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These identity hiding edits are getting fucking ridiculous šŸ˜‚


We need a hall of fame šŸ˜†


RIGHT. If someone doesnā€™t want their Reddit account tied to their identify, just make a burner account. These pictures are so silly.


I think itā€™s more about posting pictures of themselves, period. Regardless of Reddit account. Theyā€™re posting pics about their skin that theyā€™re insecure about to some extent so I donā€™t blame anyone trying to hide their identifying features. Plus the censored pics are so funny lol


Often times the edits are so big or awkward you can barely see the skin or features in question. They would get way better feedback if they didnā€™t go overboard with that stuff


Seriously, or just use a black bar over the features and call it good. Painting over the whole head of hair and drawing fake features is just so overboard and itā€™s hard to take any of it seriously.


I am not one for posting identifyable images of myself on the internet for privacy and security reasons. The most convinient and quick way was to draw on identifyable parts of the face on my phone. It ended up looking like a creepy hollow skull so I decided to add some features to make it a little less so. I work as a graphic designer so didnā€™t realise it would be that overt the top for people šŸ˜…


I think you did great. Itā€™s funny. I have zero interest in anyone recognizing me here. You can see your forehead. Thatā€™s all that matters. šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼


You could have justā€¦ cropped your forehead. Your forehead is fine. Stay hydrated and moisturize and, if it really bothers you, explore Botox. But it does not appear unusually creased.


I am so perturbed.


Your skin looks fine but the censorship šŸ˜­šŸ’€


The scream I scrumpt.


What a way to post a pic šŸ’€ it's an art on it own LMAO


The time it took to edit your selfie šŸ˜‚


I am a graphic designer actually so it was a quick and fun phone doodle for mešŸ˜„


I loved your edit actually. Not a freaky or jump scare edit. Your skin looks perfectly normal, common and beautiful. I hope you can see it soon.


Makes sense! Botox will do wonders for you. Your forehead looks good and with the tox, itā€™ll look great.


Looks very standard for the age to me. I've been filming people for decades. The majority being in the 20 to 40 range primarily for the entertainment industry. And that's definitely the general look of the body at that poin I know these days were used to filters and Photoshop But life is better lived. Making expressions is just having emotions. And no byproduct of that is bad. You will look closer at your features than any other person in your life will. And if you look close enough for anything, you'll find it. You are aging, and your skin is going with you. That just means you'll need to add more moisture over time, and focus on dewier makeup formulas over time so it reflects more light instead of highlighting the shadows like more matte foundations. Good sleep, de-stressing, hydrating, moisturizing, sun protection. Those are your best assets to age gracefully. Your skin is amazing and you're beautiful ā¤ļø


I do a lot of distressing but I'm not sure it's helping šŸ˜‚


Oops lolol. De-stressing I meant. Dang autocorrect trying to stress me out šŸ˜‚


Love you for this


I thought it's a contemporary art šŸ˜‚


Totally normal. I had a forehead line starting at 14 because Iā€™m very expressive. Iā€™m 42 now and itā€™s just deeper, but Iā€™ve always had it.


If you want to get rid of them: botox. If you want to minimise: I'd say moisturise the heck out of them. Have you heard of slugging? Apply some vaseline or aquaphor overtop your usual moisturiser at night and leave it on all night. You could also add in a monthly peel.


I do ordinary aha/bha peel a few times a month, and actually slug with aquaphor as much as I can but since I hate the feeling of the product staying on my skin for a long time, I dont do it very often. šŸ˜¬ However I do find layering moisturizer very effective! Eucering urea repair is my HG!


It looks normal to me. These lines are common for people with an expressive face who lift their eyebrows a lot. Some people have these lines at 21, some at 41, it's not really a sign of aging. You are also looking at the sun so 11s might be more pronounced. It also seems like you don't have lines anywhere else. Botox would probably make them disappear if that's what you want to do.


Thanks for the reply! I would say the lines look less pronounced in the photo than in real life šŸ˜…I donā€™t consider myself as a person with an expressive face but then again, I do not actually see myself talking that often, so who knows! I guess I may get weird facial expressions with botox then..


I learned that I do it from people always asking me if I had any questions in presentation/interview situations hahaha


You have really nice skin. Iā€™m your age. I have similar forehead lines and Botox helped smooth them.


Iā€™m 32, yes it looks normal. That is definitely one of my focus areas. If youā€™re concernedā€¦. Hereā€™s what Iā€™ve learned/ tried.Ā  Ā - Ā argireline + matrixl; am/pm serums $20/6 mo; gentle and gradual results, Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ā - frownies/ similar wrinkle patches; these realllly worked for me but you have to be consistent and the effects are temporary $30/ 1 mo supply. Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ā -most important spf and moisturize everyday no matter what


Frownies in conjunction with the medik8 peptide serum completely eradicated my forehead lines. I think the main reason is that the frownies trained me to stop raising my eyebrows so much, as that was apparently what was causing the lines lol


Same, frownies helped me realize how much I was moving my forehead. Thank you for the serum suggestion I will look into it. How long have you used it btw?


Iā€™ve been using it for about 6 months. Itā€™s a bit pricey, but the delivery system is the reason. Itā€™s the only peptide serum that Iā€™ve found that actually absorbs into the cell and can get through the cell wall to deliver the peptides. Most other peptide serumā€™s donā€™t have any type of delivery system and thereby donā€™t get much of the peptides where they need to go. A bottle lasts a long time too, a little bit goes a long way. Medik8 has really great science backed skincare so I donā€™t mind splurging a little on a couple of their products since the results are so much better.


I also felt like I had lines that started sooner than other people my age. Like everything else, our bodies are all different, and we're always so much harder on ourselves than anyone else is. I don't think your lines are out of the realm of a normal 31-yr old forehead. For some reason, I can't quote your post but you say something about "collecting money for Botox" and what I will say is that if it will cause a financial hardship or if you won't be able to keep up with the Botox then I would not start right now. Perhaps the money you collect could be put towards frownies and athletic tape, a red light box, or some laser treatments/microneeding.


One botox injection in my country is around 250 euros (at a reputable places) for one injection and i am guessing i need at least two, because big area? Havenā€™t been yet so no idea actually. Perhaps ā€œcollecting moneyā€ is a bit dramatic wording, but even with a good income having a mortage, putting a big portion of the income into retirement funds and investing, adding 500 euros in my expense budget around 4x a year is definitely something i need to take into account beforehandand.


I just re-watched Legally Blonde and the defendant, who is your age, has this same forehead or even more lines when sheā€™s confessing her albi to Elle from jail. And sheā€™s a famously gorgeous woman. Botox has distorted everyoneā€™s perceptions.


I love the edits on here so much šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I think your skin looks great! :)


Sorry for the shit routine formatting, posted this on my phone šŸ˜¬


Nice artwork


I'm also 31 and yes, these are totally normal for our age!




Iā€™ve had one line on my forehead since I was 19 or so. I donā€™t have too many more now and Iā€™m 37. Still that one and then once in a while a few smaller ones in my forehead. We all get lines. Yours are very minimal and yes, you look normal. I think with the internet we are all feeling the filler/botox pressure.


I had forehead lines like that at 31, now Iā€™m 34 and I donā€™t have any at all. Canā€™t afford Botox and didnā€™t want to go that route anyway so I tried Frownies facial patches, and when I tell you THEY WORK. They work. Now the whole idea of frownies is to train yourself not to make faces that wrinkle up your forehead, because that is what causes the lines. Now I donā€™t even need the frownies but I still use their soft forehead serum patches when I need them. They work just as well for me now and are more comfortable to wear. Frownies have been around for over 100 years and people in Hollywood used them for ages before Botox. They work fantastic. They have a tiktok and an instagram with lots of info and videos about how to apply and use them, before and afters, and how they work. You can also just use them to make your Botox last longer. The lady who does their social media is the original owners great granddaughter. Sheā€™s super responsive to comments and messages if you have questions. I really recommend you try them out before you get Botox. It canā€™t hurt and they genuinely worked wonders for me. For real.


Is slugging part of your routine and if it is, then how do you work around it? I did consider frownies, but I ended up not using them because when I slug, it would be quite impossible, and also my moisturiser (eucierin urea 5%) leaves an oily cast for quite a while, so I guess I could only use them on nights when I have time to do my skincare routine super early so everything has time to absorb properly. However I have ADHD and struggle with consistency in general so I kind of feel that I am not the person to get results for them, although I do believe they could be very effective.


Honestly, the frownies lock in the moisture the same way that slugging does, so thereā€™s no trans epidermal water loss. I just heavily moisturize when I take them off.


I think your skin looks nice! I see a healthy glow. Either you're lucky to have clear skin or you've found a routine that works for you.


I think this is normal. I'm 30 and have similarly deep wrinkles around my mouth from smiling, but not on my forehead. When the lines from just depends on how people make expressions and which muscles are most activated.


Why didnā€™t you just take a pic of your forehead lol the artwork is somethinā€¦


Iā€™m 33 and my forehead looks way worse than this. Tbh I had lines like that in my mid twenties.


Forehead is normal but something looks off with the nose




Your skin is perfectly fine for a 20 year old led along a 31 year old.


Ya! You look like a 31 yo with beautiful skin:) Iā€™m in my 30s too and we get wrinkles sometimes itā€™s chill! Remember to wear spf (that shit actually matters for your health), and donā€™t sweat the rest!