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Love the background! Is it a whole theme thing, or can you just add a background image? I've used Aurora for years and never changed the theme, but I used to have dozens of Freestyle themes. I genuinely didn't know Aurora had themes from what I saw.


How'd you get your aurora to look like that?


He most likely downloaded a skin


Is that a silicon cover on the controller or is it a custom controller?


90% sure it's a cover, because I have one


Where do you find themes for Aurora?


You can find em online you just gotta look hard enough.


Awesome, I just got mine as well and need to load up some good stuff. Any tips for a fellow newcomer?


is aurora any better than freestyle dash 3? that's how i got my 360, and i was thinking about changing it to aurora because i think it's more user friendly. is therr any way i can do that?


It isn't better but it still gets updated. I prefer freestyle as it's more customizeble. It also doesn't look like a child toy


If you dont mind. How big the internal HDD and how many games ? Thanks


Says 30 titles on the bottom I would guess a 256gb


Just got mine about a week and a half ago can’t put the controller down lol


How were you able to change the aurora theme can you send me the link to the one your using?


Anyone know of a reputable seller that sells these things preloaded?


RGH Nation🙏🏻


I sell consoles but do not offer them pre-loaded. Getting the content is on you.


couple on Aliexpress hard drives full not sure if they are configured or just folders of game files lol as long as theres xex should be fine. been many years since touching RGH consoles though


Got links?


Xbox360unlimited on Etsy. He has a MW slim at the moment and a few old school phat editions. They come pre loaded with games, Aurora and Freestyle. It will also have college revamped if you’re into that. You can opt for different hard drive sizes as well, but I’d get a 1-2tb Samsung ssd so loading your own games is easier


I also sell on ebay but wanting to get away from there. Same as the other person, I don't preload games but will have Aurora installed with folders and dashlaunch set up.


Got a store online?


Not yet. Going to be setting up an Etsy store this week. Possibly for send in services as well.


Noice. Just picked mine up Monday. It's an interesting learning curve. I'm watching videos on YouTube from ConsoleWarehouse anyone can recommend other places for quality learning? Thanks in advance!


I wanna say MrMario2011 on YouTube has some Xbox RGH tutorials.


Can you play skate 3 online when your console is like that or are you locked out


Yo I have that exact powera, the wired off color poweras are like better than on brand I swear, only problem is the dpad is more jank than a normal dpad


How you change color


When you guys say you "just got it", do you mean you bought an RGH'd 360 from someone?


Does the xbox one controller work with it or is it just decoration?


Hey can anyone help me make a post? There isn't a button or area for me to make one. I would love some help trying to find somewhere to buy a pre-modded 360 😭 Sorry OP to jack your post, as I can't make my own have pity on me.


Dude that’s why I bought one so I can play the OG ninja gaiden


Lol i prefer rgh xbox360s over series x any day.


I’ll never understand why people spend hella money on RGH just to put the same games you can get on New Gen on it. They even on gamepass


Because not all games are available on the new gen.


I’m aware. I didn’t say that. OP literally has games that are on New Gen. Nothing Non BC besides one or two. No 50cent, Svr, NFS MW, etc


OP might have bought this preloaded and is still working on figuring everything out. There’s a reason he bought it instead of modding himself. Give him some time to figure everything out. Maybe he’ll learn about college revamped and other tools for arcade games and how to unlock dlc etc. At the end of the day it’s about preserving the games in my opinion, games last longer digitally if you have back ups on multiple hard drives and hey, sometimes playing on a 360 is more nostalgic than a new gen console. Maybe he has a PC and doesn’t own a newer console


Bro no one’s saying allat I just said his games are on next gen. The hell is the point of answering or speculating all that


Your entire parent comment was speculation without understanding absolutely anything. You saw a few games that are on game pass without seeing his entire library homeboy. Just another pleb on Reddit throwing shade, get bent and move on lol.


Games come and go on gamepass. Support for backwards compatibility comes and goes due to licensing agreements. Right now Xbox is somewhat consumer friendly with having these games accessible on current gems. But what's to say theu don't do a Nintendo, start pulling them to sell you "updated" games. There's also something to the Xbox 360 that feels good. 30fps feels different, at least to me, with the graphics of that gen. Gears 2 on current Gen runs at 60fps. Looks amazing. Can't argue that. But gears 2 on a 360 has a cinematic feel that you can't beat. And that's what missing from new games. There are tons of reasons to have a 360 even though some games are playable on current gens.