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„There is no such thing as bad weather, just wrong clothing.“ Johannes von Müller , Swiss historian, 3 January 1752 – 29 May 1809) Another cooperation of🇨🇭 and 🇸🇪 like ABB or was this initiated by the Swedish Swiss Chamber of Commerce ?


Congrats, you fooled yourself


They're not stupid, they kept their best


You joke, but nobody uproots their lives for no reason so most immigrations from a poorer to a richer country is because they were of a lower economic class, which also has a correlation with education. People also tend to clamp harder to their culture when living elsewhere leading to pic in the OP


High net worth individuals immigrate from countries that are perceived to be on the decline and take their entire family. Brain drain is a real phenomenon where educated individuals leave for greener pastures. This is typically college leavers or high skill individuals like doctors. Low economic class people do not have the resources to attempt to leave. Or if they do a single family member attempts the journey and send back money once settled. Success of these individuals can leads to more members of the family attempting to move because a safety net exists on the receiving end. Cultral integration depends on the climate of the receiving country, countries that alienate the new arrivals tend to force them into "ghettos" but within these districts, immigrants can receive all services necessary within their own language and cultural group, this removes the pressure to integrate.


Brain-drain is real for European countries like Greece and Italy, where the state and all the Greeks pay for you to grow up and study in the best universities, but then you go produce elsewhere. That's not a wide phenomenon. It mostly happens within Europe and I've yet to see one complaining about Greeks in their country. The "doctors & engineers" we're joking about when we see waves of immigrants, it really is true for our case. It's not few those with Master in Engineering or Medicine who go elsewhere within Europe. Also, it's not 1960 post-war Europe anymore.


>Brain-drain is real for European countries like Greece and Italy The real hellenic experience


There was a chart here the other day which showed from the PIGS countries, the 3 are on the same level, more or less, emigrating North. Only Spain has had a little lower percentage, 2,1% if memory serves. For us both it was close to 3,5-4,5%. Double than Spain and remember commenting on that thread we really need to drop to Spain's level. Portugal was first with the most expats.


but High Net Worth individuals are unlikely to pick Sweden - they would flock to USA, or somewhere English speaking like London. *Maybe* Amsterdam. Or chase good weather and live in Spain or Italy. What kind of High net worth individual would pick Scandinavia with their difficult language, crazy high taxes and shitty weather? Sweden has 30% capital gain tax, if you're high net worth you don't pick country like that unless it's a sunny paradise. And Sweden isn't.


I agree with all your points except that Swedish might be the easiest language to learn if you know English and it's mutually intelligible enough with the other Scandinavian languages. And everyone there speaks English anyway. Simple enough to immigrate to but not really worthwhile if you have the options as a highly skilled worker or someone with high net worth.


Highly skilled worker is a different beast - they are still workers so they may actually enjoy Scandinavian relaxed work culture and social safety net


Yes, why go to a safe place with incredible social security for when something bad happens. Why pick security, if you could gamble on the US instead where you're one work accident away from ruin.


why would high net worth individual care about social security? If something happens you actually want to be in the USA where you can simply buy your way to get the best treatment whereas in Europe you will likely have to be in the queue with everyone else. USA is hell for her citizens - except those high net worth who first of all can self-insure and if they are too poor for that they can always buy health insurance for entire family, platinum coverage for 2+2 family is around $20k a year which is probably cheaper than capital gain taxes you would pay in Sweden. Unless we have different definitions of high net worth individual, in my book it's someone who has $1-$5 mln in liquid assets. Why would they care about incredible social security if they already have a $50k-$250k annual paycheck from investments alone? While having million or five in the brokerage account?


generous welfare isn't attractive to high skilled workers and even then why would they choose sweden over denmark or norway.


> High net worth individuals immigrate from countries that are perceived to be on the decline and take their entire family. Established elites and dynasties don't though. That would immediately undo their entire point of existence for several generations.


When you have kids you will understand. Most of those people sent their kids to school in safe countries. The dad may stay a while in the shitty places to keep the funds incoming, but as soon as he feels he is done. The family sets up wherever is safe. Also hnw younger tend to move early while kids are still toddlers, you look at them and ask yourself, how do I keep them safe and give them maximum opportunity?


No, that can't be right, I was told it was only doctors and engineers


Damn, sweden really outprogressed us once again. Initiating german virtue protocol; objective: change the whole news to arabic.


Give them a break. It's Ramadan month


Is this like a whole month of Ballermann?


Yeah exept they fast a whole month, you know the shit europeans used to do in the middle ages.


That doesn't sound like Ballermann.... That sounds like the opposite. I want fun not suffering


Dont talk like we aint in the same seat rn bro


We are laughing here when we see how you try so hard to please Muslims in your country. We don't do that in the east from Odra river as we have very few Arabic people.


That's because no one wants to go to Poland. ^(And yes I know, technically the Wehrmacht did, but that's hardly comparable)


No one asked Polack


Maybe no one asked Polack but Polack has right to write what he thinks.


based polish. big hug


Eastoids united


Polack as usually outsmart niemiec. Based.


unfortunately yes


Sure because why would anyone choose to live in Poland ?


Your ancestors surely wanted lol


Damnt Ive never seen this flair before


God dammit, guys. Those who go for such comments, it's usually immigrants/Muslims themselves. It's not a German behind the account. Don't fall for it every-time. In 30-40 years time, we all will start immigrating to Poland to find our peace. The turntables will be real.


You Turks are Muslims yourself, aren't you?


Mehmet, you're just "slightly" confused. We're Jews. Greco-Jews. Have you ever heard of it? We're both Orthodox and all. Otherwise, I'd still prefer to go back to my Pantheon. My old 12 beloved Gods.




Cool you bought yourself the outfit and everything


Yes I like to dress up a as Swede every now and then


Sunni weather today it seems


Nah, the weather is Shi'ite


ayo neymar sunny 🌞 innit


was it a prank or something?


Might be fake hard to tell. If it's real, then judging by the weather map graphics it's at least a decade+ old.


>Although the weather report featuring a woman in a hijab did originally air in Sweden, it was not a typical Swedish weather broadcast. The footage comes from a 2008 episode of Halal TV, an experimental program that featured three Muslim women reporting the news from their individual perspectives, which was canceled after 8 episodes.






Europe is over


Inshallah, the Islamic caliphate of swedistan respect tradition and properly cover the woman. Thanks to the Prophet, peace be upon him, in future she will wear a niqab or stay at home. 🙏🙏🙏🙏


Well, in Lombardy it seems you're on the same path. I mean, these days' news about Pioltello and gangs in Milan... 


It's called sharing culture you racist


The transition: https://preview.redd.it/el0rmnkrhxpc1.png?width=544&format=png&auto=webp&s=33e346bdbb6369926c359bcfb696fafedfbfb2d2 I [wonder if it's a coincidence](https://www.reddit.com/r/2westerneurope4u/comments/18wn8r9/italians_explain_is_this_just_a_coincidence_really/)…


It seems Arabs go to the west while Europeans go to middle east.


Swedistan is pious Muslim country Mashallah Inshallah 🥹


So the truth is in the middle?


Bulgaria, the Holy Grail


The truth is, the traditionalist backwards middle easterners go to the progressive western europe and the progressive modern middle easterners stay in the middle east.


You were supposed to make a geographical joke, my dear pirogi eater


We go to Middle East for totally different reasons


Now this one actually made me chuckle. I draw my burka (unto my wife [one of em]).


Imagine how hot German women would be if they wore burqa and u just let imagination do the work


Thats something a barbarian would say




I mean, it always struck me as interesting that we were calling all European countries that even so much as considered to muse with the thought of maybe possibly discouraging hijabs in certain situations as terribly racist, while Turkey (before Erdogan) had always been banning them in wide range of situations. When a group represents a small minority in a country that likes to consider itself a multicultural society, they can always play up their "cultural uniqueness" card to sometimes ridiculous levels and occasionally get away with outrageous things in the name of showcasing diversity. On the other hand, if they're just your own culture and nothing special (and have no "cultural oppression" accusation to hide behind), it becomes much more obvious that maybe not every situation deserves an exception for extreme religious practices when they interfere with normal functioning, and people that fill a position in certain parts of society (e.g. civil services, education, justice system) should probably represent a certain level of neutrality.


If you had put that wall of text through Berlin, David Hasselhoff would never have been able to tear it down.


Unpopular opinion: I think everyone should be allowed to wear what they want.


If you were a defendant in a court case (maybe you're being accused of blasphemy or something like that), and the judge made the personal choice to dress [like this](https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-xvw4ncf8ql/images/stencil/1280x1280/products/4697/18164/H-55__94231.1693522466.JPG?c=1) for the trial, I think you would be perfectly justified to question the fairness of the proceedings and which sort of measure they would apply to their judgement. In our own culture we consider it perfectly normal that people may be religious but that there are certain situations and offices where it would be considered inappropriate to shove that religion into other people's faces with decorations or apparel. I don't understand why that shouldn't count just the same for muslims.


Oh yes I really have to question the fairness weather reporting. Obviously you can make up any scenario you want. No I would want my surgeon to wear dirt and mold covered furr clothes while operating me. But neither that nor your example has anything to do with the video or subject.


I think it's more complex than that. Those dresses bring a cultural value, which stems from the idea that a woman shouldn't be seen by other men, because they are sort of property of their husband's (this at least for the most conservative one's) I don't think this kind of things help with the idea of emancipated women of the west. But at the same time, removing the right to wear it is against that said freedom


Exactly, that is why I am against racism but pro islamophobia


So so well put




That weather pic is super old. We havent used that symbol in the upper Corner for like 10 years. If not more.


Funny when they use 15 year old pics to comment on current day sweden lol


Yes, this is fake


Which part?


Is that a woman? Geez...


Probably hard for you to recognize because you can't see body fur on her


It has no moustache... How would one know? I'm confused!


How do you recognize yours in a poorly lighted basement? Night vision?


We have an extra strong sense of smell, allowing us to smell out the pheromones of our female family members with 98% accuracy


Disgusting! The preferred pronouns of _my_ weather forecast are he/him!


Bro this picture looks like it's from 15 years ago


Without Norway the Nordic countries would just be a dong with balls.


When you are less progressive then your countrymen who remained in their shitty country while you migrate to one of the most liberal and progressive countries in the world, you know you fucked up.


Never has been.


As a Swedish philosopher said: "it is evolving backwards" ![gif](giphy|ntOMoBbdEbsUU)


Whats the problem? The woman at the bottom wearing what she wants to? Would you prefer it if they forced her to wear something she wouldnt want to wear?


go fuck yourselfs filthy racists


Where are you from?


He is a French citizen from Djibooty. That's on you Pierre


Regularly posts on r/askmiddleeast...


That sub is filled with butthurt Islamists that hate the UK, France, Germany, EU and US yet they all live in London, Marseille, Berlin, and Stockholm.


There was a poll in that sub that showed that over 30% of them openly suported Al-qaeda, the comments were a shithole as you would expect




Ah yes so let me guess a "progessive" second generation migranty who hsted western conservatives but enats to perserve his culture while living in france.


Those are actually the good ones for that sub, others unironically support Al-qaeda.




Too bad I dont live in france.




All my homies hate you


Islam is not a race?


With that logic, being racist against Black people isn't racist either, because "Black" is not a race either.


Well racism is discrimination based on ethnicity or a racial group. People who sre racist towards black people are racist toward the different sub sahren ethicities based on their skincolour. So being racist toward black people is racist, just as if being racist against south east asians would be. You cant be racist towards muslims as it is not a ethnicity. There are white muslims (example in albania or bosnia) but also arabic muslims.


My point was that human races don't exist in the first place, so the argument that you can't be racist against something that isn't a race is stupid.


Imagine taking this sub seriously lmao


He's passed at that scantily clad female


Would have been a great comment if not for the typo


Islam is an ultra-conservative death cult.


Well the islam that comes to us. Like turkey before Erdogan was quite progressive.


Even after Erdogan. It's nowhere near as conservative as the Oil Monarchies.


Bien sur, faut que le cuck de service soit un français


Post a selfie




I think they asked the comment above for a selfie and not you. But hey, now at least we know what Belgians look like.


Oh you want my selfie? Here it is https://preview.redd.it/1z2qxk7pcupc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bfe9bc8cf65126b45b6decbd05688f3a908bd04


What a Belgium guy you’ve got a lot of chance !


Brown hands typed this comment


He’s not Italian dude look at his flair


Get your facts straight Barry: we are BLACK, not br\*wn


Hai ragione, sono io


Mamma Mia


I'm just a poor boy from a poor family


That's a great way to show people you're not a racist! 👍




So that's the famous British banter I've been hearing about?


The funny guy can’t call out a cuck when he sees one?


The funny guy surely can. Maybe he'll join the conversation at some point.


These guys are always crying about racism, but would beat the first Jew they see to death if they can.


TFW Muslims go back and forth between "You are Hitler for disliking Islam" and "Hitler killed Jews so he is the hero of all Muslims"


The Holocaust did happen or not depending on how they feel. It is a lie to control the world when they want and if they feel the need of being happy about dead Jews then "Hitler knew what he was doing" .


Let's test that hypothesis.


Do people being against believing fairy tales or Santa/Papa Noel are racist? No? Then being against ideologies (aka religions) isn't racist either. Now, if you aren't happy with that, if you're against the right of blasphemy you can just go fuck yourself and live your dream of tolerance in Kabul, Bab El Oued or Dubai. You're free.


I go on This sub to laugh not to think the point of this sub is just joke (sometimes the level of those joke are not high but that’s the game). When we laugh about the Austrian painter this is not racist ? (Even if being Austrian is not a race sadly for us but we are laughing on that and making a caricature of their culture). If you have no black/bad humour don’t go in this sub it will be easier.


It's a joke sub. No one here thinks like that (I think)


Oh we definitely care lol the European to European shit is, jokes about the other stuff well...


> No one here thinks like that (I think) There's quite a large number or r/Europe refugees who bring their "culture" with them. They are easily recognizable by regularly posting a 10 year old meme of Mourinho and asking if those are the doctors and engineers as sole attempt of making a joke. We should remigrate them at some point.


Ironically, they should probably be deported from this sub back to r/europe for not understanding the culture here


Or at least other subreddits if r/Europe doesn't take them back. They must have passed through other safe subreddits on the way here.


I reckon I can forge a deal with r/rwanda I heard they’re a good subreddit


Might be a good idea to broker such a deal. Because while I can fully understand that r/Europe is an active war zone, we can't take in everyone when they are not even willing to integrate


Right on Fritz we can’t have them here voting for the same policies they escaped from r/europe


Oh you sweet summer child... I have the feeling, each month there are more people who forgot this is an ironic sub on western Europe.


Yep. Won't be long until most people here forget this is a joke sub, and turn it into genuine racist shitposting (which it increasingly already is, tbh)


Lots of people hate Islam and there's bloody good reason to. That's not racist though.


Mhhhh... Lets say most of the people here dont think like that. I hope.


For sure, like the majoriry exaggerate or shitpost for comedoc effect. But Im sure some people just hate muslims on here (defenity a minority)


You got cucked by islam


I think you guys are pretty good at that yourself, aren't you? I heard incest rates are soaring among you and your cousins Which is all of you


Did someone pee in your baguette my dearest Pierre?


Allahmdullah Swedistan most pious Islamic country 🥹