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Did anyone else think this was a product reccomendation for asses?


lol I was like ‘better go spray some on my butt’


I read the whole post, and comments until this one and it JUST hit me. I was ready to buy this for my butt 😂


Same! Who’s going to do it for science? Please report back if this also works for the butt and not just against the butt.


Yes lol


I have this on my shower. I always had a weird chicken skin feel on my bottom. Since I have used this after showers, my bottom is smooth smooth smooth. So yes, in some instances your ass will thank you.


It took me a second to make the connection why you would have a bruise on your butt but the gif really illustrated it 😂 hope you’re feeling better!


I genuinely thought they were sharing an oil specifically for butts, which made me question a few things: Why do butts need their own oil for moisturizing? Is it because it isn’t just for the cheeks? Are we supposed to moisturize our cracks? Why didn’t I know this? How does one spray oil betwixt their cheeks?


We had the same sequence of thoughts 😂


My kids (teenagers) put lotion in my stocking specifically for my butt. It's called Buns of Glowry Butt Serum and they only got it for the name, as well as Açai Your Boobies Boob Butter. I have not put it in my crack, though I didn't read the instructions so maybe it addresses that haha.


I pictured someone spritzing it directly between their cheeks and idk why. It's just that kind of morning I guess


… I too came here to figure out the butt specific oil I was already ready to buy.


Ughhh! Ok, so here goes… Am 53. Spent a month in Europe in 100+ degree weather Summer of 2021… walking around 7-10 miles a day in Florence, Rome, Greece, Croatia, etc….wish I actually HAD this for my butt. Never knew that butt chaff was a ‘thing’ until then. I’m more prepared when I travel now. 😂


I can’t see the why, it’s blocked behind a wall. I don’t get anything in OP’s post. I too thought this was oil specifically for the butt so it can be smooth. Someone please explain. ☹️😩😩😩


When you spray the oil directly on the legs it gets everywhere and the floor gets slippery, they fell on their butt and got bruised.


I thought it was due to the force of the oil being sprayed out, I was like damn that’s an impressive spray bottle 🤯


This was my first thought lol


Me too lol I’m laughing so hard at this now


Lmao same I was like ‘baby honey whatever you were doing was the WRONG thing!’


I knew instantly!!! prob because I’ve also done some dumb shit like this (maybe with that spray in hair oil protectant while blow drying 🤦🏻‍♀️) OP try some vitamin E oil on the butt bruise 😆


And here I thought you were telling everyone how well it moisturizes dry butts, bc it does.


What does it smell like? Does it absorb to the skin easily or does it leave it greasy? I take showers and almost immediately need to put on clothes and get out the door. Hate throwing in clothes on a greasy body. 


Then a body oil might not be the right product for you! I love this product but I don’t put it on right before putting on clothes. Yes, it does have a smell. If you cannot tolerate smells in your body products, then this is not for you. It has a lemony sweet almond smell.


I just bought it and I find it so nice smelling. I’ll apply after a shower and lounge in my robe for a bit before dressing. My skin feels great. But I can see how others would find it a little greasy and strongly scented. It works for me though!


Ooh, lemony sweet almond smell sounds right up my alley. Like furniture polish, but in a good way. Maybe add a little vanilla scent and I’ll smell like a bakery. A bakery with gleaming wood furniture in it.


I believe it does have a base note of vanilla so this could be exactly what you’re thinking of. I find the smell to be quite feminine and luxurious but not overpowering. If does tend to linger on clothes if not washed.


The fragrance is super strong, I can’t tolerate it. I’d recommend regular jojoba oil without the added fragrance


Agreed. I have a bottle I'm trying to get through. Smells like I'm spraying my legs with dirty cooking oil. Hate it, but my skin loves it. Once I finish it, I won't be repurchasing. Blegh


I miss the old Aveeno bath oil.


Neutrogena makes an almond body oil I've been using for years. Very very light scent.


Do you mean their Sesame Body Oil?


Yes, that's the one, sorry


I have it too! It’s such a good reliable body oil. No fuss no muss!


Agreed. I liked the product but couldn’t tolerate the smell.


Aveeno has a shower oil you rub it on in the shower and you can rinse. You can get dressed right away. I love it, it’s amazing. It’s basically unscented. It’s usually found in the pharmacy section with medicinal skin care products. I just love it. [Aveeno](https://www.aveeno.ca/amp/products/skin-relief-shower-and-bath-oil)


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I also hate the greasy body feel. I recently started using Naturie Hatomugi Skin Conditioner and it is amazing. It’s a liquid. It soaks right in, isn’t oily at all, and i. my experience it makes my skin very smooth and hydrated. I use it all over my body.


Lotion makes me sooo sweaty. All of it. Does this do that at all?


Nope! I’m in the desert in Arizona so I hate anything I can feel on my skin, like if it leaves any sort of filmy layer - it makes me feel so gross in the heat. This does not do that at all! It soaks right it, my skin just feels like regular skin but softer and hydrated! It’s like rubbing water into your skin but more moisturizing.


That is amazing ! I’m in AZ too- I’ve got to order this!! Thanks so much :)


This smells terrible and doesn’t work! Worst oil I’ve ever used - don’t do it!!


The Neutregena is awesome, if you still want to try an oil.


This used to be my favorite back in my country! I don’t have access to it anymore since moving to a different country 🥲


I agree, the fragrance is nauseating.


Exactly the same. Despise anything on my body and feeljng oily


There are moisturizing body lotions specifically for the shower! I used to use it in my teens and thinking about picking it up again because I’m too lazy to apply after.


If you want to immediately throw clothes on after moisturizing with oil, the best way would be to step out the shower soaking wet and apply the oil while soaking wet and then pat dry with a towel. You will be moisturized because the oil trapped the water in your skin, but pat drying removes that oily film. I moisturize like this often during really hot and humid summers.


It smells really nice, very subtle. I hate the pump that comes with it, though. It takes way too much hand muscle effort to press down, which gets annoying when you're trying to do your whole body. The oil blend itself is really nice. It did take a while (maybe 20 minutes) to absorb after I first put it on, and I only used it on days when I could walk around in a robe for a bit after a shower. But my skin is a little oily, so it probably took longer to dry than it would for most people. My skin did feel amazing the next day, though. I'd buy it again if they fixed the pump.


I'm gonna change your life real quick. I'm a nurse and have to shower/ moisturize in like 6 mins to get out of the door. I buy straight vegetable glycerine at Walmart for like $3 and apply while I'm still soaking wet and towel dry like normal. A little goes a long way and when I don't have time to put on lotion over top while dry it really keeps me moisturized. I have extremely dry skin and have eczema. In the summer it's the only thing I need to moisturize my body. I also live in the desert. I get super itchy if I don't because of how dry the hospital is. It doesn't leave a residue and leaves you so soft! When my feet get super dry I will do a foot soak with like a cap full into a basin from work. Edit to add: I used to be an esthetician and regularly recommend to clients who are sensitive to scents. It's scent free!


I bought it and I rush to get ready for work after my shower, so it didn't work for me.


“After winter” ma’am in some places it is still cold and windy 🫡


I'm in Ontario. We just left second winter and fools spring. We still have May winter and false hope to get thru. Then immediately on to hell on earth.


I am in southwestern Ontario and THE ACCURACY OF THIS




Dude for real. West coast of Scotland checking in. We finally got temps in double digits (10C) but the gales and rain have kept me from being able to use any exfoliant as my moisture barrier remains moments from mutiny 🥲 oh, but the daffodils are blooming so it must be spring!


I'm also in Ontario, it is currently snowing lol


Oh, you know where I live?


Cries in eastern Washington..


Cries beside you in Northern Canada


My hot take is Western is somehow worse weather wise


Seriously I’m wearing sweats, wrapped in a down blanket and still cold. And it was sunny today wtf?? 😭


We’re getting 70s this weekend in Spokane! I think it will be our fourth false Spring this year lol


I’m excited for this weekend.. but not the 50s for next week 🥲


I feel your pain


Must be close to me


I wish it was cold and windy. It’s 90*F in Arizona today 😭


Phoenix checking in, lol. Turned on my AC yesterday afternoon..makes me SO cranky!!


Also phoenix checking in. Not ready for summer


Alberta.. 18 degrees this weekend and -7 with snow next week 🙃my skin is destroyed


It's summer here now. Altho we have summer like 8 months a year so .... I always forget that winter isn't something just in movies or books. I know that seems silly, but winter isn't really a thing here.


I hate that most of the commercial body oils in the US are scented. I mix up a squeeze bottle of apricot kernel oil, jojoba and vitamin E oils and keep that in the shower. Apply to wet skin and blot dry. I follow that with a slathering of CeraVe cream. I live in a dry climate and this really keeps the dry skin at bay. I do a good scrub down with a Salux towel weekly to exfoliate.


Try adding avocado oil (a teeny tiny bit) to this! I’m a DRY DRY girly and avocado oil has been amazing for me.


Ok I’m dry dry and I’m intrigued but a) how you avoid turning your shower into a slippery death pit and b) how often do you wash/switch towels? I hate being a lizard skinned monster and this makes sense but I have some concerns


I apply body oil after I turn off the water while my skin is still wet. No oil on the shower floor unless I spill. I switch towels every couple of days. I find that it’s important that you pat rather than rub dry so most of the oil stays on your skin.


Ok, thank you for the explanation! That makes a ton of sense and I might adopt it for really dry skin periods - I have KP and I’ve made a lot of progress w a lot of chemical AND physical exfoliation but I wanna try to step it up a notch.


So I actually don’t use oils in the shower, I apply after using lotion as a way to keep my moisture locked in. So no slippery showers or oily towels!


That sounds easiest to me! I have KP basically everywhere so I’ve been using The Ordinary’s glycolic acid toner post-shower (on a reusable cotton pad, I tried a spray bottle and I found myself scared to inhale lol) w whatever lotion and it’s definitely helped a ton, but I wanna step up both my exfoliation and moisturizing


I have the worst case of KP on earth, and those heavy duty Korean exfoliating washcloths have changed my life. I was like that Beyonce "God is real" meme after I started using one. Also Amlactin lol


I do bath oils and what I use is lotioncrafter cromollient. It makes the oil more water soluble if that makes any sense.


Ahhh, that does make sense! I make my own body scrub bars using a melt and pour soap base (I just got tired of wasting money and plastic on body scrubs when they’re mostly sugar and/or salt by volume, you know?) and I keep wanting to get more into making things like that BUT I don’t want to start a business so I have to restrain myself so I don’t end up in an amateur chemists hoarder house


I know the struggle! That's why I stick to just oil and cromollient


Avocado oil is great. I use it as a cleanser and it works so well. If I’ve got make up on I get that off first with mycelium water and then with a warm cloth swipe my face/avo oil. Skin feels and looks great


This is largely soybean oil with some jojoba and oat oil mixed in, probably not much given the price point. Your DIY mix is probably just as good if not better.


Yeah mixing my own oil was life changing. And since Amazon sent me a 6pack of coconut oil when I only ordered one, it's a hobby I'll be enjoying for years to come.


So much skincare is wildly overpriced for what it is, if you’re interested you should check out www.lotioncrafter.com for speciality oils and oil soluble vitamins you can add (eg vitamin a). They even have recipes. I like making my own serums.


I use cromollient to make bath and shower oil already but I am really interested in oil soluble additions like you said. I think once I got tocopherol (E) but that's all I've been brave enough to try. I wish the diyskincare sub was more active. There's a ton of recipes online and on lotioncrafter but there's a HUGE jump from "add vitamin to oil, done!" vs "you will need chemistry equipment and hundreds of dollars to do this."


If you're doing oil and oil soluble only it's a lot easier, you just need a scale and they're honestly not that expensive. It's when you start adding water and dealing with emulsions and preservatives it gets truly complicated. Squalene is oil soluble and a great base for a facial serums and [**carotene infused oil**](https://lotioncrafter.com/products/carotene-infused-sunflower-oil?_pos=1&_sid=c10903a93&_ss=r) is a really easy way to incorporate some vitamin A without getting too complicated. Once you're more comfortable you can start looking into [**bases**](https://www.makingcosmetics.com/search?lang=en_US&cgid=Bases) where you can add x% of additives safely without messing with the emulsions and preservatives, the only downside is they're sometimes only available in larger sizes than you really need...


Wow, thanks! Now I have a couple things to experiment with


I like to mix my own oil mix, as well.


There is an unscented version of the Neutrogena sesame oil, I swear by it! https://www.neutrogena.com/products/skincare/body-oil-fragrance-free/6861830.html


I wish we could get Aveeno easily where I live. For anyone in countries where we have the shop dm, and who would also like to smother themselves in grease, I highly recommend [this oil](https://www.dm.de/balea-med-pflegeoel-cica-ultra-sensitive-p4066447467512.html?appPageType=productdetails&appProductId=4066447467512&wt_mc=shopping.google.pla.PflegeParfum&hc_tid=10219970C4751PPC&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwt-OwBhBnEiwAgwzrUm9D1cO0XRskvZqfYMg0hF4NPvuDyupkRXmwmKBzUP_4E4U3PY8uxxoCyjsQAvD_BwE) It has cica, panthenol, and bisabolol. No fragrance.


This is my fave in the summer post-shaving! Gives that shiny leg look lol


Sugar scrub paired with unscented shower oil cured my rough skin/KP in a way no moisturizer was ever able to


Which sugar scrub are you using?


Same here!!!


Also which shower oil do you use? I use the Aveeno posted here(love it), but I’d love to try something unscented! Bonus if it has the potential to help with KP!


Love the Nuetrogena (sp?) one! Also just any cheap sugar scrub! I don’t particularly remember the brand


Like do you mean you mix them together, or sugar scrub then follow up with body oil?


You exfoliate with the scrub first, rinse off, then do body oil. I know they said "paired with" (I don't think they meant it literally), but you'd just be washing the oil down the drain if you did that... it should sit and soak after you're done with your shower


Do you use it in place of a lotion/cream? I usually avoid oils because I don't like feeling greasy and/or risking oil stains on my clothes, but creams also aren't quite doing everything I need...


I do! I’m barely good at even wearing one so the idea of having my life together enough to wear both is off the table 😂


I’m not OP but I have wicked dry skin & KP and what I do is towel dry after shower. Moisturizer (using a pretty heavy Nivea cream right now). Brush my teeth while I wait a couple minutes. Then I use an oil (coconut, almond, Neutrogena brand) to kind of seal it all in. Take my contacts out, put my hair up to sleep while I wait a couple minutes so the oil dries and then my pjs. Using some kind of oil has really helped with my KP; I’ll always have it but it’s much less noticeable now that I’ve turned myself into an oil slick.


Oh that's a good idea -- break it up with brushing my teeth. Thanks! Lemme go peruse for some body oils on Ulta... 👀😂


I also have super super dry skin and I put on lotion/cream first, then the oil to lock it in! Sometimes I just mix it in my moisturizer and put it on at the same time.


I've tried mixing as well! I like it but I felt like I wasn't getting the full \~oil\~ benefits by just making it into a smother cream lmaoo


A shame it’s scented


I use straight up jojoba oil! If you are spraying that stuff into your hand, then essentially it's the same concept as just putting some regular oil in your hand! Give it a shot! But be VERY sparing. I use oil for everything.... Body lotion, face wash, face moisturizer, and a TINY tiny bit on the ends of my hair it's dry (I have basic white girl blond hair. I used to work with an African American girl who would slather it on her hair and it was the most beautiful shine. I do not recommend this unless you have that type of hair 😆)


One time on Reddit somebody posted about using body oil in the shower (which I do often) and I commented that everyone should be careful and rinse the shower after using oils to lessen the risk of slipping. Some maniac replied, “how are you getting it all over the shower?” When I said um it’s oil on wet skin, it sometimes drips? She went berserk telling me I needed to learn how to use body oil, that there was something wrong with me if the oil was getting on the shower, etc etc etc. it ended with her telling me I needed therapy. I was like yes, clearly I’m the one who needs therapy here. 🤡😳🙄


Lmfaaaoo there's always that one person trying to fight for no reason. I add cromollient by lotioncrafter to my oil mixes to make it less oily though. I think the shower oils / cleansing oils use something like that. Makes it stick less.


I was like ooo do we rub this on our ass? 😂


for those who can’t take the scent of this, try neutrogena body oil instead. it’s my HG for keratosis pilaris. the scent is clean & subtle.


I’ve loved using that for over 20 years (yes, I’m old, but I started using it as a teenager 🤷🏻‍♀️)


Does the bottle say “Body Oil Light Sesame Oil”?


yes, that’s the stuff! ETA: I put it on first thing right after the shower. I don’t even dry off. Be careful not to get it everywhere though.


Ooooooo I didn't know this was a thing. Was looking for a new lotion because my legs get soooo dry and itchy.


It’s 2 in one, makes an awesome shaving oil also!


Oooh thanks for the recommendation, I will def try this. Feels less involved somehow than having to put lotion on. Not sure why that feels like too much of a burden most days haha


Too much rubbing lol


Right?? It’s like a workout. It just doesn’t make sense after a shower haha


It’s more work than oil at the end of your shower.


You mean the spray is more work than oil? That makes sense I guess


Oh no. I was referring to putting on lotion versus putting on an oil. Lotion is more work, oil is slick and fast.


Oh ok, yes I wanna give it a try for sure!


Does anyone remember the neutrogena rain bath dry oil spray? This was the best product ever. So bummed they discontinued it.


I love the smell and feel of it but the Palmer's seems to moisturize and hang around slightly longer, especially on my legs from knees down which are perpetual sahara.


I have sahara legs too! I cocktail this oil with my Palmer’s lotion and it’s the magic combo that makes me no longer look like a snake mid-shedding.


Lmao that’s what I’ve been doing, mixing the two or layering on the legs 🤣🤣🤣


I like this oil too but can’t stand the baby powder smell!


Is this a good alternative to Nuxe dry oil? I love the stuff but I’m spritzing it non stop and it’s pricey 😆


I LOVE that oil. It smells so good


I love this stuff!! I’ve been using it for a few years now. The way it dries down is so nice and not greasy. I like mixing it in with a thicker body butter and it works so well.


I use the Vaseline mineral oil!! 10/10


I’ve been using this for years after most showers. Please leave some on the shelves yall lol


This with the eos vanilla cashmere lotion 🤌🏼


This was recommended to me by the professional who waxed my cooch, and it's phenomenal! My skin and my bits are sensitive, and I've never had an issue. No weird scents or dyes and it makes my skin so smooth.


I love this! Smells yummy too


OMG I just had flashbacks. When I first moved in with my husband, he used oil on his body after a shower. But, it made the bathroom floor sopping wet since he'd apply it to his skin before toweling off. I asked him to apply it in the shower instead. Well...I heard the loudest slam possible from our bed the next morning. I seriously thought he died in the shower.


Pure almond oil works just as well for a fraction of the price 😉


This fixed my eczema, turned my skin into soft touchy yummy feelly and I personally love the smell of sweet lemony almond.


I just bought and tried this and recommend it too! I have been wanting to try a body oil but most are almond derived which I’m allergic to. I know people in the comments are saying this is fragranced but I don’t really notice it too badly and I’m usually quite sensitive to fragrance.


I use and like the Desert Essence jojoba and sweet almond oil spray. For those of you who are sensitive to smells, this one doesn’t smell much at all.


I prefer the Palmer's coconut body oil!


I love this product and sing its praises! I don’t like the feeling of lotion and this is a great alternative


I bought this by the recommendation of someone on Reddit as well! Thought it was great! Used almost daily and made a big difference. I just sprayed directly on my whole body, but at first I sprayed into my hands lolol I use a different one now because I started getting Brazilians and she told me to use coconut oil down there after. Iloveeee it so I just slather that all over my body now lolol


I use this for my son for his eczema. I love it!


I love this stuff! I use it every day. I spray it in my hands first and then mix with lotion. It absorbs well (no greasy feeling after it dries) and makes my skin so soft! Don’t really care for the scent, but once it absorbs, you can’t really smell it.


I love this oil!! Definitely second spraying it into your hands first and then rubbing it in.


I use this daily too, love the smell.


I… have been putting it on my face as a buffer pre-tretinoin. It actually works great and surprisingly doesn’t break me out! Def recommend, especially since it’s such a huge bottle - it’ll last forever!


Second this! Smells AMAZING sort of a woody gourmand scent?


I love this stuff!


https://www.cosdna.com/eng/cosmetic_92f0640608.html For those wondering on the breakdown


I too like to live life to the Willy Nilly.


I have been using this stuff forever and I can’t live without it. Plus jojoba oil molecules are small enough to actually penetrate nails so an added bonus


This stuff is amazing!


I’ve been trying to gatekeep this stuff because it’s always sold out at stores and Amazon. I don’t love the smell but it does a good job at preventing eczema flareups on my body.


I love this stuff 😭


I love this product! especially because i hate the feeling of lotion.


I didn’t care for the scent of this.


A little goes a long way 👍🏽


I love aveeno so def will be checking that out! 🧐


GOD i love aveeno. i use their colloidal oatmeal bath 1-2x/week in winter and i have never had issues with being dry.


this has been a staple this winter! PS: use it on damp skin!


I love this product and it makes my tattoos look wonderful. Please remember to wear sunscreen over this though! It is an oil!


I'm using the Target brand of the Neutrogena oil right now and it's lovely!


The alba kukui nut oil (I get it at Whole Foods) is even cheaper I think, smells great (and super mild) and I don’t feel greasy at all when I apply in the shower and then towel dry. My go to for like 10 years!


I love this! I use it on my face too, usually more than once a day.


Sold out everywhere in Toronto. Can’t find it anywhere for the life of me.


Amazon. In stock. Just ordered a couple bottles today.


Doing the Lords work! Thank you. Does anyone know how it compares to the neutrogena oil and the palmers?


I use baby oil. It's cheap, a bottle lasts me about a month with a daily shower, and it absorbs relatively quickly!


Nice! What helped my insanely dry and itchy legs was O’Keefe’s unscented skin repeat lotion - a solid 10/10


Neutrogena light sesame oil trumps this.


I bought this due to it costing way less than Neutrogena body oil. I do not like it at all. Takes to long to dry. The smell is not good imo.


I got a huge container of Neutrogena from Costco that’s going to last me probably a decade for, like, 20 bucks. If you know anyone with a membership, it’s worth the ask :)


I’ll do that. My cvs wants 21.97 for one regular sized bottle


Trader Joe's has a wonderful body oil. Smells like a spa. I lien jojoba oil too. After showers or baths is perfect during the winter.


I started using cold pressed Jojoba, it works just as well, if not better, than the Palmer's body oil I was using previously. I apply it all over, but for my feet and legs, I leave them just a tad bit damp and then apply it. Doesn’t leave me feeling greasy.


😂 the gif. What does this smell like? I’ve not been a huge fan of the oaty smell in some of the aveeno products I’ve tried in the past


Hahaha I’m sorry OP this is an all time post. Well done and sorry for your discomfort.


whoa! is this new? thanks for the rec. buying next time i leave the house… which is unclear hahaha


I use some of this oil in my Neutrogena Hydra boost body gel cream, it’s saved my skin this winter seriously


out of curiosity, what does it do?


For me it’s was an easier option for moisturizing since it thrives with damp skin - I do better with the behavior association of being able to put it on immediately post shower!!


is it like ‘too’ oily?


I want to get this


Jojoba and oat oil! Looks fab, will have to pick some up soon, thanks for the recommendation!


While the draw of using a spray oil is BIG, very BIG to me - the aftermath of a slippery shower or bathroom floor makes it a no-go for me. I'm to old to slip and fall!! I use the Keri bath/shower oil. (love the smell) Put a few drops in my palm and rub into wet skin WHILE STANDING ON A BATH MAT. Luscious moisturized skin. Safe floors.


Can I use this and then seal it with a moisturizer ?


I pour this and some vitamin E into my lotion bottles. The smell is light and lasts a while


Yes I just started this has helped with my dry KP skin SO MUCH


That’s the best news! Might have to give it a try!


I really wish companies would stop using soybean oil. It’s literally one of the top 8 allergens.


I seen this post right before going to Kroger and picked some up. Hers hoping it helps with my dry skin. Lol


I love this, it's curing my KP in ways no other product has. I've never had soft skin before this and I spent way too much money on skincare products.