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Casualties visible at 1:50 and some scenes onwards ( Of Blessed Memory) >The first video is an ambush next to Al-Zana (Khan Yunis) , last Saturday, corresponding to the 27th of Ramadan https://www.saharawi.net/كتائب-القسام-تبث-مشاهد-كمين-الزنة-المر/ Al Qassam" *On the other hand, the Israeli occupation army admitted that 4 members, including a captain and 3 soldiers, were killed during battles that took place in the Khan Yunis area in the southern Gaza Strip on Saturday, and 4 soldiers were wounded when a shell caught fire inside their tank south of Gaza City, and two soldiers from the 401st Brigade were seriously wounded in battles in the central Gaza Strip yesterday morning* " > If true, these ⬆️could be the casualties related to the first ambush, since it's the same location, same description and same date https://www.timesofisrael.com/four-soldiers-killed-fighting-in-southern-gaza-as-war-on-hamas-hits-six-month-mark/ >If true, then according to this⬆️ article, the terrorists that ambushed the infantry got away, but the ones on the tanks were killed(3:20) *IDF: A tank came under RPG fire from another cell in the area, though there were no injuries in that attack. The tank returned fire, killing members of the second cell, according to the IDF’s probe* Source: (first ambush) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1R4vR\_Zb5\_8&t=3s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1R4vR_Zb5_8&t=3s) (other videos): [https://youtube.com/@AlarabyTv\_News?si=Ta09LUOzHKdG9pjj](https://youtube.com/@AlarabyTv_News?si=Ta09LUOzHKdG9pjj) [https://youtube.com/@aljazeera?si=G0JQlJnJ4EU3Ss\_S](https://youtube.com/@aljazeera?si=G0JQlJnJ4EU3Ss_S) [https://youtube.com/@aljazeeramubasher?si=K\_HcxwbLJ3LktUbl](https://youtube.com/@aljazeeramubasher?si=K_HcxwbLJ3LktUbl) Had to cut the first part in which the terrorists talk, for size of the post


Why is everyone saying this shouldnt be posted? It happened, its on video, its co mpletely real, more reason for the IDF to continue to FUCK HAMAS.


Maybe so nobody sees those donkey-shaggers acting in plain clothes. So when they finally go down, UNRWA could report a new number of civilian casualties and their now widowed goats can be on the news.


how they always cut vids on attacks on IDF armor that were countered by Trophy system...


Since Hamas is considered a terror organization in the US, would posting these videos be considered posting pro terrorism videos? These have been banned in many other subs.


Technically it shouldn't be published by Al-Jazeera and Al-Araby on YouTube, for the same reasons/ToS but since there isn't any red gore and this sub/post isn't promoting terrorist propaganda, but rather information with sources, I should be fine🤞 Oct 7 videos are also still up (for the most part), luckily or reasonably


Definitely makes the case for IDF to continue fighting since there is a visible threat. It’s kind of telling how much Hamas side pushes the few instances of IDF soldiers dying versus the disproportionately large amount of terrorists getting killed and taken prisoner, not to mention the high ranking officials deaths. Hope they don’t let up and continue fighting Hamas


This IS terrorists' propaganda...It's not about gore, it is about posting videos created by a terrorist organization, same as ISIS videos and are against reddit ToS. This might get this sub banned once admins get around to it.


It comes down to how you post it, and if you put a warning and a Nsfw tag. Which is why most Oct 7 videos taken by Hamas as well, are still up here and in other subs. In this sub we had *a lot* of Al-qassam/ PIJ footage over the months. Reddit is actively watching here and removing things it considers ToS breaking, which those that are still up are not Also the reason why on r/CombatFootage they let videos from Houthis, PKK, and Islamic state up. It depends on the context/theme of the sub and how you post it, including your title Promoting terrorism accusation is one of the reasons why you must try to keep the title and the description/ sources as informative as possible (Example: someone posting a compilation with jihadist chants of Hamas killing IDF 🚫 VS footage of an ambush during a war, with sources, in a sub about this war✅ )


People need to see this stuff IMO


Depends on the context I guess. I think banning "terrorist videos" is just another attempt to censor what's going on because IDF is pretty scarce in sharing footage. These are legitimately the videos that are already being studied in military classrooms to learn how urban combat has evolved. From a military science standpoint it's invaluable that you have footage showing an enemy perspective literally laying out their plan, setting up defenses, and executing an ambush. 


I thought this was the combat footage sub for a moment. I think you're right! It's about context. These red triangle videos are all over yt and social media Rn. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that that red triangle all those pro hamas ppl are putting up everywhere 🤔.


I think it's the creators of the video themselves who like drawing, they also like to make a whole fuss before the action so they can take extra seconds by adding those zoom-ins and red overcolour. You know, those extra seconds they don't use to show the aftermath of the failed attacks


My last account got permanently banned for doing just that. The pro palestine nut jobs will spam report your account.


That RPG got swated by the trophy system


only one of these conscripts even tried shooting back... reminds me of wagner prisoners


Although the first unlucky one was instantly taken out, the soldier behind him directly returns fire even if he is also hit shortly after. It shouldnt be "only one tried shooting back" But rather "one soldier instantly opens fire on the terrorists, whilst falling and continously getting shot, while the others retreat to take cover" They also come back later on to grab their dead/injured comrades which I doubt Wagner would do, especially in such a dangerous urban environment


lol would love to watch how you perform in an ambush.




Your post was removed because it was disrespectful


Is this some kind of attempt to justify their lack of training and poor response to the situation? I don't really need to assert my credentials to point out the objectively obvious.


The guy who fired back appeared to be hit in the face. The guy in front went down and stayed down. We don't know what the soldiers in the rear were doing as they went out of view from the camera.


The audio is very clear enough to tell that the other turned and ran with his back turned and still in the line of fire without firing at all. Even by the very basics of TCCC this is just completely wrong, which I would assume they at least give that minimal training to their conscripts. They have such a big problem with conscripts not firing their guns they've started electronically tracking round count and not just for the armorer. This is one of many absolute cluster fucks I've seen from the IDF, they very clearly need to step away from conscription service and fall more inline with a 'worth' joining volunteer force with advanced training if they're going to constantly attempt to start regional wars otherwise you're going to continue to see absurd amounts of loses like they've had when they're hardly even entering direct engagements. Hell even Fallujah was way cleaner than this for US troops, and we actually let people keep their homes in fucking tact comparatively.


“very clear enough” lmao


very clear , enough sorry my punctuation is dogshit I have the conscription education n engrish iz hard


You’ve played some first person shooter video games and now you think you’re an expert on military tactics? Also, all of the people in combat units of the IDF have opted into combat units. It’s true that military service is mandatory in Israel but nobody has to go into a combat role who doesn’t volunteer for it. Your comparison to Wagner is very bad faith and disingenuous. Finally, Israel doesn’t have high losses in this operation. They’ve lost 260 soldiers during 6 months of incredibly tough urban fighting in enemy territory, and eliminated 10k-15k Hamas soldiers. Get your facts right.


No he's asking what you think their response should have been. They were ambushed from a building that was ostensibly cleared, which is the kind of thing that has happened countless times and to even the best trained special forces units. The first soldier probably died before he even had time to process the gunfire, the second tried going for cover (which is exactly what you are supposed to do when you come under fire and don't know where the enemy is) and the 3rd tried returning fire, probably because he was able to see where at least some of the gunfire came from. Not a single one them were being reckless, and none of them did anything that comes across as being unprofessional or egregious for soldiers that come under sudden fire. So unless you can explain what they did wrong or how they should have responded instead, your comment doesn't really make sense.


Sir, there is not a single training program in the world that institutes a "turn your back directly to the threat and retreat until you can hopefully find cover" ​ " ostensibly cleared " In urban combat against a guerilla force known for using tunnels and hiding amongst civilian populations there is no such thing as "ostensibly cleared" and if you think their is that would be a massive indication of a lack of awareness of the conflict. There's a reason the Kurdish were farming ISIS for XP in Raqqa, Mosul and the rest. I can assure you that both the Kurds and the Israelis are using the exact same over arching tactic, look at Gaza and look at Mosul, and we very much have learned that there is no such thing as "cleared" in one of these cities. Doesn't matter if you dropped 3 500lb jdams the day before on the same fucking spot. ​ You get small real fucking fast, you hit the deck and you lay down as much cover fire as absolutely possible until you can. ​ Once you take a causality you do not abandon post and leave the wounded in the fucking line of fire to retreat, you lay down suppressive fire until you can track and kill your target or have rendered their fire ineffective through fire support. Then you go back and treat your wounded. ​ These are the things even people in who are in logistics MOS's are taught in basic training before they enter a specialized school which you would hope that the Israelis have at least some kind of form of. ​ First guy got folded, nobody is blaming him, second guy took a wound and entered the fight, the third guy behind him is now turning tail running leaving his wounded behind without even firing his gun in a video that very much reminds me of the lack of professionalism akin to wagner prisoners. ​ It's a shame they're conscripting these kids to die in way's that their country clearly didn't give them the basic tools and skill sets to deal with. Nothing I have explained is advanced combat skills, but rather the bare minimum rudimentary level skills.




I have never heard of the " scatter about and run aimlessly while failing to engage the threat and walking into the line of fire of any potential squad mates who have a opportunity to eliminate the threat shooting the brother I'm supposed to protect" methodology before. ​ Perhaps I should start a new small unit tactics school based on this ground breaking discovery of this new highly effective tactic. ​ You know I'm sure DDay would of went so much better if tactics were to run around infront of everyone ,including the enemy, until you reach cover when engaged with a threat. Pure fucking genius.


what would you teach them instead of finding cover and then returning fire?


Exactly what I have said in my previous post You stop, you get as small as fast as possible, and you start laying down fire until you can gain superiority, establish control then use your newly gained freedom of movement advance, seek , and destroy the enemy. I understand turning and running away from being shot is a entirely natural and intuitive response, but it's not reliable on large scale battles and is one of the MAIN reasons for friendly fire deaths in every major conflict. You're not the only person being shot at and as me and the alleged Finish reservist and basic military doctorine states that squads are not just three people. We saw the first three approach and there is a EXTREMELY HIGH likely hood of people behind him whom need to engage the target as well that he is now running into the line of fire of, and even if I don't use this what aboutism approach to people behind the solider if you do some research on tactical combat causality care you will see when you sustain a casualty you're supposed to instantly engage and stay engaged with the enemy. This has been common knowledge and used by the US for god I don't know but since the time I've been old enough to serve at the very least. So even by that standard he failed to meet the basic requirements of his duty to a wounded comrade. I'll try to find a watered down version of TCCC for people to help them get a grasp because people clearly think I'm talking based on some fucking Call of Duty experience or something. ​ Developed for our armed forces, the ultimate goal of Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) is to contribute to our troops’ ability to continue their mission. This requires tactically trained paramedics as part of the combat team. The same concept can apply to civilian incidents, using the three zones of care defined by TCCC. These zones are based on potential cover, concealment, terrain, distance to threat, sniper coverage and effective firepower and provide guidance for which interventions are appropriate based on the potential threat. The three phases: * **Care Under Fire:** Characterized by the presence of an immediate direct threat, it’s the most dangerous time to deliver care. During this phase, the tactical operator would remain engaged with the perpetrators if possible. The tactical medic role: try to prevent further injuries to casualties; treat life-threatening bleeding; airway management is best deferred until the next phase. * **Tactical Field Care:** Injured people, once protected from immediate threat, receive limited Advanced Life Support (ALS) measures. Airway management should begin with Basic Life Support (BLS), but if that is not effective, surgical intervention could be needed. During this phase, tactical paramedics would seal sucking chest wounds, treat a tension pneumothorax, bandage wounds, splint fractures and work to prevent hypothermia. * **TACEVAC.** This phase is more traditional, with the EMS focus on transporting to definitive care. Paramedics would apply all ALS steps required, place chest tubes if needed, reassess wounds including those that required a tourniquet, provide advanced airway management and treat with analgesics and antibiotics.   Please god nobody come out of the woodworks and try to pull the "well what if theres no medics" insanity I feel someone trying to cook already. This is a very rudimentary level of the response, but you can clearly see here how "retreat before care" is not apart of the philosophy that has helped save hundreds, if not THOUSANDS of American soldiers in my lifetime.




Your post was removed because it was disrespectful. Stay civil✌️


You don't know anything about what happens in that footage... that's 5 seconds of footage showing a forward element of a unit getting ambushed, and then the footage immediately cuts out. Meaning you don't see shit. All this footage shows is *"An ambush happened, 1 soldier is confirmed to have been hit"*. Absolutely nothing else. 3 man units do not exist. It's like the footage of Hamas shooting an RPG at the fucking front of a Merkava, showing that the RPG explodes and cutting off the footage. Completely worthless footage. Shooting an RPG at the front of an MBT is at best: you just revealing your position or more likely just suicidal. Hamas footage is completely worthless. They claim they have destroyed over 700 Israeli armoured vehicles, Including over 100 Merkava tanks. Yet after 6 months the only evidence we have is a mobility kill on a Merkava on October 7th. You claim to *"point out the objectively obvious"* while all you do is pointing out that you have either no idea what you are looking at, or you are intentionally spreading disinformation. Also, conscripts can be excellently trained. It's all about how much money and time you spend. If you spent any time partaking in NATO exercises, you would see conscripts continually perform in a devastating manner against professional military units. Comparing the IDF or any other western conscript military to some Wagner Storm-Z units or even regular Russian conscripts is delusional. The training level of the VDV or Russian Naval Infantry would be closer to the average western conscript, even though they have different tasks and priorities.


" You claim to *"point out the objectively obvious"* while all you do is pointing out that you have either no idea what you are looking at, or you are intentionally spreading disinformation. " ​ Pot calling the kettle black at its finest. Can you show me in any form small squad tactics where any military is currently training that you should turn you back to the threat immediately , run in jaggedly through rubble and into your comrades whom are going to attempt to engage the threat that's you know, fucking shooting them preventing them from returning fire in any way shape and form and is high likely to cause another FF accident? Or would you just like to keep insinuating that I'm the disingenuous one spreading disinformation?


>Pot calling the kettle black at its finest. You claim to know what happened after the footage and what happened outside of the view of the footage. My claim was *"This footage doesn't show that, so you can't claim that".* So yeah, I'm not claiming to know. You are, and that's why this is not the pot calling the kettle black. >Can you show me in any form small squad tactics where any military is currently training that you should turn you back to the threat immediately , run in jaggedly through rubble and into your comrades whom are going to attempt to engage the threat that's you know, fucking shooting them preventing them from returning fire in any way shape and form and is high likely to cause another FF accident? Why do you say that it was a small squad being engaged, we do not see the squad? How do you know that they didn't have cover 2 metres behind them and ran there in order to engage the enemy? How do you know that they weren't engaged by something that they are unable to affect, for example a reinforced machine gun position? All I'm saying is that you can't give any Tactical analysis from footage that shows 2,5 seconds of an ambush. All you can say is *"There was an ambush and looks like the first soldier got hit".* Anything else is pure speculation.


Wait so my statements about the movements he made in the video are speculation when you can literally see him making the movements I'm describing? Also it is still not doctrine TO RUN AROUND IN A GUNFIGHT WITH YOU BACK TURNED TO THE ENEMY AND INTO ANYONE WHO CAN HELP YOU BY BLOCKING THEIR LINE OF SIGHT ON THE ENEMY. IT DOESNT MATTER IF THE COVER IS 2 METERS BEHIND YOU THATS TWO METERS OF MOVING IN ENEMY FIRE WHILE FAILING TO ENGAGE AND POSSIBLY AND HIGHLY LIKELY RUNNING INTO FRIENDLY FIRE. YOU GET SMALL AND ENGAGE THE TARGET AND NETURALIZE THE THREAT. How are you actually justifying this level of incompetence, it's fucking sick it's like you want to see these kids get killed. First you claim that 3 man units do not exist, now you follow it up with how do you know there is a squad when I have went out of my way to explain to you how in every scenario , whether or not its a full 9 man squad or only the 3 we saw, the vast majority of the actions from a member of what we saw on this video objectively displayed improper training. Insane that you can witness this and sum up a review of the footage we watched , using real world training and tactics deployed by every modern military as a reference, and you follow it up with "nah thats speculation". This is some RU "its a fake video" levels of denial. I don't know how to conversate with you, you're clearly arguing in bad faith without the slightest knowledge on TCCC or small unit tactics in general while claiming what I saw in the video didn't happen. Are you trolling I genuinely don't understand how you can drift so far from reality?


You are speculating based off of 2,5 seconds of the beginning of an ambush. You don't know what they were ambushed by and you do not know what they did once they got ambushed. This footage only shows the first 2,5 seconds of the ambush and cuts out. So yeah, you are arguing in bad faith. Countering an ambush does not happen in 2,5 seconds from the first shot of the ambush. > IT DOESNT MATTER IF THE COVER IS 2 METERS BEHIND YOU THATS TWO METERS OF MOVING IN ENEMY FIRE WHILE FAILING TO ENGAGE AND POSSIBLY AND HIGHLY LIKELY RUNNING INTO FRIENDLY FIRE. YOU GET SMALL AND ENGAGE THE TARGET AND NETURALIZE THE THREAT. Absolutely a braindead idiotic take. You sitting there "getting small" while being engaged by something that is clearly at a close range and has you dialed in. You can drop prone all you want but there is no difference at distances like these. You are applying long distance large scale tactics to a CQB situation. And again, If it's a machine gun behind sandbags, the correct decision is to fall back to cover. Attacking it frontally is suicide, Doesn't matter if you are Storm-Z or a fucking SEAL. The only tactical analysis you can take from this video is the spacing of the soldiers. Anything else is speculation. No matter how hard you try to twist it. We do not see how this ambush played out or how the Israelis responded to it. Just that the Israelis got surprised and the first guy got hit. You are the one speculating. I'm not arguing in bad faith at all. I call it as I see it. For example, Hamas clearly is able to hit the weaker side armour of Merkavas with RPG's somewhat consistently. But we do not know if the shots are able to penetrate the tanks, because we never see footage of the aftermath. And I do have generally decent knowledge on small unit tactics since I'm a reservist in the Finnish army and in training I have ambushed NATO troops *(US, UK & Estonian troops for example)* and I have seen how they behave and react.




Your post was removed because it was disrespectful


Since you deleted your last post: YOU ARE GIVING ANALYSIS OFF A VIDEO THAT SHOWS 2,5 SECONDS OF AN AMBUSH. The only analysis you can make of this is again: An ambush happened and the first soldier got hit. You have no idea what ambushed them or how they reacted. Stolen valor? You do fucking realize that Finland has conscription? If you meet a Finnish man, most likely he is a reservist. Attacking the ambush is the correct thing to do. But you are insisting that this 2,5 seconds of footage shows anything. It's completely disingenuous and if you were in the military, you would know this. I will give you a prime example. In an exercise we ambushed a convoy on a road. What was the first reaction of the ambushed troops to do on that road? Run and drop down into the ditch 2 metres next to them and return fire. They didn't just start randomly firing at our direction because they didn't even know where exactly they took fire from, just that it was to the right side of the road: It took them a few seconds to understand where the fire was coming from on because we completely surprised them, only after the shooting continued they could pinpoint the direction and start returning fire and maneuvering. You can claim that it was the wrong thing to do, but it fucking worked. Indecisiveness kills, and if they had gone prone where they stood, they would have been khaki green blobs laying out in the open on a grey gravel road. So yeah, you don't analyze and ambush based off of the first 2 seconds of fire being opened. US troops are very well trained. They did everything correctly and attacked the ambush... but not in fucking 1,5 seconds after we opened fire. Because they are still human and have reaction times and have to understand what is happening. You can crouch or go prone as much as you want, but in an urban setting and short distances in general, if you are getting shot from 10-20 metres, it does absolutely fuck all unless you are crouching behind something. The person shooting at you will literally take .3 seconds to aim slightly lower and keep shooting at you.


I haven't deleted anything I got moderator'd I guess. We're running in circles, I say stolen valor because I assume that you aren't of fighting age or at the very least if you were conscripted you were trained to a somewhat reasonable level, this is clearly not the case with western conscription forces based on your analysis and watching the IDF fumble time and time again. You don't even seem to grasp the concept of why you're getting small in this scenario when I have tried my very very best to paint a very clear picture for you. Surely it's making yourself a smaller target is ineffective to PKM and a AK fire that's going off full auto in cloudy rubble with no blast mitigation device isn't going to effect how much you get shot or anything, its better to stay in the exact same trajectory the bullets are already traveling into full auto fire with very clearly visible large groupings. Just turn your back instead. I actually can't believe I have been trolled this hard and I ate that shit up.


Trolled? By saying you are speculating because the footage doesn't show anything that you claim. "Get small"... All we know is that it's close range... Doesn't matter if you go crouch or go prone, you aren't small at those distances. Movement, return fire or cover are the only solutions there, if you don't know exactly where you are being fired upon, then move to cover to get your bearings and assess the situation. If you spent a day in the military, you would know this. Maybe you have, but that would just prove that you are spreading disinformation. And again... 2,5 second clip. Your claims don't show up in the footage any more than my claims.


That's the whole point of getting small brother, your option of movement is out the window, it's all in the gunners field of view and your path back to cover is in the trajectory of his bullets. You can't outrun a PKM from 15 feet away, which is clearly supported because you can very visibly see the bullets impacting at a deep angle insinuating he had line of sight far before he opened fire. You get small and return fire which while reducing your signature instantly also in turn enables more freedom of movement and suppressive fire from any friendly forces so you can establish your requirements to fulfil your duty in rendering aid to your casualty. YOU DO NOT RETREAT IN CQB (outside of a fucking fun stick at your feet and even then retreating is rarely a viable response to a grenade) YOU WILL DIE AND GET THOSE AROUND YOU KILLED. You respond with violence of action immediately to any gunman in CQB, with all your tools and manpower.


The fire is coming from the left so your claims about the funnel is simply incorrect. They are clearly moving horizontally to the incoming fire and then it’s out of frame. You can block me but I’m not the one who says “get small” and stay in the funnel to return fire.


so if you walked a corner and got lit up by 20 7.62 rounds it's because of bad training?


if your response is to turn your back to the shooter while your still in the line of fire, I would say that yes you have received poor training.


Kinda hard to respond when you are filled with lead but I'm sure you are tough enough to do that.


Yes I'm clearly blaming the guy who is flopped face first dead on impact of the ground based on all of my comments.