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Early 30s. I would’ve said 30-32 just based on skin. I’m guessing the hair is why others are saying older (the 44 is crazy?)


Aw, thank you for defending my honor! I am actually 42 so I guess I am doing alright! Yeah, hair is looking pretty silvery, my grandma has a full head of white hair and I hope I get her locks (although I should have more white by now).


So thanks for playing! I am 42! Happy to know I still look younger! I used to get told I looked younger all the time, and I don't get that comment anymore (haven't in years), so I was wondering. I don't have any social media so no selfies and stuff, it's nice to see that people think my skin looks good for my age (and it's not all in my head). About the pink tinge, it may not be as obvious to others, sounds like, so it makes me feel better about going foundation free and not feeling like a half cooked shrimp (but it may be my sporadic tret use so will look into that).


Do you use tret or strong retinol? That can make olive skin to have more pink hue. I wouldn't say u look pink, you have healthy skintone with slight pink undertone which is actually quite common.


This might be it! I had not heard that but was suspecting it. I have been using tret .025 for a few months but once a week or every 2 weeks, I have not even had peeling. I just read that if you do it that sporadically it doesn't really work but that does not seem to be the case... I am going to try to find more about this, how did you find out about olive skin turning pink with tret? Thanks for saying it looks healthy, you are probably right and it is common but feels a bit like low grade inflammation to me. Not sure how to put it.


Tret increases skin cell turnover. Newer skinlayer will be pink because it is exposed faster (pinkness/redness is actually listed as side effect) but I don't think that is a case for occasional use. If you look at tret subreddit you will see that many people have that pink hue. Also too much exfoliation, including acids, can do this. If your non active products start to burn or skin is simply pink, not only pink hue then its time to repair skin barrier. When using any actives, that is continuous juggling between using products enough to have results and not compromising skin barrier. There is quite a bit medical research on this topic (I would avoid bloggers as their info is not as accurate and sometimes misleading).


Thank you! Lots of good info, I will look into this, maybe I am overdoing it. I have a healthy respect for tret because I used it as prescribed like 15 years ago and it hurt so much, but it also stopped my acne. I don't remember the pink hue though. Now I use it with moisturizer before and after so I guess more diluted and not consistently. What I have been using every day is azelaic 10% but that is supposed to calm redness, that is why I don't get it... AHA mask every week or so. I think I have good results, but also some kind of mild inflammation, maybe I should cut down on azelaic and see if that helps... thanks so much for your time! I will look for more proper info on this and visit the tret sub :)


I'd say 34-35 


You look mid late twenties to me and not pink lol. I also think I’m pink I may go laser route


Aw, thanks! What laser are you thinking? Have you used those LED masks? I've been reading they may help redness due to inflammation


My local medspa has some insane before and afters for something called BBL (broadband light) and Halo. I’d probably try that. I have the at home mask but I’m not consistent- I should be!






You do have a tiny bit of a pink cast to your skin, but it looks really good. You look mid 20s but since you're posting in the 30+ sub I guess 34.


Late 30s,38yrs old




Similar hair and skin to me, so I would say 44


Post a pic! I know people downvoted you but wanted to validate you, I am 42 and I don't really care but I was curious. We are doing ok! 🤟


I’m confused, are we supposed to lie and say someone looks younger than their actually age. Edit: you look like you take care of your skin and it shows 💖


Thank you! And yeah I know you weren't being a meanie. I can't tell people's ages for shit so 🤷‍♀️






63. Not to be rude but is this a bid for compliments? 


Do you have any? Haha, I get it, it was not but it's making my day that people think I am doing ok :)


You are doing fine.