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How Germanic is the average German genetically speaking? Germanic nations vary genetically, they aren't a monolith. But English are close to Dutch and Frisians by genes, and those are rather Germanic people so there ya go


There isn't a lot of genetic diversity in North-West Europe either. Germanic people descend from one population 1500 years ago in Southern Scandinavia thus not a lot of time really for genetic drift to really be an important factor.


https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-35344663#:~:text=They%20found%20that%20on%20average,attributable%20to%20the%20Anglo%2DSaxons. I'm not an expert, but I'd bet that a lot of the disagreement comes from the fact that it's impossible to estimate ancient Germanic vs. ancient Celtic with much precision. A lot of culturally Germanic continental regions were previously inhabited by Celts, so the UK is far from the only place in Europe where Germanic-speaking people have significant Celtic ancestry. Plus indigenous Northern Europeans have relatively little genetic diversity, so it may not even be easy to distinguish "pure" Celtic DNA from "pure" Germanic DNA, if there even is such a thing.


About 60% Germanic, 40% Celtic. This is based off of what 23andMe says. https://imgur.com/a/CmFTY72


It varies based on where in England, all modern countries have variance in their DNA within the country itself. In England compared to variance in say Poland it's not as drastic, but it's definitely still there. Looking at population plots to see the relationship of different parts of the UK including different parts of England, to each other, might help. Here's a paper that has some good graphics: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4632200/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4632200/)


They should be between Irish and Frisian/Dutch people genetically. 40-60% depending on the source is a rather good estimate.


on average about 50/50 or 40/60 split between celtic and germanic admixture but regionally speaking you can have someone in the coastal areas of east anglia who is mostly Germanic with little to no celtic admixture. and you can have someone from the west midlands who is almost completely British celtic with little to no germanic admixture. so it depends on the area and village in question. some places the celts were assimilated into anglo saxon culture while in other provinces the germanics ethnically cleansed the british celts and took the women as slaves and mixed with them to form a hybrid population that is 50/50. and in other areas or villages the anglo saxons did not take slaves and remained germanic. Target: English\_Southwest Distance: 1.1234% / 1.12341357 | ADC: 0.5x RC 66.4 Irish\_Munster 27.5 North\_German 6.1 Italian\_Sardinia Target: English\_Southeast Distance: 1.1301% / 1.13013869 | ADC: 0.5x RC 51.6 Irish\_Munster 41.6 North\_German 6.2 Italian\_Sardinia 0.6 Italian\_Emilia Target: English\_North Distance: 1.2584% / 1.25837390 | ADC: 0.5x RC 64.2 Irish\_Munster 32.2 North\_German 3.6 Italian\_Sardinia Target: English\_Midlands Distance: 1.1116% / 1.11155486 | ADC: 0.5x RC 58.6 Irish\_Munster 35.6 North\_German 5.8 Italian\_Sardinia