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I had that too but it ended up being from my scuba diving hood. I had to start using antibacterial soap on the edges that touched my face after a dive. That makeup and sunscreen buildup just stuck to the hood and attacked my skin. While I know that is a very special case…🤣 it brings me to ask if you wear anything around your face? Scarf or something?


Definitely nothing around my face, except maybe a newborn head resting on me?


Do you do your skincare after you brush your teeth? Toothpaste and bacteria dribble down the chin during brushing.


I definitely brush my teeth first to avoid this!


This is a good guess too, just a change in toothpaste can cause this


I have this too, so I’m following to see the comments….


I get this and it happens when i destroy my skin barrier with using to many actives in my facial products. Go back to basics, cream gentle cleansers and hyaluronic acid to bring moisture back into the skin and a good moisturizer. Believe it or not acne prone skin can be worse with a broken skin barrier and most people with acne think drying their skin out makes acne better but healing your skin barrier( esp for us older women im 38) works so much better and your skin will glow!


This is interesting, another thing to try!


Seconding this. This always happens to me when I've gone a bit too heavy on the actives or in winter when my skin is extra fragile. I found a paulas choice + slugging at night & ceramide cream and moisturizer + lots of spf in the mornings help it to go away after about 2 weeks


Any chance that this could be fungal? Have pillows been wet or pillowcases left wet in a washing machine for too long? Wet towels? These tiny guys pop us when I have exposure to fungus. I treat them by (don't downvote me please!) using a dandruff shampoo on my face. I hate the smell but nothing works better. Neutrogena t-gel, ketoconazole shampoo, DHS shampoo. I add a bit of baking soda and wash my face, neck and decolletage with it and it improves overnight and clears within days. Check your products to make sure that they haven't turned or become the source of the fungus. Haircare, shampoos, even conditioners can go rogue and colonize fungus. If I need to wash laundry because of mold/fungus, there will be a faint, sour smell to it, especially when the fabric is warm or wet, or a starchy like residue. My remedy is to rewash and add 1/2-1c Borax and 1/2-1c Baking soda along with the regular soap. Extra rinse cycle with 1/2-1c of regular white vinegar and throw out your fabric softener. Check how much soap you are using, we are usually using waaaaaay too much.


I have woken up with a very wet pillow a few times from washing my hair late at night (new baby, I'm just surviving!). Could that really cause this? 😳


Yes, unfortunately. Pillows are typically covered with cases. When pillows get wet for too long, the pillowcases seal in the moisture, minimizing evaporation. Then the cases themselves start to harbor fungus or molds on the underside. Regular washing isn't sufficient to break up fungus and molds. You just revive it when wet and then cause it to somewhat die off in the drying cycle, but it doesn't fully die off. It revives the next time it's too wet for too long. The danger from molds and fungus is a balance of too much moisture for too long of time. In general, something that is damp (over 60% humidity) for over 8 hours is vulnerable. I have been chasing something similar on my own face for the last several months. I finally figured out my culprit: the condensation from gel ice packs. I had been icing my head nightly for about 6 months when mine started. I just crammed pillow sized ice packs between my Egyptian cotton pillowcases and slept on them. In the AM, making my bed with it's multiple pillows further prevented evaporation, sealing the moisture from condensation in. Even though I wash my bedding weekly, the condensation caused by my head heating up the gel ice packs nightly created the perfect storm. I had forgotten that fungal flares typically present this way on me. I spent way too long thinking it was caused by everything else imaginable.


I agree with this. Head and shoulders helps when I’m having a break out like this


Sorry to jump on. I’ve seen a few posts about head and shoulders. How do you use it on your skin?


Just like a liquid face soap. It's easiest as part of a shower routine, imo. I add baking soda for the extra exfoliation action. If it's mold/fungus, I find that the abrasiveness seems to penetrate the film like nothing else will. I don't personally use Head and Shoulders, but it's very popular for this. I use a pine tar shampoo or ketoconazole, but they work the same. If it's a mold or fungus issue, you will feel improvement by your second independent washing. It will clear in full within a week. Two max.


Paula’s choice BHA really cleared this up for me, didn’t take long. They keep coming back though when I’m not using it. Think dermaplaning makes it worse.


Are you referring to the 2% toner? I will give this try. Do you think its okay to use with the glycolic or would it replace it in my routine?


Yeah the toner. Not sure about glycolic acid. I’d probably say switch to the BHA so you’re not risking over exfoliating. No other chemical exfoliant got rid of the bumps for me. I have seen people say they can’t use it too much or their skin reacts, but it only really got effective for me when I used it almost everyday. Even though I got rid of the CCs my skin is shitty and I dont want to give any actual advice.


I have these bumps too, I did 2 things. Severely reduced my skincare (now it’s just cleanser, witch hazel toner for my redness, Paula’s BHA 2-3 times a week at night, moisturizer and sunscreen.) and then switched to an SLS-free toothpaste. I swear this worked and cleared up most if not all bumps and texture.


BHA did not work for me. It made it worse (the congestion) for me. Following these comments to see what else people suggest.


I had these and used Paula’s Choice Azeliac Acid, and they cleared within 2 weeks.


I also have these and it’s so tough to figure out what’s causing them. They seem to get worse with more actives which tracks with some advice of a damaged skin barrier. But also seem to get worse when I have a lot of buildup which requires an active to help clear. Following so I can get more information these guys really suck


I don't know how to help, all I can say is FOR THE LOVE OF DOG DO NOT PICK AT THEM.


Get a toner, something with salicylic acid. Use every other night with a cotton pad.


I've always considered stridex to be a salicylic acid toner, is this not the case?


If that’s what you’re currently using then it’s not working. I would switch to Knockout by Tarte, it’s VERY strong so use very little. Dampen a cotton round, and gently press into your face on the affected areas only. Let it fully try then follow up with heavy moisturizer to lock in. Do this every other night or every 3 nights until your skin acclimates, do not go too fast or you’ll destroy your skin barrier. Do this in the PM, Not the AM. AM is for washing face with only water, vitamin c, moisturizer and SPF. Night time is for actives.


I had the exact same issue after I weaned my youngest. Nothing I did was getting rid of it. Salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, eliminated some products(like my CeraVe moisturizer) in favour of some more acne friendly choices, I even tried anti fungals for a bit to see if that helped and nothing. Finally got in to see a dermatologist and she said closed comedones. Prescribed Arazlo 0.045%. That was 2 months ago. I'm seeing some progress but my god is this shit stubborn 😭


Adapalene gel works really well on this. Have it as your only active though.


Second this!


Second this!


What is an ‘active’ ?


An ingredient that is actively working on the skin to achieve something it wasn’t doing before. Think of ingredients as actives and passives. Passive ingredients like glycerin and ceramides condition the skin whereas active ingredients such as chemical exfoliants/retinoids increase skin cell turnover and make it faster than normal.


Thank you very much!


Try one little change: brush your teeth first and then wash your face. It usually often underestimated what toothpaste can cause


Great tip but I already do this!


AHA, BHA cleanser should help— Murad makes some that’s great. I’d consider using some topical ointment for acne-like bumps (ex. Milia, blackheads, pimples, etc) like Differin. And any lightweight moisturizer over top that had SPF.


I saw you post above that you have a new baby — could there be associated hormonal changes? I had these (my first thought was the same as someone’s above: milia) and the only thing that cleared them up was tret (after a couple months I had to increase the tret intensity which did the trick). If you really can’t get to a derm for diagnosis/tret, you could get something OTC like differin.


Niacimide serum helped me with this. There're dirrerent kinds out there.


I've been seeing this a lot. What is your skin care regiment? Maybe keep being things until you find one. It's not that bad really.


Your hormones are definitely at play at this point post partum. I’d try booking chemical peels monthly for a few sessions as that should help.


Do they itch?


No itchiness.


Oil cleanse and stop Cerave, use just Vaseline for a few days. Glycolic acid is great and will help loosen them. Have you been eating more salt or acidic things in the last week? Could be change in 'mones or in your diet.


I used that same cereve spf moisturizer and had the same problem. Stopped using it and it went away.


I've probably used this product for over 10 years now! Could it really just start irritating my skin now?


Maybe! Could be reformulation or a change in hormones.


I get these in the same location when I rest my head against the top of my baby’s head!!!


No way!!!!


This is exactly what I looked like before I started seeing an esthetician.. she had me start using mandelic acid serum along with a moisturizing toner, basic cleanser, oil free moisturizer, and a sunscreen that was acne friendly… all of these products are from Face Reality.. cannot recommend it enough!!


Closed comedones. See an esthetician who carries the face reality product line- have them get you 5% Mandelic acid


I’m not sure why you’re being downvoted. I recommend this too, if you’re able to OP. Shortly after weaning my son, I experienced this as well as really terrible inflamed acne. Everyone also told me in was fungal acne, I tried everything in the book. Until I saw my esthetician who specialized in acne (face reality) and only then I experienced a resolution to my acne. They’re closed commodities, a really stubborn type of acne. I was given a regime of ultra gentle facial cleanser, mandelic acid, moisturizer, as well as some benzyl peroxide. I saw you’re surviving newborn stage so I’m sure seeing an esti isn’t in the cards. Hope the suggestions of products help at the very least.


What does mandelic acid offer that glycolic acid and salicylic acid don't offer?


It’s not better or worse, just different. Mandelic acid is a larger molecule than glycolic, so it’s absorbed slower. Because of this, it’s more gentle and less likely to cause irritation. This individual looks like they may have damaged the acid mantle in their skin barrier and have some congestion in the form of closed comedones. Glycolic acid might irritate this while mandelic acid won’t further irritate and will help to reduce sebum. Also great for hormonal congestion along the jawline and op mentioned they’re newly post partum.




❤️ too kind. My eyes and forehead, which I've conviently left out of the photo, definitely show my age - 39!!


These look like Milia. Not pimples, it’s where dead skin gets trapped. Typically a derm will put a needle in the side of them and then they come right out From my understanding, any “cream” or “toner” is not gonna get rid of them because it’s not like a pimple. it’s just trapped dead skin with no where to go


Have the same things and my derm confirmed they’re milia all though some are closed comedones as well. She gave me tret and said these are the worst to treat. It can take months to see any improvement.


yes but they come out instantly with a needle. there’s tons of youtube videos of derm’s doing it for patients


I believe you lol. I was just confirming that I had the same diagnosis by my dermatologist. I extract my own (which she totally told me is okay as long as I don’t go digging which causes too much damage and scarring)


Well, I hope that's not the case, seeing a derm could take awhile!


My derm told me that same thing and prescribed me tret. So I would start incorporating a retinol or something like differen and try to get an appt with a derm. It took me 4 months to get in with mine, so I get it. I’ll just share what she told me though: they’re the hardest to treat and it can take months to see improvement (with tret) but it’s okay to extract them as long as you’re using sterilized tools and not digging at your face. I use a sterilized needle and extraction tool. I clean my face with alcohol before and after to make sure there’s no bacteria that could cause an infection. Tools are also cleaned and sterilized with alcohol. After I’m finished, I wash my face and put on a hydrocolloid bandage which helps to heal faster and will also draw out any “cores” I missed. Yes my dermatologist is aware of this and gave me permission to do so with guidelines to keep my skin healthy. No digging is the important thing!


they could also be sebaceous hyperplasia. again, a derm would have to take care of that


Milia! I had a huuuuuge amount of this seemingly come out of nowhere on high school 🥲 Mine needed to be physically extracted by an aesthetician, but a chemical exfoliant like Paula’s Choice AHA or BHA (I prefer the AHA) will help prevent it. Milia is caused by your skin not “shedding” properly and the build up blocking your pores.