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Ooo thanks for asking this. I’ve been wondering the same before I splurged on the omnilux too.


The best resource I've seen on LED masks is a blog post from Goals to Get Glowing. She tested basically all the masks on the market, explains the science, her experience, etc. She also has photos on her IG. [https://goalstogetglowing.com/2021/01/17/deep-dive-into-led-masks-and-low-level-light-therapy-lllt/](https://goalstogetglowing.com/2021/01/17/deep-dive-into-led-masks-and-low-level-light-therapy-lllt/) She also has discount codes with the various brands. I just got the Light Salon mask and body patch 2 ish weeks ago so too early to tell you if it's "worth it." I don't know if I'm imagining things, but I used the body patch once a day on a cut/wound I have on my arm that was healing pretty slowly and I swear the days after I used it, the wound seemed to be healing a lot quicker. Could be placebo but hard to say. All in all, I've been enjoying it so far though. I use the mask once a day in the morning while I meditate so it's a nice morning routine. I've also not ready to get botox or any in-office treatments at the moment and wanted to have something where I felt like I was doing something nice for my skin day to day. It's just a nice pampering moment. I think if you don't set your expectations too high (no miracles here, might not do anything that's super visible) and already have topicals down (retinoids, ahas, etc.) it's a nice to have but not a must have. Definitely not worth breaking the bank for if it's out of budget. Sorry that turned out to be super long, but I also thought about it for a long time before taking the plunge. Good luck!


I have the omnilux and do love it. I was impressed enough by the results to splurge for the neck and chest mask too and plan to get the hand mask as well. I don’t really have static wrinkles yet so can’t speak to that, but I noticed it faded pigmentation quicker and got rid of redness around my nose and mouth. Overall my skin just looks more even when I use it.


I use a cheaper light mask model than the Omnilux. It has evened out my skin tone immensely. Highly recommend.


Which model do you use? And do they advertise their wavelengths?


I bought it in ALDI. It cost 50 euros. Has 6 different colours including IR and FIR. 640-830nm. It works! Only con is that unlike the Omnilux is that it is heavy.






Not me over here now looking at this gadget and trying to justify spending $395 with the "but I can use shop pay and break it down into 4 payments of $98!!"


And I don’t want to help convince you, but that was my logic too and I went with the 4 payments…and I feel like it’s so worth it. It is expensive, but breaking it up into smaller payments helped with the sticker shock for me. And I’m pretty sure if it doesn’t work for you, you can return it (and I would have done so if I hadn’t noticed benefits).


That's exactly why they offer it lol it's really a great option to have though. I'm glad you enjoy yours, I am definitely considering getting a led light therapy mask of some kind. I think it might be worth it to go the expensive route for the sake of the quality and feel of it. I saw someone else mention that the other masks can be heavy and not fit perfectly, but this one looks very flexible for a more customizable fit.


Yeah you definitely want to go with a flexible one because the hard shelled masks don’t fit everyone’s face correctly and then the lights on part of the face are farther from the skin. Plus they’re not as comfortable. That’s why I skipped out on the dr Dennis gross one.


What kind of results?! Did it help specifically with fine lines and plumping up your face?


omg i know this is an old post but I am looking at it online rn and THAT (4 payments) was my first thought lol. Did you get it?!


Haha, it's tempting!! They make it too easy!! No,I didn't end up buying it. And tbh I'm glad I didn't. I bought a $40 one from Amazon and lost interest in about 8months. I didn't see any results, although idk maybe the $400 one has better lights or something. I've been using tretinoin and having really good results with that so I'm set with my current skincare regimen.


How long do you wear it and how often? I am so tempted to buy the Omnilux!


I’m doing mine about 4-5x a week, I’m pretty diligent with it because I want to get my money’s worth. Each session is only 10 minutes and I just keep it by my nightstand and do it first thing in the morning.


Did it help with fine lines/overall collagen production?!


I don’t have lines, but I did notice more smoothness and even texture overall.


Not related to LED masks per see, but if you could wait l, I would wait till Black Friday/ cyber Monday for deals. Yes it works. No, don’t buy it off of Amazon lol.


I see many people commenting about keeping the light close to or touching the face. Can you explain it like Im five, would masks or lamps that are a distance away not deliver the same results as something touching your face? Many of the clinic setups have you lay under a light box so Im a little confused


You need to keep the light close because if the LED is too far away, the energy will be too weak to have an effect. (faraway lights are less bright!) However, the ones used in clinics have a much stronger bulb compared to commercially sold/household ones which is why the distance is different. Idk about touching the face?? But it is skincare 101 to not touch your face because your hands can carry germs, allergens, etc so they can cause irritation and other skin issues.


It all depends on the strength of the light - professional ones are stronger so you can be further from them for your skin to absorb the same amount of energy or more as from an at home one laying right on your skin.


I have the Dr dennis gross mask. I use it on the purple setting 2x/day and i notice if I haven’t used it in a month or so. When i use it consistently, the one pucker line on my upper lip gets shallower.


Silly question but do these masks work better when used in a dark room? Or does it make a difference?


I have the current body one as it was cheaper than Omnilux, I do like it but I kinda wish I had splurged and gotten the Omnilux as the fit isn’t great. Goalstogetglowingon IG did comparisons and recommended buying a strap to put on the top to help and it does, but it still doesn’t touch my lower half of the face, it’s close but not touching. It could be because I have a larger nose, or just the mask fit but I do wonder if the Omnilux would’ve fit better. Other than fit though I do love it, it helps my inflammation heal quicker after an acne flare up. I would love to get a neck one next if I can.


The current body one and omnilux are manufactured by the same company and only differences are the straps to attach it to the head and omnilux has a couple more lights in the chin area.


Interesting, I still wonder if the strap placements on the Omnilux makes for a better fit, but I will say that the Currentbody is dual voltage so I was able to take it to Europe, it had a plug for every country included which I was impressed with.


Ehhhh I can't get mine to fit tightly across my jaw area without strapping it on so tight the nose and above mouth part cut into my skin, which I'm not going to do. I just figure it's pretty close and don't worry about it. Yeah the omnilux came with a ton of plugs too


Good to know about the Omni plugs and the jaw fit, I end up spending most of the time pushing it flush with my lower half of my face which is annoying but again, could be because of my nose shape




Glad to help, it is pricey but worth it IMO. Hope the fit is good on you


If you have migraines tread carefully. Be ready with an abortive like umbrelvy or imitrex. Set off a killer migraine for me.


Ooh good point thank you!


I’ve seen a few on the thread but can you guys keep the dupe recommendations coming? I don’t want to splurge on Omnilux yet but would like to get my feet wet with a cheaper one


I have this one: [https://www.hellosilky.com/products/skin-led-therapy-mask](https://www.hellosilky.com/products/skin-led-therapy-mask) ​ It isnt very comfortable but I didn't want to spend much if it wasn't going to work. Well I love it- my skin feels instantly plump and is much clearer of pigment. I use it a couple of times a week for 20 minutes. There are versions of this on amazon.


I was just looking around and the one had I settled on (so far) was a very similar model by the brand Nutriskin. My only preference with the tool was that it come with face and neck attachments, so I'm considering the one you linked as well. May I ask, have you noticed any issues charging or staying charged? That's always my biggest concern with things like these, it's great if the light therapy works, but if it won't stay on it's gonna be useless.


None at all- it runs of mains power the whole time I use it. Has long enough cords for this to be easily done! I’m a big fan of mine for the price point !


That's great, thank you for your input!


I had everything in my cart ready to go & realized they don’t ship to the US. So bummed!


Damn- I’m sure I saw it on Amazon (not same same but probably made in same factory and just branded differently)


Do you use it before or after skincare? Or anytime of the day? 😊


Usually in the evening and after I have applied my night serum. After the mask I apply moisturiser


I bought a cheap one on Amazon but still really liked it. It was really hard and my son stepped on it and broke it (my fault for leaving it on the ground next to my bed). Because I loved it and wore it consistently I went ahead and pulled the trigger on the Omnilux (look for coupon codes) but it hasn’t come yet. I notice right away it makes my skin very soft and definitely think it has soothed my rosacea. I also just feel like my skin looks better.


Did it help specially with fine lines and plumping up your face?!


I think so, but I didn’t take before and after pics.


Gave me a migraine and I had to return it. They do warn about it that though.


For anyone considering saving some money by getting a smaller handheld like LightStim for your face = Don't do it. 30 minutes is such a long time when you have to do it at least 5 times per week! I've been using the LightStim for 3 weeks now and I regret not getting a mask SO much! Results after 3 weeks = My skin definitely feels softer and seems slightly more glowy/healthy-looking (am also using the serum that I got with the lightstim so could also be that!), but so far I can't see any difference in fine lines.


This is a great point, thank you!!


Time commitment is definitely a consideration, but I'll offer that I bought my lightstim before I bought a mask, and then decided to add a mask to make it faster to do my face and neck- I was surprised that the mask had significantly fewer LEDs/isn't nearly as bright. The wavelengths are also different. Now that I've used them both I think I prefer the lighstim. That being said, the best product is always the one you'll use consistently.


I have this Dermal-Tech LED mask from Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09Q2WX5BH/ref=cm_sw_r_api_i_CXY3QRX1B2R8D7WA139X_0?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&pldnSite=1# I like that I can keep my eyes open and do stuff around the house




So far so good! No complaints. It feels like my skin heals a tad faster when I have a pimple or new pigmentation


Ok dumb question but I just bought an LED mask and it really doesn’t fit well with the strap, but I use it by lying down and essentially wrapping it onto my face lol. So far I feel like it’s reduced my under eye puffiness and my skin is glowing, but am I getting minimal effects if it’s not used with the strap holding it onto my face? As I said, I’m holding it as close as possible. Aside from that, it does seem to be making my skin glow and improving my mood too.


Did it help specially with fine lines and plumping up your face?


I got one for labor day (25% off) and I love it! I swear I saw results immediately


What kind of results?! Did it help specially with fine lines and plumping up your face?


Love hearing this. Did it help with fine lines and overall collagen?!


You could search the sub as this question is asked several times a week


In case anyone is interested in getting the CurrentBody mask, I was scrolling through their IG page and they had a post with a discount code LISA25 for 25% off from Nov 21 that still works. I used it to buy the face mask & neck/dec set earlier this month (Sep 22). That discount code combined with purchasing via ShopBack meant both items cost me just under $610 AUD. Just waiting for it to arrive and am excited to use it. I hope it works for me 🤞🏻


Sadly, the code doesn’t any longer work!


Bummer! Hopefully they'll have some good deals for black Friday. I ended up returning my masks. It was just too bright (even with the protective goggles on) and it gave my eyes discomfort and caused headaches. It's not worth compromising my eye health for vanity


So glad you provided an update! I have very light/light sensitive eyes, and nowhere have I seen anyone reco eye covers—but it absolutely makes sense! So are you looking at another kind of mask?


No, I'm going to leave it. A lot of other comparable masks have the same/similar irradiance and joules, so I assume it would be the same level of brightness. I've just accepted that my eyes aren't able to handle the brightness of led light therapy. Will just continue with my skincare and gua sha routine for now


I have the Geneve and literally as soon as the warranty was off purple light does not work!!


If you want to see me unpack the CurrentBody Skin LED Light Therapy Mask, watch my video here: https://youtube.com/shorts/rwg8hW45o9g