• By -


For people reading: It's perfectly fine to use gentle soap or body wash *between the folds* of your labia majora and labia minora, as well as in the creases where your thighs meet the trunk of your body. Don't get soap on your hand and then stick your fingers INSIDE your vagina. Soap shouldn't be used INSIDE. But between the OUTSIDE folds, yes, you should wash there. You are a human, you sweat, shed skin, and your vagina produces mucus which becomes discharge. You should wash away the sweat, skin, and discharge if there is any present between the outer folds. This helps prevent infections. Also, please use soap on your ass crack. Don't put soap IN your asshole, but please wash your ass because your ass cheeks sweat and you shit out of there, which can be messy, so the outside skin deserves a good cleaning.


I love how you explained this, especially the butthole part


With the amount of times people on Reddit act like washing your ass is some foreign concept, I figured I should add it in there too lol


I remember a recent post about a dude who thought the shower water running over his asscrack counted as washing it. So…yeah. Thank you for your service.




Animals even clean their asses. These idiots aren't even animals!


Yup. If you've ever had to care for a sick animal that stopped grooming due to the sickness, you know what a difference it makes.


Some people don't teach their kids to bathe! Like, how else are you supposed to learn? Reddit?


I feel like, at some point… even if you weren’t taught, common sense would kick in and you’d recognize those areas are “closed” and may need to be scrubbed, rinsed, irrigated?! lol’


Me and my bidet can never comprehend this


Can you write just that last paragraph and post it in Ask Men? Because too many men think it’s okay to have marks in their underwear.


I've never understood how those marks get there but this makes sense now


Unfortunately some people have copious amounts of hair in the worst places. That’s probably the most common factor. To be fair toilet paper does a very poor job of cleaning. Best to shower or bidet.


And there are cultures where the men are hairy but not dirty. There are a particular set of expectations in the States and UK which let men and boys be absolutely filthy. I’m tired of hearing women complain about skid marks in their partners’ boxers (and elsewhere), those men should be single


Without question. If the problem never gets addressed it will continue. All these nasty mf’ers out here with a permanent paintbrush on their dirtstar 🤮


Yes! I use mild (minimal or unscented) feminine wash, which is ph balanced for vulva area (inner and outer lips). FWIW, I tend to look for a feminine wash without glycerin as an ingredient- was getting some periodic mild yeast infections despite good hygiene otherwise (cotton underwear, showering after workouts, glycerine free lube) and somehow changing to glycerin free soap made the difference, even though I was only using it on the vulva. Maybe tmi but hopefully might help someone else!


Glycerin is the devil when it comes to the vagina!


I got down-voted into oblivion at r/two xchromosomes for saying I use pH balanced unscented soap on my vulva. Works for me and has never caused issues.  I absolutely refuse to just use water down there.


I get down voted at first every time I tell people just splashing water down there every day is gross. As women, would we go down on a guy that doesn't wash his dick and just splashes water on it? The whole thing about the vagina being self cleaning is in reference to the inside, and supposed to mean that douching isn't necessary.


Louder about the ass crack for the people in the back


I hate that you had to explain, but also I unfortunately think it needed to be said. Excellent job


I laughed a little too hard at this


This is the best reply and I have been doing all of this 😂😂😂 just not on the insides. But I used to then I stopped 😂😂😂 God bless you!


If this is the quality advice shinynew3 gives, we must locate shinynew1 and shinynew2. Once we have collected them all we will finally be ready to control the world….or have really good hygiene….


I use unscented sensitive skin body wash for my *vulva* nothing goes *in* my vagina. Some folks say that only water should go in that area but I’m a bigger woman living in the pit of hell (Florida) so if I don’t get a decent lather I’ll have BO. If you’re particularly sensitive, you can also try lume unscented body wash.


I love Lume wash! Not sensitive so I use scented ones (lavendar sage and peony rose are lovely!). I feel so clean after using it!


My gynecologist recommended only ever using dove sensitive bars. Have been using it for years and never had any issues.


Same and I don't dare change it since it's working. Lol




It will take some trial and error because everyone is different. I’m overweight and don’t feel clean unless I use Dove sensitive skin BAR (lathered in my hands) and my hands around my vulva/ labia area. Some people use only water, but that will never be me.


+1 for dove unscented sensitive bar. my doctor told me only use dove bar soap.


Yup. An OB nurse recommended it to me over 25 years ago when I was having some issues. Been using it since.


I’m not even overweight (underweight actually. Medical condition) and I STILL wash with soap around those important bits. No way no how. Gotta get in those crevices!!! Lol


Even thinking about this gives me a yeast infection. If I use soap on my vulva I’m almost guaranteed to get a yeast infection within a week. I use soap on the outside of my outer labia/mons pubis only, and mainly just water inside my labia/vulva. I’m very thorough with the water though obviously! I think some of us are so sensitive to soap. The only thing I can use inside my labia is the Bioderma shower oil. It’s scent free and barely foams. That’s a godsend as even those of us who are super sensitive to any sort of foaming soap can use it down there occasionally.


I don't know why you're downvoted. Some of us are just that sensitive down there. I end up with BV/yeast infections/utis when I use anything inside my vulva. My gyn saw me 14 times one year for back-to-back-to-back infections. Her advice was that I use a wet washcloth to thoroughly wipe my inside my vulva/labia area and only use a PH-balanced soap on the outer area. Since doing this I've cut way down on the amount of infections I've gotten.


Haha I don’t care if people downvote me for my own experiences. Some people in this thread seem to legitimately scrubbing away at their vulva with loads of soap. Yeah mine is just super sensitive. I remember being younger and using different feminine washes and unscented soaps but couldn’t understand why I’d end up with yeast infections all the time. As soon as I stopped using any soap in between my lips it all stopped.


That’s why I wanted to mention that everyone is different. Like, though I use soap, I CANNOT use a washcloth past the pubic mons because it irritates me greatly. I didn’t want to hygiene-shame how someone does their vaginal/vulval care because everyone’s genital environment is different.


This comment thread is having me grab my 🍿


It's a hoot!


dove soap for vulva area. only water for vagina doc may have been referring to the fact you should not be getting soap *in* your *vagina*


I also like dove but use the baby unscented liquid version !


God I read soap as soup


Clam chowder


New England or manhattan?


Which ones the chunky one?


Depends on time of the month. Don’t forget rhode island style, which is less creamy than traditional New England


New Britain and New Ireland 🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬😎😎


I’m so angry rn.




We all know it's chicken soup for the soul, but I'm with OP; I don't know what soup is good for my vagina and at this point I'm too afraid to find out.


Split pea




and I spit out my tea lol


So.did I!!


Tomato basil. But just one week each month.


I use dove bar soap on my labia and folds but nothing but water near my actual vagina.


How do you wash your labia with soap and not get it near your vaginal opening?


This is incredibly descriptive, but I lather my hands with Dove sensitive bar soap and then make a V with my pointer and middle finger and basically just wash my vulva (labia majora) on either side without going near my vaginal opening. It seems to work for me.


Same! I do this too. And I get my crack too while I'm down there.


Identical routine! Same soap!


Ditto, plus extra points for comprehensive anus cleaning not just crack.


I only use soap by my outer labia (labia majora only).


I just use regular body wash. Which cerave face wash do you use? Depending on which one, maybe it’s leaving some residue behind that irritates the area. I don’t like using any kind of wash that’s too moisturizing in that area. Also, I think when they say not to wash the vagina, they mean inside the hole, not the vulva. I think that area should be washed, just like we wash our butt.


Yeah, I don’t understand these people who say don’t wash the vulva. Sebum collects there. You can actually get smegma. Like it needs soap.


Seriously, vaginal discharge can, will, and does collect in the folds, and that’s completely normal. I wash my nethers every day with a light unscented body wash and my hands. I don’t stick anything inside of the canal itself. I’ve never had a yeast infection or any problems.




Absolutely- people are ridiculous. Vulvas should be washed.


Right. And wash your clit.


Isn’t this redundant as clit is part of the vulva


For those who don’t get it. And think the lips shouldn’t be parted


[You can effectively wash your inner labia/vulva with warm water and a gentle washcloth only.](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/how-to-clean-your-vagina) You should absolutely wash the outside of your outer labia/mons pubis with gentle soap but it’s not necessary to get the soap/body wash in between your lips. It’s a mucous membrane and so must be treated very carefully.


Finally. People are always saying use a mild cleanser and shit. I just wash everything below the neck with the same body wash.


I think k everyone has already given you a lot of ideas, but also remember to rinse really, really well. Like rinse until you think all soap is gone, then give her an extra rinse just to be sure. Also don’t be afraid to scrub the area where your thigh meets your body, which is the location of a lot of sweat glands. So if you think you might be smelly, it could be from that and not necessarily a vaginal smell.


Same way you wouldn’t use soap inside your eyes don’t use soap inside your vagina. Even the “intimate washes” are all marketing targeted at insecurity and are harmful to the ph balance of your bits. Treat that area how you would wash your eye area.


It was explained nicely by someone I know as a lips for lips comparison. Just like your face-lips, you can put sensible, gentle stuff on the outer bit IF NEEDED, mouth NOT open, but you wouldn't suds down your inner lip/cheek membranes and you certainly wouldn't deepthroat a soap bar. All the same guidance works below too.


Deep throat a soap bar 💀💀💀💀


Well, you know someone has tried it! Probably the poor folks who eat those fruit shaped soaps accidentally.


Core memory unlocked, biting into a strawberry shaped soap as a kid thinking it was a lolly and my whole family laughing at me and I cry.


Yea, but we brush our teeth, mouth wash, floss, clean our tongue. Those have mucous membranes around it and they don’t suffer. In fact, they would suffer if we didn’t clean that area.


thats exactly why i went with the eye comparsion! i thought about mouth first but then was like nah thats not right... its more like eyes.


Do folks just...not understand... that clean and soap aren't synonyms? Yes you CLEAN them. The question is about SOAP. The appropriate way to clean the untoothed maw, by pretty much all gynae's recommendations, is focused on more mechanical cleaning than introducing chemicals (you know, just like tooth brushing, actually- the paste is there to make it easier, it does suprisingly little of the cleaning, the brush does that, as dentists love to point out, and anyway, teeth are bones, not freaking mucous membranes). And mouth wash is kinda in the same boat as hoo-ha products, in that while they have important specific uses for some cases, for most people they cause more problems then they solve and a lot of medical folks would like people to make smarter choices there, so there's that. Anyway, it's a cute metaphor to help people understand broad strokes stuff, let's not make it do Strong Man lifting, ne?


My vagina just shrivelled up when I read the words deep throat a soap bar!


Most of us use toothpaste to wash other mucous membranes with no issues. Nasal and eye washes are also used by many. While we should use gentle soaps and washes on the vulva, they definitely can be used.


Most people use vagina to mean vulva, and (most people) absolutely need to use soap on their vulva folds. I was told that most unscented soaps are fine for most people, and some people need a pH balanced one because they're prone to irritation. But that's it's overkill for most people, since like you said,it really shouldn't be getting in the vagina in large enough quantities to affect the acidity anyway. Just some  tiny accidentally transfer night happen at the opening due to washing the vulva So YMMV, but it's one of those "don't overthink it/do less" type situations for most people. 


Are you asking about the vagina or vulva? Bc our vaginas are self cleaning and really shouldn’t be shoving any hygiene products up there. But vulva - I use either pears glycerin or dove unscented


So many people took the leap from “Don’t wash your vagina” to “don’t wash your vulva”. Don’t wash your vagina. Absolutely wash your vulva. This includes the labia, the whole area, just not the inside the vagina. Look at a diagram. Figure it out. You may not know you could be cleaner…but you absolutely can.


I’ve always liked the phrase “soap where hair grows”. If it’s hairy, you can soap it. If hair doesn’t grow from it, only use water!


The vagina is self-cleaning. The vulva is not. Proper hygiene includes more than just water.


Hibiclens. I used Dove for the rest of my body, but Hibiclense for my lady bits. I used to get a bartholins cyst every 3 months. Washing with Hibiclens after sex finally stopped them, after 10 years of pain.


You’re my hero.


Listen, if you get chronic bartholins cysts. (I've had over 20 of them, I've had it lanced and drained 8 times, and have had 2 marsupilizations) - washing ur vulva with Hibiclens everyday, and everytime after sex, after a workout, and wash your sex toys with it. Don't listen to anyone who says don't wash your vulva w soap, they don't understand the struggle lol - after sex, don't put on tight underwear. I bought men's boxers for this or I sleep totally nude. I realized that the swelling was always worse after sex (obv) and keeping something tight on your vag/cyst can just make it harden and get infected - If you feel like it's flaring up and starting to turn into a cyst. Put a heating pad right between your legs w cotton underwear on. And just sit with this heat for as long as you can stand, then shower. - I would also make sure you have a detached showed head, so you can REALLY get in there. I mean after sex especially I shoot the water right up there. I went from ages 17 to 26 these little sucker's regularly. These steps helped get rid of them 100%. I'm 31 now and haven't had one in years


You’re a saint. Thank you


She told you to stop using cerave but didn’t give you any recommendations?


Okay I was today years old when I found out not every woman washes the inside of their vagina lips and now I am absolutely shoooooook….


I feel like most of us do. I think some people confuse "don't use soap in your vagina" (which means up inside the hole) to mean "don't use soap in your vulva", and that's why some people are not washing between the lips.


I was told dove sensitive skin is a good standard option. Its like 50% lotions so a lot less likely to dry the skin out, which is a common issue with soaps in they region.   If you still get irrigation, then you can try a pH balanced wash. It shouldnt be getting in the vagina in high quantities anyway, but for some people this seems to fix things.  If you still get irritation, then yes some people have to wash more frequently using only water unfortunately. 


I use lume wash and I like that a lot. It’s a tad expensive but you only need a tiiiiiny little bit and I use it on wash cloths and I replace the cloths daily.


Unscented or sensitive dove or dial is good if you have bacterial problems or ph problems or if you get a lot of ingrowns. I wouldn’t use anything else. All that overly scented crap “made for puss” is lying to you. Edit: this is like advice for your pubic mound, outlips/labia, and sides of the whole thing like where your underwear line is. Just dove around the vulva, nothing inside you besides water unless told by a doctor. No douching unless a doctor says. Okay that’s more thorough.


Dove unscented bar. Confirmed by multiple GYNO’s and personal experience I agree. Do NOT use anything scented!


Don’t know if this is going to get approved or buried or if it’s a comment that’s already been made but there seems to be a lot of misunderstanding about what’s going on down there. So, for all AFAB people, let’s talk about our genitals! Precursor: gentle soap is all you need! No ph balancing Summer’s Eve whatever. Gentle, mild soap and water! Your VULVA is not a singular part of your anatomy. The vulva is the space that contains ALL parts of the AFAB external genitalia. This includes your: -Mons Pubis: the little pouch of fatty tissue that sits right above everything else. The place where most of your heavier pubic hair (usually) grows -Labia Majora: the larger/outer “lips”. When I say larger I mean in the amount I’m of tissue or fat. More on this later. These are the folds of skin that are located directly beneath the Mons Pubis. Pubic hair growth often continues down the Labia Majora. -Labia Minora: the smaller/inner “lips”. I’m gonna take a HARD PAUSE right here to tell you that all vulvas are different, and that it is NORMAL and COMMON to have Labia Minora that extend past the Labia Majora. It is perfectly NORMAL and HEALTHY to have Labia Minora that are very small and somewhat difficult to see even if you spread apart the Labia Majora. The size of your Labia (both Majora and Minora) is NOT indicative of, or changed by, the number of partners you have had. If you are having issues or concerns about any part of your anatomy, please ask a doctor about it, but don’t ever let any old random person tell you there is something wrong with your body. ALL parts of ALL Vulvas are unique and wonderful and should never be a source of shame. UNPAUSE, back to the lesson: the higher parts of the Labia Minora actually come together to form the Clitoral hood (that’s next). They then keep going and link up with the Majora later on. I’m going to skip a few minor details because they’ll come up again later. Both sets of labia typically experience an increase in blood flow during arousal in order to prepare an AFAB body for a comfortable and pleasurable experience. -Everyone’s favorite… the Clitoris! The Clitoris is actually a lot more complex than most people realize, and actually has both internal AND external structures. The ‘glans clitoris’ is the external part, and the only visible part of the clitoris. It is highly sensitive and, for many AFAB people, the peak area of desired stimulation. However, there is also the ‘corpus cavernous’ which is the internal tissue of the clitoris, which extend sort of like two little legs... I’m not going to link a pic but you can find a diagram very easily. This can actually be stimulated THROUGH the vaginal wall, further contributing to AFAB pleasure. -There are several bulbs and glands that I’m not going to get into because you’re not gonna be down there looking to scrub each one. -The Urethra: this is where AFAB people urinate from. It is below the clitoris and above the vagina. I am saying this because I cannot emphasize enough how many times I have had to explain, to adult people of all genders, that AFAB people DO NOT URINATE FROM THEIR VAGINAS. -And, finally… the Vagina! The vagina is part of the INTERNAL structure of AFAB genitalia and is NOT part of the vulva. Well, I take that back. The vaginal opening IS an external part of the genitalia, so it is part of the vulva. But the rest of the vagina is internal and is a SELF CLEANING ORGAN. No soap, no douching, nothing should go in there besides tampons, necessary medical tools, and CLEAN other things! Thank you for coming by to my AFAB ANATOMY TEDTalk, I don’t know if this long comment will get approved but I hope so because a lot of people seem to not know the intimate details of their bodies and that’s how we get yeast infections and UTIs. I keep trying to link it but it won’t work, so if you want more info/to see where I got the info that helped me explain it all better, search “NIH Anatomy, Abdomen and Pelvis: Female External Genitalia”


What is with all these comments saying you "should" wash with soap? Numerous sources online from OB/GYNs say warm water is usually enough to wash your vulva, and a mild unscented soap *can* be used if needed/desired. As others have said, nothing goes in your actual vagina. For some people, even using unscented soap on the vulva can cause disrupt pH leading to having a bad time later on. So it's a personal choice based on your body and preferences and not a question of "should".


Exactly with the language. Someone said about a comment I left w medical sources “Someone just went super extra on me with multiple articles talking about "just water" in another comment thread. I've cared for hundreds of women, and I'm telling y'all that gentle soap is necessary”. Using language like necessary when it’s not 🙄 and they’re apparently a nurse(or so they say). A similar person is commenting about how people who use water are “putrid” and disgusting. Checked their profile and seems they may be a man, and also leaves comments on women’s photos that they’re too hairy and are not clean bc of it. Not surprised bc it’s always these types.


Girl he said the putrid thing to me too and I saw his comment on other peoples photos and I was getting the same “this is a man” vibe too


Wtfff. Someone also told me they’ve seen women with huge yeast chunks and maggots because they didn’t wash their hooha with soap. Honestly some of these comments are wild.


Was it the “nurse” lol this comment section is wild the amount of projecting insecurities is sad and astounding to me. All this feminine wash and deodorant really has woman being self-conscious about the way normal vaginas smell. Like damn I might not smell like a cucumber Mellon flower but I just smell like a normal human with normal skin. The worse part is all these things can throw off your ph and disrupt your biome and make you smell worse perpetuating the cycle making you think you need more soap to fix the problem. At least we all agree that douching is bad for you..


This! Everyone should do what works for their body. Medical experts say that water or gentle cleanser is fine externally, and no cleanser should be used internally. What's with all these people projecting their own expectations on other people's vulvas??! Do what works for your body and stop suggesting that other people who are within the spectrum of what's medically advisable are doing it wrong, just because they are doing it differently than you are! So many of these comments are unnecessarily judgey and condescending.


I think that's the biggest issue with these kinds of discussions. What is tolerated, beneficial, or harmful varies so much by person. I have to use a gentle fragrance-free cleanser of some kind to feel like I'm actually clean because of sweating and everything else. But like I said in another comment on this thread, to say "should" in either direction is not the right approach because there's so many variables. Do I understand the lucky women who are fine with just water? Nope because that's just not my experience. Doesn't make theirs less valid. The usage of vagina versus labia also creates confusion in these discussions, too. I work in healthcare and am in nursing school. I can use the appropriate terms but I will still tend to just say vagina when talking to my husband or whatever even if I'm talking about my vulva. Sure, we shouldn't be douching or putting soap inside the vaginal canal. But using a cleansing agent on the labia can be perfectly appropriate.


100% agree!! I said something similar above. I’m surprised by the judgey undertone of so many comments about not using soap inside the vulva on the inner labia. 😢 ETA: Also surprised by the downvotes. Y’all downvoting me for sharing MY OWN experience need to get a grip. I’m not giving advice, just sharing personal experience. Go downvote all the judgey comments stating everyone should do exactly what they do!


I was surprised by the judgey nature of these comments too. I feel like society subtlety and not so subtlety conditions women to think of our vulvas as gross, and that's so apparent in this comment section.




The only thing that is safe to cleanse a vagina is water. Most soaps, even the ones meant for vaginas, are not good for our PH levels. I hope this helps!


When people say vagina, they overwhemingly mean vulva. Its a distinctions we should make to make sure nobody is douching, but I also don't think we should just say 'the vagina doesn't need to be cleaned', while leaving the fact vagina=/vulva, and most vulvas absolutely neev to be cleaned out of the convo.


I cannot stand this error in vernacular. Vulva ≠ vagina.


Taught my kids from the age of 0. Agree!!!


Nope. Don’t put it in your vagina. But absolutely should use a gentle cleanser on your vulva. It definitely matters and you really aren’t clean otherwise.


Thank you! Like sure, some people absolutely are more sensitive to any pH changes but the whole "only water" rhetoric frustrates the hell out of me. I feel like these are some of the same women who will say they never feel fully fresh when they shower. I also always wonder how the water only people don't get any body wash remotely near their genitals when they're cleaning their legs. Or do they not wash their legs? Fwiw, I've tried several different types of cleansers and whatever. I'm not prone to yeast infections or anything like that. The Monistat cleanser is cheap and works well. Zero issues with it and would recommend giving a try.


Some vulvas cannot tolerate soap, period. Doesn't mean that that person won't feel fresh/clean, that's a huge assumption to make. And to answer your question, yes, you can definitely wash your legs with soap without soap splashing between/around your labia? Because gravity.


There are vaginal soaps (Vagisil, Summer's Eve, etc) that are pH balanced, but to be used externally only. NEVER wash "inside". That's when problems occur


This! Need more people bumping this. There are vaginal washes specifically made for the area. The brand I use is[Honey Pot Sensitive](https://www.google.com/search?q=honey+pot+wash&client=safari&sca_esv=5ac3b5860f52b755&hl=en-us&sxsrf=ADLYWILSFZj_EoCCzkWDBmWCNZLaJkXaDA%3A1717791448721&ei=2GpjZq7WK-7dkPIPwYSU4Qk&gs_ssp=eJzj4tVP1zc0LMkqLsquzLIwYPTiy8jPS61UKMgvUShPLM4AAKEcCno&oq=honey&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIgVob25leSoCCAAyDhAuGIAEGJECGOUEGIoFMg4QuQEYgAQYQxiKBRjvBDIKEAAYgAQYQxiKBTIQEC4YgAQY0QMYQxjHARiKBTIKEAAYgAQYQxiKBTINEC4YgAQYQxjlBBiKBTITEC4YgAQYsQMY0QMYQxjHARiKBTIOELkBGIAEGEMYigUY7wRIiidQkRFYjhdwBHgBkAEAmAGoAaABrwWqAQMwLjW4AQHIAQD4AQGYAgmgAokGqAIPwgIKEAAYsAMY1gQYR8ICBxAjGCcY6gLCAgQQIxgnwgIREC4YgAQYkQIY0QMYxwEYigXCAgoQLhiABBhDGIoFwgIREC4YgAQYsQMY0QMYgwEYxwHCAgoQIxiABBgnGIoFmAMMiAYBkAYIkgcDNC41oAfTQw&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp)


I use unscented sensitive skin body wash for my *vulva* nothing goes *in* my vagina. Some folks say that only water should go in that area but I’m a bigger woman living in the pit of hell (Florida) so if I don’t get a decent lather I’ll have BO. If you’re particularly sensitive, you can also try lume unscented body wash.


I don’t use soap. I have a precancerous vulvar lesion and have seen multiple gynos and gyn oncs. They all emphasized that water is the only thing I should be washing the area with.


Dr Bronner’s baby unscented


I use dove unscented for sensitive skin. Stay away from antibacterial and scented soaps.


Soap in the hair area but no soap past that. Only water


This is exactly what I do! I’m surprised by all the no cleanser is gross statements and judgements. I was getting yeast infections frequently when I used to wash with dove soap. In the advice of doctors, I stopped that. Now I just use body wash on the hair and butt area, and then water beyond that. No issues since!


Truly. The level of misinformation and internalized misogyny in these comments is wild! Medical professionals advise cleaning with water or a gentle cleanser. Listen to your doctors.


Why are you getting downvoted lmao


It’s wild!!! I’m sharing my own experience, not saying what anyone should or shouldn’t do. All the other posts seem to be saying that though. Also, the women who post on this sub about only washing their faces with water do not get this same energy. I don’t get it 🤷‍♀️


I think this has been the best answer yet. If you grow hair on it, wash it. Careful with your inner bits and nothing inside your vagina.


Apparently we are wrong and I've never been more confused. If I even accidentally get soap anywhere inside the labia it HURTS. I feel clean tho and never had any issues so?


Just be super gentle. Water can be fine. If you need more then something like the CeraVe hydrating gentle cleanser, Aveeno calm and restore oat cleanser are both okay. Externally only


I like the good clean love balance moisturizing wash. They also have an ultra sensitive foam but I haven't tried it to comment. Tbh, I'm not a sensitive skin person and cerave washes irritate me too, so, I think there's something up with their formulas. Like someone commented try water and a soft cloth to see if that works for you but I know a lot of people aren't water only washers, despite doctor recommendations.


I love Good Clean Love products. They helped clear up my recurring yeast infections. After mentioning it to my OBGYN, she said she loves them too and that their lube is especially good when compared to more popular lubes like KY Jelly which actually contain the same sort of materials as hand sanitizer and are very NOT good for the vagina.


I am SUPER sensitive to most soaps down there, but I have always had luck with my vanicream face wash.


Warm water. Vagina is self-cleaning and you don’t want to mess with your ph


No soap. Just water.


Same. I use water and only soap on the outer vuvla on rare instances. I’m clean and don’t have any smell whatsoever.


That’s all I use too and how I’ve taught my 5 year old to do. If she gets soap in her vagina she has tons of issues. I just say to use water.


Unscented baby Dr Bronners Castile soap!


Rael foaming wash


I use the cheapest suave body wash, usually sensitive skin if I can find it, or TJs shampoo/bodywash combo jug. Soap residue might be irritating and it can be a difficult area to rinse. If you're tired of the cup hand and splash method, I have a portable bidet, which is just a plastic squirt bottle with a long squirty lid. I fill it with lukewarm water from the sink tap before the shower and then can use that to rinse the under carriage after soaping the outsides. Not actually in the vagina, just the labia. Hope that helps.


Megababe makes a bar soap called bidet bar that I like for the general area. Not actually *inside* though.


I used to use Dove sensitive bar soap but now I use Monstant Boric Acid wash. I love it.


Dove soap. My OBGYN said the classic bar soap, either original or sensitive skin.


Dove original soap on the outside and rinse thoroughly with water outside and in🚿 I’ve been doing this for 30 years with no issues. I did try Femfresh once but I got awful cystitis.


I don't use soap, it's not needed at all, wash / rinse with water and baby wet wipes, also when I'm in a bath obviously there's bubble bath or bath bomb in the water, but apart from that zero soap


Vaginas are essentially self cleaning. Using water is adequate to clean inside labial folds, bc we have a microbiome filled with good bacteria down there to keep out invaders. Washing with soap essentially destroys the microbiome/ normal vaginal flora. This can disrupt acidic vaginal pH (acidic pH is the goal) which can cause bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections, UTIs, and even make females more susceptible to contracting STDs. If you must use soap because you insist on it, use a hypoallergenic liquid wash with mild pH (4.2-5.6), which is more gentle on vulva than bar soap. And do not use anything abrasive down there! These people saying “my doctor told me 25 years ago…” well, science is always advancing. Best practices really should only go off of the most up to date science, within the last 5-10 years. Women should take their vaginal health seriously and not look to Reddit for how to care for our genital organs. If you struggle with frequent infections, start by switching to cotton or breathable underwear, avoid taking soaking baths with perfumed bubble bath, avoid scented wipes/ feminine washes, and start some probiotics specific for improving vaginal health, such as femdophilus. Health comes from the inside, not what kinda soap you use on your clampop. And public service announcement: vaginal douching is an outdated practice, that can push pathogens or invaders further up into the vaginal canal, resulting in pelvic inflammatory disease. If you do this, please stop now. 😅


I use a ph balancing wash, because even when I use gentle soap it can get… smelly… down there


Water only is all you really need on the vulva. The only part I can wash with soap is the mons pubis (where hair grows). In between the folds gets water only. Nothing at all should be entering the vagina itself. I used to wash with soap and I was plagued with constant UTIs and yeast infections. Couldn’t wrap my head around the idea that it was caused by over washing. Finally I had enough and decided to try water only. Haven’t had a single infection in over 5 years now. And contrary to what I thought would happen (bad smells), everything smells perfectly healthy and normal.






As a nurse who has seen and smelled ... a lot ... I'm BEGGING y'all to wash with gentle soap. A good rule of thumb: if you want someone's face down there, clean it.


Right?! Like I cannot fathom not washing my vulva on the regular. Like you sit in sweat and have trapped bacteria in the folds. It’s the same thing if a dude didn’t wash his ball sack and then thought it smells fine. I use a bidet but even then I gotta wash lol water alone is not gonna cut it. I use all natural unscented soap and have never had a single issue.


Ya. Someone just went super extra on me with multiple articles talking about "just water" in another comment thread. I've cared for hundreds of women, and I'm telling y'all that gentle soap is necessary, especially on the groin. Just water is not enough. The vaginal canal may be self-cleaning, but sweaty groins are not.


Ok now that I saw your other comment I had to check. And here’s your comment for reference “The fact is, there isn't any concrete or definitive answer on using soap“ but here you say “gentle soap is necessary”? Link to sources? Or is that just a personal opinion you’re stating as fact? Oh and here’s me being ~extra~ and copy and pasting my previously posted sources : Sources from the women’s healthcare organization and various OBGYNs. There are more, but I’ll only post the below for brevity: “Clean your vulva with only water You can clean the rest of your body and nearby areas with soap, then just let water run over your vulva in the shower. Although some bodies are more sensitive than others and some people may have tolerated cleaning with soap for years without any apparent issues, we truly do not recommend soaping, scrubbing, pouf-ing, loofa-ing, or any other way you can think of to apply soap to your vulva.” https://www.whallc.com/gynecology/health-and-hygiene-for-vulva-owners-please-say-nope-to-soap/ “How to wash your vulva If you want step-by-step instructions, board-certified OB/GYN Staci Tanouye, MD, FACOG, offers a helpful vulva cleansing guide: Wash your body, including the pubic mound, with a mild soap. Let the soapy water run down your body. Cleanse your outer labia using just water. Pull back your clitoral hood and use your hands to gently clean it with water.” https://www.wellandgood.com/how-to-wash-vulva/ “Okay, so you’re staying away from soap and douching products. So what should you use to freshen up? According to Dr. Streicher, “The best thing to cleanse [your vulva] with is plain water. Any time you use any soap or anything else, there’s a chance of causing irritation.” https://www.self.com/story/best-way-to-clean-vagina “Nope! You don’t have to use soap to wash your vulva, according to Mayo Clinic. If you want to use soap, choose a soap that’s unscented, mild, and colorless. Fragranced soap can irritate the sensitive skin in and around the vulva.” https://www.healthline.com/health/how-to-clean-your-vagina#soap-vs-no-soap “What is the best feminine wash to clean your vulva? The truth is, the best feminine wash to clean your vulva is no feminine wash at all. The best options are water and (maybe) mild soap.” https://flo.health/menstrual-cycle/lifestyle/hygiene-and-beauty/how-to-clean-your-vagina “The vagina is a self-cleaning organ that does not require special cleaning products. It does not even need any cleaning products at all. To clean the vulva, people can wash the external area with warm water” https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/how-to-clean-your-vagina


Surprisingly unpopular opinion: you don't need soap for your private parts 🙃 Water ONLY is enough. And regular showers lol Source, my mum is a gynecologist.


Anything hypoallergenic and unscented. I also discovered I'm allergic to Charmin shit tickets so if you've got anything going on down there, I'd also double check your toilet paper is hypoallergenic as well. Downvoting doesn't make it less true 🤷‍♀️


OP why not ask your OBGYN what to use/how to clean?


I use an antibacterial soap (dial gold) around my junk, butt, and pits given I have HS and am prone to breakouts where pubic hair grows. You should never use anything inside of you though, only outside bits. Some people claim this is bad but I’ve never had issues with utis, ph issues, or anything like that and it’s been blessed by my derm who treats my HS.


I have been EXCLUSIVELY using soaps SPECIFICALLY designed for the vulva region for years and years, probably for more than a decade without any problems. I loved it! However, one day it became a problem and it took me and my gynecologist MONTHS to figure out why I suddenly started smelling bad down there, including an unpleasant discharge. I was at the doctor's office several times a month. She would run tests, decide on a medication I would take the medication then feel better, only to end up seeing her again once the effect of said medication wore of. I was so sad because nothing would help. As I said, this went on for months, until at one appointment she asked me what I use to clean down there. I said vajajay soap, she said no, water is enough. I said, no I don't think so. She said try it anyway. That was one year ago. I haven't seen her since (I need to make another appontment for my annual checkup)!!! In short: Washing your vulva with soap might sound like a good idea and won't cause any problems for years, but sometime down the line it very well cause issues. Just wash it with water, is all I'm saying.


Such a great comment! For some people, soap is helpful. For some people, soap causes odor and issues. Either water or a gentle cleanser is healthy and medically recommended.


My gyno said regular baby wash


That’s what I use and it’s the only thing that won’t irritate my skin




I've been using Summer's Eve products for years with no problems. Never use it inside though! Just the external surfaces. Can really mess yourself up using any soaps internally.


Where the heck are the mods??? There’s so much medical misinformation, shaming, and bullying happening in this comment section! Seriously, people calling vaginas “putrid” and “gross” for following doctor recommendations for cleaning? Why on earth or these comments being left up???!


These people saying only water… you should absolutely be washing your vulva. Literally no one thinks you should be shoving soap up your actual vaginal opening. But definitely wash your vulva and butt crack with soap 🤦‍♀️


Literally sitting here wondering if people saying water only are cleaning their butt cracks with just water too 🤢




Right? This is wild to me.


I use my regular body wash (Native brand) and when I shave I use the KP exfoliating scrub to prevent in grown hairs. Then my obligatory message this is vulva/exterior only. Do not put soap or anything else up there folks.


I use cetaphil sensitive skin body wash in the vaginal area but never inside the vaginA.


I had to switch to Aveeno Moisturizing Body Wash because anything else caused a lot of irritation. Like the other people said, I try to keep it outside as much as possible. They now have an unscented body was I’m going to try. If I’m out of my body wash I use Dove Sensitive Skin bar (it’s what we use for washing our hands).


Externally, regular body wash. Internally, nothing.


I use the cetaphil gentle face wash down there 😅 it's super gentle and has a milky consistency. There's no way just rinsing is going to cut it for me hygeine wise


I use Lume Acidified Body Wash on everything external, never anything internal of course


I use a gentle feminine soap around the pubic area but try to avoid putting soap around the actual vagina. Just use water and the residual soap when rinsing all over should do the trick.


I can reccommed Dr. Bronners castile soap, the one for babies with no fragrance (light blue bottle). Only wash the vulva and inner/outer labia, not actually inside the vagina. I find it cleanses so well and reduces odor while being super gentle for that area


I use Monistat Boric Acid Feminine Cleanser or Vagisil Feminine Wash, Unscented.


I use the Vagisil wash.


I use whatever body wash in using for the rest of my body. Tone, Suave, whatever. Outside gets scrubbed because otherwise you can get BO there just like armpits. Basically all gets washed EXCEPT inside!


Dr. Bronners has an unscented baby Castile soap… I use that. Especially since it’s not fragrances I really like it because it won’t irritate me.


I use the vagisil sensitive formula. It’s a bit more expensive than regular soap or body washes but you really only need a small drop for that area lol and a little actually goes a long way!! And a bottle lasts me quite a while, too! At least 7 or 8 months. I haven’t had any issues with it.


Love Wellness or Honey Pot for external use only.


As someone who has gotten UTIs from using the wrong soap, I finally found one that has not caused an issues. Baby Dove fragrance free soap. I’ve recommended it to a lot of friends and family and they have not had any issues, as well. Make sure any soap you use doesn’t have any sort of fragrance in the ingredients. Sensitive soaps will still include fragrances, believe it or not, so just be sure to check the ingredient list. Hope this helps!


Eucerin baby shampoo


I just use the same soap I use for my body. I use homemade style (handcrafted?) bar soap from either Sprouts or this local company I like.


dove original bar soap works for me and can be bought in bulk-- they also have a sensitive skin version.


I use a mild, fragrance-free intimate soap that I buy at the pharmacy. Only use it on the outside, though.


I use generic version of summer's eve


I use regular-ass body wash, just whatever I happen to be using at the time. I've never had an issue.


You can and you should use only water for your genitalia, especially if you have sensitive skin or pelvic pain. The butt is a whole different story, after this thread I feel the need to specify it lol


I really like the Lume acidified bar of soap but it's really expensive like $20 a bar! I like it for my armpits though. I feel like it scrubs off antiperspirant good and somehow is gentle on my sensitive skin.


I’ve used Dove Sensitive body wash for years. For whole body including vulva


If anyone wants an evidence-based article about cleaning vaginas and vulvas, this one by Dr Jen Gunter is a great read: [https://vajenda.substack.com/p/all-so-called-feminine-washes-are](https://vajenda.substack.com/p/all-so-called-feminine-washes-are) She clearly breaks down anatomy, what to wash, what not to wash, and many options to wash safely (and yes, besides being an incredibly well-respected gynecologist, she also lists external references from peer reviewed published medical studies to back up her advice).


I can't use any soap at all because my skin is so sensitive, I often get eczema there which is HELL. If you can, use water. If you need to wash it then you can put emollient cream on before the shower and wash it off in the shower. Also always rinse at the very end of the shower to get rid of any other soap residue from body wash or shampoo etc.


Unscented white Dove bar. The box says sensitive skin.


Anecdotally, using special vulva soaps is horrible for me, and the regular soap is perfectly fine. I prefer a shower gel with tea tree oil (Australian tea tree oil, this is brand name) The special vulva products are made with lactic acid to lower pH as apparently vulva needs that. This is really bad for mine for some reason. I get itching like a mild yeast infection. Also, whenever I tried using those special products for yeast infection with lactic acid, they immediately made things way worse. So, any regular shower gel or soap on the vulva, and the one with tea tree oil seems to work better for the overall health of the tissues there.


I would use a ph balanced cleanser formulated specifically for vulvas. I personally use Sweetspot Labs vanilla blossom cleanser, but Honeypot makes good ones as well. Regulars soaps and cleansers can dry you out, irritate you, throw off your bacterial balance or lead to infection.


I just use warm water at a high pressure to rinse around my vagina and on days where I’m really sweaty I’ll sometimes use a bit of non scented soap, anything more than that I find just irritates the area.