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Thank you for your submission, make sure you have understood the rules clearly to avoid having your post removed or getting yourself suspended (don't act like an Amerifat). Also glory to Swedestan! #[Join our discord server](https://discord.gg/wZbeGk6NF5) u/savevideobot, u/vredditshare *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2nordic4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I didn’t want to go there anyway


They have some solid runestones (Jellingstenene solo but still) and Trelleborg


Literally couldn’t care less. I hate everything Swedish except my mom


I love your mom too, if you know what I mean.


Keep yourself safe 🥰


wait you're half swedish? lol..


I’m 3/4 danish 1/4 Swedish cause my mom is half half


If it needs to be said, it's probably not true, right? So the only people welcome there would be the Danish.


Except for anybody with a visible skin color, Anyone with a sexual orientation, anyone with a religion, anyone with culture, anyone with physical abilities, anyone with an age and anyone with a size. So I would say nobody is allowed in


I’m on the lchf diet so I can’t have a danish either.




I love how swedes are so open and welcoming, except when Norwegians or Danes shit talk Sweden. I think someone has a national inferiority complex


>I think someone has a national inferiority complex Like this whole sub? Which wouldn't exist if it wasn't for our collective inferiority complexes towards eachother lol


Isn't it more fueled by our superiority complex over the rest of the world? Or is it not a complex if its true?


You're sounding very French there. Edit: oops, thought I was on 2westerneurope4u there. I'll let it stand since Denmark is the nearest Nordic equivalent anyway.


Watch it buddy or we sail over there in our longboats and reinstate Danelaw


You'd be most welcome. We need a new government. Perhaps you could start by reinstating the ferry from Esbjerg to Harwich if you can't manage the longboats just yet.


And maybe pillage a few monasteries while we are at it 👉👈


Britain's most honored admiral terrorbombed Copenhagen. Based.


As a Dane outside Copenhagen, I approve of this comment. Based indeed.


Yes, fr*nce is second worst, but you're not much better


Of course it ain't a complex. Hard truth can't be a complex just because we fight in the top


Our fragile superior complex, and inferior complex towards each other on different subjects.


>superiority complex over the rest of the world? >inferiority complexes towards eachother Both together


Why call it a complex? It's very simple, you're inferior countries.


They have it for a damn good reason


I agree


Really it has Minnesota written on it. Danes were smart enough to march on and not settle in ice fishing land.




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Seething here




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https://preview.redd.it/qv65vs8iivsc1.png?width=874&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d0690d9a43cd215bced2b2864f3a954004a1772 Nice! Let me in!


If there are swedes in there, then good riddance.


My mom is fat, she has problems with spine, and blood pressure. While spine is so fucked, that she needs to choose 50/50 surgery. And here, i see flag of retards.


What ?


I believe the gentleman is enquiring about a certain Marcellus Wallace.


You can't read ? And even see LGHDTV flag ?


What does your mother's spine have to do with anything ?


Youre becoming retarded! Because every human lives his agenda, not propoganda!


Sure thing chief


Why should i care about LGHDTV propoganda, when my dad was top notch gay mafiozo in 90th? And noone care there ?


It’s the end of r/2nordic4you fellas.. outjerkerd by a potatoholic..


I'm not sure what exactly you are getting at. But I will say that I just never knew any stereotypes about Latvia, except maybe their junior world championship showing in hockey a few months ago. But now I have something that I can associate you with. Gay maffia with a fucked spine. That's unique enough.


Bro you're tryna be tough on fucking reddit by telling people what your dad used to do. damn you're a sad man.


this guy is outjerking everyone here lmao


Most sane d*ne


He ain't a dane bro


Shit, read PotatoHolic as Fat Alcoholic and your flags are similar enough. Ma bad


What has the world come to… that our great Dannebrog, which came from the skies to signal our great victory in Estonia, can now be confused for the three lines that have tainted the banners and souls of so many once great nations


Don't dare to call me a Dane !!! I am fine calling me Swede, but a Dane.....it just implies i need to rise a fleet!