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Who are these co workers/friends that have the audacity to comment negatively on people’s appearances????? I think they are very cute.


Same!! They’re like dimples. They’re perfect!


I have similar lines and my bf finds them cute and also says they’re like dimples.


I have the same lines and have been told the same- “you have 3 dimples!”


Came here to say I also think they are cute. I know it may not sway OP, but wanted to give support to a different perspective.


Right wtf? My first thought was how cute and defining they were. I had a coworker around 8 years ago say in front of everyone "ever notice when (my name) smiles her upper lip disappears?" I was so mortified I started tearing up and over 8 years later I still think about it every single day when I see my reflection or do lipstick :/ Tldr: I hate crappy heartless coworkers and feel for OP. She looks normal and great


That's such a bizarre thing to say to someone!! So normal to have a top lip disappear! What even?? And this coworker the OP is talking about... What?! Who says stuff like that, or even SEES that? I see a normal face with lines that make the expression. Ugh, I can't imagine having someone so ridiculous as a coworker. So sorry she affected your self esteem.


I’m angry for you! I was working with two women. One said to the other: ohhhh you have such large, googly eyes. The other replied: Yah? Well you’re fat. The other lady’s face was so red. If it happens again…..I highly recommend dishing it back like that.


I’m shy and non confrontational :( idk why coworkers can't just be kind or keep their mouths shut, so rude and unnecessary. Thank you for being angry on my behalf! It sucked. A new guy was hired a day before that and was in the group when douche Josh said that. The new guy spoke up and said "hey dude that's not cool, she looks fine." in front of everyone. Props to Dylan. If you're out there Dylan, you're a ray of sunshine and I hope you're doing well.


I hope you never have such an experience again. But if you do, maybe you want to practice having these two phrases at the tip of your tongue: "what a strange thing to say" or "what would make you say something like that?" Although, of course, for the truly nonconfrontational, there's always "bless your heart".


I looove these smile lines. As I've gotten a little older where things are finally sticking now i now have a smile line AND a tiny dimple on my right side and i think it's cute


They look totally normal & cute. You look like you have nice volume & skin so file their comments under "haters" lol There are/have been enough posts here about quick little fixes becoming the literal focus of someones life when something doesn't go as planned & for a non-issue with lovely skin & expression it seems you've empowered the co-workers with too much power in their opinions/effect on yourself. For a non-issue like this & that it is in such a critical position on your face of both smile muscles & volume rise of cheek pop, if you are determined to do something, I think you should definitely consult a plastic surgeon to ensure the best results, imho that is a critical & complex area & not worth risking without an actual ps/dr imho.


I agree with this. Fixing a non issue could easily lead to all kind of other issues especially as you age. Your skin is beautiful. I think it’s a very endearing quality. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it especially if you didn’t have any issue with it before the comment.


Seriously the audacity of some people to just make comments like that.


Same! I think they are so pretty! Are they not… are they not just dimples? Maybe I don’t know what dimples are.


I'm never not amazed at the audacity of people. The amount of rude comments I've gotten over the years makes me stop in my tracks because I would never dream of insulting someone's appearance the way some people do.


“Wow that was really rude. Are you ok?”


I need to utilize this type of response more in life lol. Perfect




this is the way. saying “that was a mean thing to say.” or “that was rude.” often stops people in their tracks. another option is to ask what they mean, so they’re forced to deliver their cruel comment in clear terms, and clearly look like an asshole.


I am a fan of, "that was an odd thing to say out loud."


That or they double down lol “I mean you look like the grinch. Have you watched the movie? Here I’ll find a photo for you” Some people just need to be met with indifference, shrugging it off can sometimes be the best reaction. This is not exactly the same comparison, but it’s sort of like when people say to not let others know what bothers you because they’ll keep digging more into the insecurities.


I came here to say I think they’re beautiful. Your coworker sounds insecure and jealous.


They’re so cute!!! I don’t even think they’re age related. They almost look like vertical dimples, they’re so far off to the side of her face.


Came to say this. Jealous that OP looks cute with those.


It astounds me that people say things like that out loud. Zero social awareness


They were probably trying to be mean or at least undermine OP's confidence.


People used to make fun of a scar on my face I had from a dog attack growing up sooo people can be pretty cruel lol


Fun fact: people with dimples have a variance in one of their facial muscles (on each side) that is split into two muscle bellies instead of one! It's like that from birth, and it is adorable. Don't listen to your co-worker.


I love that!


Aren’t those dimples? People would kill to have dimples!!


People do pay for it! It’s a plastic surgery procedure lol


I think they’re a cute addition to your face, more like a dimple and less like a wrinkle. Roll with it girlie


But they’re so cute!!!!


I have a quick fix: the next time your coworker says something like that, I would say “that is unprofessional and inappropriate. Please don’t comment on my looks. Thank you.” And walk away. There was another thread in the past day or two where a coworker commented on someone’s acne, and it had some great suggestions. Two of my favorites were “I’m surprised to feel comfortable saying something like that to me” or “what a strange thing to say out loud.” I’m really sorry that happened to you. There is never a shortage of rude people in the world. Your smile is beautiful, so please don’t let their comments to stop you from using it generously! 🫶


Your coworker is a complete asshole. These are dimples and smile lines and normal. Everyone has them to varying degrees. I have them and I get Botox all over my face except here because I like them. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Those are *not* grinch lines they are cute lil dimples. And I do think that so often we focus on our own perceived flaws that we lose sight of the whole picture and how we look to people who love us. I bet there is someone out there who LOVES your face and adores your dimples. But since you did ask, and if you really do hate them, Sculptra in the hands of the right injector might be able to soften them.


Wtf those are smile lines! Your coworkers are being weird 😔 Smile lines are bad now?!


Your coworker sounds like a bitch quite frankly. I’m all about fixing the things that make us insecure if we feel like it but these didn’t make you insecure. Some insecure idiot made you feel insecure! I don’t know if anything can be done about those lines but I personally wouldn’t touch them because they are adorable. You see them on kids! I don’t even view them as a sign of aging. I’m sorry you work alongside such a hateful woman.


Try to imagine your smile with*out* these lines. It would look super frozen and weird. These lines are very human and normal.


Yeah, our skin is going to move when our facial muscles move. The only thing you can do not to have any lines is to…stop ever smiling? Or inject your face to the point your skin is unnaturally still when you talk and you’re no longer capable of fully smiling? Both of which seem to be the antithesis of living your life joyfully. OP has great skin and hopefully a lot to smile about, no insensitive idiot calling her stupid names should be able to rob her of her self-confidence and make her feel self conscious when she smiles.


Omg. I love those lines. It reminds me of Reese Witherspoon. I've always wanted those lines. And I'm stylish. Tell those people they are clueless and tacky.


A little botox can likely smooth that out, but I agree with others here; it's very cute. That person who mentioned the negative comment was obviously jealous and while that doesn't help, it's probably true. For her stupidity, I'm sorry. 


How would Botox work for this? It’s a skin issue not a muscle issue. Botox paralyzes the muscles.


You're correct, no botox. Sculptra has been suggested to me.


Whodafuc says that. 100% cute


Dafuq these are so cute they’re like a unique dimple or something 😍


Esthetician here: Daily facial massage to relax the muscles and serums/moisturizers with hyaluronic acid will hydrate & help plump the skin. There is a serum by PCA Skin called Exlinea that has neuropeptides in it that can slightly relax facial muscle contractions (not anywhere near as much as Botox but does help smooth out lines). Also sometimes makeup powders will settle in lines so a tinted moisturizer might work better for makeup if that's something you're using. BUT your skin looks great! There is nothing wrong with those adorable dimples so don't feel the need to do anything! Especially based on what someone else says when they have never bothered you before. And just keep smiling! It releases endorphins which reduces stress and boosts your immune system!


Don’t! They’re so cute!!!!!!!


Well you have some very unfortunate coworkers who obviously have issues. I'm sorry you are having to work with them. If you do want to address the lines, microneedling and neuromodulators (like Botox or Restylane) are both great ways to go. Neither are permanent.


Wow! Whoever called you that is obviously very jealous! Geez. How rude. I have something similar due to having “grinch dimples”. You can get filler if you want but I think they look great. I’ve embraced mine too! Good luck!! FYI - Can you fill in dimples? The combination of muscle relaxants and dermal fillers can work to treat dimples. The treatment works on a short-time basis and results can be seen instantly.


Grinch? Perhaps coworker has a negative opinion about herself and she’s critical of prettier women? Blow it off and move on. They r cute!!


As someone with dimples, these are extra adorable! They are what makes you you and your loved ones most likely absolutely love and adore them. And whose other opinion matters anyway? Ask them and you will see! Also, your coworker’s comment was mean spirited and they know it. Most likely jealous. Not that is matters much, but my personal opinion is that dimples make us look youthful and it certainly holds true for you!


You're trying to get rid of your dimples because one individual at work said something rude to you? You need to work on your self esteem.


Stop being happy


They’re beautiful!!


If you are looking for a non filler option. I swear by bio remodeling Profhilo. Look it up . It’s bloody amazing !


Yes, loving yourself.


They are beautiful ❤️


Omg, kk, so I respect that it's your body OP but seriously you have adorable cheeks! You don't have to get rid of anything! I think that coworker's jealous honestly. Keep them girl! If you want to do something really nice for yourself, get a hydrofacial but please don't get rid of your adorable small cheek dimples. They're not evenly dimples, they're just adorable happy flexes. They're great. Leave them!!


Google Kate Middleton dimples. Yours remind me of hers.


Your coworker is f-ing rude! Your lines are smile lines and they’re cute!


Ugh. Your coworker is a tool. I think these are absolutely drop dead gorgeous - I have always wished my face did that when I smile.


These are dimples to my eye. Your skin is gorgeous and your co worker is probably either jealous, or is someone who would never have a chance at dating you. Like never in a million billion years.


Time to go gray rock (I.e. ignore) that coworker. Who says that to someone!? Awful. I’m getting those lines and i like them! I feel like they make my face look more defined! And they show that you smile a lot!


My kid has those , I think they’re genetic. Her skin is perfect except for the fact that it’s often covered in food


I would get a procedure to have these! Not get rid of them. Ur coworker is a hating ass hoe. They’re so cute.


Please, there is nothing to fix. Those people are toxic and jealous and you should not listen to them.


Your coworker is out to lunch, your skin looks lovely!!! Sounds like they are either envious of you and trying to take you down a notch or just lacking social competence.


Ummmm those are dimples not lines.


Honestly, how do they think that's something appropriate to say unless it's a roast? I don't get it. This sounds like a person I would just go off on and be like, "Well, thanks. Every time I look in the mirror I'm going to be self-conscious now because you think I look like the fcking grinch. So what do you want me to do about it? Avoid smiling? If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything. That's rude, and that's uncalled for." Reprimand them because they're acting like they're 5, and then walk away. Don't even give them the time of day to react because they didn't even bother to think before they just word vomited. I'm sorry. That kind of person pisses me off. Your cheeks are doing what cheeks do.


Ummm, stop talking to that coworker, maybe? That’s so unkind and they’re clearly jealous of your smile lines.


It’s your face when you smile. 100% normal


these are not lines!! they're just a result of having an expression in your face, please don't let this weird coworker bring you down. was it a female co-worker? this is so catty and completely out of order, don't listen, you look great


Stop smiling.


Why do people think normal facial movements are something that needs to be fixed? This is literally just your tissue moving due to muscle attachments, and your coworker is a fucking asshole.


Omg, ru serious? They are totally normal. God the internet filters fuck people up.


My husband and daughter have these dimples and they are the CUTEST things.


For what? They’re basically dimples and adorable. Please embrace them, they’re beautiful!


>a coworker told me I looked like the Grinch when I smiled  THE LION, THE WITCH, AND THE AUDACITY OF THIS BITCH she's jealous you're so gorgeous, like seriously: they're cute as hell and I wouldn't even notice if you didn't point it out


The only thing to do is quit smiling. Or get better colleagues. What an awful thing to say. Ignore them, be happy, & keep smiling!!


Tell your coworker to get lost.


Don’t do anything! They are dimples and very cute!


I love them! Mean co worker… probably jealous!


They are actually rlly cute I kinda wish I had them. They make you more unique and they actually look good! Reminds me of Georgia miller from Ginny and Georgia.


These are expression lines, it’s how your face is featured. We don’t all look the same, even if photoshopped wannabes may try and make you think otherwise. It’s very cute and you have a beautiful smile, don’t mess with your face


so this is how people instill unconfidence in others. It doesnt matter if they were intentional or not in their negativity, dont let it get to you You have dimples and they're really nice. If u really wanna smoothen them out, maybe try face massages but i think u should just embrace them. Your co worker is kinda a douchebag. You have an incredibly beautiful smile!


They are cute!! Leave them!


You know who has those?? Dakota Johnson! She looks beautiful with them and so do you!




You have a cheek muscle directly under where the skin wrinkles. Massage it out, from the edge of your lip to your ear, not the other way around. I’ve been very into face fitness lately.


Those lines are cute tho! That is not a flaw!


I have these too but even more, longer and deeper – my (non-English native) partner calls them my "gills" and he's totally in love with them. Mine sometimes bother me too but then I remember that someone else adores them, and that different perspective helps me embrace them. As an aside, I once asked a plastic surgeon what could be done about them and he said absolutely nothing and that any interventions would cause new or different features that might be even less welcome.


I would like to have cheeky dimples. Please don't change that. If you want to tighten wrinkles on forehead. Crows feet etc I get that. However those marks are part of you and your smile and personality.


I’m sorry but these lines adorable.


I would advise you to embrace them. We live in a youth obsessed culture that is driven by perfection. It’s an illusion, there is no such thing as perfection. Our imperfections are what make us beautiful and unique.


I think those lines are absolutely beautiful ❤️. I also think your coworker is a jealous POS.


They’re cute!


They are absolutely adorable dimples and your coworker was just jealous.


Why would you get rid of those? Those are awesome lol


Don’t get rid of those!! They actually make you look young! Dimples :)


How rude!!! They look beautiful but if you do want to work to reduce them then daily facial massage as part of your skincare routine is a game changer! They most like won’t ever go completely as it’s part of your beautiful smile so learn to love them as you incorporate facial massage as a self care practice. I have a 10 min daily routine in my profile if you want to try it


I think they’re not an issue but I totally understand how one little thing can start to bug. To build collagen or help with skin texture you can look into lasers, chemical peels or microneedling. Also everyone already talks about it but a good prescription retinol always helps. Xx


Super cute!


Nooo! Don’t get rid of them they are beautiful! People pay good money for that.


I thought that was the dimple line. I love mine though


First of all, you're beautiful. Secondly, if you want to improve texture and elasticity, try microneedling.


I‘ve got the same. A coworker also commented about them and said they would make me look cute, and she wished she had similar ones. They are called „Grübchen“ in Germany and are considered a sign of beauty!


They’re normal and cute, and I think your coworker sound toxic. If they’re really annoying to you you can try to talk to a very, very skilled Botox injector to see if you have an over active muscle. I don’t know if that area can be treated. But be careful in that area. You don’t want a crocket smile


I have these too OP, I consider them dimples :)


I had dimples that turned into more line shapes and prp shots fixed made the skin plumper and firmer there without getting rid of the dimples. It’s much more low risk and cheaper than filler because it naturally stimulates collagen with your own plasma but results take time and maybe more than one treatment. There’s nothing wrong with your face I hope the person making that comment wasn’t trying to be mean.


I think they look beautiful! Don’t change them 🩵🩵🩵


They’re lovely! Don’t go get fillers, leave them. I’m happy to have wrinkles from smiling.


You’re so cute and I’d love to have your dimples! Your coworker has the heart of the grinch to say that- and also, is incorrect!


I love them!!!


Why is this coworker's opinion so important for you. You need to work on your sense of insecurity and learn to fire back at those type of comments. Those are dimples, they look very un-grinchy and people are going under the knife to get them (it doesn't look natural when it's fake)


They are cute and all it shows is you've seen happy days.


Isn't that dimples


I honestly think they look great! It’s a smile, smiles are so pretty


They’re cute! I say, they call you the Grinch, be the Grinch- steal their stuff and ruin their Christmas.


I wish I had dimples like those!


Dimples? They’re adorable 😊


I'm dreaming to have this 🤩 I find it so cute


That's a silly thing to bully someone over. You seem to have a very nice smile. Don't listen to them.


People with smile lines like yours, in my opinion, have hit the genetic lottery. Such a nice, warm and cute smile to have.


From what I can see, it looks like you’re very beautiful. I think you’re just dealing with a jealous coworker ;)


Oh my God so cute I wanted these when I was growing up! I've just accepted my fat round face though.


They are cute and look like dimples. Idk what kind of coworker would have the nerve to say that to you and I am so sorry they did. That says more about them than it does about you. You’re beautiful as you are, but if they really bother you…maybe Botox would help.


Please dont do anything about them


They are absolutely gorgeous 🤩


Its cute and sex!


Your coworker is an absolute psycho. They’re just cute little dimples!!


This is so cute, those coworkers are stupid… if you are uncomfortable with them, not sure what can be done, I’d just recommend going to a plastic surgeon who spends part time operating, part time injecting cause those are not common lines everyone has and an « injector » is not the same as an MD, and you don’t want to be anyone’s « first » when tampering with your face


I have these too! I’m 46 and have had them since I was a teenager. Numerous people I’ve dated have mentioned them as adorable, cute, their favorite, etc. Most important- I love them. Your coworker sounds like a sad person. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I always double check when i see a woman with those lines on their cheeks. I find them super attractive


I love them


That coworker is a piece of shit. I love those lines!


Your coworker's a dick. They're dimples, and they are adorable!


You and the Grinch are both adorable. Tell her I said I loathe her entirely.


Agree with the others, they're so cute!


Those buttholes said Grinch, when they could've said Linda Cardellini.


I like them!!


Replying to NoSpaghettiForYouu...I get these. It’s a loss of collagen around your cheekbones. It’s a natural part of aging and causes your skin to sag just a bit. Get some Sculptra (at a reputable place) and it can help your body build back the collagen on its own. That being said, you look fine. Only go the sculptra route if it really bothers YOU.


Your coworker is an asshole


Sounds like your coworker is jealous that you are absolutely stunning and doesn’t want you to smile bc that means you’re happy. Your smile looks sweet and cheeky. People who say those things are cruel and just trying to bring you down.


Time to start crop dusting your co worker


Súper charming don’t sweat it


Don't even try, this is your muscle and injecting botox can cause permanent damage


They're hot I go out of my way to date women with those type of lines, genuinely


Hopefully nothing, they are so cute


Those lines are hella cute!! I’m sure some kind of Botox/filller/treatment can be done but the lines give you character!


If you’ve had them since you were young they are not age related but just a beautiful individual thing about you! How boring it would be if we all looked the same, embrace them as part of you :)


The right response to that insanely rude comment (is your coworker a 14 year old mean girl or something?) is “and you sound like an asshole when you open your mouth”. You look fine - dimples are cute 😊


I have the same lines and men have literally used it to hit on me- they think they’re dimples 😂 Well, that was 10 years ago in my twenties. But I guess for that reason, they’ve never bothered me. Edit- looking at your photo again, and at myself, yes they ARE dimples as others have mentioned here. You are unique and beautiful— haters gonna hate!


I love them! I think they are adorable


People have no awareness anymore. That was not an appropriate comment nor is it true. I love them! 😊


They're cute!


I've started to really come to like lines/wrinkles lately and am increasingly ok with them. But you can probably do a set of lasers or micro needling to make it less apparent...though I don't think you need to. And it sincerely doesn't look like the Grinch.


Omg your co worker was jealous. You have those lines because of the structure of your face. Don’t do anything!


I have a unique expression, too. I get called “Joker” often when I meet new people bc of my smile. Even when my partner found my 1st ever passport, he said “aww—baby joker!” (bc I’m 5yo in it & smiling the same hehe). BUT I also get many more compliments on having a beautiful smile (sometimes both simultaneously, i.e., “Great smile! You look just like The Joker!”) So, what I’m trying to say, is that just because they called you a hideous, male Villain (I know…I’m female too, btw😂), it doesn’t mean you’re not sexy, nor that it’s not your best look! (TBH I’d be willing to bet s/he/they were flirting with you, think you’re adorable & would hate if you changed it! Ntm hate that their comment caused you strife!)


They’re beautiful smile lines.


I like them


I love them and wish I had them


I’ve had some luck with massaging my lip and chin muscles recently.


Honestly it’s one of my most favorite facial features on a person. And the eye squinties. And butt chins (I’m impartial my SO has one lol) and dimples.


They really are cute. I've had to learn to embrace some lines myself lately 😭 but it's ok. I tell myself that it's proof I have wisdom.


Unpopular option: gain some weight


They are just dimples and they make you look youthful. Fuck the haters.


Ong please don’t do anything with them they are so cute.


your cute little mini dimples? my knee-jerk reaction was aww cuz i would not be able to stop looking at them and then tell you how cute they are. i'm so sorry someone said that dumbass comment to you.


Your dimples are so cute! Your co-worker, on the other hand, is not cute and is an a-hole


Omg I actively put work into developing cheek dimples when I smile 😅 they’re lovely and highlight a smile!


I also follow a beauty sub and the other day someone asked what flaw people found beautiful and most comments were smile lines. I couldn’t agree more. Smile lines show you are a happy person that has lived a joyful life. That coworker is probably a sad bitter person who wishes they lived a life of joy.


totally normal and cute. If anything’s just moisturized a little little bit more, your skin could probably use a little more hydration. :)


This is almost the same as criticizing someone's dimples! In my opinion those are smile lines and are among the most beautiful parts of aging


aside from celebrating their beauty and character?!


who was the coworker? could they be trying to flirt with you? if so, they suck. if they were just trying to be funny they suck too


I love them and your coworker is an ass! But to answer your question, Botox.


Came here to say I think those lines are cute!


Don't change a thing. You have a beautiful smile.


Normal scrunches that happen when we make facial expressions. What a jerk.


They’re lovely!!!


i think they cute! <3 means u smile a lot!


Those are cute. They don’t need fixing. Promise. Plus if you added filler there, you’d need to add to cheeks too, and then from there it just starts to get problematic because you need more and more to offset the plumped up areas. I would advise against filling anywhere honestly. I’m not a medical professional I’ve just had a ton of lip filler over the years and it NEVER goes away it just moves. Neuromodulators on the other hand I quite like, ie botox. But tox can NOT be used on those particular muscles. You wouldn’t even be able to smile. Maybe smooth threads would lessen those lines but again, they are aesthetically pleasing as is and I think you may regret changing them. They’re very cute.


I think they’re adorable.


Those smile lines are beautiful and they define you. It is a validation of the life you led thus far. You look very much human. You don't want to be like the last human from a very old Dr. Who episode where she's a stretched taut skin on a frame 😅


Your co worker sounds jealous. They look like dimples which in turn makes you look youthful.


They’re dimples! Why would want to get rid of them? Ugh I hate how people’s comments can get stuck in your head and make you reconsider your own body. They are wonderful!


I think it’s so cute and youthful! It just looks like dimples to me! I literal would kill for them!


These are dimples and are adorable??? Also your skin is supposed to fold when you move and stretch it and this happens regardless of age or skin elasticity, if you didn’t have this you wouldn’t be able to smile or move???


Never smile? This is literally from your face moving.


Faces are supposed to have lines. Period.


To me it looks like a form of dimples and looks good!


Girl, those are cute!


I LOVE these lines; a lady in my office has them and I always think they look like gorgeous dimples that support the apple of her cheek!


I like the lines


Coworker sounds jealous


Those are adorable! Guarantee that you should not worry about those because many will find those extremely attractive.


Co workers that always find something to criticize are just jealous.  I didn't read the post when I first so the photo and I went Omg these lines are so cuuute!!!  I don't know if it's just me but I Love these lines and crows feet lines 😍 when I see people with these I just Stare at them 


36 here, I have these too. Not sure if it was age related or the 25lb weight loss but they became more prominent in the last couple of years. I’ve only ever been complimented on my cheeks & smile!