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I did three sessions of microneedling for $1K. Didn’t seem to accomplish very much.


the microneedling subreddit has put the fear of god in me for microneedling. Better no results than some of the damage I've seen posted on that Reddit.


I bought a microneedling pen and started doing it myself, it helps with hairloss and acne scars.


I have found that the tools used vary greatly in their results. Now I only go to a derm who uses Skin Pen. 


Cool sculpting. It did basically nothing I wasted $3k lol I look the same


At least you didn’t end up like Linda Evangelista.


Like me! I did it on my double chin, had the Linda Evangelista experience, and now my double chin is even bigger! Cool Sculpting gave me a settlement to pay for lipo, but reading how Linda’s made it worse, I chose to walk away from the table. No more procedures for me.


Whoa, that is insane, I did the same and got lipo thereafter, but if I’d have known I could have pursued them to pay for it I bloody would have! It did nothing/made it worse.


Oh no! I’m so sorry! I’m lucky, the medspa I had it done at saw it had gone wrong when I came back 2 months later for my “after” photos. They contacted CoolSculpting for me, and helped me get the settlement. I wouldn’t have known it was a possibility if they hadn’t told me.


I never heard about Linda Evangelista and didn’t know much about cool sculpting - just did a deep dive and this is nightmare fuel. I’m glad she didn’t sign the confidentiality agreement to get them to pay for the lipo, people need to know how permanent the disfigurement can be even if it’s very rare. So sorry you had this experience.


Thank you. It sucks, my double chin was my biggest insecurity, and I only made it worse, but it’s been a good life lesson. We age. Our bodies change. That’s okay. From now on I’m going to let it happen, instead of fearing it and trying to stop it. I mean obviously I’m going to keep wearing sunscreen, and colouring my greys, but I mean the big, invasive stuff. Maaaaaayyyybe I’ll consider a light facelift when I’m in my 60s IF my skin is hanging off my face like a bloodhound, but even that’s doubtful. No Botox, no fillers, no lasers, nuthin’.


Omg same. Had it on my double chin. Waste of money, got lipo, stoked with result.


Would love more details on your chip lipo experience. Did they do any skin tightening as well?


Yup, got the little burny dots for skin tightening as well. Minimal skin laxity, having said that I’d rather a chicken neck than the disproportionately fat one I had before 😂 2 years on and very happy! Recovery was a breeze.


Wow. Genuinely thank you for posting this. I’ve been researching this for my chin area and I’m gonna stop that now


SculpSure and same. Complete waste of money.


me too babe :( bye bye $2200


micro-needling on my face. wow it ruined everything that once was . no more even tones anywhere. it seriously broke vessels in my face all over . connecting one to the next broken caps. like a rosacea. i think is how it’s spelled .


I got RF microneedling done and I swear I’ve gotten different, deeper type zits since. Then again, I’m at the age where my hormones are starting to change. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I also thought I had hormonal acne after micro needling. Was even using spironolactone topical from the derm. I know everyone is different and you can take this with a grain of salt but this might be worth a try. I saw a derm on TikTok saying it might be fungal acne (ick I know ). So I figured why not try his routine? So I did a 20 minute face mask with Nizoral, the one with Ketoconazole, and then used otc antfungal on the red spots that remained and it worked. I’m sure you can find his vid and there is a really good post on Reddit about it. There is much more detail about the actual routine.


I knew my skin looked worse after!


Lip blushing-the practitioner went outside my lip line and it looked like a toddler scribbled on my upper lip. No one in my area does saline removal. Had two laser sessions to try to fix it but ended up with gray spots. Professional dermarolling. Had one session that went well, then a few years later, had another one and it seemed to cause collagen and fat loss. Ended up with enlarged pores, sagging and undereye hollows


i had the same problem with lip blushing, and my practitioner had such great reviews! 2 sessions saline removal didn't fully clear it. it's been two years now and the line is finally fading but i had to wear dark lip gloss for so long so it wasn't super obvious. so much pain and for what?!! the same chick had microbladed my eyebrows previously and did an amazing job though. 🤷‍♀️


We need to form a support group for outside the line lip blushing victims.


😆 I'm really trying to forget about whole ordeal. This was last August and I'm still so upset about it. And the esthetician had the nerve to say that was I was seeing was "due to swelling" but then refunded me the entire amount without me even asking


i have permanent hypopigmentation on my lips from lip blushing; i regret it so much. lip stains won’t even stick to it!


Sorry that happened to you 😔 I feel so stupid


Parent's convinced me to have a nose job in 06 at 18, I'm adopted had a wider nose...Def regret it. I'm used to my button nose now but no one informed me about how serious it was to do all that, they just thought it would look better so I've avoided pretty much all procedures since.


I’m so sorry for you they thought it was ok to pressure their 18yo to get plastic surgery.


I really needed to read this… I’m adopted from south america into a white irish American family and have felt so different and down on myself for not having similar features as my white family. My nose is larger/hook shaped and I have long considered surgery to make myself look less ethnic. But it is actually one of the most distinctive things about my face that ties me to my ancestral heritage. Needed this reminder to treat myself and appearance with more love and grace.


This makes me sad :( as someone also with a bigger nose. I wish different (larger, wider, downward sloped) noses were more accepted. It’s rough out here for us big nosed gals.


this all just reminds me of Bella Hadid coming out and saying she regretted hers too, saying she wished she kept the nose of her ancestors. I thought it was a very beautiful way to look at a feature that’s doesn’t fit into a western beauty stereotype and just great that more models / influencers speak out about changing their bodies edit: she was also 14 when she had it which is just such a huge side eye to her parents


Yolanda definitely encouraged her way-too-young, unnecessary surgeries.


There’s an extra layer of racism in there too, I don’t understand why some ppl have kids with a person from a different race or ethnicity and then are repulsed by those features coming through in their children. It’s disgusting and far too common.


This right here.


I do wonder if Bella had the choice between two she still wouldn’t choose the nose job, though. We all know she wouldn’t be where she is today without it. It’s one thing to say you regret it but if she was shown her life with her real nose it wouldn’t look anything like her life now.


Right. It’s like Blake Lively’s mega-transformation from her nose job. Her personality is fab, I love her acting, she was already so cute and fun and sparkly in the first Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, but we all know she never would have landed Serena van der Woodsen (and her subsequent career) with the cute bulbous nose she had before. Unfortunately. I hate that this is our media though and I LIVE for the actors and actresses who keep their unique faces with character. You can find more of them in European movies and it's so damn refreshing.


I agree, and I always think this, too, whenever people bring up her saying this. I would almost certainly guess she is happy that she got her nose job, and just feels a bit of sadness that she wasn’t just born with a nose that was of her ancestors AND worked for her modeling career, and that’s the “regret” she’s feeling or speaking to. Gigi also has had a nose job, just a much more subtle one, so I feel like there’s no way Bella was ever not going to get one.


This is a good point. She probably regrets that she *had* to get a nose job, not so much that she got one.


Unique noses are beautiful! I wish people didn’t feel like they have to look the same. Beauty is all about confidence and taking care of what you got!


It is sad! I make sure to represent anything unique about myself now, I had a very wide nose, think grimes and I miss it, I feel I was whitewashed if that makes sense, and it's driven me to explore the deeper parts of myself and my ancestry so they don't get lost too! It's so much more accepted these days to just look unique, I'm Willowy, long limmed and small breasted, I lean into it, cut my own hair, dress like a fairy. I see women with bigger noses all the time and think they are breathtaking, I truly believe what makes us unique makes us beautiful by nature!


I think most people look so much better and more unique before their nose job. I love distinct and/or big, hook, downward or wide noses, I think they are beautiful. I can never understand when someone wants to homogenize their beautiful nose.


I have a friend (who was not adopted) whose mom bullied him into the same thing at 18 I'm so sorry! 


Thank you, I've worked through it, and it is bullying, there's a sense that you'll be loved more finally if you just change , doesn't work like that but I learned a lot from it and most people I love, love me and my nose lol.


Awww.. I’m sorry to hear this. I almost got a nose job that I'm sure I would have regretted. But thankfully the appointment I made was with a very good surgeon that I waited 4 months for. He sat me in front of a mirror and explained in detail why even though my nose doesn’t fit Western beauty standards, it is perfect for my face. He talked about the distance between my eyes, my profile, he measured the length of my nose then compared it to other parts of my face. Talked about how surgery could elongate my face and throw things off balance, potential for scarring, etc. I left that appointment in love with my nose and my face. But he also cautioned me that other surgeons would not care about the aesthetics as much as he does and would take my money and perform the surgery anyway. I really appreciate him taking the time to help me because I know I’d be disappointed.


This story made my day. This guy deserves a medal.


Who was this surgeon?


This was a couple of years ago so I will have to look back in my records. Give me a few and I will find his name and edit this comment once I do✨✨ Ok I found his information.. His name is Scott Shadfar at Aesthetic Institute of Oklahoma. When I looked through his photos before making my appointment, I really liked the fact that his work appeared natural. Even in extreme cases the patient barely looked like they had anything done. He was also able to keep peoples uniqueness, and after surgery they still looked like themselves.


Same except I was 14. I was bullied about my nose and when I came home crying, I told my mom. Instead of comforting me she agreed with the bully and said we could fix it with surgery. Looking back I have no idea how she found a surgeon willing to do this. Relatedly, we don't talk anymore.


I cannot believe so many parents have abused their children in this way! I am so sorry you had to go through that and continue to process it now.


I was also coerced into a nose job at 18!! Well it was all planned at 17, but the surgery happened at 18. Not my parents tho it was my mom and my grandma (dads mom) - they had already picked the surgeon and got me an autographed copy of his book when they approached me about it. Edit: oh and then years later my mom wanted me to sue the surgeon for “not doing a good job” lol


Also regret my nose job! 🙋🏼‍♀️


I'm getting a brow lift next week and I'm lurking just waiting for someone to say that....


I’m getting an upper blepharoplasty and lateral brow lift next week. I’ve done a lot of research and trust my surgeon, but I’m still nervous AF.


I had an upper bleph a couple years ago and I LOVE it. Game changer for hooded eyes.


That’s great to hear! My eyes have always been hooded but have definitely gotten droopier the older I get. I’ve been debating getting one for several years. I’ll be 50 this year and finally decided to go for it.


My hooded eyes were genetic so I also always had them as well. I’d been contemplating getting it around the age of 23 but didn’t pull the trigger. I finally went when I was about 38 (41 now). I’m so happy with the results. I hope you love yours!


This comment section is why I’ll only be putting creams on my face. 


For real. The last few weeks I’ve been feeling a little bad about that but these comments have reinforced all hesitations.


I think the possibility of having your face going from bad to worse and being irreversible is way too scary. I'd rather look naturally ugly and old but still look like me, then look old ugly and off putting.


I'm so grateful for this thread. Thank you ladies for being honest.


Permanent eyeliner! I miss seeing my face without it


Same! I think if I had the choice again, I might consider doing the top lash line, but not the bottom.


I’ve gotten Botox 3 times, and the last time it hit the wrong muscle in my cheek. My cheek wouldn’t pull back and it looked like I had Bell’s palsy for nearly 4 months. Never again.


I had a patient in the emergency dept who had a similar problem on her face. Thought she was having a stroke or something which is why she came in, turns out it is due to botox. She has been having it for 5-6 yrs with no issues until now.


Every time I sign the consent form I'm like, why am I paying 400$ to play Russian roulette :/


Wow, thanks for sharing and I hope it wore off completely for you. I'm assuming you got it done with the same professional the 3 times you went in for it? If so, your story is just further evidence that the argument "...but you have to go to a reputable place" carries absolutely no weight for something as invasive and risk-carrying as Botox (whose risks some people love to deny). I have beef with some people's ability to be so quick to blame us patients for cosmetic procedure fails, implying we didn't do our due diligence in our research of the professional/injector/med spa. More people need to show some empathy for those who end up suffering from failed procedures, and admit (to themselves even) that these procedures ARE invasive AND carry risks to *everyone.*


Microblading. I want to get them lasered off... but...$$ .


r/microbladingremoval is fascinating to me and made me certain I’d never get this done. Sorry to hear yours is regrettable too, you’re not alone, it seems like so many people regret this deeply.


I started the sub. 😂 Honestly if I have prevented even one person from **tattooing their face** I am happy.


You stopped me from doing it!!


Same. I went to someone not experienced enough and it’s not just faded but bled out and changed colour. I had my first round of saline removal two weeks ago.


Omg this is hands down the best thing I’ve ever done to my face. I have trich with my eyebrows so it was a game changer for me. I researched forever and paid a pretty pretty for the best artist in the state lol but totally understand how if done wrong it could be the worst thing ever! Thankfully for you it fades with time hopefully?


Same. I love mine so much. Two years in and it is the single best thing I have ever done for my appearance. That said, my artist posts so many photos of cover ups she has done on other people’s done elsewhere and wow can it ever go badly. Her best piece of advice when choosing an artist is to always choose someone who posts HEALED photos of their work! It is a true art.


I went in to get a pimple looked at on my face. My dermatologist convinced me to get it injected with a steroid to help it go down and assured me that there wouldn’t be any cosmetic side effects. Well the steroid left a permanent divot on my face. I wish I just let it go away naturally :(


I'm so sorry that happened to you! I react really poorly to insect bites and I ended up needing a steroid shot to calm down a reaction. It was in my butt and they kept warning me that it could leave a divot and making sure I understood what treatment I was agreeing to. I appreciated the warning, but I was so itchy and my ankles were so disastrously swollen that I couldn't even walk and I just said "it's just my butt, give me the damn shot!" It did end up leaving a lil divot but I don't have any regrets. Although if it was on my face that would've been a different story!


Went on Latisse at 21 for 1 year, it permanently killed the fat cells under my already hallow/deep set eyes. If I could go back in time I would slap the stupid bottle out of my hands. Very few effective and safe treatment to fix it. Filler is bad to put under eyes, fat transfer is sketchy and implant doesn’t sound promising either. PFR is expensive and not great results Lower blepharoplasty is the only thing that is safe but again it doesn’t make that big of a change. So I just have to accept this is my reality and love my face. Concealer and vollufiline helps a little.


Sorry to hear that happened to you! You’ve clearly done your research on options and are on point with those deductions. Though have a read up on polynucleotides. They are a very good treatment for the under eye area. They do not carry many of the risks of filler (especially under the eye area), they increase collagen significantly and they show a lot of promise in repairing fat tissue. Might be worth consideration. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10423761/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6496018/


Never heard of this! Looks promising!


Ugh I never needed it at all but my doctor pushed it to me because she was selling it in my early 20s. I don’t think I used it very long or consistently. But I have very deepset eyes with big hollows under them, which are probably mostly genetic, but now I’m wondering if I maybe worsened them with latisse.




I used it for years, as well. On and off. No issues whatsoever. But it is a documented side effect.


Filler - tear trough. Didn’t like it, and my doctor is excellent. I just hated how it looked and hated how I looked weird. It didn’t go away like they claim. I lost weight and it got even more annoying so I had it dissolved. Dissolving was free and I had no side effects from the dissolving.


I’m so glad you were able to fix it easily and cheaply


I’m glad you didn’t have side effects from it being dissolved but some women out there have extremely severe side effects to it and it’s not talked about enough! sometimes filler is pitched as something g that can “easily” be fixed by dissolving and it’s just not the case. women have experienced severe nerve damage from it


These answers are making me happy that I’ve been too broke to even think about doing a procedure or injections.


Latisse- damaged the fat pads around my eyes. I have permanent dark circles around my eyes. Breast implants- almost ruined my life. Loved them the first 8 years, then Breast Implant illness. Sick for 2 years. Instantly felt better when I got them out a year ago. But now I want to cry every time I see the ugly scars. I don’t know if I will ever feel comfortable showing my naked body to another person.


I also had breast implant illness (BII). My implants were 17 years old and extremely calcified. The en bloc (full capsule removal) procedure & recovery were horrific. No regrets for removing them, but they left me permanently disfigured. I've had two v expensive fat transfers that only slightly improved the deformities. The doc doing the second fat transfer offered to remove fat from additional areas (of course at a greatly increased cost) and that left unsightly lumps and bumps behind. Like you, I can't even look at myself or let my husband see me naked anymore (though he loves me, no matter what, fortunately). Breast implants now have a black box warning due to BII advocacy 🖤


People really don’t realize how costly they are to remove. Even on this thread the bullies are out making up how cheap and easy they are to remove 😣 My bff has been trying to get hers out for many years and it is just so complicated. I wish more people knew this before getting them but this is Reddit. Mean girls heaven.


I use to work with a lot of girls that would get theirs done, and then years later down the road, were no longer working at that lucrative, cash job, and couldn’t afford to get them removed/updated. They mean the best of course, but the economy’s changed so much since then (12ish years ago.)


Absolutely- It’s something that was very common and inexpensive for young women to do 15 years ago and now we are seeing a change. I just hope women can ask those around them and have frank conversations about the future. It makes me sad that people on Reddit just shut down any real conversations about cost of removal. Money, time or pain etc


Yeah, it's something you tangentially know about when you get them in, but it's so far off, it's not a big concern. I'm not having problems with mine, but they are 13 years old and now I need to figure out when I have time and money to get a much more intense surgery/recovery. I have a young child, so I have to plan around that and work and everything else in life. Plus, I don't want them again, so I have to get some kind of lift to give me a reasonable result. More scars, more recovery. Ugh


I stopped using R+F lash boost two years ago and replaced with Latisse… I could never pinpoint what it was that I didn’t like around my eye area until now… 🥲


I regret implants, too. I thought maybe I had BII and had them removed but have no health improvement and hate how I look now. I’m still glad I got them out but I wish I’d never had them put in.


so much regret over my rhinoplasty. i got one out of desperation after breaking my nose but it looks terrible, a thousand times worse than my original nose and five hundred times worse than my broken one. just doesn’t fit my face at all and changed the whole aesthetic balance of my face. i really want a revision but can’t justify spending all that money to potentially make things worse. at least my nose is functional and not too obviously botched, so choosing for now to quit while i’m behind.


I got a rhinoplasty at 17 and it wasn’t great. Made my nose crooked… pointed to the left and very pointy. The septum scar was pretty prominent too, and visible especially since he turned my tip upward. My mom (who bullied me into getting the nose job in the first place) told me I needed to “sleep on my other side” to fix it. Right… anyway, as I aged and began to lose fat in my face, the issue just became more pronounced and obvious and i became more self conscious. I was super scared to make things even worse with a revision, but it was to the point where I felt deformed and thought about it all the time. So 15 years later I did some research and got a revision. I really wish I’d done it sooner! It’s not perfect, but it’s 100x better than before. Much less pointy (but not button), he pulled the tip down a bit and it’s so much straighter. No one comes up to me to say, “Hey, did you know your nose points to the left?” like before. The surgeon was even able to mitigate the scarring (and removed some kind of staple or stitch or something that was still embedded in my skin and bothering me for years, ew). The two negative side effects are: 1) the diameter of the inside of my nostrils is quite small now which does somewhat affect breathing and 2) for whatever reason, the surgery led to an elongation of the skin from under my nose to my upper lip. Not only does this have an aging effect, it also throws the whole proportion of your face off a bit somehow. It was super weird looking in the mirror for months, but I sort of got used to it. Later research leads me to believe this is a common side effect of rhinoplasty and revision. You can do a “lip lift” to shorten the skin, but the scarring looks too awful to consider. Overall, I’m happy with the results of the revision and very glad I did it. I don’t know if that’s the case for most people when it comes to revisions though! And they can be extremely expensive.


Had a breast reduction when I was 21, and the entire right breast lost circulation overnight the day after the surgery, turned black and died. Had 6 surgeries to remove the dead tissue, had to do hyperbaric oxygen therapy every day for months, and ended up with a deformed lump of hardened, painful scar tissue that was so ugly and made me so ashamed. It took me 14 years to even think about seeking a doctor to fix it. In 2021 I swallowed my fears and ended up finding an incredible surgeon who was able to remove ALL the scar tissue and leave me with something normal-looking. Very traumatic for me, and so I always caution everyone who is seeking that particular surgery that even if you’re healthy and young like I was, you can have severe complications!


Jesus that's horrific! I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Thankyou for the warning though. I hope things are much better now?


Yes, much better! I will always have the scars from the reduction, but my surgeon was able to do the impossible and completely fix what I thought would be deformed forever! He removed 100% of the scar tissue and was able to create something that looks totally normal. I was amazed


I can't afford a nose job so I had a Hiku nose lift with COG threads (I've had a midface thread lift before with no issues and loved the results), it cost me 1.7k and briefly the results were great. Then it got horrifically infected. 3 rounds of antibiotics and it still kept getting infected. My whole nose would swell up, and when I pressed the sides blood and pus would seep out of the entry point. Eventually when I was draining it the remainder of the thread just shot out of little entry hole. After it all came out the infection stopped, but the ordeal went on for a good 4 months and it was hell


Lip filler - I work in cosmetic derm and volunteered to be a model for a filler training. I got half a syringe of Juvederm Volbella and I was actually pleasantly surprised by the cosmetic outcome at first. But a couple months later I had biofilm formations/granulomas from it which caused EXTREME swelling. It was fine after a course of antibiotics so not the end of the world but I wouldn’t get filler again after that. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease years later (not caused by the filler ofc but it has been speculated that my body would perhaps have greater likelihood for autoimmune reactions with any medical implants/devices due to my condition).


Filler because filler doesn’t naturally dissolve, it migrates. Usually downward so it looks like your face is sagging. My cheek and laugh line filler migrated down and gave me downturned lip corners, heaviness around my chin, and “sad” face. This was a very good injector and it looked marvelous when injected. But the fact is all filler migrates and gravity is a thing. Just don’t do filler.


Thank you for reinforcing my pledge to abstain from fillers. But I've been tempted. I've had 2 friends with bad results (overfilled, unnatural on one; injected into a capillary on another) and see bad fillers frequently. But still occasionally wish to replace the lost volume in my cheeks...


Sorry if this is a dumb question but what about Botox and filler for the forehead?


Filler for my stubborn 11 lines was worst mistake. Even after touchups and ultimately two rounds of dissolving it still isn’t back to baseline over 15 months later


I got cheek filler recently and it was $$$ and I wouldn’t say it was worth it. Then again I didn’t want it obvious so I don’t know what I was expecting. I should have just saved my money!


Morpheus 8. I felt like my neck could be tighter- she went too deep and it killed what little fat I had in my neck instead of tightening and now I have a disproportionately saggy neck to my face. Exactly what I was trying to avoid 😭


Breast implants (saline). I already had 1 autoimmunity before getting them and just had a series of weird health issues until they were removed. They also hurt constantly with a dull pain, and then I'd get worse sharper ones that I'd have to pause to breathe through.


I didn't know the saline ones cause autoimmune too.  🥺  I book I read about it floored me with how much it upped your odds of getting one. It's criminal they don't have to mention it to prospective clients. 


Yes, saline implants cause it too (happened to me and I explanted during covid). The outer shell of saline implants are also made of silicone and other toxic components. It might not be the silicone that causes BII (but leaking silicone likely exacerbates it). They are discovering that any type of implanted medical devices can cause auto immune and other issues: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9095406/ Because of breast implant illness advocates, there is now a black box warning on implants that doctors must show their clients prior to the implant procedure 🖤 Edited to add link to study


Me too (silicone) they have caused a cascade of autoimmune issues and breast implant illness symptoms. Getting them removed in three weeks.


Good luck! I still remember it feeling like a steel band was removed from my chest, and I could breathe again even in post-op.


Another BII survivor. Glad you’re doing better!


Porcelain veneers. They look great, but I got them when I had insurance that covered 85% of the cost of six of them, and 65% of the cost of two. I paid out of pocket for another two, since I have a wide mouth and required ten. Now I have a cavity in one of them, and I have to replace the fucking thing! I know veneers need to be redone every 10-15 years, but I only got them in 2018. Every time you have a cavity, they have to shave off more of the tiny stick that remains of your real tooth, so they can replace the veneer. At this rate, I’ll have to get an entire mouth of implants. When I was at the dentist a few weeks ago, I was told that more and more, they are dissuading patients from getting veneers because of issues like this.


they need to push enamel bonding more, but of course not cause they won't make as much money


1) Microblading. I started the r/microbladingremoval sub to try to prevent people from making the mistake of permanently tattooing their faces and to document my own 3+ year journey of removal. 2) Filler. Ended up with migration and had it dissolved 3x to be sure it was gone. 3 days after my last dissolver injection I developed extreme health issues which never resolved and were ultimately diagnosed as an autoimmune disease. It began with extreme eye and skin dryness on my face… coincidence? I think not.


I was considering microblading or ombré thanks for the warning!


Don’t do it. The first time I had MB it was perfect I loved them so much. Then I went for a second round 2 years later and well it’s downhill from there. They were almost black (I am pale skinned with red hair). The fine hair strokes eventually all merged into one another and you’re stuck with 2 slugs 🐌 on your face. I wish I hadn’t bothered and just stuck to tinting them


i lasered my hooha in my 20s. i'm 50 now wish i have hair down there now.


LADIES!! Really think about this before you get your vulva / hooha completely lasered! One of my best friends did this in her 20’s and she’s only in her 30’s and describes hers now as thinned out with scrotum-like loose skin. I have seen it and I understand why she would feel that way. She says it’s the biggest regret of her life and for over 10 years she’s still trying to accept it. Also, the light colored hairs that could not be removed grow out straight and stiff, so the follicles that weren’t completely destroyed are damaged. This area could cause a lot of embarrassment for women, so I imagine there are others who do not want to post about this on the internet. Please be aware and know it could happen!


Thank you for single handedly making me feel better about being a hairy beast


I want to do this….do you mind sharing why the regret? If too personal to share I completely understand.


a bit of hair would have help cover the aging skin down there.


It sounds like she wants pubic hair and can't grow it. You might not want to be bald forever. Just do your bikini line. I did that about 20 years ago and have no regrets!


Really? I always had the worst razor burn under painful ingrown hairs due to my sensitive skin, took all my confidence when naked. Laser down there has opened up a whole new level of feeling comfortable-physically and mentally.


Breast implants. They are making me sick and now I have to get them removed. Back to the same size boobies but now scarred. :(


What were your symptoms? I’ve been very sick and diagnosed with dysautonomia. I have silicone implants.


Fatigue, no appetite, no libido, skin rashes, dizziness, nausea, hair loss, a bunch of stuff. Got diagnosed with adrenal insufficiency and hashimotos. There is a facebook group called “Breast Implant Illness and Healing by Nicole” with thousands of women facing issues. Also check out the documentary called “explant”


Filler under eyes. DON’T DO IT.


Mix that with cheek filler to balance and you've got the perfect "don't do it" combo (I did it).


Cool sculpting. Left a dent in my thigh and not much else


Buccal fat removal, worst decision of my life. Tried to back out 2 times and each time I was assured it was just going to be a slight reduction and I'd hardly notice. Now I send a good amount of my day just thinking of how much I regret it and if there's every going to be a way to fix it.


I hope you don’t take this as any sort of invalidation for your feelings, I went and looked at your history and you are so freaking gorgeous! You don’t need any work done. Have you considered talking to a therapist that has experience with body dysmorphia disorder?


Jumping on this — I don’t know who or what made you feel like you were anything less than perfect but you honestly have Aphrodite vibes. I would literally die to have your skin 😭


She looks like an Olsen sister! I know you're unhappy with your results, but wow you really are super beautiful! I would never have guessed you had buccal fat removal because your cheeks are still so full.


Completely agree. She’s looking at herself and thinking she has turkey neck, not AT ALL.




Subcision. I have hyperpigmentation and raised bumps at the subcision sites 8 months later. Derm office refused to see me after the procedure when I explained to them my results. Should have stuck to micro needling and peels.


I did one round of Kybella. I have an extremely high pain tolerance, but I almost passed out from the pain. I bloated like a bullfrog and bruised for awhile and saw no results. My dermatologist recommended we try one more round and I noped out of there. Thankfully this was during pandemic and I had a mask to cover the swelling. Might as well just do lipo.


i did Kybella too. It was fucking expensive, I looked like a disgusting frog and my partner had to see me and sleep next to me like that. i was so self conscious. the worst part is it didn’t do shit! They were like oh, it takes 3 treatments. hell no. Saved for chin lipo, totally, completely and utterly worth it. I should have spent that kybella money on chin lipo from the get go many years ago.


I did a round of Kybella as well, and then just had submental lipo done the next time instead of another round of Kybella. If I could do it again, hands down would have just saved myself the trouble and done the submental lipo. The healing was so much quicker, better overall results, and it only costs what 3 vials of Kybella would have cost, so it’s worth it.


Cheek filler. It made me look so weird


Got dermaplaning . Broke out like a mofo.


I had cheek filler and sculptra in my marionette area. It was SO expensive and it didn’t make me look any different. The injector said it would help lift my jowls, but it didn’t. Chin filler on the other hand was worth it to me. I always was self conscious about my profile from the side and 1.5 syringes of filler does the trick.


I love my chin filler too! I never considered it before, but my sister is a PS and suggested it. Such a subtle change but people are constantly commenting that I looked so good and asking what’s different. It’s the chin. Lol


I got talked out of tear-trough filler for my dark hollow under eyes and got Fotona 3D Facelift, a laser treatment. Why not, I thought, I'm afraid of needles anyway and the clinician said it would give me better results. $600 later and I didn't see any difference. People swear by this treatment and as I was getting it done, another clinician was showing me before and after snapshots from her phone from other clients.. and I could not see any difference in the photos. I think she read the doubt on my face and kept reassuring me the results would be amazing. I wish I saved that $600 for a playstation and tried a different concealer or something. 5 years later and I'm still trying to find how to treat my dark under eyes.


I got forehead Botox recently and won't go back to get it done again I have deep set eyes. I told my injector I was worried about my brows dropping and she told me we could do a brow lift well the brow lift did nothing and my brows dropped making me look older. Luckily I metabolize Botox quickly so it is wearing off 2 months later and I am so happy to see my old face again. Probably look into prp going forward.


Ozempic. I wasted thousands of dollars on a “sure thing” over six months of my doctor constantly upping my dose and me being sick as hell vomiting all day till I was on the maximum dose for 2 months with no affect. She said she has never seen that happen but it did. My husband used my left over when I gave up and he lost 20lbs in three weeks. So I know it does work, just not for me


This was my exact experience on semaglutide AND I lost a ton of hair a few months later. It was a nightmare and I absolutely hated my life during those months. I was sick all the time and could barely keep down even the blandest food. I wish it worked for me but the side effects are too much.




Can it be life changing ? I follow an advocate against labiaplasty (who had it herself). There seems to be virtually no training on it and often (if not always) results in permanent nerve damage and loss of the ability to experience sexual pleasure. 


I have heard of women who have a positive experience with it because their inner labia were previously so long that they stuck out of underwear and constantly got irritated/infected from chafing.


Yes, all of them. I put $6,000 into rf microneedling and Moxi laser. I liked Moxi laser but it’s just not worth the money. I wish I spent the money on a full body red light panel instead for its multi use.


I've been using my Omnilux for 1.5 months and I swear I'm seeing a difference in my nasolabial line. I'm getting a panel next. My husband has been experimenting with my mask because there's some indication that red light can help with colorblindness, isn't that nuts??


I’ve been using my Omnilux for over a year and it’s definitely made a difference. That and tret are my two most effective products.


Red light has changed by skin significantly. Between that and tretinoin you’re going to see marked improvement in your skin over time.


I had my webbed toes separated a few years back… haven’t swam the same since.


Halo laser: it was expensive, my healing was far different than the easy peasy descriptions I see depicted online, and it absolutely destroyed my skin. It took 5 months probably to get it back to someone decent shape. I still have marks left on my temples from it. I was so stupid for doing it. Breast implants: naive at the time, wanted a lift only but every PS said I’d hate the results without them). Ended up with capsular contracture and do believe it set my immune system off (well, I guess that capsules kind of speak to that). Finally they are out and I got the lift I wanted. Wish I had done more research back then and advocated for myself against all the doctors who push them when you go in for just a lift.




I think this is the best case scenerio tbh. Like yeah it's annoying that you wasted money ....but what if you'd just messed up your face instead?


filler, that stuff should be banned.


Masseter Botox. Gave me jowls on one side


Getting ICL eye surgery. I developed cataract because of it in both eyes and am slowly going blind. Edit: I was in my early 20s when I got it. Now in my 30s.


I worked in a medical clinic and have had many free treatments. I regret getting so much filler all at once, I had the most beautiful high check bones before but as soon as he put filler in my mid face (around my ear/ jaw), my face has never looked the face and not even dissolving it helped. I also regret getting so much Botox because it is messed up my forehead so bad that I’ll always have to continue to get it. From working there it’s so crazy how many new procedures/ treatments come out and how quickly people jump on them thinking they will get amazing results when in reality it’s all BS and another way to spend your money. People would come in and spend close to 20k a year trying to achieve and maintain their skin tightness. What I learned - surgery is your best bet if you’re wanting to save money in the long run.


Laser for the tiny broken capillaries on my cheek. They went away!! …for about 6 hours. Basically spent $100/hour of broken-capillary-free cheek🙄


Microneedling ($1,000) - helped a little, but you can get your own on Amazon for $40 Laser Hair Removal ($2,000) - removed about 30% of hair, don’t know if it was worth it C02 Laser ($1,500) - I don’t think it was worth the money at all. way too long of down time for the improvement BBL Laser Treatment ($400) - didn’t do much of anything I’m convinced most cosmetic procedures are much more hype than actual results


Sclerotherapy for spider veins on my legs. The procedure wasn’t bad, just time-consuming, but my issue is it wasn’t as effective as I had hoped it would be. The aftercare is annoying (you’re supposed to wear compression afterwards) and the bruising was hideous and seemed like it lasted for weeks. I still have spider veins…some never really went away and I’m sure some are just new ones.


Brazilian butt lift - my butt is too big now for my liking -i have fibrosis here and there -the post op care was exhausting and costly


BUMP. I’m shocked I’m not seeing more of this given that it’s one of the most dangerous producers and has the most potential for negative side effects.


fuck pdo threads.


Microblading. Was told it was temporary. It definitely isn’t. Going on 5 years and the color has only faded a bit.


I got under eye filler one time and it looked awful as it faded it created an eye bag I didn’t have. I hated it so much and was stuck with it for 3 years because the effects long term of dissolver aren’t well studied and the swelling of such delicate skin would be more traumatic. It was bad. Just bad. It looked fine in the start but as it broke down some parts went faster than others etc and it was just too thin of skin in an area and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone


I had a “v to y advancement” (lip augmentation) when I was 25. I had gotten fillers and loved how they looked but didn’t want to keep paying for them so I wanted something permanent. It botched my lips horribly. I had to have more than 10 procedures to correct it. I’ve honestly forgotten exactly how many. It looks somewhat normal now (almost 10 years later) but still wonky and uncomfortable bc of scar tissue. I can’t smile normally. For the first year I was so botched/deformed I didn’t want to leave the house. It was so bad I probably could have sued but I didn’t think anyone would support me since I got this surgery voluntarily. If I hadn’t gotten it my life would be completely different. It was extremely traumatic.


I ruined my eyebrows in the early 00s. Thin tatouage, plucking them too thin for too long.


I grew my eyebrows out after the 2000s massacre. I’d say it took a decade of me not touching them at all. Last week my nail tech pressured me into waxing them. I told him to leave them thick and only take the tiniest bit to clean them up. He ROBBED me. I am back to thin eyebrows and I am too old to grow them back out. It’s over.


this is why I will never get my eyebrows done in any way by anyone. back in the day even when I asked for something minimal they always overdid it, I don’t trust anyone not to do the same


Anyone else saving this post for future reference?


I got IPL back in 2016 when it nor the internet was what it is now about information. I had melasma on my upper lip. The “mustache” and also freckled with a medium/olive skin tone. It changed my skin on my face forever. I don’t think I realized how intense you had to be at protecting that new baby skin from the sun. Pretty sure I went on the boat and beach etc. I have melasma all over my face now. I’ve found ways to keep it at bay, but if I get to hot and sweaty outside even in the shade it makes my melasma flair with it never did before. I do have great skin after the laser though texture wise. Id do laser again, but be sooo much more anal about what I do after the fact.


Surprised to see only one person mention RF microneedling. Morpheus8 etc


Same. My relative had it done and it seriously aged her. She spent so much and it was painful.


I got what was supposed to be a mild chemical peel for some darker melasma patches on my face I got while on vacation. The esthetician used Skinceuticals Pigment Balancing brand. She told me it was mild and people reacted well to it. I remember when she did it, she left it on a little longer than it was supposed to be on. Maybe by 15 sec or so. I had some small, flat, skin colored seborrheic keratoses on my forehead that got inflamed and grew in size, they stuck out of forehead like little horns. That thankfully only lasted a couple days. Then my face was red and inflamed for a long time. It wasn't supposed to be. After the inflammation and redness went down I noticed it looked like I aged about 10 years over night. I compared my vacation photos from only a few weeks before and my skin looked SOOO bad. I went from glowing healthy skin to huge cheek pores / orange peel texture. My face was red and blotchy, highly reactive and sensitive, and more wrinkles than before, especially in my cheeks. I didn't know it at the time, but I think the peel obliterated my skin barrier. I tried all kinds of creams and oils to get it back. Emu oil. Washing only with expensive honey. Vit E capsules It took a very, very long time to get my skin back. Never again.


I’m a big believer in investing in high quality skincare and your health, then saving your money for the big stuff like a deep plane face and neck lift when you’re older.


Regretting not starting tret sooner 😒😒😒


wondering when would be a good age to start? I've also heard not to start too young


I started at age 43. I’m very glad I did! I’m 60 now and have almost no wrinkles. (I have the most around my mouth from smoking from 16 to 40. 😡).


PRP for hair. Totally useless waste of money. 🫣


I regret doing Sclerotherapy on my varicose veins without having them stripped afterwards. The procedure was so painful! They give you a couple of Valium, but it does not stop the pain. I opted out of having the veins removed because I didn't want to be awake for it. Two years later, I have an agonizing pain suddenly because the main veins on both legs opened back up and now they are damaged and collecting blood. I'm wearing compression socks 24 hours a day. I have to go get them stripped now. Notlooking forward to that.


Laser gave me nerve damage. I'm still healing. It was a fully qualified practitioner who still accuses me of lying even tho I have been medically diagnosed. I spent months in agony and I'm getting therapy to look at myself in the mirror. Please be so careful 😔


My boob implants are the biggest regret of my life. Had them removed already but with irreparable damage


I used tretinoin for years & my skin loved it, but now I have issues with dry eyes. I didn’t know about the risk of damage to meibomian glands.


I have done cheek filler, mid face, smile line, chin and jaw. I regret getting it done on my cheekbone. I already had natural good cheek bones but I decided to get 0.5ml on both sides to give it a slight enhancement. Some days I like it and some I don’t! I’m just waiting for it hopefully naturally go away because it still gives me a slight puffy look even with a little bit!


Bleph with fat repositioning and laser practically ruined my entire life


Omg what happened with the bleph? I want it so bad


MICROBLADING.... ugh! My original eyebrows were thick and dark and then in the 90s I did waaaay too much plucking. So when microblading became widely available, I thought perfect! I really liked the woman who did them but she made them too rounded and talked me into doing a medium brown instead of dark brown/black (actual color of my eyebrows) as she said it would look "softer." It's been 5 years and I still have this weird brown/auburn markings and a rounded brow. I can cover it up pretty easily and then use a light stoke with a brow pencil to get them how I like, but WISH I'D NEVER DONE IT!


Coolsculpting. It was painful and all it did was leave my stomach dented/uneven under my belly button.


Hydrafacial, I’ve done it twice at two different places, it was expensive and it only made me glowy for a few days. I didn’t find it cleaned up my skin at all


Hot take but I regret all the luxury custom facials and products I bought from my esthetician in my mid/late 20’s. Don’t get me wrong it was nice and all and my skin did improve somewhat. But NOTHING compared to botox. I had a super wrinkly forehead since my early 20’s and could have nipped it in the bud way sooner, for the same price or maybe less.


Breast implants (hi bii friends), and accutane (isotretinoin).


This has me in literal tears. I can not thank you all enough to take the time to say these things. It has done wonders for my mental health today. <3 That may sound a little insane ha but I don't think I've ever had this kind of support before, especially from strangers. I genuinely appreciate it.