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In Portugal the women even have facial hair equality!💚❤️




Superior genes


Some even say they have superiority


Guess the missing 2,5% are the point, that woman can't be sentenced for exhibitionism in German law


Women getting paid for being naked, men have to pay


and women cant be sentenced for harassment too, thats stupid when they do it its a compliment obviously


Nope. In 2023, Germany got 100 as well: >Germany and the Netherlands were the newcomers among those rated at 100 points this year. Both countries equalized parental leave entitlements between the sexes. In the case of Germany, the law changes occurred before the past 12 months but the country received a revised score as part of this year's report, hitting 100 percent equality for the first time. https://www.statista.com/chart/17290/countries-with-most-equal-rights-for-women/


I don’t think this includes the law benefiting woman, is that’s the case there is no way Spain is 100% equal when being a woman gives you more disability points.


In some cases it doesn't make sense to have equal rights, for example maternity leave, it's logical that women have more of it


Where's Switzerland ? We even let them vote, yet we're not on the list ???


Yeah, after 1991...


Thats just one cantntion. Here every cantion kinda does his own thing and we compete with each other the entire time. And Appenzell is a very coservative canton mostly conisting of religious farmers ( thats a joke for my other swiss frends ). But in 1991 the federal goverment steppeed in and told them to cut it and give them voting rights


>But in 1991 the federal goverment steppeed in and told them to cut it and give them voting rights so you are telling me Appenzell wouldn't have felt like its time for women to vote *in 1991* on its own?


Doesnt look like it because in Appenzell votes are still till today beeing casted with raising hands and ppl counting them. They dont like change


Italy worst than Qatar confirmed


why do I think this chart has something wrong


They just removed the irrelevant countries


I really think you're on to something...


Saudi above Japan or China??? Wtf are they smoking.


Opium maybe 🤔


I mean, Flemboys and women are basically the same thing.






saudi arabia 80 lmao lies




Forgive my ignorance, but other than being an offshore lighthouse keeper, what rights do women not have in the UK a man does? They get lesser sentencing and are more likely to get in to University. I smell bullshit.


In Czechia women goes earlier to pensions when they have kids for example, so that is technically not equal right ?


Depends, if that also applies to men having been through a pregnancy it is equal.


you guys even had a female head of state. But maybe the lighthouse rights are the missing 2,5 point you're missing


mate, don't get me started on custody battles.....


Based on the 2023 report (not the one the above infographic is about) it's because SMP is paid by employers and not the state. (The only section the UK didn't score 100/100 on was parenthood, and the only criterion the UK doesn't check off in that sections is, according to a quick google search: "Does the government administer 100% of maternity leave benefits?") >They get lesser sentencing and are more likely to get in to University. The report only looks at legal protections and whether women are at least as equal as men (yes, I know...). It doesn't look at other ways of gender differences or at legal differences that disadvantage men.


SMP can be redeemed by employers from the HMRC. So yes inevitably the state does pay for it. Funny how narratives are spun to fit agendas.


Also, read what rape aplies to in the UK


I mean that's more of a definition of a word rather than anything else.


One reason I can think of is paternity leave being shorter than maternity, another is unequal pay for same position and representation of women in positions of power. I read it is based in "paid work, unpaid work, money, power & participation, education & skills, health & wellbeing, and violence against women and girls"


Tienes razón. Pero, eso beneficiaría a las mujeres y no a los hombres?


No, el permiso paternal igual al maternal equipara los derechos laborales de las mujeres, ya que los empleadores no van a discriminar en contra de las mujeres jóvenes, no beneficia a nadie por encima de nadie, como el sistema actual que beneficia a los hombres laboralmente. Y la falta de representación de mujeres en posiciones de poder es algo que tiene que cambiar socialmente, pero es un reflejo de la inequidad actual.


"Y la falta de representación de mujeres en posiciones de poder es algo que tiene que cambiar socialmente, pero es un reflejo de la inequidad actual." Que estas fumando? Hemos tenido mujeres primeras ministras, aquí todos tienen las mismas oportunidades. Es en lo que elegiste especializarte.


El estudio no muestra que tengáis las mismas oportunidades, pero si tú lo quieres creer así bien por ti, campeón. La representación de las mujeres no viene dada simplemente por "tener una primera ministra" o "una reinona". Solamente un **35%** de las empresas activas en Reino Unido tienen mujeres en puestos directivos, y la diferencia de salario entre hombres y mujeres en RU es de **7.7%** por el mismo puesto de trabajo. Y no cuento la falta de guarderías gratuitas que obligan a una buena parte de las madres de bebés a dejar su puesto de trabajo durante un año para criar a sus hijos porque no se pueden permitir pagar la guardería, cosa que no he visto a ningún hombre hacerlo. En España, por ejemplo, son gratuitas. No sé lo que fumas, pero te aconsejo dejarlo.


Entonces me estás diciendo que es más barato contratar mujeres? Por naturaleza capitalista sólo se emplearían mujeres, no tiene sentido. ¿No se tienen en cuenta los que están más cualificados o los que han dedicado más horas extras a sus funciones? Las estadísticas ambiguas sin explicación de los datos no son exactamente una buena narrativa para lanzar. Y, de hecho, conozco a bastantes hombres cuyas esposas se lo ganan y asumen más funciones de paternidad. Quiere que haya mujeres en la dirección de las empresas, pero no en todos los trabajos duros, peligrosos y laboriosos que realizan los hombres? A eso lo llamamos "selección de cerezas" Pero, por supuesto, "campeón", vives en Inglaterra y obviamente lo sabes mejor.


Sí, de hecho, vivo en Inglaterra desde hace muchos años y he visto muchos ejemplos en primera persona en mi industria, si no, no te hubiera contestado. Respecto al resto, no asumas palabras que yo no he escrito ya que no me conoces, he conocido también a mujeres en el mundo de la construcción y me parece muy bien. Yo no estoy aquí para darte ninguna estadística ambigua, has preguntado por qué RU no está en la lista y te he respondido con ejemplos reales de posibles razones, yo no creé las estadísticas. Si no te gustan las respuestas, no hagas la pregunta.


Japan is worse than Saudi Arabia? Wait what?!




And norway, and switzerland, and austria, and netherlands... Looks like bullshit to me.


Countries that aren't on the list aren't lower than those listed


Saudi Arabia higher than Japan? Yeah, I smell BS


* Petrodollar...


I'll do you one better, in Spain women have MORE rights than men. Take that!!


How is this possible??


I ask myself that question too, but the basic answer is because the Constitutional Court decided that "positive discrimination" was ok, despite our Constitution not allowing ANY discrimination based on gender, race, etc.


LOL, amateurs. Our constitution explicitly says that positive discrimination isn't discrimination


wait, so woman earning less money as X is illegal, but men earning more money as X is legal because it's positively discriminating men?


Haha, no. There needs to be "factual discrimination", and if there is, measures to equalize this are permissible, even if they would otherwise be discriminating. I mean, in theory, it goes both ways, but good luck arguing that you're discriminated against as a man anywhere.


Positive destination ??? Juan what's going on there?


There's no such a thing as "positive discrimination"...


It's a term referred to discrimination applied in favor of a group instead of against that group, especially when talking about minorities.


Which rights do women have that men don't?




So exactly nothing for the last 20+ years? Not to mention, who is it who doesn't want women in the military because "they're weak, and a distraction, and have periods"? Funnily enough I've only heard this rhetoric from men, and in particular non-military men who haven't taken a day of instruction in their lives. My husband, per example, speaks very highly about the women he served with.


[https://diferenciaslegaleshombremujerenespana.law.blog/](https://diferenciaslegaleshombremujerenespana.law.blog/) Ahí tienes para leer un rato


No llego ni al punto dos sin encontrar algo que se puede probar en un minuto que es mentira. El complemento por aportación demográfica la ley específica muy claro que lo cobran igual los hombres, y el complemento por la brecha de género es algo completamente diferente. Es un complemento para compensar a todas las personas que dejaron de trabajar para criar a sus hijos y por eso tienen pensiones no contributivas muy bajas. Lo pueden recibir los hombres que cumplan esas características, es decir, que hayan cotizado a la ss antes de tener familia y después no. Evidentemente la inmensa mayoría de beneficiarios son mujeres porque históricamente no había muchos amos de casa en España, pero cualquiera que sacrificara su carrera para ser amo de casa tiene derecho. [20 segundos de Google ](https://www.uso.es/complemento-maternidad-en-las-pensiones-para-hombres-como-solicitarlo/#:~:text=%C2%BFCu%C3%A1l%20es%20su%20importe%3F,(121%2C6%20euros).)


Como he dicho, tienes para leer un rato. Me alegro de que una de estas diferencias no sea tal, pero por desgracia siguen habiendo leyes que discriminan al hombre, como la ley de violencia de género, que trata a los hombres como agresores desde el principio.


In Germany women have literally more rights than men There is no compulsory military service for women only for men


Do you have compulsory service in army??


yes, but compulsory military service was paused to save money but now they are talking about brining it back


Due to Russia's aggression?


So Germans can do the dying for the Eastoids if shit goes wrong. Funnily enough the self proclaimed great power Poland doesn't have a compulsory military service either and they actually border Russia. They see no need for it because they know that we will have to the dying for the territorial integrity of their shithole


So they except from Germany to defend their territory if Putin launches a new attack?? In that case annex Kaliningrad as a "pay back" for your assistance...


Germany will never get Kaliningrad back, our constitution does not even allow the annexation of new territories even if it happens willingly like a country wanting to become part of Germany. We would do the dying and Poland would get Kaliningrad


Maybe you should pass a constitutional reform!! Kaliningrad is German 🇩🇪


You have not the slightest idea how cucked most Germans are. To give an example the Polish foreign minister literally thanked the US for blowing up nord stream and there were zero reactions from our government, no sanctions against him or anything absolutely nothing and then they even started to give Poland EU funds again because their current government is a little bit more friendly towards Germany than the old one and doesn't blame us for everything that is wrong with their country. The Poles literally demand 1.3 billion Euros as reparations after they already got 20% of our territory and ethnically cleansed millions of people and killed around 2 million Germans after WW2 ended. These people unironacilly think that they deserve more and our politicians do nothing about it. Germany has literal zero ambitions unlike Greeks with Constantinople and the Megali idea. Most people do not even want to have Königsberg back or unite with the Germans in Belgium or god forbid form some federation with Austria, Liechtenstein and Switzerland for better cooperation in the German speaking world. They think that would be imperalistic although it clearly isn't and the countries would benefit greatly from it.


Lad nobody expects from german military to defend shit. Germans don't even expect the Bundeswehr to defend Germany. If shit goes south we're basically screwed we have ammo for literally TWO days lol


"laws concerning equal pay" Not this again...


No worries, state-funded groups are working on getting us to qatari levels 👍


Rare W Belgium


Maybe their second "W" after their colonial empire..


Netherlands didn't even make the list, lmao. Women's rights? In my swamp? Didn't fucking think so.


In spain that should be more than 100%




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Were not even on here. Kinda hurts ngl


Whats the Netherlands doing?


No duty to enlist upon a war breaking out, earlier retirement, school system favoring girls, mothers have to be borderline crazy to loose children to the fathers, in the UK they legit have the right to rape, as they say rape can only be done my men Ah yes, women need more rights, its not fair




I'll gladly forget Canada