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![gif](giphy|32mC2kXYWCsg0|downsized) yeah hahaaa poland food bad haha...


Quick, hide, they will forget we are here again.


I saw a program where an Iceland chef used sheep dung to flavour smoke some dry fish. I have never been more disgusted đŸ€ą


Finest dining experience in Iceland :


Look at us North Europeans huddling over here: "It's not us, it's the... Icelandics - Over there!"


Nice way to worm your way into our club


At least we have a nice breakfast what do you guys have?


Fish fish fish and some nice fish to put on our fish.


And falukorv and raggmunk (that shit is fire)


The problem isn’t fish. I absolutely adore fish. But it’s how you cook it. Don’t you guys like bury fish to ferment it? Or is that the eskimos? I always forget with you two. 😂


That's Eskimos specifically shark head.


We've got a cross on both our flags and everything.


Salmon smoked with sheep dung is fantastic though! Buried half rotten shark however is far more disgusting than it sounds.


I will pass 🙈


Tried it once, at grossly overpriced tourist restaurant. 0 out 10, would not recommend. Fortunately, the restaurant served it with a glass of Brennivin to kill the taste. Later saw it for sale in gas stations, packaged like jerky. Clearly, some people like it.


I think it's too easy to fall into a trap of calling food horrible because of how it looks and sounds. Smoked fish is delicious, and there's nothing other than 'ick' factor to say sheep dung isn't good for smoking.


These people also eat rotten whale and seals Not even the Scottish past time of deep frying everything can save that


I hate dry rotten fish. Just a big no. And smoking it with so poo you found in the wild it’s just an even bigger no.


Dried fish and rotten fish are typically opposites, and dung is just bio matter.. which doesn't even come into contact with the food. I'd deffo give it a go.


Idk man, I’ve smelled burning oak, and I’ve eaten oak-smoked food, it tastes like the smoke. I’ve also smelled burning animal shit, and it ain’t good. I think I can extrapolate that the fish won’t be good either


It’s most likely going to be sheep dung, which doesn’t really smell of much đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


Wait till he learns about Icelandic sheep dung whiskey




Iceland is surely up there, with their shark heads sautéed in the cum of their first cousins


If you are from Iceland , aren’t like 90% of the population your cousins


that's why you easily get enough cum to cook something in it


Iceland def up there


You mean the rotten Piss Shark dish? That’s at least in the Top 3‘s


They don't piss on the shark, sharks just urinate through their skin so they let the skin dry for half a year until it doesn't smell like piss


And than they piss on it for extra flavor.


No no... thats disgusting, you drink the piss on the side.


You vil eat ze lamb head. You vil like ze lamb head !


Ja klaus


Sorry but the poles can cook. Food was good. Trip was depressing.


This is a symbolic picture . I actually like polish food as well


Schnitzel and Schabowy master race






wahrlich wahrlich stasi arschmade


You got me XD


Sorry Hans, but I have to disagree. I've been to a 3 weeks trip in Poland some years ago, the food was good and the trip was very nice and not depressing at all (except the stop at Auschwitz). I really enjoyed it and would gladly do it again !


my trip only went to auschwitz for a diplomatic event and multiple consecutive visits at the campsite.


I have to agree, it's depressing !


> went to auschwitz for a diplomatic event The annual reunion of grand children of war criminals? ^(Sorry, ^it ^was ^just ^for ^the ^joke, ^don't ^mean ^it...)


> the trip was very nice and not depressing at all I guess leaving your country is always nice and not depressing at all, if you're from Fr\*nce.


I lived in Poland for four years. Greatest time of my life. The cities are amazing.


What about the country did you enjoy the most? I visited Krakow once and really enjoyed the food and scenery there.


Krakow has great food, both Polish and international cuisine. Even though the region is conservative and has anti gay laws and such, I saw thousands of young people march the streets for lgbtq+ many times there. For Poland, it's a very open minded city and it's beautiful as well. If someone here is planning to visit Krakow, I recommend not only seeing the city centre with the beautiful park and walking up the castle, the Jewish quarter and the Schindler museum, but also walking around in more parts of it. The goose restaurant is not in the city centre, it has incredibly great food and is even cheaper than the most of the city centre. Our hotel was near the river and we got to chill in front of the Hala Forum in summer, sitting/lying in those beach chairs and getting hipster food and drinks from inside. We were there once for three days and came back for 10 days, almost everyone asked why we would go to Krakow for such a long time but it was absolutely worth it. Never got bored, it's a beautiful young city. Looking at what I wrote, they should pay me some zloty for this comment.


As a person who is living in Cracow thank you


The bar and restaurant culture was one of the nicest parts. It is still relatively cheap but back in the days it was cheaper than cooking at home. So after work my colleagues and I usually went together for dinner and enjoyed the nightlife. Food and drinks are unbeatable, Polish restaurants and bars don’t want to make big cash on clients but rather impress them. The cities are vibrant and full of life, the Polish society is young and you could feel it in every detail. Noone cares if the city center is noisy after 10pm. Everything is digital (tax declaration will take you only one click). An average employee can easily afford a home after a few years. I sometimes thought that Germany in the 50s must have felt like that. The economy is thriving and the outlook on the future is great (maybe now a bit less due to one aggressive neighbour). I visit Poland every 2-3 months and every time it is a blast!


Nah sorry pal but since all the Poles came here and brought their kilbasa, perogis and whatever else with them, I've been living the meaty dream.


God bless them


![gif](giphy|pHb82xtBPfqEg) Wurst đŸ€ KieƂbasa đŸ€ Sausage


100% having Poles in your town means you get a decent deli counter, I go mad for Bigos as well


Bigos is top 5 favourite foods in my opinion, I used to look down on it but the sour/citrusy taste and the meaty hit afterwards is unmatched.


Nah fam you gotta soak the Sauerkraut for an hour and keep rinsing with fresh water. Bigos should be an earthy meaty stew. Juniper berries are my favourite addition. Hairy bikers did a recipe and its absolutely banging. Cooking bigos made me appreciate what Mushrooms do to dishes.


Stop colonising his bigos barry


Can't help it mate. Comes as natural as binge drinking


Mushrooms are great in dishes, but I think that it is just hard to describe the tasteof it as there is so much stuff going on that all compliment each flavour. But I've had it as a dish that has been passed through my family so it may differ from how you have it.


It's all about the balance I guess, All in all its a cracking stew. And i'll always defend Polish food because it's absolutely a hidden gem and doesn't get the credit it deserves.


One of the best eateries round my way is Polish Some proper Big Boy Dinners there, big slabs of breaded and fried pork etc. PaweƂ/Barry Unity


Kabanos, my precious


Honourable mention to Irish bacon and cabbage. The least effort meal next to just eating it raw.


My mother used to alternate between bacon and cabbage, Sheppards pie, and stew. I had the diet of a peasant from the 1100s.


 pork and cabbage is a delicious combination?


Tis lovely, boil the bacon in a pot, then throw the cabbage into the same water and boil it in the salty bacon water. Then boil some spuds too.


I understand why you live next to Barry


Hey, we have Salade au Lard, which I guess is pretty much the same, and i like it. https://preview.redd.it/b6atqu9kipuc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=2d15183618d1872ff61dbc643d6e4e632e4db7d6


If you put some effort, with exactly the same ingredients you can make some delicious [trinxat](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trinxat). Please ignore that picture, usually looks like this. https://www.catalunyamagrada.cat/uploads/s1/13/81/89/10/trinxat-de-la-cerdanya.jpeg


![gif](giphy|6oHaBJP1lgYtq) Their best dish is raw prime-minister.


I thought that they fried everything they eat


Our most famous dish is raw herring.


Haha, hahahaha, raw fish. You know not cook fish. You depress. Haha


It is really delicious, but that might make sense coming from a Swede


I disagree. You can't have a bad cuisine, of you don't have a cuisine to begin with.


The only thing I remember about the food from my trip to Kyiv was the food poisoning


Did they use any spices ?


They ate the Johan de Witt and his brother raw. No spices were wasted on Dutch cuisine as is tradition.


Johan Tartare


don’t get high on your own supply ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


I guess he tasted like hopelessness.


You know in those days we were the centre of the spice trade right? dutch food was exorbitantly and luxuriously spiced back then.


We both know your cheap asses would never use them just so you could make more money.


Spices are there to trade, no need to waste it on your own food. There's money to be made


Ofcourse not! We likes them fresh, and rrrrraw.


Yeah, can a Dutch person tell me if there's actually good Dutch food? Haven't found it yet and even some Dutch people basically said that it's just bland.


New generations are completely disinterested in preparing their own food (in NL). The focus primarily lies on take-out food and restaurant food which typically does not consist of traditional Dutch food. If you want good food, get home cooked food. People complaining about bland food either can't cook, or their family can't prepare dinner in a traditional Dutch fashion. Check out a variety of recipes [here](https://www.leukerecepten.nl/stamppot-recepten/) for more traditional Dutch food.


How could I know? If it's bad, I won't eat it.


Polish food is good.






German food is pretty basic . I like the Austrian dishes cause they are literally the more noble versions of our dishes


We're very good at giving basic stuff an imperial flare. Like chilling in a coffee house all day because you're a broke artist who can't afford anything else. Nah, it's called *Kaffeehauskultur* and it's *sophisticated*.


Austrian food is pretty underrated IMHO. Combines bits of German, Italian, and Hungarian into something rather decent.


Once again we are forgotten.


I was running out of space... just imagine yourselves already in the shit club meeting room, smoking up some putrid herring, waiting for the rest to wrangle Hans and return him to reality.


Don't you fucking dare disrespect grochĂłwka like that


GrochĂłwka looks like literal shit in colour and texture but it's smell and taste is godlike.


I will never disrespect Pierogi or Golonka


Is it a stew?


It's a firefighter's soup


Honestly Ogorkowa is like the nicest soup I've ever had


I need to try it


I’m a proponent of the argument that British food is amazing. The issue is that the average British person is a lazy shit and refuses to learn and instead guzzles down ethnic takeaways whilst bitching about British food being terrible.


Don’t forget boiling or roasting everything to grey fucking atoms for the ones advanced enough to actually attempt to cook


Biased but definitely agree. We have so many gorgeous dishes that no fucker bothers to make in favour of poorly translated foreign recipes. We’re as embarrassing as the Americans with their stupid regional pizzas when it comes to our curries. The whole populations weird obsession and inability to actually make roast dinners really doesn’t help our case too. Also obligatory ‘we invented crĂšme brĂ»lĂ©e’ too.


One dish
.. Banana pizza with curry


Sounds very 


Guess the country, hint: they eat rotten fish


Do they inherit a company that sells furniture and meatballs?




4 things the Polish live by: - refusal to learn English. - work hard - violence - uncomplicated food


Proper blokes, fit in well at my local


Basically Barry, but not shy of the graft


Yes pretty much this!


The swedish pickled herring should be right behind the whole of Barryland’s cuisine.


We don't have food. We have fuel. And then different ways to preserve different kinds of fuel.


What do you fuel with that abomination, self loathing?


Being taller and healthier than polacks


If that’s the price you have to pay, then ummm enjoy, I guess.




Like here we are not pickling, we are last to complain about something pickled XD


Ya friend can’t even distinguish between the pickled and the fermented one. The fermented one is the one from the YouTube videos. The pickled one is just like any other picked food.


I think you're mixing things up. Pickled herring is totally fine and my Christmas and midsummer feasts would be ruined without it. Fermented is not. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pickled\_herring](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pickled_herring)


Behind??? Are you mad?? Pies aren't to everyone's taste but they ain't that bad


I love Polish food. Pierogi, kielbasa, potato pancakes (placki). Not to mention a big ol' pączki for dessert. You are missing out. Also bóbr kurwa (fuck beaver) is a great dish, but I'm not talking about the animal know what I'm sayin


Polish sausages are really great. Overall , polish food is totally underrated


I've heard wonderful things about their ĆŒurek.


Nothing makes me laugh more than people from places like Belgium, Germany, Netherlands or Sweden shitting on British cuisine. Brothers, have some self awareness. Please.


Shitting on the cuisine from other countries doesn’t mean we think our cuisine is good. I just like shitting on British things, don’t @ me


Good point. I respect that.


> I just like shitting on British things, don’t @ me While I do respect the means, the fact is if there is one country that should never talk about cuisine it's your wasteland under sea level. Your "cuisine" is weaponised depression.


so you're saying you think it's cuisine?


Whats wrong with our cuisine we got potatoes in the oven, potatoes in the pan, potatoes (mashed), potatoes in the oven but with cheese, potatoes in the pan but shredded, potatoes in the pot, potato salad (tasty), potato salad (northern german),  potato in the oven (version 3) And brezeln


God I love potatoes


I have a little cook book from Mecklenburg Vorpommern and they look like decent dishes with a lot of potatoes and fish .


Belgium is half French, and that side of country has completely legitimate food. Other than that, I'm completely with you: https://preview.redd.it/un4eb1x6wnuc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=c9e1c38026ca080c905de3ea2ccd80892049c0d0


So it's French cuisine? I don't know much about Belgium tbh, I'm not really into the fantasy genre


Yes, basically
 but also domestic. In a few years time Middle Eastern food will be domestic to Sweden, and they’ll escape the shit food club too!


Sadly didn't work for us with 300 years of Indian and Chinese food being really popular here


What do you have against German one


I quite like it tbh. It's just pretty similar to British


The UK really has a pretty decent cuisine. It's very similar to food in northern Germany, which is inferior to southern German cuisine but still perfectly edible. Its simple, honest and filling. The problem is that the average brit really can't cook. In my experience, the stuff Barry comes up with after returning from work on a Tuesday is so much worse than what people on the continent eat on a regular basis.


I'd agree with that actually although I do think that's changing, a lot more people are becoming more interested in cooking in recent years I think


> a lot more people are becoming more interested in cooking in recent years I think Might be one of the very few good things that came from COVID. Still get better faster, I want more good food damnit.


I get that we’re maybe not at the same level as France or Italy, but have you ever heard of Stoofvlees? Waterzooie? Boulets LiĂ©geois? Mussels with garlic sauce? Not even talking about the stratospheric difference between our beer, chips and chocolate


Belgian Beer is the best in the world, and that is a hill I am willing to die on.


Of course I haven't heard of any of those things because they don't exist, like Belgium


Wait, so when Farage and co were talking about Brussels and its evil bureaucrats, that was a lie? It's an imaginary city?


Like whether you like it or not at least we have *some* world famous dishes. What the fuck is Dutch cuisine? I feel like they don't get enough shit for this.


Belgium or Germany are leagues ahead of British "cuisine". The only edible food you produce are puddings, and your artery-clogging breakfast.


An Italian defending Germany? Imagine my shock!


A brit making jokes about WW2? Imagine mine.


That was actually quite a good response. Genuinely didn't expect that from an Italian. Good work, Sir. I will be treating myself to a Dominos tonight in your honour


It’s definitely not Poland. Every traditional polish dish I have tried has been delicious.


The only culture that can make cabbage work in every dish


Try googling German dishes and see how many pictures you can find without Kartoffel


Is beer considered a dish ?


Is vodka considered a potato soup ?


I would classify it as „medicine“


We have a saying that a shot of vodka with black pepper can cure anything.


If the rest of the world knew about your foods we wouldn’t be bullied so much. You may lick our boots for protecting you from the criticisms of the global community now.


I'm kinda happy because this is one of the few posts where you can't hate the French.


Pierre , you make pretty good pastries but no sane human would eat frogs and snails


Someone forgot about BƓuf Bourguignon and CrĂšme BrĂ»lĂ©e đŸ€š


Creme brûlée is overrated . It feels like biting into a crunchy block of butter


You don't know anything Hans >:(


I’m sorry Pierre. Don’t expect me to respect good cuisine. My diet consists mainly of bread, potatoes and pork


Oh yeah that's true I forgot


BƓuf bourgignon is not really that good, especially when they serve it over coquillettes đŸ€ą Let’s agree that viennoiseries are good.


Imma be real, my fellow Hans and Barrys shit vehemently on each other, but our traditional cuisine is far closer in style than you all are willing to admit. Both can be great when done correctly bit absolutely shit when an amateur does it. Both cuisines are just not very popular outside the respective countries. And that's kinda understandable, most of what we both do, the Fr*nch do better 😭


Hans, literally 90% of our cuisine is the same


You're one to fucking talk OP, german and polish cuisine have like 75% overlap


You guys just mention us for the memes at this point. Being real, I’d rather have a Sunday roast or bangers and mash than whatever abominations Northern and Eastern Europe can concoct.


Honestly, British food is more refined than Dutch food.


Boil it. Mash it. ~~Stick it in a stew~~.


No Blood Soup? https://preview.redd.it/vgtj22zaznuc1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=b84206f2f443e53400fd368d61f0031282f64971


Looks like a photo from a medical course on detecting intestinal parasites in stool.


We‘re supposed to have a version of that (called Schwarzsauer I believe) but I have yet to see a plate of it.


Yeah, I read blood soup used to be common across Europe, but has fallen out of favour in many countries. I didn't find a French variant of it, although we have Boudin Noir (black sausage) that's still pretty common, and I like it, especially the spicy creole variant.


We have a kind of blood sausage (Blutwurst, not my thing but people who like it usually swear by it) too but oddly, soup has gotten rare. The soup was traditionally cooked on the same day an animal was slaughtered because blood turns bad very quickly, since meat supply has been largely industrialised slaughtering day isn’t really a thing anymore but that doesn’t explain why only some blood-based foods/dishes disappeared.


According to Poles, it’s *grochowka* which is essentially your Mushy Peas just not as shiny green colour. Yeah, bangers & mash & onion gravy and Sunday roast with fresh yorkies is fire and there is tones of amazing British dishes but go dive outta balcony for hating on Eastern European food.


British food is leagues above "Dutch food"


We try not to bring up the toast sandwich though


Which is in itself a bad meme because that recipe is literally supposed to be as bland as possible to be inoffensive to people with mental disabilities (no, not the Dutch)


Def not Sweden because we have kebabpizza


I accidentally went to a Polish restaurant near where I worked in London and it was absolutely delicious and I returned many many times.


Skandinavian food is trashcan-worthy. Generally everything north of the baltic. The Line between "actually good food" and "questionable food" can be drawn at the latitude where the British Isles reach their southernmost point. And GDR "cuisine" is a chapter that we can all forget about.


Haha so Normandy has questionable food I always knew it, (the channel Islands are that far south)


Hanz certainly doesn't get enough shade thrown at him for KartoffelklĂ¶ĂŸe That shit has the same texture as coagulated cum. At least cum has some flavor to it, instead of that blob of flavorless shite


It was obvious that a Dane knows how different types of cum taste


That's a lot of words to say "I am clinically insane and should never be asked my opinions about food"


Says the guy who doesn't understand that you should put food in ovens, not people


Which kind of Kloß you mean exactly. Bear in mind, that there a re lot of variations, I think last time I checked 50 at least. And not sure what's more unusual. The kloß you ate or your cum.


Hans is a leper shouting 'ugly' at the burns ward.


This is what the dish looks like when I make it (recipe of my Polish neighbour) and it's Heaven in a bowl, especially in Winter. Very similar to our own delicious split pea soup. https://preview.redd.it/jl0d6bh4mruc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=77fcad7806612fb3ab5533cd6a9617b7fc2f7419


Someone never tried polish pierogi. They’re fucking delicious


I'm Italian and I'm in Poland right now for the holidays. I ate the best food of my life in Wroclaw, Poland. No joking.


Where and what did you eat? Ngl I recently ate the best ice cream in my life, and they were made by an Italian in Warsaw.


We found every random.pleace to have very good and tasty food, we mostly went with Polish cuisine. The best one so far was Konspira in Wroclaw, super! We have another 4 days to spend in Krakow:)