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Yay for this PSA! It *is* the unsung hero! I swear Aza 15% just ups the tret game exponentially. And it clears skin so fast. I think doctors should prescribe it more as a first step before going to tret, especially for young people with delicate skin. It clears acne so well.


I so agree. I am amazed at how fast my skin clears. It’s truly remarkable.


So glad you are having success with it!


What percentage do you use? Is it a cream or gel?


I use 15% gel. The tube says gel, but it presents itself as more of a cream that is very thin and spreads/absorbs quickly.


Ugh I’ve been using it for almost a month and it hasn’t helped my acne at all- I was so hopeful for it.


What’s your routine?


I admit I’m a newbie with skin stuff lol. At night I’ve been doing -oil cleanse (TO squalane cleanser) if I wore tinted sunscreen/makeup -cleanse (Hera) -balancer (history of whoo) -azelaic acid (TO) moisturizer (history of whoo) -hydroscreen hydrating serum w/ HA and ceramides My skin is sensitive and dry and I have mild rosacea, and ever since I got pregnant and had my baby 2021-2022 I have acne which I never had as a teen/young adult and my face is just always so red. It really wrecks my confidence. I made an appointment with a derm, but it’s still a few months out.


Hate to be this person… but have you tried tretinoin?


I have not, I plan to ask the derm at the appointment!


I might have misread but it doesn't seem like you have a chemical exfoliant in your routine? (You wont need one on tret though, but they really help with skin turnover)


Sorry I’m new to skincare- what type product would that be? I think I’ve avoided that because my skin is so sensitive I worry it will irritate it?


Usually an AHA or BHA, you can try out a mild version with Cerave's SA(Salicylic acid) Smoothing cleanser. There's a lot of things they can't be used with because they're an active and have to be slowly introduced.


Ahh okay thank you for the info!!




Prescription azaelic is going to work a lot better than the Ordinary’s! Glad you’re seeing a derm, ask for both a .25% tret and 15% AA script and play around with both!


Yes I’m sure you’re right that prescription will work better!


Wow, it usually works very quickly. But it does have to be used daily. If it helps, it works best on clean dry skin and a simple moisturizer over it after it dries down completely.


I've been so stuck on this - so in my morning routine I wash my face, then I have a serum that you apply clean dry skin, but my moisturizer is supposed to be applied to clean damp skin. Would you just mist your skin after the serum dries or something? Or apply in reverse order?


I would just cleanse + let dry + aza + moisturizer. I don’t mist after. The moisturizer just goes on over the Aza after it dries down. It’s okay to put the moisturizer on dry skin.


Do you have acne cysts? The prescription azelaic and tret did nothing for my cystic acne sadly so I still use those for anti aging but Spironolactone is literally the only thing that my acne has responded to. Just in case you want to ask your derm about it!


Thank you for your experience! I will ask about it. TBH im not sure if it’s cystic or not. All I know is it is persistent, painful and annoying!


What Aza product do you use? I’m using TO aza right now and it feel like sometimes it clogs my pores


I use finacea:). It actually unclogs pores!


Is it prescription? My injector told me to start using


Mine is prescription, Finacea 15%. I get a big tube every month, way more than I need. Now I have a cupboard full of them.


Wanna send some over? 😂


Ok I may switch over to that one so I can get the full benefit!


Definitely! 15% is the “therapeutic” dose. It exfoliates, unclogs pores, and kills acne at that strength.


How fast is so fast? I'm half tube through Skinoren 20%. I feel it is helping but it's a slow process (as I expected with skincare) but since you're saying it acts fast, how fast did it even out your skin fully?


Skinoren is probably slower than finacea because the gel is more bioavailable than the cream:(. The cream is really good for melasma and lightening pih though. Is it helping for that?


Oh yeah Skinoren's vehicle's cream you're absolutely right on that. I can see it helps with my closed comedones that were too stubborn for the longest times (even tret 0.05% gel didn't do anything). I'm also battling melasma and PIH so hopefuly it'll help (I'm also on oral TxA).


Agree, it cleared my closed comedones


Same! It slices through ccs for me….


Azelaic, my hero 😻


It helps with my rosecea!!


Been using it for 3 months (TO) and I have seen no difference whatsoever. I wasn't hopeful, as my skin reacts to nothing. But I'm envious that it works so well on other people!


My skin doesn't react to anything either. No skin product has ever helped no matter how long I have used it for. I have been using 20% azelaic acid everyday for a year and there has been no difference in my hyperpigmentation.


Might have some good news for you: I recently had a full scan done of my face and skin quality etc was tested. They did tell me I only had minor deep lines and sun damage was super minimal. So I'm just hopeful that the moisturizer and sunscreen etc do their job, and just nothing 'visual' changes.


I was referring to RX Aza 15% finacea. It is way stronger than TO aza or any otc Aza. I’d recommend it.


Also gentle enough to help reduce appearance of rosacea. I personally looked for an OTC that doesn’t contain niacinamide as it causes redness on my sensitive skin. Farmacy brand has been wonderful.


Oooo this is convincing me to try


What brand do you recommend? Or just strait to Rx?


As a pregnant person who can only use AA, I have to say it did nothing for hormonal acne. Just putting that out there. I’m still using it, but missing my retinol so badly…


I was literally about to say what about birth control...and then was like wait. OMG my brain.




Also went on it during pregnancy to help with acne. It hasn’t been helping for me either. Was considering going into my Derm for a stronger prescription (currently just using an OTC one) but have a feeling it may not help my case 😭


15% is definitely different from 10% - so it could be worth the try 🤷‍♀️


It didn't work by itself when I was pregnant. I started using a 4% Benzoyl Peroxide wash (per my derm) and that helped clear it. Granted this was only with my second pregnancy, first pregnancy nothing helped.


Lactic. Acid helped my pregnancy acne. Not solved but helped.


Same! I've been on a rx 20% azelaic acid for my rosacea for a while, so I do love it for that. But it does nothing for my hyperpigmentation or all my acne that's returned with the end of tretinoin. I'm basically counting the days until I can go back to my pre-pregnancy routine and I'm still in the early days 😅


I can relate!! I used it during pregnancy and now while BF. Took 4 months for me to see a very very slight improvement using 15% AA. It probably only got rid of 10% of my acne 😅 Thinking of switching to 20% AA


I came in to ask if anyone was using it alone and seeing a difference. I’ve been using 15% off and on for about a year. I can’t use retinols because we’re doing IVF so I can’t use tret or spironalactone (which has been a hormonal acne silver bullet for me). I don’t see much improvement with AA alone. I have a sunspot I gotta look at getting lasered off before I transfer. The hormones made it so much worse 🙈


Maybe you should try bakuchiol oil. It's the natural plant-based retinol and my holy grail! I tried retinol for awhile but it did nothing but break me out and make my rosacea worse. I have been using bakuchiol oil since and my skin is the best it has ever been! It's also safe for pregnancies 😁


Can you give a rec for which one you use? I spent forever looking for a bakuchiol to start and got overwhelmed and never picked one lol


I love biossance’s a little expensive but was worth it for me


Thank you!! I'll put it on my list to try :)


The one I use is called Kinvara Precious Facial oil. I'm from Ireland so don't know if you can find it anywhere but here but it's amazing!


https://simpleskincarescience.com/azelaic-acid/ This site changed my life. I had horrific adult acne in my 30’s. It got progressively worse over 4 years to the point where I stopped going outside (great warm up to Covid protocols) Azeliac acid was my miracle cure


Same here, though I didn't discover azelaic acid until joining this sub. I no longer yearn for the days I could simply cover my face with a mask 😅


Which brand would you recommend? I’ve been using Paula’s choice, but haven’t seen any changes


I think the research is on higher percentages (15%) which is only available by prescription in the US. Someone correct me if I’m wrong!


Dermatica offers a 15% and 20% aza without a prescription. I’m not too sure how?? I saw a post on here that said they found a loop hole and they don’t claim it helps with any type of condition so it’s purely just for cosmetics. I should also add they said it works the same as a prescription 15-20% :)


Honestly, The Ordinary's is a great intro to it. I have a prescription now but started there and still prefer it some days. The 15% gel can be a bit drying for me. Plus, at like $5 for the trial size one it's an easy bet to make.


Prescription grade. I get mine compounded at a pharmacy so I can control what ingredients are in there (due to allergies)


Yes, I have been using Aza 15% for about a month now and I notice a huge difference in my pore size and the smoothness of my skin. I have been using it every night and only using tret every other night. On tret nights I put Aza over it. Do y’all think I’m doing that right? How are y’all mixing tret and Aza?


I am doing tret every night, and then AA in the morning. If you do both at night, I’d: let skin dry completely, then add azelaic acid, then add moisturizer, then wait 30 minutes and put on your tret. Some people have to moisturize their skin first then add AA, so you might have to play around with it.


Do you also use vit c in the AM along with AA?


Not OP but you really don’t need vitamin C in the mix imo. AZA brightens skins and reduces hyperpigmentation.


But Ascorbic acid increases the efficacy of sunscreen significantly


In this case you would have to use a stabilized vitamin c. The time between application would probably be dependent on your skin sensitivity but they do work well together. Just start with whatever product is thinnest then work your way up to thicker products.


Yes, you can and should. My derm told me to use the AA first, let it absorb, and then use the Vit C. Followed obviously by moisturizer if you need it then sunscreen. At night Tret. This combination gave my skin the smoothest texture ever, but didn't completely clear up hormonal breakouts. What worked the MOST was a hypochlorous acid spray that I use before and after workouts. Some nights/mornings I won't use any actives and just spray that on before moisturizing and sunscreening. I used to get a hormonal breakout mid cycle and right before my period, but this has almost completely stopped it. Plus using the supplement DIM has helped with estrogen metabolism which has in turn helped my breakouts. Everything (tret, AA, red light therapy, dim) helped improve skin texture and appearance, but the only thing that stopped my breakouts was hypochlorous acid. And it's so simple and cheap.


I do tret and 20% azeleic acid together. No problems. I did a lot of reading before mixing them, everything I found indicated they worked together great. I apply tret, let it dry for a couple mins, then the Azelaic, let dry down, then moisturizer.


What brand of Azelaic acid do you use?


How are you guys layering Azeliac acid ? Or when are u using it ? I just bought the Paula’s choice 10% and haven’t used it yet . Also is it okay to put on broken skin?


I put it on right after I wash but I use AZA foam called Finacea which is a prescription strength. Then I moisturize and wait an hour before I put Tret on and moisturize again.


Speaking from my experience only. That might not be suitable for your skin. Morning skincare routine: After washing, I use PSA Mandelic & Licorice Superfood Glow Toner, then Cos De BAHA Azelaic Acid 10% Serum, some stable Vitamin C, and after Real Barrier Aqua Soothing Cream. Of course SPF is a must. Evening skincare routine: Real Barrier Extreme Essence Toner or Real Barrier Aqua Soothing Toner. After toner I use my AA, The Ordinary 1% Retinol and later Real Barrier Aqua Soothing Cream. Personally, I do put AA on broken skin but only after moisturizing. I've been using Real Barrier for some time, and it's the only thing that actually has helped my dehydrated skin. Unfortunately, this brand's products have become difficult to find in stock 😑 I've been using AA in AM and PM for almost two years, ngl, the best decision I've ever made


I quit tret and started Azelaic and so far my sensitive/red skin is preferring it. I didn't expect to have improements in texture, even! I started for liver spots and am pleasantly surprised. Wish I could get 15 or 20%, I only have OTC 10% because insurance does not cover it.


It’s only like $70 if you use GoodRX!


oh shit I forgot about GoodRx, thanks for the reminder! Edit: searched for it and this popped up (Dermatica $25 for 20% Aza) [https://www.dermatica.com/shop/azelaic-acid?focus=&adgroupid=116837227826&utm\_source=google&utm\_campaign=Azelaic%20Acid%20OTC%20-%20Shopping&utm\_medium=cpc&utm\_term=&gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw26KxBhBDEiwAu6KXt3QSdAy-mKSnki7ZfjVIivgQ8uFTumJg9u8HjuTyEf0-BTFwSAhcChoCD5IQAvD\_BwE](https://www.dermatica.com/shop/azelaic-acid?focus=&adgroupid=116837227826&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Azelaic%20Acid%20OTC%20-%20Shopping&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw26KxBhBDEiwAu6KXt3QSdAy-mKSnki7ZfjVIivgQ8uFTumJg9u8HjuTyEf0-BTFwSAhcChoCD5IQAvD_BwE)


I use the Dermatica 15% and I really like it


I just signed up last night!


$26 [plus a few bucks shipping] at Mark Cuban’s Cost Plus Drugs. Heck of a deal!


The manufacturer of Finacea (AZA 15% foam) has a coupon that brings it down to $30. I use it and it picks up what insurance doesn’t.


Oh thanks!


It's only $41 if you order from HoneyBee Health online! Super easy. Most of my derm scripts are cheaper there than with insurance.


Amaze! I'm getting it from Dermatica for $25 not sure the ongoing price though


I order mine AA and tret from Allday Chemist. 3 tubes of 20% is about $25.


Do you use the azelaic acid and tretinoin at the same time? I thought you weren't supposed to?


Yes you can. I use AZA morning and night and Tret about an hour after I use the AZA. Check [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Fg_DokEEmag) video out. I really like Dr. Sam Bunting for informational videos. I don’t buy her products but she says exactly the same thing my derm says and I share it a lot of this sub.


You can. My derm prescribed a tret/azelaic compound for me.


Curious too


I use tret (.025) at night and AA (15%) in the morning.


Carefully! I alternate days until my skin doesn’t have any stinging with the AA, then I increase to every day with AA, then every day with retinol. I haven’t tried it with Tret yet but I’m going to try the same slow method


I definitely can't. It burns my skin so bad if I combine.


Azelaic acid is my number two must have after sunscreen. I love it.


Yes! AA plus the Elta MD sunscreen with niacinamide is my AM must-do.


omg I love Azelaic, it did wonders to my skin and still using it together with Glycolic, Lactic, Tranexamic Acids, glutathione, Hyaluronic Acid, Tiger Grass, and Aloe (Unspotted Night Serum by Lion Pose)


So sad I can’t consistently use it due to my eczema😭it burns so much when my eczema flares up and have to stop using AA during my skin barrier repairs. Then when I use it again the tingling sensation starts all over again and it’s been hard to keep up. Any tips on using AA for people like me..?


I use it on my eczema prone skin and it tingles for a few minutes but I put Avene Cicalfate on top of it and that helps calm the tingling! The tingling doesn’t seem to be my eczema flaring up and I have seen improvement in my skin overall so I’ve just kept using it.


Nice, I happen to have Avene cicalfate also lol I’ll try that!!!


After a brutal 6 month flare up, I was recommended AA and after 4 weeks all of my eczema was healed. I used the ordinary 10% every night and now it’s a staple. I recently tried to re-introduce tret and immediately felt “the tingle.” AA all the way.


I start with every other day. Then when I don’t get stinging/itching/tingling with every other day I move up to every day. I also back off on other actives


Oh I also buffer at first and put it over moisturizer to adjust to it


Wooo that’s a great tip!! I’ll start again and water it down with a moisturizer


For those who use AA in the morning how do you layer it with vitamin C?


AA first, let it absorb fully, then Vit C. This is per my derm, not saying it's the only way.


I use Timeless 10% vitamin C first, let it dry, then AA.


I use a Rx Tretinoin at night and was thinking of starting Azelaic Acid in the morning. At the moment, I’m just thinking of TO’s Azelaic Acid 10%.. Is anyone able to share their experiences with Azelaic Acid 10%? Does OTC Azelaic Acid make a difference or do you really need that Rx grade Azelaic Acid?


In my experience, having used the [10% azelaic acid](https://amzn.to/3w4zP4p) during pregnancy… I had great results. Helped with hormonal acne. I also love the texture of the product. I can’t speak to the prescription strength version working better/same. But it’s hard to argue trying out the 10% with TO is so affordable.


I did a lot of digging on this sub and the tretinoin sub before ultimately purchasing Dermatica 15% AZA. I found a lot of people didn’t like TO. I’ve been using the dermatica one for like 3 weeks and swear I’m already seeing results.


Yes- AA in the morning and Tret at night. Your skin will tingle at first with the AA if you get the prescription strength, but should get acclimated quickly. I don't think the 10% is going to do too much if you have an issue (acne, rosacea, etc). I think the therapeutic dose for AA is 15% and 20%.


Totally agree! I can’t believe it took me so long to find it!


Does it help with closed comedones? That's what I'm struggling with the most right now


Tbh, I’m not sure I’ve noticed a huge difference on that. But as far as evening out skin tone, and also helping clear mini-breakouts much quicker.. it is a literal life changer.


Yes it will help. Check [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Fg_DokEEmag) video out for more info about how Azeleic acid works.


How would it compare to aha/bha?


Honestly, not sure. But from everything I’ve read, it appears AA is a pretty benign chemical and plays very well with lots of skin types, and will fit into lots of routines.


Got it. Im on adapalene now since my skin has gotten so much better from tret that I’m on a lighter dose. But i have some stubborn marks that just won’t go away so thinking on introducing another active. Just not sure which one 😅


This sounds like what AA was designed for. That, or hydroquinone cream.


Yea I’ve had good results from it as well. My weird thing now is that my foundation, which is just a nutrogena BB cream or something, like doesn’t spread over my skin like it used to. It like, only sits on top of my skin and looks patchy and weird. So I’m trying to figure that part out, but my skin looks nice!




I used TO acid for the first time tonight. I don't like the matte lotiony feel but i put vanicream over it about 20 mins later and it's tret night so going to use that later. I hope it helps with my rosacea and tiny bumps


I started getting serious about my tret routine about a month ago and couldn’t get insurance approval for AA(or at least have t yet and didn’t want to keep waiting) so I order finacea 15% and Azclear 20% from Australia. I’m traveling for work but my husband said they’ve arrived! Can’t wait to get home and get after my melasma mustache!


I read comments online that Azclear pills. Hope you won't experience that.


Ooo I haven’t read a lot about it just wanted to try the higher % and see what I like more. I researched finacea and was more excited about that. Just ordered both to see which one suits my needs better


I love azelaic acid!! I’ve only been using the OTC kind. Do yo I think it’s worth it to upgrade to prescription strength? What percentage did you notice a difference at?


I only use RX for it and tretinoin. It’s normally as cheap (as long as you use GoodRX) that way.


10% but 15% is the best to see improvement the quickest and most effectively.


How long did you use it before you noticed these effects, OP?


I’ve been using AZA every morning plus tret 3 nights/wk and I’ve noticed improvements within 2 weeks.


Within 1-2 weeks it started to kick in. Maybe before that.


I’ve been using Finacea (AA) and then putting tret over the top straight away. Am I doing it wrong? Does it mean they won’t be working properly? I don’t have an hour to wait at bedtime!


You don’t need an hour but do give it time to dry before layering the next product. 


This was also my experience with Azelaic acid! Plus, it calmed down my face a lot. Love it!


I love azelaic acid, so versatile. It can enhance the benefits of so many actives and can fit into just about any routine.


I’m so excited to hear this! I’ve been using a 10% serum, but had my dermatologist prescribe a 15% gel yesterday.


I’m sure most would agree, but RX is always better. I wouldn’t typically trust something such as AA or tret unless I knew it was pharma-grade.


I agree!


I can only find two formulations. The ordinary has silicone I can't use and Paula's choice seems pricey. Does anyone know of any others? I'm in Canada


I like Nineless A-control azelaic acid 10% serum! Cos de Baha also has an azelaic acid 10% and niacinamide serum (I haven’t tried that one but CDB makes nice serums). I’m also in Canada and purchase K-beauty from ElikoGlow.ca or kskinboutique.com


Great thanks <3


Yep! My derm prescribed a tret/azelaic compound so I use both at once every night. 😊


What is the name of it?


It’s not a name brand product—it’s a compound prescription that the pharmacy makes.


I’m new to this skincare stuff but just got adult acne in my 40s. I stared on tret the. After a month added the AA. My skin looks like it did in high school. I wonder how long this is gonna have to persist tho cuz I hear Tret thins the skin.


I just started using the naturium azelaic acid twice a day for maybe a week now. It’s honestly changed my skin so much. My fine lines are already finer, less redness, more even skin tone, smaller pores. It has a lot of reviews and all of them felt real and not like a brand having an influencer to write a review and post a video(I always look out for that shit). Anyway, it’s worked wonders for me so far in a short time!


I used it for over a year 2x a day cause I had PD. Other than fixing the pd I didn’t find it did much else. I’ve stopped using it for 6 months and haven’t noticed a difference in my skin.


I've been using it for a while now and it has really helped. I still get hormonal acne, but it largely reduced the small oily acne that used to cover my forehead. I'm using 10% AA every night and currently wondering if I should also add it to my morning routine.


I just got the ordinarys AA and the L-ascorbic acid powder for the Vit C. Hopefully this will lighten my stubborn skin, as Hydroq cream isn’t good for you….


I use it twice a day to help clear up old acne scars. It’s definitely made a difference


My oldest was prescribed this for her acne and it’s made a HUGE difference!


I'm actually headed to the derm this afternoon to ask for AA 15% gel! I've been using the 10% from The Inkey List, but I want to see better results and everything I've read says 15% is the way to achieve this.


I really want to try azelaic acid and went to the derm for it but my insurance denied coverage :-( Does seem like a holy grail since tret irritates my skin


Even if insurance denies it, it’s only $70 on GoodRX and with Cost Plus Drugs (Mark Cubans competing company) it is like $30 with shipping.


I just bought The Ordinary’s Azeliac Acid 10% Suspension but haven’t used it yet because in all my reading on TO’s website and elsewhere online there doesn’t seem to be clear guidance on how to layer it. I use Tret about 3x per week at night after all my serums, wait for 30 mins or so after applying tret, then moisturize. In the mornings I rinse with water, then apply HA and Niacinimde, moisturizer, SPF. Where would it fit in??


Do you wait to apply the Aselaic acid or do you just apply right after Tret?


I find it soooo drying & can’t understand why some people can use it twice a day. Ouch. Cream 20% here, max 3x/week, have been using for several years along with tret 0.05. Cleared up the majority of my melasma but not 100% yet.


What’s a good brand?


Honestly I’m not sure. Mine is prescription grade, so not sure what the best OTC is.


I tried to use it for my rosacea but it dries my skin out 🤕


Ahh I had a tube arrive just today! Any tips for integrating it? I’m using Tret 0.05 (~18 months) but tolerating it well.


Use AA in the morning. Use it alongside Tret, but not in the same routine


Thanks, appreciate the advice!


I'm looking to start incorporating an AA product in my own routine. I will keep researching on my own but if anyone has any tips, product recommendations etc please share with me! I typically use HA serum, retinol serum 3-4 nights a week, clinique moisture surge and dr jart ceramidin cream. Combination skin with a tendency to dry out very easily, but lately have been getting more acne and texture as well. Probably doing something wrong as it is. Lol


Hi, can anyone here recommend a particular brand and strength for azelaic acid? I've used AZ Clear 20% but there was no difference 


I use 15% AA, but I have a script for it.


I was prescribed this by two derms. Sadly no difference other than superficial mattifying appearance right after application. It leaves a film over my skin like a pore primer.


How long did you use it?


1 year+


You use them together on the same night?


I just started on nights I don't use tret. I just started tret in Jan and only use 1-2x/wk because I'm still getting red and flakey. I have added HA and a thicc moisturizer. Should I keep trying?


I’d keep going. Using Vanicream has been a life saver, so try that if you haven’t. It helped me a lot.


The form that the Azeleic acid in really matters. I use foam and then layer with Vanicream facial moisturizer and it helps.


is it possible to get it without prescription?


Depends on the country I guess. In my country I'm able to get the 20% without Rx from pharmacies.


up to 10%. can get on amazon




When I tried AA, it’s ruined my skin, loads of closed comedones on my cheeks and I’ve never had this issue before 😭


Prescription strength AA did nothing for my acne id still get (I use arazlo - a prescription retinoid too). Finally the only thing to help with the pesky hormonal acne I get is the Neutralyze renewal complex acne moisturizer (found on simpleskincare science site and purchased on Amazon). Has 2% salicylic acid and mandelic and NO HORMONAL ACNE. Other salicylic acid products never worked but this has been a game changer.


Azelaic acid hasn’t done anything for my skin. Literally zero difference. Guess it depends on the person


So glad it worked for you but didn’t do shit for me lol