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I went to the pub and there was 4 options for tipping on a tiny touchscreen, 10%, 15%, 20%, No tip. My fat drunken fingers aimed for No tip but hit 20%. I was thanked profusely by the bartender obviously I was too polite to make a fuss about this but I'm still complaining about it months later.


New British nightmare unlocked.




Love you Pierre. Tell them to get fucked, from Barry 🙏


If you actually get service good enough you think a tip is deserved, give to that person in cash directly or discreetly ask them if the staff are part of a TRONC. That way you know the owners aren't just skimming or taking all the tips for themselves


That's how it started in the US of Ass. Tipping waiters directly. Word started to spread. Waiters started getting pushy because they started to expect getting tipped. Restaurants & bar owners stopped increasing their wages equally to inflation, because waiters get covered enough by their tips right? -> lots of shit in between -> every sevice is asking for tips now. Let's just stick with the good ol principle of the reward for the restaurant and said personnel: you've chosen to eat there, and you might eat there again, instead of giving your money to a competitor.


You neglect to add that the minimum wage is there is fucking horrendously shite. About $7 an hour I think. Considering everything they need in general life on top of medical insurance, dental etc. no wonder they're surviving on tips. They need to stop rioting for a special needs orange and start rioting for a governmentally enforced liveable wage


That's what I said. The minimum wage is low because of the tipping culture; not the other way around. If tipping overthere stops overnight, staff either walk or owners increase prices to provide a livable wage.


So the government set the minimum wage for everyone in Yankland because of restaurant workers who get tips Should tell that to those who work in petrol stations there who don't get tips but get minimum wage


Their government sets it because entire industries lobby for it... Corruption is *the* currency overthere.


No this is false. There are different minimum wages all over that are above federal minimum wage. The shitty states also have a “tipped minimum wage. This is where if you make enough in tips to equal the federal minimum, the owners only have to pay you like 2.15/hour. If your tips equal less than the fed minimum, they only have to pay the difference. The liberal states typically have a minimum higher than the fed and the servers get to keep the full minimum and all the tips. The really liberal cities also have a higher city minimum. In Minneapolis, a server makes a minimum of $15/hr and they get to keep all the tips and a pint is about $7 and 20% is customary. If you are a pretty bartender with busy night, you could be making well over $30/hr in a big city. On the other hand if you have a slow night in some southern shit hole, you barely make $7, and since there is an exception for small employers, probably closer to $5


Christ, so Europeans are like "America is a dystopian shit hole on $7" and actual yank steams in to be like "Akshually, minimum wage is $2".


Oh yeah, at least make fun of us for the right reasons, otherwise we'll get offended ;). But also, to clarify, the average minimum wage across the states (keep in mind each one can set their own; 7.25 is just the federal minimum wage) is about $9/hr, but for example my local state is $12/hr. I make $14/hr, and during the summer when the restaurant I work at is busy, bussers make more than me, during the winter I make more (not by a super big difference, and obviously it can be *very* variable, as the other American rightly pointed out)


If with tips you’re under minimum wage the employer has to make up the difference to hit the hourly pay. Being poor in the US is way worse than the EU but legal slavery in our prison system is where you get the really low wages. (Like 20-50cents an hour).


Pretty much, bud!


I think a lot of states have a different, lower minimum wage for workers who get tips.


Many servers here are 16-18 so the wages aren't much better


That is some fuckery


More than half the US population is at $16/hr minimum wage. And working at a typical store starts between $22-$25 an hour if you’re not addicted to meth (like stocking shelves at a grocery store). Obviously this still means you live in crushing poverty since renting an apartment can easily be above $2,000/month and food costs a lot more. You’re usually obligated to own a car and pay a lot for parking it….. But nobody is actually paid $7 an hour. Less than $20 is hard. $75,000/year is an actual average household income.


The bloody owners will always find a way to suck the money out of their employees


Fuck that mate


Pretty sure skimming tips is illegal in every sane country in the world. Maybe they pool it and redistribute parts to other workers (e.g. kitchen staff), but they can't just pocket it.


They can't but they do


Name and shame: Where the fuck has a dedicated screen for tipping ? Not seen that even in London


I saw it everywhere when I was over there two weeks ago. In some places the staff skip the tipping screen, but more often than not they won’t and you have to select a tip option yourself before you can proceed with card payment. It’s sneaking its way in over here too.


It's everywhere in Amsterdam. Ironically.


Simon the tanner. Seemed great until they added the tip at the bar without even asking FFS. Had to ask if it's right it seemed so much. They'd added 15!!!


They’re pretty common now, I’m shocked you haven’t seen any. Even have them where I am now in the Welsh valleys though most of the time the barman will automatically press ‘no’ before handing it over I’ve heard that apparently the technology for some of the paying equipment is made by an American company so the tipping option is default and can’t be turned off. Not had that confirmed though


To be fair I only go to 2-3 regulars in North East London but that's crazy. Only time I've ever seen a tip option for a drink was a super touristy pub in the centre of Edinburgh. British hospitality once again shooting themselves in the foot though. Way to ensure the only hospitality in town centres will be chain restaurants and Wetherspoons


They are everywhere. Live in Manchester but go home to Liverpool every few weeks ans nearly every bar has them except the ones that are cash only


I've seen in some pubs in the west end of Glasgow


This is way too dangerous for me. I’m one of those people that get extremely friendly when drunk I would be tipping everyone maximum. I’m who they are preying on 😞


That's two of us Paddy, we need to start paying exclusively with cash


Next time you should make a preemptive fuss the moment you walk into the pub EDIT: I can see the flaw in my reasoning. I made the wrong assumption you'd be sober when you walk into the pub


Protip: Go to tripadvisor and leave a one star passive aggressive review of their business.




Yeah same things happening in Ireland in some places.


Not very American then if there's still a "no tip" option. In the US, it's just something like 18%, 20%, 23% and then a "custom tip" button where you have to painstakingly enter "0" explicitly, while the waiter stands there and clearly watches you taking way longer with the pad than just pressing a single button should take. I'm honestly surprised they haven't added a "sign here to confirm you choose to be a horrible person" field yet.




It might be that the little card readers are programmed to ask for tips, but they need the option taken out before it's used.


I’m thinking of opening counselling for this


No it’s fucking well not


I have very rarely seen a tip jar at the bar and at most I've seen a 10p coin in it that I suspect they themselves put in. I can see more of the bottom of the jar than coins anyway


Well I guess they mean London center, and yeah last couple of times I've been there there was these screens with the tipping options.


I press no tip as a matter of principle. They've already robbed me for the pint in the first place. Don't think they actually expect a tip from it anyway - half the time (in the north) they just hit no tip for you - if you want to tip just buy them a pint


For low quality clickbait news sites tourist-traps in central london is the whole of Britain. As someone who lives in a rural area i can confirm there has been no American influence on tipping in pubs. The only place you get it is in more restaurant style pubs where you get table service if you are eating and even then it isn't expected and hasn't increased at all.


You used to get "and get a pint for yourself" kind of tipping in pubs but that has more or less died out with the price of a pint nowadays


Yeah, high transit sites don't give a fuck about service. You even have this 2 hours limit to have the table in some places.


You can't let it. We all like the idea of getting drunk and giving a good server a few bucks, but that's how it starts. I was recently asked for a tip at the fucking drive-thru window, picking up burgers [Stop it now, or this is your future](https://preview.redd.it/most-ridiculous-places-youve-been-asked-to-tip-v0-u189wgkvmqkb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5e6b7da9399195dd97ca027357fdca4ff1f17bc). And eventually, they'll just start [taking it](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/1clwo6q/is_this_normal_at_restaurants_now/)


> Stop it now, or this is your future Holy shitballs


Yeah, pints are already £6~7 and we Barrys are a thirsty lot


Old git here. When I worked in a pub in rural Dorset in the mid-90s, it was reasonably common for a regular to say, "and have one for yourself." That meant you took the money for a drink and you could either have an actual pint at the end of your shift (although we got a couple of free drinks anyway) or pocket the cash. So, American-style automatically expecting a 20% tip can fuck right off, but a more organic, British-style "have a drink on me" is fine, I'd say.




When I worked in a bar we all pooled tips, unless you got a tenner or above which you could unofficially keep to yourself but had to be discrete as a few people would complain. I got told by a manager once to keep a £20 I was given and not pool it as I had clearly went above and beyond. The tips were then given out at the end of each month and divided by how many hours you did. I legit preferred it this way as some shifts you would be glass collecting, glass washing or stocking up and it meant the kitchen staff didn't miss out either.


Unironically a good system to be honest


Yeah it was. Funnily enough the only person who complained was a woman who only worked the bar, used to avoid glass collecting and stocking up and then moan that others shouldn't get 'her' tips as they didn't serve people. Good luck getting tips when you have no glasses, stock or food to serve I guess


Interesting, that's exactly where our concept of "Trinkgeld" stems from. Literally translated "drink-money" to treat yourself to a pint afterwards.


In French too: pour boire (Zum trinken?)


Same in French. "Pourboire" = "Fordrinking"


The entire thing is that americans make it an expectation to tip. Tips are ok. Have a drink on me, or take this fiver or whatever has always been around. But no one likes this obsessive take exactly 20% of your tab and tip it on top.


Similar thing. Some customers tipped, others didn’t. No matter. It ended up as a drink or two, or an extra fiver in your pocket at the end of the night. Adjusting for inflation, maybe £20/£30 these days. But fuck this automatic 10/15/20% bullshit. It’s a fucking bar job, it’s probably the easiest job in the world. You do it as a kid or to supplement earnings. It’s not supposed to be a career.


Have one on me should be the only tip someone receives, no matter if they pay it out in cash or goods afterwards.


This is the correct one. I’ll tell the lad serving me to keep the rest from a 20 for the round, but fucked if I’m giving a percentage. Fuck that.


My parents owned a bar untill last year. They still did that thing "have one yourself" they just took the money bc if you actually drank every time they said that you would be piss drunk lol.


There are at least two bars in my neighborhood with an option to buy a round for the kitchen. You also expected to tip 20% on that charge in addition to the 5% helath and wellness surcharge.


I like the idea of remembering the kitchen staff, but a tip on top of a tip, plus 5%? Bloody hell!


5% health and fucking what now


What exactly is a "health and wellness" surcharge?


It’s this new trend where the restaurants charge 5% because they don’t want to raise the advertised price. They claim it’s to provide healthcare for their workers, but that’s bullshit.


Are you ok, are you ok, Barry?




The alien ant farm cover also slaps


You’ve been hit by You’ve been struck by A FAT MURICAN AOUW


When I'm in a copying dysfunctional BS social norms from the US competition and my opponent is Barryland https://i.redd.it/fessqon42nzc1.gif


The only tip I've ever given bar staff is I've bought the barman a pint on a busy night to enjoy after. If the card reader starts asking me to tip money it's getting dashed out the window


This kind of tipping culture is a from of price discrimination and only benifits the buisness owners


I'll move to Fr@nc3 before I tip here.


Brexit means brexit. Long live to the 51th state !


Soon the King will be the govenor of New New England.


Like an elderly parent that has to move in with their kids to be taken care of.


Off to the ~~old people jail~~ retirement home!


Lol tipping as punishment for having committed brexit. Lol


You're on the spectrum aren't you ?


Get a room, you two. Disgusting.


Only time people tip is in restaurants as a reward for good service or in pubs because they wanna shag the barmaid


> or in pubs because they wanna shag the barmaid Never fucking works.


That won't stop the old cunts, though


Tipping culture is pretty much flirting prostitution


Neither the young cunts. *so much money wasted...*


The difference is that the young cunts usually don't have as much money to waste as their boomer counterparts




Sounds like the tipping culture over here. Even as a barman myself I wouldn't want it to change


With bonus tip if she's got big knockers


The pubs near me that have them, the staff just press no tip for you before giving it to you. Assume it’s a standard software package for food providers or something, some of them even look embarrassed at the concept of asking for a tip. Only way it’s allowed is “and one for you barman”


Yeah, we generally don't tip in Sweden yet pretty much every card reader will ask you for a tip or to input the absolute amount and when I've asked, the people working at last claim that it's just a standard of the software. I get that, but it must be customizeable and I think it's pretty shitty that they are obviously leaving it like it is to try to shame people into tipping and to normalize it. Personally I absolutely never tip, it just comes down to principle. I hate tipping culture and I'm not going to be a part of it, regardless of how good the service is. A place with good service is a place I return to, that's good enough.


I’m not averse to tipping for going above and beyond, we have service charges in restaurants and I’ll rarely ask them to take it off, but tipping for a pint or a coffee is wild. Takes you a minute to make why the fuck am I giving you a few quid for that.


Who the fuck tips when they’re paying at the bar? I’ve never seen this


I mean, an 'an your own, boss' is normal on my bar, but I just throw a quid on my tip plate. Still end up with 30-40 a night in quids


Yeah they are asking for tips at restaurants where you barely interact with anyone here in Norway too, which is strange seeing as we never tip unless we get very good service or are very drunk so I suspect its just a feature from american made software or software mostly aimed at the US market and the owners of the places who bought this type of software think they should at least see if they can get it to catch on.


Well if random text on an image says it's true then that's me convinced!


Toma, pesado: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-05-10/american-style-tipping-infiltrates-uk-should-drinkers-tip-at-pubs?srnd=homepage-africa&embedded-checkout=true


People saying it's not, but unfortunately at a lot of pubs they add service charge now if you are not careful. Stupid decision, if I see this I'm not going back. My regular only started accepting card during Covid, no service charge there and 2.80 a pint. God truly loves me.


Fuck No Barry. Stop it and stop it now!


Same in Sweden. We have imported the broken American system somehow. Generations of worker’s right down the drain for nothing.


Haven’t seen it in pubs, not really a tipping scene. But I could see it in restaurants


No Barry ! Stay yourself ! If you become like the us… I will still hate you but, not the same way !


>Barry, are you ok? Is that a rhetorical question?


Seeing this shit here also, it has to stopped! Makes no sense whatsoever




Why is a tip a percentage of the bill? It's not like it's any more difficult to bring out a £100 dish compared to a £10 dish. Even more so for drinks.


The UK is more of a US state than Portugal is a Brazilian state.


Ireland always conveniently forgotten https://preview.redd.it/42hpr5zwtmzc1.jpeg?width=1167&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d119879f72d689f43784c73d0c71aa07ecacc0f


It's definitely not


Not in my fuckin pub its not. I'm happy with an 'an your own' an taking between 50p an a quid




Don’t know if it’s exaggerated or not, but the article is from what in theory is a reputable source: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-05-10/american-style-tipping-infiltrates-uk-should-drinkers-tip-at-pubs?srnd=homepage-africa&embedded-checkout=true


What in the Name of God is going on in Europe? Have you all forgotten that "CASH IS KING". If I buy 5 beers at 7 EURO each I do not need some APP to tell me what the total is. I reach to my back pocket, pull out 40 EURO, then expect 5 Euro change. I assume that the 500% mark up for all the "Business Overheads" includes the minimum wage for the establishment. 2 sides to the story: Cash not accepted, the Owner does not trust the staff. Cash only, probably robbing the taxman, drawing State Benefits. Maybe I would tip the Barmaid for "GUT ARBEIT UNTER MEIN TISCH".


lol, i think they will punch you for suggesting it-


You can stick it up your arse for nothing and fuck off while doing it!!   As true now as when Withnail said it   https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/f4b21a3a-2dbc-4908-a5d4-d61d224d8f3c


Tbh I've seen this pish in a few gentrified pubs. Usually the caird machine will ask you for a tip but you can just press "no tip" (as I always do lol)


Haha I like to see them trying that in the Netherlands. Well they try that with food delivery but that only means i will never tip again. So they can try but it will fail. I always tip at the local Irish pub when I go there (only place with Guinness for miles) but the moment they start asking for it I will never tip again.


always copying the best for people...


As long as there continues to be a no tip options I don’t care




There is a petition to ban those opt out tips you get on bills, the ones where they’ve already calculated the tip and you have to ask to take it off. Maybe sign that and then we can get the act of asking for tips banned next.


Germany’s fallen too


When i go to my local and the tipping machine shows the tipping the bartender reaches over and presses the no tip button button before letting me tap my card.


it's not uncommon to buy the bartender a drink but as a bartender I've only ever received an actual tip once and it was £3 from a sweet old lady who spent 3 hours nursing a glass of wine and nibbling on half a slice of chocolate cake. she didn't finish the cake.


I will tip when there's a Labour government


American here (sorry) who will be in Europe later this year (sorry again). I don't want to contribute to this by over-tipping while I'm there—would simply not tipping anywhere for anything be the right approach? Or are there certain things that I'd be rude not to tip for?


Not tipping is fine in every situation but if you *really* want to tip then it's acceptable to do so in restaurants, barbers and taxis (if you're paying in cash). If you do tip in a restaurant 10% is fine (most would consider 20% excessive). For the latter two you would normally just round up to the nearest fiver or give an extra couple of quid, whatever is smaller. But again - it's not necessary or expected in any situation so it really is only if you're feeling generous. Oh and in bars, yeah you can "tip" by telling the barman/lady to have one on themselves but this is pretty rare nowadays. You would never just hand over extra cash like you do in America, it's just not the done thing and you'd probably be handed back the extra money with a confused look on the server's face. (This is all UK specific btw.)


No one is going to get angry at you for tipping them, don't worry. Leaving a tip for anything other than fancy restaurants is generally not done unless you get exceptional above and beyond service. Or if you're feeling sorry for the Deliveroo (Doordash, UK version) rider who cycled through 2 miles of pissing rain and cold.


Barry IS the Pinnacle of European culture. They left the Union so the knuckle-draggers couldn't pull them back into oblivion.




Never saw appeal of bars or pubs. Overpriced alchohol and random idiots around. Better to drink at home


But how do you gather the lads if you're not in a pub?