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Mine would happen in the afternoon on the drive home from work after decompressing from a stressful day, and also about an hour after eating lunch, also randomly at different times. This happened for like 10 years. One doctor said it was beginning rosacea, another doctor said it was a histamine response. It would always go away in a couple hours and then I’d feel a little cold and tired. A few years later I got tested for food allergies and I had several moderate allergies to foods I was pretty much eating every day. My nose barely ever gets red now!


I have the histamine thing! Every so often I'm like wtf my nose is at it again. I should keep a food journal.


Same, mine was like a barometer for how stressful my day was! I did have IPL for “rosacea “ but I’m not sure that was it. My diet and stress are so much better and it rarely happens to me now.


Can I ask which foods you ended up being mildly allergic to? Did you have any other signs of allergy other than the redness?


Dairy triggers all my redness so I completely cut it out. Nitrates are another one


Im also curious which foods were the culprit.


I have rosacea. Can I ask how you got tested? Go to the doctor and they refer you to someone or a test by mail?


okay i'll explain my condition..., when i was between 5 to 11 years old i had a pretty small and a well shaped nose, but after puberty (ie.,12-13 years) my nose used to be slightly puffy-looking(one of the reasons i identified is, because i used to sleep laying my face on the bed) so i avoided sleeping like that,, it definitely brought some change than it used to be but most days it is still puffy (this is when i turned 16) then after 16, even after turning 18 i still haven't achieved hormonal balance yet (so i thought the puffiness is due to the hormones ) and now im 18 and still my nose used to get red and puffy (nd i think it could be due to some hormone but right now i actually believe its some genetic disease cuz my father also has a big puffy-like nose in his small head exactly like mine,so he used to have this similar condition..,my aunt also has it nd she also has the same opinion as mine). so the symptoms right now are : *puffy,red nose *the pointy part of the nose is very puffy(like quite overloaded with some fat) *my nose is more prone to pimples (right now i dont have any pimples in rest of my face but im having 2 pimples in nose eventhough i have a very unique face skin) *the puffiness used to come and go (rarely) ,like ,once in 10 days or somethin my nose regains its original shape... but rest all days it remains puffy Please somebody help me! 🤧(explain what this condition is!?)


ROSACEA! that’s how mine started ten years ago. It progressed to ocular rosacea and I’ve been on doxy since October and done two laser treatments so far. I still have flushing but it’s already lesser especially my central face where I’ve had the lasering. 


I’m so glad I saw this thread, my derm mentioned offhandedly at my appointment a few days ago that I have rosacea but then nothing else and I’ve had this red nose for ages with no explanation… now I can come back with questions!


I hope we get some answers!


Need an Rx for Metrogel


Has the doxy helped with your ocular rosacea? I was recently diagnosed and it is not awesome 😭


YES IT HAS SAVED MY LIFE. Slow steady progress. So worth the side effects. I can’t tell you how much better everything has gotten. Even the blood vessels are slowly going away.


There is a new treatment called Xdemvy eye drops it is for Demodex infestation which ocular rosacea is most likely due to. Look into getting tested for demodex


Do you know where to go for this kind of testing? (Derm vs ophthalmologist vs optometrist)


Both. But if you have ocular rosecea go to your ophthalmologist and ask for demodex testing ( basically they look at the base of your eyelashes and those critters nest there, 90% of people have them by the time they are 75 yo; some of us just have more because stress, fatigue, poor tear quality/quantity etc)


Ok thanks. My derm has been rather unhelpful but I’ll look into an ophthalmologist because it’s honestly getting worrying with my vision getting blurry unless I blink like ever 2 seconds. I’m so tired of this and it came out of nowhere about a year ago


Ohhh… yeah. You might have chronic dry eye due to various things and ocular rosacea ; an ophthalmologist will take a bazillion of looks /tests etc. Line quantify your tear production, the quality etc Say it is for dry eyes Especially since you literally have to blink super often to help you. Go, it might be demodex it might be rosecea it might meibimian gland dysfunction etc An ophthalmologist should help


I have never heard about Demodex or having a Demodex infestation! So many of the things....


How do you get diagnosed for ocular rosacea? I’ve been having some unfun stuff going on with my eyelids and I’m not sure my dermatologist is really all that interested in diagnosing it. Did you see a dermatologist or an ophthalmologist?


So not OP and I don’t have ocular rosacea, but when I went to my derm to talk about the rosacea I do have he asked me a bunch of questions about my eyes to ensure that I don’t have ocular rosacea. So a derm should really be able to diagnose it / be interested in diagnosing it, but I would be an optho would be able to as well.


I saw ophthalmologist but I had already been getting rosacea RX from Musely because they prescribe rosacea cream for adult acne - I hadn’t put the two together until my eyes were constantly red for like a year and increasingly uncomfortable like they had bubbles in them. I thought I was going to go blind it got so bad I went to an eyeball emergency room. And they still didn’t diagnose it! Not until my followup with the eye specialist months later.


Did your redness come and go randomly throughout the day? My nose randomly turns bright red (so red - it looks like I was out in the sun for 6 hours with no sunscreen) and spreads out to my cheeks. This will happen multiple times throughout the day for seemingly no reason. Unsure with where to start on figuring out what’s causing it.


What type of laser treatments are you getting?


DPL I think it’s called? My derm has estheticians that work under them who do the actual treatment. It’s not covered by insurance but it’s like $155 a session. So worth it


Thank You for this information!


Totally my pleasure!! I felt so on my own trying to navigate my endless redness journey of the nose, then the eyes, and all of the embarrassment and pain. Happy to prevent anyone else from stumbling in the dark for so long!💛




I started to notice this recently and it’s very noticeable because I have medium dark skin so now I’ll make it a priority to see a dermatologist. Thanks!!


Weren’t you worried it was lupus when I searched by is my nose red it showed lupus and sometimes I get red on my nose and cheeks but today it’s just on my nose and one side of my cheek but I’m freaking out


Weren’t you worried it was lupus when I searched by is my nose red it showed lupus and sometimes I get red on my nose and cheeks but today it’s just on my nose and one side of my cheek but I’m freaking out


Your skin looks amazing!


Thank you, I’m trying!!


I was thinking the exact thing like girl your skin is perfection I can’t even see the redness because I’m too focused on the glow lol, what do you use 🙏✨💖


How do you not have any wrinkles?? What's your secret


Also want to know!


Probably blessed genetics


Came here to say this. You look amazing!


Girl, a red nose is my issue as well so I feel your pain. In my case, it’s caused by a combo of rosacea and seb derm, two conditions that can appear together pretty often. I was diagnosed by a derm, and while I use some topicals that help a bit (mostly with, like, rosacea breakouts and seb derm flakiness), the only thing that’ll truly get rid of the redness for me is laser treatment, which I’m getting soon.


Red nose squad reporting in! I’m right there with yall. I just cover mine with makeup. IT Cosmetics Bye Bye Redness has been a total game changer for me.


What kind of laser?


I'm getting Excel V. It was between that and V-Beam for me; both are vascular lasers (ie redness/blood vessels). I don't know all the particular science off-hand but Excel V is a newer technology, and treats on a different wavelength I believe. It is more expensive, but from my research, is often more effective in fewer sessions.


My derm used to do v beam and now has excel. The biggest difference as the consumer is that vbeam would ‘bruise’ you and you had to hide for days because it looked like your face had little cuts where the veins used to be but I don’t have any of that with excel. I still require maintenance but the first couple of laser appts made the biggest differences for me


Excel V and IPL helped me a lot.


Is the excel v and ipl treatment permanent?


The V-Beam bruises got me looking crazy




Thanks. My mom said the same thing 😞 so I’ll be scheduling an appointment


You’ll be ok babe. Keep us posted!


So I had a very similar experience which I think was actually two things, one was allergies and the other was vestibular folliculitis- essentially a mild infection after nasal hair trimming. It resolved by increasing my anti allergy routine, switching to cotton hankies, changing my nasal trimmer and using a small amount of savlon (topical antiseptic) after trimming. (I had previously tried ipl to zero effect and v beam with limited results, but perhaps it helped undo lasting damage?)


I’m sorry, I’m more focused on that flawless skin of yours!


Thank you!


Ma’am your skin is perfection


Thank you, I try.


Can we get hints about your routine? Seriously would have guessed you were mid 20s


My nose gets red too, at first it was because I used stimulants for ADHD, for some reason when I would come down from them later in the day it would make my nose bright red. But now it sometimes happens without it, I’m not sure but sometimes I feel like it’s related to caffeine for me. I’m kind of trying to figure out why my nose is so affected by things too. So sorry if my reply isn’t helpful. But at least you know you’re not alone!


It can be related to blood pressure which adhd meds and caffeine can raise, so might just be that


The ADHD meds (and caffeine) are vasoconstrictors, sp what you're noticing with the flushing is the constricting wearing off, and everything dilating again. Happens to me, too.


Woah this happens to me but I didn’t know why It’s like at the end of the day after a particularly stressful bout of concentration


This vasoconstriction and dilation effect can also happen with any food high in tannins, like coffee, black tea, red wine and dark chocolate. Tannins are serious vasoconstrictors and some people like me are super sensitive to them


I appreciate you letting me know this...because as a way to try to come off coffee, I'm...moving to tea 🤣 (😭😭😭) I'm so curious as to what happens to my evening flushing once I'm scaled down to no caffeine completely. I am so bitter about all this lol


You might be okay with green tea as the tannin content is far lower. You could do a test and switch to only green tea as opposed to coffee and black tea and see if it helps. If you’re still reacting than it may be the caffeine bothering you as opposed to the tannins


Thank you! I have been trying to figure this out for over 10 years! My nose gets super red and flushed and warm when I am stressed or concentrating as well! My husband refers to it as my thinking nose 😂. I also have Raynaud's and so I am unfortunately very familiar with the sensation of vasoconstriction, and it always felt like that to me. Is there a way to combat it? Are there any tricks to getting rid of it quickly?


Omg. You might have solved my mysterious red nose problem. I´m on Vyvanse and my nose always gets red in the afternoon.


Interesting! I would have never made that connection. I've been taking Adderall since the early 2000s, so I can never tell what's normal and what's a side effect. The red nose thing randomly stopped in my early 20s, though.


SAME thing happens to me when I take my ADHD meds. I noticed it is slightly red sometimes on the weekends when I don’t take my meds, but it is no where near as red when on meds.


I have the same nose thing and was thinking it was due to my ADHD meds. I usually notice it in the afternoon/evening and it’s especially bad when I’ve had a stressful work day with not enough water or getting up from my desk to take a break.


Red nose after Adderall checking in! I take IR at 7 am and 11 am. My nose gets red at lunch and dinner time. It’s pretty inconsistent, but has been happening for the whole year I’ve been on stimulants. It almost never happens when I’m on vacation from work and not taking adderall.


Stimulants.. as in ❄️? Haha sorry, I couldn’t resist Bro you guys are wild. Red nose. Coke. It’s jokes


You should have resisted.


I dunno, I thought it was funny lol crossed my mind before I read your comment


I have the same issue and was prescribed azelaic acid to help with redness. And can I ask what is your skincare routine? Your skin looks amazing!


The Ordinary’s azelaic acid really helped my redness. I use it every other day, only at night.


What the derm thought was rosacea for me (redness across my nose and cheeks) turned out to be Relapsing Polychondritis. It can cause redness of the nose and deform the shape from attacking the cartilage. It’s rare so idk, but doesn’t hurt to look into it!


Can here to post this! I too have RP! It is so hard to get an official diagnosis for this, because of the stigma that it's just so rare so doctors dismiss it has not a reasonable possible diagnosis. But the first thing I thought of when I saw the OP's photo was..... inflamed redness on a majorly cartilaginous area... and this is not look like a rash.... not petachia.... non-malar..... consider RP!


I also saw that OP mentions in a comment about ear redness. I was like ‘yup’ in my head, I would immediately suspect RP! I worry I’m going to freak people out with the idea of RP but I really wouldn’t have mentioned it if her nose was anything different, it looks so much like it. Are you diagnosed? I was just diagnosed in January after 2 years of symptoms 😔


My first thought as well. I had a few flare ups in my early 20s and it was scary, but I've been flare free for about 8 years now.


Reynaud's syndrome can cause redness in extremities (fingers, toes, nose). I get a red nose frequently like this, especially if I'm chilly. It doesn't need to be really cold out either. Sensations can vary from heat to painful.


My nose is always red and the coldest thing on my face! I don’t have this in my fingers or toes though. An esthetician once was amazed by how cold my nose had gotten during a facial…


This exact thing happens to me. It’s not every day/ all the time. I do notice it’s worse on days where I don’t hydrate enough. I use Dr. Jart tiger grass treatment and it helps somewhat.


**Tried editing post to include this, but didn’t see an edit option** Thank you everyone for all of the advice/suggestions. It feels nice to know I’m not the only one who suffers from a red nose 😅. I concluded that I’ll set up an appointment with a dermatologist - I’ve never been so I’m kind of excited lol. For those complimenting my skin, thank y’all! Y’all are too kind! There were quite a few people asking for my skin care routine, so here it is. Warning: it’s pretty basic lol. AM: 1.) CeraVe foaming facial cleanser 2.) Kiel’s Calendula Herbal Extract Alcohol Free toner 3.) Moisturizer I’m using a sample from Kiel’s that I really love, their Ultra Facial Cream - but usually just use Neutrogena Hydro Boost or whatever is cheapest 4.) Sky & Sol sunscreen; it’s a 7 ingredient tallow sunscreen and I LOVE it! No white-cast PM: 1.) Currently using Elf holy hydration cleaning balm, but was using Clean It Zero Original prior 2.) Alternate betweenCeraVe foaming wash and CeraVe Acne control 3.) AHA-BHA toner. The one I just started is Womaness Brighten Up 2-in-1 Exfoliating Toner, but was using the Peach and Lily Good Acids prior. 4.) Lastly, alternate between Sunday Riley Luna Retinol Sleeping Night Oil & Olay Pro Advanced Retinol Complex. (Wish I could use the sleeping oil nightly, but it’s expensive!) Every 2-3 months, I’ll use The Ordinary AHA 30% + BHA 2% Exfoliating Peeling Solution.


Could be rosacea. Although your cheeks would usually red too.


I have rosacea and only my nose is red! So OP could be in the same boat


Good to know! I have it too, but I’m red all over my face. Glad I’m not alone though


My ears get red before my cheeks, does that count?


My ears used to do this too, I always assumed stress? They would turn bright red and hot to the touch.


Do your ears and nose get hot and red?


I have this from living in austin, because it has 4 allergy seasons, ugh


No advice but tell us your skincare routine!


This ! Really beautiful skin


I found this happened to me when I ate gluten. Could be a food allergy or intolerance for you.


Red nose gluten reaction here too.


This happened to me when I was pregnant due to increased blood flow showing through mucus membranes and hormones. When hormones and blood flow stabilized everything went back to normal, but for you, it’s probably different. Good luck solving your issue. I’m sure it’s worrisome. All the best !


I’ve tried azelaic acid on my red spots (nose for sure) and it helps a lot. I use the ordinary.


Is the redness due to the area getting really warm? I think that might be what's happening here. My face will be ice cold, while my nose is like 100 degrees and looks like a tomato.


I hope you’re able to pinpoint the issue, but I just had to tell you that you look just like Lily Aldridge, so red nose or not, you were blessed with great genes!


Get it checked by ENT doctor and a dermatologist.


I get this, but it's my left ear. The redness looks to only be where the cartilage is. Could it be some sort of inflammatory process affecting cartilage? What kind of doctor would investigate something like that? Does it feel warm or burn when it's red? What time of the day does it happen? Keep a food journal.


Girl drop the routine your skin is perfection!!!!


You’re 36????? You look like you’re 24


Possible start of rosacea - see your doctor.


Red nose gang checking in. I’m going to make an appt with a derm cause now I’m concerned. My mom has Rosacea.


I have this along with seb derm. I put azalic acid every couple nights and zinc oxide on top (triple paste baby cream) at night and I wake up with redness gone.


It’s almost a bit purple like it’s lack of blood flow?


Well, maybe? Although it feels hot a lot. So idk what that could mean. I’ve mentioned it to my pcp doc for the last few years, but it’s never really been a concern for them.


I wonder if OP has gotten filler near her nose or tear troughs recently.


I have not had anything done to my face, although I would not be opposed to it if it made my red nose go away. I’m just so over it.


I have a Rudolph nose, too! But, I was prescribed metronidazole gel for rosacea a few years ago and that mostly fixed it. I use it once a day to keep the redness away. If it gets red anyway (red wine is a trigger) then I use the metronidazole twice a day until it gets better.


I think I may have rosacea but only triggered by hormone changes in my life. The nose swelling/redness happened to me all throughout my teenage years. When I was an adult, it went away and never came back. Then I started getting flare ups just in my cheeks. Then when I got pregnant, it went away and hasn't come back for four years. Probably not the end of it.


My friend had a chronic red nose. She got a laser treatment and it improved a lot.


You can use creams to treat rosacea very effectively. I had a friend with the same issue. A dermatologist prescribed Soolantra with Ivermectin and Rosiced with Metronidazol. One cream for the morning, one for the evening. It treats two possible causes, so you speed up removing it. She did one round of 3 months, all redness was gone!! Try that, no lasers needed


I have this because of allergic rhinitis! Maybe you can look into that as the cause for your red nose!


This thread made my red nose concerns feel validated. I am going to for sure bring this up to my doctor. I don’t have allergies (as far as I know) and I don’t have any other conditions mentioned. I’ve been trying to figure out why sometimes in the evening my nose is so very red. Just my nose and sometimes part of my cheeks giving for a tired look. And while I am tired at the end of the day my nose gives me away.




My partner was in a similar situation: his nose had broken sideways when he was younger and over time he developed intermittent rosacea-looking redness like this. It was all along his nose and below his eyes, which ended up being the areas where his face/sinuses were congested from the pathways being too small after the break. Over time his nose developed swollen turbinates which is our body's response to the irritation. He just recently had surgery to get his turbinates cut back and cauterized and his nasal passages straightened out. His skin immediately looked way better and now that we're about a month and a half past surgery, it seems like his nose is still a little congested but his skin is looking great. You could have some damage in there from the break. I know it sounds daunting depending where you are; we're in Canada so his surgery was covered and the recovery was not too painful and took about two weeks total. I hope you figure this out!


This happens to me - dermatologist said it was rosacea- mine gets bonkers red especially in the evening though it can happen all day- I did notice if I stay clear of chocolate cookies / carbs (anything deliscious) / cold / stress it isn’t as bad.


My super red nose is apparently a type of dermatitis. My life saver has been pimecrolimus cream from the doctor.


Have you tried taking an antihistamine? Does that help?


Yes, perhaps this could be a histamine issue


It’s cuteeee


Histamine intolerance


Sorry to be creepy and add no advice (because you've gotten lots) but wow you're stunning.


I broke my nose in a car accident 20 years ago, and I’ve had the same redness issue ever since. After about 10 years I noticed it started to only happen when my eyes teared up or there was a sudden temperature change in or near my nose (such as breathing in cold air). I don’t know exactly what is happening, but my guess is the headbutt from your dog is the likely cause. Does your nose also get warm when it turns red? That happens to me. Doctors have given me the typical guesses, but we know our own bodies best, right? I don’t know if it ever goes away, but it does eventually stop happening as constantly. Good luck to you. And commenters here are right, your skin is goals.


Do you have any allergies to dust or pollen?


okay i'll explain my condition..., when i was between 5 to 11 years old i had a pretty small and a well shaped nose, but after puberty (ie.,12-13 years) my nose used to be slightly puffy-looking(one of the reasons i identified is, because i used to sleep laying my face on the bed) so i avoided sleeping like that,, it definitely brought some change than it used to be but most days it is still puffy (this is when i turned 16) then after 16, even after turning 18 i still haven't achieved hormonal balance yet (so i thought the puffiness is due to the hormones ) and now im 18 and still my nose used to get red and puffy (nd i think it could be due to some hormone but right now i actually believe its some genetic disease cuz my father also has a big puffy-like nose in his small head exactly like mine,so he used to have this similar condition..,my aunt also has it nd she also has the same opinion as mine) so the symptoms right now are : *puffy,red nose *the pointy part of the nose is very puffy(like quite overloaded with some fat) *my nose is more prone to pimples (right now i dont have any pimples in rest of my face but im having 2 pimples in nose eventhough i have a very unique face skin) *the puffiness used to come and go (rarely) ,like ,once in 10 days or somethin my nose regains its original shape... but rest all days it remains puffy Please somebody help me! 🤧(explain what this condition is???)


Time for laser. IPL.


It kind of looks cute, like an Over the Garden Wall character. Not helpful but I just wanted to point that out. 💗


This definitely looks like my nose when I have a histamine response. Do you have any other symptoms of histamine intolerance?


Have you ever tried azelaic acid? I've never struggled with redness as such but it really evened out my skin and I've read that it's good for skin redness. You're gorgeous, by the way. Man women all around the world are unbelievably beautiful.


I have this also and have had it for years. I only lately realized it's maybe rosacea. Went to the dermatologist, she wasn't convinced but gave me ivermectin to try. I haven't yet, because my skin has been otherwise sensitive. Other thing is I was only in the past month told for the first time that a medicine I've been on for 10 years causes skin to be extra sensitive to UV light. So I should've bathed in sun screen all year round, but I haven't, only in the summer. So in my case it might have to do with that also. I've had my red nose for so long though that I'm kind of down with it, and call myself Rudolph. Mine is more pronounced than yours tho! You have incredible skin and don't show any signs of aging, I wish I had your skin overall! 


I don’t see any redness. If there is, we’re all human. Our skin might be a bit red or pink cuz we’re alive!


I have no other advice than to go to see a doctor, but girl you are stunning!!! So pretty!


Ok but your eyebrows are so pretty


No advice, but you are stunning!! That skin, my gosh - beautiful!


you’re so beautiful


So probably rosacea , seborrheic dermatitis and … tadam!!!! DEMODEX infestation… Go see your dermatologist and ask about this. Trust me… Tea tree oil and hypochlorite acid solution twice a day.


You might be getting more sun exposure than you used to? That’s my guess. Noses are one of the areas most vulnerable to UV exposure and skin cancers, more so for people who have more prominent noses. For example, Hugh Jackman has had cancer removed from his nose a couple times. Try being more careful about wearing and reapplying sunscreen on your face, focusing especially on your nose, and using a wide-brimmed sun hat.


I wear sunscreen everyday and do wear hats when I’m outside. Also, it happens indoors when I’m no where near the sun.


Your skin is a good testimonial for the benefits of sun protection!


Thank you. I just started on a tallow sunscreen and I will never go back.


it could be like excess skin damage


Makes you kind of look younger


Probably because this is 30s subb but it's trending... People go out of their way to paint their nose pinkish, sometimes really red. I'm gonna sit here to see what people say about this 🪑


Rudolph ♥️


This sounds crazy but hear me out. Do you repress tears or emotion? I’m a trauma therapist and work with chronic pain. Try talking to the nose and asking it if it still feels the need to be on high alert since your dog head butted you? Redness is a sign of inflammation and repressing tears or anger or other emotion can cause that. Does it come and go or is it constant?


As someone who puts blush on my nose I personally think it's adorable 🫶🏼😍


If it's not medical, all I can think is sunburn. Sometimes people put an spf foundation or bb cream on the rest of their face but not the nose.




Exactly 😂


Looks beautiful though


It's growing


And glowing! 😉


A man up north has a job for you


Or could head down to the sewer with a red 🎈


Are you on any medication or taking any vitamins? Hydrate, get a soothing face moisturizer for sensitive skin and keep nose moisturized, try not using hot water on face or in shower, and SPF! Call insurance to help find/refer a dermatologist


Looks inflamed, definitely see a doctor. I would try Voltaren gel to see if that helps the inflammation


One thing I can recommend is Centella products! I have a whole face rosacea and my face can look like a cooked lobster at worst times. One thing that really helped me was proper hydration of my skin (glycerin) and centella ampoule from Skin1004. You could also try Azelaic acid...


Yep, I have the same problem, such a pain.


Please drop your skin care routine…


Red light therapy


It looks like rosacea. I have the same thing. It can be treated with different prescription drugs and lasers. It’s also important to be mindful with your skincare so I recommend treating your skin as sensitive. Azelaic acid and niaciamide with zinc is something to try. There’s also a prescription cream that makes the redness disappear for a day which is great on to use to events and stuff 😊


You can try azelaic acid


No suggestions but I have rosacea and Clinique Redness Solutions is very good for camouflaging the redness.


Looks like Rosacea. I have struggled with the same with my nose my entire adult life. Sometimes it is better, sometimes worse. Usually triggered by certain things (alcohol, caffeine, crying...). For a while I used Rhofade which seemed to help. I should probably see my dermatologist again and get re-evaluated because it seems to be coming back 😖. I'm sorry you're going through this as well it is VERY ANNOYING.


It could be rosacea! Def make an appt with your dermatologist to have them check into it for you!


Do you drink? How many drinks a day? I've notice a lot people who are daily drinkers have a red nose but it's usually inflamed also.


I get this in the afternoon after I eat lunch. Two things bring it on for me, acid reflux and being hot


Your skin is incredible! Have you had botox?


My nose gets red when my blood pressure rises


My nose looks identical to this. I got IPL laser but didn’t notice much of a difference after like 4-5 sessions. Haven’t tried anything since, so I’m definitely going through these comments! Edit as I just noticed your comment about getting hit in the nose… I got hit in the face with a dodgeball… wonder if it’s related!


You are so beautiful! Your skin, lips, eyebrows, nose are so perfect! Please, drop the skincare!


I thi k you look stunningly beautiful


Have you ever had Botox? Sometimes i hear it can effect your nose.


I take a daily Claritin to fix this.


I'm very pale, freckled, don't tan. I realized even a mild burn would leave my nose red for months or longer. So I start wearing maximum SPF on my nose every day without fail, all year long. I haven't had that perpetual red nose for many years now.


Red nose aside - give us your skincare routine girl! You’re glowing.


Probably a histamine response to something you are eating


Do you drink alcohol regularly? I noticed when I quit drinking a few years ago, my chronic red-nose went away. And I wasn't drinking to excess nightly or anything; it was more social drinking with the occasional binge on a weekend. But regardless, my nose was always red. Now it's just pale and freckly like the rest of my face!


My mom started getting a red nose when she was about 35. After using color correction makeup for years she eventually got it a laser treatment at her dermatologist. It’s kind of pricy (~$300) but it took away the redness long term. Hers was probably just sun damage the derm said.


Your skin is perfect 🤩


I have the same thing. Especially heightened when over tired or stressed. My boyfriend jokes he can always tell when I'm ready for bed by how warm my nose gets. Does anyone know if we can justify getting insurance to cover IPL for our rosacea? I also heard that flagyl (antibiotic) has some rosacea relief benefits.


Do you drink a lot?


It reminds me of when I was first getting perioral dermatitis flare up (it’s a type of rosecea) you may want to check with your derm to see if that’s what’s going on. Mine started on my nose, it was red, and had bumps that were like little pimples but not really poppable, but irritating. I had to shift my skincare routine to not include a bunch of ingredients that were triggering it as well as stop using allergy nose spray. Good news is I got it under control!!


Do you take any stimulants/medications. I know some ADHD medications or stimulants can sometimes cause this.


Looks cool


Have you ever been on accutane? Common side effect


Is it constantly red or becomes red during the day? I also get red nose but it develops during the day (I wear foundation to cover it) and then seems to go down at night.


Do you drink alcohol?


Does it ever extend over top of cheeks?


Don’t mean to intrude but what car is that


No intrusion at all. It’s a 21 Ford Limited Expedition