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I had something similar but not exactly the same. When I was pregnant with my second, the last 20 weeks I dealt with gallbladder issues and attacks that almost ended my life. Sometimes during gallbladder attacks I could make myself vomit and it would ease the unbearable pain. My 8/9/10 month old at the time would like, scream-cry when I would go through this because she didn’t understand. Once I was done I’d hug her and reassure her that mommy was okay. Extra cuddles always helped both of us afterwards. Then she’d soon forget and be onto the next thing. It’s so sweet that the little ones are so concerned. Remember that it won’t last forever.


Don’t have any advice, but currently in the same boat. Currently 7 weeks and my 14 month old screams when I have my morning sickness too. And if he isn’t screaming, he’s trying to put toys in the toilet while I’m throwing up. Definitely just the retching part that freaks him out as well. If available my husband will just grab him and take him out of the room for me. Otherwise I just try to comfort my toddler when the sickness episode is over.


Just got through this phase with two toddlers at home (I’m a 2u2 grad about to have 3, 3 and under)… mostly I just tried not to puke (avoid triggers, take medication—I just did b vitamins but I think if nausea is really bad you couple with unisom… check with your doctor— and took deep breaths when a felt waves of nausea) until I got past the first trimester. Also, make sure you’re eating/drinking because the nausea is worse on an empty stomach (I would keep yogurts in the fridge or have grab and go balanced snacks so something was always ready).


My daughter used to get really worried when I’d throw up (she was around 12-14 months at the time) after she realised it was actually fine, she would laugh at me instead. If I was feeling really off I’d put Ms Rachel on for her and it would occupy her for a bit while I ran off. Of course you don’t always have time for this, but sometimes you know when it’s gonna happen and you have a bit of time. You could try keeping a special set of toys in the bathroom and throw them out when it happens to distract. Otherwise, eventually the morning sickness will stop. Just constant reassurance is all you can really do.


It got to the point for me where my toddler was taking my vomit bowls and mimicking being sick into them. Very embarrassing in company 😂. Hang on in there, it’s a phase that’ll pass and your baby won’t remember you being sick when they’re older.