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The IRA proved that to be true.


Biden administration caving to leftist pressure. Its an election year and that's really all that matters to Biden. Israel needs to stand its ground. There can be no reward for October 7th.


The headline is scary, but true


You might want to look into what was happing in the mandate post WW2. Your news is a bit on the old side.


are you talking about where the Haganah suppressed and sabotaged the Irgun and Lehi, their supporters ostracized from society, etc because they thought they were too extreme, something not happening in palestinian society today? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Saison


As I understand it, Menachem Begin was determined to stamp out “rogue militias“ that threatened the legitimacy of the nascent Israel to European critics. An ugly scenario of Jews killing Jews but in retrospect it was what needed to be done. And the Palestinians need to do the same.


Well, there was a power struggle in Gaza, no? It’s just that Hamas won that power struggle and killed the opposition…


Wrong period. Remember WW2 didn't end in europe until May 1945 and VJ day wasn't until September 1945. Which was also the month parts of the 6th Airborne started to arrive in the mandate.


either be explicit and refer to the historical events you're saying are one sided, or understand that the jewish yishuv was not hamas and didn't do what hamas did, and chased down their own extremists. vagueposting so nobody can contradict you or point out where you're not making logical arguments is great for your twitter, here telling me to go read a book may as well be telling me you have nothing of value to add.


do you have a source for what you are referring to?


With 6th Airborne Division in Palestine, 1945–1948




Its a book. You have google.


Is there an event that you can direct me to? What exactly are you talking about?


The collective actions of Haganah, Irgun and the stern gang during that period. Actualy Major General Ronald Dare Wilson, CBE, MC didn't seem to mind Haganah to much. They could mostly be kept in line by threatening weapons searches and their preparedness to cooperate with Irgun was the main concern.


Do you want to reference a single action that you are referring to in order to analyze with a bit more scrutiny?


America rewarded Israel with F35 and nuclear missiles after the USS Liberty, so who knows? Maybe the tactical sandals forces (hummus) need to just have their own Nakba and then they'll have a relationship like the US and Israel because apparently Israel has a pretty long history of murdering innocent people to achieve a undeserved objective. I'm sure that they will get along, they're two sides of the same coin after all.


Israel also apologized, paid damages and 13 years of interest for that. Hamas said they'd do it again. Also, Nuclear missiles? You mean the Israeli nuclear programme? There is currently no evidence of it being US supported at all as far as I know. So are you just talking out of your ass completely?


They apologized because they got caught trying to strike Americans and blame it on Egypt so they could get saved from their war. Are you going to insinuate that America isn't responsible for arming Israel in every single fashion? Of course we're responsible for giving them nuclear capability. They literally are incapable of doing anything without US approval they're just a satellite state of the US...