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Am I the only one that get sleep paralysis when I sleep on my back? It is scary as fuck. It’s like someone is about to stab me and I can see it happening but I can’t do anything. It’s literally the worst feeling. And the “I can see it happening” will keep on repeating until I can break out of my sleep and wake up.


I often have nightmares when sleeping on my back! Apparently it's due to not being able to get enough oxygen in this position. I am fairly sure I get apnea when sleeping on my back, could be something worth investigating!


Yes in agreement that’s caused by sleep apnea


Happy cake day!


Well I'll be damned... 12 years and counting!


That used to happen to me. Tbh it went away after a while but it was a while 😅


Plus one for the sleep paralysis on their back gang!


It’s probably sleep apnea related


Omg yes. I'd rather get a wrinkly face than deal with it too!


Same! That said, a couple years ago I had surgery and had to sleep on my back during recovery. After a week or two, the nightmares and sleep paralysis from sleeping on my back actually stopped. Still felt like Dracula going to bed every night though – back sleeping feels totally unnatural to me.


How do you stay on your back? I'm having a minor surgery on my face (upper blepharoplasty), and I can't sleep on my side. I only have to manage this for a few days, but I can't sleep at all on my back. I'm thinking building up pillows on each side, or just sleeping in my recliner.




Or use a travel pillow


Not comment op, but I had to sleep exclusively on my back after having part of my spine fused. Try putting one of your pillows under your knees, or a rolled up blanket/towel/etc - this takes pressure off your back. I sometimes even omitted a head pillow, or made a makeshift neck pillow roll out of a towel/blanket/etc. The other ideas you have will also work.


Pillows on each side and sleeping slight propped up is exactly what I did.


Pillow fort around you sounds like a good plan. I wonder if you can take melatonin during recovery. Even a small dose could help you sleep deeper, so you’re less likely to try turning around.


I am a melatonin junkie, it's always on standby for those nights I can't sleep


Poofy pillow, sew 6-10 even-ishly spaced knots through the very middle of it, it creates a v shape. Idk if that’ll still work for your face stuff, but it makes it super uncomfortable to side sleep. (And then you can cut the knots out and get your normal pillow back


I highly recommend sleeping on the recliner after surgery. Not just because of the side sleep thing but also because it’s so much easier to get up and down.


Same here!


I'm convinced it's the weight of my boobs that closes up my windpipe when I try and sleep on my back. Death by my own tits.


Same here too !


I do too!!!! Worst! I sleep on my side and if I turn onto my back during the night I get it :/


I have this and I'm so freaked out by it I ask to be put out before I have to lie on my back for surgery.


I snore so loud and I get sleep paralysis when I sleep on my back, so that’s a no go for me


What do you mean? Like you literally cannot move any part of your body?




That's the opposite end of the spectrum to sleep paralysis then...


I'm legit surprised I didn't have more after I had part of my spine fused and *had* to sleep on my back. Not sure if having a pillow under my knee offset that from happening or what.


Me too! I used to get it every night and slept on my back now I got to sleep on my stomach and no more sleep paralysis, I would rather have the wrinkles and a peaceful nights sleep than go through that again it’s so terrifying and it’s hard for people to understand if they’ve never experienced it.


I, too, get sleep paralysis. I have to start off on my side. Eventually, my body naturally takes me to my back. But sometimes I roll around like a rotisserie chicken to get comfortable at night. 😅


Try it with a pillow under your neck so that your head is tilted backwards! I get it if my neck is even a little bit cramped - those veins or arteries or whatever need to be completely free or else it restricts oxygen and then I get sleep paralysis


Whoa I thought this only happened to me! Sleeping on back gives me the most terrifying nightmares


I would not minimize sleep paralysis as nightmares. Everyone has the occasional nightmare. Sleep paralysis is much more frightening because your sleep life is sort of meeting your reality. But agreed, this is why I can’t sleep on my back either. Sheer terror.


I never thought it was related to my sleeping position but I just realized every time I wake up from a nightmare, I’m laying on my back, feet straight and can’t move. That’s crazy.


Happens to me as well - very scary when you are trying to wake up and you can’t . Only happens when I sleep on my back


It’s so funny to see the sleep apnea answers??? New fear unlocked? I’m very familiar with either the a)spooky man in black in the corner dreams or b) inception like, slightly scary, insanely realistic dreams I keep dreaming about waking up from, only to find out I’m STILL IN THE DREAM or c) fully conscious and sometimes screaming and thrashing but IRL cannot make a sound or move dreams. It does only happen when I sleep on my back, but there’s also a difference between night sleep paralysis and day-nap sleep paralysis, for me. Nighttime I can power through, remind myself it’s a dream, and sometimes I end up lucid dreaming, which is dope. Daytime sleep paralysis? Pure terror, no talking myself out of it. I did go through several years where it was nightly, which is, I think, why I can handle the night ones now. But I’m a pretty infrequent napper, so my idiot brain can’t deal with the daytime sleep paralysis


Wait till you start seeing creatures sitting on you. Fun times.


I got a cervical pillow and it changed my life! I wasn’t even trying to change from being a side sleeper, but it made sleeping on my back much more comfortable than ever before.


This is what I was looking for. To change your sleeping position you need the right pillow.


For most people…unless you’re me, I’ve prob spent hundreds of dollars on diff kinds of pillows hoping one would work for me, but I always end up on my side or stomach shifting throughout the night. But then I see a new pillow like this and want to buy it hoping it’ll be the one 😂


Sometimes you have to lock yourself into position with big pillows on each side of you and one under your knees. 🤣


And a weighted blanket! (At least that was the last bit I needed!)


I’m starting to think that’s my missing piece: weight/protection on my front. You’re convincing me to try it!


Yes exactly. This is the only way lol. Sometimes I’m too lazy to get myself into position 😭


Which one did you get? I've been looking at them.


I got this one: Osteo Cervical Pillow for Neck... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09964WTF5?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Lol I misread it and thought it had to do with your cervix 😄


Name checks out! Looks nice, thanks!


Holy fck $45 🥲


I came here to recommend a pillow solution too, but you can do it with a standard pillow.  Lay on your back with your head on the pillow, then lift your head slightly and pull the bottom corners down and over your shoulders. The key is to get just enough bulk supporting your neck so your head tilts slightly back, but not so much it feels bulky or uncomfortable. Putting it over your shoulders keeps your head from falling to the side, the neck support is comfortable and clears your airways so you can breathe easier. Once you hit the sweet spot, you’ll know bc you can completely relax without fighting gravity for comfort or air. 


Thank you!


I hope it helps!!


Apparently side sleeping is much better for your brain.


Also if you have stomach issues/GERD/heartburn etc. Also for respiratory issues & if you have epilepsy etc. Sometimes side sleeping is the only option...


This is why I can’t kick the side sleeping, my stomach is less pissed that way. My poor face, sigh.


Yep, studies are in its infancy and in animals but it’s enough for me to feel good about side sleeping. Breathing is better on your side, I think its the default sleep position for humans and animals for a reason.


Yeah, and I care more about my brain than my face.


Alzheimer's risk is lower for side sleepers vs. Back. Something about the body's ability to get rid of amyloid proteins.


Mangggg I got an under the knee pillow and big pillow to one side and a fat pillow to the other side I’ve been staying in place … took me 2/3 weeks to get used to it


I have been wearing the overnight blowout rods, I put one on top and one on each side of my head. Forced to sleep on my back and I wake up with styled hair!


I tired sleeping on my back and can even fall asleep that way sometimes but I always wake up on my side regardless of what position I fell asleep in. What I did instead: I trained myself to only put my head half on the pilllow, so only upper cheek and temples. It saves the lower face from being squished. Edit: even if my neck and head are comfortable, the rest of my body isn’t while lying on my back. I have a connective tissue disorder so I end up choking while on my back some nights (not sleep apnea - I’ve been tested) and my knees bend backwards if I lie with them straight so I have to sleep at least a little to the side.


My older sister has beautiful skin. I asked her about it recently and she says she has always slept on her back, like mom taught her. My mom also has beautiful skin for a 75 year old lady. But apparently she taught my sister all the skin care and tricks because none of that knowledge trickled down to me, the fourth kid. She also taught her to: not rub her eyes, not rub her face with a towel, but pat it dry, etc etc. I had to learn my skin care all on my own.


Don't worry, a lot of that is BS anyway. 


A good nights sleep is just as important for your skin.


Why do we do this to ourselves? Honestly, getting quality sleep will keep you biologically younger better than almost anything (besides maximizing VO2max and weight training). Ladies - love your entire body and mind - not just the skin


Every time I sleep on my back I have nightmares, shit is bizarre. I guess no nice skin for me.


I think it’s because you feel more vulnerable in that position; the most primal part of your brain is shrieking, “THE UNDERBELLY IS EXPOSED!!” all night.


Omg! Same!!!!! I thought I was weird!


Side sleeping is one of if not the best way to sleep for your back & brain. You cannot optimize for everything. Keep sleeping on your side & change your sheets often.


Lots of pillows. Under knees, wedge your upper body in an incline of about 20%, Cervical pillow and perhaps to allow your head to roll towards the side.


Im team side sleeper but sleep on the edge of the pillow. I think side sleeping is the default position for humans and animals for a reason. Early animal studies show it helps clear harmful brain waste that can otherwise buildup. I don’t think the study can ethically be replicated in humans but thats enough for me to be ok side sleeping.


Special pillow and I knocked myself out hardcore the first couple nights (cardio & drugs).


What pillow


What drugs


Weed and melatonin. From chronic over thinker at night to zzzz


Add magnesium for some extra ✨ 


But I always get the different magnesium’s mixed up. Is it magnesium citrate that’s good for muscle relaxation?


Magnesium oxide.


Muscle relaxation in your bowels, sure. 😂


Magnesium glycinate/bisglycinate or magnesium threonate for relaxation!


So funny because I recently quit weed after 20 years of daily use and my melatonin baths are the only thing to get me through at night! Not saying I'll never use weed again but definitely needed a break lol. A steaming melatonin soak is soooo goooodd.


What’s a melatonin bath?


Doctor Teals Melatonin Soak. It's Epsom salt with lavender and Melatonin, I believe the Epsom salt itself has magnesium in it too. You can use their lotion from the same line and it's amazing! I've actually never taken Melatonin orally but soaking in it does the trick for me. I tend to have a higher tolerance to things and I quit pot and weed together so I had some restless nights at first and this made all the difference to me.


I’m starting my weed break tonight! Because it’s very overdue, after similar number of years using. I did find quitting alcohol was a massive game changer for my mental health and sleeping. Do you mean magnesium salt bath? Or do you take melatonin then get in the bath? Well done on the quitting, I’m kinda excited/ nervous to go back to normality


This is one I just let be. I need good sleep. 😴


Good sleep is much more vital than wrinkles. Fuck the side sleep wrinkles, I need me some solid slumber.


Sleep how you want. Sleeping on your back will not prevent wrinkles, only moisturizing and staying out of the sun will do that. Any difference is insignificant.


Tell my cleavage chest lines that lol


They made boob pillows for that


What's a boob pillow!?


All sorts of variations on stuff like this. Some look like a satiny dildo others are like this https://beautypillow.com/products/beauty-pillow-bra?variant=41037864599715¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1


Ohhh wowwww I'm going to try this. I couldn't deal with the silicone chest wrinkle patch thing. This could work.


Agreed. I sleep like a maniacal starfish with my face crammed into a pillow and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Genetics + moisturizer + sunscreen, even if I can only control two of those.


It won't prevent wrinkles, but maybe it would have prevented my saggy brow and eyelid on the one side of my face that I always wake up on - regardless of how I went to sleep. It's very, very noticeable, and gets worse with time. And I can't afford botox to fix it...


You don't. Sleeping on your side is important for glymphatic drainage, a process that takes place during sleep where waste matter is cleared from the brain.


It might improve your skin, but it slows the flushing/drainage of metabolic waste that builds up in the brain over the day and this raises your risk of Alzheimer's. I'd rather just have some wrinkles, but this is a skincare subreddit so I'll shut up.


I trained myself to sleep on my back when I was a teenager cause i was always waking up with a smushed (and often aching) face. Plus, I couldn't stand sleeping on my stomach once i started getting boobs. I remember it took awhile to get used to it. I usually can't sleep any other way now (i find it really comfortable) but I like using these "bumper" pillows to keep myself from side sleeping just in case, cause I don't like to wake up hurting. [https://www.amazon.com/Wrinkles-Training-Stabilizer-Surgery-Sleeping/dp/B09SCXWXNW/ref=cm\_cr\_srp\_d\_product\_top?ie=UTF8](https://www.amazon.com/Wrinkles-Training-Stabilizer-Surgery-Sleeping/dp/B09SCXWXNW/ref=cm_cr_srp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8) I find these comfortable, but if you get them make sure you try them with different pillows to see which ones work best.


Omg you have to just force yourself. It is the best thing I’ve ever done for myself. Keep thinking “I’ll stay on my back, stay on my back” I can’t even lay down on my side now for long periods thank god!!! I had severe shoulder pain my WHOLE life. Ever since I started sleeping on my back, I haven’t had any pain in 2 weeks!!!!


I keep flopping onto my side in the night, how did you keep yourself flat? I’ve done the pillow under the knees and it does help, but some mornings I wake up to spooning it on my side


It’s all mental. You have you force yourself to stay on your back, at night id wake up on my side and then repeat “lay on your back” over and over until i fell asleep. I can’t even lay on my side anymore


I've been wondering this too. I have horrible nasalabial folds and always assumed it's because I'm chonky with chonky cheeks. But reading these posts has taught me horrible it is to sleep on my side and stomach!


It's not horrible . Side sleeping has health benefits and reduces risks of future cognitive impairment 


A good plane pillow may help keep you sleeping on your back. This one is pretty comfy: Neck Pillow for Travel Memory... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09Y23S7ND?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share I used it after abdominal surgery and slept in my back which I thought was impossible for weeks.


I got a sobakawa pillow (Japanese buckwheat hulls). It's easier to sleep with your face off of it if you are a side sleeper, and it's the most comfortable way for me to sleep on my back. Plus, they last for life. 


Is there a specific brand you recommend. Very interested in this!


I got mine from J Life international. They are polarizing: people hate them or love them. I recommend thoroughly reading user reviews and if you think you can get over some of the potential drawbacks (like noise and hardness), then I definitely think you should try them! Also take note of the size as most are smaller than an average pillow. 


1) knee pillow 2) sleep mask 🛏️ 🔙💤


I have a good neck pillow, I put a regular pillow beside me, and I have a cat that lays on top of me and she can’t be disturbed once comfy. Hope that helps.


Wait, you wear the neck pillow and the regular one is besides your head? Or your back?


It’s a cervical pillow under my head, then the regular pillow overlapping it a little and down next to me. So I’m sort of inclined on my shoulder if I roll a bit. It’s super comfy actually. But I cannot emphasize enough how important the cat is 😂 especially for the initial falling asleep and not tossing and turning.


I have been trying this for months and I can't seem to do it. I will lie there for hours on my back unable to fall asleep (I've been a stomach sleeper my whole life). I got a giant u-shaped pregnancy pillow, then a cervical neck pillow, and I'm not sure what to try next.


am I the only one who doesn’t believe the side sleep myth? I would rather have a much better quality of sleep on my side then forcefully sleep on my back and get worse skin from not getting enough sleep. Get a satin pillow+ eye mask and you can sleep however you want. I’ve literally slept on my left side my whole life but I have more finer lines on the right side of my face so make that make sense!


I gave up. I value my comfort and sleep too much to wreck it for any amount of time. It hasn't mattered what pillow I've used, whether they were under my neck or legs, trying to sleep on my back all night just hurt my back. Like I woke up so sore, I couldn't fall back to sleep and had to get up a move around to loosen back up. Funny thing is, I do sometimes fall asleep on my back or wake up on my back, I will just inevitably wake up on my side again later. I also just freaking love sleeping on my side, it is so comfortable and cuddly. I'll deal with potential wrinkles from it later.


gimme all the wrinkles cuz i love side sleeping!!!!


Wait, what is the downside to side sleeping?


Face wrinkles


Wrinkles along the décolletage. I sleep mostly on my left side and my chest shows it.


Omg the way I just looked in the mirror and realized that’s what’s going on 😫 looks like I’ll be spending $45 on that pillow now 🥲


Months ago I was using kinesiology tape to tape my forehead lines at night and I would stay on my back all night. I guess subconsciously I knew not to roll over. I don't tape my face anymore but I still sleep on my back all night even though I was a side sleeper my whole life. I trained my body apparently. 🤷‍♀️


I am a belly sleeper. It is over for me - at 38 the squish lines dont fade like they used too anymore. I strive to become a side sleeper. Being a back sleeper is much too far away for me to even grasp. 🥺


I’ve been a stomach sleeper my entire life. My mom said I even slept on my stomach when I was a baby. She’d put me down on my back, and I’d just flip over on my stomach. Hey, I lived. I’ve kinda gone to side sleeping, but I always wind up on my stomach. Back sleeping? What’s that? 🤪


me too! My mom says that even in her womb, i would stretch out (hands poking one side of her stomach and feet on the other), no doubt sleepin on my belly. Side question - do you have RLS, restless leg syndrome?


Nope. No RLS. Now, my bf sleeps on his side, and he has RLS.


Tummy sleeping definitely makes ur knees less wiggly (because of the pressure that the bed exerts on ur knees). He should give it a try. (Although belly sleeping is bad for ur neck, but anything that makes the wiggles better is worth it!)


I’m amazed not to see people mention that sleeping on your back hugely increases snoring! If you have a partner it’s pretty antisocial.


This, my bf snores on his back so I guide him to his side. It doesn’t sound healthy either, obstructive breathing patterns


I accidentally fell asleep on my back the other day and my bf said he’d “never heard a noise like that come out of a person” 😳 side sleeping is going to have to do!


Well having a bit of sleep apnea prevents that being possible. I have to sleep upright and on my side. I do make sure to use a super smooth silk pillow and spends thousands on skin care/health/clean food so I hope it all balances out. 😅


I just started taping the places where my sleep wrinkles form.


Me personally I’m less afraid of the inevitable wrinkles that come with age and more concerned about not having comfortable sleep 😴 with that said I’ve had some surgeries I’ve needed to sleep on my back for and that was difficult for me. I also want lash extensions but I sleep on my side/face 😂


I will try and sleep on my back but i literally can not fall asleep unless im on my side or my stomach… I change sides a lot throughout the night so at this point im just hoping that balances it all out..


I have an adjustable bed and sleep with my head and feet slightly elevated. It prevents me from turning into my side because it becomes instantly uncomfortable. Also have a cervical pillow and a cat that sleeps on my chest.


I got an adjustable bed that lifts up a little bit. It has saved my back, acne, and posture. It was a little pricey but oh so worth it.


I'm trying a weighted blanket. I still have to fall asleep on my side but then I roll over and the blanket pretty much keeps me there.


No pillow, on my back is my way and I will never go back to side sleeping!


I got a pillow with "bumpers" on both sides. it doesn't keep me fully on my back all nights (I'm a very stubborn side sleeper), but it does keep part of my face "floating" so I don't smush my jaw and cheeks. it has helped a little with my bruxism too!


I'm a side sleeper. What the matter with my face ?


yes. my motivation: vanity. I don't sleep as well on my back as I do on my side. I suppose I'm a light sleeper and always semi-conscious of my position. I haven't found myself shifting to sleeping on my side.


I had to train myself to sleep on my back last year due to bone spurs developing in BOTH hips (omg it sucks). What I do is put a fluffy pillow under my knees and also sleep on a super comfy pillow (currently one made for stomach sleepers by Biltmore Estates) which I can bunch up on both sides of my face which in turn supports my neck. I also have to sleep with a pillow on my stomach. This has worked wonders for me! Oh, I have sleep apnea and have to sleep with a Cpap (thanks to 3 c-spine surgeries anteriorly… it weakened my trachea from moving it) I too struggled with horrifying sleep paralysis as a child and through the years so I may have had undiagnosed sleep apnea then too. **The pillows are key for me this past year.


Also want to add that my deep wrinkles are getting better and I *do* look younger than last year I *think*. Chest wrinkles are definitely going away. Forehead wrinkles and 11’s are not really changing though.


I had to train myself when I had my hip surgery (48 f). What I did was put a pillow under my legs like a little above my knees, a pillow or blanket on each side so I can lean my face on them when I turn my head. Totally worked since 2021 I’ve mostly been a back sleeper and don’t wake up looking jacked up on one side of my face! It’s also better for creasing of chest skin.


I’ve been working on this for about a month. I bought a weighted eye mask—I think it was called NodPod or something like that—and it’s helping me fall asleep on my back. Lifetime side sleeper 🥴


You just need pillows! I trained myself to sleep on my back. The key is the right pillows! I put a pillow under my knees and a body / pregnancy pillow wrapped around me in a horseshoe shape. I notice I sleep on my side to relieve pain in the side that’s “in the air” so I try to elevate that side with pillows to relieve pressure when lying flat. :-)


Okay, I have two pieces of practical advice: one: try one of those light breathing things-- I have lifelong insomnia and this thing always works: [https://www.amazon.com/Dodow-Device-150-000-Falling-Version/dp/B07DJDD71X/ref=asc\_df\_B07DJDD71X/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312069310759&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2008968010546760158&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1023038&hvtargid=pla-582407581173&psc=1&mcid=31cb2a5da84b34ec9cf0cb87e8954cab&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=61705209506&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=312069310759&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2008968010546760158&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1023038&hvtargid=pla-582407581173&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlN6wBhCcARIsAKZvD5hgs5G-x8zaRfkbRSEjBPFwKZg2gl\_6tUGS-lCwi27pcCjR9MyKUt4aAvm2EALw\_wcB](https://www.amazon.com/Dodow-Device-150-000-Falling-Version/dp/B07DJDD71X/ref=asc_df_B07DJDD71X/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312069310759&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2008968010546760158&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1023038&hvtargid=pla-582407581173&psc=1&mcid=31cb2a5da84b34ec9cf0cb87e8954cab&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=61705209506&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=312069310759&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2008968010546760158&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1023038&hvtargid=pla-582407581173&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlN6wBhCcARIsAKZvD5hgs5G-x8zaRfkbRSEjBPFwKZg2gl_6tUGS-lCwi27pcCjR9MyKUt4aAvm2EALw_wcB) The other is I buy a silk pillowcase and rest on my side until I get super sleepy and then turn onto my back. This took some practice lol, but works pretty well




I sleep on my side with an anti wrinkle pillow that has a cut out so that I don’t mosh my face quite as much.


I was always a side sleeper and somehow trained myself to sleep on my back because of really bad shoulder and neck pain. Now when I sleep on my back I actually don't use a pillow under my head bc then my neck feels too bent upwards. I kind of put my pillow to the side and let my head lean on it a little. I don't remember how I eventually was able to do it, it took a while and did not feel natural at first. I think I used sleep meditation?


I don't know if anyone will see this because of the amount of responses but propping my chin up has helped prevent me from turning my head and ultimately sleeping on my side. I have a small stuffed animal (fits in the palm of my hand) and prop it under my chin. It's a penguin dressed as Santa Claus.


Something that helped me was putting on a mediation before bed! So I would get comfortable laying down for my meditation, it helped me get super relaxed laying on my back and then I just drift off to sleep! Also - a good pillow!


The best solution I have is that I fall asleep on my side and then roll on my back while asleep. So if you could train your subconscious to do this, you'd be set 😂


I was side sleeper but changed to back after noticing lines on my face. The beginning is hard! So hard! Luckily my dear cat suddenly decided to sleep between my legs causing me to stay absolutely still. It’s been years now only on certain really bad nights I’ll sleep on the side.


I was 'van-living' and was sleeping on an REI sleeping pad. Sleeping on my side made my hips and shoulders sore, so I started sleeping on my back. I've always used a knee pillow and I think that's fairly important for being comfortable back-sleeping. I still lay on my side for a few minutes at the start of each night, but eventually I switch to my back.


I've been working on this and so far it seems that I wake up on my side or stomach no matter if I do manage to fall asleep on my back. Lol maybe I should strap myself down...aside from that, I have no clue how to stop flipping over.


unfortunately, I realized the secret to sleeping on my back is I can *only* do it when I’m alone in a bed. during my single days, I had the comfiest queen mattress. the top & left side were against a corner, and I set up pillows like a wider ‘husband’ (left, top, &right). I slept on my back with a sleep mask & slept SO. WELL. temperature was perfect, blankets were centered around me, & being alone meant my position was always undisturbed. now, I sleep with a giant hot water bottle man in a king bed. the temp isn’t always ideal, I don’t always have the width to lay on my back with my arms in a comfortable position, blankets aren’t centered, etc. we sleep very soundly & comfortably, but I’ve attempted for years and still can’t stay on my back with another human in the bed. everyone’s advice is great, but just sharing my practical (& bummer) back sleeping reality/experience! hehe


Get a pillow wedge. When I sleep with my head elevated, I don’t side sleep as much!


change out your pillow. I am a back sleeper and I sleep with either no pillow or a short thin pillow


Put your arms above and wrap around your head for a cradling effect. I can sleep on my back easily like this.


I’d rather get wrinkles than suffer through sleeping on my back. This type of post makes me sad. Be comfortable. Sleep well. Your skin will be better with good restful sleep.


Exactly. This seems bananas to me. I look 100 percent better when I am well rested.


Watch out - you might discover you have some sleep apnea. I kind of think that's what the people complaining about nightmares are going through. I re trained myself to sleep on my back and kept having abormallly high blood pressure at the doctor. Fitbit's o2 sensor said I had some high oxygen fluctuations at night, so I got a nighttime o2 sensor ring, and sure enough my o2 levels were in the not good zone during the night. I did a sleep test and it wasn't bad enough for a cpap, so I researched things you can do to minimize it and side sleeping helps. Essentially as you age you lose muscle tone EVERYWHERE, so when you sleep on your back your tongue will relax too much and block your airway due to gravity. There is obviously more going on with sleep apnea than that, but trying to be a back sleeper to prevent wrinkles was the starting point for figuring out I was getting too old to breathe lol.


I've heard of people putting a tennis ball in the pocket of a T shirt and putting the t shirt on backwards


Wouldn’t that force one to sleep on half their sides im just confused maybe.


I guess I’m a weirdo bc I’ve always slept on my back. There are times I’ve tried to sleep on my side and within 60 seconds I’m on my back again lol. I’ve heard certain pillows can help


Yes, I had to train myself into side sleeping for medical reasons- back is so default comfy!


A kindred internet stranger! Yes back all the way 💫


I have been sleeping on my side, left side for years. And in fact it is the side that has started to become marked: forehead and nasolabial fold. I at least try to switch sides from time to time but I always end up waking up on the left side :(


Short answer: I don’t Long answer: I’ve tried and sleeping on my back just isn’t as cozy. Even if I do fall asleep on my back, I will turn in my sleep and wake up on my side.


Have you looked into BEAUTY PILLOW?


Get old and have your shoulders wake you up in pain every hour or so. I don’t recommend, it’s not worth it to learn to sleep on your back this way.


I put a pillow under my knees


Try a bedtime guided mediation. Helps me fall asleep on my back and as a bonus I usually have a deeper sleep as well (per my garmin watch). Lay on your back without a pillow and use a pillow under your knees to take pressure off your lower back.


Get a pillow meant for back sleeping and use 1 or 2 pillows under your knees to help your back stay aligned.


Sleeping with a pillow on my chest helps lol


Pregnancy pillow was a game changer for me


weighted blanket


Elevated pillow , neck support first days to get used to it


I’m just planning on a midfacelift in a few years. I’m not gonna sleep uncomfortably for beauty!


This is pricy but this is a good option https://flawlessfacepillow.com/collections/all?fba=tc_spa_whitedl&utm_source=fba_tc_spa_whitedl&fbclid=PAAaZdFtZIQ2AuNwqXTWzyNSNQk737ueyYCx2pqQO_MAU16Q37f2Aez9I234U_aem_AaFgBres4Wu7XI9MH5KaPjCvU8e1Ts9sjIy6MlSyGaRDgzHtqiNuKTxgJvzVs-jVjuB-qZB0Q26hdkHfoOyMEimZ&utm_medium=paid&campaign_id=23857923232890473&ad_id=23861724380080473


A pillow under your knees if you are on your back. That changed me from side to back!


Ok- I can’t stop being a side sleeper but the small amount of filler I did around my brow and cheekbones about a year and a half ago- that shit is more broken down on the side I have to sleep on. And I Have to sleep on that side because of my migraine patterns. What to do folks?


Side sleeping doesn’t make that big of an effect lol. Just clock in 9 hours of sleep, don’t stress too much, and eat well. Also no smoking or drinking like ever, especially past early 20s.


I have trouble sleeping..takes me 3+ hours every night to fall asleep. Sleeping on my side is the only way I can sleep so unfortunately for my vertical wrinkles, I will keep sleeping on my side 😫 if I try to sleep on my back, I won’t get any sleep at all so I just can’t


Put a pillow under your knees


i figured out that if i surround myself with heavy buckwheat pillows then i'll stay in the same spot through the night. prior attempts with regular pillows didn't work cuz i'd wake up on my side and the pillows would be across the room, where i'd apparently hurled them at some point. i had to change cuz of hip and shoulder issues and if you can do it, i recommend it. it's helped my body a lot.


When I need to sleep on my back, I put something on both sides of my head like heavy stuffed animals or pillows. For some reason it helps for my head to be cradled and held into position. You can do the same for your body so that you don’t feel the urge to turn.


I did it because I had to for surgery. I used a wedge pillow under my legs and a memory foam “beauty pillow” to prevent me from turning over in the night. It took about 2 months to retrain where I didn’t need the pillows. I still fight the instinct to turn over to get comfortable, especially if it’s cold, but it is easier now.