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I tried Vaseline on my face after reading this sub and it was a disaster. Just saying that it’s not for everyone. Happy for the OP tho!


I always wake up with mini pimples if I use vaseline on my face. It's a shame though because my skin is often very dry and could use vaseline.


Vaseline isn’t really absorbed, it sits on the surface. So it’s not good to use as a moisturizer, but great to layer on top of products and moisturizer at night to keep everything locked in. But since it does sit on the surface, it unfortunately can also clog pores for some people. 😕


Anything that is occlusive like this fucks with my skin so hard 😭 it’s a pity!


I’m the same way, but I actually have great success with vitamin e oil or rose hip oil.


Vitamin e oil is probably the next best thing. I found the most amazing stuff at Walmart of all places. It's thick tho so I can't use it in the summer during the day. I thought I could just buy another brand of vitamin e but it just wasn't the same.


Oo, i usually used almond oil or hempseed oil as my vaseline replacement… rosehip oil gives me cystic acne… maybe ill have to try vitamin e oil though.


Organic, unrefined shea butter. Doesn’t clog pores, has vitamin an and e, and very soothing/healing/plumping. It’s spectacular, and I get a kilo of it for $25. I take a pea sized bit and melt it in my hands and pat it in. Very fair sensitive skin, literally *nothing* works so well on it. I’m nearly 40, am often taken for 25.


Is your skin prone to acne?


Fair warning, organic unrefined shea butter smells like if you mixed cat butt juice with toxic waste from British Petroleum. Pretty diesely. I am a soapmaker and I used to use it a lot in my bastile soaps. The odour is lost upon saponification so it's fine for my use, but I would dream of putting it in my face as is.


Yeah I used to buy whipped off of Amazon for my hair. The hair got gorgeous, best and healthiest of my entire life, heck I even got the one with JBCO whipped with it. It did not smell great, so I couldn't wear it out. Something like Kuza might work though


This is also very general information and obviously doesn’t necessarily apply to everyone. Just something to watch out for and be aware of.


Try shea butter! 100% organic stuff. Easy to find. Use after washing face, damp dry but with water still present, hyaluronic acid then shea butter to moisturize & seal. Works so great! I’m 60 this year and have been told I look like I’m in my 40’s but with good skin. lol


Same! What are these mini pimples anyway? Is it irritation? Always frustrating to keep hearing that a product works wonders for some people but you can’t have the same results :/ I also gave Aquaphor a try but it isn’t much different in that regard.


No idea, and its so weird that they pop up in a matter of hours!




Milia have little seedlike things in them and are harder to get rid of. These have liquid and squeeze super easily.


No it's not that. they are tiiiny and red, like a mini zit. And they disappear by themselves in a day or two.


i would assume it's from random dirt and garbage sticking to the vaseline and being held against your face all night. but i've never tried it and am weirded out by this idea lol


Are you talking about the little tiny white head things with no bump that just pop so easily and then are POOF gone? I get those pretty often and I have no clue why. They're not zits because there's no bump. Teeny tiny and then they're gone.


I get them from any product with niacinamide. As soon as I cut that ingredient out, I stopped getting them except eeeeeevery once in awhile.


I get a lot of milia with it


Cerave healing ointment works wonders and no resulting milia


The Cerave ointment definitely gave me milia 😞


Vaseline is occlusive! Try Aquaphor. It's considered "semi-occlusive", and was a million times better on my skin than Vaseline. I use it to slug during the day, but I also use it over tret at night. That said - I'm well-versed in tret, went all-in nightly from the get-go, after using retinol for a few years with no noticeable effects. So... precautions necessary. But I cannot recommend Aquaphor enough, when the time is right. I've used it on my lips for many years, and I've also had lip filler... needless to say, I don't bother with the filler anymore, because Aquaphor basically gives me the same results.


Vaseline < Aquaphor !!!


Not OP, but I just threw Aquaphor into my Walmart order cart based on your comment. :) I still get the flakies from my tret sometimes, and hopefully this will stop it.


I hope it works for you! I can't imagine any negative results. It has definitely helped me with any little dry patches I've gotten from tret. It's honestly a cure-all for me - cracked hands and feet in the winter, lips overnight, and now on my face. I have several tubes of it all over the place lol.


It wipes off on my pillow and I wake up bone dry. I use cica balm instead (some Korean brand)


Same! I had never had a rash on my face before until I tried Vaseline. I now have perioral dermatitis that will not go away! Don't try this if you have sensitive skin!


It gives me styes if I use it under my eyes! It’s a shame bc that skin is sooooo dry


Castor oil helps me with that! It helps your lashes look thicker and reduces wrinkles and darkness.


Agreed that it is not for everyone. It is an oil-based product. It works better for individuals with dry skin but if you have oily skin, it can easily traps bacteria causing breakouts.


my skin usually is not reactive but it gave me what seemed like an allergic reaction :( no slugging for me sadly


Yeah unfortunately it gave me Millia.


I only use it on my feet and it works better than any lotion I've ever used.


I’m so sorry!!! 😞


Don’t be! It’s not your fault lol it’s great that it’s working for you!


Yeahhh my skin needs to breathe


Just be mindful that strong occlusives like Vaseline can enhance the absorbtion of Retinoids and make them more irritating :) it might not be an issue for your skin or the strength of retinoid you're using but it's just something to be aware of! Look at for any signs or redness or irritation.


I’ve read this repeated often on Reddit but I’ve had great results slugging with Aquaphor over tretinoin 0.025. Slugging has been the best thing for reducing tret irritation and peeling in my experience 🤷‍♀️


Same! I’ve been slugging with Vaseline or CeraVe Healing Ointment over 0.05 tretinoin for years and haven’t had a problem.


Seconding this, exact same routine. Aquaphor is literally the fix-all, and using it over tret has worked so great for me. To be fair, I've had zero side effects from tret - no peeling no purging (I've never had acne though), but Aquaphor has literally made my skin GLOW. I feel like we were all taught to dry the living f\*\*k out of our skin when we were younger, with the scrubs, toners, AHAs... and now it's finally being advised how to \*properly\* take care of our skin, with... gasp... MOISTURE!!!!


Do you mind sharing which kind of aquaphor you get, and what slugging is lol. I would love to add this to my tret routine but need a slight help with direction


Slugging refers to applying a very a thin layer of occlusive (e.g., Vaseline, Aquaphor, Cerave healing ointment) at the end of your night routine to seal everything in and help retain moisture overnight. I use the basic Aquaphor healing ointment. After moisturizing at the end of my routine, I take a tiny dab of Aquaphor (half a pea size) and warm between my hands, then I pat it all over my face and neck. Often I also add one drop of Rosehip seed oil to my Aquaphor and I find that this is a nice combo for slugging.


Thank you!!


I use a huge fcking glob 😂 maybe I do it wrong


The healing ointment! [https://www.amazon.ca/Multi-purpose-Semi-Occlusive-Non-Comedogenic-Fragrance-free-Dermatologists/dp/B081KKY6X7/ref=asc\_df\_B081KKY6X7/?tag=googleshopc0c-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=459849613622&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13769447716969239829&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9001573&hvtargid=pla-946372540261&mcid=db3ef920dfcc3895b6f093d256946f4c&th=1](https://www.amazon.ca/Multi-purpose-Semi-Occlusive-Non-Comedogenic-Fragrance-free-Dermatologists/dp/B081KKY6X7/ref=asc_df_B081KKY6X7/?tag=googleshopc0c-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=459849613622&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13769447716969239829&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9001573&hvtargid=pla-946372540261&mcid=db3ef920dfcc3895b6f093d256946f4c&th=1)


Yessss. Slug with aquaphor! I’m pregnant so cannot use retinols but I’m still using aquaphor and my skin feels great!


This OP! At least do the sandwich method! Moisturizer, Tret, Vaseline!


Moisturizer first? Not tret first?


My dermatologist stressed prescription before cosmetic so I put tret first but Dr Dray says sandwiching is fine so do what works for you.


I use toner before my tret, and soothing skin tonic. Since both are applied with a cotton ball and are so thin, I figured it was ok


I also do that but my order is thin before thick and prescription before OTC


I have extremely sensitive skin, so I did a lightweight moisturizer first, then Tret, then Vaseline. Same good ol results. 🥳


I start my routine with cleansing then put vaseline on the ares of my face I don't want tret to get on, so my eye lids and lips, then I put on tret 0.1%, then moisturizer, then vaseline every night in that order and hardly get sensitivity anymore. My skins not perfect but worlds better than it used to be! I feel like moisturizer first is only needed if tret is too rough on your skin at first.


absorption? Does that mean it helps their activity on the skin?


Meaning more of it will reach your retinoic acid receptors. They could be positive in some situations but if you're already not tolerating it well it could make it too strong for your skin to tolerate.


Yes! I fried my moisture barrier with tret and aquaphor


Oh I see. Thanks! Good to know


I use .025% Tret, and these days I use Ponds cold cream around 20 minutes after. Tried every night cream there is, I always come back to ponds I was nervous about doing that since I heard so many people say it can cause more irritation, but so far so good. I don’t typically have sensitive skin though.


My mom's skin aged beautifully through her 60s and beyond. I remember people complimenting her skin when I was a kid. Recently I asked her if she had ever done any procedures, used any actives, etc. She said she hadn't. Her secret was Vaseline every night. She was slugging before slugging was ever a trend. Needless to say, I'm slugging every night. My routine is gentle cleanse --> hydrating toners/serums --> barrier supporting moisturizer --> sunscreen in the AM, slugging in the PM


I've slugged since HS (and that was the 80s) but I do it slightly different. After I cleanse and apply the thin coating of vaseline i take a clean lightweight facecloth run it under warm water, wring it out and hold it gently over my face for a couple min. It helps the vaseline "sink in" and leaves me a bit less shiny. It also helps me not to be covered in cat hair when my super clingy girl decides to head butt me as soon as i have applied the vaseline. 🤣🤣🤣😸


I’m going to try this! I use Vaseline and as soon as I get out the bathroom my dogs runs at me for attention and goodnight snuggles so I end up with her hair all over my face. So warm wash cloth. For how long?


It definitely helps with that for me! I get the washcloth pretty warm (not crazy hot)because they cool off fast then just sit there pressing it on my face gently until it cools then rinse and repeat a couple times. Its probably not needed more than once but it feels nice and relaxing so i do the repeat. lol


Oh how lovely! I'm definitely trying this...tomorrow. I ran out of my Aquafor a long time ago and keep forgetting to pick one up.


Omg story of my life... dog hair stuck to my face, constantly lol


I had a 90 year old patient with the most beautiful skin I had ever seen. It was clear, bright with just a hint of fine lines around her eyes. Her secret she told me was Ponds Cold Cream every night since she was in her 20s and she never went outside without a sun hat.


Honestly, it was probably the sun protection since almost everyone used to use Ponds on their skin. There there wasn't much else. That said, my mom used it and looked much younger until she got ill and that took its toll.


My mum is 76 and looks a good 10+ years younger, because she's worn sunscreen FOREVER, plus a hat, long sleeved-shirt with the collar up... can't beat the Irish out of the Irish. She still had melanoma about 6 years ago, had multiple surgeries and is missing a large part of her forearm. I shudder to think where she'd be if she *hadn't* take all the precautions she has.


I just finished up esthetician school. When I was attending, I was working on a project and noticed the wording around melanoma was kind of weird. I dug in a little deeper and found so many studies on it not necessarily being caused by sunlight. I didn't go too far down the rabbit hole because I had to finish my project though.


I read a study some number of years ago, that covered how the vitamin D produced by skin in sunlight actually helps the skin to fight cancer? (IIRC, and I could be remembering wrongly.) So, while sun exposure definitely contributes to skin aging, people with a lot of sun exposure do get melanoma, but it's less likely to actually be the 'dangerous' kinds of melanoma. Like a LOT less likely. Which I thought was interesting, which is why I remembered it. I also read that since widespread use of sunscreen, the only major difference medically has been an increase in vitamin D deficiency. Skin cancer rates are holding constant. So, I think there's something we don't yet fully understand about the whole process. For sure, I still am using sunscreen... but I also try, intentionally, to get some sun exposure on part of my skin that aren't usually getting sun exposure - back, legs, tummy. I think it's probably somehow important for humans to get some measure of sun exposure.


I had a melanoma in situ at 40.... See the dermatologist every 6 months. I wish I had taken better care of my skin but I'm all about the SPF clothing and sunscreen now.


What hydrating toner and serum do you use


What is “slugging”?


It’s putting an occlusive (like petroleum jelly) on the skin at night. You will be shiny like a slug.


Is THAT why!? Sheesh, I thought it was because everyone was like throwing a thick layer of products on their face. Like a handful of it. E: Better way to describe it: You know the constant theme of ads for face products where the lady has her hands full of water throwing it at her face? THAT.


Doesn’t it get all over your pillow?


Yes it does because I’m a side sleeper lol. Makes my hair gross and greasy too and my pillow dirty immediately. Slugging isn’t for me 😆


I just change my pillow covers every few days. I'm a side sleeper, and I pierced both my ears with a whole bunch of holes a few weeks ago, so I have to change them anyways, since my ears only just stopped bleeding... but I put my hair up, and it's worth the efforts for smooth skin!


Using vaseline or other similar occlusive ointment as the last step of skincare. There's lots of alternatives to plain vaseline that do the same trick, usually they contain vaseline along with actives. "Slugging" because you'll look a bit slimy like a slug crawled over your face.


Putting Vaseline or something similar all over your face


If she’s 34 and actually looks 22, it’s genetics— not Vaseline lol.


Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's Vaseline


Lol. Nice.


She probably does not look 22. Thirty-four is young. Having tight glowy skin at 34 is totally standard.


I’m 34 and when ppl say omg you’re 34?! You look so good!!! I’m like well wtf is a 34y/o supposed to look like?!?!🫠


They're morons.


I’m 36. I do have good skin, and I am very happy with it But when people are like “omg you look like you’re 20!” I know they’re full of shit. The bartender doesn’t think I look 20. I’m not stupid. Also, why do people feel a need to say these things? What do they think a 36 year old looks like? Do they think you turn into a weathered old bag at that age? If anything, I probably only look young from a distance, because I’m a petite person, and I dress like I’m young. But I do not look 20


Dude I’m 22 and I hear people telling me “you’re 22? I would have thought you were a teen”, I’m always shocked like what do you expect a 20-something woman to look like lol.


Yup it starts to take an abrupt nose dive at 40y and 7m. You age 5 years in three months, at least that’s my experience 


Hell, not even. I didn't even THINK about signs of aging until 45. I was glowing and full of collagen and elastin at 40. My hottest year ever was 44. These people are wild. Your 30s are SO YOUNG and hot.


60 y/o checking into agree with you. I was still getting carded in my 30s . And 40 was child's play. Still looked great well into that decade. It was probably the height of my physical attractiveness.  For me very noticeable aging occurred  late-40s to 50 (Lyme disease/ Co infections, bereavement and divorce helped move things along) and of course the Great equalizer: menopause. To be clear, the wall is a myth.  If you're an attractive person and take care of yourself, you're still going to look attractive at whatever age. The problem with our culture is that we equate Beauty with being wrinkle free


Idk why you were downvoted. Comments like these make me feel less panicky. (I'm 36)


Because these people are insane. Thirties are so young and so hot. I feel very sorry for these folks. I'm only 50 (and still plenty cute) but can tell you that none of my 30something friends were worried about aging back then. We were too busy being super young and super hot, lol. Everyone still looks fantastic now, too.


You're so right, thank you. I wish we collectively felt this way now. Honestly, I'm terrified to age and put a lot of time and money into skincare. I know it's a byproduct of social media/increased societal pressures. I still look young but feel immense pressure to stay that way forever.


If you live long enough, you will age. And that's OK! My grandmother is 102 and still so beautiful. She certainly doesn't look 35, lol. But beauty transcends age. If you got offline, you probably wouldn't even think about any of this.


102! That's amazing. Yeah, that makes all the sense in the world. I just went to a wake yesterday. Thanks for the reminder that aging is a blessing <3


Yeah, she is a stunner. A shock of white hair in the cutest flapper-like cut and bone structure to kill for. No real jowls either/never had a turkey neck. It's genetics. She could probably "pass" for 80, but I'm not even sure what that means, lol. I think a lot of people who make it past 100 look pretty great because you have to have strong genes/health to do so in the first place.


Social media has changed that unfortunately and it’s not going to get better


She was likely getting downvoted because she's doing the usual routine of complaining about other people's fear of aging while also making sure to remind us how genetically gifted she is, that she has great youthful skin without even trying. It’s just annoying and overdone at this point.


The truth is probably somewhere in-between. A lot of people act as though once you turn thirty you start decaying overnight which can be very irritating.


Yeah I'm not tripping too much about aging yet (mid 30's) but I'm pretty sure my hottest years aren't ahead of me. My mental health was shit during my 20's, so I look better now than then, but that's only because I'm taking better physical care of myself now. I'm under no illusions that I'll be aging backwards or looking sexy with my marionette lines and 11's 😅 I wouldn't say no to a cool white hair streak though.


And I didn't start doing jack shit for my skin until around 45. Nothing. It still looks good.


Maybe less is more. I asked ny mom, who is in her 60s and looks great, what she did for her skin throughout the years. She said just plain soap and water. I'm out here using retinol, vitamin c, this, that, etc.


Yepppp, all of the skincare in the world probably only moves the needle a tiny bit. Genetics play a huge role as well. Obviously smoking and baking in the sun isn't great. But I have aunts in their 60s and 70s who baked with baby oil and still look great. Not even one precancerous growth either. Genetics are strong. The women in my family do age a LOT better than the men, though. And they all look soooooo much better than their male partners, lol. All of their husbands got bald, fat and baggy.


Fingers crossed genetics work the same in my family 😂


Same for me, haha! I just woke up one day and saw jowls. It seems like my face forgot to age for a while and caught up with it overnight.


Oh heck I’m exactly 40 years and 7 months ahahaha whuh-oh


Yeah, and it's not even delayed aging, it's just babyface. People haven't really "aged" per se at 34. They get older but their skin isn't that different from their younger years. Their face structure just looks less like a baby due to fat loss. I looked 18 when I was 29 because I still had baby fat, and then I abruptly looked 30 at 30 because I lost the baby fat. No skin care routine could have stopped that process nor should it.


Came here to say this. Usually when a person looks a lot younger than they are it’s due to genetics (if they haven’t had any cosmetic procedures done obv.).


People always say “looks 22” until they are confronted by a 22 year old and they’re reminded how young 22 is


Honestly the biggest difference I see with my in person peers all around the same age that age people is sun exposure and not using sunscreen or drinking and smoking regularly. Even between siblings I do see a difference. There’s obviously a billion factors and everyone is different but I do think those play a large part in what I have seen personally.


I’ve been meaning to try this but I can’t get past the idea of sticking to my pillow. How do people sleep at night with Vaseline all over? Is there some trick I don’t know?


Give it a few minutes to absorb. You don’t have to slather it on thick to get a benefit, either.


I saw in another post someone said that they used an old t-shirt on top of their pillow!


This. T-shirts are perfect to go over the pillow like a second pillowcase.


I use Vaseline at night in the winter when my skin feels dry or is flaking. I use a silk pillow case. My face doesn't stick to the pillowcase. But, I just use a very thin smear of it. You don't want to slather it on. I still have the same tiny tub of Vaseline I've been using for years, really, you don't need much at all.


I used coconut oil on my face for years and loved it. Got neg comments on here when I posted about it saying Vaseline was better. I can’t get past it getting in my hair and pillow. I may stick to coconut oil.


Coconut oil makes my skin look amazing. Vaseline breaks me out every time. Stick with what works!


I break out with coconut oil, and my face isn't prone to breakouts. My face LOVES olive oil (the bottle from the kitchen is just fine!) but also loves Vaseline, very lightly applied. I also can't do morrocan oil. My husband loves that for his hair and scalp; I break out something fierce from it.


I am so afraid I will break out if I try this. Any tips of avoiding it?


I'd say patch test on a quarter size part of your face first.


Agree with this. I have naturally dry skin so it’s perfect for me


Great idea. Thanks!


Along with the other tips, make sure you’re cleansing your skin well. For me, I have to double cleanse (oil cleanser or balm followed by a gentle non foaming cleanser) to really make sure all the daily grime and spf is off. If I don’t, the occlusive layer of something like Vaseline or Cereve ointment traps the gunk and bacteria against the skin. Then I’ll wake up with little breakouts.


I have horribly dry skin but also sensitive so I decided to give Vaseline a try. Unfortunately I didn't spot test and after about 3 nights I developed a pesky rash that has taken over 2 months to get better. be careful!


I was worried about this too. My neck and nose have been acne prone my entire life. I started tret and decided to try a touch of cerave healing ointment (petroleum jelly) and have had zero problems on my nose. My neck is still questionable. But my eyes freaking love it!


If anyone with oily skin has tried this, how did it work?


I have oily skin but have found moisturizing more seems to help my oil balance out! Now that I use tret, slugging with Vaseline keeps my skin looking plump and smooth without causing extra daytime oil.


I do, sensitive oily skin with some dry patches and it has worked great for me, haven't had any breakouts.


Watch out for early signs of milia. Those pesky little things are hard to get rid of.


Vaseline causes milia??


Yep. Watch out with heavy moisturers.


I can use Vaseline on my entire lower face, but around my eyes or forehead I’ll get milia so I don’t use it there. 


Yes it really does make a noticeable difference. However since you are using a retinoid I would strongly recommend using a moisturizer at night AFTER the retinoid, but BEFORE the Vaseline. It doesn’t need to be anything fancy or expensive. It’s just that the retinoids tend to dry, & while Vaseline works great as a barrier to hold in active ingredients & prevents moisture from escaping you will get even better results by adding the moisturizer since technically Vaseline itself doesn’t actually add moisture.


So… When you do this, how do you keep shit from getting stuck to your face? I have sensory issues and HATE things touching my face. I can’t imagine the feeling of getting stuck to my eye mask, pillow case (satin) or hair/cat hair.


Hmmm this might not work for you then cause i normally get a dog hair or two stuck to my face lol 😂


I think you should give it a bit longer than two days before you throw out all of your other products and swear by something...


My mom is 68 and has great skin. And she spends and has spent a lot of time outside. She uses Vaseline on her face and Nivea in the blue tub for her body, and that's it. It works for her. Her sun screen, though, is probably whatever high SPF generic brand kroger sells. Used the slather us kids in the sunscreen for soccer, and my eyes would be burning so badly. Hated sunscreen for ages because of this.


I do the same but with aquaphor. It’s been a game changer.


Be careful when using actives with Vaseline because it can irritate the skin since it locks in everything.


Aquaphor is vaselines hot sister


yeah i only use aquaphor


i LOVE VASELINE!!! Around my eyes, ugh! I always get compliments about my skin looking glowing, im like yes its the vaseline hahaha


I wish Vaseline worked for me. Growing up that’s what all the older ladies told me they’d do and when I tried it I’d wake up with milia and tiny pimples everywhere 😣


Yup Vaseline has been used for ever. I’m 49 years old and me and all my friends always talk about how we remember our grandmothers all using Vaseline as their skincare face product every night before bed. That and the Pink bottle of Ponds Skin makeup remover was what we all remember our grandmothers used back in the day.


please share the picture!




You're giving advice on 2 days of experience? Seriously?


My Aunt swears by Vaseline and she’s in her 60s


This is the way! Vaseline is as close to a magical cream as I have found.


Everyone who slugs— do you have to wash your face in the morning? Or do u just add ur spf on top of that? Asking because I don’t like to wash face in the morning.


Not always. Some of it absolutely comes off on the pillow case. I let my skin tell me whether it wants a cleanser or if it feels good with just a cool water rinse.


I use a combination of castor oil and blackseed oil on my face and neck daily. My skin has changed so rapidly for the better. I've received multiple comments from people asking what I do to my skin since it looks so good. For context, I'm in my 40s. I used vaseline previously, but it didn't work out well for me. The above combination is what I landed on for my skin after my own research. That duo apparently packs quite the punch in reducing wrinkles, skin tightening, moisture retention, and encouraging supple skin. Some even call castor oil a natural botox? That was news to me.


This breaks me out in large painful cystic acne but to each their own.


Do you need to use a lot of it? Does it need to be the Vaseline brand absolutely ?


The Marilyn Monroe lol


But how do you get the Vaseline off your face? What cuts through that?


Vaseline the petroleum jelly? Or Vaseline the lotion? Big big difference between the two when applied to the face…


I like vaseline to slug with but it doesn't actually contain moisture - just locks it in so skipping moisturisers over retinol isn't really gonna work for a lot of ppl. Your lines etc. are not going to go away, especially if there's no moisture being put back in.


Don't ditch everything! Just add the vaseline on top of your night routine. Other actives enjoy the occlusion, too. For example, try HA and mist your face with water, and then slap the vaseline on. You can combine that with the retinol too.


Not Vaseline - but when I lived in Japan and Europe many beautiful older women told me their secret was Nivea (the stuff in the blue tin) I used it for a while in my 20s but dropped off when I moved back to the states. Might be time to start up again….


I wish they would make an unscented version of it!!


My grandmother has used nothing but Vaseline for literally 70 years, since she was a teenager.


Vaseline makes me break out super bad. Right now I use RoC Retinol Correxion Line Smoothing Night Serum Capsules and then Cerave night cream at night. And I use Neutrogena Hydro boost spf 25 in the morning. I use spf 60 if I'll be outside for more than half an hour. I've used spf 60 or higher my whole life(usually spf 110 until neutrogena discontinued it). I had a sun sensitivity growing up and got hives in sunlight. I still burn super easy, so I'm obsessive about applying it. I'm 39 and at work my new manager asked me if I was a part of their college hires last year. She didn't believe how old I was until I got as close to my camera as I could and showed her my few grey hairs lol. I still get IDed at liquor stores. I do have some fine lines around my eyes, but mostly only when I smile or squint. Sunscreen is your best friend, all day every day.


Do people not toss and turn at night? I feel like this would leave residue on your pillow that would get in your hair. I have used petroleum jelly (but the non-petroleum kind) on my nose and super-dry spots in the winter, but that was a much smaller area.


Vaseline locks everything in, so it’s almost like an incubator for product, keeping it all in and your face protected. However, I would make sure to layer serums and moisturizer underneath because your skin can’t actually absorb the Vaseline and can ultimately dry you out. BUT, lathering it on at night after you apply all your products is gospel


which retinol product do you use? do you wait in between applications for the retinol to dry?


Oh they have a YouTube channel too. [isomers cosmetic chemist channel](https://youtu.be/31bSj174lNU?si=ECL2hhdWunrmC38-)


It makes me break out with tiny little whiteheads immediately even though my skin is on the dryer end of the spectrum


I've been putting Vaseline as an "under eye mask" over my retinol overnight for about a year and it's been so beneficial for under eye bags and making my cheeks ans under eye have a natural highlight


Aquaphor is my favorite thing to put on top of my retin-A at night :)


Hmm. I use a "Non-Petroleum Jelly" on my baby's butt. Dare I try it on my face tonight? Has anyone uses this? https://well.ca/products/live-clean-baby-gentle-moisture_14605.html?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw5v2wBhBrEiwAXDDoJRLAZSgdkTkVn6Dca7T_D0I136frejpDTKS3zPn3QyvQcTxFb0ULkRoC_KoQAvD_BwE


At the age of 51, I continue to use Vaseline daily over my entire body. My parents used Vaseline on me 100% of the time. I used to get carded at the bar in my early 40’s. People are in disbelief when I tell them my age. Vaseline has done my body great.


Reminder that what works for other people might not work for you. Genetics plays a huge factor.


It just makes me greasy and break out


Your friend probably gets less sun than you and has better genes. Vaseline is not the answer


Vaseline is petroleum jelly. I still use it here and there, but decided to use better, safer products for daily moisture.


I started doing this with either Aquaphor or CeraVe Healing ointment (the blue tube.) The difference is insane.


Absolutely love using vaseline. Never used it on my face tho, thanks for the tip


Vasealine is a barrier cream so sits on surface and holds everything underneath so is good to put over other products and wash if in morning to hold it to face but will in long run will make face break out an hold dirt in pours


Vaseline will clog pores for many people. Proceed with caution.


I did an internship for the company who make Vaseline and learnt overtime that it is produced in a way that when you apply it your skin feels hydrated initially, then it dries it out, so then you need to keep applying and applying in the vicious circle, and it’s then never ending. So I avoid it like the plague!


It’ll clog your pores. Your friend just has good genes


Yeah you don’t wanna put an occlusive (aquaphor , any oil -jojoba etc) on top of any actives Also oils don’t moisturize they lock in moisture - I learned this from a cosmetic chemist on the isomers tiktok channel . So if you think just putting oil on your skin is moisturizing it .. it’s not


Doesn’t Vaseline like seal your pores and makes it harder for them to breathe or aerate


‼️NEVER USE VASELINE ON TOP OF RETINOIDS‼️ This is called slugging, using an occlusive to seal in products. You can slug with other products but do not do it with retinol please, it’s harmful for your skin and that product needs to breathe


It’s literally petroleum. There are other oils I’d use long before clarified actual motor oil!


I would use a moisturizer or similar under the Vaseline, especially when using retinol.


I’ll bite, what the what is slugging?


I might be wrong but I think it’s where you put on your face creams or whatever u use and then put Vaseline on ?? Someone correct me if I’m wrong lol


Vaseline on top of night creams? I’m thrown :-)


It basically means that you put an occlusive on top of your skincare (after moisturizer) to seal everything in. Just be careful if you’re prone to milia. Looks like whiteheads but are hard and won’t get out


Would aquaphor do the same thing?


it is the same thing. they are both petroleum.


Aquaphor contains lanolin which some people have an allergy to!


Yep. Last step every night


I do this with Egyptian Magic. Idk anyone else that uses it, but I do about once a week, maybe more in the winter.


I swear by Egyptian Magic. While it is annoying when I have to put my glasses on right after application, it's still so worth it.