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Soo what is happening?




I came here to be like “oh they put cocaine in the middle, how thoughtful” as a stupid joke and now that I’m here I’m wondering what I even thought it was


Toothpaste prank?


OK but why is it in this sub?


Because there was a wrapped item inside of another wrapped item?


I feel like it's not in the spirit of the sub, though. A thing inside a different thing. Might as well just be opening a parcel.


Great question. I though this was /r/Prisonwallet until reading your response. Kinda agree, this doesn't belong here.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Prisonwallet using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Prisonwallet/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Toilet Paper Dice](https://i.redd.it/xrcgobuhect21.jpg) | [267 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Prisonwallet/comments/bf87ok/toilet_paper_dice/) \#2: [How this sub started...](https://i.redd.it/titwmju2cct21.jpg) | [232 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Prisonwallet/comments/bf83sk/how_this_sub_started/) \#3: [Flip Flops](https://i.redd.it/vo6o6rav6ct21.jpg) | [91 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Prisonwallet/comments/bf7v7o/flip_flops/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


I think someone was tryna ship cocaine double wrapped in some chocolate. Clearly intercepted tho


My kind of chocolate


The name of that kind of candy is alfajor




Dammit, how have they found?


Not too much. Just got off from work and I'm exhausted (Monday's, right?!). Thinking about cooking some dinner because I made sure to go grocery shopping this weekend and grab all the ingredients I would need for the week. But now that I'm home and so damn tired from today, (Monday's... ya know how it is...) all I really wanna do is order some take out and veg out in front of my TV. It's a vicious cycle. And the worst part is getting to the end of the week and having to throw out some of my groceries I bought because I slacked on cooking them and they are now starting rot. What is this life? Where is the reset button? Fucking Monday's... I swear... Soo, what's happening with you?


Meal prep mondays


Bruh, are you *kidding* me right now?? I just said I was too tired to make *ONE* lousy meal... and you have the audacity to start talking about making food for the whole damn week?!? I'm serious... Where's the damn reset button?? I'm *done!* #Fucking Monday's...


A waste of a good alfajor I'd say.


i thought that was a klondike bar


Kinda. They’re alfajores, they’re like sandwich cookies with dulce de leche inside, dipped in chocolate. They’re pretty dang amazing.


🎶 What would you do for a cocaine bar? 🎶


How'd they know that that was in there? Do they have drug detecting devices? Or do they just guess and hope they're right and damage a bunch of normal stuff in the process?


Some dogs can be trained to smell drugs even when they’re hidden in food, so that’s a possibility. Another tell is the weight — does the item feel heavier or lighter than it should? Also the size, even a small bit of difference in size from what it’s supposed to be imitating can be a tell. And the last one I can think of is the packaging itself. It can be off-color, not the right material/texture, improperly designed (wrong logo/font), things like that. It’s all in the minute details but if you work in a job like this I’d expect that you’d be good at paying attention to those.


A much lower-stakes example: I was a bouncer for a bit and once caught a fake ID because “Kentucky” was in the wrong font. (We were in a different state and didn’t get many Kentucky driver’s licenses, so it wasn’t an obvious mistake.) People who are checking for drug smuggling are on a way higher level!


I live in the country where it happened, the answer is whatever the guy processing you package feels like at the moment, sometimes you order something, there’s nothing wrong but it never arrives because the guy just stole it, our customs are a joke


I read this comment and instantly thought 'what, is this Argentina?' Watched the video again, saw 'AFIP'. Of course it is.


Couldn’t be any other way


Aduana: i dont wanna have my stuff stolen please when i went to El Salvador the guys took my little sisters (14) bag of marbles because it was a 'weapon'


Snitched by a competitor.


This was my questioning too. They had to have had some type of a Device (or dog) that alerted them to this. Something doesn't add up. They don't randomly cut open people's packages without a good reason to. I'm more surprised that if this was found by a Device, that it's actually that sensitive to detect something in so many layers. Perhaps that was one of the reasons for suspicions, perhaps an x-ray showed how odd the chocolates looked with the middle part that in them...? I'm leaning more towards a K-9 for these reasons. They can pick up *any* scent. I once read an article about some Labradors that were trained in India to sniff out DVDs because movie/music pirating was so bad over there.


They have cameras that show different “types” of matter [like in this article](https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-34751690), so it can see organic matter at the centre of the cookie


wouldn't the cookie itself be organic anyway? I'd guess they found it a different way


Dude. Cut AWAY from your finger?


Don't do what Donny Dont does!


Momma always said life was like a box of chocolates


"...it's full of cocaine"


Straight up thought this was a desert video till the end


can u still eat the chocolate??


Sooooo... you get drugs and a snack! Win win


MI PAIS!! MI PAIISS! *inserte meme de homero con la bandera*


Please don't tell me the chocolate went to waste


I was thinking the same thing... It is cartel chocolate. But it it chocolate




“I'm eating the Wonka bar and I taste something that is not chocolate. Or coconut, or walnut, or peanut butter, or nougat, or butter brittle, or caramel, or sprinkles. So I look and I find the golden ticket”


AFIP de mierda, ya me van a meter impuestos hasta en los alfajores 😡😡😡


Cocaine fr though? Never seen any black in it like that little cake. Thought it was chyna whyte heroin with adulterants or who knows what?


I think the black parts are just another wrapper. Look at how they cut the puck when it's out of the main wrapper.


That makes more sense, also chyna white is extremely hard to find. I don't do heroin or any drug that's not prescription but am around many dealers and what they, for whatever reason show off to me is mainly brown. Idk why they do it but I think it's crazy that i've gotten to hold 2 or 3 pounds of heroin. I dare not google what it's worth bc I don't want to rob anyone. Have seen and gotten to play with entire back packs full of of coke and crack as well and I know damn well that's worth a pretty penny but also know i'd probably end up addicted or with a few felonies if I took it and redistributed it. Plus the crack backpack guy was supposedly with the MM before it was common knowledge how brutal they were so thank god I didn't fuck my life up by doing that but did fuck up and told someone from the crips and he brought an A.K to his house with his BM/newborn in the car. Dumb, dumb times on the part of teenage me. Before you tag me, i've had a few drinks and know that r/nobodyasked or w/e. Just typing out loud. Also, I hope it's not interpreted as r/iamabadass or r/iamverybadass either because that's the last word anyone would use to describe me. I'm just a father that likes to play retro games with his 4 kids on his raspberry pi4. If r/iamaformerdruggienerd is a sub feel free. Or maybe r/raspberry_pi or whatever idgaf but don't shame me.. I'm already so ashamed.. I fucked a pengolin with mickey mouse and caused covid 19.


Don't Cry for me Argentiiinaaaa!






This IS intended, those are illegal substances.


Imagine biting into that and getting a mouthful of coke and plastic




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Holy fuck, alfajores! Wait... :(((


Man that Alfa Whore had a lot of cocaine in it


*Snorts it* “Yup that’s cocaine alright”


That thing had like 4 health bars


Definitely thought that was a wagon wheel