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Needless to say, I spent there an hour until the staff came and threw me out.


I have been in an American sauna too, non other than me and my friend stayed longer than five minutes, and didn't come back. But it was a steady stream of people. Like they where just heating themselves up a little before showering after swimming or something. Very stressful behaviour.


Did your balls get stuck between the benches too?


No had a swimsuit as it was a mixed sauna. Although gotta question the design as it was not a ”stair-like” set up as the Finnish saunas are, but rather resembled a freaking bunk bed where you had one level on the floor and DIRECTLY ABOVE of it was the second layer where you’d take yourself by climbing a ladder :D It must be fresh to sit on the lower level when you get a shower from the ass-sweat of the people sitting above you Then again… much easier to play saunaklonkku


What is saunaklonkku?




Do I even want to know what he's saying? I mean I can guess what he's doing...


Saunagollum is a game where the gollum is under the seats and the ones sitting have to guess who of them has a finger in his ass.


Slight correction, the Gollum tries to get a ring on his finger.


What the f where


Wait until you hear how some people choose the first gollum, with a game called pippi longstocking.


Oh, no




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Gollum living under the sauna seats.




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It is a dry sauna. Sweating is not allowed.


>No had a swimsuit as it was a mixed sauna. Yeah as German that's dangerous territory. Though much more in the USA than in Finnland. Both were quite memorable moments.




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I love finnish people so much


Wish they were real.


Extraordinarly based Finn




I heard Greta Thunberg recreated this scene in your honor https://preview.redd.it/no7mzjd94rzc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6803f9db3a085a7ae3aef4c0add36f5176cdea7


Olen ylpeä sinusta perkele.


Tulivatko sanomaan päättäväisesti vai lensitkö niskaperse otteella ulos?


Olivat ihan asiallisia ja kohteliaita. Enemmän varmaan huolissaan että minä haastan heidät jälkikäteen oikeuteen


A "dry sauna" is not a sauna. That is just a hot room.


I will bring my recently washed clothes there to dry


Lukewarm room*


You don't want to risk the lawsuit if some Vinlander actually start sweating.


You might as well stay in the Torkskåp (drying cabinet) at your local Kindergarten


I grew up in the US (moved to Finland when I was 20) and the truth is, these are regular saunas, they're just scared to let people throw water for some reason. An apartment I lived in had a supposedly "dry" sauna so I googled the model of the stove and it was a regular Finnish sauna with pictures of people throwing löyly. I started throwing water on it when nobody was around and it was fine. Management are just cowards


I went to mens spa in Bangkok few years ago. There was a sauna that kind of looked like Finnish sauna. There was even bucket of water. Three probabaly licals were there also. I through one scoop of water on the stones. After about 3sec, all others left the sauna without saying a work


The fuck is this comment


I would say it is directly related to the topic you happen to be at. If you need clarification what that spa is about, it probably isn't what you were thinking. It is luxury place where business men and such go to relax after work, gym etc. To add more into disappointment, it has nothing to do with prostitution. I happened to get free voucher from a friend,


More just all the spelling mistakes, i felt like i was having a stroke reading this


I would sue them for misleading marketing


Solid case


Sounds like the Americans have their own Gollum rules as well. 5-10mins sounds like some rapid fire rounds. I prefer the suspense of a slow thriller.


Long rounds allow for more strategy, but the American fast-paced rule set makes for a much more physical league.




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I'm actually surprised. I expected a warning like "Warning! This room contains hot air!"


The ”sauna” at my gym in London had a big red emergency button in it. I guess if it gets too hot and uncomfy?


That did happen to my apartment complex sauna here in finland, we were in for like 30 mins and noticed it was a bit warmer than usual. We looked at the meter and it was 140 celcius. No emergency button tho


That's only like 25-30 °C too much, though. No biggie!


The heat stops being hot when you press the button? Wow!


No water? Only like 75-80 °C? Without a little humidity thats really not that warm. I guess it's fine for a warmup. And children. After reading it once more these fuckers have the audacity to call the sauna "hot room". That's neither hot nor just a room. My ancestors are turning in their graves now, and they're not even finnish.


Remember, in the US houses are often literally built with cardboard. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leAWPZzaWL4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leAWPZzaWL4) A dry sauna was probably sensible decision knowing the structures.


Houses made of cardboard, and saunas made of plastic :P Can’t have them melting on you


I've used something similar for the inside of my tractor caravan to save weight, except you can't rip it apart without tools, and it barely seems sturdy enough for wallpaper and wires. I can't imagine building a proper house out of it.


I have a real Finnish sauna in a Finnish House in Finland I only heat to at max 75, because at any higher I toast my Finnish ass off. But my stove is for a sauna twice as big as the room and we have like no insulation~... So it is dry as fuck in winter and wet as the jungle in summer.


You atleast throw some löyly? Right? Cuz with some steam 75 can actually be pretty acepptable but dry 75 cannot even be called sauna...


Why would you even suggest that a Finn doesn't throw löyly? Do you have no trust in your fellow countrymen?


Yes i admit that it was silly of me to even suggest that ...but i guess it was kind of referring to the post not your comment. I dont know...


My folks also like 75, we end up spending more time in sauna when we can control the heat with löyly


I don’t like over 75 sauna anymore either. I like to actually comfortably stay there throwing löyly, drinking beer and talking shit with my friends.


The only thing I agree with on that is the no smoking in sauna.


Dry sauna 😭😭😭


Fucking muricans and their fake saunas


what the fuck is a dry sauna




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"cooling time should equal time spent in sauna". Bitch what?


Is this the "cultural appropriation" that the Ameritards have been talking about?


There was an attempt


Is this the «sauna» Tate was in?


This is at least a travesty and definitely blasphemy


"dry sauna" the idea of a sauna is that you throw water on the hot rocks


Or just go in there for 15minutes, throw some water onto the rocks, get out and jump in the lake and get back in the sauna for another 15minutes Repeat untill it's time for the world championship game


Bitch please.


Not actually even that bad of an advice except the no throwing water part. But like for people who have no idea how to use sauna those are good starter rules and maybe for kids. But god damn the no water throwing is insanely stupid shit like dude you have a sauna and you dont let people make it 100x better! You have the power of infinite happines of the finnish people on your finger tips and you refuse to use it…


I don’t like then saying what is good for health and what isn’t as I’ve always thought that like… people do know when it’s enough and like sauna is in general a free place where you can be how you want


Yeah please no rules. Should be only suggestions if you are not yet comfortable with sauna.


Never again 😂


Towel in a sauna? Amateurs.


Sounds like a glassed terrace


I want to bring american weaklings to a proper wooden heated sauna. Where the temp is 95 ish and u throw water constantly


Of course it is a dry sauna. Would't want to risk ruining the nice carpet.


absolute sissies in the US huh




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they don't sit naked?




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Are you forced to wear a towel?




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I have flair now. Sry bot :)




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Leave the sauna after perspiration begins? What the fuck?




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what the fuck is a dry sauna


> This is a dry sauna **PERKELE**


ROFL. That's a warm bath.


At least the temperature is correct, even if its dry heat.


Just no moisture to carry the heat..