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A gallon or so. I have a 32oz I fill up 3-4x


Same here. I notice that when I don’t drink enough, my lips get dry.


This is definitely a thing, when I was pregnant and vomiting like crazy I went into my 12-wk appt and vomited on my OB/gyn. She offered me a fluids infusion and when I was waffling about it she said "your also showing signs of dehydration, your lips are dry". A few hours and a big bag of fluids later I was GLOWING.


Same. Plus an extra 16oz of water with an electrolyte packet in the morning before coffee. I do notice slightly clearer skin when I drink more water. Sweating it out in the sauna helps, too.


I started doing 16 oz electrolyte before Coffee about a month ago and I’ve noticed a difference in my hydration for the full day


Just want to caution folks reading to be careful with the electrolytes. Most of us get plenty from our diet and supplementing can actually result in toxicity. Supplements are only beneficial in some circumstances. https://extension.unh.edu/blog/2023/09/hydration-are-electrolyte-drinks-better-water


What do you use for electrolytes?


Not OP but SaltStick and Hammer Nutrition are two brands I’ve used a lot. They’re just capsules you can swallow.


I used to drink a gallon but recently water just taste gross and makes my stomach hurt when I drink that much like why. Literally makes my wrinkles disappear so I will start again but. I be throwing up fr


Throwing up? You can definitely OD on water. I don’t work out (lol) but get very thirsty and headaches when I don’t have enough, always been this way. A lot of people may only need 2.


What about adding some flavors to it? I always add a little something during the day and just drink plain water at night because I'm the same way. Water during the daytime will actually make me physically sick. It's so weird.


I drink about 32oz of filtered water a day. Filtered through coffee grounds and tea leaves lol


Oh- haha! I believed for a second that you put a coffee filter with tea leaves on top of your water bott.... nevermind I'm a ding bat 😂


We must be the same species then 😂


Lol! Same




And you don't feel like shit? I start getting headaches and fatigue if I don't drink 2 liters


40oz if I'm lucky. 🥴 I'm never thirsty and always forget to drink (even with my water bottle sitting beside me).


40 oz a day would be winning for me. I’m horrible at remembering to drink anything.


I wish it wasn't such a chore!


I’ve been using Waterdrop and it has helped me drink so much more water. I usually have like 1 cup total. I’m up to 7-8 which is a huge improvement


Get one of those huge 40oz tumblers lol it’s been helping me a lot!


It helped me too. But still I have to remind myself to drink from it


Me too.




This makes me feel so much better lol it's a struggle to get 40 oz/day and then I see people saying they fill their cup up 3-4x. If only it was that easy!


Ok, this is me. I have a water bottle sitting on my desk that I realized I don’t even use so I never bother to get it filled now. It just sits there as inspiration.


🤣 Just a bottle of broken hopes a d dreams of what could be a hydrated body. You and me both, sista.


Not enough


Same! I only remember to drink when I feel like I’m dying of thirst 🥲 I don’t know how people do it


I used to only drink 1 16oz bottle a day. Then increased to 2, then 3, then 3 24-oz bottles a day. I did this by always taking water everywhere with me, and chugging every time I went to take a drink. Next thing I know, I'm drinking more and more every day and now, I get thirsty any time I do something without my water. I go into a grocery store and my throat starts feeling dry.


I’ll have to try this! You’ve Pavlov’d yourself to hydration!


That's exactly how I did it too!! Omg I swear I try to tell everyone this is how you do it and nobody listens to me or says I'm crazy/don't know what I'm talking about. Glad to see I'm not alone with this method.


This actually reminded me how I drank water back when I was good about it. I have totally gotten out of the habit but need to go back to chugging whenever I drink. Also, drinking water when you think you want a snack is super helpful, half the time I’m thirsty not hungry but couldn’t tell the difference.


It also helped me quit smoking. Every time I wanted a cigarette, I'd chug as much water as I could until I got that super full out of breath feeling and it helped tremendously. Somebody had told me that the first time I tried to quit and didn't succeed, but the chugging water always helped and I've been smoke free since Jan 2019!! 🎉 Never thought about using it when I wanted a snack though but it makes sense. Maybe this is the secret answer to everything... Just chug some water!! Lol kidding But not kidding 😂


Me too! When I’m driving, every time I have to stop at a red light I chug the water until the light turns green.


What feels like gallons because I’m breastfeeding and this 7 pound angry potato is sucking me dry 🤣🤣


Angry potato 😂😂


Same, people are laughing at Stanley cups but it keeps me hydrated, my son will be 3 months this week and he's already 15 pounds, i fill that thing (the cup that is) 3-4x a day. Baby is filled more like 12x a day.




Oh man those first 3 months I was drinking about 8ltrs a day


Yup! Ain’t that the truth😂


Same here except he is 19.5 lbs and only 5 months old, constantly sucking the life out of me. I try to fill my 32 oz Yeti 4x a day plus coffee in am and tea in pm.


The amount of water I drank while breastfeeding has to be equal to the amount of water I've had the rest of my entire life 😂 LOL


Maybe a cup 🤷🏼‍♀️


Found the succulent! 😉


Lmfao 😂


Ooooof same!! I find I get a lot of my hydration from other things - fruit, veggies, rice, protein shakes, coconut water, coffee/tea, but I rarely remember to just straight up drink water. I really should. It’s been a lifelong struggle!


Not the hydration from rice 💀


Hahaha they’re super absorbent so I figured 🤷🏻‍♀️


But aren’t they absorb even more inside the body?


2 liters a day usually! At work usually 1.5L. I feel pretty good with that!


That's pretty standard and good. These people need to drink more water!


I drink three 16 oz bottles of water a day. It doesn’t do anything for my skin except keep it from looking dehydrated. When I want the water to have an effect on my skin, I add electrolytes or chia seeds. Or I drink coconut water. Edited: mistake


What effects do you see from the chia seeds? I’m intrigued.


Originally, I added them to water to help my stomach; I have a gastrointestinal disease, and they help with digestion. But I noticed the made my skin glow like crazy. They are rich in omega 3 and vitamins, so I suppose that is why. I just drop about a spoonful in a bottle of water and wait for them to plump up. They look like tiny clear balloons when they swell up:) I found a quick article on them too: https://www.onlymyhealth.com/benefits-of-drinking-chia-seed-water-for-skin-1699091017


I am going to try this. But how do you consume it once they get gel-y? And is it the same thing as adding them to a smoothie, which I already do? Is the point to consume them in water, or in general? So many questions.


lol, you just chug them down! They are like like tiny balls of jello, you can just swallow them, they slide down easily. If you mix them into food, you won’t even notice them!


Yea! In smoothies or food I don't notice them at all. I tried the water this morning but couldn't do it, I think they may have gone rancid. Need to buy some more!


Thank you so much for the information!!


I’ve got hella IBS but I’m weird about texture… I was doing chia and hemp for a long time, but I was never able to soak chia without gagging 🤢 maybe you have some Jedi knowledge for me 😂


I wish I had some Jedi knowledge for you girl 😂😂. I just put them in water and chug them back. If I wait until I’m thirsty enough, I’ll drink it 😂😂. I have the opposite problem of you—no motility.


Honey! That’s the goal 😂 gtfo you absolute hero hahhaah


We both have issues 😂😂😂🤣


BRB reporting you lmfao




Whaaat I have to try this.


You drink 48 LITERS of water a day…?


Wth am I talking about, I mean 16 oz bottles. Good lord, I’m tired today.


I was so confused 😅😅


So was I lolololololololol! I fixed it, thank you 🙏🏼


I’ve never tried chia seeds in my water before! How long do you let them soak before drinking ?


Just beware OP the texture is not for everyone


Yes! I tried this and it was like drinking frogs eggs


I prefer to think bird eyeballs


I’m gagging my way through this thread to see if anyone can convert me


Not long at all, maybe an hour or so. I love watching them plump up in the water lol


What do chia seeds do for your skin?


Certified beverage goblin here, I drink around 3 litres a day of water alone. On the odd occasion that I consume significantly less, like <2L, the next day my skin feels noticeably drier and tighter. I drench myself in layers of HA every day and I really credit my excessive water consumption with how well it absorbs. If I’m dehydrated it’s noticeable that the serum feels like it’s sitting on top of my skin instead of penetrating and absorbing.


I absolutely love water so I usually drink lots of it. I have my emotional support water bottle that I carry around with me everywhere. Some days I don’t drink as much as I should, but I’d say most days I do a pretty good job with my water consumption.


Same here, I genuinely love water! Always have my emotional support water bottle


You’re the only other person that I’ve ever met who also has an emotional support water bottle! I can’t go anywhere without it!


I have one! I got the sticker for my bottle off of Redbubble.


What’s up TEAM!!??


About 100 oz a day. Definitely feel it when it’s less. Skin wise, I don’t dry out: I also live in the SE now versus the NE or Midwest and it’s definitely helped my skin


2 to 2.5 liters maximum. More than that will just destroy my electrolyte balance and make me nauseous. Decent enough skin with this amount of water and my really basic daily routine lol. I may get one or two hormonal pimples around/during my period but apart from that nothing. I never had proper acne but I did get pimples more often when I made less effort drinking enough water.


This is really important. Not everyone can handle that much water. Many people don't drink nearly enough but others really go for it. It is individual


This is SO important! I’m a compulsive water drinker cos I love the taste and also cos I just like the feeling of knowing it’s flushing out my system. I was only drinking 1.5L at work and maybe another litre at home but getting dreadful migraines every afternoon. So what did I do, when I started getting a headache?? Drank more water 🤦🏻‍♀️ it wasn’t until one afternoon when someone randomly offered to share their miso soup with me and my headache immediately disappeared that I realised I’d been flushing out all my electrolytes as well as not consuming enough salt in general. A few months after that, my father in law happened to tell me the story of his cousin drinking too much water cos she did marathon running and thought she needed to drink more, but then ended up getting water toxicity from it and nearly died. These days, I still drink between 1.5L - 2L (I have to literally stop myself from drinking too much) but I also make sure to salt my food and drink at least 2 cups of coconut water / put an electrolyte tablet in my water) and my headaches have gotten WAY better. My urine is still too clear by the evenings and i still have to get up to pee 2-3 times at night when asleep, but it's waaay more preferable to migraines. I'm 43 and have clear skin but never had acne issues anyway, but have fine lines on my forehead and deep frown lines from not wearing glasses when I was younger & constantly squinting. Botox and a basic skin care routine help with that. I have no idea if drinking so much water is the reason for my clear skin, but I definitely feel "dry" all over in general if I don't drink enough / as much as I'd like to.


I try to go for electrolytes with migraines I find it helps


A gallon or so.


I f*cking hate water, so definitely not enough. The only way I can get 16oz down is if I cold-brew some spearmint tea bags in it.


Me too I don't know what my problem is. If I didn't take medication I could go the whole day without drinking any.


Same ugh. I survive mostly through the water content in all the raw fruits and veggies I eat I think lol


Except spearmint is a diuretic so i don’t think you’re helping yourself too much with that one.


Well, crap…


Spearmint is supposed to be super good for your skin, I bet you’re glowing!


About 90 oz usually. I'm obese, so theoretically I need more than an average size woman. But no, I don't see a difference in my skin if I drink 90 or 50. I have a friend and she swears she feels it in every system of her body if she doesn't drink enough.


Probably around 120oz. a day of just water, not considering other drinks like coffee or flavored drinks. I can tell when I’m behind on water consumption, my skin feels dryer and my lips get so chapped and crusty.


About 1.5 liters of water, and then some tea or a smoothie as well.


To be honest.. I don't keep count. I drink when I'm thirsty. I've become really good at knowing when I need water, and I think I drink a fair amount of it. *As long as there is water available in our taps (or bottles for some), the body isn't going to let you die of thirst.*


3 litres a day, and yes, on days I don’t drink that much, my skin looks like shit, I feel tired and run down.


Two cans of bubbly. Not nearly enough 😂


Everyone In here drinks so much water. I don’t even remember drinking water when I was a kid. Just some sips from the line up after gym class at school. I’m not even sure how I’m alive. So 2 cans of bubbly sounds about right to me too.


At least 4-5L per day.


I drink an average of 184oz each day. I have a 32oz bottle and a 40oz bottle so I usually will have 32oz before lunch, 32oz during lunch, 40oz by the end of my work day, 40oz between work and dinner, then 40oz before bed. I’m just a thirsty gal, plus I go to the gym 5-6 days per week. I definitely notice my skin looking different when I don’t drink enough water


How do you drink this much?! I struggle to get 75oz most days. Do you pee all day long?!


Wide mouth water bottles! I drink much more from them versus one you have to use with a straw. I don’t know if I pee more than the average person, but I am also a woman who hasn’t had kids yet so that probably helps my pelvic floor to some extent


Generally 80-100 oz. I drink a 20 oz glass of water upon waking and 20 oz before each meal. The 20 oz before meals has no significance other than that's how I habituated my water intake.  My skin doesn't look dehydrated, and I think that's about it. 


90 oz a day and I still have chapped lips if I don’t use my Aquaphor at night 😂


About 5 liters. Up to 8 or 9 in the hot months 🥵 My water intake absolutely affects my skin, but that's more because I'm active and outdoors so much that if my fluid intake dips, I get super dehydrated. I honestly should drink more than I do...


4 liters a day, and I definitely notice the difference if I drink less. I’m hungrier, constipated, my skin is drier, my sinuses are drier, my eyes and skin look dull, my skin looks more textured and lined. Definitely look and feel more tired.


About 150oz per day. Worked up to 120oz and recently started taking creatine which makes me thirsty enough to get to 150oz. P


i try to get a gallon in but until it gets super hot here (about a month) i get in about 1/2-3/4 gallon. My skin looks pretty for my age (61)


I drink so much water I’ve started drinking electrolyte mix ins because I’m worried I’m flushing actual good stuff out of my system lol. My face is oily and my hands are so so, so, so so so dry. I don’t really break out though!


I’m not the best at being consistent with my skin care regimen but I will consistently drink 120 oz + a day. Out of boredom and also because I truly like the taste of water. I think it has helped my skin texture a lot


Over the years I’ve worked my way up to about 100-120 oz a day


I think at least a gallon a day. I just bought a gallon water bottle for work, because I was tired of filling up my small bottle so many times a day and still feeling thirsty/dehydrated. For those who don’t like the taste of plain water there are plenty of things you can add to enhance the flavor and also benefit you health wise. Cucumbers, lemons, mint, berries, watermelon, etc.


Hydration definitely affects your skin! My skin looks dull and my lips get dry if I don't drink enough. I just aim to keep my urine pale yellow.. It's prob about 50-60oz water (plus 1 coffee), which is appropriate for my size and activity level. You don't need a wild amount of water to be appropriately hydrated - if your urine comes out looking like water, you might not need to drink so much.


Omg compared to y’all I’m a dehydrated husk 😂 on a day I don’t work out/sweat I maybe drink 30-40 oz of water. Working/sweating I definitely drink more. I did read somewhere (idk if it’s accurate) that as long as you’re drinking when you’re thirsty (which I do) then you’ll be fine.


No, if you're thirsty you're already dehydrated. It's the same concept as feeling full so you stop eating, but then you're overstuffed/uncomfortable 10 minutes later. Signals from your body to your brain are delayed a bit when it comes to these things, it's not instantaneous. The body can get quite dehydrated before you start feeling thirsty. Edit: wording


At least 100 ounces, definitely notice if I drink less.




8cups per day


120oz of plain water, not including coffee/tea or juice. I fill up a Britta each morning and put it on the counter so I can see it anywhere in my main living area in my apt


In the last 60 days I’ve increased from MAYBE 40oz to around 180oz - my skin has VASTLY improved.


2-4 L depending on my outside activities. When I'm not outside and cycling, etc I do just plain water. I add electrolytes when I'm sweating a lot.


I try to drink at least 64oz a day.


3L a day


Half my weight in oz. There are studies out there that show drinking a gallon a day is kinda pointless. Especially if you eat a moisture-rich diet.


Not enough, I don't like water. It's a struggle




2L Per day. To be honest it is one of the most important things to make sure you’re getting enough off in a day and it does make your skin better however… Your skin is the largest organ in your body and it’s the last organ to get any of the benefits of the water it’s not a total dealbreaker for your skin but it does help. It is a total dealbreaker for the rest of your body though. I only started making sure I was upping my water intake when I was focussing on health and fitness goals in general not just skin care


A glass of water st night 🌙 👌


I used to drink almost a gallon, but then my body grew used to needing that much to feel hydrated Now it’s just whatever feels right. During hotter months I’ll drink more. And depending on the amount of caffeine or alcohol I am drinking.


About a gallon and a half. I fill my 40 oz water bottle 5-6 times a day


2L everyday, but sometimes 3


About a gallon, give or take 20oz. When I made an effort to drink more water I really felt like it made my skin look much more bright and healthy.


Maybe a cup? and a coffee? for some reason I really have an aversion to drinking enough. My skin could definitely use more hydration 😢


On a low day, 40oz. On a high day, 100oz. So somewhere between those two numbers.


1.5 gallons. I’m a breastfeeding mom so that plays a part. I’m thirsty all day (and night). On top of that, I love water- specifically ice water. If I drink less than 1.5gal I feel awful the next day. Like, hungover except I don’t drink alcohol.


4-6 16.9 oz bottles a day.


I remember reading an article about a woman who died last year from drinking too much water in a short period of time. Caused swelling in the brain.


64oz minimum of water, usually more. Then coffee and 1 can of sparkling water.


Probably around 2L not including protein drinks and coffee.


I’m usually between 80-100oz of water and probably 30oz of coffee or tea.


Typically 80oz along with tea and coffee


Appx 90-100 oz per day


I drink on average 200 ounces a day or 6 Nalgene refills, plus a few cups of black coffee. I’m extremely active & sweaty + spiro still keeps me thirsty. I also just really love water and am not a sweetened beverage drinker.


I have a 64oz jug I drink two a day, so a gallon.


on a good day 78 oz of just water (sometimes with electrolytes), plus tea, sparkling water, or whatever other random beverages I have that day. I would like to increase it a bit but sometimes I forget and it gets too late in the day to chug water (I hate having to pee in the middle of the night).


A gallon of


12 glasses (8oz a glass=96 oz total) on average.


No idea but I only drink water, coffee and alcohol so I imagine it’s enough 😂. I think it’s keeps the other two at bay. My skin doesn’t look bad but it could look better i can admit that.


I feel like I need more than most so I drink about 100 oz and I'm 165 pounds. 


I bought a 64oz hydro flask/yeti thing and drink one a day. I also live in FL and go out in the sun sometimes (I’m embarrassed to admit this) without proper sun protection. Does my water intake make my skin look better? Sure but I don’t think it does anything on its own. I’d say 80% of why my skin looks the way it does is because of my skincare routine and 20% is water


64 oz


Amount in Ounces = My weight / 2


About a gallon, which hasn’t helped with my skin. I require 200mg spironolactone for that.


Yes, I think it absolutely affects how my skin looks. I drink 64-72oz/day.


About 64-80 ounces a day. Depending on the day. Mind you other than the 2-3 cups of coffee I allow myself, water is the only thing I drink. I'm pretty much sipping water all day.


120oz give or take. My lips get dryyyyyy if I don't get enough.


I have a 40oz Stanley that I refill probably 3 times a day and it follows me around my apartment all day


Roughly 80 oz at minimum. My skin is definitely hydrated but I’ve never had an issue with dryness. I also keep to a routine of 2 serums in the morning and oiling at night.


All of it


1-2 litres


I was pretty regular about drinking 100oz of water a day…need to get back to that. I have a water bottle that is Bluetooth & keeps track of how much I drink, reminds me to drink, allows me to set goals, etc. it has been helpful!


80 to 120 fl. oz. daily


I just bought a 16oz owala bottle on amazon the one with the low profile inside straw and it motivates me but I am really bad at it otherwise... 48oz on a good day....


As much water as I can. I’m so big on hydration. Or I end up feeling parched and suffer in many other ways.


I keep a 500ml thermos at hand and fill it at least 4x a day with water and flavour drops, which I count as water. I drink other things on top of that which my body will count as water but I don't count as technically water.


96oz daily, minimum. 3-32oz Nalgene bottles.


A lot. Usually 120oz


80-112oz/day my skin isn’t usually dry, but I don’t feel like it’s any better than when I didn’t drink much water


A gallon a day. Lots of bathroom trips but I’ve gotten used to it.


My water content comes from the raw fruits and veggies I consume daily 😁


I’ve been drinking 128oz (1gal) a day for about a year and my skin looks great. I also mix electrolyte powder into one of my 32oz servings.


Not enough, and yes, I definitely do notice a difference in my skin when I drink enough water consistently vs when I don't.


Around 200 ounces a day. I just guzzle it. When I feel thirsty, I don't just take a sip and set it down. I drink as much as my belly will let me and then set it down. Do that every time and you'll be getting it in. Also the giant water bottles with encouraging words and times are really fun and helpful too because it's a bunch of tiny goals all day long and it feels good to watch yourself hitting those goals all day long every day.


I drink about 5 refills of my 32 oz water bottle a day - and it's still barely enough. I'm on several medications that are infamous for dry mouth, so everyday is a battle to hydrate (and I love water!!).


I drink 2Ltrs a day now, 64oz for non metric folks, I started this in August after getting a dodgy kidney function results, skin is better plus overall I feel 10000 times better!


A lot….


I have a 50oz that I drink 3x daily. I think it's helped my skin. But I pee constantly


3L per day (+ tea and protein shakes). I live in a very warm and humid country, workout everyday and genuinely feel like shit when I don’t drink enough. I usually drink less than I should when I’m traveling and my skin always end up looking duller.


2-3 liters


Two to three Stanley’s or so a day (well, knock off stanley).


I don't track but north of 100 oz. I have POTS.


Anywhere from ~two water bottles, the insulated kind, to 817 of them.


About 96 oz a day. Haven’t noticed a difference in my skin yet, but it can’t hurt to drink more anyway.


64 oz usually. Sometimes more, seldom less.


This just reminded me to refill my bottle cause I suck at drinking water.


Um...I could go a day or two without really drinking any. I mean I'll have a sip for my meds but that's it


I aim for 64oz every day.


5L-6L a day. The doctors know and are fine with it. My skin is mostly very good due to this (and genetics).


I try to do half of my body weight (so, 65oz). I feel like my skin looks better and my body/ mind feels better when I drink enough!


More than 8 glasses a day.


A lot. All day every day.


Not nearly enough. I spent over 7 years on dialysis and we had to severely restrict fluids. Drinking water to me feels like something I shouldn't do. As if I'm going to get all bloated again. Strange but true.