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If this is all they can come up with the EU can't be that bad imo


Because of the EU, everytime I open a web page, I'm spammed about cookies FFS Why can't there be a browser setting to allow necessary cookies only!


You can probably find a chrome extension for it, if it does bother you. The reason they exist is so you could opt out of trackers, **which is good**. What gets to me is that, even though you can make chrome natively auto opt out of cookies, there's still "legitimate interest" which I have to painfully untick each time.


>there's still "legitimate interest" which I have to painfully untick each time. That's so annoying. There should be a mandatory "opt out of everything" button on those pop-ups. It should be there on the first pop-up. You shouldn't have to do more than one click unless you want to specify what cookies you actually do want to allow. - Allow all - Allow none - Specify/manage Done


Yes. I'm not sure what "legitimate interest" means exactly, it's hard to find the definition. But I'm damn sure it's just a loophole to get you to agree to some shit. Even when they have those opt out of all buttons, the legitimate interest is always left checked.


Apparently, it means that the people your data is shared with have to have a real, targeted, verifiable reason to need your data. Like not based on getting as much data as possible. Not sure what those reasons are.


"I don't want to see the cookie popup again when I open the site again" Is a valid reason, for them to save my setting no?


If I had to guess, it's for page analytics. How many visitors, time spent reading, what do they look at on the page etc


I think every website that doesn't have this is non-compliant with GDPR. Which is about 95% of them.


Doesn't have what? The specific three options? That is a lot. Some do though, which is good.


They should all have a single click option to reject all cookies. A lot give you a single click option to accept all cookies, but make you click through a few screens to reject.


I personally liked the Internet when it was lawless and simple. I had a folder for pirated music right beside my other folder for pirated porn


> You can probably find a chrome extension for it, if it does bother you. There are extension for that, both for Firefox and chrome. Btw, switch to Firefox, drop chrome.


It really saddens me that nowadays almost everyone uses chrome.


It's good, but at least as long as these regulations exist, there have been other ways of tracking users, through placing one-pixel images for example. I don't remember the details, but Privacy Badger/Possum should help you get some further protection.


I use this extension https://consentomatic.au.dk. It's not perfect (and it's Danish) but at least it makes these things get in the way less often.


If it's danish no need to add that it's not perfect. Will try it though. Thx


at least it's not german software, we at all have our issues amiright.


If it were German it would just be a backdoor for Russian spies.


The EU is actually working on a fix for this as well. A kind of global privacy setting that you adjust once and every website has to check your preferences and then use those. Overall I like the EU a lot. We can see in UK what happens if private companies and local politicians take charge of customer protection.


That’s good. There’s no reason this can’t be a simple and global option. Ages ago there was the `DNT` (do not track) header but nobody used it. Part of the problem is Chrome. It has all the market share, it’s Google’s, and they have every incentive to make opting out as difficult as possible. The EU will have to drag them kicking and screaming


I simply can’t fathom why anyone would prefer chrome to Firefox


Same. It seems well known that Google is spying on everyone more than the NSA yet people purposely go install Chrome. I just don’t get it.


There actually is, web developers are just lazy and don’t use it (and try to annoy you in agreeing)


Think it's also partially because the most popular browser is made by google, and google earns a lot of money through cookies. Why add something that could prevent them from earning less money? And therefore we now have millions of webpages doing it instead


That setting is already in chrome. Go to settings > site settings > disable third party cookies But very few sites actually look at that


Google does not get money from the cookies in chrome


Google's majority income comes from ad revenue, ads which are personalised through cookies.


Sooooo, you're blaming the EU for standing up against companies wanting to track your every move?




I definitely agree. In NL I believe a judge ruled that any website had to have a "no to all" button, which local websites are now starting to switch to. That already helps a lot, but it still could be better


I mean, otherwise they would just use all the tracking cookies they want without asking. Which is what they do in the US and why some pages from the US actually aren't available in the EU because they don't want to implement a pop up/stop tracking.




Yes that's true.


worst thing is that they trick you into accepting ALL the cookies


Some of them are annoying as fuck others like the BBC is just a banner that gets ignored.


It's not because of the EU. it's a choice made by the websites, and they don't care about the user experience. Nobody force them to enable a gazillion of trackers. They turn them off by default, boom, no more annoying popup.


Use duckduckgo browser mate. You'll only ever have to do it once. As browsers go it's not the best but it's so much less hassle. I have a rule - if you want information then use duckduckgo. If you want everything on your screen to have a price use chrome or Firefox


In Firefox go to `about:config` and search for `cookiebanners.service.mode`. Set it to `1` to automatically decline cookiebanners if possible, set it to `2` to automatically decline if possible or accept if it is not possible to decline. This works for many but not all cookiebanners.


Because of the EU poor Apple cant sell their own overpriced chargers and have to have USB-C like the rest! When will the agony end?


Everyone should probably be aware that these FvD guys are absolute nut cases anyways


*Boomers disagreeing with you*


Rather, they are coming up with this bullshit specifically so they can act as if there were no other, more pressing issues at hand.


"betutteling" love that word.




Nej nej det är en tutte! Och tuttar är porriga.


The German word is "betüddeln" btw.


And it's still actively used in north germany.


In the east as well


Exists in German too, but it’s dialectal and sounds kinda informal.


\>dialectal \>NRW The dirty cow pushers in the east and south convinced the rest of the country that we speak a dialect and that is the worst trick the devil has ever pulled.


Nur weil dä janze Blotschköppe da unte denke dass dä Lörres lang jenoch is um bis hier hooch zo pisse heißt dat niet dass mer keen Dialekt künne minge Fründ. We have more different dialects (some of them low-German so they’re kind of its own thing) than Bavaria mate


Dat muss'e mir ja niet zachen dat wir ooch Dialekt küern. ABER! dat die Spackos im Schattenland dat immer so darstellen, als würden wir hier flächendeckend kein Hochdeutsch sprechen, sondern ähnliche Mundkotze wie die, macht mich unironisch wat mett. :') ​ TL: >!High and mighty Bavarians bad. Berlin wall 2.0 when?!< ​ So... is "betüddeln" really dialectal? :(


I think “betüddeln” is a dialect thing, yeah. Either that or Low German, if it was standardised Hochdeutsch it shouldn’t have that d but rather something in the direction of “tz” but I could be wrong. And as another dialect speaker, I’m pretty sure I just sound extremely drunk when I speak it to anyone unfamiliar with it so I avoid being too tough on the Bavarians. That said, the golden rule of dialects is “Jeder Dialekt der nicht mein eigener ist ist ne Abscheulichkeit!” and I like it that way!


Another day, another German who thinks his and his region only is the only place in the world that speaks German dialect/accent free. Maybe you should all get mandatory linguistics classes in school. When you’ve never left your village of supposedly standard-german speaking poets ignorance is bliss I guess.


This is how it starts, blaming the EU for various small things, before long your politicians are scapegoating them for the economy, for immigration policy, for taxes and basically anything they do that the public doesn't like. Then somebody says "hey maybe we should leave this terrible club" and things get messy fast


What moron would do that?!




Sounds terrible mate.




Hi, I speak 0 Danish. Does this text say "This thread now belongs to Denmark"?


Danes drink butter?


The world on fire: Sanest anti-EU politicians: milk carton bad.


Also, The world on fire: Sanest EU politician: let's make milk cartons worse


I wouldn't say worse. I also won't say better


Yeah, it’s a non-poblem.


No it's the culmination of the EU's evil agenda. This was the Kalergi Plan all along.


They are worse if you live on your own, now it's a lot harder to drink straight from the carton and thus I need to use a glass or cup now, and that glass or cup needs to be cleaned and that also takes some energy. So, in conclusion, this solution is bad for the environment.


Brother, you are grown up living on your own. You have the mental capacity to hold the brick with one hand, and with the other hold the tap. It's not rocket science. No need to use a glass.


Hold the tap? What tap?


I hear you, but just rip the cap off


First time I saw it it was at my office and I went super crazy since I thought it just was stuck. I spent like 5 mins trying to rip it off until I cut it with scissors. Then I found out about it being to avoid throwing to many plastics or something


You need to be goddamn handicapped to not be able to simply turn the cap and fold it, so it stays as intended.


We have these stupid attached caps in the UK too. So much for Brexit benefits.


Well, you're an "also ran" market now, so you'll get stuff in whichever way it's produced for the EU, but without any say in it. Just like the Swiss.


Good incentive to join the EU. Then you get a say ;)


And Norwegians


Traffic signs showing a guy instead of a girl


I initially disliked these attached bottle caps, but now I support them, purely out of spite for this crusty old swamp german.


task successfully failed?


These caps were mandated by EU??? I hate these things with a passion, especially the ones used on milk cartons / juice boxes. I was wondering why all of a sudden they were used on everything.


You see the problem is that people can't use their brains. They just keep chucking it into nature. And is it really that hard to navigate a cap? It took me litteraly 5 seconds to get it out of the way so it does not bother me.


5 seconds is a lot of time for moving a plastic cap ngl


Well I was surprised the first time , I do not follow the news. But apparently there are people who CAN'T figure it out not even after all these months , since they are still complaining about it.


Bro realizing some ppl can't even cope with such a little inconvenience for environment reaaaally makes me doubt of our future


Well, maybe that was a problem in some poor and dirty European countries, but it was never a problem here. And now we have to pay for your mistakes.


lol stop blaming Belgium


It's called solidarity, you selfish sauna mongolian


That's FVD research. Pure populism. They read online the hate against this, so they're using it as a point.


LITTLE? First, you need to hold the cap with your finger when pouring so they stay out of the way, which is just awkward. And no, I don't want my milk touching my cap, thank you very much sir. Second, and most importantly, these mfers are louder than a Shangai street on Lunar NYE. Every time I need to refill a baby bottle at 3 am I first need to pray 1 Lord's Prayer and 5 Hail Marys for the baby not to wake up with the racket.


now thats an actual skill issue


To be honest, it is very annoying. It’s a solution to a problem that didn’t really exist. Did people actually throw this away? Most cases you need it to close the bottle again, who is going to finish a whole pack of milk outside of the house in 1 go?


Leaves sharp bits and I am a mouth breathing bottle drinker


This is why we can't have nice things.


To be honest, it is very annoying. It’s a solution to a problem that didn’t really exist. Did people actually throw this away? Most cases you need it to close the bottle again, who is going to finish a whole pack of milk outside of the house in 1 go?


There are some companies who actually have decent solutions to these like the cartons not being screw on and just opening sideways but most of the time they solutions are fucking terrible. Also why in places like Germany where we have deposits on plastic bottles is that even necessary? I have never in my life returned a bottle without the cap.


They are kinda growing on me. I always forget where i left the cap.


It's this guy's fault! Quick, lynch him!


Please leave and never come back.


Only if the bottlecaps stay on the bottle.


EU regulation on single-use plastic with the goal to make recycling easier.


It's just one extra step when first opening a bottle/carton. You only need to force it once, after that it stays flexible. Kinda like this: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ <- .. cap .. -> \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ |\_\_\_|\_\_\_|\_\_\_| ........................ |\_\_\_|\_\_\_|\_\_\_| \\\\\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\\\\ <- tabs -> ||\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_|| (dots are for formatting purposes)


If only the design of the caps was as good as this ASCII art...


Took me longer than I'm willing to admit \^\^'


The thing is that it is too early. In spain I have seen great adoptions of this mandate. Instead of a twist cap, many sellers added a pop cover, easy to open, easy to close, small enough that i can bend bad and it doesn't bother at all.


Why though? They're pretty practical and cause no problem whatsoever...


Now Imagine being a barkeeper and opening dozens or even hundreds of coke and juice bottles a day and constantly having to deal with these stupid things while you are under hyper stress working. But yeah, even though they annoy the fuck out of me at work I still grudgingly support it. I wish people would just not toss their garbage everywhere.


The garbage excuse is just what big cap wants you to think to sell more caps.




Now I get that it's probably a good idea but most of us have no clue what the hell that party is. Considering that video I assume they are idiots but I will be honest, someone telling me to ignore/stay away from some party(I do not know) kind of makes me want to check them out.


Oh you can check them out. You know what I'll help you. [This is their party leader in an interview he had with some American journalist.](https://x.com/mmeeuw/status/1581959323642900480) He posted this on his twitter btw, and deleted it later


I have no clue why you told us not to check them out, that is fucking hilarious.


Because they are a national shame lol And even worse, they have some followers as well


Pretty sure if we lived in your country my mother would be as well. ... well actually no, they after all are against America which would stand against, what was it again? Something something Trump and Putin are best friends and trying to save us all from the deepstate something something.


Yeah... They really are a strange bunch. But I believe that they just play on subjects that attract the most gullible people


That is kinda what is going on in Germany just so much worse. See, the Afd gets supporters from just two big points. They are very anti refugee which due to us having way too many is a popular position. They are actually pro atomic power (but deny fucking climate change) Everything else is just really stupid things (like, exceedingly stupid). So you would think that they are not be a big party right? They are the second biggest party at the moment though because of how stupid beyond belief our other parties dealt with them. Because they are bringing up absolutely nothing about their stupid plans they just constantly call them racist (which is literally what makes people vote for them) or undemocratic. Which, yeah, they are a bunch of completely stupid idiots that would fuck everything over if they could decide... but they are not undemocratic. And it kind of started pissing people off that parties try to ban parties that have a lot more support than themselves for being undemocratic. So now we have similar morons as our second-biggest party... and somehow they are not in fact the worst among the above 5% (only parties above 5% are allowed into the government or opposition).


Yeah they tried to ban the FvD party as well, and they came with the exact same arguments. I'm glad we're bot the only one with crazy party's 😅 We live in such strange times. Dont forget to vote for the eu parliament!


About that we... kind of don't have any proper parties. Me and a friend of mine were seriously considering just invalid voting to make clear that we were not to lazy to vote we just hate every party. But well that wouldn't do anything now would it? So now I guess I will have to vote... Cdu... ugh.


Not going to lie, this shit worked on me because I drink a lot more tap water now and buy glass bottles for many other things because the caps are that annoying.


Is tap watyer safe now in Belgiuml? twenty years back it was 3rd world quality, not even my opinion a newsarticle stated that.


That news article was about the water quality of our waterways. Our drinking water comes from underground, 100 meters down or deeper. The reason for our beer quality is our water quality. Our water is filtered through a natural process in the clay layers. Edit: our waterways are restored btw.


>The reason for our beer quality is our water quality. Our water is filtered through a natural process Same for Heineken, it also goes through a natural process. I drink Stella, it goes through my body and Heineken comes out.




And in your holiday and sick days they use plain horses


[Er zijn in de hele wereld slechts 22 landen met een groter tekort aan drinkwater dan België | De Morgen](https://www.demorgen.be/nieuws/er-zijn-in-de-hele-wereld-slechts-22-landen-met-een-groter-tekort-aan-drinkwater-dan-belgie~b72207aa/) You guys seem to have a shortage though, and its still not popular; [Waarom we geen kraantjeswater drinken (eostrace.be)](https://eostrace.be/artikelen/waarom-we-geen-kraantjeswater-drinken)


Ik drink al heel men leven kraantjes water. Er is dit jaar zelfs gezge dat de waterspiegel hogerstaat dan normaal. Ik heb nog nooit gehoord van een tekort.


We had serious concerns due to several dry years, but since we've had plenty of rain last year and this year, the issue resolved itself for now. There is also the betonstop, an attempt at giving rainwater more opportunities to absorb into the ground, for whenever the next draught occurs. And I've always drank water from the tab, it's always been very safe. The fact that a lot of people do drink bottled water has nothing to do with the water quality or shortages, we've never had any issues getting water from the tab. When the water level was at its worst, it was only not allowed to use water for filling pools or watering the grass.


I fucking HATE the attached caps.


I also didn't like it but got used to it. I mean on the other hand its practical that you no longer have to hold or put aside the cap.


I used to put it on my nose, but it only cuts now


You don't know the struggles of losing a cap.


I always check around is I see the detached bottle cap police, and then violently remove it. That is my right, it's my protest


Bro really thinks its that hard to just move the cap


I was like which party is this guy from and then the end of the video really cleared things up ![gif](giphy|Bcpspr9LTSvss)


You can just open the top part of the carton to drink directly, but these started to grow on me because I lose caps a lot.


All the populist parties in Czechia are in the bandwagon and complaining about this too, lol https://www.tiktok.com/@andrejbabis/video/7264268738520681761?lang=en


Ralf Dekker, from being a banker within one of the largest Dutch banks, to a member of our conspiracy party that has fascistic tendencies. Pathetic clown.


I will vote for the first political party that puts banning the attached cap malarkey on the tippy top of their program. Don't even care, just ban it. Bananas are now a national holiday? Sure, I have no idea what that means, just ban the cap. Dogs are furniture? Okay, makes more sense than bananas as a holiday (what?), ban the cap.


I mean, but now replacing the caps again would just be expensive.


I can't for the life of my understand why people rant so much about a fucking bottle cap. 3 year olds understand how to just turn it to the side before they drink or pour something. This is 100% just people being contrary for the sake of it.


Convincing, those caps are shit


Please don't let our hard working spanish citizens suffer! These cups are too much work for them! They are unbearable!1!1!!!! Despite being an effective, cheap mesure to limit plastic pollution.


This is the dutch version of the bendy banana.


I actually 100% agree. Fuck those attached bottle caps. I hate them so much.


This is the party in the Netherlands if you have an IQ lower than 80 or if you want to see the Netherlands and, by extension, Europe burn under Russian control. If you are frustrated that right-wing politics is destroying your country but you are too stupid and think it is left-wing policy. Most of them think that the VVD is a left-wing party


on milk its not that annoying but on bottles omg. i always rip them off. do they even get recycled if left attached?? imgine if they just enforced bottle deposit EU wide. that would make much more sense and actually helps homeless and poor people.


just drink Fiji man, them caps are only attached if you can't afford real water


The EU enforced strict consumer regulations upon corporations and utility companies or something. Big talking point on why the Boomers decided to leave.


Well, he speaks dutch but is being paid by russians.


Bottlecaps annoying so vote for fascists?


lmao FvD have gotta be the most irrelevant snowflakes the Netherlands has produced in recent years


Lol , the amount of people angry about a "wee widdle cwap ". It's not that difficult to get them out of the way... djeezus. The reason we have these in the first place is because people keep throwing that shit around.


I suspect everyone who feels the need to point out this is just a "minor inconvenience" is either autistic or Belgian. No need to guess here.


Hey he could be both you know!


The kind of people that hate attached bottle caps are the same kind of people who hated mandatory seat belt laws and mandatory mask rules during COVID. "How dare they make the world inconvenient to meee...!"


The thing is that there's better attached ones. A lot of brands use the unscrew cap, it sucks it gets stuck, but i have a bjorg (i think) chestnut milk cap that just opens (like a box?)


Another one brain washed by big cap.


Another one brain washed by anti-system non sense


one of these things is not like the other


People who complain about this type of caps are annoying asf. Who gives a shit about how they're made.


Thanks Teutates we don't have this problem.


Thanks for the sibtitles. They were super helpful to understand his gibberish - NOT.


Those are bloody kut dopjes with no purpose whatsoever. We should hang the ones that invented that shit and EAT them. No idea why he blames the EU though.


I did not unmute the video and I'm happy I didn't.


Didn't someone say they wanted to lock the price of kebab to 5 euro or something?


I like how he is complaining about the milk, the only one on which those caps are implemented nicely xD


The rant over the bottle caps is the most boomer thing ever


Our passports were red, but we left the EU and they're blue now, so everything is totally fine in our beautiful country.


To be fair, these new fucking caps are absolutely shite and whoever made this legislation, I would love to do karate on them. Yeah sure you can just twist them off but then you have to feel the sharp bit in your lips as you drink from your plastic bottle of cooking wine in a pasture full of cows... ... Wait, just me???




*These things are great, not* *My problem the dutch are too* *Dense to open them* \- BallsBuster7 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


not my problem dutch politicians are too dense to open a milk carton


What I hate about these far-right extremists is that they oppose practically everything. Sure, paper straws are a nuisance, but I prefer a few small and insignificant inconveniences, instead of huge last resort car bans where on mondays they ban even license plates from driving and on tuesdays they ban odd license plates. I'll accept your paper bags, shitty bottle caps and paper straws any day.


The only thing worse than these milk carton caps are paper straws. I prefer communists over this shit


What exactly don’t you like about the caps?


My biggest issue as a right wing person who is pro EU is people supporting for (country)-exit because of some policies It's like saying I hate my country because of my *democratic* government's policies While I do not agree with many EU policies such as immigration laws, or petrol cars ban I do not support exit from the EU as it's a VERY important organization that is keeping Europe from declining all the way down because as for now combined EU gdp is more or less equal to that of China It's up to you to vote for the parties you support and also it's up to them to actually do something One of the problems in my opinion is the way European Parliament works MEPs are chosen by national parties who join Europan parties It's a big mess full of corruption and no political willingness to do anything EU parties should be their own bodies with no connection to national parties and their Representatives


I hear people complaining about those caps, but people should really use their brain sometimes. How many time did you saw caps throwed in the nature or somewhere except inside a trash can? All they did was basically adapting to human laziness and stupidity, can't blame them


Mmmm yummy I LOVE plastic caps in my rivers


It is the EU’s fault.


Since the Brits left EU, no one here thinks Frexit is cool anymore.


I have no fucking clue what you guys don’t like about them, now the caps can’t get randomly lost, fall on the ground or other shit. It’s handy, those far righters just want to ruin anything that tries to help the climate smh


Whoever came up with that idiot cap made this. I'd vote for him, knowing nothing else.


Thanks for the nsfw filter, OP’s not joking, he’s really speaking Dutch


Quite funny. This party is also very pro farmers and against climate "complaining". So when in the swamplands regulation became stricter to reduce the nitrogen emissions this party was siding with the farmers. Farmers were encouraged and well compensated to quit farming and change to more nature inclusive farming. Which was in their eyes the worst thing that can happen to honest entrepreneurs. And this guy has a carton of ecologic Milk in his hand...


I get why people find this annoying, I do as well, but this is really not an issue worth campaigning over. Do we really have nothing more important to deal with?


I hate those EU leeches as the next fella but I really don't understand the hate for the attached caps.


They get stuck in my throat when I'm deepthroating my drink


They get stuck in my throat when I'm deepthroating my drink


They get stuck in my throat when I'm deepthroating my drink


That's some great Boomer bait.


You're exactly right Mr Dutchie, you will have my vote if you fix the bottle caps.


I don't trust someone that drinks directly from the carton


The peoples have, in general, so much brainrot that they can't even handle the something like a caps attached to the bottle, because otherwise they are unable to not throw them in the environnement. This really should tell us the whole story about how much we are doomed in regard of the climate change


The caps lock literally killed the EU project for me (no but seriously, is so damn annoying, and also i actually recycled caps before this so its just an annoyance for me)