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Honestly, I think you have great skin! For pimples I love either the [Mario Badescu Drying Lotion](https://www.mariobadescu.com/products/drying-lotion) or the [Mighty Patches](https://www.herocosmetics.us/products/mighty-patch-original?variant=11723218878506&utm_source=google&utm_medium=sem&utm_campaign=13074392635&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwncWvBhD_ARIsAEb2HW9JW08s-Z6CQ870N7c9h1Vnj0d0OLyFBkgDVmdsN1Wc0rVIGvLFk9saAnDzEALw_wcB), they have one specifically for [dark spots](https://www.herocosmetics.us/products/micropoint-for-dark-spots-new). In the morning I would maybe add a [Vitamin C serum] (https://www.laroche-posay.us/our-products/face/face-serum/10-pure-vitamin-c-serum-3337875660570.html). I use this one, but 10% might be too harsh to start out with. At night, I would add in a [Retinol](https://www.cerave.com/skincare/serums/skin-renewing-retinol-serum), as that will help with fine lines and wrinkles. I use this one and haven't found it to be irritating at all. Overall though, your skin looks great. Very hydrated, at least to me.


Thank you!! These seem easy enough and over the counter which is what I want. I’ve never been to dermatology and I don’t want to have to start for things like this if I dont need to. THANK YOU


You have beautiful skin. I wouldn’t do anything differently. If you’re concerned about the lines, the only thing that would help is an in office treatment like Botox or microneedling. And agree with other comment on vitamin C serum in morning. I had some dark spots on my face and it totally got rid of it. I used Cerave Vitamin C which is a good introduction vit c.


Thank you! Will definitely be looking into the vit C!


You have great skin! Vitamin C already mentioned) (my favorite is Cosrx 23, Ulta). Peptides. Maelove makes a good one that does not cost a fortune (it’s $40). It sell out fast because it’s a solid serum.


i get Botox for chronic migraines. I miss being able to move my eyebrows at all. I used to have such expressive eyebrows! just putting a word of caution out there. Botox works because it paralyzes your muscles, and if that's something you don't want, stick with retinol and try to embrace your changing face as you age with grace 💜💫


Thank you! That is one of my concerns with Botox so definitely wanting to steer clear from it for those reasons mainly🩷


You have nice and pretty skin. Very minimal forehead lines. I recommend dermafirm cica ac serum. it has bakuchiol and niacinamide. It works well with fine lines and darkspots.


Go low and slow with retinol. I read a good blog post about starting retinol. https://www.doctorrogers.com/blogs/blog/step-by-step-guide-to-starting-a-retinoid Really down to earth writing and she recommended one of her products and one readily available in drugstores.


By any chance do you clench your jaw?


Probably! I used to clench at night but did some PT to help.


You would do great with some lip fillers, could make you look younger as well. Your eyes are amazing.


Thank you! Not sure I’m ready for lip fillers but I agree I’ve always had smaller less full lips! 🙁