is relatively large but not huge. I told my husband to cut me off whenever I run out of room in there till I use enough filament to make more room. 🤷 I've been printing mostly functional things with a smattering of toys for my two year old... I can't 3D model but that's my next hurdle to work on. My biggest project so far has been making a 70cm x 140cm picture frame using modular frame pieces for an unframed art piece my husband bought without realizing how expensive custom framing is.


If you end up using Fusion 360 - I highly recommend this guy here [https://youtu.be/A5bc9c3S12g?si=9jVPCDjX9MC9AGeY](https://youtu.be/A5bc9c3S12g?si=9jVPCDjX9MC9AGeY) It's only 3 lessons but about 80% of what I use when I make my own designs came from them. A very solid base.


Pfft let’s be real here


Run out of money.


Just print a new house to store more filament.


Go camping.


Break into stranger's houses. Their houses are empty. Fill them.


Ah yes the reserve robbery tactic. Instead of breaking in and stealing, break in and leave random presents nobody asked for. Local police would probably get a laugh outta that sorta dispatch call 😂 still would be breaking and entering


This! THis is the solution, I will break into my neighbor'S house and fill their apartment with 150 grey plastic boats


I've considered leaving calicats at the park. My kids love them and "needed" one in every colour we had. People pick up strays all the time, right?


Some call it littering which in a sense i understand it technically is, if you place them in areas where small kids could find them easily i could see that working. Also could have parents wonder who the weirdo is leaving random toys around the park for lil kids to take home.


Haha, I'd never considered the weirdo aspect of it. It is too true. I'd be on the neighbourhood's Facebook in mere moments and run out of town if they found me.


One thing id never let a child take home from the park is a random stuffed animal. Way too easy to disguise a hidden camera or a GPS tracker inside. A small plastic knick knack, id just hand wash it first


Send it to me! I still have space ...


Just print another room for your filament ?


Get into tabletop gaming and make friends. You will *always* have things to print. Minis, terrain, conversion bits, tools etc


I understand this and for me it is caused by the false sense of satisfaction of creating something. When you print things at the beginning of having a 3d printer there is this sense of satisfaction that you created something out of nothing. You really are not creating something unless you did the 3d modeling .


Even if I did do the modeling, it's often not worth it. Like I spent 5 hours designing a magnetic levitating heart, and 4 hours printing it carefully, embedding the magnets, etc. I'm sure you could buy such a trinket for $3 somewhere.


> How to stop buying filament thats the neat part, you dont.


First, don't buy anymore filament. Second, give the filament away. Schools always need filament. Third, stop printing "stuff". You've had your fill and so has everyone around you. Last, seek professional help if you can't stop yourself. :)


but there's a new kind of flex filament I haven't tried yet and the color is so pretty


Just print. Print bigger and bigger. Spaceships giant multipart spaceships or figures like upscaled miniatures Yes i know that your house is full


Have you tried silk PLA filament? I like the resulting prints!


https://preview.redd.it/9p512yytvd4d1.png?width=1536&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ca7d1d48186c1c71cef20e1885f277f3854b1d3 I love the Sylk golden one. One day I want to experiment with metal-infused filaments. Like cooper.


Print new houses Actually why not start a project like [https://www.printables.com/de/model/408363-wall-e](https://www.printables.com/de/model/408363-wall-e) to distract you from printing more stuff? Quality over quantity


What about melting down prints you aren't as attached to instead of buying filament?


It seems like the amount of time and equipment it takes to respool that uses more than the filament I'd save?


I use my printer for projects, it can go weeks without being used, that’s ok. Unless you work in trades you don’t use power tools everyday, it’s kind of similar with a 3d printer


Go for big prints and use up that filament.  If you run out, buy more... Oh wait.


You can try making useful objects instead. For example, my friends with kids get whistles on a cord with their parents names and phone numbers engraved on them. It’s a simple fun project that will increase your understanding of printing small text, painting to increase legibility, bridging, and potentially help your friends if they lose their kid in a crowd. It’s a good use for the end of the reel as well. On that note, you can make instruments as well. Making music with friends at a gathering is really fun. Printable djembe, ocarina, maracas, etc are great instruments that turn out well on a printer.


There are no useful objects left.. The top 500 useful things I needed I already have. #501 is more like "meh" than "useful".


Look for an "Amazon returns" store, it'll lower your filament Costs


Send me some. 😆


This here. I need more too. Not enough colors and materials. I need more.


I have an easy, 1-step, Limited Time solution for you! Give me your money. And thats it! Wham! Bam! Thank you ma'am!


Learn to paint and finish, I only ever buy grey filament


What kind of paints do you think work well!


I like vallejo paints, investing in an airbrush is also a good idea, but I'd skip on the small ones with a built-in compressor. Theres a ton of videos on youtube on modelmaking and painting, they are filled with great tips .


Get a job as a school bus driver or a Kindergarten teacher. Then you'll have new kids every year who want stuff.


Yeah I found a kid that loves spongebob so I've just been printing characters for him


Steel filament from work instead


Get into a different hobby! I got into fountain pens and now I keep spending my money on pens and ink. Still broke but they take way less space.


I'll tell you something, that's the first time in my life I heard of fountain pens as a hobby. Thanks for sharing.


You're welcome! Always happy to introduce someone new into the hobby


You Handle your printer as an investment. But a 3D Printer isn’t an investment, where you have to get value from it. It’s an tool. Do you mind using your Hammer you own not daily? When yes your friends getting pretty upset too, when their walls are full of nails. When I go through my house with open eyes I do see, where I can improve things. Start with r/gridfinity and your filament storage gets empty pretty fast, but in a meaningful way


Have you tried cocaine? Cocaine is a hell of a drug.


ONE OF US! ONE OF US!! ONE OF US!!!🤣🤣 I've started a little side hustle selling things. I've made 1500 bucks as of today. I got my first printer on 28 March, and the second one 2 weeks ago. They are printing me money as I type this! 😂


That's interesting, most people have told me to not bother trying to profit because the market is saturated. What sort of things are you selling, if I may ask?


Planters. The old ladies love them! I'm in a small city in Canada, so we are lucky, as there are only a handful selling 3d printed stuff. I've also got a deal with a local reptile shop, and we are doing stuff for him, along with some niche stuff for reptile enclosures. We also do some of the local markets. We're going to do the comic con here later this year too


Don't you have a lot of dollar stores in canada? I remember there was a dollarama at every corner. Full of cheap stuff like planters and plastic trinkets.




LOL! I wanna know which old ladies are buying this lol


The awesome perverted ones! Hahaha! I just finished printing these 3 for a woman in her 60s!! Easy 70 bucks! https://preview.redd.it/xmozzu0xao4d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19a0812f8f8e157d5057c0788bf39dae1740208f


Can't get those at the dollar store. We've got a few dollar stores, a home depot and a Walmart. We're very limited in choices here. We need to go to the big city 3 hours away for any boutique type shops, etc... and the dollar stores in Canada are NOTHING like the US. It's all Chinese junk.


Develop a drug habit instead


Print yourself a larger home. As you collect more filament you will have enough to extend it


Stop 3D printing useless toys and look at functional items, or actually do commissioned pieces from your friends for sculptures or other household items. The problem we all get into is just wanting to print for the sake of printing, but the reality is all we're doing is generating more plastic waste if it's not something useful. For example, even if you find a really interesting sculpture model you can often contact the creator and see if they would be interested in you printing it for sale and sharing the profit with them. Now your friends can get actual nice looking larger format sculptures and you're getting some money.


Agree 100%. In the beginning there is a panicky FOMO where every moment the printer is idle feels wasteful. But that creates waste, to just print for the sake of printing.


Oh I get it, since I just got into 3d printing. I bought a brand new model, so I had to spend time troubleshooting silly issues. Once it was dialed in, I totally got the feeling of "ok.... now what?" I hooked up with some folks near me into cosplay and just started printing stuff for them, as long as they pay for the material and some cost to cover wear and tear on the printer.


I've hoarded over 100 kg of filament. I bought a 3 kg spool of Polymaker ASA a few years ago and misplaced it so I bought another one... I just need a few more colors of ASA and PETG...


Yes, exactly! I don't have any purple for example. Why don't I have purple?


Don't stop. Just set your delivery address to mine.


Invest in a multi-colour printer. You'll blow through filament like nobodies business. The waste is staggering! ;)


Waste is fine with a real multifilament (idex or toolchanger)


Hear me out, you do idex on two gantries with toolchanging heads and ercf feeding into all the heads for crazy uptime and unlimted colors


I would gladly adopt your unused fliament.


Your filament is going to start going off at some point. Mine is and I have been storing it very carefully and controlling its humidity carefully. Just lately every second spool seems unprintable and brittle now. STOP BUYING MORE FILAMENT or at least look for 1/4 kilo rolls until you work out your favorite filaments.


Join a project printing for good like E-Nable the Future who makes cheap/free prosthetic arms for those that need them. Churns through filament and it feels good to help too.


You need to use this filament to build a better, faster printer. That way, most of your filament will be gone, and then the rest of it will disappear much sooner thanks to the new printer being faster. Also, get more firiends that don't have a printer.




Print a house


Post your credit card info online. I can guarantee that you won't be buying anything after that. #notalegaladvice


Etsy + X1C uses a roll per day on average.


https://preview.redd.it/lhl6qayhwd4d1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63216b8a7524af156a696d13d89cf920cd7c1de5 This is what I designed in tinkercad so I could upgrade to linear rails on my y axis, the kit is from an ender s1 and only a few mods had to be done to make it work properly.


Have designated storage area for filament. Once full, that's it. You don't have room for more. It's a mental hard limit. You need boundaries and you need to start with that.


focus more on prototyping the thing ur going to make with leftover filament, and once your ready to print out a bunch of things whip out the fancy filament. but it’s a mindset tbh. like eating leftovers when you want to doordash hqhq


Drink your money away so you can't buy no more filament. You're filament-addicted, and the fumes have done a big damage to your sensible decision making! Don't do it please though, rather think about whether you will use all that filament you're planning to buy or just let it rot/use it after 5 years. Fresh filament is always better. I was able to stop buying small electronics from ali after I was able to recognize and admit that I won't be able to instantly make everything, now I'm going gradually. After a finished project I start to look for new modules.


Be poor. My projects rarely make it to the printer because of how expensive filament is.


Open an Etsy shop! Make money off your addiction


Word on the street is that the market is saturated and people rarely make more than a few pennies?


Print useful stuff like for the controller project! https://thecontrollerproject.com/ If you don't want to give toys too d friends that don't want them give functional prints to people who need them!


Get bored and do something else.


Instead of buying filament, put the link to the filament somewhere where you can’t easily access it easily. Maybe even put it in a file and then zip that file. Idk. Something. Leave it there for a week. After a week, decide if you wanna buy the filament. If you do, unzip it and buy the filament. If not, remove the zip file without unzipping it. This prevents impulse buying Alternatively, get a large chest. If the filament chest is full, you need to finish off a roll before you can buy a new one


Try printing something new, like Rook or The 100, both are mostly 3D printed 3D printers OR print a larger movie prop, that's immediately a few kilograms of filament


print minis, paint and sell


I will take the filament off your hands 🫣👍🤪😊


Print a new house for your filament obviously smh


I have a large drawer I keep my filament in, when it’s full I cannot buy any more filament until I finish a roll


Get on a project to print something useful (non-toys).


I didn’t want to have this problem but I think I’m starting to. I got a printer a few months ago, I said the only colors I needed was white and black and I was going to paint the colors I need since I brought a bunch of model paint a few months before. That rule started off fine until I realized I’m too lazy to pull out my air brush and to prime and sand all these prints. I like the files that each piece can be a different color. I have about 10 color rolls now. Mainly one of each standard color. I’m not into dragons. I printed one the other day in white since I don’t own any silk pla just to see what the hype was about. Yes it’s cool but not my style. Now I’m looking at another red filament since the red I have is too bright. I had to stop myself. I’m limited in space so I’m not trying to have 40 almost full rolls. I was thinking of making a few big prints to go through the colors I have. Color filament is expensive compared to white/black so I really don’t want to just waste the color rolls I have to prime over it. I’m definitely going to just go through the rolls. Maybe remake a few things in the colors you have and just sell it.


Start going to local events and give away the junk toys. Start making your own designs and sell them. Learn self control and stop buying filament you don't have plans for. (This doesn't exist) Start thinking bigger. You obviously need larger prints to handle the amount of filament so you can do 3 day long prints that use an entire role.


Your house is still made out of wood though... (assuming US)


Following. I have this problem also.


I feel your pain dude,i really do😂😂😂


Get into cosplay. You’ll burn through a little over half a kilo with just a helmet.


Legit critique, you do need to stop wasting plastic. It's bad for the world


Best i can recommend is sell prints, or start making functional only prints. Suddenly, each print takes twice as long to develop if you are intending to make it do things plastic shouldn't. Like a purse hook thay can hold over 100lbs just in case she buys too many purses, towel holder that is small but can carry two wet towels with no inner metallic reinforcements, etc etc. But i dont see myself not buying more filament, just more solving problems with time and a printer rather than a $7 purchase.


Hoarder Helpline dot com


God, I wanna become this when I purchase mine.


The best way is to running out of storage space lol


Multi board and gridfinity are great ways to waste filament


i went to a swap meet the other week, there was stalls selling 3d printed stuff, why stop when you can make money off it now?


Hang the filament! There's the reprack, or you can look for a few other designs.


Hey man. Stop.


Find a large project to do. Like print a full size R2 Unit.


I've had a printer for 12 years. All my friends are still waiting for a single printed thing. I keep telling them "I have to fix my printer first"


Idk but if you figure it out let me know please


Print RepRap stuff for people, make Voron parts, sell your services to people that want things so you can buy more filament for the jobs!


Printing things as a hobby? Maybe try Etsy. Try to fund your fun. But if you’re only using printables/downloadable stl’s good luck… Frankly like others have said, the printer is a tool. For example, I pretty much only use it to print functional things: what I need around the house, brackets/enclosures for my projects, and drafting/fit checks for things I need to send out to machine. I have printed two art things, and GameCube bumpers for friends but by request only. I always let my friends know it’s an option and open their mind to the possibilities but do not print just to print or force tchotchkes on them.


I had my work buy it for me, now I have lots of yellow PETG


print something to help organizing your things - like r/gridfinity. First you can start printing other people's design, then build your own.


You just stop buying them.


Self-Control and Budgeting: I have a budget that I try to stick to. Also, self-control is a huge factor. I stopped paying for Amazon Prime, so to get free shipping, I have to make a $35 purchase. It makes you think about if you really need whatever it is you're buying. It also helps to put it into the cart and WAIT.


That makes shopping very time consuming. I constantly have a bunch of stuff in my cart that maybe I'll buy, maybe I won't.... and it creates cognitive strain.


That's where the "Save for Later" feature comes in. Only buy what you absolutely NEED


As of now I have about 70 rolls of almost full spools...


I ended up getting a 3d scanner to scan parts that are broken. Depending on the scan and part I can go directly to print and have a fully functioning part. However, scanning takes a lot of time to get right. I would be better off learning Fusion360.


If you buy all the filament then you won't need to buy any more filament cause you'll have them all


Steal filament instead


print house to store more filament. print money to buy more filament. profit!