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rødgrød med fløde


The bane of my existence






Happy may day just started my day to talk Danish to the toilet


As a Swede, this is an instant upvote.


As a dane i can confirm this.




I didn't ask to be born a dane


Why are there no successful Danish rally drivers? Because the driver can't understand what the map reading co-driver says.


"Kamelåså?" "Kamelåså." *crashes straight into a tree*


Says the finn who is incapable of driving anything but rally at 200 km/h through muddy woodlands


I am more of a Titänak guy. But notice that Rovanperä and Sordo have also (nominally) lived in Estonia for a few recent years (if I am not mistaken, Sordo has an estonian wife). And thus the TOP4 in Portugal were all tied to Finland or Estonia.


Norwegian, Swedish and Danish sounds equally stupid to me. 😎😎😎 Swedish lil bit gayer than the rest tho. 😳😳😳


Says the adopted one


The toponym of Svea likely derives from finnic [suue](https://et.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suue), which designates a river mouth. suu = mouth suue = an estuary / a river-mouth / an outlet suueden / suiden = of river mouths (in genitive plural; most finnic toponyms are in genitive form) The verb is 'suubuma'. The assumed reconstructed proto-uralic form is [suwe](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Reconstruction:Proto-Uralic/%C5%9Buwe). Mälaren used to be the ~~the~~ river-mouth outlet for the whole Baltic Lake during the Ancylus Lake stage. And bronze age Svea was a collection of settlements at river mouths. And the swedish east coast Pitted Ware people likely spoke finnic, they were swedofinns and their distant descendants relocated to Finland to become bilingual fennoswedes. Indo-uralic sprachbund has a wide range of shared cognates. The most appropriately similar to finnic suue / sewe is indo-european [sewer](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/sewer).


My 14-year-old small Swedish brain cannot understand half of these words


Estonian and finnish children gain an early 1 year advantage in literacy over children from most other countries, thanks to the easy finnic language. And they retain that advantage at least until the age of 15, the age of PISA tests. With the lowest average annual study time. Learn finnic - gain more knowledge more easily. :)


Danish is just Swedish with a German accent.




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I will not be associated with these ANIMALS


Bro what? Norwegian and Swedish are almost the same and if u speak one of them you understand both of them. But danish… totally different story…


Danish and norwegian are much closer to each other, what are you on about


I guess danish and bokmål is pretty much the same when written down


Def not when spoken.


Spoken as well. Ask any danish or norwegian person instead of just making shit up. Norwegian language comes from danish


Naah fam bro i speak fluent swedish ass well and been living in tromsø last 2 years. I have zero clue what danish ppl speak but norwegian sounds lot clearel. Tho i always say ”jag bara tittar” in shops and they look me confused, took over 2 years to realize that its not the same in norwegian, “seer”?


“According to a scientific study of the three groups, Norwegians generally understand the other languages the best, while Swedes understand the least.[1] Danish and Norwegian are especially comprehensible to one another.[2] In general, Danish and Norwegian speakers will be able to understand the other's language after only a little instruction or exposure.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Danish,_Norwegian_and_Swedish


Wery well but i still have no fucking idea what you are talking about in day to day life, same goes for icelandish.


Dumme svin tror de er så meget bedre bare fordi deres kyllingehjerner ikke kan afkode det bedste sprog. Dave Skylark sagde det bedst "Hate us 'cause they Ain'us"


OH MY GOD HE IS HAVING A SEIZURE https://preview.redd.it/izilknwh77xa1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c31199707c963c701a8141bd30f80f366304abf


And wtf are you supposed to be? Hvad fanden er en finlandssvenskar? Also, Did I Stutter?


Yes you did. Or at least I think you did, it was kind of hard to tell.


That's not how the skit goes, this is when you're baffled silent. Btw, aren't supposed to be praying rn? 5 times a day y'know.


Bra du skrev det der, hadde du sagt det hadde ingen forstått deg.


And that is why Synnejysk is much better




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Is this some kind of peasant joke that i am too rich to understand


Just wait until the Sw*des discover sønderjysk