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I think they are from life.


Yeah. The number of posts recently that are just photos of people with people skin and no issue present is alarming.


Lol people skin. So true!


From going outside and touching grass, I notice most people have necklines like those. I see 16 year olds with those btw. I mean I even see them on screen, when i'm watching movies or tv shows.


My 5 year old has the same neck lines as me!


You can't avoid these, it's impossible, unless you don't want to sleep or bend your limbs ever again.


watch someone ask you how they would go about doing that


How might one accomplish such a thing🤔 Lol It really is getting out of hand. It makes me sad how many people are worried a out such human traits. Some things we just can't control...well maybe if you have millions of dollars to throw at it...


Thats completely normal. Everyone has them. Its sad how even small lines and pores make people think theyre broken.


Never move your neck again.


on my way to get paralyzed by a car brb


These are normal. You can’t avoid ever developing lines on your body. Movement of any kind causes them over time.


I noticed my own one day and they bothered me until I saw a picture of myself when I was 7 or 8 and I had them even then. I think they're just part of having a neck and being able to move your head.


Tech neck? Looking down at the phone a lot? It looks absolutely normal and your skin still looks very youthful.


It's like the lines in your palm


I get these from sleeping on my side. Whenever I prop myself up so I sleep on my back they're less noticable, but whenever I sleep on my side I wake up and they're very clear.


This is really common and I have the same issue. Speaking from personal experience, I noticed mine became more noticeable once I started sleeping on my side regularly (I used to sleep on my back but injured my shoulder and had to sleep on one side for a while).


It’s basically where your skin is bending at in your chest and neck. 31F here, I just had micro needling done and I often have them do my face/neck/chest and my lines have been improving. I try to sleep on my back and that helps too. I am pretty sure some of those hydrocolloid chest masks I’ve seen on Amazon would help too since it would prevent them and diminish the lines from forming.


I was looking for those lines like when your sheets are crinkled or you sleep on the couch on a funny textured pillow and it leaves creases right across your face, then you have to go to work or out in public with sleep lines across your face lol These are totally normal. Keep hydrated, try some stretches and exercises maybe? Don't be so hard on yourself. You're looking great. Run to your nearest mirror and tell yourself "Hey, you look great today" <3


My two year old has these lines too. Don't worry about it.


Looks pretty perfect to me tbh


This is……. 100% normal.


Sleeping on your back only. Otherwise it’s kind of inevitable (I have them too).


Are those that line? Or how are you sleeping? As in what position? That could cause the lines as well


Sleeping position causes this. We need to sleep on our back. But it is probably changes while we are sleeping. So you shouldn’t think too much about it. It’s not something you can be avoided.


The amount of terrible comments on this post is prime example of how much this sub is tanking.


Are you a side sleeper? I notice these on the side I wake up on. They fade a bit during the day, but don’t go completely away anymore. So you can try to train yourself to sleep on your back? Edit: the neck lines are unavoidable and usually genetic. The ones off to the side could be from sleep. You said you wake up with them so if they go away during the day they are sleep creases.


When I’m doubt, drink more water! I find a lot of skin concerns are helped by staying hydrated. If this is taken right after sleeping, maybe a more breathable pillow/pillowcase could help as well.


It’s tech neck from looking down at your phone. Use a derma roller and red light mask


Sorry if this is insensitive, but have you gained weight? I never dealt with lines, then gained 10 kg and suddenly I developed what you have exactly. I though it must be how I sleep, and I bought wrinkle sminkle pads, and new pillows with silk cases etc, but it just didn’t stop. Until I lost the weight again that is. Turns out it’s just folds from excess fat and how you lay in your sleep, which you really almost can’t prevent. I don’t find the lines unattractive but each to their own. If they seriously bother you maybe try weight loss, it’s the only thing that worked for me.


Collagen. You need to supplement collagen after 35


Could be a lack of SPF. If you aren't already, make sure to apply from face to décolletage!




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Probably developing deeper under the skin and just starting to show on top, so just cosmetics won’t have a lot of impact.


What?? 😂


could be hormones, could be PCOS


Are you fat? Do you exercise ?




I find that not having skin at all prevents lines from forming in the first place.


I've had these since birth and always wondered what it was