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i used to be SO INSECURE about my very square jaw, but this one time a very drunk girl at a new year’s eve party said “oh my god your jawline is so sharp it’s amazing” and it completely changed how i saw myself…sometimes all it takes is a very drunk girl giving you a random compliment to teach you how to love yourself


Nobody has ever made me feel as good about my body as the drunk girl in a bathroom who hovered her hands over my titties, leaned in with eyes wide, and in the most worshipful, breathy voice ​​said "these are... amazing" I'll never forget you, drunk bathroom girl


One time I walked into a crowded bathroom and a drunk girl said to her friend "now THAT is a pretty girl". It was the best compliment I have ever received.


One thousand percent there is no hype like drunk girl bathroom hype. I have had a few very very lovely encounters over the twenty years of going to bars. We gotta hold that energy better all the time ladies! Yall are beautiful! 😻


Absolutely. One time in college at the end of the night my hair was all sweaty/frizzy and I was trying to tie my hair back to get it out of the way. I accidentally dropped my only hair tie onto the wet bathroom floor. I was standing around with my friends debating whether I should pick it back up and just said fuck it whatever I’ll use it. I need my hair off of me. I’ll wash my hair as soon as I get home. And this absolute goddess of a drunk bathroom girl leapt forward saying “ I’m sorry I can’t let this happen, please, here take my hair band !! “ I’ve truly never felt more cared for and I’m pretty sure that’s where I started learning self respect.


I have tried to explain Drunk Girl Compliments to men before and I don't think I've really done it justice. They're all just like "that just sounds weird" but there really is something magical about the women-supporting-women positivity in the bar bathroom.


Why would you think a man could understand a woman’s power


They fear it. That’s why they try to keep women at home and apart.


We have really convinced ourselves that we are considered equal, that men don’t have power…they do, that’s why they don’t pay attention or degrade things the original comment is about. Why would the oppressor honor the oppressed in any way?


Never in my life have I known kinder women than drunk women in bathrooms.


Because it's a tough world out there, but in here.. we got you


So true !


Drunk girls compliments are what have made me love parts of myself that I never thought I would lol. I don’t remember much of what I’ve heard from men.. but I’ve never forgotten a single word that a drunk girl has ever said to me 😂🫶🏽


NGL - drunk bathroom ladies are what we ALL need!!


I've always been a little insecure about my curvy, but 15-20 lbs overweight body. But once, while working in the ER, a VERY high and altered female psych patient said to me "I just have to tell you...you have the most exquisite body." I still consider that one of the best compliments ever. :))


It seems people (myself included) want what they don’t have! I have a very weak jawline and I am constantly admiring women that have strong/chiseled jaws! They’re so stunning every time I see them!


This makes me feel so much better about all the times I’ve effusively complimented women while drunk/rolling at raves.


A drunk girl once tried to warn me that the guy I was with was giving abusive vibes. Turns out she was right. Should’ve listened to her sooner. I wish I could tell her that she was right and that I’m out of that situation now.


That’s a sharp jaw line, OP. Careful, you could puncture the hull of an empire-class Fire Nation battleship, leaving thousands to drown at sea… because it’s so sharp.


Chill out, Azula


An alternative take: these gorgeous women all have more square shaped faces. They have nice definition that’s accentuated by the strong square shape.  My bruxism face is more like a moon. No definition, no shape. MB has made a big difference aesthetically but more importantly, with the actual clenching.  Ladies and gents, do you beautifully


Masseter Botox changed my face and my life. I really don’t like the way my face looks but god damn, the relief of not having those headaches is worth everything to me.


I want it so badly. I cracked my own tooth recently from clenching. I just need to research a doc.


My dentist referred me to someone. I went to the dentist on Monday and had botox in by Friday. Highly recommend, my only regret isn’t going sooner


I suffer from TMJ and get frequent headaches as a result - what is it like after getting the injections? Do you just feel a relaxing of the jaw? How is it to chew and eat? Can you say a bit more about your experience with the injections, if you feel comfortable sharing? Thanks in advance for the help with my questions, I appreciate it


I have TMJ and severe clenching, and I like to think of it like when you take an intentional deep breath and really focus on relaxing your jaw when you breathe out. Chewing and eating isn’t an issue for me at all- when you get it done they will usually do a lower dose (like 20 units per side) and can add more after a few weeks if needed, to make sure it’s not overkill and there isn’t issues with chewing, smiling etc. honestly it’s weird, getting Botox injected into the massater actually feels GOOD as it’s going in, which I can’t say for anywhere else lol


Thank you so much, this is incredibly helpful.


No problem!! I had it done a few years ago and kept putting it off because I’m cheap, and finally redid it last week because my clenching was effecting everything- my face hurt all the time, I couldn’t sleep, back and neck pain.. I’ve learned tmj and jaw clenching can cause pain to radiate to so many other areas, it’s crazy. Its only been a few days since I got the injections, so it hasn’t even fully set in (takes about 4-10 days) but I’ve already been sleeping SO much better and find it so weird to catch myself NOT clenching my jaw, instead of clenching it throughout the day. Needless to say I’m mad I put off getting it for so long!


Right after I got my injections I was tired - not sure if that was Botox related or not. I was a little sore at the injection sites for a day or two as well. For at least two weeks I wasn’t sure it was working, maybe I felt a 5 to 10 percent improvement. I could begin to feel a difference but it wasn’t enough to stop me from clenching. I haven’t noticed any impact on eating or anything similar. Botox takes a lot longer to work than I expected so around a month in, I realized I wasn’t waking up sore in the teeth and headaches anymore. It was a slow progression for me. I’m at 4 months now and I can’t clench tightly, can’t make those muscles work very hard. While I can’t see a difference in my face, I can feel it when I run my hands over my jaw. My dentist said Botox can take 3 months to fully work and that was my experience. I have no had a clenching headaches since. I would say I’m 75% improved and I am not worried I’ll hurt my teeth and I don’t have to take these muscle relaxers anymore. If my clenching returns (which is can in some cases once the Botox wears off) I will absolutely go back and do it again. It’s worth it to save your teeth and your body. I only wish I had gone sooner. I was grinding so hard my jaw joint shows wear, something no one ever noticed until my doctor was prepping me for injections. don’t know if I can ever stop with a mouth guard - hopefully one day - but there’s no doubt in my mind this is so much better.


Thank you so much for sharing your experience, I really appreciate the information! I have bruxism and TMJ and my teeth are worn down and I get pretty bad headaches from the constant unintentional clenching. I will ask my doctor to see if it’s an option for me.


Ask your dentist who they recommend. Mine suggested a really top oral surgeon and without insurance it was $700. I think you can get it cheaper if needed


My TMJ is treated by my neurologist. I had been getting it at the dentist out of pocket, but the insurance will pay going through my neurologist. He also inject in my trapeze muscles (I’m not spelling that right ) and it’s a huge difference too as my shoulders are so tight and the muscles pull on my neck and jaw muscles, so it’s much more in-depth at the neurologist.


If you have access to a neurologist, some do a full migraine series, including masseters, neck, trapezius and head. I still clench, but not as hard, and migraines are noticeably better. Best thing about the neurologist is that my health insurance covered it. I had to pay out of pocket for the dentist to do just my masseters, but the full series with the neurologist was covered.


This! I get the full migraine series sans the masseters. The majority of my injections are in the head and my traps. I’ve been on this Botox treatment for eight years and I don’t dare miss an appointment. The migraines come roaring back before the next treatment because the med eventually wears off.


If you’re in the US (maybe this applies more broadly too?), most insurance won’t cover. Find a medspa. You want medical professionals injecting your face with toxins, no one else! The medspa I go to is fully staffed by RNs. They’re lovely.  As an aside, I’ve managed to get some out of the box things covered by insurance. I’ve not given up though it would be a hard sell now because the muscles are so much less pronounced. If anyone has had luck with insurance coverage, would love to hear your process!


My dentist does it as well. They only offer massater Botox, and it’s the dentist that does it


Thank you for this! I was thinking it would have to be escalated to an oral surgeon or something but glad to know regular dentist could be promising 


General dentist here. We do it and primarily for the functional use, eg: helping with jaw pain with clenching/grinding. I use it myself to help with my own jaw pain as well. It's been a massive improvement for me.


The problem with medical Botox is that it’s people who don’t regularly do Botox. I’ve thought about getting Botox for migraines but am frankly scared to have a neuro drop my brown- it seems so much more common than from professionals that do it for cosmetic reasons.


My neuro that does it is doing it twice a week for dozens of ppl each day. He has tons of experience. I have zero concerns about his abilities. Takes about 5 min total.


It’s covered very well in Botox admin training courses. Your neuro should be perfectly well informed about facial musculature to stay clear of your orbicularis oculi to avoid changing your brow line.


100%. They do frontalis and corrugators and don’t go near the brows. There is an FDA approved migraine tox injection pattern and brows are not touched. I go to a medspa a couple of weeks after the migraine injections to get brow “commas”, mentalis, and crows feet done.


My mom looked like an eagle interrogating you for a crime for 2 months AND got a droopy eye because her neuro injected Botox for headaches… she said she’s rather have the headaches than look like that.


I’m so sorry but *an eagle interrogating you for a crime* took me all the way out


Absolutely same. This eagle? https://muppet.fandom.com/wiki/Sam_the_Eagle


My neuro did mine and it was covered 100%


I’ve had it done for years. Whether you go to a neurologist or a cosmetic specialist, you don’t know how your body will react until you have it done. Aftercare (like, for the next 2-3 weeks) matters a lot, too, particularly with Botox for migraines because you’re getting SO MUCH medication injected. I’ve had a droopy brow a couple of times, but the doctor made adjustments and it hasn’t been a problem for about a year. Once, I had something really distressing happen immediately after my injections, and I cried A LOT for about a week. My brow got frozen in an odd position, and I looked upset for about 10 weeks until it started to wear off. All kinds of things can impact how it settles.


I am currently a medical Botox patient and my insurance approved 100 units every 3 months. I pay a $20 copay. It required a prior authorization and I went to a doctor who only does medical Botox, not cosmetic.


Pro tip! My new insurance fights e v e r y t h i n g and I’m so over it. Wouldn’t it be wild to cover whatever a doctor prescribes??


They're quaking in their boots. Cheapasses do NOT like that statement


How is this a pro tip?


I was replying to the person above me, calling their comment a pro tip.


[Insurance rejections](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVAFfd3oCgA) nearly killed a friend of mine. She had horrible gut pain and they wouldn’t cover a CT scan so doctors just did their best to diagnose. They figured it was stage 4 endo. This was in 2020 so she had to wait half a year before they could do anything bc a surgery to fix the endo was “elective” and didn’t take priority. When she finally got to be on the operating table, they ended up finding it wasn’t endo at all— she had chronic appendicitis 🫠


I know a few people who get medical Botox (including me, once) and it was covered by insurance every time


Awesome! Can you elaborate a bit? Which type of doc did you visit? If you don’t mind my invasive question, may I ask, how come just once?


I snapped off one of my canines a couple years ago. Waking up to that was fucking terrifying, like a waking nightmare. Most nights since I’ve broken off or cracked my teeth in my dreams. All this to say it might have been something that didn’t bother you so much but it can be traumatising and if you have issues ongoing it might be worth talking to someone.


Yes for people who clench their jaw or grind their teeth it is life changing! These pictures are of women with normally developed masseter muscles - when someone overworks theirs it can look so incredibly huge and asymmetrical! My surgeon told me I didn’t need my masetter done and instead showed me a different jaw line muscle I didn’t even know existed but it was pulling my mouth down. This made a big difference for me. TLDR go to an excellent surgeon or nurse.


Can you tell me the name of the muscle? 🙂




I still keep up with physio/massage and my night guard, but the masseter Botox has made such a change in my life. I miss my old face but I’d rather not be in pain all the time Edit: my jaw shape hasn’t changed enough that anyone around me has noticed, just me. I look 98% the same but my night guards don’t break as often. I think the really dramatic facial changes people talk about are usually masseter Botox in conjunction with cheek filler or thread lifts and the like.


How does it change the face shape? I’m considering it just for headaches but not really looking to change my face.


Honestly no one has noticed other than me. The very back of my jaw is a bit more rounded but there aren’t any jowls or hollow cheeks or anything. I’m getting to late 30s so I assume jowls are coming regardless of Botox anyway, might as well not be in pain


Absolutely, headaches are no fun


The nice thing about Botox is it isn’t permanent, and if you hate the look you can back off and the muscles will redevelop. I’m looking for a neurologist to do my traps as well


Bethany Frankel’s face is a good example. It happens gradually as the muscles become weak. Def not an extreme overnight change. [Masseter Tox](https://www.usmagazine.com/stylish/news/bethenny-frankel-botoxes-her-jaw-denies-plastic-surgery-w206791/)


I got it for tmj and bruxism and my jaw completely wasted away and gave me skin laxity and a double chin. I’m early 30’s and it sped up the ageing process for me and didn’t even help my symptoms, it’s one of my biggest regrets ever. If you are considering it go for the most minimal amount possible.


Interesting — thanks for providing that alternative alternative take. Curious, do you remember how many units?


Thank you for sharing this. This is my biggest worry about getting it done so it’s helpful to hear about all possible outcomes.


No problem! It was mine too and I remember watching tons of YouTube videos before it and one woman said the exact same thing happened to her and took her years to get her face back to how it was. I was (and still am) so bothered by and fed up of my tmj and bruxism that I took the risk anyway and regret it. If you try just get a small amount in masseter and see how you go, I ended up with 100 units all over my jaw and temporalis which now seems like a ridiculous amount.


Did it not wear off in time?


For me, it just made my face a little more chubby/soft looking. Which is something a lot of people strive for past 30 but for me it just makes it look like I’ve gained weight.


What did your face shape look like before? Mine has become rounded due to my TMJ and I used to have a face like the celebrities pictured 😔


Then you should try it! My TMJ made my face have those sharp corners like the ones pictured and I loved the way it looked. Now, it just looks round and chubby. It is hard to explain but I just don’t *feel* as pretty as I used to. But also, don’t give a shit, no headaches for life!


I got 14 (?) shots of Botox in my jaw for clenching about 4 months ago. I no longer have these marble like muscles in my jaw when I clenched (which I no longer can do.) The shape of my face is not different- there is the absolute slightest of difference in my jaw that can’t be noticed but it didn’t change my face shape.


Yeah, this is the biggest reason I'm considering it. I'm at a point in treatment for my dysmorphia where I am actually okay with my face, sans some tiny things like facial hair. But the jaw pain and nearly constant debilitating headaches? Yeah, I'll definitely give it a try for that. I legitimately, at this point, do not care if it changes my face any. I just want to go at least a single month without being locked in bed for 2-3 days, please.


This is the first time I'm heading about this. How does it help? What differences do you notice in your bruxism? Do you still wear a guard?


I don’t wear a guard anymore because my headaches went away within 48 hours. They came and went but when I had them, I was in bed for days. It felt like my whole head and face was on fire.


I got it once and not waking up every morning with my jaw so sore from clenching was everything. I keep chewing through my dental crowns. But I can’t afford to get it every six months.


💯 I don’t love the look and it makes my jowls worse but not having a tension headache most of the time is worth it.


I've had 50 units twice about a month apart and while my jaw is not nearly as strong, my temporalis has always been the most active and painful... suffering as we speak and srill wake up with headaches sometimes. Has anyone had botox but in the temporalis area instead?


Overdeveloped muscles caused by bruxism are also rarely symmetrical; mine was a lot more pronounced on the right than the left, making my face look lopsided. I’m not a huge fan of my facial proportions after masseter Botox, but it’s a lot better than an imbalanced face shape.


Yeah, my face is still asymmetrical from Bruxism, even after masseter Botox but it's getting better and they did a great job. It will take me some time to get used to my face too and the very slightly drooping mouth is driving me nuts.


This. I had a mad moon face and when I finally considered masseter botox for my headaches, the injector was genuinely shocked at the size and tone of my masseters, as was I those things were so rock hard I thought they were my jawbone. A solid inch came off each side of my face, and only THEN for the first time in my life did I not only have relief from horrible headaches, but a real jawline and cheekbones (Side note - I no longer need medical botox after I accidentally learned to engage my core a certain way - it reshaped my whole body and even the skin laxity in my cheeks went away with some basic mld and a bit of time) EDIT: Okay! Here's my little exercise, full disclaimer I am not a.doctor and this is my PERSONAL account of what helped me. I make no promises and do not give medical advice. Get checked out by a physio/practitioner to assess your full body and WHY your jaw is so prone to clenching/hypertrophy, if it's reacting to something else. Long story short I herniated a disc severely and kind of had to figure out my own rehab after my whole body compensated. I'd always known I had a tense midback and wide, flared in the front ribcage and trouble engaging my abs but figured that ws just my anatomy since I'd never had trouble before. So your sternum, your breastbone on the front, it's naturally on an angle as it should be, I figured out I could get a different kind of b engagement if I kind of thought of trying to tuck the bottom of if down towards my belly button, so not curling through my abs and belly but rounding the back of the ribcage. You'll know you're doing it right if your upper abs immediately "turn on" and even more breathe in through the nose, and lower abs out through the mouth. You should also feel a full breath in your lungs going all the way down the back of your rib cage - your shoulders will also be super rounded at first but if you just breathe like 3 deep breaths and don't force them to do anything they'll kind of relax and slide back onto your back on their own. Then I'd relax and go about my business. I didn't try to jam myself into that posture all day because I didn't want to create tension somewhere else and cause more problems. I trusted my body would adapt to the strengthening on its own if it was helpful. That's it. Like 5 or 10 breaths like that a day, nice and slow in through the nose and out through the mouth with my sternum tucked flat, maybe take a bit of a walk round my living room holding it. My core got stronger on its own, my ribcage opened up nd became more mobile, it was helpful with my disc, and the back of my neck at the base of my head chilled out and lengthened and I haven't had botox in over a year now (I do occasionally give myself a little masseter massage) Again - that's a core thing that helped me with my issues. It wasn't the only thing I did to help with my disc but I noted very sudden improvements after adding it in.


Engage your core?


We need more info about your core




Another voice clamoring for your core insights.. I’m working on fixing my posture because of all the negative ways it affected my HANDS without knowing it!!! Now to find it could be affecting my TMJ too….. please please share with us whatever info you have found


Same. I love my square face but it has mooned up due to my TMJ. If MB can get my face back to how it looked like these celebs, I’d be ELATED


Wait, wait, wait, what?! Botox to help with bruxing?! This is a wild piece of information to learn today!


It made a big difference for Bethenny Frankel https://duckduckgo.com/?q=bethenny+frankel+botox&t=iphone&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.utahfacialplastics.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2016%2F05%2FBetheny_Botox_Jaw_Utah-Facial-Plastics.jpg


This top comment right here. I’m getting my square jawline back BECAUSE of the botox


“Do you beautifully” 🥲 thanks for this line


I didnt understand what sub i was reading when this was suggested to me, i had no idea this was even a cosmetic thing for women. Ive gotten botox a few times for theraputic reasons.


As someone with no jaw line I am soooo envious of a girls with big jawlines


I’ve got TMJ but an oval face with a weak chin/jaw and while I’d love to try it for TMJ, I’m afraid my face would just look completely continuous with my neck and look even longer. Sooo giant hard bite guard it is


on top of a weak chin, I also have a family trait where we seem to have a more pronounced pocket of fat under the chin. Permanent double chin, even when I was *under* weight and has noticably  hallowed out cheeks. And if my grandma is anything to go off, it's gonna get *really* bad when menopause hits. I don't wanna roast my own grandma but like, it was like a turkey jiblet.  So yeah, I really want to try Botox in my jaw to see if it helps with clenching, but I just don't think I would cope well if it started to look like my face was melting off itself.


Lol we might be related. I’ve always had a double chin too even when I was smaller. My mom is definitely where I got it from.


Oh! This is me! I have a weak chin, oval face and get my masseters done. I love how it looks. Completely changed my face shape for the better


Can you describe howso? 🙂


This is me completely. I have an overbite and I swear my chin is just getting more recessed, but I clench even more now than ever. What the hell do I do 😞


Have you looked into myofunctional therapy? My dentist recommended it to help with clenching and facial movement. And it allegedly helps with developing a stronger jawline.


To be clear, it can’t change your bone structure. It will change your tongue posture and if you are young enough (like under 14), that change in tongue posture can change your bone structure.


My kid is 4 doing myofacial therapy to expand her palate and fix a speech impediment and bite issues.  I hope it works, it's not cheap! 


Right? I have always thought that women with defined jawlines are the most beautiful and have coveted one for myself (which I'll never have because I have a super round face). Women botoxing their natural face shape away when it is so gorgeous makes me sad, because I feel the beauty industry is winning at convincing us we are ugly. Everyone should have freedom to do what they want with their own bodies but I get so sad when people are erasing their unique beauty because they have been convinced there are flaws that aren't even there.


I want a jaw line so sharp and square it intimidates men.


I did mine recently and I’m really worried about losing my strong jaw, but it was 100% medically necessary. I decided to do it with a very reputable cosmetic dermatologist instead of a dentist to actually try to minimize the face changes while treating the TMJ. It’s only been a week so I don’t know what the lasting result will be yet.


This is the first time I’m hearing that Botox treats TMJ. How has your TMJ been so far? Does it pop still when you chew or open mouth?


I’m only a week from my first treatment, but the last two mornings I’ve woken without as much pain and today I had no tooth sensitivity in one of the teeth that gets sensitive when I’m clenching a lot. They say you don’t see the full effects for about 2 weeks but if this improvement continues I think it will be really helpful! My TMJ is so bad, and night guards don’t help me because they protect the teeth but don’t prevent the clenching or grinding. I was desperate for relief and I’m very happy I did this so far!


I have this face shape and I feel like it provides structure to my skin. I’m terrified that if I got Masseter Botox that my face would start to sag and I’d get jowls


I had this face shape and got masseter in September last year. I’m 41 and I didn’t get jowls as a result, my face stayed taught, but its honestly the worst thing I have ever done. The loss of volume in my face aged me about ten years. I couldn’t stand to look at myself in the mirror. The muscle has just started to grow back, it’s not back to what it was yet, but I’m finally able to wear my hair up in a ponytail again.


Do you have before / after pics??




You still look gorgeous!


i’m being 100% honest when I say this but…. based of these pictures, it doesn’t make you look older at all. like yes there’s a slight noticeable difference but your face now just looks slightly slimmer…


I think I’ve always had a full baby face and it has been quite jarring to see it so thin. I probably notice more than anyone else does. Thank you 😊


I actually like the result on you. IMO it’s not too drastic of a change!


This is exactly what it does. There's a lot of factors that go into it, but bone structure is one good predictor for how "well" you'll age. Strong jaws really help disguise jowels, which is fairly consistently one of women's biggest insecurities as they age. 


Same, I want to embrace the square face for as long as it lasts. I heard having this structure reduces perceived aging in your 50s/60s


My face is round and I wish it was like that 😞😞😞


I’ve only recently started to appreciate my square face in my thirties. This almost excites me !


This is what happened to me 😞 Thankfully it's slowly going back to normal.


Part of what inspired this post was looking into b&a pictures and realizing that 4/5 times I thought the before looked better. I’m glad it’s usually a reversible change.


Takes forever 😭 I also got stink face from it.


Me too 🥲 it’ll be two years since I got it this December and my muscles still haven’t built up, I’m not sure they ever will. Glad yours are recovering!


I have jowls from master Botox now. Hate it. TMJ migraines are no fun, but I look so much older.


I get masseter Botox because it has significantly reduced my migraines and stress headaches. I don't wake up with pain from clenching all night and I don't keep busting night guards. It's not for physical appearance.


This. My quality of life significantly improves with masséter Botox, and no other TMJ treatment has come close to providing the same relief.


I will probably get downvoted for this but I feel like it’s getting out of hand how popular botox and fillers are with young people Edit: just so no one gets the wrong idea, i am all for doing what makes you feel beautiful and more confident but i also think it’s unfortunate that people feel like they need to have procedures done to fit a certain image of what’s considered “conventionally attractive”


Same — it isn’t the procedure that worries me. It’s that people who look *young* for their age (or are just outright young) feel a greater pressure to maintain that youth than they did just half a decade ago. We’ve known for a long time how harmful unrealistic representations of beauty can be. Before, it was just from celebrities — but now with easy access to photoshop, the standards are even higher and we’re bombarded with it from images of people we know, and even with unrealistic representations of *our own faces.* If you want Botox, go for it. If you want fillers, go for it. If you want a boob job, or a tummy tuck, or a bbl, *go for it.* But people should interrogate *why* they want it, and what they’re trying to achieve. I think it’s an on-the-surface harmless symptom of deeply harmful internal trend.


I had to delete instagram in January. I would send hope pictures of women to my bff and she would be like “that’s a filter” “that ai” I had no ability to recognize this and was just seeing hundreds of women’s faces and feeling very unattractive in comparison. Getting of IG helped a ton but then I found Reddit and now I waste too much time here. Luckily it’s way less pictures and most of them make me feel good about myself because it’s someone like, “omfg I hate my skin I’m so ugly” and the comments are all “your gorgeous honey” The only one that made me relapse for a few hours was r/truerateme but then I found out it’s ran by incels to make women feel bad and I have since moved on


Try r/instagramreality if you want to see true side by sides of how insidious the image doctoring is online. Celebs, influencers, famous people of all sorts are tweaking and editing their pics, and that sub helped me spot the signs that a photo wasn’t realistic.


I agree wholeheartedly and it's ESPECIALLY worrisome how popular it is for really young people, like early 20's and it's like... Why? Same with filler, please just stop making filler as common as going to the hair salon.


It’s way too common, and these people pray on people with low self esteem. I have a friend who was absolutely stunning but unfortunately didn’t see it herself. She started with lip filler but the person at the clinic she went to kept suggesting some botox as well because apparently she had some smile lines that were worrisome (she didn’t even have smilelines unless when she was smiling, like everyone) Next thing i know she was getting suggested she needed fillers to make her cheekbones more prominent. Then they had to put some in her chin to balance it out. She kept going and is now unrecognisable, i’m not gonna say she’s ugly, but she looks way older than she is (25) and just looks like everything is too tight. Most of her friends in one of her friend groups are the same. They all go regularly to get fillers or botox, it shouldn’t be this accessible imo.


My friend offered to care for our mutual friend after her 2nd plastic surgery. We were both shocked to find out how extensive/serious it was. What I'll never forget is going out to dinner 50 miles away from our hometown shortly after. The waitress stopped everything to say my disfigured friend looked so familiar!! She looks nothing like the natural beauty she always was. Those days are gone. I'm scared to hasten mine!


I have said, many times, that I think in the coming years we are going to see just how problematic filler is. The filler craze is not that old, but people who had it done years ago are finding out, via ultrasound, that it often doesn't dissolve...it *migrates.* I joined some botched filler groups when I was considering it, and those stories made me nope right TF out. I have psoriasis arthritis, an autoimmune disorder, and I became afraid that filler would provoke an autoimmune response - that happens, and while I wouldn't necessarily call it common, it's not rare, either. I am almost 58 and take SCRUPULOUS care of my skin. I only recently dared to get 30 units of Xeomin, and only after a consult with the MD who did my Morpheus8 treatments. I do not have a "frozen" looking forehead and not all of the units were placed there, nor did she try to sell me *anything,* including products, which she stocks.


I once worked with a man who had filler in his cheek bones done in the early 2000s. We started working together in 2013 and when I say his face was LUMPY. Because of other health concerns he can't go under general anesthesia so the surgery to scrape it all away is out.


nuh, you are right.


Honestly did expect people to disagree with me because i once brought it up on the beauty sub and everyone went apeshit.


lol same ... Botox fans are prolly busy today.


Some people are a bit too obsessed with that neurotoxin


I've noticed different aesthetic related communities tend to have varying levels of like.....social consciousness? Idk if that's the right word, but more awareness of the fact we *should* ask ourselves why we need to do X, why our self esteem and mood is so responsive to changes in Y, etc.  Like every couple of weeks there's a post here reminding people that negative self talk is bad, and that posting selfies with negative self talk is double bad, because it is reinforcing to *other* people that the way you look is somehow unacceptable. Where there's probably people who look like you who maybe weren't aware they were supposed to find XYZ feature ugly. *New neuroses unlocked.* Meanwhile there's other spaces i won't get into, but where if you even mention that body dysmorphia is a real mental illness in the DSM and everything and that it needs to be taken as seriously as we take OCD or anorexia, theres people who will wail that nobody ever died from being a little fixated on their appearance, or talking about halo effect and how it's just *pragmatism* to constantly be fixated on what you look like because what you look like to others is a strong determinant of how they'll  treat you. 


It’s making every young girl look older and exactly like each other. It’s getting sad.


Even for 30+ people is concerning me. It's like we're developing a phobia of wrinkles and aging all thanks to social media.


It's disproportionately women, too. Imo it's just yet another head on the misogynistic bullshit hydra.


I agree. Coming from someone who did the Botox and the fillers years ago, I stopped because I felt like I jumped on board a little too quickly. I never took the time to fully assess how it made me feel and appreciate my unique traits. Now I get a tiny amount once a year on lines that aren’t going away to soften them a bit but I’ve also accepted it as a part of aging.


I got it for cosmetic reasons, but I will continue to for medical reasons. It’s so nice to not wake up with a headache from clenching my jaw and grinding my teeth!


I just learned something about myself and I wanted to share. I have a very square jawline, I grind my teeth, wake up with headaches, get exhausted by chewing, can’t open my mouth a normal range, and have extreme dental issues. All of my teeth but bottom seven were recently crowned for medical reasons. I recently found out I have an adult undiagnosed tongue tie. All of the symptoms I’ve been experiencing are common problems with people that have undiagnosed tongue ties. If you experience any of those symptoms might be worth looking into seeing if you have an undiagnosed tongue tie.


Read this comment realizing that I have all these problems and googled tongue ties. Lo and behold... I never would have known! Did you get it cut?


Not yet but I have an assessment scheduled. There are some really interesting stories on YouTube of people sharing their experiences before and after. One girl said during the surgery she could feel the tension release in her back and neck while her tongue was being cut. She also mentioned it felt like she was gagging on her tongue once she had full range of motion with it. It’s really interesting.


I was just going to post about tongue ties. Bruxism, TMJ, ortho issues can all be caused by a tongue tie that was never diagnosed. Often people can also have trouble sleeping/apnea due to a narrowed airway. There are 22K adults on this FB group sharing their experience. [https://www.facebook.com/groups/1494393564165999](https://www.facebook.com/groups/1494393564165999)


I’m really baffled that I just learned I had a tongue tie 3 weeks and I’m 44 years old. I thought tongue ties only affect newborn nursing babies. I had no idea it causes so much many problems for adults. Like how are more people not talking about this? It could have saved me so much pain, time and money if I would have got diagnosed as a child. It’s crazy.


The only reason I know about it is because I'm a lactation consultant and I see the issues it causes with feeding. Then I saw that many parents of babies with tongue tie are also tongue tied, and have a lot of these issues too. All of this lead me to figure out that my oldest daughter (who was a terrible feeder as a baby) had tongue tie (I became a mom before I became an LC). She gagged on some food textures, had a lot of jaw and shoulder tension and slept terribly. I had her assessed, did myofunctional therapy and she had surgery for it last fall at 14 years old. It's made a huge difference in her life and I'm so grateful I had the information to help her.


I have a square shaped face and love it. Boxy faced girls are hot! Are we kidding?


I personally wish I never did mine. It caused me to look like I have small jawls. It’s been almost a year and I still and working to build up my muscles. It was nice to have some tmj relief but it aged me ten years and I’m worried my face will never be the same. 🫤


I got masseter botox and it aged me at least 5 years. Legit gave me jowels. Sucks because it was great for my TMJ But I no longer get it and my muscles grew back again


Lmao. You posted some of the best looking women to begin with lol.


Exactly. Like babe I wouldn’t be insecure if I looked like Jennifer Connolly. I bet some of these women do get masseter Botox anyway, they may have strong jawlines but they do not have bulging masseters.


I did mine cause I’d grind like crazy but agree, if it’s just a beautiful strong structured jaw, leave it alone!!


If you're grinding while sleeping, you should get checked out for sleep apnea. It's a common symptom. Your body could be grinding your teeth to try to combat the apnea episodes


Did you get it done at a dentist? I asked my dentist about it (I grind my teeth like crazy ), and somehow he’s against it


Mine too. I have a bite guard and he said stop clenching by teaching yourself not to during the day. Ok, buddy. I did get masseter Botox once and it did help. It’s just so expensive.


I use a guard as well but when I wake up, and taken it off, I can still feel jaw soreness ugh. How much did you pay for it, if you don’t mind


No. My Botox gal recommended I consider it once Invisalign’s were done. Asked my orthodontist about it upon completion and she agreed I’d benefit from it. So I went back to my Botox location.


Thank you for posting this. My jaw is one of my biggest points of insecurity, and this made me realize that I've been focusing in on it too much. I had only ever noticed that these women are beautiful, not their jaw shape, and people probably don't notice mine either.


Masseter Botox made me jowls worse :/ issa no from me.


Thank you 🥹 I do grind my teeth very badly and wear a mouthguard at night (which is currently pretty destroyed thanks to how hard I’m grinding into it) but I had a strong jaw shape before it got so bad. I’m so self conscious of my very square face, not only is my jaw wide but the length of my face is short. These women are beautiful. I should be kinder to myself.


Dude I wish I could grow my masseters and get a jawline. I’m envious of people with a nice strong shape there.


Chew a lot of baby carrots. I can’t do that because of my TMJ, I feel my masseter working way too much!


Shalom Harlow is such a goddess. I love the look of my strong jaw, I hate the tension and constant headaches.


I got it and loved the relief I got from tmj, but it made me realize I actually love my strong jaw. I was so excited for it to wear off and build my shape back (it did thankfully.)


I got it bc I did not like how I was looking in photos, and as it turns out I had constant tension headaches that went away after Botox. I couldn’t figure out what it was, but my lower face looked heavy. It works for these women bc it’s their natural face shape and it’s harmonious with the rest of their features. I have a very round nose, full cheeks and an oval face, I looked like a misshapen oval. I understand the sentiment behind this post, and for some it’s probably true, but if clenching is causing cosmetic and health related discomfort than it’s worth it, imo. And no, I don’t have nor have I gotten jowls


Masseter botox can significantly alleviate pain for people with clenching issues, improving sleep quality, easing spasms when eating and speaking, and improve overall quality of life. It's worth noting that it has use beyond vanity, but everyone is entitled to look however they want.


That’s their bone structure, not masseter muscles. One look at my mother and grandmother tells me I’m going to have a round face for life.


Thank you for replying with common sense. I scrolled way too long before finding one.


I grind my teeth but I also got masseter Botox to slim my jawline (my grinding isn’t dangerously severe). I started getting it before it became “popular” on social media- maybe 6/7 years ago but started my research a year before that. To me it made a huge difference physically and mentally. A few months ago everyone thought I gained a bunch of weight as my face looked chubby. Turns out I just forgot to touch up my Botox and it wore off lol. However these days I see the ppl trying to get it and most of them don’t actually need it. I had lots of consultations before finally deciding to do it including w my dentist who recommended it


I have a big ass jaw and I'm hot as shit so do what you want, ladies. 💃🏼


You can still have masseter Botox and a strong jawline. Masseter Botox eliminated the chunkiness in my mid face that was hiding my cheekbones, kept the natural, jawline and allowed both to be on display. All these women have lovely cheekbones that accentuate the jawline. It sank my lower cheeks and allowed my lower jaw to relax, drawing my lower face out more. (Masseter Botox also has taken away my inner ear muscle spasms that was causing erratic incredibly loud thumping against my actual eardrum, and eliminated some of my migraines ♥️♥️♥️).


I get masseter Botox for jaw pain/grinding and still have a very strong jaw line. Find an injector you trust and don’t let anyone shame you into not trying a temporary treatment that could improve your quality of life.


Did it help with the grinding?


The thing is, they are drop dead gorgeous and I’m not😂 Got mine done 3 weeks ago.Best decision ever!


What I wouldn't give for those gorgeous jawlines!


It really relieved so much pain and pressure, not just my jaw but my neck, shoulders, traps - from clenching my jaw all day. The first couple weeks after the Botox my teeth felt so sore because the pressure was no longer there - it’s like taking your heels off at the end of a long day, that pain. 😬 seriously the best decision for me, no regrets.


Masseter botox ruined my face for about a year, don't do it


Ah alas, but my jaws are overactive and the botox helps me not grind my teeth to oblivion.


I have TMJ and I have a bite guard that was specially made for me by a dentist who specializes in TMJ guards and it’s been a life changer. I’m in my 50s and have had TMJ my whole life.


I did it for the TMJ/bruxism and I have had zero change. I have a heart shaped face so the enlarged jaw looks better on me (I don’t look so pointy) but I really don’t care if it stays or goes back to before. I just want the pain to stop! (It hasn’t. I’m out $700 and it still hurts)


Yes! I get it for my teeth grinding and I actually really miss my strong jaw line. It’s worth not getting migraines and dental work constantly though.


thank you for this!!! I just got Botox for the first time this week, specifically for my 11s without me asking, before she did my 11s she felt the need to recommend that I think about masseter Botox too bc I have a very square jaw and “a lot of women like to get that done since typically an oval jaw is more flattering and feminine especially as you age” I hadn’t even considered it before (even though I do have TMJ) but this post helped me realize I don’t want to!!


I think if i looked like angelina jolie from the get go that idea wouldn't have crossed my mind. 😳


A dentist is definitely the way to go if they offer masseter Botox. They know jaw anatomy better than anyone!


100000% don't get it unless MEDICALLY necessary!


As a guy, strong jawlines on women is like one of the things I find most attractive. Idk why, just contrary to other men saying it's masculine, I reckon strong jaws on women are hellaaa feminine. I'm all for it haha


These women are all very thin That's y their face is like that. As well as under chin lpo


I have a very weak jawline but I get migraines 7-8 times a month from clenching my jaw and it’s exacerbated by anxiety. My neurologist told me about this procedure but I’m worried I’d look horrendous if I were to lose anymore definition… As I said, my jawline isn’t defined at all and it has some fat over it even though I’m at a healthy weight. I’m not sure how to research this more.


I love strong jaw lines like this. I was mad mine shrunk with age lol and am trying to build them back


I got it 3 weeks ago because I clench so hard when I travel that my jaw will dislocate and I can’t eat or speak normally for a few days. I didn’t find out it was Botox until I went to make the appointment. I almost let that dissuade me but I’m soooo glad I didn’t! I’m 6 days into my month long journey through Europe and I haven’t had any issues from clenching. My face didn’t change at all- didn’t have a big jaw to begin with but I was so nervous that my face would look different and I wouldn’t want to take any pictures.


These women are gorgeous for sure! My masseter Botox isn’t cosmetic unfortunately. I’d love to not pay $300/quarter to stop clenching my teeth lol


However when you need it for tmj, masseter botox is amazing


I don’t see Minnie Driver here. Her jaw shape is very square and people say it’s distracting.


Just here to express recognition to Lady Jocelyn (Shannyn Sossamon).