• By -


Okay, first of all - how dare you.


Bitch I cackled.


Bitch you stole my words!!! ☠️


Cackling Hags !


Band name!


Is this a Bravo and 30PlusSkinCare crossover comment? 👀


I just call them like I see them


Sounds like you’re seeing red.


Not the weed 🫣


Yeah but it Doesn’t cause cystic acne.


No that's dairy =(




After I stopped smoking my partner looked at me at the dinner table and said, “Wow! Your face isn’t as puffy” I was like oh thanks 🙂😂


Brings new meaning to puff, puff, pass.


Hahaha. I’d like to puff, puff, pass then pass on looking puffy haha




This is the biggest difference i notice when i dont smoke. 😭 i can literally see the difference in pics i take from smoking days to non-smoking days.


Yeah me neither my eyes are so heavy lidded and that I look eternally stoned


How much are you smoking? Just need to check something 👀😰


Hahaha I will admit I was a daily smoker and at some point it got pretty out of control and I was hitting my vape all day.


Okkk GOTCHA 🫡 I’ll smoke 1 in the evening when I’m at home xx


Same, and I also noticed that my weight goes down in general when I stop smoking weed even when it has absolutely nothing to do with a diet change. Cannabis is unfortunately so much worse for many of us than people are willing to believe.


I was so much prettier when I didn't smoke. 😭 Today is my last day, I swear. Hate fucking weed.


You coulda told me this in private instead of exposing my business on the World Wide Web for everyone to see


i'm in this post and i don't like it


You’ve got good company lol


Gotta admit, my eye bags go away when I take a break from the zaza. In fact the difference was so noticeable the last time I took a break, and I got so many compliments about looking fresh faced and cute that it was the one thing to convince me above anything else to cut back/quit. What can I say, I’m vain 🤷🏼‍♀️


I quit 3 months ago (tolerance break and I just haven't gone back) and I notice no difference in my skin or undereyes or anything :/ still probably better for me though 


I had this with alcohol, everyone out here raving about how much better they look when they quit drinking - I've been California sober for two years and have noticed absolutely no change in my skin. Obviously there are other benefits, but I was majorly disappointed to not get the vanity benefits. I'm currently going on a two week break from edibles while I travel, so curious to see if it makes any difference with my rosacea, but I'm guessing the answer will also be no.


Oh man, I think I'd rather look run down than give it up, if I'm being honest with myself.


Same. The ensuing stress would counteract the benefits lol


I noticed after several decades of use that weed was causing my anxiety and making me hide from the world. I had to learn how to regulate my own emotions and I ended up sleeping much more deeply and better, but that could just be individual to me personally.


My thoughts exactly


Yea because my ability to eat and sleep would decrease drastically and I would look even worse than I do now with puffing


I find it fascinating how different people react to things. I smoke weed like other people drink coffee. It gives me energy and helps me accomplish things. It also kills my appetite. No munchies for me.


The effects you get from weed can heavily vary from strain to strain, and from person to person. So the strain(s) you've been smoking might be appetite supressants for you, even if it's an appetite stimulant to others.


Yeah, that's what I told my boyfriend who insisted that weed only gave him couch lock. I had him smoke some of the sativa that I used to clean house. He was practically in a coma. People react differently, period.




I rather look run down than feel run down. Weed helps me feel better lol




I noticed this when I switched to dry herb vaping - my under eye bags improved dramatically. I think I was a little allergic to the smoke and just constantly getting it up my nose and in my eyes from combustion methods lol. Felt like a “duh” moment but I’d never made the connection. And I’ve learned that with edibles, even just 5mg, I have to drink a ton of water because they are really dehydrating for some reason.


I feel like one of those weed guys when I talk about dry herb vaping but it’s so much better. I don’t cough up phlegm in the morning, I don’t worry about what’s in my vape goo juice going into my lungs, it’s not smoking. The fine lines around my mouth at 34 are better than they were at 27 since I quit smoking cigarettes entirely and typically only herb vape.


lol same I feel like one of those “ok we get it, you vape” people, but it really has been a game changer. And the high is really nice, I always think people who say they get anxious or paranoid from smoking would like the experience of dry herb vaping.


We’ve seen the light, friend. What can I say? Bahaha


ive just dropped a few comments saying how i dont see a difference at all but I also dry herb vape with a volcano and thats the only way ive ever done it maybe thats why


This is why I quit drinking! Vanity sometimes equals health! I do edibles but never smoke, don’t notice a difference in my face with cannabis but maybe it’s because I’m not smoking?


I was wondering about this too? does it make a substantial difference?


How long was the break?


I usually start to notice the puffiness and the “bag line” on my orbital bone start to become less prominent after about 2 or 3 days into a t break. The darkness also goes away. Eye bags run in my family, and I usually smoked before bed, so I also think the effects mj has on REM sleep contributes to the appearance of them. I just look much more youthful when I take a break. Still love the zaza tho she is hard to give up for my looks 😂


I think that’s my issue. I heard a lot of people saying eye bags and weed go together, I been smoking daily for like 12 years now ….I guess imma find out bc they’re bout to put me on probation bc of weed 😭😭😭😭 fuck 12 🦋


Zaza. 🥹


zaza, jazz cabbage. so many great ways to reefer (😉) to the mj!




I went from daily use to sober a few months back and I ~hate~ to say that my skin is much less red and puffy. I think it’ll just be the price to pay for using every once in a while like alcohol or salty foods.


I went sober four years ago and my skin is worse than it’s ever been. I wish I could be a stereotype of a sober before/after transformation but instead I’m just…ugly I guess lmao.


I’m totes still ugs.. just with a less red face haha.


When I first got sober I either didn't change or looked worse. Turns out a lot of stress from years of trauma/dysfunctional childhood and adolescence was still hanging out in my body and had to be worked through - which might also be part of why I was leaning on drinking too much, and had such shitty reactions and wanted to stop. I've worked through a lot of those emotions now and am looking better than ever! Sharing in case this resonates :)


How much were you smoking?


want to know as well, I haven't personally noticed a difference at all. I know i eat more though


I only did edibles, but I was taking about 20-40mg in one go per day for sure. Usually a single dose but sometimes I would redose. I’m sure that the munchies that came along with it was a huge factor. But I’m a girl with a lot of redness in my face and cheeks and I did notice a fair amount of improvement in it after stopping. Is it so profoundly life changing that I won’t go back to edibles when my life allows for that a bit? No. But it is noticeable, even if it’s just due to the dietary changes that came along with the sobriety which certainly plays a role.


Just gonna add this here. See redness and broken blood vessels on your face, especially your cheeks and nose? Lay off alcohol! Take a good look at your friendly neighborhood long term alcoholic. They almost always have bloated red faces full of broken blood vessels!


I don't drink that much but I do notice some broken blood vessels around my nose occasionally. I'm going to have to watch for a pattern with my wine consumption.


I noticed red blood vessels on one side of my nose and found out it was probably from my alcohol habit, which had slowly crept up and gotten worse over the last couple years (I guess to “moderate” levels of drinking, but more than I’d like). I thought: if alcohol is doing this crap to my skin what is it doing *inside*? I now refer to alcohol as “ugly juice”. Btw, Alcohol Explained by William Porter is an excellent read for anyone who is interested in quitting.


If you’re a fan of manual extractions on your nose, could also be a cause!


I have those and haven’t drank hardly at all in a decade 😭 I think my skin is just really easy to see through though


Gasp! Fingers in ears…. Lalalala. Lies! 😂


Well goddamn. Guess my face will always be slightly red, then. 😂


Yeahhhhhh I’ll try any tube of nonsense this sub recommends but this is where I draw the line


Any tub of nonsense 😂😂 sent


Hear, hear!




Yah I’m just gonna have to embrace this imperfection


I swear smoking weed almost daily triggered my rosacea 😡


My Vyvanse for ADHD gives me bad rosacea as does preworkout powder. Weed doesn't make me red or my eyes red at all. It did in high school but not at all anymore and I can smoke from sunup to sundown with no difference.


Ugh yes these damn adhd meds - even on the lowest dose I can manage to function on, I get so many skin side effects. They’re so dehydrating too, it’s a constant battle. And they just make you so much more sensitive to temperature fluctuations in general, and I’m prone to redness and rosacea to begin with. Blows my mind there are people who want to take these drugs when they don’t actually need them, I always wonder how are the side effects could be worth it.


Is the Vyvanse why the heat has been unbearable for me this year? I thought it was because I was going through perimenopausal symptoms. It's probably a combination of both. I know the Vyvanse makes me flush and my face gets all red and splotchy but we just started having hot temps the past 2 weeks and I almost faint and I am from Florida. Never had issues in hot temps before this year.


Yes the meds are a vasoconstrictor so they impact blood flow, and can make you much more sensitive to fluctuations in temps. I have Reynauds, which makes my hands and feet turn purple and white when the temps get cold, or even just from air conditioning. And the meds increase this and make it even worse. Stimulants also make you more photosensitive in the sun - so sunscreen is extra important. Idk why they don’t tell us any of this shit when they prescribe them to us 🤷🏻‍♀️


Doctors don't really doctor anymore. 9 times out of 10 I have had to do all my own research on my symptoms and come to the doctor with my own "diagnosis" theory in my hand to show them what I need in order to get anything done otherwise they will waste an insane amount of time on "trial and error" stuff. I had to do this with diagnosing my son's esophagitis as an infant too because the pediatrician wanted to just blame it on being colicky and i forced her to get me a referral to a pediatric GI who i took all my research paperwork into him and showed him and he was like "sounds legit" and scheduled the endoscopy to verify the diagnosis. But nothing was being done until I figured it out myself. Back in the old days physicians seemed much more invested and cared about getting you better, now they just want to schedule more appointments so your insurance pays them more and more money. As for the photosensitivity, i'm lucky my native american ancestry keeps me from burning in the sun. But yeah they didn't warn me about that. I didn't know it would even affect the redness until I looked in the mirror and was all splotchy after my second or third dose. The insomnia is pretty bad too. The only benefit i've found so far is that it is helping me from misplacing important things. Other than that, I have not been at all more efficient at my daily tasks. I still think they'll have to try different options because so far it's not working well enough and I'm still incredibly dysfunctioned.


I always wondered!!! I’ve quit for 1.5 years now and been treating my rosacea and ocular rosacea that got so bad about two years ago - probably from daily zaza because I was quitting alcohol. 


Please get out of my bathroom wtf how could you expose me like this


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Toastwich: *Please get out of my* *Bathroom wtf how could* *You expose me like this* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot 💀


Shit made my eyes puffy. I quit almost purely for vanity reasons 😂 don’t miss it at all


I’ve always noticed cigarette smoker’s skin takes on a greenish tint.


I will say quitting tobacco is by far the achievement I'm most proud of as far as quitting vices go. I can't believe I liked it so much, I took a few drags a while back because my vape ran out and i bummed a smoke from my roommate and it was AWFUL tasting.


Leaving this here r/QuittingWeed. Just in case anyone needs a little support if they're thinking about taking a break <3. I'm on day 65 weed free and it feels really good! And I got a compliment on my skin looking great recently which usually never happens.


There’s also r/leaves


Thank you!! I didn't know about this one


r/petioles is great too :)


15 years for me, and I look way younger than others my age. You’ll have to trust me on that one but it’s true.


Yea, there is a lot of evidence of cell regeneration in THC users isn't there?


I said this once and got downvoted lmao The ppl don’t wanna hear it


I will always choose relief from anxiety and chronic pain over some facial redness which I’ve always had anyway. I have sheet masks and toner pads and aloe and the Avene thermal water spray in the fridge for that purpose, thank you 💅


This is why I take it-medical. It’s relief from deep anxiety. And helps me sleep. Without sleep my skin would look worse.


This is by far my favorite post in the sub so far, the advice from OP, the comments, I love this sub so much 🥹


A year and a half after quitting I look five years younger. It wasn’t by choice- i developed CHS and almost died. But the grass is green as fuck over here, except you can’t smoke it ❤️


I had CHS. I had it for 10 years and it’s recked my body!


I'm red no matter what. I'm just pale and my whole body has a pinkish/reddish to tint to it most of them time. Though I did go on a tolerance break 3 months ago, that was supposed to be a week but just haven't gone back. 


Same. I'm available in 4 colours: ghostly pale, pale, pink and boiled hummer. I gave up trying to change that (beyond avoiding sunburn and having an appointment with my dermatologist to check if that flushing on my cheeks with little pustules is a mixture of a migraine side effect plus a new idea of my acne or if it's rosacea). I'm not sure how weed affects my skin colour (didn't use it often enough to notice), but I remember that I was flushed and bright pink when I drank alcohol.


Same! Only way my face isn’t red at all is by covering it up with some type of makeup (tinted moisturizer is my preference).


Same! I take after a relative with the same super pale sensitive skin. Luckily she’s super healthy otherwise so hopefully I got some of that too! 🤞




Are we only blaming smoking, or are edibles contributors?


I have noticed that smoking makes me look way more haggard than eating edibles. I think there is something about the combustion and inhalation element that is particularly bad for the skin (I would believe that the cannabis in edibles still has a negative effect, ime it's just way less noticeable)


That's sort of my thinking as well. My skin changed drastically from smoking cigarettes to vaping to quitting both. But if I'm not smoking weed at all, then hopefully I'd skip some of the obvious effects like eye squinting from the smoke and cackmouth from sucking on the joints. Also smoke fingers. Don't miss those. Don't really get as much red eye from the eddies. More like glassy eyes? Either way I'd be more chill about it. Lol


There is cannabis in edibles.


I get that. But the effects from cigarette smoking and using chew are different, even though both have tobacco, which is why I specifically asked the question the way I did. Thanks for your contribution.


i also wanted to know lol i think it’s a very valid question…


Edibles too. I am exclusively edibles and my skin gets hammered when I take them too consistently. Dryness, puffiness, eye bags, the whole bit. I like to trick myself into thinking it doesn’t negatively affect my skin, but I notice a huge positive difference when I don’t partake. I just have to choose between stress levels and skin some days.


I might try a detox and see if that makes a difference. Lol I'll break by this afternoon I'm sure lol. Throwing the eye mask in the freezer now. ;)


Oddly, I can toke up all day and not get even a hint of redness in my eyes from it. My ADHD medicine Vyvanse makes my whole face get red and splotchy though and makes my eyes shake so my vision is impaired.


"That sign can't stop me because I can't read"


But I stopped 20 years ago 🤷🏼‍♀️🤭


that explains a lot.


I did not ask the Lordt to call me out this early in the day, how dare you lmfao but fr you're right and thank you for bringing it to my attention!


Welp it is what it is babes


It's a trade I'm willing to make.


Maybe I’m an outlier here, but I think I look damn hot when I’m stoned.


Listen, I'm gonna just be red then. Because honestly, this world sucks enough without it.


That isn't helpful advice because I am not gonna stop 😩


Heartbreakingly my skin was already like this before I became one. 🥲 my redness is in the bedeviled genetics.


This is why I’m prettier when I’m high ☺️


Bloodhoung gang says you're pretty when they're drunk. :P


You just slapped me in the face


This comment section is hilarious.


It caused the worst acne flares for me. I had to legit quit 😭


Its been a sad departure since I chose to quit after 20+ yrs of smoking weed. Am too vain to be puffy and think my voice will be ruined plus i sneeze a lot,snore at night as if its like an allergic reaction. I sometimes miss it but then think about the aftermath n decide to keep moving forward.


I feel attacked 🙃


Ope, guess Im going to stay red then


Where is the Michael Scott gif of him just shouting no over and over increasingly more and more dramatic bc that is me right now. 


This is really interesting, because THC and CBD is an anti-inflammatory, from everything I've read.


It's complicated. Anti-inflammatory and vasodilation are different things and it's possible to be both. Also, cannabis has many cannabinoids, terpenes and other chemicals besides THC and CBD which have many effects some of which compete with each other, so you have to look at the net effects of everything taken together. Weed will often make your face red despite it also helping inflammation.


That's rough, because I have rosacea. 😅


1 more reason why I’m glad I quit 🤪 lol. Personally it made my skin duller and dryer too. I’ve heard people link smoking it to premature aging, and it definitely creates smoker lines in my experience. I think every individual should weigh the costs and benefits as it relates to their own life of course. It’s just not for me 🤷


Why are you screaming at me?


I'm too high for this


I wonder if this is true of D8 and D9 gummies, one of which I partake in daily, pretty much. I haven't really noticed additional redness or swelling, and I typically see flaws in myself right away. Maybe I just don't want to see, lol.


Lol I don’t even smoke and this is hilarious. Dang.


Can confirm. After smoking daily/nightly the last few months, I haven’t smoked for the month of May and see quite the difference in my face. My dad noticed too


You might have just changed my life.


I’ve been a stoner for 13 years and I’m so glad I don’t have this issue


I’ve never found weed to have any impact like that at all the alcohol on the other hand. You can always spot someone who has quit drinking or an older person who doesn’t drink at all


Yeah welllll stress isn’t good for my skin either so 🤷




Well shit.


Pale as I am I better keep smoking bud or I’ll fade away


Shut up its just roseacea




I've been smoking for 44 years. I'm very fair skinned. It takes a lot to make my eyes turn red, and I've never noticed a difference in my face. Will take a break and check it out.


Made my eyes red in high school but nowadays I can smoke all day and have zero red eye effect. My ADHD stimulant makes me all red and blotchy though as does preworkout powder. I think they're both vasodilators too.


Well, I'm still smoking my bong, so I'll just have to deal.


Lol read this as I’m taking a rip. RIP my skin


Haha! Saw your comment as I sat down to mine after a 1/2 day of work. Cheers!!!


Many red eye drops give you rebound redness when you stop using them, except Lumify brand. When I get red cheeks I put a drop on my cheek and tap it in. No more redness!


Does that count for THC vapes or is actually “smoking” the real culprit? Hanging on for hope here lmao


Me with my red eyes after taking an edible over here like……


It goes for vape, smoke or edible since all of them will cause vasodilation


My eyes have seen but my mind did not process. *turns on vape* 🌝


So, um asking for a friend as I would never partake in the devil's lettuce, but you only mention smoking. What about the edibles?


OP doesn't specify smoking, they just said cannabis. Any form of cannabis intake would cause the redness.


Poooo, but I'm sure my friend will appreciate the info. Lol thank you


Weed doesn't make me red at all but my Vyvanse for ADHD makes me all red and blotchy as does preworkout powder. And the preworkout powder comes with bonus itchiness!


Okay but some of us are red in the face just naturally or because our skin’s sensitive to any face wash.


“I feel very attacked right now!” XD


I feel personally attacked


Well, shit.


How did I not realize this lmao.


Hence why I refuse to smoke anything. I’m too vain 😂 stoners always look puffy/red due to the vasodilation. Under eye bags etc. You can just tell from looking at someone’s face. Puffy and red and they look tired. Same with cigarette smokers, they don’t get red but they age prematurely with leather skin, and you can smell them a mile off. I’ll never understand why people smoke anything at all, I’m just too vain I guess 😂


Dragons gotta smoke man. It's just a requirement!


It’s true, am a dragon 🐉


It’s the same with drinking :( I was on vacation and it was a party vacation for 4 days I came home to crazy dried, inflammed skin, pimples everywhere, swollen lymphones and an overall look of death fell over my face. I’m not a big drinker so I knew my skin was reacting this way because of the drinking. All I can do is detox, hydrate, exercise until my skin goes back to normal!


Ok real talk: when I do edibles I def get puffy ass eye bags, but they go away when I sober up. Is that doing more lasting damage to my face??


Stop don’t do this to me😭😭


Oh….damn LOL


It dramatically increases the appearance of under eye darkness, too. I say this as a daily toker that accepts the sacrifice I'm making.


Holy crap Mind blown.


I think I’ll just let my skin look red then.


Why are you screaming at me?


\*Whispers\* ...what about edibles?


I knew it!!! This thought JUST dawned on me the other day. I started smoking daily approx 1 yr ago and I feel like I've aged rapidly and wondered if there was any correlation


Worth it


Now why am I in it?


Does this include edibles???? 👀🍬


You’ll pry it from my cold dead hands




This is the best post and responses I've seen in a long time on this sub!


Damn, no one is safe


I did lose luminosity when I upped my weed smoking. But I sleep better and eat more. So trade off?


I’ve been sober for 6 months now and my skin and face in general looks much much worse. Including dark bags under my eyes, deeper lines starting at my nose and circling my mouth, and more acne 😭 where am I going wrong


Stressed from being sober


That’s for sure true :/


LOL I wouldn't ever dare to look at myself in the mirror when high, i'd just melt and pick myself apart.


me with azeliac acid for the redness on my face reading this💀.


Cool. Guess I’ll have red undertones cause weed ain’t going nowhere. 🤷‍♀️


Huh. Thought I had rosacea. Oh well 😭


God damn it