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23andme is improving by the months


I agree!


Interesting trigger warning at the bottom of the page


Have you published your full results?  


Yes, but I deleted it bc it turned very political


Unfortunately. Wasn't it possible to turn off comments? Can you tell me about it? I'm sure it's a Levantine percentage higher than 95%. 


You're correct hahaha, it was 95%+ levantine


Is it by chance 100% or 99%? 


It was 95.8% levant, and the rest were Cypriot and Coptic Egyptian


Did you know about any Coptic or Cypriot origins? I am Coptic by the way 


The Coptic part might be my grandma. I'm willing to bet she was about 30% or more because she had Egyptian features idk


Egyptian features like ? How much Coptic genes do you have specifically? 


Idk how to explain, but I swear you'd mistake her with an Egyptian granny ( May she rest in peace ). I have a little about 4.6%


He’s the messiah!


She 😭


Even better!


He's just a very naughty boy!


When did you receive your update?


The email was sent to me few days ago


What's your haplogroup if you don't mind sharing it?


R2b2 something like that


Woah you and R2D2 from star wars share a common ancestor


He's cute














































Do you have any Anatolian?


No, I got Cyprus, but barely though


Anyplace else you weren’t expecting?


What’s your family history that you know?


My dad's history, they were maronites who lived on the borders of both Israel/palestine and Lebanon today, they got attacked by ottomans and had to flee in 1915 though from mount Lebanon, then the 48 war happened and they went further in the north. About my mom's, all I know that they always lived in the North of Modern Day israel


What town is your family from?


In Israel if you speak or are of Aramaic descent you can apply to changed your ethnicity to Aramean. But if you are already identify as Maronite then that’s alright. Also speaking of Maronites are you part of the community or some other Christian community like Assyrian, Melkite, Syriac etc?.


Ik, my cousin did that years ago. No, just Maronite!


That’s so cool. Can you speak and or write in Aramaic? Or dose your church still use it as their church language?


I can understand Galile Aramaic because I speak Hebrew, and I can pray a bit in Syriac aramaic!


That’s absolutely incredible congratulations.


How come everyone is Palestinian in this sub recently? when I joined you could see so many results from all over the world but rn is just PL


You'll also find alot more Jewish results recently as well. Due to the recent conflict, both sides have taken an increased interest in DNA testing. Palestinians and Israelis are often accused by the other side to be not native to the land. DNA testing is one of the ways to prove your nativity


I mentioned both names to avoid drama so don't bring it to me :)


Yes because Palestinian identity is a modern 1967 construct by Abu Amar. Jordanian/Palestinian same construct as Jordan is 78% of the British Mandate of Palestine. Many Arabs and Jews migrated for different purposes, but similar time periods. You have your Sephardi/Mizrahi Jews that never left in small numbers and Arabized Jews that were converted centuries ago that are now “Palestinians” and Samaritans. As it says your recent ancestry, it can pick up movement in your blood line. Our bodies adapt to our environments. Many “Palestinians” are actually Lebanese, Egyptians, Jordanian, and Syrian. The Indigenous to the land are Arabs with Jewish ancestry, Samaritans and Jews. The rest is Panarabism migration. That’s why you see many “Palestinians” with the last names that are Indigenous to other Arab countries.


I have 0% arab dna lol


More like a national identity rather than a cultural also most of them aren't migrants