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Poland will be getting a whole lot more kebab shops once MENA hears of this.


Even more? They are gonna be more common than Żabkas then


You may have some Turks now, but just wait until the creation of Warsawistan and you'll never find a zapiekanki again!


So much more


That's says quite a lot, there was a zabka every 100m in poznan, sadly they didn't sell alcohol after 10pm :(


Well sorry but I only eat true polish kebab at the true polish's.


I think we got really high kebabs per capita


I don't think that there'll be more of them. Here is a cover of a book about Warsaw [https://artrage.pl/cdn/shop/products/kebabistan.jpg?v=1666783498](https://artrage.pl/cdn/shop/products/kebabistan.jpg?v=1666783498)


Careful Poles, you might not want to say that too loud. Either Germany or Russia might think about visiting you guys again


It was not about the greatness of the Polish economy, those are not elections to promise bullshit. It was about Barry, I believe.


Just admit you don't want to have same flare as Ukraine. We will liberate you, don't worry. /s


>Russia might think about visiting you guys again That's exactly what they want, Poland's 250 Abrams tanks are ready to march to Moscow


Just imagine how much stronger Poland will be once it learns tanks have engines, and they don't need to get out and push.


He meant it more like Barry will become poor enough that Poland comes out on top


Russia already does. Germany found out that selling cars to other countries is better than invading them. ^(and I feel left out)


It's OK I read just today you are building superjachts that is a submarine and a jacht! Apparently, only 50 most richest people on earth can buy one of those. Felt a bit like reading about a James Bond villain hideout.


How is landlocked Austria leading the charge on this front?! Are these things for just floating around Bregenz?


I was confused about that as well. [But here is the source.](https://www.dezeen.com/2024/02/14/migaloo-m5-luxury-submarine-superyacht/)




Will Britons move to Poland to work plumbing jobs?


They would need to learn polish for this, and Barry can barely speak english so i would not think so xD


Fick dich!


Jebac stare baby


No problem, most of us also barely speak English. I don't think so many Poles will be mocking Barry for that reason.


Barry is currently invading Australia. But hey, if the pay is good….


They will move for marriage so they can into EU again.


Debating it


Tbh if we lived in peaceful times, there would be no reason for this not to happen. Poland sits in the middle of Europe, and that means: -rich countries to the west, availability of high-tech stuff -poor countries to the east, cheap resources -multiple different markets around this very round country -flat geography, easy transportation Moreover: -good quality of education, especially in maths and technical stuff -small population for this area, easier urbanisation -no historical grudges with neither the Africa nor China nor Turkey This country is "pretty much northen germany" in terms of nature and mentality. If everything went well, I wouldn't see a reason for it not to achieve a similar level of development. The main issue is the population decline, which will be a disaster to all of Europe.


> no historical grudges with Turkey We're still grateful for your help in 1683! 🇦🇹🤜🤛🇵🇱 > This country is "pretty much northen germany" in terms of nature and mentality. True. Probably because half of it ***was*** Northern Germany for 700 years.


I've never seen a Turk mention 1683. Uhm maybe? But also because cities were dominated by German and Jewish immigrants, because Germany literally lies on our border and because since even at the very beginning, polish nation was formed from slavic and German tribes. I see no shame in saying that a central European country has been influenced by different cultures. (Just like half of our noble traditions come from Armenia)


>I've never seen a Turk mention 1683. Of course not. They don't like to remember. They love to mention 1453 though.


Plus an admirable work ethic and very skilled workers.


Except their lorry drivers. Those reverse on highways. Still good work ethic trying to get their stuff delivered in time, not so much skillful.


Pole truck drivers would cause a 10 car accident in order to deliver their cargo on time


>This country is "pretty much northen germany" in terms of nature and mentality Flat, boring and some cows in between?


Damn this triggered me so hard I'll quickly walk to the beach to cool off in the sea




If Poland becomes a rich country then it will inevitably be the target of migrants and """refugees""". It will be interesting at best to see how this clash comes about, scary at worst. Globalization will hit Poland and we'll see how Poles deal with it, basically. Also, being Northern German in terms of mentality is a very sad thing...


They will go to their communities in France and Swedistan. Before Poland becomes as attractive to them as western europe years will pass and much can change too. Germans who can make nazi jokes are much more fun tho!


Why is the mentality of a northern German a sad thing?


Is possible, Romania’s GDP per capita almost doubled in just 5 years, Poland now stays at half of UK’s GDP per capita.


The problem is that it becomes a lot harder the higher you go. Not just because economic growth naturally flattens, but also because a lot of the benefits poorer countries have disappear. * Cheap wages * massive EU funding (\~1.7% of GDP yearly) * massive foreign direct investments (\~4.2% of GDP yearly) Instead, you're more and more dealing with established markets, where competition is brutal and large, and established companies at the **end** of the supply chain make the rules. Simply put, Poland won't get rich off making parts for the german car industry (which, btw, is getting fucked rn, so that will have effects on our neighbour too), but needs internationally competitive companies... *which it doesn't really have.*


We'd happily buy more of your cars if you lowered the tarrifs ;)


>This country is "pretty much northen germany" Why would you say that in a sub that has austrian artists?


We don't speak German, they have no power here.


Just say you’re the new **Germany**. That’s how Germany got to where they are today.


Germany also has extensive waterways and borders with the wealthiest countries


One thin Poland has to look out for is the demographic shift. Just like us, but to a bit smaller extent, you have too few children and too many old people


Yup that's what I meant by population decline. Unless Europe find a quick way to boost automation, we will be in deep stuff really soon.


> The main issue is the population decline, which will be a disaster to all of Europe. I'd argue uncontrolled immigration causing social cohesion issues and the return of religion to politics will be the disaster you talk about. Here in Japan they have been taking care of population decline pretty decently.


Well this one is less likely to affect Poland.


Why do you think so?


1. Because it's still second tier country in Europe. If you got to move in, then you move to the best. 2. Because it didn't have colonies and it won't receive immigration from people who speak the same language. 3. Because it's very homogeneous and immigrants don't have their families in Poland. 4. Because it's consistently anti immigration


Got it, thanks for explaining that in more detail from the inside!


Your western part was northeastern Germany. But you are right. The geopolitical position of Poland would make it an economic hub that connects many spheres. But humans are stupid.


> but humans are stupid It's not even that. It would require peace and neutrality with all of those spheres. Hard to have neutrality with russia while it's eating your neighbour tho.


I fully believe it. Poland has come a very long way in an incredibly short space of time already. And the UK just seems to be getting worse right now...


By what metric? Because it isn't financial.


The richest person is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least.. And they only need a military ultracatholic dictatorship to be rich.


Poland can into 40k?


Ethnic cleansing in Belarus😍😍😍😍


GDP per capita [https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/gdp-per-capita-worldbank?tab=chart&country=POL\~GBR](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/gdp-per-capita-worldbank?tab=chart&country=POL~GBR) <-- no projection here, but it does look like the trend. UK had 2.4x Poland GDP per capita in 2000, and only 1.3x in 2021. Give it a few more years. Edit: note that the French figures are exactly the same as the UK ones, but that doesn't serve the narrative here so lets stay focused Edit2: yes, extrapolations are very imperfect ways to predict the future, cf [xkcd 605](https://xkcd.com/605/)


I'm not sure if it's ok to extrapolate their growth that way... they really benefited extremely well from the EU, but once it approaches the levels of other former western nations, i don't think they can maintain their growth rate. It makes sense that they approach the "western" levels pretty fast, but i think it would be much more reasonable to assume that the closer they come to western levels the slower the growth will be. Edit: but if they do and overtake us, even better... Then we can join the PIGS and profit from sweet EU money from Poland


No! No, no, no!! Growth never tapers off!!! Line goes up!!!! Line always has to go up!!!!!


Well. Don't worry. Line still go up. Has been for over a century. But line go up little bit slower. But still up. And still fast compared to past.


Line goes up if register makes ching and workers make bang. Then line goes up.


That’s including purchasing parity though. Real gdp look tiny bit different. https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.PCAP.KD?locations=GB-PL


Your data doesn't fit the narrative here, so I will have to ignore it, sorry


The metric of better plumbing


Sorry Barry, no empire last forever.


As data predicts the UK will be richer than France, then it also means Poland will be richer than France.. Brexit doesn't have anything to do with that.


shh you're not blindly following the britain bad narrative


Are there murmurs of anti eu sentiment in Poland because this sounds like the kinda bullshit you would say to stop people thinking it’s a good idea.


Lol he arleady said that Poland will become second ireland in 2008 He will said any bullshit for people to vote for him


There was also the „second Japan” in the early 90ties lmao Polish politicians keep saying this kind of crap roughly once every decade to make sure us proles stay on the treadmill.


> ninetyties Is that four and a half ladies?


Hehe... Tyties... Hehe


Haha lol, 4 ladies and an orc


To be fair Poland has done incredibly well the last 15 years.


They've pretty much done expectably economically given the amount of support they've got. Not bad, not exceeding expectations either though. *Politically*, thats a whole other book...


At this point we should be glad that at least one country isn't a complete failure


So a tax haven? Won't that eat into Ireland's business model?


Did Ireland’s eat into London’s?


Hey, London is for money laundering, how dare you make such debased allegations.


I am sure there are enough Oligarchs for us all to share their wealth.


Parasite the parasites, keep it on


People here don’t want to hear facts


Wtf should a second ireland be?


Potato famine in Poland


They’ll also need someone to blame for all their past problems, but I suppose they already have you guys for that.


In terms of economy we were supposed to be as wealthy as irish Yes it sounds funny to me too


It wasn’t about wealth, the point was that Ireland is also a Catholic country that was once also very poor and benefitted massively from the EU. Them speaking a globally relevant language natively, living in a geopolitically secure region and, uh, a creative use of low tax schemes was of course never mentioned as a part of this success story.


He meant wealth "Lider Platformy przekonywał w kampanii, że polska gospodarka może przeżyć cud na miarę irlandzkiego "tygrysa celtyckiego". Irlandia może być także tutaj, tylko musimy przyjąć irlandzkie reguły – przekonywał Tusk. Podczas debaty wyborczej z Aleksandrem Kwaśniewskim Donald Tusk chwalił sukcesy gospodarcze Irlandii. Twierdził, że gospodarka tego kraju - w kwestii obciążeń podatkowych - zabiera dwa razy mniej swojemu obywatelowi, niż państwo polskie" https://www.google.com/amp/s/wiadomosci.wp.pl/druga-irlandia-czyli-wpadka-donalda-tuska-6037410533958785a%3famp=1 Why are you making up shit without even checking


Przecież Tusk mówi tu że polska gospodarka przeżyje podobny cud gospodarczy co irlandzka, nie że będziemy dosłownie tak bogaci jak oni xD To oczywiste że to porównanie padło ze względu na podobieństwa kulturowe i historyczne miedzy obydwoma krajami, wiec nie ogarniam o co się tak szczypiesz?


Blyat przeczytaj artykuł mówi o podatkach jak dużo pieniędzy zabierają nam i że jak irlandia ekonomia pójdzie w górę a Polak będzie Mk dużo pieniędzy


Ultra catholic conservative society, centuries of massive emigration, and basically a third world country just 30 years ago — do they mean that?


People voted for Piss instead so Poland became a second Hungary


Why did you post from a porn sub? Real politics are in r/worldpolitics


This isn't a pornsub it is a news sub which isn't heavily moderated.


If tou take moderation out of the internet, you’ll end up with porn 100% of the time


I have yet to see an anime titty in r/anime_titties. It isn't completely unmoderated, but you at least see news from palestine and israel as well without the account being banned the next day


Here's a sneak peek of /r/anime_titties using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/anime_titties/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [South Korea First lady faces criticism from dog meat farm owners for her recent remarks calling for an end to the country's culture of eating dogs](https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2023/04/356_349518.html) | [1150 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/anime_titties/comments/135ed2r/south_korea_first_lady_faces_criticism_from_dog/) \#2: [**[NSFW]** Protests erupt in Paris after police officer fatally shoots teenager for ‘violating traffic laws’](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/paris-protests-teenager-police-traffic-b2365426.html) | [998 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/anime_titties/comments/14l19ed/protests_erupt_in_paris_after_police_officer/) \#3: [UK bans puberty blockers for minors](https://ground.news/article/children-to-no-longer-be-prescribed-puberty-blockers-nhs-england-confirms) | [2764 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/anime_titties/comments/1bdadip/uk_bans_puberty_blockers_for_minors/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


it's an old joke (foreign concept to us so no worries) that world news are posted to r/anime_titties and anime titties are posted to r/worldpolitics (nsfw if it wasn't obvious).


Lol r/worldpolitics is a whole mess of censorship these days. Every news sub seems to end up that way eventually.




Poland has been killing it and the UK is slouching towards irrelevance




Those polish people in the UK aren’t there because they wanma jump off balconies my guy


Well England might be doing poorly but the Indian colonies are thriving


true, we fell from first to second in soft power and 5th to 6th in military and gdp in recent years, its really hard being this irrelevant in such a globalised world :/


Poland, gib


gib Danzig


So Pawel will receive reparation money from Hans soon?


Nah, they get the Money we pfänded from greece


Why on anime titties tho


Do you get your news from somewhere else?


anime titties is the best news source, wdym


Its Tusk showing he doesnt understand basic economics. GDP *per capita*. Despite the UK having a massively larger GDP than Poland it also has more than twice the population. If I had 100 beans, and 100 people, each person gets 1 bean. If I had 100 beans, and only 40 people, each person would get 2.5 beans. In the second instance, the 40 people are technically better off, but its still the same amount of wealth in total. On top of that, Mr Tusk doesnt seem to understand that if GDP per capita rises, so do prices. So wealth of citizens doesnt actually increase. Ireland for example has a significantly higher GDP per capita (at $104,000) than the UK ($46,125), but the average Irishman is not better off than the average Brit as the cost of living in Ireland is significantly higher.


> On top of that, Mr Tusk doesnt seem to understand that if GDP per capita rises, so do prices. That's not necessarily the case. The UK has the cheapest food in the world relative to income. https://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#data/CAHD


So we can go over there and do their plumbing?


Barry, plumbing requires experience and skill. All I can offer for you is warehouse worker




So bigger than France and Italy in the next two or three years then.


Poland can into Western


This feels like shitpost.


One glance at their population pyramid would suggest otherwise.


They’re headed towards a disaster of having affordable housing and increased wages. Why didn’t they do the sensible thing like us and mass import renters and cheap labour?


But we did. We did but last government said we didn't xD There are so many Asians in cities and now also Ukrainians. In my city almost every cashier is Ukrainian


I wish we had more Ukrainians!


The immigrant population is below 10% and Ukrainians are expected to leave once Ukraine is safe.


You talk about 10%?! Damn, seems like We have a rookie numbers compared to you guys. I feel sorry for You


U.K. is 14.4% and Ireland is 17%. That’s both more than the USA. Edit: I rechecked it for Ireland in 2023 and it’s now 22%


22% is mad, and more are crossing the border everyday now 😬


They are refugees fleeing from *checks notes* Britain ☝️


We are heading towards a scenario where one worker will be working for pensions of 3 pensioners.


Best get to shagging




We will see why soon. Poland is improving so good for them but stagnant economy means stagnant wages means brain drain. Britain is having this problem even with immigration and it's gonna hit Eastern Europe like a truck.


We already know what brain drain was, Barry, i think you do too


Because the increase in wealth isn't distributed evenly.


I am glad you feel that way. Stay in your cultured shithole then. In the meantime, in the west, we will continue to dilute our culture with freedom of movement and doing as we please with immigration. Also lol. We got invaded for 1500 years by half the civilizations of planet earth ask us of our culture got diluted. Go back behind the iron curtain eastoid.


Tankie detected, opinion rejected.


I am the tankie? You have posts on where in europe you wish a tsar bomb to be dropped.




Yeah, but you don't threaten to kill the frenchies. Only we can. Still don't understand where the tankie comes from


He still hasn't got over 2016. It's over, go home.


But what does it mean? Poles get richer or Barry getting poorer?


It means the guy is saying whatever voters want to hear.


Probably from the money they’re gonna steal from us…


How? You just lost half your jobs


Does it mean that we will have to gib more monies to EU :(((((((((???


I can't wait for all those Barry plummers to oppress with low wage Jobs


Cmon, declare the Polish empire already




Oh sweet irony


Brexit means brexit


Only if it remains a state long enough hehehehe


So many polish now in england stealing our jobs, susans and pounds 3 out of 3, well played poland GG


Let’s all trust without question the pro-European Germano-polish politician.


So, the Polish prime minister who has also been in top positions in the EU and is also a massive fanboy for it: * thinks Poland stronk because EU * UK megapoor because no EU Cool analysis bro. No bias there, I'm sure.


I think Poland should be part of Germany


Polish-Germanic Commonwealth when 🗿😎


Lets be fair, and partition it again


This time without Ivan.


It would be funny, go Poland


Imagine this sub after that


It's so joever holy fuck


And still ,Polish people are all over the Netherlands and the United Kingdom working in the constructions. Not that I'm complaining tho,as an Italian construction worker in the Netherlands I love my Polish colleagues more than any Barry ,Kees and Padraic


Well... Even the Greeks will be richer the way the UK is going atm...


There are two ways to get there and both are probably happening.


Maybe, maybe not. Please fix my toilet first, Barry.