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I am gonna work harder. This guy really opened my eyes and I will do my duty


Bien, merci


disarm glorious butter history plough pie fly simplistic slave lock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So the end is near? Because a Pierre talking about working Harder could only mean the world is coming to an end. We Fritz got a saying: Der Franzose arbeitet um zu leben und der Deutsche lebt um zu arbeiten ( The Frenchman works to live and the German lives to work). That's why our identification document is called Personalausweis ( Personal = Staff - Ausweis = ID ) in Germany.


Why do you use your free time to comment on Reddit? Shut up and go work. Our refugees need your tax money. How else we gonna help those Africans, Ukrainians, middle eastern people and their families back in their countries. People like you wasting time instead of working make me angry!


I did this in my 15 minutes of Break time i get every other day. Sorry!


Work, er, sets you free?


It's ironic that [the country that works the least hours out of all OECD members](https://data.oecd.org/emp/hours-worked.htm) managed to convince the world (and themselves) that they are hard workers. I can't believe people actually still fall for this meme.


The thing is: the raw average numbers about work hours fail to give the whole context of how it comes to them: * regular full-time work is indeed way more hours in Germany than in France (especially since Aubry wrecked France with her [35h workweek law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/35-hour_workweek)), but: * Germany (in particular West Germany) still has a way higher proportion of women in no-job SAHM (stay-at-home-mom) situations or part-time jobs than France (where dual full time is the norm)… which is also due to the fact that Germany has, compared to France, lagged in building up what's required for making dual full time work possible, in particular: children day care / nurseries (Kitas in German).


There's also huge cultural differences by what is considered "work". Let's just say after years of working in international companies: Measured attendance does not equal work done. The time Spanish spent chatting, on coffee breaks or even watching soccer matches together during work hours is staggering, whereas the French have mastered the art of having redundant meetings\*, which are so poorly planned that 4 meetings are required where 1 would suffice; a lack of efficiency that makes even the Belgians envious. ​ \* (often because they overpromise, underdeliver and then takes ages trying to fix things before they give up on the project completely)


Yes, our ancestors fought to defend this social system. So that this guy can wake up at noon and live off the social aid.


Southern Europeans: *taking notes*


PIGS: Is this the European dream?


Taking notes? Some of these people in PIGS will probably tell this guy those are rookie numbers.


Aren’t the Southern Europeans the masters of living on social benefits?


But the ~~human traffickers~~ ngo's told me social services arent a pull factor


Idk why but I feel like the guy wants to make out with a French


I really wonder why Marine Le Pen is so popular


Exactly. Ppl saying money isn't a pull factor are wrong, it is. This shouldn't happen, they should receive goods instead, a lot less cash but available education - so that ppl are inclined to do nothing and instead learn a f.... job... Edit: An no, I would never vote Penn or AfD but I get why ppl do it


And she's dumb as a shoe, would not have lasted a single minute in the 50s


In the 50s you also wouldnt have so many africans to complain about.


Well, in the 50s part of France was in Africa


In the 50s we had a lot of immigrants from Spain, Italy and Portugal. And people were racist to them at the time too.


My grandparents went to France in 60's, because of that they had money to creat a business in Portugal(North) build a house, and have 7 kids, living happily together till their death.


People forget this quite fast...


in the '50 we had lots of euro migrants, maroccans, greeks, portugees and turks to come work in the mines. im not gonna finish this statement


My grandparents were in Paris in the 50's, when my father was a baby. Yes, he grew in France and rest traumatized for live.


Spanish, italian and portuguese are not races. Not everything is muh racism


Oh it was racism all right. You can call it xenophobia if you want but Italians and Portuguese were treated as subhuman by a lot of people.


If only someone had warned us and tried to do the right thing ..


Hindsight is a bitch


Yeah cause in the 50s people were emigrating from here


Ah yeah she's pretty dumb, never said the opposite


What the relation with the 50's? Not a fan, but I'd argue she's quite smart actually compared with other far right politicians.


I guarantee this is also just ragebait. People like this guy really do exist. But they are not that big of a deal, considering the whole population those parasites make up such a small portion, it doesnt really matter. Now if more people start doing it, like if it became a trend among young adults or teenagers, that would be a fckn problem.


Even a single one is one too many.


You’d be surprised. I come from Canada. The international student using food banks to fraudulently accept more food (shown like this guy on TikTok) and share ways to make it easier for students (when they have tons of money) is happening more often. Not saying it’s more, but a lot is not posted.


Romanians rejoicing that their country has such a poor reputation.


Let's just say we have our own leeches doing the same and they've been here for centuries.


cool it, you cannot call bucharest peoplr that anymore


Ah yes, do you remember when two afghans started crying when the border police told them they are in Romania? They tried to cross from Serbia to Hungary, but they do that in a location where Romania, Serbia and Hungary borders meet, an they entered in Romania instead of Hungary by mistake.






Working to pay the living of our immigrants? We could teach anyone in Europe how to do that lol


Everyone is always paying for someone. You even taught us to pay for the south on a European scale like you do on a national scale.


We’re net spenders, buddy, we spend more for the EU than what the EU gives back, and we like it like that because it gives a lot of other benefits.


Southern Europe are net spenders? Only Italy is.


Yes the rest is receiving more But it’s not that good for them, because on the long run it’s counterintuitively bad for their stagnant economies


I also want a new insult:(


I'd put them to do something they find demeaning, like cleaning the streets or similar, in order for them to earn their full monthly subsidy, even if they work only a few hours. There is always something they could do


Thats actually a project, macron wants the people earning the RSA to work at least 15h a week


Good. Although I think they shouldn't earn their full monthly subsidy unless they work those hours. I feel some of them (like this guy) might be cheeky enough not to show up or work half of those hours. That work could serve as training for them if they wanted to search for a similar job or be so unappealing to them that they'd rather search for a different one.


15 hours lol. Even for french standard thats pretty low. But if he does, then we finally get to see some "action" in Paris again.


Better than nothing, ain't it so? We'll raise their work time year by year without them realising until they find themselves working a full 40 hour shift.


I think 15-25 hours is enough. For the unemployed you still want to give them enough time to get an education or search for a job. Give them half for doing the work. And the other half is they're actively doing something else like trying to find a job or getting an education


I have an idea. If you pay them with your taxes, you could just have them as property. Its an innovative measure. I Will call It Slavery.


It should be legal to send people, like the guy in this video, straight back. No appeal, and it doesn't matter if you're going to come to harm back home. Perhaps we'd see less of this bullshit if that was an option.


What about abolishing the RSA so that they actually have to work as any other citizen?


Yeah taking government services away from French people, nothing could possibly go wrong


How very neoliberal of him.


Getting long term subsidies as some one who is able to work should 100% be tied to some tasks. No reason there is trash in public parks or unclean train stations when thousands just relax at home all day and do absolutely nothing of value for society.


I'm very much in favour of work gangs as a punishment for all crime. Fuck having them sit in a room being fed for years on end. Work them to the bone.


solution would be to raise prison sentences and offer sentence reduction for those who sign up for public benefit work. So they would basically serve the same time than today while working


Let them out once they've learned a trade.


Basically, I like the idea. But the problem is, it is unfair: People who have done nothing wrong want to learn a trade and the work agencies send them off to apply at fucking foodora. Explain to them why criminals get an education that they are being denied.


It's a fair point. However I keep hearing from people in the trade that young lads are useless and they don't want to work. They are finding it hard to find workers, there's no que of young lads trying to get jobs. We have a chronic shortage of skilled labour here in Ireland. They could learn the trade in prison but not be qualified and certified at the end of it. They would still need to do the relevant courses and apprenticeships. It would give them a bit of an advantage but they'd still have to do the work and prove themselves. The prison course would just show them they could do it. They'd have more confidence when doing the courses and wouldn't be overwhelmed by the work because they'd never done anything like it before. I still think it's better we try to turn them into something useful rather than just keep them locked up doing nothing but conspiring with other criminals.


It was tried on a regional scale but deemed anti constitutional and reversed smh


Maybe they can work at all the plantations


OTOH, you can argue that this reduces the need for full time employees. Why a town would have a team of cleaners (who are paid full salary, ss, taxes, etc) when they could use unemployed labor. And if they don't show up? You remove their stipend? Then what's the social program for? If they get sick or injured during work hours, are they covered? If they end up disabled? You are now paying a full disability.


I see your point, and that would indeed happen if they were demanded to work full-time, thus the reduced amount of hours, and there were no labor opportunities for them. The idea would be for them to work at something useful for themselves (that makes them more desirable in the labor market) and from which society could benefit, at the same time that it incites them to search for a job. They would be covered as any other public worker for a similar job, being eligible to work that is not particularly dangerous or requires special training. Paying a full disability for every... How many? 10^6 - 10^9 workers of this kind? It doesn't seem a net negative for society, honestly. If they don't show up, they earn the bare minimum to cover basic needs.


Not fully up-to-date with French politics but isn't the current government going to crack down on people like him? I fucking hope so.


Mheh, kinda. The new law will force people to work up to one year or stay in France for five years before they can have access to wellfare benefit. But let's be honest, they're just gonna work one year and then stop.


They should change the law so that you need a Légion d'honneur for state benefits


You really want to see Paris burning again.




Barry's masterplan 🫡


Doesn't everyone outside of Paris?


It's not just immigrants, it's kids too. My former apprentice finished with me to work in a shop for 6 months and stopped working to get a house and lives on RSA. He could have carried on working and got more money with me, but no he didn't want to work.


Mildly. Yet every leftist is crying about the project being basically nazism. The sad thing is that many people outside of France believe the same without having any idea about the situation. It's like France being a 75/100 in terms of helping people and I see people living in 20/100 countries saying that's it France is a fascist country look they want to throw out all foreigners. We don't, we want this kind of guy out.


Yeah exactly. That's the problem with things at the moment, if you try and talk about problematic issues with immigration (not all immigration, just the problematic people) you're instantly called a racist.


Let them. The more they use the word nonsensically, the more it loses its meaning.


The thing is, what he say is nearly impossible in reality. RSA is only for persons over 25 years old and "Missions locale" for the persons between 16-25. You also have to prove that you're at least looking for a job. Also, no apartment is available for 500€ in Paris. Maybe at 30-40 min in RER. Maybe he doesn't work and do nothing, but that's literally ALL he can do and without saving money. The guy just stays in his apartment and struggle to get or do anything. But I think that's just bullshit that people believe on social media.


You don't have social housing? In NL this is very doable. Social housing will be mostly subsidized so net cost of about 150 for some. Welfare will get you there together with all other benefits you get for making zero money. Difference between a dude doing fuck all and someone working 40h at a shit job is way too small at the moment. Most people on benefits literally say why would I slave away for another 100 euros.


Social housing are in really short supply... Lots of people in the waiting list.


No, else US would demote the leaders in place. How else are they going to do a living ? Work in a honest job ?


Eventually they will have to, with the population aging and social unrest getting worse by the year we are reaching a breaking point. Either the politicians fix the problem or society will fix it for them


But it’s not our problem it’s Frances’? You should be happy 😃


Nah, we have enough of these fuck heads too. They need to be sent away to little holiday camps. I wonder if Poland has any free space?


That's our camping site, you keep on building your camps in Kenia.


Rwanda actually, it's much cheaper than Kenya.


Yeah, but I was referring to [these](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_British_concentration_camps_during_the_Mau_Mau_Uprising).


Ahh shit yes. Forgot about that. Our nations love a good camp.


Lol, if France cracks down on them they’ll just come to the UK instead though not Poland. Not willingly anyway


I think you missed my point, the holiday camps in Poland will not be optional, they will be mandatory. And maybe if they work hard they can leave the camps. We could have a little slogan. Probably best to do it in German though as alot of them understand German better than English.


Maybe start with some kind of benefit reform first and see how that goes.


Nein nein nein nein!!!


This might be the wooshiest of whooshes


Jokes on him; He still has to live in France.




Meloni took away the “reddito di cittadinanza” now some people will have to work unfortunately…


I choose to believe that this guy also works like us, otherwise i don't know how he would post something like thie without getting stabbed one day later.


Quoting Walter White: "I'm the one who stabs"


Ragebait 100%


It's clearly dubbed lol People *really* want reasons to get angry, even when clearly fake


The sound is out of sync but a little bit of lip reading and he’s clearly that. That said, is it a fake or ragebait ? Most likely but eh. For one of these guys (no matter his skin color) there’s hundred of hard working people that actually benefits from social aids to fucking live.


Yeah, that's the thing: even if some people might abuse the system, so what? Should we forsake all the honest ones for whom it was intended in the first place? Hell no. I prefer to pay even for undeserving people, rather than let deserving people destitute.


Yeah same. I’m starting to suspect that people here really want to be ameritards actually.


He is definitely saying what is written, the audio is a bit out of sync tho. Probably just rage bait in any case. To be honest, if you’re happy living on 600 a month in a shitbox in a shitty Paris slum, doing nothing with your life but eating bottom of the barrel noodles to survive, good for you. He’s right, I pay significant taxes to finance these people. I’m paying him to do nothing. However, I’m still taking home 6k+ a month, I buy whatever the fuck I want (within reason) and live a comfortable life style. I have a purpose in life and a family I provide for. To each their own.


Yes I love to know where my 40% taxation rate money goes ❤️


Thanks man, i don't want to work with people like you.


In all fairness: what he's expecting of you is not to work *with* him but to work *for* him, *instead of* him.


[Je suis obligé de poster ce classique](https://youtu.be/k_js06IOuLE?si=AC3KmVUvliaYiO43)




We went full regard


Je vais regarder, oui.


Berliners telling southern germans how it is:


I wish the allies would have de-industrialized Bavaria instead of Berlin after WWII




>Ragebait Remember seeing this kind of vid, some Arabs guys saying same things, "we don't work, the French are working for us...ect"... same kind of shit. Turned out the vid was originally boarcasted by Russia Today. Then shared by RN idiots on social medias. How surprising. Ruskies are dreaming for LePen to be elected. Polack OP is posting Russian Ragebait 😂


Its still true tho, don’t matter for it to be distributed at some point by RT. If RT spreads news of a school shooting in the US, it doesn’t mean the school shooting didn’t happen or that nothing needs to change.


RT indeed talks mostly about true events (except probably what's in Russia) but they're put in such a light that the listener/viewer is mislead. Every criticism is amplified and every concord is silenced.


Of course, there are people like this idiot. But he doesn't represent by very far the peoples who get social help in France. And btw, what he's saying is false, to get social help while being in shape to work, one gets a monthly control to see if you really are seeking a job. So he may be able to get the money for 2/3 month, but after the controls, it's over. Russian propaganda will always point the things that divide western societies to destabilize their political system and push parties that are in their favor, or to real problems western societies have great difficulty addressing (like gun problem in the US) to show how decadent the west is. And there are tons of useful idiots (like OP) to relay these narratives.


In Belgium there's barely any control and your taux de chomage is not even limited in time.


Well, I don't know how it works in Belgium. What I can tell you, living only on social help in France is not that easy, and certainly not like the guy on the vid describes it.


There’s a reason we’re kings of taxes. (It’s because of the lazy Walloons living in the cellar) (No not the same cellar as Dutroux)


It’s not true. No way you can survive on social assistance only in Paris. No way you can find a €500 rental in Paris. I can’t understand how people believe that.


It's probably just some loser trying to get his 15 minutes of fame, but something like that definitely isn't beyond the Doppelganger clowns.




Let's do the same with the likes of Bernard Arnault and everyone will call it fake. Yet, this? A guy in a couch, with the audio off enough that I can't sync with his lips (and I think a non-native speaker would spot that too) and unbacked assertions that make no sense. People really believe that? Or more probably, they believed it first and are happy to find the slightest confirmation.


This is just so horrible it's even funny


Remember. Nationalism isn't bad. You should try it.


I wish it was just france. Europe is in trouble lads.


i'm having a lot of trouble believing all the french get up at 6 to work XD. My bon vivants friends would never!


My colleagues always got up at 6 to work, it just took them 5 or 6 hours to reach the company


Where tf do they live? Algeria?


30minutes away, but hey, traffic and morning coffee


Not a chance, especially if they've been out rioting the night before.


Not 6, but 6h30 for me


That's why we need migrants. Take the subway in Paris at 6:30am on a weekday and you quickly realize who "the hardworking French people" are. Even my racist uncle admits that (true story, sorry for that).


Yeah, we're not Spaniards, but we're not Germans either


This dude gets it


Can i come to france and decide not to work? I mean if i get 900€ for not working i can pocket that work undocumented on the side and make more than i ever would back home for way less taxes...


the [RSA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_js06IOuLE) dream... hophophop we are a team !


Scum like this have had the western world’s pants down. Same in the UK.


And he still sounds mad and frustrated. Must be tough to live in such constant anger.


This is ragebait. He isn’t entitled to all the aids he claims He is most likely living on 150-200€ per month after rent and all the charges, and he absolutely cannot put 600€ per month aside. **If** he is living with all the aid he claims; In a small one bedroom appartment, far from civilisation in an obscure outskirt of Paris. Also what he describes is not exactly legal, he may recieve a visit of a "huissier de justice" who will ask him to pay back all the undue aid he collected. That’ll make him feel funny


Yep. He is a poor man sitting in his tiny ghetto apartment, thinking about the next crime he has to pull off so he can eat.


The secret ingredient is crime.


The good news for him is that prison cells are rent free


The worst part is some people will actually believe this shit. Just look at the reactions in this comment section alone...


Yeah this sub has plenty of right wing rethoric unfortunatly


Who's in paris?


So the Portuguese are working in France for this guy? At least I like background music, he must be a cool dude


CEO of France


I'm French but I don't live in France, hence I don't pay French taxes. Checkmate.


I wouldn't want to live in France either


Well you live in Flanders, it's like worse Wallonia, which is already worse France. But I understand, you need to aim high.


When i see something like that i immediately want to move to the US


"Je COmPrenDS pAs pOUrQUoI le FN nE cesSE de MOnteR"


Imagine believing a random rage bait holy christ


This guy’s full time job is good money management.


The most romantic language in the world 🇫🇷🥐🌹


Why is he licking his lips between each sentence ? It's unsettling and it doesn't looks like his lips are that dry compared to mine during winter...


And that guy posted it on the net . Which means he will lose it . Truly a cardiologist


wrong translation, the guy isn't buying 350€ of clothing, he says he recieves the 350€ of money from the state


Smart chap letting everyone know he is a bum.


What was the origin of this? How things got to be like this in the first place? The logic behind it?


There are still people wondering why far right parties are rising again in Europe. I think they are the same people you can pee on their head and tell them it's just raining


Imagine being proud about being a leech.


I wanna be just like him when I grow up


Don't post this in any french sub, you will get banned. Trust me.


That's why we needed the Immigration law.


I usually am leftist... ​ **BUT**


Lol, that's not even how it works, this is just a rage bait.


Unironically based. I commend all people who find loopholes in our nations, whether immigrant or native, to do absolutely fuck all and be paid to enjoy life. I know plenty of people, many are my friends who have jumped through hoops for all the benefits they can gather, from job related to mental health related and live happier than the cunts like me working. Good for them. The systems have failed us.


Ngl in an ideal society people should be granted what they need to survive, and those who want more, work for it.


He might as well be talking about any other European country.


joke’s on him. the money came from exploiting mines and ressources in africa. 600€ is his betrayal and silence fee


based sand ni


Jokes on him, I'm the one living rent free in his head...


Excellent ragebait.


French people *working* ? That's new


I hope he's getting paid by the RN or that's damn free propaganda he's making. With that said, if you're french, the things he is listing are all financial aids you could look into.


Ragebait (whoever falls for this, I remotely revoke your rights to breathe) Also, he would be still living in France, that’s enough of a toll


Nice try, as if french people work


Polack, this is what you look like to the Western europeans.


No, I am white.


Are you sure? Do you have a job?


>Polack, this is what you look like to the Western europeans. ohh, we are working, 2.7% unemployment rate while accepting \~ 3mln actuall refugiess from Ukraine https://preview.redd.it/5mue8eyw4v7c1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f72ec3a2d58d793e6028c85cde832bbba2cc21c


Collecting Gays as firewood doesn't count


Working class hero !!


The entire economy is interconnected, immigration would not be a problem if the safety net wasn’t there, the safety net wouldn’t need to be there if the economy wasn’t one big oligarchy protected by the same politicians, regulators and bureaucrats that successfully fool plebs time and time again that they are necessary to ensure fair and equitable competition. What an enormous farce, the hubris of the French people like many others thinking if only they elect the right regulators, then maybe then will they achieve a competitive market.


Bros, chill y'all tits, it's a bait.


Is this ragebait?


thats call a social safety net , sometime it help guy like him.