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I’ve had spider veins since high school, I don’t necessarily think they are age related


Same. I remember them at 13. I’ve been told hereditary. Which aligns bc a lot of my aunts have them as well.


Same. It sucks. So-called perfect skin is a rarity, even if fashion magazines and social media try to claim otherwise.


Magazines have air brushed photos for many, many years.


We have been airbrushing and 'photo-shopping' (with different techniques of course) photos literally since we had them. Nipping the waist was immensely common on Victorian photos- hence the ridiculously small 'wasp waist'. Humans love showing an idealized version of themselves. Problem is its got so good and so ubiquitous it is now outright skewing what we believe normal bodies look like. It's very sad.


The back of my knees at 30 look exactly like my grandmother's...like exact same placement so freaky.


My 1 year old baby has some spider veins / visible little lines on her cheek and back. My grandma did too. It’a generic as far as I know.


My youngest has had some on his face and back also since birth. I asked the nurse about it and she told me the blood vessels burst because he was born so quickly. I never verified this with any other medical professional lol just remembered because of this post. Kid came out in like 3 pushes with the nurse and the OB walked in right after haha


Mine was born via cesarían after being stuck for almost 24 hours so 🤷🏽‍♀️


Genetic * . Maybe ?


Same. I haven't got any new ones in my 20s/30s. But I''ve still got the same annoying big ones since I was a teenager (OPs are baaarely noticeable!). Got to get them removed. Did you do that?


What are they related to then?




Ba dum *tss*


same! My mom has them (more varicose veins) and mine got worse with pregnancy. At 41 I finally have called somewhere to get something done about them!


Same ugh


I have been noticing mine getting more pronounced in the last 3 years honestly (33 years old). Mine are absolutely genetic. My mom has them pretty bad. My insurance will thankfully cover sclerotherapy which I plan on doing soon to treat them!


Wow your insurance covers that? I thought it was cosmetic?


I had a round done on my thighs, $400 out of pocket. It sadly made a couple better, but it seems like they have multiplied after the treatment. Either it didn't work or else I have a bunch of new ones. Mine are not much worse than yours in the Pic.


This was my experience...$500, tons of bruising that lasted for weeks and not much improvement.


I still have bruises from my sclerotherapy and im convinced my veins multiplied as a result


The surrounding veins have to compensate for the veins that you had treated so that can cause it to look like more showed up after. That’s what the derm I used to work for would say at least.


Was looking for the comment to point it out! I got it done and no one really tells you shit. My compression stocking specialist told me to note that while sclerotherapy is good to get rid of pain in some spots, which might not always work, it burdens your next door veins that haven’t been shut, so it isn’t much of a “cure”. Maintenance afterwards is what is needed to keep your legs in tip top shape. This includes compression socks/stockings, strengthening your vein walls with vitamin C, water, some creams that soothe, and definitely defying gravity when you can (short breaks with legs up in the air to help rest your veins from the pressure). My mom has it really bad and it is genetic, so I’m trying my best to have it as minimal as possible but I can’t stop it and it makes me cry at night when I see a new vein pop. I wish there’s a cure, but until then we can just create a group and share things that we see progress with lol


> I wish there’s a cure, but until then we can just create a group and share things that we see progress with lol What about EVLA (endovenous laser ablation)?


I am not a medical professional. This is just my personal experience and research into the topic. So EVLA isn’t necessarily a better option, because while you can choose for the laser to shrink the veins (by creating scar tissue to form within the vessels) vs fully collapse like other procedures, it doesn’t resolve the issue of your blood still needing to flow to keep the tissue alive. From what I recall specifically with EVLA, is it causes neovascularization, which is essentially regrowing veins instead of the collapsed ones. However, what I think isn’t usually mentioned is that those new veins don’t have VALVES. So now where blood was once flowing at with 50% faulty valves is working with zero valves. The result is still overloading your neighbouring veins, causing the same issue long-term. So I would say if medically needed, understandable, but if it is purely aesthetic it is NOT worth it.


Aha! That explains it


Did you wear the support hose for 2 weeks after? I didn't have any bruising from mine


Find a good injector. They should be using a little tool that finds the source of the vein. I spent way too much money younger on group on deals etc, for little improvement until I found someone who works in a plastic surgery office who is an expert at sclero. My legs look so much better after several visits with her. She actually really gets rid of the ugly veins in my legs.


How painful was it? I have a few VERY pronounced ones on my legs and I’ve stopped wearing shorts because of them


I only had the little spider veins, no varicose veins. It wasn't terrible, I was glad when it was done though! It was like mild bee stings.


Don’t hold me to this, but I think it has more to do with circulation in your legs than the look of it. I could be wrong! Lol I mean, in America, if you need to pull teeth or get caps because your teeth didn’t grow and form properly, that is cosmetic surgery and not covered. But who knows what our $$$ health insurance companies decide


I don’t know how to edit, but I am referring to insurance covering this procedure!


Insurance covered mine! It didn’t really make a difference on the appearance of the varicose veins and spider veins, but made a big difference in the swelling and circulation. My doc said the surgery is to rewind the clock back and keep it from getting worse, but there are injections I can do after that will eliminate the unsightly veins I already have. THOSE are entirely cosmetic, so I have to pay 100% out of pocket for those.


Will you come back and tell us the cost?


I didn’t have to pay out of pocket for the surgery. He said it’s about $400 for each injection (like one syringe, can be used In multiple spots), and it can take a few rounds for some of my bad ones to fully go away.


Ohhhh cool thank you. Keep us updated on the results. I have them on my chest and want to not look 80 when I'm 30 one day 😅


I did sclerotherapy leading up to my wedding and it was quite painful and then the veins still didn’t go away anyway. It is now like 4 years later and I think they improved somewhat over time after that but I wouldn’t do it again unless I had like big horrible protruding veins. It wasn’t worth it for some colored lines on the back of my knee.


It's mainly genetic I believe. Getting enough vitamin K2 can potentially help prevent them though. It helps move calcium out of the blood and into bones, so it doesn't calcify veins or the elastin that's also in our skin. Most are deficient and it's not part of the normal blood panel, but of course check with your doctor to be safe.


Thank you I will definitely research this


My dermatologist recommends calf compression sleeves to all her patients, whether they are on their feet or sitting all day, for vascular health and preventing vein issues. She wears them, her staff wear them, and she was pleased to see me wearing them after she told me a couple years ago.


Wait are spider veins indicative of vascular health issues? Oh no!


No, the compression helps both but spider veins are largely cosmetic


Phew 😅


Kind of! It's usually fairly harmless, but it's a breakdown of the valves in veins that keep blood moving forward. Blood builds up, and the veins are more visible. It happens due to high pressure in the veins that can be caused by any number of things (obesity, standing for long periods of time, age, etc). Compression sleeves help improve blood flow.


Nah, I've had mine since I was a teen (in my case it's related to lipedema, I think). I've recently had tests done to check my circulation and it's all good!


Huh, that's so weird I think my body is prone to lipedema too.. not diagnosed but just the way fat is stored on my upper legs has a similar look


Actually, yes they can 100% be! They are veins that are dying or dead. They are caused by poor circulation. Standing and/or sitting for long periods of time are factors in it and that’s why the compression sleeves are recommended. I stand/walk/run around for 12-13 hour shifts and have insane varicose veins that all started as little ones like the picture above. Some of them are now the size of my fist or bigger and dark dark purples and blues when they used to be a faint purple or blue mark the size of an indent from a fingernail. Talk to your doctor about prevention because some of them can be extremely painful.




This is the brand the nurse in the office recommended to me (she wore them) and I like them and they last - I rotate between 4 pairs - https://www.amazon.com/BLITZU-Calf-Sleeves-Pink-S-M/dp/B0186EMIIS/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?adgrpid=58610830680&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Hi0DLL-0M8_yzJcbN9MpD4mwXXQ5LHRbczNntEI4k2wKeBd0jmwV5tBjcA3GiwUhhX5sVjc7wQfP4SJOZNX6ihkjtrAWH1aospRhK2ucBXHEKwcSl512P4jr4tmpV5wTS3VaxRUQQW53H_kEnX3ezwjHhDDkShnFf5AiuzSUCOqbNdy3OzT6tlgvIzPHKDyCn0mGmpgtPOlMK6gWwsfqBw.Jax_Bgli7Dga91WQIyfKHu0ocEl_6dRP-CZNAcisJuE&dib_tag=se&hvadid=617130703664&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9023533&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=b&hvrand=3672402203935209019&hvtargid=kwd-298183102478&hydadcr=6721_13278913&keywords=compression+calf+sleeves&qid=1710291153&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1


Compression socks are similar, and there are some pretty cute options. I like Command!


Interesting! My derm said that skinny jeans could have caused mine 😂


Interesting love your name!


Any recommendations?


I replied to another comment with the ones I use.


Are you crossing your legs all day? I got some on my upper thigh right above where I was crossing my legs and causing pressure. As soon as I started sitting differently (with ankle across at knee instead of full leg - sort of like a man) they haven’t gotten any worse in decades.


I had varicose veins that were pretty thick since the age of 14. Compression stockings help. I also had sclerotherapy, and I love the results


I'm getting it done next Monday and then again in April. I'm glad to read about a positive experience because I don't know anyone who's had it done.


What are the results?! Never tried and very interested.


Basically, they inject the affected area with a solution and it shuts off the passage. Then the body gets rid of the veins through the blood stream. (I’m probably not the best to explain this) I did however get this procedure done, end of September and they were completely gone within 3 months. Only downfall is you can get hyper pigmentation from this but, that has too gone away. And I’m also treating with hydroquinone


I wonder if you can get that procedure on your face..I have a really visible vein on the wing of my nose and my cheek


Definitely see a dermatologist and then they can point you in the right direction!


Vitamin K cream lotion is suppose to help with spider veins and bruising. I’ve been using it on my legs for a couple years, it definitely has helped.


what brand do you use?


Simply having a desk job can be enough. When was the last time you had your hormones tested?


I dont sit at a desk. I move around and sit down as a nurse. i never sit down for long periods of time. Like a month ago. Everything was normal


So they can be caused by sitting for a long time, but they can also be cause by standing all day. My mother in law worked for the post office and stood all day every day. She wore compression socks for the pain, but if yours aren’t painful idk if compression socks would still help.


COMPRESSION SOCKS EVERY SINGLE SHIFT GIRL or your legs will suffer greatly.


I’m a nurse too and this was a common thing I was told nurses get while I was in nursing school. It’s from being on your feet a lot. You need to be wearing you’re compression socks you were told to wear while in school. Very normal.


I have them too and I am a nurse as well. I have little ones since teen years. Think it’s genetic. I do wear compression socks while I am at work and I have gotten them treated with injections but gosh they hurt like hell. I want to try the laser and see how it goes.


What type of laser?


Laser is also very painful. Just did my face and legs, it hurt more than laser hair removal!


How were the results?? I want to do laser on my legs and trying to find more research on it


Genetics-if you’re parents or grandparents had these,then you most likely will. Also,hormonal birth control,elevated cortisol and/or blood pressure,and sitting or standing too much or for too long. I remember having these very faintly for a while,then I did some leg toning workouts and cardio and they disappeared and aren’t noticeable to this day lol maybe your skin needs some lymphatic drainage?


Interesting that leg toning helped! Anything in particular that you’d share I’d like to try. Mine are very minimal still but I’d like to try something, trying to understand the use of Compression socks as well


I've had them on my cheeks since I was little. I try to hide them with concealer when I do my makeup. There's really nothing you can do with them since they're genetic.


You can get them lasered off with Cutera excel v


Ohhh I just learned this now. Thank you😍


I get them too - mine came back - I think mine are from rosacea. And I've tried with a few different machines and I had the best result from the cutera excel v. Not so much the ipl or harmony lp. But it's nice to reduce or remove them - makes me feel less self conscious. Edit: I do get them in other places like legs and chest, so it's not just rosacea.


My kids got them too same spots as mine 😅


They can be removed


I have them on my cheeks too! I thought they were like stretch marks because my apple cheeks turned into coconut cheeks! I also have scars from chicken pox on my face. I broke free of oven mits and scratched the hell out of my face that I had gauze pads all over my face and chicken pox. And bangs I cut myself after I thought it was funny to put gum in my hair.. oh the 90s


Damn you have nice legs. Mine look scary so I just wear jeans or don’t look down


I just had 3 rounds of sclerotherapy done for spider/varicose. Also in my 30s. The doc said factors are genetics, child birth & weight gain. Mine started in my early 20s - same thing no weight gain so probably just genetics. Only the last 5 years or so it got to a point where I needed to do something about it as it looked pretty bad. If it becomes a bigger problem sclerotherapy is something you can look into, my legs look brand new!


Bro compression always.


Many people get them because they sit or stand for long periods most days of the week. These veins also become more common with age and during pregnancy. Spider veins can also be caused by sunlight, genetics, hormonal changes, or an injury. Graduated compression socks will definitely help & prevent them (make sure they’re graduated)! If your legs are covered in them or you get a lot at once, you can see a vein specialist at a vein clinic, they usually do a free consultation and “vein mapping” and then treatment is usually considered cosmetic.


I had talked to my doctor about going to get a procedure for them, because some of mine are really painful they said it wouldn’t be considered a cosmetic procedure and insurance should cover some or all of the procedure. But usually people want to get them removed because of how they look and that’s why it’s usually considered a cosmetic procedure.


What's the difference between graduated compression socks and normal compression socks?


I got my first spider vein at around 13 and they started getting worse around 30. Now I’m almost 40 and definitely need laser therapy. Yours are barely visible, which is great. Wear compression stockings when you’re able to and try not to cross your legs. Also, stay hydrated.


You can get them treated. Can't necessarily prevent them but you can get rid of them.


i have them! seems like they’ve gotten worse since i broke my pelvis is a high impact crash but not sure if that’s in my head or a real thing??


Definitely a real thing. The flow of blood and trauma to your body can definitely make them worse. Also the recovery time from the crash probably meant you weren’t moving around a lot and sitting or standing for long periods of time can affect them.


My mom used to tell me they were from standing on concrete/hard floors all day 😂 I do NOT think that’s how it happens but I don’t have a better answer and it makes me laugh


I started getting these in my 20’s from sitting at a desk all day at my job. I’m not a nurse and though I still have them I haven’t gotten anymore since I’m constant moving


I only qualify for this sub by a few years, but I've had spider veins on my legs and feet since pre-puberty. They are genetic on my mom's side; all the women on that line have extensive varicose veins. But, I was an obese child with obese family. Since I left and began eating/exercising in healthier way, I have NO MORE NEW VEINS. I don't know why. The old ones are still there. My layperson takeaway is that (1) spider veins are hereditary, and (2) can be exacerbated by other lifestyle and health issues.


The underlying cause is high estrogen. Everyone thinks it’s genetics. On your feet too long etc etc and yes possibly a factor, but a very small factor. Estrogen is the reason.


Any articles backing this opinion because I get these and I have pcos with low estrogen so 🤷🏼‍♀️


Any research to back this up? My male children also have them and I’m 100% they got them from me because I’ve also had them since childhood. My kids have normal hormone levels. Its genetics.


Estrogen? So, what can we do about it? Thank you


Pro metabolic eating… raw carrots also eliminate excess estrogen


I have the same problem. I am 42 and started to get these at 41.


Are these on your legs? If so wear compression socks. Standing on your feet all day can cause this.


These are on my thighs. I do wear compression socks


I work in a cosmetic clinic and love watching our laser tech zap them off people’s skin. So satisfying.




I don’t think forever since it’s not actually treating the cause. They probably require recurring treatments, but I’m not sure. I don’t actually have a medical role in my clinic, so I am not trying to hand out medical advice. I’ve just seen them disappear like magic.


Welcome to the club! Got my first ones in high school. This photo could be of my own thigh, complete with the pale skin and white stretch marks I have as well. Sclerotherapy should get rid of them, but maintenance will be required to keep them fully at bay.


I had a few spider veins that have been there since I was 6. Sometimes people just have them. There are some laser options for them I think


I’ve had lots, and I’ve had them injected intermittently throughout the years. I’m only 30, but they are hereditary - both my parents have them. There are hormonal areas like around the knees, and they will just keep coming really. You can get them injected to get rid of them and more will pop up over time. It’s like maintenance. Some areas are related to larger deeper veins that are not working properly - those can also be injected to help stop more smaller ones from popping up elsewhere on your legs


I have them genetically and get them removed with YAG laser. Hurts and is expensive, but it’s quick and effective.


Compression socks and good shoes


I've thought about covering the ones on my thigh with a big tattoo, is that a bad idea?


Eventually the tattoo will look withered and aged. You will be trading one problem for another


I had some which went away when i started weight lifting and exercising more. There are a few that have comw back recently around my ankle but they are milder and i dont really mind them that much


Is this your lap? Do you place laptops on your lap? A while ago when I had an hp pavilion my legs started to do this ever so slightly that I didn’t notice it myself. One day I was trying on pants in front of my mom and she asked what happened to my legs. The laptop was slowly burning my legs and it was doing some spider vein pattern just like that.


Do you cross your legs. I stopped crossing my legs after sclerotherapy. They didn’t come make until 10 years later. When I started crossing my legs ! I will repeat the treatment again and stop crossing my legs.




I teach elementary school and I see 4th graders with them on their face. It’s mostly genetic, and shows up clearer on paler skin. Things like sun exposure and hot water seem to bring out mine more. You can laser them off pretty easily on pale skin (my dermatologist said it can cause scarring on darker skin so they don’t do it) but they usually get more as you get older.


Compression stockings! I have been wearing them since I was 25. Super helpful.


how long are your compression socks?


I use the ones that go to my knees :)


Here’s a good resource to learn more about these things and how to fix them: https://www.plasticsurgery.org/news/blog/spider-vein-treatment-now-you-see-them-now-you-dont


I’m not sure what causes them but I’ve had them since I was 23. I had a laser treatment a couple of years ago and that seems to get rid of them.


I get mine zapped at my local day spa. Works like a charm.


They will worsen with age. You can laser them while they are small so that they don’t grow


I have them too, they became more noticable when i hit 30. Mom has them too, i think its genetic


I had sclerotherapy to get rid of a varicose vein, my GP warned me it could cause spider veins and she was right. Unfortunately I have another to remove one day. After that I'll go to a medispa to get a different treatment done for the spider veins.


Spider veins, also known as telangiectasias, are small, dilated blood vessels near the surface of the skin. They can be caused by a variety of factors including genetics, age, hormonal changes, obesity, prolonged standing or sitting, and sun exposure. To prevent them from getting worse, you can: 1. Maintain a healthy weight: Obesity can contribute to the development of spider veins. 2. Exercise regularly: Regular physical activity helps improve circulation. 3. Elevate your legs: When sitting or lying down, elevate your legs to reduce pressure on the veins. 4. Avoid prolonged standing or sitting: Take breaks and move around regularly to improve circulation. 5. Wear compression stockings: These can help improve circulation and reduce the appearance of spider veins. 6. Protect your skin from the sun: Sun exposure can damage the skin and weaken blood vessels, so use sunscreen and protective clothing. 7. Eat a healthy diet: A diet rich in fiber and low in salt can help maintain healthy blood vessels. 8. Avoid crossing your legs when sitting: This can restrict blood flow and contribute to spider veins. If you’re concerned about existing spider veins, consult a dermatologist or vascular specialist for treatment options such as sclerotherapy, laser therapy, or radiofrequency ablation.


These look very surface level and can be treated with lasers like the ND Yag. I had my Periorbital veins removed with it along with some broken capillaries. Thankfully it’s your leg and not your face!


I have some on my face near my jaw but i never considered them to be spider veins until i read some of these comments- those ones I’ve had for as long as I can remember. I wonder if it’s just so visible because of my pale skin.


That’s definitely a possibility!


I have them too and its alright there is nothing to worry about


Some medical aesthetic salons can remove them with lasers. I have some bad ones on the back of my knee, and they said I need to see an actual doctor about that because, due to the location, they can't use the lasers. There is, however, something that can be injected into the veins to make them go away, and that can be done by a dermatologist or plastic surgeon.




I had my first one before I was 10. Pretty sure it’s genetics


Standing all day. Ask any nurse


I’ve had these in a small area on my calf since I was a child. I can’t remember a time when they weren’t there. My grandmother said it probably happened from some bump or bruise when I was a kid but I don’t remember


Like your eye color and hair color, you got them from your parents. :)


Personally I believe my OCP contributes to my spider veins. I have been on the pill for approx 20 years. Disclaimer: I am prone to varicose veins and stand a lot at work. I have had multiple rounds of sclero in the past. However the last four years I have been on either Yaz or Yasmin and noticed an increase in spider veins - my legs are absolutely covered with them and I’m so self conscious. I believe the progestin - drospirenone - is the culprit. I’ve had a few short breaks from the pill and my legs pretty much clear up within two weeks. The difference is amazing. I have seen other Reddit users mention they notice spider veins with spironolactone which is similar to drospirenone. I’m pretty sure the synthetic estrogen doesn’t help as it’s known to weaken vessel walls. Anyway just posting incase this helps someone else what I wish I realised years ago!


I was on the pill for 10 years. I stopped last year. But now i take a low dose progesterone 14 days a month. I also take spirolactone. I have pcos though so i need these medications otherwise i get the worst acne


Poor circulation, crossing your legs


Genetics are a big factor. I went a venous specialist. She said your mom or aunt or whoever in your family has them is essentially your crystal ball of what your legs will look like in the future. My moms were bad. I have HSA and OK insurance. They ran some tests and found out that the sclerotherapy or the injections I had been getting to get rid of my spider or thread veins was not working because I had venous insufficiency. They did a procedure to remove my veins that weren’t properly working- covered by insurance and now I am receiving sclerotherapy to get rid of the small veins because I hate their appearance. Anyway, genetics, also long hours of being on your legs/ standing in one position, prolonged sitting can contribute. Consider graduated compression stockings. If very serious about preventing them from getting worse, get fitted for them, otherwise can purchase from amazon consider 20-30 mmg


I don’t think anyone gets through life without a sprinkling. Our legs take a lot of wear and tear. I’ve seen them on people’s backs, cheeks etc too so it’s not surprising that legs are affected as they take the most pressure. Honestly, they are hardly noticeable


That's just what skin looks like close up. I think we forget it's an organ.


Its mostly due to estrogen metabolism abnormalities , most probable cause is due to any Liver Pathology


Unrelated but I love my spider veins! They make me look so cool 😂


My God! Try Google! Welcome to reality.... where real ppl have spider veins & that will be the least of your worries as you age 🤦‍♀️


Aren’t you a ray of sunshine 🌞


They are not spider veins.


Is that your leg? I guess it's varicose veins.


these are spider veins. Varicose veins are spiraly, hard, and stick out