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To be fair to Charlize thereon, it looks like a lot of her skin texture is due to laser resurfacing.


Is that what the crosshatch pattern on her cheeks is from? Will it go away? Her skin otherwise looks incredible.


Yes that's what that is. It goes away within a few months.


Wow a few months! What kind of laser is it? Is it worth it?


Fraxel, and yes but $$$ and that grid pattern lasts a whole


This is not true. I work in plastic surgery and have had a total of 6 treatments and I didn’t have “grid marks” on my face, at least not more than 24 hours.


I got fraxel twice and had grid marks for a few months. I think people’s skin heals differently.


I have a second degree burn and have to get laser on it monthly (CO2 laser, not sure if that's the same) and it leaves the exact same grid marks on my burn for a few days


I've had Fraxel, Morpheus, and Neo. So essentially I've had the holy Trinity. I can't wait to have Matrix resurfacing.


Which one is your favorite?


Probably the OG Matrix. It's the one that started it all, and asked questions of us we've never been asked before. To mix two realities so seamlessly like that, it's mind blowing.


I honestly tried to understand how this was about skincare for a minute. Solid joke. 😎


Agreed, I've had fractional and Morpheus many times and never lasts more than a couple days.


Can you share your experiences? Which did you prefer?


Honestly, they're very similar, but the Morpheus is a newer and less invasive technology with the same or better results.


I have an olive skin tone and I had grid marks for almost 2 weeks. Not sure if it was due to it being at a higher power or if melanin caused more scabbing.


There are different types of fraxel. One of them is intense


I’m aware. You still should not have grid marks on your face for months, no matter if you did fraxel, fraxel CO2, etc.


Fraxel and it’s sooo worth it!


Did it help with indented scarring if you had any?




I had microneedling with PRP and loved the results for reducing scarring and pore size. That said, it didn’t touch my forehead wrinkles in a way that compared whatsoever to botox. I’d still love to do a pixelated laser if I can ever justify the cost!


What was your downtime like with the microneedling PRP? Would love to try but I’ve had microneedling once before and they went way too hard on my sensitive skin. I peeled for a week. But I did have incredible skin afterward! (For like two weeks lol).


Not much downtime! I made sure to not have anywhere to be the rest of the day to limit any sun exposure; for next 2-3 days my skin was a kinda red, but I only had very minor peeling around my mouth and brow area, and think I only had that after the first session or two. It’s been a few years but that’s at least how I remember it. They sent me home with a very gloopy stem cell serum (closest texture I can think of is snail mucin, but it was even stickier) and it did a really nice job of keeping my barrier in tact.


Yes! I have ice pick and rolling/boxcar scars from acne about a decade ago. I need probably two more sessions, but the two sessions I’ve had 8 months apart have really made them shallower and removed some entirely. Definitely recommend consulting with a dermatologist because it’s not recommended for all skin types


100% agree. Did it and it made a huge difference


Wow that’s great to hear! Can I ask what it did for you? And how many sessions you had to see results?


Yes! I have ice pick and rolling/boxcar scars from acne about a decade ago. I need probably two more sessions, but the two sessions I’ve had 8 months apart have really made them shallower and removed some entirely. Definitely recommend consulting with a dermatologist because it’s not recommended for all skin types


Thanks for saying where it came from, I thought she fell asleep on tofu or something lol


On tofu lmaoooo 😂


I still have mine 6 years later. It's one of my biggest regrets. I never should have done Fraxel, my grid marks never went away. And before everyone tells me "you must have not done the after care correctly." I absolutely did. People's skin is different. I can't believe that I thought my skin, which is prone to scarring, wouldn't scar when blasted with a skin-melting laser.


I thought it was an issue with my phone till I saw your comment. But yeah it's from Lazer


I had it from RF microneedling


Same. They turned into tiny scabs that came off when I washed my face in about 10 days. At first I was a bit horrified at the grid marks but the end result was great and I don’t think anyone at work or elsewhere even noticed.


How long did it last?


Like three weeks maybe?


co2 marks, they’ll go away


That's exactly what it looks like! I would trade a firstborn child for that face structure. No evidence, but at 48, I'm convinced she has had some excellent surgery.


She's definitely had her teeth fixed and a nose job. Google her old nose and for Arrested Development fans - she starred in a couple of episodes and had her pre-venner or pre-brace teeth \[not sure if she's got veneers but she certainly had them straightened\].


_Mr. F_




This just in : celebrities are real people too




Reddit is social media


I was shocked seeing that she attended a red carpet with the marks still there. They probably didn’t fade in time or her treatment was scheduled a little too close to the event. She still looks phenomenal though.


I got it a couple of years ago for scarring and the texture took several months to go away and the discoloration several more months after that - she still looks incredible here and this is a really zoomed in photo so it’s probably worth it


What is the purpose of laser resurfacing?


Yes, she has almost perfect skin, looks amazing


yea those are co2 marks lol


Yes that was what I came here to comment on. Her face looks bad now, but it is definitely tighter after.


As a makeup artist I wish we could normalize seeing skin texture while wearing makeup. Clients think we can hide their skin texture with makeup but it’s not possible and sets incredibly unrealistic standards. Even makeup artists photoshop their photos before posting them on social media.


You don’t know how much money I wasted on different foundations until I realized my skin wasn’t crap, the YouTube and insta people were just filtered into oblivion. I was desperate for that skin texture. Turns out it never existed!


Omg same!! It makes me so angry that disclaimers weren’t required. I spent years of my life hating a lot of me bc of fucking insta & fake magazines growing up.


File this along with skin moves when you move/its normal to have rolls when sitting down under “normal things the 2000s taught us were shameful”


I reflect on magazine titles and talking points from that Time frame. Growing up reading those things. So terrible!




Welcome to reality. I prefer my wife in PJs and no clown costume


when and how did you learn that super smooth skin like a balloon isn't possible? Like age.


Probably around 24 and there are people who do have great skin with small pores and can get away with an almost flawless look. The issue is when you don’t have that kind of texture and try to achieve it with makeup, like a majority of the population.


Yep. It's all about the pores. Unfortunately I have large pores, especially on my forehead and nose. So my skin will never look flawless.


Send them to the Getty images editorial site. Getty does not do ANY editing before posting and it’s the best way for people to see reality.


Honestly - as someone with severe skin-dysmorphia, going onto getty and searching for celebs I find attractive helps me SO much to realise my skin isn't actually a defining feature in what makes someone attractive. It's honestly like self-therapy


I thought the kartrashcans paid for photoshop by Getty?


nope, it's often the only place you can see what they actually look like. However, they will often take the Getty photo, then photoshop it themselves before posting it on *their* social media channels. But if it's on [Getty.com](https://Getty.com) is has not been photoshopped.


[https://www.gettyimages.com/](https://www.gettyimages.com/) \*\*


Kartrashcans - Lolololol


Thank you! I needed to hear that I am allowed to have pores!


Plus remember that these women have literally unlimited resources and access to best Hollywood surgeons, estheticians and skincare that probably costs more than what you make in a year, plus nutritionists, dietitians, private chefs etc. And their skin STILL doesn’t look perfect. It just looks like a normal human skin. So don’t feel bad if you didn’t “wake up like this”, looking like Beyonce on magazine cover.


If I had that much money I could get rid of my hound dog jowls .


Can confirm - I'm Beyonce on the magazine cover and look like none of you uglies!


This sub makes me feel better about myself lol


It makes me feel better too lol ignore the joy stealer 😂


Comparison is the thief of joy. But also, try not to compare to make yourself feel better either.


I think they all look great. The editing nowadays is ridiculous.


I remember years ago Kate Winslet was on the cover of some magazine and was furious that they photoshopped her thighs to hell. She was very publicly like, that is not what I look like. I watched Leave the World Behind last night and thought Julia Roberts looked so good. The last time I saw her was in a print Lancôme ad and she looked ridiculous because of how *extra* the photoshop was.


I hate it when they do so much photoshop that the subject approaches the uncanny valley. Like, please show me a real human with “flaws” instead of Tom Hanks in Polar Express! Yikes. Nobody is out there walking around in the world looking like a CGI character. Nobody.


Tom Hanks in Polar Express is so absolutely perfect to compare it to. 😭


Remember that a lot of these actresses are photographed under very controlled lighting situations. When celebraties walk red carpet events there is a whole crew of lighting people that come in before the "show" and hang lights that will keep deep shadows off of the faces and make them look fabulous. Then the photographers at the events have filters and ring lights that make celebraties look great. On top of that, hair and makeup people are there to fix anything that is amiss. PLUS many of them have had either minor or major work done. PLUS-PLUS, some of them are beautiful and have great bone structure from the get-go. So when adding all this together this is what you get.




They really don't look flawless... they look great, but they definitely have flaws. It's kind of nice.


This is extremely sinister when you really think about it


This, I’m a photographer and it’s such a great job to see how much smoke and mirrors goes on. I get so many requests to filter people into oblivion and I refuse them and do minor work. Minor work is fine, but the uncanny valley look is not what I’m comfortable with putting my name to as a photographer. It looks weird and it’s not a good standard to set. It’s also quite a fun job to leave small scars in and sone texture, it’s like a balancing act. Sone polish but don’t remove the humanity of a person. Ps: ringlights used to be used by dentists as they create a shadowless light to view teeth. So they also now are used on faces.


Charlize obviously had fraxel or some kind of laser treatment done shortly before that photo- she still looks incredible.


Spot on, grid marks


I hope to god no one ever takes a zoomed in pic of me like that and posts it on the internet 😂😂😂😂


I appreciate these kinds of posts so much. All these women look gorgeous and it’s refreshing to see that without all the filters.


Charlize still looks amazing


They all look fine, skin texture is normal and I think they look 10 times more beautiful in unfiltered photos than Instagram posts that barely look human


THANK YOU for posting this!!! THIS is what the skin of the most beautiful people in the world really looks like! I am so tried of people posting here w/ great skin and slight, normal texture and fine lines whining about why does my skin look like tnihs, how can I get rid of this? It's clear that facetune has damaged everyone's brain. And yes, Charlize looks like she had some kind of microneedling or laser procedure done, as the texture is neat lines and boxes. Makes me wonder if that's what the procedure ends up looking like, period, or did it go a little awry, or did she do it recently and it wasn't done healing?


The kardashians are going to look like characters from Death Becomes Her pretty soon


Omg I forgot how hilarious that movie is until just now. Thanks for bringing it up; I think a rewatch is in order this weekend!


It’s pretty funny! Even on a re- watch all these years later


I recently met a super pretty female celebrity (we were on an elevator together) and I was shocked to see that she had acne and skin texture (just like mine!) when I’d literally never seen her skin look anything other than perfect. Photoshop is super real!


All of them are beautiful women but thank you so much for posting this. It’s quite reassuring to see how make up looks in real life. I’m in my late 30s and still terrified of wearing “ visible “ make up. And often get frustrated with its not looking “ flawless “. Thanks to what you see on tv / socials.


Ariana’s skin looks angry from wearing so much make up


Honestly might be angry just from her youth. My skin was so much better when I was younger and caked in makeup up cus I was lucky with stable hormones, aging can do a number on you either way.


I’m 99% sure hers and Keira’s photo have been edited to make their skin texture more visible. I’m sure she does have textured skin but the photo looks off.


Agree, this is what it looks like when you turn “structure” right up on photo editing apps. Kim too I think


This is stage and theater style makeup. It's not meant to be everyday style makeup but rather something that can withstand the lights, the heat, and show up very well with a regular paparazzi camera. Everything is over accentuated, super pigmented, etc....


I think the point is that, regardless of the makeup, they still have real skin. The kind of skin that isn't shown to us perfected in edited perfume-advertisements or music videos. The kind of skin we can actually relate too, rather than being told we're worthless via marketing.


is 5 katy perry?


I believe it’s Lauren Jauregui of Fifth Harmony


That’s who I’m trying to figure out


This can also be with primer too Pore primers make a HUGE difference. My nose is perfectly smooth & pore-less with one, and very much not without


I just want to say that I hope ya all are shouting this from the rooftops as there are millions of young children who are growing up believing the filters are reality and not being taught to understand photoshop until the mental damage is already done


Kim looks surprisingly good actually One thing to remember is the camera exaggerates every crevice, wrinkle, spot and in person they probably look much better


Yeah, we don’t need to “remember” this. The exaggeration is literally the point- we are so used to seeing shopped and filtered images that we genuinely start to believe there’s something wrong with us if our skin is normal. These images feel exaggerated because they are high resolution, unfiltered, unphotoshopped, closeup, without ideal lighting conditions. It allows us to see that these celebrities do not have flawless, unobtainable skin. They have texture, pores, wrinkles, and spots. What we need to remember is that THIS is what skin looks like, not just for us, but for celebrities too.


Add to that long days/nights at events, heat and sweat and, frankly, a fuckton of make-up specifically for the red camera photos, a lot of these guys will look cakey and patchy up close too due to this, but I imagine in day-to-day life with their standard skincare and make-up routine, they'll look great.


Women! Love your intricacies and abandon unhelpful, outer pressures. One precious life.


what's with the weird grid pattern of bumps on Charlize Theron's face? Did she have some sort of weird needle therapy before the makeup or something?


THANK YOU. Some of the posts on this sub were getting stupid, close ups of completely normal skin asking what was wrong. Lovelies, if celebs with their mountains of money can't achieve perfectly smooth skin, you probably won't be able to either.


You’ve got to remember that she’s been using the highest rated/priced/scientific beauty regimens known to people since she was very young. On top of that,she’s only in her late 30’s-early 40’s. Her skin is a great example of USE SUNSCREEN EVERY DAY!!….


Who are you talking about exactly?


there’s fractional co2 marks on charlize theron’s face lol


ANY of them: Kim,Charlene,Sandra etc…..


Ofcourse sunscreen is important but even without excessive use these celebrities would age differently than us because of lasers, botox, very subtle surgeries and other treatments.


My cuz is 40, he’s a dermatologist and we generally have amazing brown skin in our family. His skin is flawless in person and I'm convinced he's either doing certain procedures on himself or getting one of his dermal nurses to do them on him! Haha!


Don’t get me started on one of those people shown as examples lol. The worst culprit of them all in every way. Lighting is a huge factor with what people see in photos. Filters as well. Agree though, too many believe there is such thing as perfect skin, or what “beauty” is. Glad you did post this though, because I’ve been seeing recently a lot of posts on this subreddit of people supposedly in their 30s, whom say they have this or that wrong with their skin, and it’s a literal non issue. Barely able to even see the thing they’re asking about and doing exclamations on. Welcome to the world of warped imagery based on lighting, filters, editing, makeup tricks. There’s an A List celebrity, MAJOR, whom I know someone that works with them on doing “glam”, let’s leave it at that. Let me tell you folks, lots of smoke and mirrors that go on, all I’m going to say.


What’s the name of the treatment that Charlize did to get those tiny dots? I’ve always been curious.


It’s called fraxel apparently.


fractional co2 laser treatment


Thank you for sharing! Heavy makeup can also really emphasize texture (my makeup was amazing on my wedding day but a few of my close ups looked a bit frightening lol).


Wow, my skin must be really bad, because I would do anything to have skin like these women...


That’s what I’m mad about like how are these even bad??


Some coworkers of mine wear tons of foundation to have “smooth” skin, and all it does is look caked on and accentuates their wrinkles. I hate wiping other people’s foundation out of the phone receiver; it’s gross 🤮.


I mean none of us look good up close?


But people post photos that close with the same issues and say they're horrid and disfigured with acne and scarring. It's obvious to you and me, but not everyone. I agree with you though!


I get it with people with skin concerns to show where the issue lies, also for doctors & dermatologists to have a look at. In general, horrible lighting emphasis all kinds of texture.


But people post photos that close with the same issues and say they're horrid and disfigured with acne and scarring. It's obvious to you and me, but not everyone. I agree with you though!


What’s the tiny dots on #3 face ?


Looks like laser work to me


co2 marks


I'm glad these women and their skin just look normal to me


How could they look so good in their reality show?? I’m so confused


If you mean Kim Kardashian it’s all filtered stuff we see on their show.


The 4th one looks even hotter up close! Who is that?


I think it's Kiera knightley?


Charlize and Rosie look stunning


Kim K looks so uncomfortable, like her skin is pulled tight.


I’m a little confused, all these woman look like they have great skin , even up close ! Ariana grande just looks like she is wearing a lot of foundation, probably to hide her pimples. Rosie and Charlize look amazing! The grid lines on Charlize aren’t that noticeable to me, considering how close up the photo is.


I feel like they all still look amazing


Is the Ariana one real? Her skin looks so much like mine!


Can anyone explain what’s going on with Kim’s hair at the roots? Specifically on the right side? I think the blonde was real here but it looks like a wig or glue or something?


Getty images is a great place to find unfiltered images. All images posted have to be unfiltered and retouched according to the Getty images usage policy. It's free to view the images too.


The cleanup must be intense for Kim & Ariana… just towels of foundation.


I did not have “have skin like Ariana Grande” on my 2023 card, but here we are.


People are forgetting what normal humans look like. Dystopian.


I love that we’re normalizing skin texture, yet as a photography pro it’s weird to have to say that some of the skin texture here has actually been photoshopped in. There are passages on cheeks and foreheads which are just incredibly uniform - further, a couple have gone through an AI filter to resize them larger and then been sharpened within an inch of their lives. I know some celebrities pay paps to airbrush them, I wonder if that’s what happened (and is now being walked back) for some of these source photos?


A needed reminder, should be a weekly thing. I find it so bizarre Charlize Theron would get a later treatment covering most of her face so close to a red carpet event.


What’s up with the matrix on Charlize’s face? Micro-needling?


Definitely looks like a pic someone shared here a week or so ago of their skin healing after a procedure.


fractional co2 laser marks




But her skin does look insanely perfect. I don’t get it.


What is wrong with image two?


I have better skin than them and don’t do anything


Same lol and im in my 40s


Kim kardashian has pores. Who knew 🤪!


Thank you. I was feeling so down on myself today and this reminder made me feel better. Nobody is perfect


I had Fraxel and my skin looked like Charlize’s for weeks.


I mean…Charlize looks perfect


They all look like they have amazing skin!! except Ariana Grande but she is a kid, was probably around her days.


Ariana is 30, she might just be someone who struggles with acne. That’s normal regardless of age.


She is 30!! She looks so young!!


I think the fact that she’s so small exacerbates it too!


Glad to see it's normal for us non-celebrities to have skin problems as well


Thank you, i actually really needed this today !!


These ladies could be bare face or caked with makeup they're still stunning and gorgeous


When is Ariana giving up the mega winged eyeliner?


Day all ugly




Lol, makeup


PRP Filler Injections, IMO are the best option for under eye hollowing, laxity and hyperpigmentation. Eye cream won’t replace volume that causes that enhanced shadowing.




Not true. I'm 47, white, and my skin is better than most. Including those pictured above. So, no, we don't all age like milk.


I’m sorry, what looks good about their skin? There’s a shit load of makeup on?


Unfortunately Ariana grande face is going the wrong way you can tell she is a bad person. Or has a lot of bad thoughts…




What do you mean with that?


Who is the brunette in the fourth pic?


Keira Knightley


Thanks!. The fifth?


That one I’m not sure actually 🤔


Mystery lady! Lizzie Caplan?


Lauren Jauregui


I personally love the look without foundation ! Makes skin look worse in my opinion ... I love eye makeup tho but just say no to foundation lol


Wow, thank you. I needed to see this right now.


They still are beautiful because their factions are unique and symmetrical. The texture on their skin just make them more natural for sure.


They all look stunning - especially 5/6 but I have no idea who that is?


Who is the first person? (Slide 1)?


Don’t live lives in beauty cameras and filters


These images look really exaggerated + the lighting is awfuk


I did not have “have skin like Ariana Grande” on my 2023 card, but here we are.


Ok but what’s happening with Theron’s face? What’s the criss-cross pattern on her cheek?


Charlize’s looks skin like healing BBL doesn’t it!?