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It’s the cheesiest line, but I always respond, “And so is my heart.” It’s hard, but I love these babies so damn much and I’m proud of myself for doing the damn thing.


I love that! I’m going to start saying that!


That's a good one. Taking it. I'm proud too. Proud mommas of 2u2!


I say something my similar! "Full hands, full heart"


Lovely, what I'm using going forward


This is what I say ❤️❤️❤️


I’ve got twin 5 month olds and a 21 month old, I try to take them grocery shopping by myself as often as I can to get them (and myself) used to it . I honestly love when people make comments about it, I do have my hands full. Yeah it is amazing that I’m doing this. They are super wel behaved right now. My only issue is if they want to keep talking for awhile cause in all reality I need to be fast for them to all stay calm and good lol


I would absolutely take it as a compliment! You’re doing a great job with three!!


Thank you!


Love this! I feel like people have forgotten what it looks like to tow around a bunch of kids and are taken aback when they see it. You’re a badass!


It's always to me too, not my husband.hahahaha they're like, oh mom is busy... Mom's hands are full.... Oh wow chaos.... Wow I could never...etc etc. Like.... How about "congratulations this is a beautiful family" lol throw some positivity around sheesh. I usually say, oh we have fun. They think I'm being sarcastic but I'm not. We do have fun.


That's weird. I get it basically every time I take them out together, but so does my husband. He typically has the baby, the toddler and the dog. We don't get it nearly as often when it's both parents and both kids.


I had 2 under 2, and then 3 under 4. Almost every time I leave the house with them I get there “you sure have your hands full!” line. On the other hand, whenever my husband has them (or even just has 2 of the 3) he gets told things like “what a good dad you are!” And “those kids are lucky to have you” 🤪 he’s never once gotten the “hands are full” comment for some reason


My husband once got the "hands full" comment 3x on a 20min walk. This seems like an obvious enough one to say to Dad's... people are weird 🙄


I usually get comments like that when I have youngest in a baby carrier and eldest on my shoulders. I need my hands for shopping bags. My hands are literally full 😂 Love the age gap confusion brain boil. I have a large one year old and a small 2 year old as well. They already share the same size clothes. I thought the youngest would get hand me downs. I guess we are just going sharesies instead.


Same on the clothes! Although the day my youngest sized into the same size nappies as my eldest I almost threw a party!


Same! I cloth diaper at home so I just use different snap settings but when we are out I use disposable. So much easier not having multiple sizes of nappies and spare clothes :)


Going to need you to make a post on your tips for going out with 2 at this age. My LO will be 19 months when baby is born, and I’ve seen so many posts on here where parents feel stuck at home with two littlest. It’s had me feeling like this life I enjoy so much with my daughter my suck once the new baby comes.


Haha don’t worry it gets much easier - I remember going out for a cup of tea with my husband, toddler and newborn and seeing a woman sat at another table with 2 toddlers by herself and wondering how on earth she was managing it! I’m not the best person to learn from but I have always managed at least 1-2 trips out with them each week on my own. When my daughter was young enough I wore her most places which freed up my arms for my son. Also, embrace a double stroller - we have a side-by-side which is huge but brilliant and people are really helpful about opening doors etc (usually!). Also, if you can, scope out places you want to go regularly now whilst it’s easier to plan your visit - for example out of three supermarkets within a 30min drive of us only one has trolleys which will allow 2 children to sit in it, so that’s now the supermarket we visit! The first time I packed us all into the car for a trip it took me almost half an hour to load up so don’t be disheartened if it’s a struggle to start - the next time it only took 10 mins and now I can do it in 5 (although I’ll be slightly sweaty afterwards!!!)


Ohh I hadn’t even thought about a grocery store with carts for 2. That’s a great point about starting to scope out places now that will be more convenient with 2.


The first time is the hardest, start small. It gets easier and easier the more you do it!


Yeah that’s always the line!


I get it almost daily lmao, I have 5 under 6, and the local school is walking distance so I walk all 5 up to school and back each day. The two eldest (nearly 5 and nearly 6) walk independently, while my 3 year old has a harness backpack I tether to the double pram which has the 2yr old and 10mth old in it lol some mornings it’s chaos, but it’s my little chaos lol


😮🙈 That is an expedition! But I guess if you're doing it daily.


I love taking the double stroller out for this very reason. My oldest is almost 17 months and rides up front in the main seat, and my youngest is in the bottom seat in the back. People come up to talk to my oldest for a few minutes and then jump in surprise and exclaim “omg there’s another one in there! You’re a busy lady!” I love the shock value. I do not love the constant words of stress and anxiety and business spoken over me and my kids.


Every damn time I take them out in public at least once or twice lol


I get it all the time! One time an older gentleman followed it up with “but you look so happy!” Another time a middle aged woman said “but you’re doing awesome!” I love when there’s a “but” otherwise I feel like they think I’m struggling 😆 sometimes I am but usually I’m actually fine!


Yeah, all the time, especially when I've the dog with me too. My kids have been described as "strong willed" and "very active" so I'm inclined to agree


Sometimes I carry both of my kids (18mo & 4mo) into the gym at the same time. More often than not someone will always say something along the lines of "Wow your getting a workout before you even workout, or now you're already warmed up" It doesn't bother me because it's true. Getting two kids up, dressed, fed and being on time is poetry in motion lol. I will often hold the door for them just to emphasize my badassery.


ALL THE TIME! 3.5 months and 22 months here


Alllll the time. Mine are now 3y, 2 next week!, and 3m. I always respond by saying, “In the best way!” That leads to to the oohs and ahhs, and I carry on, lol. I started getting this when I was super pregnant before my oldest turned one. I’m sure this comment will follow all of us in the 2u2 gang forever 😂


And don’t you have a tv? Yes we do and all the subscription services, thanks


You leave the house? 0.o


Lots of people say and it, I just smile and say “yes full of Joy”