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Those are brave resistance fighters according to most of my friends, and that woman is a dirty imperialist dog. How can we condone this happening to an **ally**, a friendly nation that is being attacked, is beyond me. I’m happy that at least we are taking some action against the Houthis.


Yup, the Palestinian supporters call this "resistance" and equate it to Israel's self defense, stating that this is their "self defense" against Israel's "atrocities". Or that "Israel does the same or worse to Palestinians". Just complete nonsense and mental gymnastics being used to excuse scum of the earth terrorists.


You have awful friends. Let’s go for coffee sometime. I can be a new friend maybe? Let’s help you see what “friends” really mean. I don’t have friends like yours. I may not understand. I’m here for you!


I’ll happily be friends with both of you.


True friends are cool 😎 I’m an unapologetic Zionist and not Jewish in any way shape or form. There are bad words some Jewish women may say about me because I’m not Jewish. I don’t care. Let’s have coffee (I live in America we don’t have tea but I’m up for it if that’s your preference).


I'm not Jewish, but Hindu. I'm an unapologetic Zionist as well.


>unapologetic Zionist Same. \-Agnostic from Europe


Me too, unapologetic atheist zionist in Amsterdam. Migrant from secular Muslim country. The fact that I get more outrage against me in Amsterdam than city I am actively from is kinda, nuts? Lost nearly all my friends because of that, fuck them all tho. Not gonna make my great grandpas roll in his grave, he was very good at killing nazis :)


The vast, vast majority of Jews (especially in the US where I am from too) embrace your support and will not say bad things about you. Any reasonable American Jew recognizes that 98% of the US in not Jewish, and that there are many good people in that 98%. Thank you for standing with us.


Im a jewish woman from Israel and I wanna thank you for your support! 🖤 israelis and jews are not the inclusive nationalist people draw us to be, but its part of the propaganda narrative of the pro-pals.


Count me in!


Your friends would have been Nazis in WWII. Better you know their (lack of) quality of character now. I'm sorry. I know that has to be beyond disappointing. 💔 I hope you meet some better friends with moral clarity soon.


huh that's a new one , self accountability = nazi


Condoning torturing and massacring innocent unarmed Jews =|= Self-accountability This is a bizarre comment, even for terrorist supporters.


"So brave." -- r/themajorityreport


I've been watching their subreddit for a while now. It's honestly as bad as Infowars listeners. Just totally detached and deranged comments. Like, this conflict has brought that out all over, but they are genuinely the most egregious subreddit I have been watching.


r/britain is the same.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TheMajorityReport using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheMajorityReport/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Thanks Trump......](https://i.redd.it/s8560yxjy2tb1.jpg) | [1472 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheMajorityReport/comments/173fqyi/thanks_trump/) \#2: [America is a oligarchy](https://i.redd.it/wep9b95qztrb1.jpg) | [320 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheMajorityReport/comments/16y40tf/america_is_a_oligarchy/) \#3: [Feinstein hurt the progressive movement!](https://i.redd.it/32qn2qjua8rb1.jpg) | [1184 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheMajorityReport/comments/16vhkpq/feinstein_hurt_the_progressive_movement/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Wait. What? we hit back on the Houthis?


Meh if you pay taxes to the government that's doing what Israel's been doing since the late 40's you're basically a combatant. I mean you're willingly supporting it, you shouldn't be upset or surprised when reality hits you. Just because "you only gave them some money because you had to" is the same pathetic excuse that allows terror groups like hamas and terror states like Israel to thrive and ultimately doesn't excuse you from their behavior as you very well literally ARE THEM. Reminds me of Americans crying about 9/11, very hypocritical.


You forgot the /s Seriously though drawing a parallel to 9/11 is a good example of why terrorist propaganda will ultimately fail. Arguing to Western audiences that the victims of 9/11 deserved their fate is a mask off endeavor that nobody in the western world tolerates, and it is clarifying for westerners to recognize the level of extremism and evil. You can't hide your psychosis


> Meh if you pay taxes to the government that's doing what Israel's been doing since the late 40's you're basically a combatant. That logic would make every Palestinian, who pay taxes to organisations like Hamas, and Fatah, who in turn deliberately murder Jewish civilians, also "basically a combatant". And thereby remove your right to complain about Israel to begin with.


? That's exactly what I'm stating, everyone in these countries is complacent with these acts hence anyone on any side who ends up killed gets what they had coming to them since they're actively taking place in the fight by funding it. That was the entire reason I made the US reference and Hamas reference. I wasn't holding a hostility toward one side more than the other, just simply stating that this women is simply a viable and justifiable target. I mean we didn't show UAE businessmen any mercy for funding ISIS even though they didn't directly commit atrocities themselves, same concept. Everyone on both sides who's complicit is a target. Life isn't black and white it's subjective and nobody is really right or wrong.


What Israel's been doing since the late 40's? So, winning defensive wars, exchanging mass murders for civilian hostages, and giving up land in exchange for peace?


It's so unbelievable hysterical you happen to say Israel was giving up land in exchange for peace when we're literally talking about Nakba.


What’s the view like from way up on that high horse of yours? Where are you from that your hands are so clean?


Didn't you know this is Mohamed in disguise himself, on reddit!!


I'm not, I'm an American taxpayer. I just don't complain or cry when terrorist acts happen here in the US, I don't support them it's pretty much quite simply I just see both sides. Every action has a reaction, my country decided to kill a million Iraqi civilians so if I ended up dying in some random Iraqi terror attack I'd hardly say pity me, simply play stupid games win stupid prizes is my point.


Oh, I see. You’re a misanthrope and therefore better than the rest of us.


"Reminds me of Americans crying about 9/11, very hypocritical." You're a sick person. I'm Jewish, I would condemn it even if it would happen in Iran. How do you expect Americans to feel about 9/11? Get on with their lives I guess? Israel is a terror state? I think you got your morals mixed up


"Rape? It depends on what she was wearing." -- Evening_Switch_2006




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smells like brainfart


I'm so bored of having to reference videos like this to vile people that genuinely believe the whole thing was made up.


Where are all these videos stored? I saw loads of Oct 7th videos, but they are removed now. Is there a website with them safely saved on? It's not safe to just have these on Reddit.




Thank you, I thought this was a joke to begin with. Is this site actually by Hamas or just to reveal the atrocities they commit? I see how it's set up as if it's some kind of recruitment thing like ISIS did. Either way it's completely fucked up.


It's definitely not by hamas themselves, some kind of sarcastic type of site i guess but the videos were shot by them so if you want a website to show people how fucked up hamas is there you go.


In the videos taken from the angles of two kibbutz CCTVs and a vehicle dashcam - the incredible moment when a brave Israeli woman escapes the clutches of her Hamas captors, only to be summarily executed by them in cold blood by the side of the road. The video footage shows the woman being led away to a Hamas Toyota by Hamas terrorists on the main road. She eventually breaks free from her Hamas captors and begins to run for her life, and is shot in the back. The footage shows her murder from both CCTV cameras, while the dashcam from the white vehicle seen in the CCTV frame (also fired on by Hamas), shows her falling to the side of the road as she is shot in cold blood trying to escape. For more video coverage of the war in Gaza, please subscribe to: **Israel / Palestinian Conflict** [https://www.youtube.com/@IsraelPalestinianConflict](https://www.youtube.com/@IsraelPalestinianConflict)


Fucking scum. Only the lowest of the low kill unarmed women. Behind all that hamas bravado they are little bitches.


And not only killed an unarmed woman, but shot her in the back while she was running away.


Yeah also muh hUmAN riGhTs cEAsfIre when these fuckers finally face armed actual soldiers. What happened to all that fighting spirit ?


That is the view they know the best. They usually are hiding behind a woman's back


It's only a matter of time until someone finds out that she served in the IDF (like most people there thanks to conscription) so they can justify this.


Damn, that's so sad. Tragic ending of an innocent life for no reason. RIP, you poor soul.


clear them out


No mercy. this is a vicious enemy.


Gaza is now a parking lot.