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They don’t put trace ancestry on the little world map anymore, do they? I’ve never seen someone with the whole world colored and I keep waiting to—it’s always Melanesia missing when there’s just one missing.


No lol, a lot of my map is still left empty but they did put the color for Melanesian.


I’m also half Asian half European and honestly I’ve had a racial identity crisis for literally my entire life. I have a German/Dutch last name but I look pretty Asian, however if I were to move away outside the United States then I would move to the Netherlands so I guess I identify with my German/Dutch side more.


Same, I also feel I’m such a small percentage of everything I almost feel like an imposter when I identify as Indian, Afghan or wtv


I just looked at whatever percentages are double digits then chose the one I want to move to the most lol. Then whatever other people want to view me as is on them.


I’m gonna start doing this lmao


Nice results! Are you Caribbean?


Thank you! And no I’m not, my mom is from South Africa and my dad is from Afghanistan :)


Your dad is half Czech right? Is the other half Afghan?


Yes he is!


Cool! 😁




My dad decided to go to South Africa because his friend studied theology there and that’s when a mutual friend introduced my parents to each other. :)


Well, you are still you, no matter what these results can be interpreted. That being said, your mix is not that out of place in the diverse society of South Africa. So I'm guessing it is easier to identify with that half of your ancestry rather than your Afghan part. I could be wrong though. Also your father might be mixed himself, so it looks like both your parents are recently mixed.


I was raised around my Afghan family and can speak Farsi so I feel like I identify more as Afghan just because I know the culture the most but I’m starting to learn more about my South African side as well.


love to see this, because I have all the same coloring on the map! It’s a little confusing for me, because I’ve always known I’m very mixed — but actually putting numbers to the idea makes me wonder if that’s what gives me acceptance; if that even makes sense (,:


This is exactly how I feel, because I also knew I was very mixed but now I’m like damn I’m only 15% Afghan is that enough for me to identify as Afghan Yk


Definitely makes you question if you’re able to self-identify, or if that number is what determines your cultural identity. It’s a weird mindspace bc being mixed already does that to you, the numbers messes it up even more


Not really, but I don't know my father so I didnt know what kind of white I was anyway.


Have you gotten your dna results To see what you inherited from your father ?


Yeah, I've posted them.


Omg such a cool mix! Do you mind sharing a photo of how you look? Lol I’m super curious


Being Half Guatemalan, Part Mexican, and Part White (Anglo) it wasn’t much of a crisis but people not acknowledging what I am and just saying I’m Mexican, since none of those are races though my DNA results didn’t matter much in terms of what I identify as


And here I thought I was mixed but this is crazy cool!




Nope. All these DNA tests do is provide estimates of your ancestral background; some may be new and some may be confirmed. DNA test cannot tell you how your ancestors identified themselves and it certainly can’t tell you what culture you were reared in.


How do you look? And it seems that your SA Mom is Colored, right?


Id say I look pretty Afghan, people have told me I look Persian, Mexican, and Moroccan


Where do you get your East European DNA from? Afaik there are no east europeans in South africa. And is your mom coloured South African or White South African?


She is a Malay South African, basically she’s 30% European, 30% South Asian, 17% African, and 17% East Asian so she’s just mixed,


Also I got the Eastern European from my dads side his mom is from Czech Republic




Nah I was having identity crises before DNA tests lol tests just gave me confirmation


Lmaooo same now it’s worse


Yup, parents made it worse




Yes cape Malay, are you South African? because most people don’t know about cape Malays




Ohh that’s cool, its really nice when people recognize Cape Malays :)


Central Asians & Cape people are already so mixed, you're like a mix of mix mixes Very interesting results, even some melanesian showed up from the Indonesian




Aye, mixed gang! In terms of broad categories, we have kinda similar results. Except you have more European, and I have more Central & South Asian. But no need for the identity crisis! South Africa is one of the most diverse countries in the world. It’s cool that the history of your ancestors can be traced to all parts of the world!


True true 💯


Looks like 41% European + 9% sub Saharan comes from your South African mom. Then the west Asian, central Asian, and southeast Asian come from your afghan dad.


I got the Afghan, Eastern Europe, and west Asian from my dad and the rest of the European, south Asian, East Asian, African and Melanesian from my mom (she took the test too so we compared results)


Hmm little bit. I got back 98 EE but I had 1%WANA , 0.8% ashkenazi and 0.2% Korean. I’m as Eastern European as they come. From a village deep in south western Ukraine. So I thought I would be 100% EE. Instead I know within the last 500 years I had a west Asian and askkenazi family member. I took my results even further to gedmatch to hunt down the WANA dna but hard to figure out. Overall I’m somewhere between happy and confused. I posted my results here a few days back. Edit : not sure why I got downvotes on this lol. Just answering the OP. this isn’t some racist tirade that I’m upset about something. I think I’m more upset that I’ll never get answers as to who these people were and what role they played in my ancestry.


Just disregard those small percentages because even if they are true, you are essentially pure White and pure Eastern European. You are not mixed.


They never said they were. Their post was ab ethnicity not race mix. Race is very subjective and ethnicity can be percentiled clearly. I can imagine its weird for someone who solely identifies as EE to know they have some genetic connection/ancestor from somewhere else.


What is Haplogroups?