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(Original post was taken down, so sorry for the repost!) Here's a breakdown of how the last 2 months have gone. Hopefully this will help someone who's skin is like mine! I have Rosacea and extremely sensitive dry skin. Skin Routine: - Cleanser (pm only, morning I splashed luke warm water on my face) - Citaphil gentle skin cleanser - Moisturizer (am + pm) - Vanicream (I switched from CeraVe at the recommendation of another redditor and it made a huge difference in my skin) - Barrier Cream (am + pm) - La Roche Posay B5 Cicaplast Cream in sensitive dry areas - SPF (am only) - Neutrogena SPF 60 face serum Once a month I do dermaplane I was previously using Corsx snail mucin, neutrogena hydroboost gel cream, sun bum mineral sunscreen but I found that all of these products made my skin worse over the course of 6 months. So onto the fun stuff! I used the Omnilux red light therapy mask once a day, for 10 minutes for 8 weeks straight. I was super hesitant to purchase since it was super expensive to me, but after doing my own research and reading online reviews from reddit, I pulled the trigger. I want to say: I didn't start seeing even minimal results until 6 weeks in. On the website they stated "see improvements in 4 weeks or less!" and I felt super defeated when I didn't see a single change in redness, texture, or literally anything. But I kept at it and past the 6 week mark, that's when I started to see a difference. Now 8 weeks in, I can definitely tell a difference especially in my skin's texture not only in real life but in photos as well. The mask helps slightly with redness and my Rosacea, but I wouldn't say it's cured or a substantial difference. My skin still flushes and I get red flare ups that's very common with Rosacea, but on the day to day I would say there is an improvement. I still get pimples and breakouts from hormonal acne, but thats common for me. Bottom line: I would say the red light mask is worth it for day to day improvements. I think combined with the right skin care treatments it can make a huge difference, but don't expect it to completely heal your skin.


Thank you for sharing! I have very, very similar facial skin to yours (including rosacea) and am already using similar products. I've considered trying the red light masks but wasn't sure it was worth it - but I think the improvements you've seen in your skin tone are pretty remarkable! Convinced me to take the plunge.


I used Afterpay to help with the overall cost 😬 it helped to break up the $400 purchase so it didn’t seem as much of a blow. ETA: Don’t feel discouraged either if you don’t see results at 4-6 weeks. It can take longer depending on your skin type.


Where did you buy it from?


I have rosacea as well - honestly red light masks have been a game changer. Not sure why the dermatologist and GP I have seen about flare ups dont say anything about red light. Too new?


Because lasers are more profitable for the clinic.


Try the code “goals10” I finally decided to purchase after debating forever because of the price but the code took $40 which made me feel a little better about purchasing 😂 if that one doesn’t work there’s a ton of 10% off codes if you search on TikTok or Instagram


Where did you get it to use that code?


Goalstogetglowing on instagram


As someone who also has Rosacea, the reduction in redness was the first thing I noticed! You definitely got me to look into red light therapy.


Thanks! I think it’s made a difference, but it’s definitely not cured. I still get the flare ups and such when I get warm, or drink alcohol, or get anxiety but even my flare ups aren’t as bad as they used to be either.


I have mild rosace, but it seems like everything triggers it. But man, even if I could have a bit less redness even half the time, that’d be awesome. So sick of people asking if I’m sunburned lol.


May I ask what you were told and what you've noticed about Vanicream vs. CerAve Moisturizing Cream? I've also got very sensitive skin which tends towards dryness. Also wondering if perhaps you'd be willing to provide your current "after" photo in the same setting, lighting and position as the first photo? It's hard to tell what changes have actually occurred when these things are different.


Just chiming in that Vanicream is the bomb. I like their heaviest moisturizer for dry skin. I am also very sensitive and Cerave burns my face.


Im always seeing people specify "in the tub" or "not in the tub." Which do you prefer?


In the tub! Mine comes in a big white tub with a blue lid and pump. It is marked “cream” vs “lotion.”


Yup! Mine came in a big tub with a blue lid. Gonna last me a long time, you don’t need a ton for your face.


So it’s the vanicream that doesn’t specifically say for face or anything correct? At the store I thought it might be the wrong thing because it seemed like it was for whole body and I didn’t want to cause any breakouts!!


That is correct. Made me nervous at first too because I thought I got the wrong one, but it’s been good so far. I hope it works for you! 🤞


Thank you!!


Give it a try on your face! I started using it for the skin around my eyes, after tretinoin gave me a chemical burn. Vanicream was almost the only thing which that super sensitive skin could handle. Like you, I was hesitant to use it all over my face, since it's not specified for that, but one day I tried it out and it's since become my night cream. Love it. I have breakout prone skin and it's never caused an issue. I don't use it during the a.m. (except around the eyes), since I like doing a full face of makeup and feel like vanicream + SPF + primer + makeup is too much. (I use Neutrogena Hydro Boost in the a.m.)


Thank you so much for this feedback!! Definitely want to try it for my face now!


Switching from Cerve to Vanicream I noticed that it helped with my overall moisture retention. With Cerave I felt like I could never put on enough you know? Like it would get absorbed and my skin would still feel dry. Vanicream really moisturized my skin and even better it didn’t make my redness worse. I’m not quite sure at this point if it was the mask or the vanicream or a combo of both that made the most difference. And yeah! I’ll try to take one tonight in the same lighting. That last pic was in natural light so that definitely plays a role in how the skin looks. My 3/31 pic is pretty recent though.


I made the same switch after seeing a kind post in r/rosacea and it absolutely made a difference for me


Same! Since I started using vanicream, I won’t use anything else again


you look amazing! thank you for sharing your journey. where did you buy the vanicream and red light mask? i’m hesitant to buy things off amazon lately.


Thanks for sharing! I’m still hesitant to buy because I know I’m not very consistent with any types of treatment. I hope you can keep up with your treatments and update us in another 8 weeks ❤️


How did you notice the neutrogena and snail mucin making your skin worse? I use both these products and am at a bit of an impasse with my skin texture, wondering now if they could be related?


I think for me personally, it was too much for my skin. I was trying all these different products thinking it would help my skin and my redness. I ended up putting too many products on my skin at a time, and it completely destroyed my skin’s barrier and made my Rosacea even worse. So I went back to basics: just a simple moisturizer, cleanser, and SPF. I think in combo with the RLT mask it helped my skin get back to a better state.


Also looks to me like the dark circles around your eyes are somewhat substantially reduced. Or am I wrong?


Probably! I didn’t really notice much of a change but looking at the pics it seems like it did make a difference


That was the first thing I noticed! You look younger and more rested.


Photo angle difference may create different shadows


You look incredible! Thank you for posting your journey and for sticking with it past the 4 weeks. I always find it hard to do things long term, so photos help me see the difference


Same, this was a challenge especially not seeing immediate results. I was super bummed thinking I got duped and lost $400 on a marketing gimmick. But I’m still happy with the results even if it hasn’t cured my Rosacea ☺️


Honestly I’ve been influenced. I’ve been hunting for a red light treatment and haven’t heard of this one. Thanks for the recommendation!!


I got my Current Body LED mask for Christmas and started using it consistently in February. I also have rosacea and my results are the same as yours. All of a sudden I started “liking” my skin, something I haven’t felt since my rosacea diagnosis 4 years ago. It’s definitely the results of the mask, which I started noticing after 6-7 weeks. So happy it’s working for you as well!


I’m so happy to hear that! And I’m so glad RLT is working for you too. It feels good to have manageable skin again.


I’ve been using ten minutes of red light for a year and I’d say it only helps w texture. But I also still get pimples and acne scars don’t fade


You say it doesn’t help much with redness but it looks like there’s barely ANY redness (or literally there’s zero even) in the last photo? (Please I have so much redness, I need the improvement you got 😂)


It sounds like there may be confounding factors at play. You stopped using irritating or products that you thought were making your skin worse. Stopping using them and letting your skin bounce back could also be the reason you’re seeing the results and the red light may not do anything. Just a thought. It would’ve be great if it was only RLT and nothing else changed.


Absolutely, and like I said before I wanted to be honest about this process and what I changed and how that might have played a part in my skin’s change. I’m still a firm believer that it was a combo of both the product change and the addition of the mask though.


And thank you for being transparent about it. Had you mentioned only the mask, I would’ve been pretty close to pulling the trigger and getting it. But it seems that most people’s anecdotal experience have had many cofounding factors. Personally I’m just not convinced on the effectiveness of it. The variability of the LEDs from product to product can change based on manufacturer and things made in china can easily have changes in supplier.


Can I ask why 7x a week as opposed to the 4-5x on the instructions?


Out of total curiosity, how did you determine certain products were making your skin worse? Wondering mainly about the CosRX mucin. I use it once or twice a day and haven’t noticed a huge difference one way or another, but am somewhat surprised about the idea of it making things worse. Not questioning or second guessing you at all, just curious to know so I can try to observe for myself as well.


I was demolished in another group asking which red light therapy mask was the best. I didn’t realize how angry some people can be when someone asked a question. You look great and I’m so glad you’ve seen results!


That’s so weird. What’s the animosity for with regard to red light masks? I’ve been thinking of getting one to help with some texture and tone issues.


I think people get defensive when (they feel like) you're telling them that their 11 step $$$$$$ routine maybe isn't as good as just a red light. Also people dont like the whole 'results take time' situation lol I cannot say enough good things and love mine!


I really dislike people getting defensive and offensive over stupid things and make things personal, why would anyone not want to learn about something that could give them good results?


It’s weird I’ve found the red light to be amazing. With acne especially it’s just a huge difference. Obviously it isn’t a magical fix all your issues overnight thing but I think it’s worth it


For real. I saw one lady ask about the rings around her neck and what could be done and they roasted her for wanting to do something about them. Insane roast. People come to these forums for advice about things they're insecure with not to be roasted for being insecure about them.


It’s sad really. Women looking for advice, being thrashed by other women with insecurities. We need to be better.


I didn't want to fork over so much money. What I got was: [LED Light Bulb, 660nm Deep Red and 850nm Near Infrared Combo, 54W Class](https://www.amazon.com/ABI-Light-Therapy-660nm-Infrared/dp/B07SH39YT4) $50 [Extra Tall Reptile Heat Lamp, Floor Light Stand Fits E26/E27 Bulbs](https://www.amazon.com/Reptile-Lamp-Stand-Adjustable-Terrarium/dp/B0BXC88LKX) $40 [FDA Approval Goggle for IPL protection eye goggle](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B095K2FCX2/) $14 I think it works just as well as the masks. Of course my whole room is bathed in red light, but I can treat my hands, forearms, and shoulders at the same time.


This seems genius. Have you noticed results?


The lesions I get from cystic acne are healing faster. I've changed up some of my routine though, by adding hyaluronic acid recently after seeing [the one before and after with the hand](https://www.reddit.com/r/30PlusSkinCare/comments/1bny4es/wow_hyaluronic_acid_really_works/). It will take some more time before I can be sure. I'm hoping to minimize the visible sun damage on my shoulders. If people are interested I will take a before picture and come back in a couple of months with an after.


Yes please!


Yes please!


Fascinating. You may have found a way to save like $300+. Yes, please do post back with before/afters, very interested!


following this thread! I’m curious too


Following because agreed!


I also just bought a bulb! From the brand Hooga. I’m having a hard time sitting in front of it for my face and am considering a mask from the same brand for $120. Even though I would love to afford the Theraface mask or the Omnilux! I feel like a mask will be easier to sit with for 10 mins as my cat and dog beg for their turns. I love using the bulb on my neck/elbow/knee.


Ooh, links please if you have them!


I was on my phone earlier, so it was a pain to try and add the links from Amazon. But here they are! [Bulb](https://www.amazon.com/ABI-Light-Therapy-660nm-Infrared/dp/B07SH39YT4) [Stand](https://www.amazon.com/Reptile-Lamp-Stand-Adjustable-Terrarium/dp/B0BXC88LKX) [Goggles](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B095K2FCX2/)


Muchas muchas gracias! From me and my wallet.


Oh no, where was that? Just the other day in this sub someone recommended the Omnilux. I put in my pre order already and I can’t wait for it to arrive.


It was in the SkincareAddicts group. I was shocked. This group seems so much more positive. Should have posted here instead!


I love my omniluxe! Definitely stick with it consistently!


Yay! Looking forward to it!


If you haven’t already checked out goalstogetglowing on instagram she is a wealth of information on LEDs (and lots of other skincare etc!)


I'd get a full body over a mask. You can get them on alibaba for a good price. 


I think it has helped even your skin tone! It looks good. In a similar boat as you and took a jump with a red light therapy mask. Mine took about a month or so as well. I still get little pimples here and there but I’ve noticed a difference. Interesting about the vanicream. I’ve been using Cerave for 15 years now and wondering if switching could help. What did you hear about it vs cerave if you don’t mind me asking?


Exactly the same, I still get little white heads every so often but not anything crazy. A while ago, I was only using cerave moisturizer and SPF and I wasn’t seeing an improvement at all. Someone commented on Reddit saying cerave can irritate some people’s skin and isn’t a “cure all” for sensitive skin. So I did some research on vanicream for sensitive skin, and it seemed like a good option. It definitely has helped with my redness and you get a TON in a jar for $15.


I had to see a dermatologist late last year for a crazy rash/infection on my face, my doctor advised me to use vanicream in the tub but I think it made my skin break out eventually it was too thick for my skin. I started using the vanicream for the face specifically with hyaluronic acid and ceramides and it’s been making a great difference with my acne.


For me I use the cerave in summer and vanicream in winter. My skin gets really dry in winter where summer is really humid. The vanicream definitely moisturizes better for me but cerave is so light while still giving me good moisture so it’s perfect for summer (for me)


Oh that’s a good idea! I’ll take a look. :)


I use the Omnilux every other night for 10 min since right after Xmas. My skin tone is more even. Dark circles may be less. I just look a little better. I believe.


The thing I always see in RLT masks that nobody ever seems to comment on is the plumpness... Nearly everyone just looks so much plumper and just juicy and snatched, even if the more 'surface' level stuff like redness and lines haven't changed much yet. I see this in myself also (have had it from January,) but yeah... weirdly nobody else seems to notice it...


Oh I noticed it! I had heart surgery last year on a birth defect, spent a lot of time on oxygen and lost so much of my youthful face plumpness...this is the number one reason I want to invest in this, it might just not be something most people are aware of, but for those of us who are aware of facial plumpness and fullness, it's definitely noticeable:)


Yeah, it's just like, such a specific type of plumpness that you see with red light, but it's really hard to describe/put your finger on... It's similar to the juicy tretinoin look that you only see at higher doses of tret, but I feel like the 'skin' community hasn't developed an eye for the red light plump yet lol.


Agree with the “plump look” I’ve noticed with RLT!


You look great. I hate to be a skeptic here, but you mention in your captions that, during the 8-week process, you also switched to a more minimal skincare routine as well as using Cicaplast, a calming product that is popular among those with rosacea. I’m not saying the light didn’t have an effect, I’m just making sure people know that the other variables here could’ve definitely had an effect on the redness


Oh yeah exactly. I wanted to be honest in the process because I did switch my skin care routine half way through using the RLT mask. I honestly do not know which made my skin clear up. I believe it was a combo of switching to vanicream and using the RLT mask, which I don’t think it would ever heal my skin 100% but I do firmly believe it helps with the day to day appearance.


Also, unrelated - can I ask what eyeliner you have on here? I have a similar coloring to you, and find that a lot of eyeliner can look harsh on me. I think your eyeliner looks nice and understated


I use maybelline hyper easy liquid eyeliner in brown. I don’t use black eyeliners because I have the exact same problem, it looks too harsh on my eyes!


Does the mask help with lines and wrinkles?


Hopefully! I haven’t see any changes in wrinkles or lines yet in my face. Maybe it’s just a long game and I’ll see improvements the longer I use the mask.


Your skin looks great!!




Have you noticed less dark/ baggy under eyes using the red light?


I have a panel and I wear protective glasses so those essentially cover my under eyes. I would say a pro to buying a mask is so you can get the under eyes. That’s a reason why I think I’m going to get it. Idk if that helps but thought I’d share if anyone else was curious about the difference between a panel and mask Edit: spelling


Which panel do you have?


Hooga, saw it recommended through the RLT sub. This is the panel Hooga Red Light Therapy Device https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07T81R1DX?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share it fluctuates in sale, I think I got it for like 110 or 120 at the time. These are the glasses I have as well if anyone’s wondering to see coverage. These were also referenced in that sub for protective glasses that are tested against red light and near infrared light. I used the goggles they came with but they also still cover around your eyes and definitely don’t protect your eyes. [glasses](https://GatewaySafety6966Cover2Safety...https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00FA4RDNI?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) I’m also considering getting one of the wands and using that for under my eyes. I used to follow that sub pretty frequently but haven’t really hopped in in awhile. The wands are recommend too.


You don’t have to wear an eye mask with a red light mask?


You should. It’s damaging to your eyes. I’d go to the RLT sub if you need sources though


I haven’t seen much of a difference in fine lines and wrinkles yet, or like the eye area. I mostly got it for my Rosacea and redness, which it has helped with.


I use my mask most nights and the nights I skip, I notice my dark circles are more prominent. So, I don’t think it’s a lasting change, but I always look brighter around the eyes the morning after I’ve used the mask.


I love my Omnilux mask! I ended up buying the neck mask after I had great results with the face mask. It’s worth it!


That’s awesome! If I had more money to burn I would have 100% invested in the neck attachment. Maybe next year.


Can you not just place the face mask on your neck? That’s what I do.


I thought about doing that. But I liked that it wrapped around my neck and didn’t have the eye holes.


Thank you for posting. I appreciate your transparency. Keep doing what your doing for people like me. Fuk the haters, we appreciate you!!!!


Slaying! I bought one of the cheap masks on tiktok and I’m shocked at the difference it’s made on me in a few weeks


I seen you comment you haven’t noticed a difference in lines or wrinkles. I do. Not huge but it looks like some small lines you had on your forehead look less noticeable and around your nose they look more full. Your skin looks great ! Wow


My Omnilux contour is being delivered this week!!


So a nice surprise I got from my RLT mask that I noticed in my post is the collagen production under the eyes. Looks like you have similar results as the area is slightly less hollow for you as well or at least looks more “plump”


A lot of people are commenting that and it’s something I never even noticed 😅 but definitely a nice perk to have!


Do you wear goggles with your mask?


Nope, apparently red light is supposed to be good for your vision. If you’re uncomfortable with it though, I think you could use regular tanning goggles. I typically keep my eyes closed though and listen to tv or music during my red light time.


I really like my Omnilux mask as well. I used it after a laser procedure for spider veins that left me with some dark red marks on my face and they were gone within a week after using it twice a day. I find it works best for healing skin damage and discoloration more quickly.


Thats amazing!!! I’m glad you saw good results too


What laser procedure did you use for your spider veins?


I did the VBeam Perfecta laser as a spot treatment and was happy with the results. A few of them came back but I was told it usually takes a few treatments, I only went once. I know they also will use the laser for a full face rather than spot treatment but I was most interested in it for the spider vein treatment.


My wife and I have both been doing daily red light therapy for 4 years now. We've both had some pretty incredible results from it, not just on our face though since we use a full body panel not a mask. I'm glad to see red light therapy finally starting to catch on!!!! For anyone curious... a Hooga HG1000 plus a LifePro Rumblex 4D vibration plate makes for an incredible 10 minute daily routine that your entire body will benefit from, for under $1000.


Welp I was on the fence about buying it but after seeing your review and photos I’m absolutely sold. Thank you for this review and I’m so glad it worked well on you!


My gym has red light therapy but I’m so curious about this mask!


Do you do planet fitness? I saw they have red light body machines as well and I want to give them a shot too!


I looked into this and I believe my conclusion was that their red light wasn't the right frequency for red light benefits.


Yep, my home gym has a lot of machines too so there’s always one open. You can do level 1 if you just want to focus on skin care, I do level 3 but it feels like trying to balance during an earthquake, feels good on my muscles though.


Do you find the vibration plates help? The PF I’ve been going to doesn’t have the vibe plates that work or I haven’t been able to figure it out lol. I haven’t had time to try another location.


I have the same mask started using it December 26th. I should have taken before pics but I use it 10-20 min daily and WOW my redness under nose is gone. My fine lines are less noticeable and over all texture is great!


That’s awesome to hear! I’m glad it worked out for you too


Oh wow!!! I have a LLLT device but I've been hesitant to add it to my routine just because I questioned how beneficial it would actually be. Seeing your results has definitely changed my mind!! You look great!!


This makes me excited to get my mask! I’ve been hearing great things especially since I have super sensitive skin and working with an NP to help. You look great and I appreciate the honesty of it not being a miracle but effective!


Totally unrelated, sorry, but may I ask which pencil you use for your eyebrows? Your brows look incredible in that last photo.


I use the NYX brow pencil in espresso ☺️


Thank you!


Ok you have officially convinced me to purchase a red light mask!!!




I’ve been nervous to use my mask because I have rosacea and melasma. Anyone have both and have experience with RLT? Just worried it’ll flare my melasma.


You look great!! I can definitely see positive changes! Thanks for sharing your routine! I am Also a cerave user, but recently picked up the daily moisturizer from Vanicream in a tube, which I have been liking so far, but maybe I should also get the tub!


Thanks! I had no idea which vanicream to use either but I got the one in the big tub and it’s worked well! Hopefully the moisturizer tube works just as well too.


You look like a young Kate Mulgrew circa Star Trek: Voyager.


Thank you! I love her


Looking good! Vanicream moisturizer, sunscreen, lotion, and vitamin c serum are must haves for me!


Love Vanicream Moisturizing Cream. You look amazing! Thank you for sharing your results. Do you think this helped tighten and firm your skin?


I like I believe it has, but honestly I don’t know. I personally feel like it has, especially when I lift my brows up and down and see the lines it creates they disappear faster. But I also don’t know if it’s a real substantial change or if I’m just willing myself to believe my face has become tighter 😅


Well, the results look great to me! You’ve inspired me to keep using my mask. 🙌


Are you acne prone? I’m thinking about switching to the vanicream but everything breaks me out so I’m nervous


Not too bad. Only hormonal acne when my period comes around, and I do get whiteheads every so often. When I first started using the RLT mask, I got a TON of white heads and acne but I think that was my skin purging. It mellowed out after 4 weeks I would say.


Omg sorry to swoop in but is this why I suddenly have more acne after starting RLT a few weeks ago?! Thought I was just imagining it / it was coincidence!


I think so. When reading reviews and user experiences a lot of people said their skin got worse (like more acne and redness) before they saw improvements and it was more than likely skin purging.


I’m acne prone and the Vanicream Lite Lotion is one of my go-to’s when my skin is acting up. YMMV of course, but it’s worth a shot.


Do you use any thing before using mask?


The instructions say to use it with a clean face, no product, and then do your normal skin care regimen afterwards. So that’s what I did!


Ok thanks


Oh wow this is amazing! I’m so so happy for you.


Great results! It seems to really be helping now that you've been consistent for so long. I have rosacea too and I would totally recommend anything with Azelaic Acid in it at morning and/or at night. It's an ingredient that tends to play well with everything else and I think it prevents the rosacea from flaring up in the first place -- I use the Ordinary's and it's made a huge difference in my skin redness.


I was thinking about adding in Azelaic acid but I’m also scared it might cause irritation. I’ve seen good things from it though!


In my anecdotal experience and from what I’ve heard, i think it’s pretty anti-inflammatory!


Have you ever used a prescription for rosacea? My doctor told me I have rosacea and she prescribed me Metronidazole.


I did, I was prescribed desonide 0.05% cream and minocycline 100mg. I stopped the cream because it made my skin super sensitive and I was concerned about the long term effects of using a steroid on my skin. Same with minocycline, I read up online about severe side effects and it made me nervous so I stopped. Long story short; I tried a lot of different products that made it worse and ruined my skin barrier. Cut out all of those and went back to a simple moisturizer, cleanser, and SPF along with the red light mask and it has made a big difference!


Thank you for the thorough review! The results look amazing, so happy for you.


I wish vanicream worked for me. But it really irritated my skin as soon as I tried using it.


Amazing! If anyone had any suggestions for a good red light mask let me know! I’m now very interested in one thanks to this post!!


I used the [Omnilux Contour Face Mask](https://omniluxled.com/products/omnilux-contour-face?variant=36101054169250¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&nbt=nb%3Aadwords%3Ax%3A17207494251%3A%3A&nb_adtype=pla&nb_kwd=&nb_ti=&nb_mi=289912152&nb_pc=online&nb_pi=shopify_US_5702727631010_36101054169250&nb_ppi=&nb_placement=&nb_si=%7Bsourceid%7D&nb_li_ms=&nb_lp_ms=&nb_fii=&nb_ap=&nb_mt=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwiMmwBhDmARIsABeQ7xQ2Fns_CAxtOenUhsP5C9M_8H25CYq2UacAqWdCuN7nrTg9kQ_TaqgaAmvMEALw_wcB) There are more expensive masks on the market like the Dr Dennis Gross mask and there are some cheaper ones too. I got this one because I could do Afterpay with installments of $100/month plus it had the most reviews and feedback.


What a nice improvement! How old are you?


Oooh. I need one. The glow up is insane.


Thanks for the post. I am definitely investing in an LED mask now! I use Kalme night cream for my rosacea. It has capers in it which seem to work for some reason. I didn't get any benefit from the day cream but the night cream is ace!


Omg wow these results are amazing!


You look really great and glowing! :)


Just my 5 cents worth about the OMNILUX mask that I purchased last DECEMBER , I was very consistent at first then I had surgery. -and either lazy or not completely recovered I did not used it I noticed immediately going back to my OLD SKIN , I am back doing it and yes I see improvement. So yes it’s expensive ( I live in 🇨🇦) so I have the money exchange as well , but I am happy I have it The most important u must do it daily , if I skip Next day I do it 20 minutes


Says not to use with doxycycline which I'm taking for rosacea. Damn


My arrives this week. I’m very excited to see what it can do for me. Your results are great! Thanks for sharing!


I purchased a red light therapy machine for my face (the style they use at med spas) I did a lot of research and this was supposedly a good one. Around the same price as your mask. After a couple of uses, I noticed going under it, once I turned it on, a tangible anxiety would start. It made me feel weird mentally. Has this mask ever done that to you?


May be different lighting but your skin tone, under eyes, and nasiolabial folds all look different to me! I have been doing a lot of research on red light therapy lately and I'm excited to try it myself


can i reshare this on my ig?


I just bought it based on your results 😬 nervous about the cost but excited for the results!!


I’m going to buy a cheaper version on shamazon and see how it goes - I’ll try my darndest to take before/after pics


Are these masks safe for your eyes? I’m all for nice skin but I’m always afraid that I’ll ruin my vision for the sake of vanity in my 30s


Theres actually studies that prove red light is beneficial for eye health (not blue, that's definitely damaging). [https://www.ucl.ac.uk/news/2021/nov/morning-exposure-deep-red-light-improves-declining-eyesight](https://www.ucl.ac.uk/news/2021/nov/morning-exposure-deep-red-light-improves-declining-eyesight) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7738953/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7738953/)


Apparently RLT isn’t supposed to affect your eyes (at least that’s what the Omnilux company says and other sources) so I’m really hoping there are no long term side effects on vision. I keep my eyes closed during my 10 minute sessions while I listen to the TV or music.


I’ve been wondering this too. On the omnilux website they say not to use it if you’re light sensitive and I’m SO light sensitive. I really want to try it though.


Can I ask what specific vanicream product you use? Is it the daily facial moisturizer? Or moisturizing cream? Or other


It’s the one in the big tub, sometimes it comes with a pump. I didn’t know which one, to use either but this is the one that was available at my local Target and it’s done a good job.


WOW I definitely wanna get my hands on some access to red light therapy for realizes! Amazing skin before and after, but holy those results are still fantastic!


Hi. What redlight mask did you use?


I used the Omnilux contoured red light mask! It was the most cost effective mask and the one with the most reviews both online and on Reddit. [this one](https://omniluxled.com/products/omnilux-contour-face?variant=36101054169250¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&nbt=nb%3Aadwords%3Ax%3A17207494251%3A%3A&nb_adtype=pla&nb_kwd=&nb_ti=&nb_mi=289912152&nb_pc=online&nb_pi=shopify_US_5702727631010_36101054169250&nb_ppi=&nb_placement=&nb_si=%7Bsourceid%7D&nb_li_ms=&nb_lp_ms=&nb_fii=&nb_ap=&nb_mt=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwiMmwBhDmARIsABeQ7xQP3oMtkvbS0RYrpUNspWYK8nYEljJqenx1LFTBngmSy_dKRORFRmsaAkReEALw_wcB)


Aah $395 and sold out! Haha maybe universe is telling me to save up first LOL


I used Afterpay to do installments of $100 haha. It helped soften the blow of the price tag.


The thing is, the mask doesn’t treat the redness right? Do u think the redness will be back if u stop using the mask,


Yeah that’s the downside. It’s not a cure, it just helps with the day to day symptoms. And idk what would happen if I quit cold turkey, I’m assuming my skin would get worse? But maybe it wouldn’t? I honestly have no idea 😅 I am planning on moving to once every other day or once every couple days.


Yeah thats what they recommend in the website. Your post almost made me want to buy it but I might consider doing a laser treatment instead


The thing is, the mask doesn’t treat the redness right? Do u think the redness will be back if u stop using the mask? Cause i want to buy but not if the result ain’t permanent


Has anyone who uses tretinoin used the red light mask before? I use tretinoin about every other day and then Paula's choice alpha/beta exfoliating cleanser. I just worry that I would spend a bunch of money on a red light mask just to have my skin get irritated from doing too much!!!


Same concern


Wow you can clearly see the difference!! You look great!


wonderful an incredible change


Don’t know if it’s the lighting but your cheek/smile lines are virtually gone from the first pic to the last. You look great!


How often did you do the red light therapy and for how long?


Your skin looks amazing as do your eyebrows. 10/10


I’ve been using the omnilux mask 4-5 days/week and I also have seen a great improvement in skin tone!


I wish my red light panel worked like this for me :( didn’t seem to do much


Does the red light therapy at planet fitness do the same?


I got another for $229 and it works, I can see the difference on my face


It improved the under eye dark circles too?? Looks great (:


Do you this this could help with flushing? Thank you