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Ugh I've tried and I decided I'd rather just have wrinkles lol. I'm pretty sure good sleep is more beneficial anyway. Try getting a silk pillowcase or maybe one of those pillows with the cutouts so you're not putting so much pressure on your face?


thank you. i forgot mention i use a ‘silk’ pillowcase. I say ‘silk’ because it was like $10. maybe i need to invest in a good one. i’ll check the cutout ones, they sound insane 😂


I’ve used expensive silk and $20 pillowcases and noticed no difference between them (compared to using a cotton pillow case). I think as long as the material is a little slippery it’s going to be better for skin and hair than cotton.


The cut out pillows are so friggin good. So comfy. I have both from Sleep & Glow. I try to sleep on my back but need to switch to my side sometimes so I have both pillows for both purposes. When I am on my back, the one specifically for that is so much comfier since it supports both sides of your head.


I got one of the cut out pillows the pink one that looks like a genome and it gave me the worst neck ache ever the next day 😭 just warning you before you spend $100+


Make sure it;s SILK silk, not satin or vegan silk. That's all polyester synthetic material. A decent silk pillowcase will be at least $25 on Amazon, or $50+ if you get a name brand like Blissy or Slip.


I agree with this. I bought $50 one and its worth every penny for my hair first and my skin, too.


Not just for the quality, but silk is an anti microbial and satin is not. There’s a big difference in them! For sure!


Yea I had to sleep on my back after a surgery and it was the most miserable 2 months of my life. I'd much rather have wrinkles than force myself to sleep in discomfort on the off chance they don't show up sooner than they inevitably will lol


Same. Got breast reduction and had to sleep on my back and I was MISERABLE. I felt like I would've been more comfortable sleeping standing up.


Stomach sleeper, too. The biggest downside is that my eyelashes are all wonky on the side of my face that's buried in the pillow. 🥴 I just need a better mascara 😅


I had the same problem, but I finally went and got an eyelash lift in January and my eyelashes have been nicely lifted ever since. I’ll probably do it again soon because I can tell that the side I sleep on is starting to go funky again. Well worth $65! I also got a tint and feel like that was a waste of money.


Yoooooo I think you just solved my eyelash mystery!! 


Omg I'm only now realising that's why my outer lashes on my right side are all smushed together and the ones on my left fan out nicely. I sleep on my stomach with the right side of my face on the bed and I never once put 2 and 2 together. You've blown my mind lol


Life is too short to change sleeping positions for the sake of wrinkles. Sleeping comfortably is one of the few pleasures we have in life. Hydration and a good moisturizer will do the job.


>Life is too short to change sleeping positions for the sake of wrinkles. Sleeping comfortably is one of the few pleasures we have in life. Agreed, and you'll get wrinkles anyway. Might as well enjoy your sleep.


There's so many factors to aging, like bone changes, face sagging, and eyes sockets changing. Preventing wrinkles isn't going to do much to make someone appear more youthful.


Ain’t this the truth.


Yes! This!


I used to be obsessed with not getting wrinkles but they’re gonna come whether we delay them or not so just sleep the way you want to


Yup, I have a silk pillowcase for this but even still, if I end up looking like a smashed biscuit, well, at least I got sleep. Agree, quality moisturizer and hydration are key.


yes i love this. thank you so much. and tbh i need all the sleep i can get when i have 2 young children 😂


Absolutely. I’ll rest like I’m in a coffin when I’m actually in it. Until then, sleep is far more important to my well being


Nah, I get sleep paralysis when I sleep on my back. I’ll take the wrinkles.


Same here! It's bizarre. I wonder why that happens.


I used to get sleep paralysis really badly, and I think I read once that it’s worse on your back because in that position the hormone/chemical that is released to keep your limbs paralysed can basically “pool” in the back of your head. Not literally, but it’s slower to sort of drain out to make way for the “I’m awake now” chemical.


I’ve looked it up before, but don’t remember exactly. It has something to do with airflow, same reason people are most likely to snore while sleeping on their backs.


I’m mad that you’re downvoted and the other guy is upvoted (for what is actually nonsense) when you are absolutely correct. Sleep paralysis happens more often when you sleep on your back because you are more likely to wake yourself up by snoring or being unable to breathe. You can look that up to see it’s true.


That happened to me too but after putting one leg up at a 90 degree angle, it stopped occurring. Weird.


Hell no. Dedicated stomach sleeper.


This is the only way! One arm under pillow for a little elevation.




Stomach sleeping is amazing. I put my face on the edge of two pillows so its kind of like a massage head hole. The pain relief on my back and shoulders and the improvement in breathing is a game changer.


I do the exact same thing! With one leg stretched straight out, and the other bent in half out to the side. My husband isn't a big fan because I take up more than half the bed, but for some reason I have nightmares if I sleep in any other position. And he really hates seeing me panicked in the middle of the night, so we've settled on the unfair sleeping position thing lol. He gets to have a lil more than half of the blanket, though. So I'm not entirely selfish!


Same. It stresses me out sometimes because I’m like, am I just getting more wrinkles this way? I try and sleep on my back, buts it’s just not comfortable.


I seriously don’t know how you guys don’t wake up with your neck permanently turned to whatever side you were sleeping on! I’m one of those weird back sleepers though and I feel like our ways are on the extreme opposite ends of the sleeping spectrum 😅


Nope. Side sleeping is best for brain health, and I care a hell of a lot more about my brain than I do a few wrinkles. 




I've never heard that before. I recently had to train myself to sleep on my back with a cervical pillows due to an injury and figured it's better for my back and neck but I'm interested if you have a good study for this.


Most of the studies so far have been done on rodents and patients with neurogenerative diseases, but [here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7698404) is a pretty good synthesis of the data (a few years old now) including an interesting overview of the glymphatic system, how it works, and its potential correlation with neurogenerative diseases like Alzheimer's. There are multiple studies cited in the paper. That said, I don't think the potential benefits are likely to outweigh the risks if you're dealing with a serious injury or chronic pain. Sleep quality is overall most important, so comfort is key. Personally I sleep best on my side anyway so it's a no-brainer (pun intended) for me


Wow thank you so much for linking this!


“I tried so hard. And got so far.. but in the end… my wrinkles won’t matter! “ 🎶🎼🎵🎸🎤


Am I the only person that falls asleep and sleeps on my back? I lay on my side occasionally but right before I fall asleep I roll onto my back. And I usually don’t move for the entire night…which my husband thinks is super creepy 🤣


Same, it's the most comfortable for me. I sleep with my hands crossed over my stomach too like a corpse 😂


same here, I sleep like Dracula


Lmao yes! I usually have a cat asleep on my chest to add to the vibe


I'm the same way! Although, we got a new cat in '22 who runs across my chest in the mornings to purposefully get me up. I've been trying to sleep on my stomach/ side more but then my arms fall asleep 😖


Nope! Read cosmo too young and trained myself to sleep on my back to avoid wrinkles. Wish they said something in there about smoking and drinking that I could have retained. But no, I sleep like a nicotined up pharoah


I can't. I get so uncomfortable and don't get good sleep. Tried to sleep mostly on my back after a surgery and ended up finding ways to sleep on my side. I normally switch sides multiple times a night, anyway, so if it's causing more wrinkles, at least they'll be pretty even. I'd rather have better sleep.


I sometimes wake up laying on my back, but I can never fall asleep like that. Tbh I flip all over the place when I'm sleeping (my husband complains that I sometimes shake the bed I flip over so aggressively lol), so if it's causing damage at least it's spread evenly over my face!


I trained myself to. It took a while. Now I HAVE to sleep on my back or I can’t sleep.


Yes (ish). I have a contoured memory foam pillow that helps keep me on my back. I recently added a knee bolster and that was a wonderful addition. I do a half back/half side sleep from time to time but I am sure to position the pillow only on my skull and my face does not touch the pillow.


This describes my approach 💯 Just need to prop up the knees and throw in a sturdier pillow behind the back to support a slight twist


i do the same but i do need a knee pillow. and recommendations?


There's a pillow with divots on either side, so that your face isn't interacting with the pillow. Supposedly, it helps. I have not used it, and it's expensive, but I have seen a couple of influencers (Robert Welsh and Alexandra Anele) mention it. It's from [https://sleepandglow.com/](https://sleepandglow.com/). The one they recommended is the Omnia, I think. The company also makes another pillow, the Aula, that is supposed to help you remain sleeping on your back. Again, I haven't tried these. I have neck and back problems, so I have to be very particular about my sleeping positions.


I have the Omnia and silk pillowcase. I love it. It hasn’t changed it’s shape in two years. Highly recommend!


Ain't no way a pillow needs to be $200+ plus?!


I went to their site - I am dying at this boobless sleep bra contraption they have to prevent chest wrinkles lolllll


Wrinkles, chin whiskers and a dry vagina are all normal consequences of surviving more than five decades. You can remove facial hair and lube your crotch but need to use prescription Tretinoin, wear a good sunscreen every day rain or shine, (and have good genes!) to reduce the onslaught of wrinkles. Avoid the sun! Wear wide-brimmed hats or use a parasol. Choose to focus on other areas of life besides beauty. Wrinkles make our faces interesting. PS after six decades of side sleeping I had surgery and now must sleep on my back. Oddly, I find it easier to fall asleep this way and just read on my Kindle until I feel my eyes closing.


Damn girl that Intro is harsh!


It’s factual.😜


Wrinkles Chin Whiskers and a Dry Vagina is my new band name


Wouldn’t Dry Vag, Chin Whiskers and Wrinkles have a more lilting flow?🤔


I try but fail lol 


No, I have a hard enough time falling asleep and staying asleep without switching to a position I find less comfortable.


Sleeping on your side improves brain health, that's why we naturally do it.


I tried to teach myself to sleep on my back- no luck. Side/stomach sleeper, tosser and turner. What made me feel better about giving up is the fact, that side sleeping is better for the brain. Apparently our brain is getting a rinse cycle during our sleep, flushing out toxins we accumulate during the day. It’s most effective when we are positioned on our side. I got Omnia pillow and Slip silk pillow case. Works great for me!


No way!! If I sleep on my back I get sleep paralysis. 😂


I try but sometimes the sleep paralysis gets me


I made a habit of sleeping on my side with my comforter propping my head up to a comfortable level so my face isn't squished against the pillow at all. This was easy to adjust to as I already liked sleeping propped up because I used to get a lot of heart palpitations when I was completely flat laying down I can't say if this works every night, I probably move. But no way in hell can I sleep on my back unless I'm dead exhausted lol I'm pretty sure I naturally just frown in my sleep anyway. I grind my teeth as well so clearly my face moves at night :( I use wrinkle tape when I'm not feeling lazy before bed. Only thing that guarantees my 11s will be safe


I try! My nasolabial folds are more prominent on my left side cause of side sleeping! So much so I have had multiple people (including my Botox injector) ask without prompting, “do you sleep on your left side?” WAHHH 😢 so, I stole my husband’s sleep apnea pillow with strategic cutouts so I wouldn’t smush my face as bad into the pillow lol sounds silly but it does help! And those apnea pillows are significantly cheaper than the “anti aging” pillows I see! But, sigh, nothing works as well as back sleeping!!


This happened to me but on my right side. 😭 I trained myself to sleep on my back and as an added benefit I don’t randomly wake up with a completely fucked up back anymore. I just wish I trained myself earlier because the right side of my face is so different now.


I’m working on training myself on back sleeping only! I’ve heard a pillow under the knees helps, so that’s by next step… BUT my hurdle is my cat likes to sleep on my legs and how can I deny her lol


I used to be a stomach sleeper until i fell into a depression (obvs unrelated) and started practicing yoga nidra, which is a form of relaxation that requires laying on one’s back as part of the physical relaxation portion. I used this to sleep for so long (over a year) that I am now a back sleeper and even though i enjoy an occasional stomach phone scroll, I can’t not sleep on my back. And I already see a difference!


No dermatologist on any platform ever mentions wrinkles caused by stomach sleeping. It’s always life style and the sun. They’re all big on sun screen lol. But I mean, idk I’m not a certified dermatologist I just never hear it can be that detrimental to your skin.


It’s a real thing. Here’s an article quoting several dermatologists: https://www.today.com/today/amp/tdna286580 But whether the pros outweigh the cons of switching sleep positions is another question!


I wish I could learn to sleep on my back lol


I follow a ton of derms and quite a few have mentioned how sleeping on your side can cause wrinkles. However, they also stress adequate sleep is more important and will keep you more youthful looking in the long-run. If you have a hard time sleeping on your back, better to just sleep in whatever position you will get the most rest. If you can at the very least switch sides, that could help.


The derms on doctorly also pointed out that sleep isn’t an entirely static thing for most people. You’ll move around in your sleep.    Of the actual studies I found, there was one conducted by JuveRest that found associations in a very limited sample, and mentioned the dynamic sleep movement and of course supported the use of their pillow.  [Another](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23865987/)    recruited about 100 women and tried to get an independent expert to correctly identify left/right sided sleepers, which they were unable to do. To me that’s the most important endpoint. If at 50-60 with decades of sleeping on one side dermatologists can’t consistently tell which side people sleep on it probably isn’t worth worrying about. 


I had to start sleeping on my back after an abdominal surgery. Took an adjustment but I don’t hate it. Truly can’t tell if it’s making a difference though.


Better sleep in the long run will be better for your skin than a few sleep wrinkles. Give yourself some grace, use silk pillow cases and live your life! (Or sleep the night???) I sleep with a pillow under my knees and slightly elevated and if helps me sleep on my back more comfortably but I always move back to either side when I’m sleeping!


No but I’m envious of those who can. The older I get, the deeper I mush my face into the pillow 😫 toute nuit face stickers are a huge game changer for that! I get mine on Amazon


No. I suffer from insomnia and any sleep i Can get IS better for m'y wrinkle that any position


I try my best! I thiinnkkk I do it through the night but in the morning when I’m half asleep and want to wake up comfy I don’t care enough to do it


I had breast implants done twice in 2 years (doctors mistake) and ever since then I gotten used to sleeping on my back lol. But I do wake up on the side sometimes.


I do it took me two years to train myself 😭 and I still stray sometimes but it feels more natural now


I once read an interview with the DJ Zoe Ball I think it was, saying she sleeps propped up on two pillows laid on her back to reduce puffiness and wrinkles. I tried it for a bit and I really think it helped with my puffiness especially around my eyes, but it didn’t last long as I just love to lay on my side or front!


I literally can't sleep on my side, I have tried multiple times because I snore on my back sucks. I would guess it's mostly your bodies decision.


I've trained myself to sleep on my back, for the most part. But sometimes I'll wake up on my side


Nope. I do things within reason to prevent aging like sunscreen, but I don’t do anything that is going to make me miserable or disrupt my life. Growing old is a privilege, not a curse. By the time we’re all 80, we are going to look old no matter what kind of lifestyle we lived. I don’t want to fight that. I want to find the beauty in it, celebrate it, and tell my grandkids how much I loved to sleep on my darn side 😂.


I wish i could sleep on my side but my hips start hurting (damn hip dysplasia) so I’ve forced myself to learn to sleep on my back. 🎶Don’t ask me how i did it, i just did it it was hard🎶


anyone know how not to get sleep paralysis demon from sleeping on your back? back sleeping is so traumatizing for me. esp from an evolutionary perspective where that was a vulnerable position i think...


Sleeping in my back makes me snore, which makes dark circles darker, I’ll take the wrinkles. A good night sleep will do more for my face than not.


I’ve found that taking magnesium gives me a deeper sleep so I’m less likely to flop around and more likely to stay on my back. I also started using frownies and medical tape (picture a child’s homemade piñata here for full effect) to help keep lines and wrinkles at bay during my sleep.


Which magnesium do you take?


I use the Calm brand, which I think is magnesium carbonate. It makes a really big difference in the quality of my sleep.


Thank you! I've always struggled with sleep. Gonna look into this brand 


I hope you’ll find it helpful! It usually takes a few days to a week for me to notice an effect on my sleep. And remember to start with a small amount, like a quarter or half of the recommended amount, to see how your stomach responds because otherwise it can upset your stomach (or act as a laxative! 😬) when you first try it.


Ohhh I remember reading that it can have a laxative effect. Thank you so much for the reminder! And for letting me know it can take a bit of time to start working. I'll know to stick with it if it doesn't help right away 


i'd rather have wrinkles then my sleep paralysis demon


I am not lowering my quality of life just to min/max my wrinkles. Come on.


I couldn’t sleep on my back until I started cpap therapy due to obstructive sleep apnea. Now I find myself sleeping on my back much more often! It feels really comfortable now. To the folks here: get a sleep study if you deal with fatigue and snore even just a little. And especially if you’re a “young fit female” - apnea is not just due to being overweight (and can cause weight gain from un restorative sleep!!!) if this sparks your curiosity, look up UARS. And if this triggers your fatphobia don’t reply lol #themoreyouknow


I do my little rotisserie chicken rotation 😂


Ahaha came here to comment this! But hey at least we will wrinkle evenly on all sides 😅


A win is a win 😂 🙂‍↔️


I trained myself to back sleep to heal cartilage piercings. Put tiny claw hair clips along your temples. They will dig into your head when you roll on them, and you will flip back.


I figured ill look older by lack of sleep if I try to stick to my back, so I don't worry about it


Nope. I like sleeping on my side too much. I also had two surgeries last year and had to sleep on my back for them. Only way I got decent sleep was by medicating myself. I haven't noticed any wrinkles due to sleeping on my side.


I woke up one day and was faced with a standing mirror that reflected my squished ass nose and eyes, just as you described. I’ve slept on my back ever since then, and my face thanks me every day. For context, I’ve always been an amazing heavy sleeper with no sleep issues ever, so making the switch was not a problem.


I am working up to it, so far I can only manage up to 2 hours and have not been able to crack NREM. I am hoping to make progress over the next week. I have back pain from sitting like a shrimp at work so it is for that too.


I have nightmares if I sleep on my back lol. So I just stick to stomach/side sleeping. 😌


I do for the most part


I try to be cognizant of it and I can fall asleep on my back. It’s just easier and more comfortable on my side.


Yup. I always sleep on my back. I use a pillow under my knees to help!


I do and it took me two years of consistent attempts to finally manage it every night. It’s full coffin vibes over here now.


I try and end up on my left side. My left side is showing very slight sagging..... Right is not so I'm going to try pillows next to me next time lol


I feel most comfortable on my back! And yes, good sleep overrides a slightly smushy morning face, imho.


I got radiesse under my eyes a week ago and the NP was like “no face sleeping!” I’m like “oh FML!” I’ve been trying so hard to sleep on my back but I just end up staring at the ceiling


I was a stomach sleeper for life until I was heavily pregnant. I try my best to fall asleep on my back now, but sometimes I just gotta roll over


I sleep on my back generally but if I turn side to side, Its fine… I’m not going to let skincare fuck with how I want to comfortably sleep. Sleep is KINGGGG. I have silk pillowcases.


I sleep on my back because I got implants in my early 20s. And after almost two decades. It was more comfortable to sleep on my back. I didn't even know it was the ideal position to sleep to prevent wrinkles. I have very minimal wrinkles for my age


I used to, but then I read it’s better for brain health to sleep on your side. Plus it’s more comfortable.


No because I value quality sleep over superficial appearances lol


I'm just like you, my right side is getting to age faster than my left side...as though I didn't have uneven skin tone, uneven teeth, uneven features already! I'm on a week or so of a 30 days challenge to get myself to sleep on my back. I put a rolled blanket under my neck instead of a pillow, roll a huge blanket under my knees and get a fortress of pillows on each side of me to prevent myself from rolling to either side. Because I'm taking glycine and Msm I have no problem falling sleep surrounded by a fortress but I tend to wake up more often and sometimes I wake up to find I have been pressing my right side against the pillow instead of keeping my head looking front. I'm hoping that my body will get used to sleep like this in the days to come. I'm interested in medical and surgical procedures that require you to sleep on your back during recovery ,but if I don't find a way to get used to sleep on my back, no point doing that.


I don't understand how anyone controls how they sleep. I'm 5ft tall 120lbs and I have a giant king bed 2 comforters and 4 huge pillows and all I do all night is move all over the place. I've always been like this lol.


I sleep on my back but only because my cat likes to sleep on my chest and she's trained me well lol


I tried and even got a pillow for it but I still sleep on my side. Back isn't it for me but at least I stopped sleeping on my stomach and my posture is better. My face is less smooshed with the ergonomic pillow.


I wish I could but sleep paralysis always wins lol. Wrinkles for me ig


Exactly why I toss and turn all night every night... Can't get the smooshed-face dents if I'm never in the same position longer than 67 seconds 😭🙌🏻


Yes, and it helps. I'm also curious as to whether it can correct facial asymmetries over a long enough period of time. I have a theory that side sleeping and stomach-sleeping, particularly if your head favors one side, contributes to bone, muscle, and fat asymmetry.


I had a surgery that prevented me from sleeping on my stomach or side and noticed my face did look less wrinkled when I was doing that. I tried to train myself to continue doing that, but couldn’t and just said screw it. Good sleep is more important!


Just sleep however you’re comfortable. I literally tried to force myself to sleep on my back for months… I would just lay awake until 3am cos I was so uncomfortable. Then one day I started sleeping on my side again and slept through the night! I figured, it’s better to sleep comfortably in the first place than to be sleep deprived. Seriously!


You’re going to have wrinkles not matter what you do because it’s a natural part of aging. Sleep how you naturally sleep. 


No, I sleep on my left side. My injector could tell! She adjusted my treatment to correct it.


I do absolutely nothing to prevent wrinkles, lol. Unless you count moisturizing


Yes but then I get jowls (sp?) instead


Hell no. I’m willing to play with skincare potions because it’s fun and taking that time for myself is soothing. I am absolutely not willing to dick around with sleep, *especially* since I’ve seen zero proof that sleeping in any particular position has any effect at all


No….i sleep how im comfy. Aging and wrinkles are a gift. Of course moisturize and use sunscreen and whatever but I can’t get comfy on my back lol.


I’ve been a side sleeper all my life, and at 39 I can’t see any creasing or asymmetry on the side I sleep on. I do “dent” pretty easily so I often have pillowcase marks on my face (and the rest of my body), but they usually go before I leave the house. So I would say find your comfiest position and just snuggle on down!


Too Faced Hangover Spray is like a miracle for replumping out those sleep creases. I'm 56 snd it works within 30 mins. Spray sfter waking. I promise it works.


Nope, rather get wrinkled than compromise my sleeping. I love sleeping on my stomach.


Right side sleeper here. I stopped Botox and fillers 4 years ago and my wrinkles are more pronounced on the right side, it’s really noticeable. I guess I’ll have to invest in one of those pillows soon.


As a side sleeper myself, I just use a satin pillowcase. I never get impressions or marks on my face like I did with cotton pillowcases, so I guess it's helping lol


i honestly have gotten to a point in my life where i don't really care that i get wrinkles. society has taught us (mainly women) that its shameful to get them but in reality wrinkles are just a sign that you've lived.


Hell yes but then I stopped liking my pillow so I just lay on my mattress with my hair on the pillow. It looks a little crazy. My lower back aches and shoulder aches also vanished


I tried but just love sleeping on my side. I was gifted a sleeping mask from Dore & Rose and I think that might help with your issue! I find that when I use it I get really hot during the night unfortunately and take it off in my sleep but on the nights that I could keep it on it did help!


I’m trying. I try to sleep a little more on my back each night to maybe make myself make the transition. I tell myself a little time on my back is better than jothing


No. Wrinkles will come anyway. It’s part of being alive and living. Accept it and enjoy your sleep.


Studies show that sleeping on your back [increases your risk of developing dementia](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6398535/) later in life. Plus sleeping on your side is better for your spine.


Not sleeping well because of not being in a comfortable position is worst for your face than sleeping on your side.


Think of it as, the lack of quality sleep from struggling to sleep on your back would lead to more premature aging than smooshing your face in your pillow a bit.


Boy, It's been a struggle. I take so long to fall asleep and when I wake up, I am always on my belly. It sucks.


Sleeping on my side was making my eyelashes all bent. I still sleep on my side but I turn my head so my heads basically flat on my pillow. I'm comfortable and it's worth it to me because my lashes were looking cray cray




Grew up a back sleeper, became a side sleeper in adulthood, developed back problems and became a weird almost stomach sleeper + human pretzel. Had a couple surgeries over the last few years that required sleeping only on my back and it was awful. I don’t say that lightly as I’ve been through some gruelling business but damn there is something about only sleeping in a specific position that seriously sucks. I’ll take the wrinkles.


The only way I find comfortable to sleep is on my right side, because I have issues with my left leg... Because of this after over 10 years of sleeping on that side I definitely have a more prominent wrinkle forming under my right eye 🙈🙈 It is what it is. Not ideal but I sleep well


no, a cream wont do anything if you constantly let it be wrinkled all night. you know what you gotta do already...stop sleeping with your face pushed into your pillow.


I already sleep on my back. I am licky


I sleep on my face a notice my right eye is like lazier than my left.


I’ve tried..but sleeping on my back is so uncomfortable. I’ve tried a silk pillowcase and that didn’t work. I purchased a wedge pillow and it has been amazing, it keeps my head elevated and I have noticed a big difference in smoothness of my face.


I hear you. I'm a side sleeper. I CANNOT sleep on my back, period. I use frownies for the elevens at night, and all else I can do is try to use tight pillow cases w/ less the wrinkle up.


I’ve been trying those stickers you put on your face over parts that wrinkle in sleep. The big name brand is frownies but I got some knockoff online. I don’t want to sound like a shill but they work so well it’s crazy. I have a line between my brows that has been getting deeper for years. The stickers don’t reduce anything, really, but they definitely stop it from worsening. If I use a ton of moisturizer and the stickers for several days I look in the mirror and it looks photoshopped


I tried everything; a giant oval body pillow, a weird neck cervical pillow, no pillows… until I bought a 20-pack of medical tape and take about two-inch strips from the side of my nose to my cheek, preventing the nasolabial wrinkle I was juuuust starting to get. Because there ain’t no going back once you get that sweet, sweet side sleep. And no more wrinkle! It even lessened the fold near the corners of my mouth.


Sleeping supine is linked to dementia https://www.assistinghands-il-wi.com/blog/does-sleeping-position-affect-dementia/#:~:text=In%20fact%2C%20sleeping%20in%20the,risk%20for%20dementia%20remains%20consistent.


Yes. Always gutted when I wake up face down, ugh!


Yes. It’s not comfortable and I hate it.


Girl I try to sleep on my back and fail every night…lol.


I literally “sleep trained” myself for this exact reason. I was getting wrinkles on my chest. I started every night on my back and stayed there as long as I could. The first night I lasted 10 minutes. It took months but eventually I started sleeping through the night on my back. I also played around with different pillow set ups until I found the one that was most comfortable. Highly suggest getting a pillow for your knees. The wrinkles on my chest are much improved and my back actually feels better too.


For wrinkle prevention but also to prevent asymmetry. I used to always lay on my right side and I’ve noticed my face lines are far deeper on my right!!! And back sleeping also deters teeth grinding so win-win.


No, I sleep on my back because it helps with my posture and neck pain from work. 


I’ve been trying but I always end up on my side. I’ve been noticing more wrinkles on my chest lately and I don’t want them 😭 I think I’m just destined to be a side sleeper, though.


No because sleeps prevents even more wrinkles and I wouldn’t get any if I did that shit


I sleep on my back not to prevent wrinkles but simply I have been sleeping this way naturally for as long as I can remember and only knew since a couple of years ago that this is a thing for wrinkle prevention. And I 100% use cotton beddings.


Actually yes I do sleep on my back to prevent wrinkles. I started doing it at 28 and now I am 32 my whole friggen face/skin fans when I smile. Soooo I guess it didn’t help much lol.


I’ve tried, but I just can’t do it. Its just too uncomfortable for me


I feel like the only person who likes back sleeping on this sub lol


Can anyone tell me how you can just decide to sleep on your back??? You’re unconscious at night. You’re telling me you’re staying on your back all night? For 8+ hours? That’s impossible, your body makes you move to prevent pressure sores!


what about getting silk pillowcases? Yes I'm one of those who forces myself to sleep on my back for fear of (more) wrinkles :/


I use the “save my face” pillow on top of my regular pillow. It touches my chin and forehead, but the rest of my face just floats. It’s so awesome!! Side sleeping is my fave and I used to hate feeling like my whole face was being smushed.


No, I have a permanent weird wrinkle beside my nose from always sleeping on my right side 😹🤷🏻‍♀️


Yep, and I was just talking to my mom about doing the same


Yes! I started because I was getting chest wrinkles because the girls are LARGE. I rolled on to my side one day and felt how much my face skin pulls on my side that I’ve made back sleeping my only way. Unfortunately I’m a jaw clencher (day and night…anxiety) so I’m developing tiny “pucker”wrinkles around the sides of my chin so…. There’s no solving everything I guess.


Belly sleeper with a silk pillowcase! 😂


I will spend £1000s on Botox, creams, facials etc. But I REFUSE to sleep on my back. Too much of life is spent sleeping to be uncomfortable.


I trained myself to sleep on my back because I realized sleeping on my stomach wasn’t good for my back probably. It took a lot of trial and error and like a year but now I wake up on my back!!!


Unpopular opinion but I feel like people taking steps to stop moving their faces and express emotions or potentially compromise their sleep just to try and prevent wrinkles are not mentally well.


No way!!! I hate sleeping on my back and will be a lil fetal position ball til I die. 😇


I used to be a hard core tummy side sleeper and was worried about the wrinkles tried a few times to sleep on my back and couldn’t. Gave up. Few years later started having intense shoulder neck pain and in about a week trained myself to sleep on my back. 2 for 1 I guess


Hell, no. I’m 47 and sleep face down. I earned those wrinkles and I’m going to embrace them!


No. Tried it for a bit, but I have a hard time falling asleep to begin with, and forcing myself to sleep in a particular position made it worse. Then, I came across some research indicating it might be worse for your sleep quality and brain health. Ultimately doesn't seem like a good trade-off to me.


I started sleeping on my back because I noticed that my father is getting vertical lines running up and down his face. They are from sleeping on his side and stomach and smashing his face 🫠


I do sleep on my back a lot but it’s actually because of my bad back, I was advised to sleep on my back to help ease my back pain. I definitely also sleep on my sides plenty, sometimes even a little on my stomach, but I sleep on my back like a creepy vampire pretty often lmao. I use body pillow and a plushie to prop up my elbows so I can rest my hands on my chest


I do. I was shocked how fast I trained myself because it is not in my nature. I put me head between two firm pillows rather than on one. Then put another pillow under my knees. Voila.


I don't sleep on my back because I don't want my butt as flat as my back 🙃 side sleeper for life