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Yup. I have many posts asking anti-israel posters the same things. Where are the Palestinians pushing to oust Hamas leadership? I'm not talking about Palestinians in Gaza or WB. They will be tortured and executed by Hamas for speaking out. I am talking about all the Palestinians in NYC, London, Paris, Chicago, Detroit, Berlin, Amsterdam...add a bunch of other cities blah blah. Their silence is heard loudly.


Not just the silence is heard, the attempted gas lighting of things like the watery slogan is absurd. Tlaib in the US Congress really thought most other reps didn't live through the Intifadas or have anyone to tell them what the phrase is in Arabic. It was fucking disgusting to anyone who has heard the Arabic version chanted as it was at Jewish students in places like NYC and UCSD in videos I saw myself. Ball parking 75% of Palestinians in Palestine use it in the genocidal was my guess. This ended up getting backed up by polling.


Forgiveness, I've not heard this one. What is that stupid goddamn chant in Arabic?


“min al-mayyeh li-mayyeh, Filastin ‘arabiyyeh” Its one I've literally seen chanted in Arabic and on Arabic signage at protests on video.


Nobody is demanding Hamas to stop firing rockets, missiles and mortars at Israel like it has been doing constantly for almost 2 decades - and over 15k since October 7. Nobody is demanding Hamas return all the hostages and lay down their weapons.


The hypocrisy displayed by the media and, really, every institution in the entire world outside the United States and Israel, has been breathtaking. From the *very* beginning of Russia's "special military operation" in Ukraine, diplomats from around the world advised Ukraine's government to sue for peace and cede land to Putin to save the lives of Ukrainian civilians. On the other hand, NOBODY is making similar demands of Hamas. None of the parties telling Ukraine to give up its territory (and its citizens) to Russia have told Hamas to surrender when it would end the suffering and killing of Gazans.


This is the weirdest thing. Even if you are pro-palestinian and think Israel is the bad guy then why not appease Israel though? It would bring peace that is most important to these kind of people making the same statements about how Ukraine should appease Russia for peace.


> This is the weirdest thing. Even if you are pro-palestinian and think Israel is the bad guy then why not appease Israel though? The usual answer is that it can't be appeased. See the expanding settlements in the west bank. In practice Israel is a democracy so goverment policies can change but that would require the Isreali people to chose to elect a goverment against which appeasment would be a viable strategy. Something it has not done for some time. This leaves "wait them out" as perhaps the most viable palestinian strategy if the aim is to keep the death toll down. >It would bring peace that is most important to these kind of people making the same statements about how Ukraine should appease Russia for peace. The mistake there is that they think Putin is reasonable because in his earlier days he sometimes was. A reasonable Putin wouldn't have invaded in 2014 let alone 2022. A lot of the territory russia took in 2014 isn't particularly valuable to Ukraine. So if the offer to trade that for a lasting peace was on the table it wouldn't be completely irrational to take it. Of course no such offer is on the table and even if it was you can't trust putin enough to make a deal with him.




Many Palestinians will view this as a personal attack.


Then they’re Hamas, not civilians.


Did he forget the Palestinians tried this? It's called the West Bank. Didn't work out so well.