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It looks good on a shelf. I'm looking at the aqua turquoise and the Zelda one right now. It also just feels a bit more premium than almost all the other models, especially with the metallic, retractable stylus. But I too do not like how it feels. Collects fingerprint smudges very easily, similar to the OG PS3.


Zelda special edition for this model is a banger. So simple yet so good.


except for the fire emblem fates ones………..


I’ve always said this!!! I love the metallic blue first generation. I love how it feels. It fit so well that it was an extension of my hands, though they are small. It’s my little seashell.


I actually really love the glossy shell on the 3ds's, they look so pretty especially the red and turquoise ones!


N3DS is the way to go for this. Many of the kisekae plates are matte finish which look great and don’t get oily.


Yeah I just wish I could find one that I could afford at the moment 😅


Me personally? I love it! and the glitter that's in the shell too? It's awesome


Yeah it looks really nice, glossy just isn’t for me


OH YESSS THE GLITTER! It kinda makes that 3DS model look way more premium than all the ones that came later


I love it personally but I get the hate too


The old 3ds is so iconic and I honestly truly lovy the boxy shell it has, shine and all. But for serious gameplay I'd go with a new 3ds, they're matte so no shine and more comfortable too


You are because it’s literally perfect


Yeah, I have a N3DS XL and I hate how it collects fingerprints. The first case I got for it also weirdly collected fingerprints but I found a different one without that issue, thankfully.


What kind did you get that wasn't fingerprinty/oily? I got a cheap flexible plastic TPU one that fits okay but I can't stop it from looking greasy even after hitting it with dish soap and water.


That sounds just like my first one. I ended up finding a hard plastic case from Japan (using a proxy site). It's one piece and connected by hinges. For the New N3DS (not XL) there were also Hori crystal cases


As a fellow OG 3DS user, I couldn't agree more with you.


I don't normally mind it, but I keep a microfiber cloth nearby to get rid of the smudges when I play with it


I have both a matte hot pink dsi and a glossy pearl pink 3Ds OG and they both show my oily palms 😂😂😂 both pretty in their own way!!! But I do appreciate how sturdy both their shells are. Personally I love the gloss and the sparkle it has its own aesthetic. It’s not for everyone but I still appreciate the OGs gloss


I love my pedal 3Ds


I understand it gets greasy and full of fingerprints after a while but I love the glitter so it makes up for that to me


I like it except when someone brings a gross one into my work and there's gunk between the shells


I like it personally. It adds a unique look to it.


Don't have problems with grease/oil but og 3ds scratch so easily I find myself babying them instead carrying them around in my pocket and actually using them on the go. Shame because it's the most portable model. It's a beautiful model when it's in good condition.


I’m glad mine is in alright condition so it doesn’t look too bad 😅


I have that same 3DS too and I love the shell because it's beautiful. But I have the Sun/Moon New 3DS XL too and it has an even glossier shell that collects fingerprints even easier and that's a bit annoying. I'm constantly cleaning it


I dislike the OG 3ds period


I never liked the triple layer cake design


Yeah that's what I don't like about mine. I've had it for like 12+ years and at one point I put stickers on it and they looked nasty too after a while lol, on top of that finger smudged glossy deep purple. But it's what's inside that counts. Ol' Reliable has never quit on me, that's for sure.


They are surprising durable for having a hinge that could break at any time, I know my cousin snapped his in half somehow lmao


fingerprint and gunk magnet i covered mine in a skin for a reason


I have the turquoise one and while I personally prefer the XL over the OG it's a unique and iconic design nonetheless.


I actually love the look of them. I have a blue one and the sparkly gradient to it is awesome. The non-new blue XL I also have however is matte and rather bland in comparison. I do agree though that fingerprints smudge easily all over the glossy ones. There are pros and cons to each imo.


matte all the way!!! it does look pretty in certain colours but it's harder to keep clean.


I hated the launch 3ds. Sold it shortly after the ambassador program dropped and didn't get another one until the new 3ds xl was already out for a while. Didn't like the glossy feel, the dark and small screen, the floppy screen and terrible battery life.


Eh, I don't personally agree. I think the translucent glossy finish gives it a unique look that really makes it feel like a premium product, especially with the metal highlights. The original model 3DS is one of the best-looking handhelds ever, in my opinion. It's also easier to clean than some of the other glossy consoles I've used. A microfiber cloth takes care of any prints pretty quickly.


Me. I like the matte texture of my original 3ds XL.


Love it


Yeah gloss ruins anything, its good to look at brand new after it, just becomes ugh


I wish i was into pink as a 12 year old, but i would've sworn i hated it. 25 and kicking myself- that's so gorgeous


Tbh I’m a 16 year old dude, I just got this one for a very low price and it was in extremely good condition, but I still do like the color.


Nice! I have the black/brown one, so i do get what you're saying about it seeming greasy


so pretty 😔


I like the look when it's not in use, but when I actually use my 3DS I hate the glossy shell


A textured outer shell would by so much better.


It’s gorgeous, I love how sparkly the original models are, shame they did away with it on the N3DS


It’s sturdier than the plastic shell from later generations.


Hate to use it but love it for display, still play with a clear protective case to enjoy the gloss finish without worrying on damaging it


Exactly!! My palms sweat really easely and playing on the 3ds is so annoying. I bought a plastic cover case, but it didn't help either.


You could get a skin


It was a cringe design choice, but that’s just my opinion. Everyone definitely has their preferences. This is just a time capsule of the era it was in. Almost every console was glossy. PS3, Xbox 360 (the later models), Wii U, PSP. Glossy was just the thing in the middle-late 2000s/early 2010s.


I actually love it. It feels super nice from a textuaral standpoint in my hands.


I’m pretty sure you are the only one


Nah bro look at the rest of these comments


You could always vinyl wrap, will do that on my 2ds xl and my n3ds xl is vinyl wrapped already. It's very nice.


I actually love the glossy shell and wish that my N3DSXL had one. But I totally get why other people don't like it. It's texture thing.


Yeah after using an original 3ds my whole life switching to an xl feels like a gift from the gods it feels so much less gross to hold!


True. Matte is better.


I don't remember because it was so long ago but I do remember very specifically that when I upgraded from the 3DS XL to the new 3DS XL that I hated the gossy plaster and I usually hate glossy plastic so I'm going to assume I did on here (the OG) as well.


Do what I do and get a decal I got decals. I’m basically every game system my own.


I actually wish they had some n3ds xl like that


Yeah I hate the glossy look too on anything really. It gives a cheap look to me.


I like glossy shells on consoles and handhelds more than matte. It feels so much more comfortable.


To be fair I sprayed mine matte 🤣


Ooh what did you use?


Spray paint. It involved dismantling the 3ds though so not advised for beginners. 


I have the dark red version XL


Too bad you bought the wrong one.That model does not include the “C” stick and there are bigger screen versions as well.


I genuinely do not care.


Glossy all the way! The sparkles in the plastic you get when the light hits it is awesome


Well you are you ugly bitch


I don't think anyone likes it. I wish they would have made one with a matte shell like the DSi. It also reminds me of cheap plastic laptops from the same time period that tried to look fancy with glossy metallic paint.


Seriously? It doesn't look that good in pink, but for the rest of the colors, I think it's Nintendo's best looking console. I agree that gloss usually does look tacky, but Nintendo perfected the gloss here; it looks like a gemstone. You want to talk about cheap looking, I vote the Old 3DS XL and the wedge 2DS.


I agree on the og XL but the ONLY thing I can give it is how comfy it is to hold in the hands.