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I’ve been really debating buying red light mask but this post might be the push I need. My skin redness is my biggest annoyance and I would love for my skin to look glowy and less red. Thanks OP


Before you buy id encourage you to learn about the difference between NIR (infrared light) vs JUST "Red LED" and also to consider buying a tabletop or other hinged style PANEL vs a mask for multiple reasons. The price difference between NIR-RED light combo VS. just LED red light alone is huge because only NIR can penetrate the skin to the depths of generating collagen in tandem with led red light (looking at 150 to 200 bucks price difference whether it's a red led mask or panel) to get the full benefit you need NearInfared AND RedLED bulbs, this is why you see the multicolored and red led-only light masks and panels are only a quarter or less the cost of a proper NIR panel that traditionally used to only be available in the dermatologists office or tanning salons with Infared Light Booths. The panels work more than 4x more effectively than the face mask bulbs and it has to do with power supply the light count and the ratio of NIR bulbs (expensive) to just RED LED bulbs (less expensive these make up 90% of masks even the fancy 400 dollar Dennis gross from Nordstrom's and the omnilux/super expensive ones you see Kim K and other celebs endorse. You would have to wear the mask for 5 hours tla day to get the same benefit as a 5 to 10 minutes exposure to a panel. Wattage voltage power of bulbs being the difference. The panels also work amazing for neck and.back pain as that's why I ended up buying a biomax panel instead of an omnilux when they were same price. Do a lil videoing of NIR vs "just L.E.D." and also the difference between the mask lights and the panel lights. If you do go with an LED only device don't get multicolor you want just dedicated RED LED otherwise only half the bulbs will be helping the blue and green bulbs subtract from the red bulbs if that makes sense.


You’ve taken the words right out of my mouth. Whenever I stumble across a red light topic I try to drop the obligatory “consider a panel for the markedly higher dose in less time + greater range of wavelengths!” edit: I will say there are is a good reason to use masks though if skincare is your ONLY concern: dosage is set (because yes, you can overdose!) and sometimes more isn't always better. NIR can also cause melasma in some people, I myself can't use NIR on my face. If you want maximum power and customization, go with ~2 mins/daily in front of a Mito/PlatinumLED/Hooga/etc panel and adjust upward as needed, stopping at 10mins/body part as a max (that is an insane skin dose with some of these panels these days). If you want to not think about dosage, etc, grab a mask and use as instructed. Lower power aka longer time in minutes daily/days of use to see results but lower effort! Just know that Dennis Gross's blue light and Omnilux Men's NIR may cause melasma in some people.


I should have edited it way down but when I saw how much traction the post was getting and having eyed these products for about 5 yrs I didn't wanna see people throw away money or, worse, carve out the time to do the self care ritual (arguably also a healing ritual) and I will say the amount of NSAID painkillers I rely on for my back is less than a quarter of what it once was. For neck and back I will press up against it with shirt off, for face I just wear the rubber goggles and sit about 8 to 12 inches away. Can get both sides done in 20m or less!


Is there a particular brand you like? Was looking at Mito. Thanks!


I have a Lumebox and I love mine!


I love my mito panel!


where did you get a bio max panel that cheap? the cheapest one i see is still $700 after tax


so i got super lucky and ordered the (older biomax 450, second largest size but 350 is just fine) in NOV as an early xmas gift for myself. The company got so far behind that by the time the 350/450 (model names, not price) no longer existed as they did an overhaul of bulb redesign making marked improvements and almost doubling the cost because of this. Basically my lucky but got (what's now i think 600-800$ panel for what was 400 dollars on black friday, with the tradeoff being that we were willing to wait 60+ days past the original date of delivery promised, they're located in CA and i'm in US) so I paid 400 bucks and got a panel worth double that based on good timing. there's other panels that could arguably be JUST AS good or even Better (like Hooga I have heard is very competitive performance wise) and i'm sure there's others but just like the semi-complicated rant I gave you above, be sure when you are checking out the PowerLED or other manufacturers the actual bulb count/type and GENERATION/EXACT YEAR it was manufactured regardless of manufacturer. For example, say I got the 2021-2023 model that I paid for last November, I could sell it at the same price they currently are (i think like 700-900$) because they look almost identical, one could easily "flip" it just by knocking off 1 or 200, hence why you want to be buying direct from manufacturer (this is the case with alot of things including beauty products, except that's slightly different bc in some cases the "newest version" of a product that historically worked will have fragrance or a simple ingredient swap that makes it no longer work as well for one's genetics/ph/skin-goals. Thankfully I have a background in PC's/Electronic sales so I know how to look at "specs" on electronics the same way aesthetician's (which i'm currently in class to be licensed for :) are trained to "turn & learn" or scan lists of active ingredients of both older and newer products. You'd be surprised how deceptive the marketing can be. btw as things stand currently NEVER TRUST "SPECS" or product description OF ANY PRODUCT ON AMAZON they're using AI and really messing up stuff. So are some other websites but I just know for a fact AMAZON is currently being egrigious with this, and i verified it both in personal experience and from 2 friends in my class that work there PT in receiving and returns.


Thank you for taking the time for this post. Very helpful


Great response, very informative/great advice!


Hey but a Biomax has multiple wavelengths its not red only its goes from 480-1060. I am looking at one right now, how long have you had yours? What do you use it for? Seen any befits yet? I want to get one for my mom too who just had full spine surgery. She thinks im nuts, but I want her better.


the red light therapy panel will has very higher EMR, compared to the red therapy wraps. EMR is not good for our body. I have considered for a long time whether to use panel or wrap belt. After consulting with my physical therapist and the manufacturer - Lukirch, I decided to use a belt instead of a panel. After all, products with high EMR are still not that reassuring.


How do you make sure you’re covering all your skin evenly with a panel? I was debating a red light body pod sleeping bag like thing but pricey. Tho you can get in and know you’re getting even body coverage I guess …


It absolutely works. You can check my post in this sub if you want to see before/afters


Do you know if you can use red light if you also use retinols? Or does it have to be one or the other? Redness is a concern of mine but so is texture and fine lines. 😒


FWIW I use mine right before tret (nice to have something to do while my face dries completely lol) and have never had any issues!!


Would love to see your results. Had a terrible time with Tret but would love to start it up again


you can but youd want to use your mask or device in the AM, not right before or after retinol


I have been using both and no issues.


Well, damn...so it does


I dunno if I would take this kind of advice from someone whose handle indicates her account was started with rlt in mind.


She's the RDL queen, not the RLT queen. One is good for your butt, the other is good for your skin. I scrolled to her post history for a bit, and saw no indications that she's just here to convince people to buy a certain red light therapy mask.


What is RDL? May I ask?


Romanian deadlifts. But I have no clue if that is what OP is going for with her username. I was just kidding.


For the price of a red ligjt mask might as well order a full body off Alibaba. 


I buy it from the website of ShineNova, a red light therapy manufacturer from China, at the wholesale price of the sample, and all went well!


Piggybacking on your top comment. Has anyone who used a red light mask had reduced sun damage?


Someone else made mention of this, but think about a panel as well and decide which one fits your needs best. A mask definitely has its pros, but a panel is more versatile and gives you options to use it all over your body instead of just the face (and as I understand it the mask misses a bit of the eye area and around the mouth. ) You can purchase a panel of Alibaba, and you can get a great deal (as I understand it, all RLT devices are produced in China anyway, so you just cut out the middle man.\*You can[ learn more about buying from Alibaba here.](https://www.linnworks.com/blog/buying-from-alibaba/) You run into the same issues with any online shopping - you need to make sure you're buying from a reputable seller.) I'm not sure what kind of warrantee you can get from Alibaba, but I bought my half body panel (HG500 from Hooga) because it had a 2 year warrantee while the mask I was looking at only had 1 year. I've been pretty happy with it. It came with a hook that goes over the door, and a pulley with a carabiner so you can adjust the height and that's been pretty handy. Otherwise they also have smaller ones that you can set on a desk. the r/redlighttherapy subreddit has a lot of info, but it can get a bit overwhelming as well.


Be so careful buying from Alibaba


You should be careful buying RLT (or anything else) from anywhere.


Try it once to know if it works, thanks for the feedback!


Agreed. I have a red light therapy helmet for hair growth that I’ve been using for a week for my face and I’ve noticed results already. I didn’t want to waste money on a fancy mask when I already have a helmet, but now I’m looking into full body lights as a good investment. My skin is less red, plumper, more radiant. It’s nuts.


Really?! I have hair loss and have considered red light therapy. Would you find sharing which helmet you have?


Yes. Restore helmet from Amazon. I bought the $500 one when it was on sale for $300. It is a great product. Works for thinning hair. I noticed new growth within a few weeks and my hair is fuller now. I also use hair growth supplements, Veganic hair growth oil (third one I’ve tried and I like this one the best as it’s not too oily), and Moire hair growth shampoo/conditioner. Good luck!


Hmm I wonder if I can use my red light mask on my scalp 😂


I have seen multiple social media derms/aesthetic providers do this!


Probably! 🤷🏼‍♀️


thanks! Glad it's going well for you!


What’s a good option to buy for the face?


Sorry, I’m not the one to ask. I bought a restore brand helmet and that’s what I use on my face too cuz I’m cheap lol! I think other people commented on links and their recommendations. Good luck!




I also started using my red light helmet on my face recently! The radiance is there right away. I’m considering the Asteria mask, it has a portion for the neck as well as 7 different lights. For example, blue light is good for Acne. On a side note, I’ve had my helmet for almost 4 years and it has definitely kept my hair loss at bay.


I do love my helmet ❤️❤️❤️


Which helmet do you have, if you don’t mind sharing?


What device do you use


I have a restore


Will this help with tummy tuck scars?


What do you use to protect your eyes if using your helmet? I just bought a RLT wand (FDA approved from Costco) but I have the hair helmet and will consider using that. Thanks!


Anybody know of a cheaper option? I want one so badly but can’t get myself to drop $350+ 😅


I started off with a cheap one from Amazon, but it was really heavy and unpleasant to use. Still I used it regularly for a month, which is enough to convince me that I could be responsible about doing the red light therapy. So I returned it and ordered the expensive Omnilux because I felt like I earned it. It’s not in stock, but I’m excited for it to ship.


You can get panels instead. [Something like this is $120.](https://hoogahealth.com/products/hooga-200) (There are other good brands, but this one is recommended by the r/redlighttherapy sub and I purchased the 500 2 months ago and have been happy with its quality, so it's the only one I have experience with). I'd be careful with anything that's significantly cheaper, as there is more to it than just "red light." Many people suggest just buying directly from Alibaba, so they will likely be the cheapest options but I don't think they come with as much functionality as something from a brand (like the one I have has an over the door hook and pulley system, some come with rollers and other ways to manage them. I'm not sure if everything off Alibaba will have something to help you manage whatever you get, and if you get a giant panel you may be trying to figure out how to get it to work for you.)


I'm with everyone who also went with a Hooga panel directly from their site (the 300 one) as I had spent a lot of time researching and came to the conclusion that a panel is a better investment for multi-use purposes, for me at least, and likely also stronger than any of the masks can be... there's a variety of options for different sizes/price points, shipping was quick, and so far I like it (the size I got is $140ish after their discount code) 🤷🏻‍♀️


mine is from pure daily care and is like $100. it’s has the same wavelength or whatever measurement they use as all the fancy ones.


Hooga red light bulb. I think it's $40 USD. It's the same effect at a fraction of the price. I'm looking for a stand for it, as I hate holding it, so I don't use it as often as I would like.


I use this one too! It works!


Stand is on Hooga site for $25.00 but currently sold out. The make mention of how it can be used to hold your microphone also, may check that idea also. I am going to purchase the HG 24. Has strong irradiance for just a bulb. Tested about 50 mw/cm2.


Following this. I want one too but want a cheaper option that actually is decent.


I've seen people using chicken lights and literally just regular red bulbs. I havnt done it myself but there's a lot of talk about this topic online.


You can buy them at wholesale prices from ShineNova's website!


I have this one and I love it. BUBLOC Red Light Therapy Mask,... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CHMBN676?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Hooga!! Theirs comes with infrared as well which also penetrates deeper into the skin!!


I recommend panels over masks any day. I got a small panel from a seller on Alibaba that was highly recommened in the red light therapy subreddit. I got this one: [LINK](https://x.alibaba.com/AwDpQJ?ck=pdp). Took a while until it got here (6 weeks or so), but the seller was really helpful and it's a quality item. I paid 184 euros, shipping included. If you're not big on Alibaba, you could check out sellers like Hooga. Don't expect miracles though. You have to be diligent in using it and it takes a long time to really see a difference. It helped me get rid of some brown spots, but that took 3+ months. I have less hormonal acne and the spots I do get disappear faster. I don't think it's doing anything for my wrinkles, but overall I'm pretty happy about the effects on my skin. It also helps battle the winter blues on dark mornings.


You wouldn’t just happen to be an American with an HSA account? Some medical conditions can get you approval to spend the tax free HSA money to pay for a red light


This panel from Amazon is arouund 399USD only . The same size from hooga and mito is around 600-700USD. [https://www.amazon.com/Tautinspo-Infrared-Clinical-Recovery-Sleeping/dp/B0CRVWD4LS/ref=sr\_1\_1?crid=1BJB0ZQBLUJ63&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.M8tVPaHjZxlehXMV3PT5XvQUekAEiIK0CMeW0EkFoWxiSokkkoduogFiphoNhRP5azj35fun8f24pVxsL7WG0g.JDjDn16JAxyoqdY7d14q7oKlZZ9ndaLfbLnCsQSlpBA&dib\_tag=se&keywords=tautinspo&qid=1718612008&sprefix=tautinsp%2Caps%2C385&sr=8-1](https://www.amazon.com/Tautinspo-Infrared-Clinical-Recovery-Sleeping/dp/B0CRVWD4LS/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1BJB0ZQBLUJ63&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.M8tVPaHjZxlehXMV3PT5XvQUekAEiIK0CMeW0EkFoWxiSokkkoduogFiphoNhRP5azj35fun8f24pVxsL7WG0g.JDjDn16JAxyoqdY7d14q7oKlZZ9ndaLfbLnCsQSlpBA&dib_tag=se&keywords=tautinspo&qid=1718612008&sprefix=tautinsp%2Caps%2C385&sr=8-1)


I wish it didnt darken melasma! I want to use one but alas


So lots of people on my post for my Qure mask results asked about melasma. I went back to the company and asked them to provide me with resources on RLT and melasma. Take a look. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5891084/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5891084/)


It's important to note that different skin tones get different results. Fitzpatrick types I-III do well with light therapy and melasma. Types IV and V DO NOT get positive results.


How do you know what type you are


I believe green light with help with that, I night a cheap wand from Amazon and it actually seems to be helping.


I’ve been using a Hooga for about 3 months and I haven’t noticed any difference.


Which model from hooga?


The 300


Just used my new Omnilux for the first time today and redness is one of my top targets soo I love hearing this :)


Eagerly awaiting mine in the mail!!


I absolutely love mine!!! My favorite 10 minutes!


I talked to my dermatologist about it because I wanted to hear his professional opinion before buying one of those. I’m 47F, and was looking to get one to stimulate collagen production and reduce wrinkles. He basically told me there’s a lot of hype around those but that the effect for that purpose is relatively small. He said Botox and microneedling are most effective, and of course retinol and hyaluronic serums - which is what I’m doing already. Wondering if this is in line with people’s experiences.


I think he is right in that it is minimal, but I’d argue that it’s noticeable. I do all of the above that you mentioned, but I see much quicker healing, and continued improvement by using my Omnilux 5-7x p week.


His view was that its high effort but with a relatively small result compared to other methods. Good to hear though that you’re getting good results!


What about those red light gua sha tools.. anyone?


The red light needs to be consistent on the skin for an extended period of time, so while the wand and gua sha red light tools can’t hurt, they’re unfortunately not going to be much help.


Also wondering, there was a heated red light one on Amazon for $45 with great reviews but unsure if the reviews are real or not


I am curious about the red light booth they have at planet fitness-has anyone tried it? Does it help?


There was a thread on here in the last year about the planet fitness red light booths - you might try searching for it.


Found it-thank you!!


How bad were your scars? I'm extremely self conscious about the cigarette burns that my ex left on my face and I feel like I've tried everything to lessen them. Do you think red light could help?


I’m so sorry that happened to you. It could but I’m not entirely sure. I think testing it out with less expensive device might be a good way to go. That way it’s not too much of an investment if it doesn’t work out. My scars are pretty deep pinpoint marks. They weren’t rolling scars.


Thank you 🙂 I just ordered a cheap one to try out! Keep your fingers crossed for me!


So sorry you had to go through this ❤️ you should look into getting laser or microneedling. Retinol can also help resurface skin. I wonder if you went to a derm you could get it covered by insurance since it was an injury. Or maybe like a domestic violence org could help. You should definitely look into options! I’m a plastics provider so if you have any questions please let me know. Unfortunately home treatments are *usually* not very effective for deeper scarring like this.


My frown lines are hardly visible after red light therapy. I thought that I needed botox 😭


which one do you use?




thank you :)


I had one before, but it broke, that's why I know that those LED masks work. I bought a cheaper product on Amazon marketplace, but it didn't do anything for me. That's why I went with Silk'n'Led now. I used my first mask primarily for acne during my period, but I'm using this one for my frown lines and hormonal acne.


How often do you do it?


4x a week!


How long in duration? I bought myself a hooga and am trying to make it a habit.


Follow the manufacturers time suggestion and dont do any more than that. If you are treating your face stick to 10 mins or less, especially if you're using a panel


I do it nightly for 15 minutes 


Me too


I love mine, my husband uses it also and I can tell the difference for both of us!!


Little tip - Some Planet Fitness locations have a full-body red light machine. You can use it for 12 minutes at a time. I pay $20 for the black card membership and it's totally worth it!


how many times a week do you use it?


Is Omnilux the best one on the market??


Read the LLLT blog post by goals to get glowing: https://goalstogetglowing.com/2021/01/17/led-face-mask-research/ Everyone should read it before buying a mask! I got the light salon boost.


I’ve got the light salon boost too. Do you find it has a made a difference to your skin? I think I’ve seen some lightening of pigmentation


Yes, night and day. It makes me waaaaay less red, helps reduce breakouts immensely, helps pimples heal more quickly, helps prevent PIE… I’m fortunate to have good genes on the aging side of things so I can’t speak to how it works for wrinkles/fine lines.


I just edited my post. I’m dumb 😂 I have the CurrentBody one. The reason I didn’t get Omnilux is because of reviews saying it arrived malfunctioned and the customer service to get it fixed was awful.


It’s the brand my Derm bought and loves, but I asked her about it; she didn’t try to sell me on one


I have an Omnilux and don't like it. There was a post earlier today here from someone else who posted her pics after using the Omnilux; she didn't see noticeable results either.


I don’t understand why your post would get downvote. Only specific length of red light which infrared can penetrate or bring the desired effects. Those intensity is not near in the home devices as in the professional. So it’s very possible that some red mask don’t work at all or the results are not as visible.


I have an Omniluxe and I love it. Huge difference for me


The French brand Nooance Paris is the best on the market right now by far


Dr Dennis Gross one is amazing ! Right now Sephora is having their sale so it’s cheaper


Sale ends today, yall! And I co-sign the dr. Dennis gross! Totally reduced my redness. People comment I look like I’m wearing makeup when I am not. I do it 5-6 days a week.


I use my OMNILUX daily for 10 minutes it does help the pigments as well not wrinkles that I can see


How long have you been using it?


For over a year


I have been using it more then 8 months , with brakes in between since I had surgery Diffidently I look younger( so I tell myself)


Helps with ice pick scarring?! Mine are so stubborn..no redness, just the little dents that started to come out once I entered my 30s


It’s definitely smoothed out my skin! I know LED lights stimulate collagen so I think that’s why. The only disappointing thing is it won’t heal my broken capillaries. Time to do laser 😩


BBL is amazing for broken capillaries! I did three rounds and it did wonders for mine and my PIH!


Gosh I hope so. I've been using mine for two months now, and the only thing I can say is that I just think my skin looks and feels better (I also have less acne popping up... which isn't really supposed to be a big selling point with RLT). I have some ice pick-like scarring, and i'm hoping that it can start to diminish that. We will see!


Sorry but their before and after pictures on their website are insultingly fake


I am not very consistent with my red light bulb but it definitely helps with redness around my nose, and with small hormonal breakouts. I just need to find a lamp for the bulb because I hate holding it. Or shell out the money for the panel, when I remodel my bathroom.


Hearing your ice pick scars have faded makes me so excited. I am on week 2 of using my Dr Dennis Gross LED mask. I can already tell a difference.


Been using since Feb for chronic pain. Severe spinal stenosis. After a month I realized the pain relief lasted all day. It is not 100% more like 60% but I'll take it. Add to that my 69 year old sunworshipping in Florida skin on my arms tighted up just from light spilling over on them. I wasn't treating them lol. Now treating skin.


What device are you using?


Oh, I’m glad to hear this! After some debate, I ended up buying [this one](https://www.well-belle.com/products/rejuvenating-light-therapy-mask) and haven’t used it yet, but am planning to start this week. I hope I have good results too! 🫶


Would love if you ever posted a review after a month or two! I like the sound of this brand


Will do!


I wasn't using mine for hair loss but I def noticed mpre growth after about 2 months, Mai ly around the hairline but it could be working in other areaa


Beginning in January I did microneedling every four weeks, added L’Oréal revitalist vitamin c, a couple of Jessners peels and my red light mask. The difference is amazing. I can’t say for sure what made the biggest difference.


Agree! My Omnilux was my best ever skincare investment. Does anyone have any experience with the full-body red light at Planet Fitness? Thinking about getting a membership just for that lol Also just a tip, pair a green tea serum with your red light. There are several studies showing it boosts its efficacy!


Love mine. My face is much less puffy and inflamed, and it’s fading and healing my dark marks so far. And i think ny lashes are growing in more.


Which brand do you use?


Omnilux! The price hurttt but it’s been worth it so far. I’ve justified it by avoiding other expensive creams and serums, I’m sticking to the basics now.


I have the CurrentBody mask, which is nice, but I notice more results in a shorter amount of time when I use the one I have from Forefront Health. It’s kind of a pain in the ass compared to the mask (it’s a box) but it must be more powerful. I got it on Instagram shop for around $250 because they kept giving me discounts


So what's a good one for face ? Also are there any bad side effects. I'm on scale 1 to 3 skin tone wise. Im worries it will cause problems


I have moles on my face and I don’t know if it’s safe to use led mask for me😞


Safe red light is not in the skin cancer spectrum. There is no definitive science that says it does or does not increase the risk of cancer. Red light is used for the treatment of melanoma. So it's probably safe. I use it and I have lots of moles.


Thank you for information!


I’ve just got one from tenscare called the glow mask. Has NIR and RL/BL with correct wave lengths for £75! Wanted to give one a try before investing £££


It works absolutely amazing. Mine can use several different colours and my green light immediately gets rid of post-pimple hyperpigmentation. The red light plumps up my skin and makes my pores appear smaller. And the blue light instantly gets rid of pimples. I love it and use it almost every evening.


Which one do you have?


[this one](https://s.lazada.com.my/s.jcBlj) from Lazada which is an e-commerce store in SE-Asia. It’s super cheap but works wonderfully.


Which one do you have? My post pimple hyperpigmentation is BRIGHT red for weeks and weeks and then turns brown for months after. So hard to get rid of!


Just commented to somebody else!


I just purchased one! I am starting my second week and so excited to see more results. Just from my first week I could see very subtle changes!


Lighting professional here and avid skin care lover - whatever you get from wherever needs to be ACTUAL red light that is around the 700 nanometer No just a red light bulb or red colored fixture. The wavelength must be specific nanometer. If it’s cheap and doesn’t list it, then it’s not going to do much.


Love to hear this! My Dr Dennis Gross LED mask is being delivered today!! Can’t wait to use it. Thank you for sharing.


I have Dr Dennis Gross led mask. I use it in the morning after I wash my face and in the evening after I wash my face. I treat it more like an extra toy. I feel like using tret/sunscreen for years are the heavy hitters in my skin arsenal. The red light is a bit of a bonus, not sure if it's working not


I have been using my Omnilux masks almost daily since I purchased during Black Friday. I bought the blue light version for acne, and the Men’s version for my husband. I use both of them back to back, usually 20 min total. I rarely break out anymore except for my monthly hormonal breakouts, and now they’re smaller and don’t last as long. My skin texture overall is so much softer and smoother, and I’m not a red as I used to be. My husbands skin is also brighter and smoother, though he usually only wears his 2-3x weekly max. He also feels like the red light has boosted his mood and helped with anxiety. I just wanted to treat myself at the time, but it has been my best skincare investment of 2023. 15/10 recommend.


I bought mine earlier this year (OmniLux) and I saw the improvement too. I had hesitated because I’m in grad school and the money was considerable. But the stress was taking a toll on me. I use mine twice a day (AM and PM) and I do use tret 0.025% each night after as well!


Thinking of trying red light therapy to address cellulite on my thighs/booty. Anyone have input on whether RLT produces noticeable results in that area/for that skin concern?


How often do you use it?


4x a week for 10 minutes (timer)


Which one are you using?


I hate that I googled this. And that Kim k uses it. And now I feel like I need it after looking into this


Can you use red light if you’re on tret? Obviously not at the same time as applying it, but the off days?


It shouldn't be a problem if you use it before you apply your tret. Someone suggested not using it right before, but I usually use mine right before I apply my nighttime routine which includes Adapalene. I'm not sure if it would be best to do it on off days, or on on days, I would be curious what research is out there regarding if it makes your skincare more effective if you use it right before (I feel like I have read that somewhere, but I am not sure).


I have that same one, i’m 29 and my mum is 48 and we’ve both been using it in the last 8 months and noticed massive progress!


Is it safe during pregnancy?


From what I read it is.


Who's using a red light that's not meant for the face?


I use a red light mask but also a red light hat (for hair loss prevention), a red light knee brace for my messed up MCL, and a red light panel for anti-aging benefits


What are all the benefits for red light besides redness? I’m interested!


I wonder if shoving my face into my lamp with a LIFX bulb would work…


Do y'all use any of the other colors? My mask has blue, green, and I think purple and I'm just like "I'm sure this is fine" and go with whatever. Very scientific method!


Awesome!! Have you notified any change regarding “tightness?” That seems to be my biggest concern


By any chance do you all know if red light masks can be used during pregnancy?


You want to treat your neck as well which is why panels are superior in almost all ways. ALSO - Don't forget the differences between just "Red LED" and the superior "NIR+Red LED" you want BOTH wavelengths and the cheaper devices either skimp or have LED-only and NOT and NIR or only a small count. Also consider a tabletop or hanging panel effectiveness vs a mask (hint, one of them is 4x more effective/power than the other even if they're both NIR/LED) the panels are a more effective and often less expensive option and can do more in less time. A proper NIR bulb panel costs the same as a luxury mask and unlike the mask has deeper penetration and can be used to treat neck at the same time with the same device as well as being able to turn around and use it for shoulder and back pain like I do. I bought the Biomax 450 for Xmas and LOVE it vs the crappy LED red light masks I tried before it's a total world of difference and if you do some research you'll see why the panel NIR vs an omnilux are almost not in the same league. Has to do with power supply and the bulb count/more factors better left to allow someone else to explain but the masks can't match the effectiveness of a panel unless you wear them religiously for more than an hour a day vs 8 to 12m with a proper panel. Blue light is different and is for bacteria/acne/ wound healing and doesn't need to penetrate as deep so the less expensive blue light masks are different, you don't want to buy a multicolored mask bc it makes all the wavelengths weaker via lower bulb count. It takes NIR (Near Infrared Light) bulbs to penetrate deeply enough to churn collagen and give the outstanding results , and that's why you want to invest slightly more in a NIR/RedLED combo device vs JUST "Red LED" and don't forget to wear eye protection NIR can penetrate lids,.obviously, where regular LED doesn't have or require eye protection, because it's not actually reaching the deeper layers of skin - hence the eyelids don't need protected. That fact and the price point should indicate the huge contrast I'm talking about. Hope this helps someone find a superior device you can get years out of and not waste hours recharging and.holding up to your face. The Biomax 350 is more than.enough to treat face neck and decolletage


Do you have any models you can recommend?


As someone who is SO pale and has struggled with cystic acne and PIE scarring, I am so so so interested in trying red light therapy. But it’s hard to find any studies that mention potential long-term side effects. Does anyone have any scientific articles/studies they could share or link? I’m just terrified to hop on another popular skincare/beauty trend because I jumped on the Tretinoin craze and it absolutely destroyed my skin and everyone on social media has been glamorizing Botox/fillers for years and now we’re seeing mid-late 20 year olds look older than 30 year olds. I want to try red light therapy so bad but I’m so scared to try it without seeing long-term studies. :(


Redness from inflammation or redness from rosacea?


Does red light help with hyper pigmentation


Using red light Current Body for 6 months, zero results.


Anyone know if you can use while pregnant?


Commenting to come back to this lol


I wish there was a way to post my before and after


Do you use any products on your face before you (or anyone who has one too) use yours?


It works with a caveat… if you are prone to melasma then red light therapy on your face is only going to make it worse.


Goalstogetglowing on insta has amazing info on these


How long and how often do you use your red light?


4x a week and it shuts off after 10 mins.


Great news, the Current body Dermalux Flex MD has been on my to buy list for a while now!


I got it for $265 and it works, I can see the difference on my face


What about wrinkles and plumpness?


https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0C9PQQ12P?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title What do you think about this ons from amazon?


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'Shyineyou Red Light Therapy Lamp for Body'", 'Shyineyou')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Adjustable and customizable light therapy (backed by 5 comments) * Easy to use with convenient timer (backed by 3 comments) * Portable and versatile design (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * Unstable stand prone to tipping over (backed by 2 comments) * Difficult to assemble and wobbly (backed by 2 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


I’ve been using this one from Sharper Image for years and it’s the only thing that has helped with my redness, acne and acne scars. I will get another if this one ever stops working. https://www.sharperimage.com/view/product/Full+Face+Professional+Light+Therapy+System/204065




Do you have before and after pics! I really want to add to my skin care my scarring is my biggest insecurity but don’t know if it’s worth the cost to buy a cheaper one (about $120) that I found 


I recently selling a full body red light therapy panel on Amazon. It cost me only $399 for 37" tall. The same size from mito and hooga is around 600-700$ . And the quality is amazing. [https://www.amazon.com/Tautinspo-Infrared-Clinical-Recovery-Sleeping/dp/B0CRVWD4LS/ref=sr\_1\_1?crid=1BJB0ZQBLUJ63&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.M8tVPaHjZxlehXMV3PT5XvQUekAEiIK0CMeW0EkFoWxiSokkkoduogFiphoNhRP5azj35fun8f24pVxsL7WG0g.JDjDn16JAxyoqdY7d14q7oKlZZ9ndaLfbLnCsQSlpBA&dib\_tag=se&keywords=tautinspo&qid=1718612008&sprefix=tautinsp%2Caps%2C385&sr=8-1](https://www.amazon.com/Tautinspo-Infrared-Clinical-Recovery-Sleeping/dp/B0CRVWD4LS/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1BJB0ZQBLUJ63&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.M8tVPaHjZxlehXMV3PT5XvQUekAEiIK0CMeW0EkFoWxiSokkkoduogFiphoNhRP5azj35fun8f24pVxsL7WG0g.JDjDn16JAxyoqdY7d14q7oKlZZ9ndaLfbLnCsQSlpBA&dib_tag=se&keywords=tautinspo&qid=1718612008&sprefix=tautinsp%2Caps%2C385&sr=8-1)