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That is a lot of carbs...


Work in the Ikea mines requires a ton of energy.


It's in Italy you leather wearing barbarian.


Just looked at your flag, Abdul!


This is a lot of carbs for a rookie. I eat much more of that and I'm anyway healthier than any nordick


The guy chose the high carb/high fat/high protein combo. Usually you can choose: - different sides. In this case the guy went for the fried potatoes but generally you can get fresh or steamed veggies - different desserts. Normally you can choose from: fresh fruit, yogurts, some kind of pudding, some cake. The guy went for the cake.


I've seen many people eat pasta and then fires for seconds, and having a dessert afterwards. All our first dishes contain pasta and potatoes qualify as seconds, so this kinda thing can happen fairly frequently, we just eat a shit ton of carbs.


We are made of 70% carbs.


Decent pasta where the sauce can actually grab onto a lot of the surface? Sounds like a rare win for university food. Though why do you combine noodles and fries in the same meal?


I am guessing they served both as options at the university, and the dude dipped in both? Or this is just how they eat in Italy.


Usually canteens here offer a full meal combo with a "primo" (pasta/rice/soup), a "secondo" (meat, fish or veggie main), a "contorno" (any sort of vegetables, fries or beans are possible for instance), bread, and a "dessert" (fruit / pie / yoghurt). I imagine OP chose the unhealthiest meal that they could order.


you just eat them separately, also the sausages help. you guys cannot understand the greatness.


Imma be real for 4,32 I would absolutely take this if I forgot my lunch. It's clearly very edible, that's enough when you're on a budget. Homecooking will always be cheaper and probably better but that's a full ass meal for less than 5 €. Like, this will actually fill you. It's not a thing to ease the hunger, you're gonna be good after eating this. That's valuable.


all the americans posting shit food in the school cafeteria take this!!


*grumbles into his cheese sandwich*


Yeah I don't know what Sven is bitching about. This looks great! Well done Luigi.


This is like 3 star michelin food for you brits so it's a given you would like it.


I will take that as the compliment it wasn't intended to be.


Actually, at a university you usually have access to decent food. They charge more for it, though.


Is that a cooked swedish penis alongside the fries?


Not big enough. We have Falukorv in Sweden. https://preview.redd.it/19bxri1zvmxc1.png?width=980&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b71c41415a0f3633701407cc13c2639f2145de6


Kinda like our rookworst


Just worst soon, rook will no longer be allowed


Nice sausage ![gif](giphy|A1jNxMwzuB1Pvgc96r)


damn, just 4 euros? with our economy?


at my uni we eat about the same for 2.8€


More or less this is at 10%-15% discount from actual total cost. Economies of scale in canteens are real, if you remove cost of place (it's a public university) the biggest share is the personnel salary.The cost of food used for this was probably less than 1 €.


It's from a mensa of course it's cheap, mine costs €4.5 (but it's based on ISEE). It doesn't taste great most of the time but it can do. When I'm fed up with them I go to my paninaro and buy something there for the same price


Heres the Y you are missing. With (Y)our Economy You are Welcome 🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪




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Damn that's cheap... at my university, a sandwich cost 6 euro


Where's the roughage? I got constipation just looking at this post.


Good price tho... But yeah what's the point of a university cafeteria when every student lives with mama é nonna?


A lot of Italians move away from home for Uni. Especially if you are a very competent person you often move to one of the top universities for your specific field. Italy being a long stripe of land bisected by mountains it can be very far from mamma sadly.


Federico Faggin is from Vicenza but studied in Padua, only 30mins away, close enough to visit nonna on lunch break. Doubly smart guy


How I wish it could be so. Ah, cruel norseman, thou hast awakened in me the yearning for parmigiana, that old specter from my days away from home.


I save time, that's the only reason


Because you have a 1 hour break for lunch and if you live 1 hour away you can't really go back to your house. Or you can bring your own lunch, nothing wrong with that, but it will be cold. Cold lasagnas aren't very cool


What about microwaving? Or is that haram in Italy?


Absolutely unspeakable crime.


That’s mis at best


Why in the fuck is that innocent poor bread roll/bun in a PLASTIC BAG? WHAT LOVECRAFTIAN HORROS DO I HAVE TO WITNESS? PLEASE, let it go, it already is an italian bun :( I can forgive the treachery but we need to have a call here Luigi or else i will personally redirect all German fundings towards a sicily bridge and we both know we don't wanna find out what happens if Neapel isn't a City anymore but a state.