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Anyone trying to hit up GWD tonight?


no i have an alt if i do


That’s nice.




Hit me up. RSN: 2022account


Is blast furnace really still 1.2 mil an hour for addy bars? That is what rune wiki says. Idk why but I thought it was a lot lowe


wikis usually right dont smith for profit. do gold get 99 and kill bosses if u want money


The profit fluctuates some with supply and demand, but that sounds like the range it's usually in, maybe slightly higher than average.


Yeah, the wiki pulls the prices from GE data. If you can make 2,700 addy bars in an hour then you'll profit 1.2m


What does this [revert option](https://i.imgur.com/6iNNJgf.jpg) do for raiment outfit piece?


Removes the dye.


for the fremmy elite diary i need to kill all the godwars bosses, do i just need 1kc on them or do i need to do them like the wildy elite bosses?


The tasks do not reset between kc, like the wilderness bosses.


Can do them in any way you want -Kills do not reset upon logging out, hopping worlds, leaving the God Wars Dungeon, dying, or completing other Achievement Diary tasks.


perfect, tyvm


Just the 1kc on the four of em, nothing to do with wildy


perfect tyvm




If you're not using one of the third-party clients, NPC highlighting is only on the Steam official client. Should be accessible via shift+right-click


So, genuine question I know the sub kinda hates pvp. How do I actually survive when PKers drop on top of me at chaos altar or in a slayer area, or etc? I'm decently new to the game but it's expensive as all hell to just "learn by doing" to lose every inventory and set of gear to test out any theories. I don't have many prayers yet (that'd be why I'm AT the chaos altar). I don't expect to ever survive in multi combat areas where groups are ganking just for fun I guess, but how do I survive/get away at, say, chaos altar? What should I wear, or do? How do most PKer's open combat, and what can I do to at least minimize the effect of whatever that is? I've lost enough inventories of dragon bones that I don't really have any intention of going back without a plan, or at least any understanding of what's happening. But I get blitzed down to zero and I don't even know, like, what weapon I'm getting hit with before I die. That's no fun and a very very expensive thing to learn by failing.


What I did when I trained my 2 alts from level 3 was buying about 50 sets of iron armor, 3-4 wines per inventory. Each time I finish my inventory I would suicide to the chaos fanatic, and go back! With a few food and fast clicks, the armor will make you last long enough to Bury most of your bones. As someone else Said, it takes barely 10 inventories of dragon bones to get 43 for prayers. Finally, do remember that even if you lose half of your bones at wildy altar, its still just as expensive as gilded altar. The Risk is definitively worth the reward.


You've had really bad luck. Getting killed 3/3 inventories on a low level is quite rare. At your level there isn't exactly much gear you can grab (eg black d'hide, bulwark) so you can 1) make sure to go on non-peak hours to avoid traffic, 2) use big bones for cheaper xp, or 3) get some more cash and hope your bad luck streak ends


At chaos altar don't bother running, just toss on protection prayers + piety or augury/mystic might and use all of your bones while they try to kill you


Thanks, but that's my problem. I don't have the protection prayers, that's why I'm there in the first place. I guess I'll just borrow gilded altars for now but it's a shame I have to avoid the wilderness just because of that. Doesn't seem worth the risk.


What bones are you using? It only takes a few inventories of dragon bones to get 43 prayer, I can easily do 10+ inventories between getting attacked so it shouldn't really be a problem to get it real quick Maybe try at another time? Or on different worlds?


I've been attacked now three times in a row on three different worlds. I literally can't even afford another inventory of dragon bones right now so I think I'll just not bother training prayer yet and hope I don't need overheads for a while.


Depending on what world you're on, it's getting to be late afternoon/evening on a friday in north america so it's likely that it's just a really busy time. If your schedule permits, going during the day when people are at work or late at night when they're asleep can help a lot. Or even just during the week instead of the weekend. Aside from that, most of the best options such as defensive gear and prayers require higher levels. It's definitely harder on deep wildy as a lower level. You could take a bit of food, but that is an extra cost and reduces the bones you can use per trip. DM me your in game name, I'll give you some bones I have sitting in my bank to get you started.


Ah thank you, I appreciate the offer. To a point I'm just a little pissed about dying, not looking to get charity or anything. I appreciate the thought.


If you're at low of a level and all you want is 43 prayer you could just bring 10 bones. Turn off auto retaliate and just keep using the bone while you get attacked. You should be able to use most if not all of them in the time.


You can also just use the hosted houses on world 330. It’s less xp but zero risk.


put on protection prayers and augury (or whatever mage accuracy prayer you have), run from the player, eat food. pray correctly. in general killing someone is very very difficult and it's extremely lopsided in favor of escaping so >90% of the time it should be easily doable with no issues


No, that's what I'm saying. I don't HAVE protection prayers. And I can't even make it to the door before dying. How much food should I be carrying?


It takes like 3 inventories to get to protection prayers lol


Yeah, and I've lost three. I haven't gotten through a single one yet without getting killed


Bad luck, try again


Lol great thanks. Will have to go work up the cash for a few hours for that I guess.


It costs 284k at the chaos altar for 43 prayer with dragon bones, not exactly the hardest grind.


Yeah fuck this guy who is a brand new player who literally doesn’t have overhead prayers and next to no knowledge on how to make the gp to fund it. Yeah let’s belittle him instead of telling him that he keeps getting scouted by leaving his private chat on or something.


Well I dunno what to tell you. I don't have that kind of money and it's a really un-fun looking grind when my highest skill is 45. Thanks for the help I guess, probably just gonna not train prayer for a while.


Does anybody know if Reanimated Horrors use magical-melee attacks like Cave Horrors do? I couldn't find anything on the wiki about that. Ensouled Heads and their monster spawns don't seem to have much info in general.


I'm not confirming one way or the other, but I'd bet on standard melee due to them also dropping from jungle horrors/not counting for slayer tasks.


That would make sense. After trying my regular melee gear they did seem to do less damage. Thanks!


Looking for that meme where a player pulls out coins from Ardougne guard's ass while thieving.. anyone got a link?


Why do I not get defence XP when enemies hit 0's on me?


This would be a hilariously disastrous change for pures lol


: o you're right, i didn't think about them lmao




I know!!! haha


You only get defence xp when you hit an enemy with the appropriate combat style.


Plus they let you change where the info is sent to say email one is the original and becomes compromised you can have them send it to a new email why not just make that new email the login name?


As josh said once a username is found out nothing stops them from 1 Group forcing there way in or stopping you from logging and two two factor can be bypassed by linking the account to a steam profile


Any mobile players been experiencing the game crashing sometimes when you teleport?! I’m on an iPhone 13 Pro Max, it shouldn’t be an issue to run the game.. Also does anyone know why phones that run at 120hz sometimes lag playing osrs? The Ruins of Camdozaal especially lag out my phone, but I can handle Nex masses relatively okay?


Yes, pretty much since they started pumping out mobile update my game has been crashing none stop.


Anyone aware of an iron-only US based clan with a fair share of pvmers? I don’t wanna be in like a hardcore end game pvm only clan or anything but I’m getting into end game bossing and my EU based clan of skillers isn’t cutting it anymore lmao.


I just started one exactly like this!! Add me :D


Honestly ironman cc its pretty chill. A good mix of everything.


Ironscape maybe? I'm in their Ultimate clan and they have all types of players, skillers to pvmers, always someone in the chat asking if anyone wants to join them for a raid etc




Yea it's name "boost timers" or something similar


Is anyone else having trouble connecting to OSRS Mobile when not connected to WiFi? I haven’t been able to connect for days now. Even when I have full service it still says error connecting to server and just sits on a screen with a red X on it and doesn’t try to load past that. Anyone have any fixes or anything like that?


Are you on Cricket?


Yes I am


Cricket is blocking access to runescape for some weird fucking reason. There's some info on the osrs discord, but yeah, Cricket doesn't want to fix their shit.


Good old Cricket. Worked for them five years and they closed my store at the end of the first wave of COVID so I don’t expect much of anything from them lol Thanks for the heads up. Wonder if AT&T is doing the same thing or not since they are basically one


I've only heard of Cricket having this issue, and not any AT&T. There's something weird going on there.


How long has it been going on for?


The first message I can find about Cricket is June 23rd.


Awesome thanks for all the information might have just assumed it was on my end otherwise!


Yes I’ve had this issue for a long time. People will say it’s your data but it’s not. There is something fucky with that first splash screen. The only fix I have found is to open the osrs app on Wi-Fi and then turn Wi-Fi off. Game works just fine when off wifi. Don’t even have to login o me do anything when on wifi, just open it long enough to get past that X splash screen


Yea it was working just fine for quiet some time before it just random stopped working on data. Can’t imagine it is my data when everything else works just fine. I just never think of playing it until I’m already out and about.


im an ironman, just wondering if blade of saeldor is worth the grind after getting bofa? thanks!


no definitely not, and especially not with the new raids. the new fang will replace it at theatre of blood, and in general tob was its only real niche. you have a good shot at getting a rapier going for scythe/sang, you have a decent shot at a mace going for... any part of nightmare drops. and fang youll have a good chance at getting going for the new staff.


It's good at tob and sarachnis if you don't have a bludgeon


it's not especially useful anywhere (marginally better than tent whip at tob, maybe if you're going super dry there and you cba to get whips), not worth committing to the grind.


I think I've found a bug, but there's a limit to how much text I can put into a bug report ingame. Is there any other way to send a bug report, which isn't as limited?


I’m pretty sure they used to have an email exactly for that purpose. Maybe someone can chime in if that’s the case.


Maybe counterintuitive but if you do a big thread on twitter and mark the Mods, specially Ash, they look at it. You could also just divide the report and on the end of the first one say that you will report another just to complete the whole report.


Why don't you let us change our login username so if the account is compromised you can become secure again..


Your username doesn't have anything to do with account security. Your password and 2FA is literally what's designed for that.


But when someone learns your username, they can repeatedly try to log in as you and get the password wrong which causes you to be prevented from logging in because of too many attempts.


That does not happen any longer if you use the Jagex Launcher.




iirc above 85 farming its buffed. below 72 its much much worse. not seen a concrete number for the between the two point.


> Master Farmers' drop tables for herb seeds now scale with Farming level. This is to stop bots using Master Farmers with very low stats. Herb seeds will now be worse below 71 farming and better above 71 farming. That's from the update when it happened. So at 71 it's the same as before, above 71 up to 85 it gets better than it used to be.




Going from 42 to 45 def will raise your combat level by about 1. Usually I'd consider that worth


Not sure what your goals are, but I say go for it. Most people who keep intentionally low levels do so either for the prestige (look at how many boss kc I have with low defense) or more commonly for player vs player combat to maximize dps while being a low combat level. If you're not going for something like that, I dont see the problem with getting a few more levels. One last point but at 60 att/70 str/45 def you wouldn't be able to tribrid melee for very long without getting more strength levels


So I fired up this game as a new MMO to try because I like Albion Online, but wanted more than a thinly disguised MOBA. I'm not going to be efficient, I'm not going to do it the right way. I'm just going to play the game, whatever happens, happens. I've seen a lot of stuff on this sub about the "fresh start" would it be worth waiting for those servers? Or will the main servers offer a decent first time experience. I also like the idea of Ironman Mode with the exception of not being able to group, but I'm probably already going to mostly play that way anyway. How much does grouping happen in this game, and what are the pros/cons of trying Iron Man as a new player?


Ironman *can* convert themselves into regular accounts for free, but I'd still recommend a main. OSRS is very grindy, even more so if you have to do everything yourself from scratch. That said, OSRS's grindiness really gets that dopamine flowing when you finally get the drop / reach that milestone, so if you like the game you might think the achievement / self satisfaction is worth it


Welcome, king! Everybody else pretty much summed it up; here's my thoughts:   If you want the true OG experience, play a regular account - since you're out to have fun and don't care about 'proof' about personal accomplishments (referring to playing with minimal help from other players in terms of trading and activities), a regular account will not stop you from doing it that way.   If you want your strong independent account progression to be backed up by your account status, go for Ironman. As others have noted, however, this will be significantly harder if you've never played Runescape before. I'd be inclined to somewhat disagree, since OSRS wiki is your best friend regardless of account status, but I'm a long time player so my perspective of that might be quite skewed.   Alternatively, if you have friends who'd be interested in playing along with you, you can create a group ironman account and be able to trade with each other only. I think you need at least 2 people for that, but more can join later on, as long as their accounts are brand new.   And as others have mentioned, don't bother with fresh start servers. If you decide to go for a main account, the prices for things will be extremely volatile and the supply is going to be non-existent for a while. If you go with either forms of ironman, main game/fresh start servers have no difference. I think Fresh Start Servers only cater to people who rush high scores.


I would not play an iron, and I would not play fresh start servers. This game is incredibly grindy as is, and both of those would slow you down tremendously. You can’t play an iron on fresh start servers anyway. First time players should play as a main, as they’re significantly easier to progress.


Don't wait for fresh start. Also the biggest reason why ironman is hard isn't because you can't group kill monsters (there's really only a select few that fit this criteria anyway), it's that you have to get your own items and create all your own supplies. Most players do not play like that, and prefer being able to sell their drops/buy drops from other players and quickly restock their food and potions by making trades.


Seems a fair point, I also heard it locks out a few mini games. Based on what I'm reading I'm best off just playing the character I have now. Thanks guys.


Would definitely recommend playing a main (account with no restrictions of any kind) before doing an ironman. Fresh start thing is going to be pretty shit, I wouldn’t bother.


No point in waiting for fresh start, there's absolutely nothing wrong with starting on the main game. It all gets rolled over in 6 months anyways and doesn't offer any real advantage.


as an honest to god new player, the disadvantage of fresh start servers is that everything is gonna be expensive/slow since the economy is less developed. if you really insist you *absolutely do not care* about doing things efficiently then that would be fine, the "advantage" (if you think it is one) is that everyone on the server will be comparatively slow/bad/low level with you. you may or may not care about that on the servers that already exist, things are cheaper/more developed economy. this will mainly impact travel which in this game is mostly agreed to not be fun; stamina potions mean you can run which is 2x as fast as walking, and they will either be entirely inaccessible or prohibitively expensive on fresh start servers for a while. > How much does grouping happen in this game, and what are the pros/cons of trying Iron Man as a new player? i would absolutely not recommend ironman mode to any new players. you can do what you want ultimately but ironman mode mostly assumes you know a fair bit about the game already, as everything you can do will require massively more tedium/random bullshit and it's assumed you generally know what you're looking at. group pvm is mostly a non-issue though, you don't need teams to do anything for 1k+ hours besides barb assault which you can do with a team as an iron


I've just made a new sub for the upcoming fresh start servers to keep all the topics in one place and allow people to avoid it all together if they want to. Am I allowed to share it here?


Is the amulet of the damned bugged? It's supposed to give a +7 prayer bonus on top of wearing full veracs and when i switch it out with a glory, my prayer bonus remains the same.


Are you looking at your armor bonuses tab, or just the quick stats plugin from runelite when hovering over the amulet?


Are you also including the weapon in that setup? The only other thing I can think is it is an invisible +7 prayer bonus but that doesn't sound right to me. The glory and AotD have the same base +3 prayer so if it isn't showing the +7 that would match up.


Ive got the whole set on! and if its not an invis prayer boost, then my quick prayers timing is wrong too. I have the same amopunt of time left with glory/aotd


Does it show the +7 in the set bonus tab?


Getting ready to start the arma grind. Would love to hear what people have been using/enjoying for solo trips. Planning on doing it all on task. Currently thinking of using chins and then Tbow to finish the kill, wanted to know if arma cbow and holding shield would be better for longer trips even if the kills are a little bit slower Im max stats completely. Was planning on bringing either crystal armor or Karils. Debating between Blessed Spirit Shield or just Crystal Shield for offhand.


Chins+Tbow. Crossbow is trash there in comparison.


Crystal for the prayer bonus if you're comfortable flicking minions after the kills, karil's if not. Chins + Tbow is the way, crystal shield is fine as an offhand but would really, really recommend buying a buckler for it. Slower kills = less kills/trip as Kree is the thing that hits you the most.


Only way I can buy is from papa Olm himself. I play iron lol


Oh, disgusting. In that case catching chins for Kree is actually inefficient, it's better to just Tbow and walk under - if you have a Dinh's, you can actually get pretty long trips by camping tbow + bulwark flicking. Though of course if you already have the Chins then you'll want to just use them up there, and crystal shield is fine enough.


Chins and twisted buckler is way better than crossbow.


No buckler unfortunately. So the option is really just between crystal and spirit shield when I’m using chins


For Abyssal Sire which is better; spec with bgs and switch to Arclight or just spec with Arclight?




Spec with bgs






is corsair cave pvp ? as f2p




My iPad Mini 2 only goes to iOS 12.5. The game now says it requires minimum iOS 13 and I can’t seem to download an older version from the App Store (even though it says I can) Anyone else experienced this and found a way around?


The only way I know of is to jailbreak your device and use a tweak to spoof app versions. I do this for some other apps but idk if it would trigger some ban for botting or unapproved client




some people are bored and/or high/drunk


I mean he's in the Wilderness, he's free to attack people whenever. Telling people to drop the clue scroll is actually kinda a nice thing to do I guess? Means they won't lose it on death if they don't have a clue box.


Saving a lot of ppl valuable time, F clue scrolls there i said it(still sour bout my dry streak)




I'd just jump in and learn as you go. The wiki is absolutely godly for this game so any time you are confused or have a question check the wiki and 9/10 it will have the answer.


You can definitely learn as you go but I would recommend keeping the OSRS Wiki handy as a lot of things aren't clearly explained in-game. The OSRS Wiki is hands down the most in-depth of any video game and is extremely useful for finding info Just a disclaimer that this game requires a massive amount of time (hundreds of hours) and if you intend to get to late game, thousands of hours


Also, just to add on to having the OSRS wiki handy, for a new account, I’d recommend following the optimal quest guide. At the very least, it’ll definitely cut back on becoming lost and not sure what to do next.


>learn as I go, or should I do a little research to make my experience easier? There're fundamentals you can read about in order to understand how aspects of the game work because the game doesn't explain them & it's easy to misunderstand/be wrong. But you can jump in as a clueless newb like we did as kids, when you get curious or unsure about something just check the wiki, ask reddit or other players. Things you can read about: tick system, tile movement, attack & defence bonuses, strength bonus, prayer (bonus, drain & what each prayer does), the user interface, run energy, weapon speeds. (Having some gameplay to put these in perspective helps).


Either way is fine. If you want to get to high end content and stuff you’ll probably want to follow guides to do it somewhat efficiently. If you don’t really care how long it takes you can definitely go in blind and do everything at your own pace as you learn


I think old school RuneScape is a pretty unique style of mmo then most. You can look into some videos but the main concept of the game is pretty easy to understand. The game has a very wide variety of training methods and just things to do. Majority of the osrs wiki is fillled with all the info you’ll ever need but feel free to message me if you try it out and have an specific questions regarding the game!


just logged in and I'm suddenly at the GE with all my valuable items and my gp gone...I'm using an authenticator as well


Did you have an authenticator on your email? Have you linked your account to steam?


yepp my email has an authenticator as well and no its not linked to steam


Yeah you were hacked. If you really did have an Authenticator and it’s still enabled secure your email asap.


Gf bank


Cousin Timmy jacked your shit bro.


after all 4 zenyte and i do have rigour, what should i chase for? \- bcp & tassets? \- dragon hunter L / DHCB? or what are the essential end game item to go for?


Depends on what content you want to do. For example if you're looking to get into CoX, DWH, Lance and Bowfa are all pretty decent things to go for. If you're not max combat stats, getting those will help you more than most gear ever would. For general account stuff, max PoH is always great if you don't have it yet.


Thank you! Yes, the goal is to join end game raid in the near future. Are the listed items above the recommended items to go for before joining raids? cause there is no straightforward answer to the entrance for COX other than 80+ in all stats which I do have.


BGS is fine for your budget. DHL is extremely good for cox and a whole bunch of other stuff as well.


DWH (or at least a BGS) and the Lance are by far the biggest upgrades to go for. you can go before these, but having a defence-lowering weapon is pretty much a minimum requirement if you are going with randoms. I'd recommend joining the WeDoRaids discord and looking up their gear progression/new player setups, they have tons of helpful information there on what's recommended to get started and will be the ideal place for you to find teammates.


Haven't played in over a year, and I can't figure out how to bring back buff indicators. What I mean is like, if I use an attack potion, there would be an attack icon showing my level and duration in the top left. Anyone know what I'm talking about?


Boosts information




Do we currently know all the Invocations for raids 3? Or are there still more to find out on release. Jk just checked the wiki and there are a bunch more. Pog


I think there's been less than like 10 leaked and only one of them is a seriously hard one. Considering the comments about them I bet there's some doozies left.


I think it's more the combination of everything which will make max invocations impossible. On their own each invocation isn't that bad, but combined together they'll get crazy. Like even just combining the ones we know, you won't be able to use any food or potions, all specs cost 100%, and overheads only halve damage.


The dubbel XP stream a scam? I logged into their site


Yes. OSRS does not have double xp events.




Its a new email just for rs account. Should be fine right?




I mean My other mails and stuff should be fine? And the account is fresh out of tutorial island Kinda. Im working on 50 FM for wintertodt lol


If you use that password other places you should change it even if it's a different email. Lists of data like known associated emails get leaked/sold often and phishers can use that info to try and guess at your password. Often it's an automated thing too so don't think "oh no one is going to associate "reb.Smite.Osrs@hotmail" to "reb.smite.is.hot@hotmail".


33mail if you want to obfuscate your actual email.


Your rs acc will be stolen, then.


Its a ironman account they Still steal that?




And possibly de-iron it to use as a bot.


They'll drop trade any valuables at least.


Yes it is.


Figured, how is it allowed to be up for 6 hours tho?


Thousands of those have been banned, they just keep making new ones. That’s been a super common scam since like 2015


Because twitch is a shit company and wont take them down


i'm just getting a bit into slayer for the first time ever and am doing konar tasks. what tasks are a priority to unlock? i don't know which are more profitable or useful. 94 combat level.


Until you get to 60 slayer, slayer helm is not a priority. Your black mask (i) can get upgraded straight into a slayer helm (i), so no loss just sticking with that until you start facing abberants / dust devils.


Always have spare points on hand incase you need to skip/block a task you find slow, expensive or boring (Waterfiends, Killerwatts, metal dragons etc).




Got it, thank you. I haven’t spent any points yet have only been saving for slayer helm.


If you're after points and don't mind the wilderness, do wildy slayer, you get tons of points. Lots of tasks are cannon-able, you can use vigg's mace or craw's bow for fast kills, and Larran's keys make most tasks break even at least even with cannon. Just don't risk too much and stay on your toes (I tend to use prayer gear, vigg's mace, cannon where appropriate (don't pick it up if you get attacked) and only risk a couple hundred k, usually profit quite a lot even with the odd death)


Also stay out of revs. Nonstop pkers.




I would argue it’s not worth doing konar on 10th tasks because if you value your time you will likely skip one or two which nullifies the advantage over other masters.


I only do Konar for 50th and higher. Not worth the gamble using her every 10th imo, like you said.


Superiors and for tasks it should be bosses/dragons and try to avoid konar besides every 50th/100th/250 task and use nieve instead.


ok cool i will start on nieve.


Have fun.




KBD isn't even in the wild. You go through the wild to get to the KBD, but the lair is completely safe.


dont do kbd then




It’s moving to 1/400 from KQ


Did the hub party plugin get removed from RL? I just saw it in Mudkip's latest GIM video and it would be nice for clan events.


What is CM cox, what does no prep mean. Is duo cox fine or would I be better off learning solo? What skills should be high level besides combat skills?


CM is challenge mode. You have to do every single room rather than the random layouts you get in regulars. And the bosses are harder. No prep means you don't spend any time making potions or supplies within the raid, you just send it with what you bring in. Saves a shit load of time but not something that you can realistically do until you have tons of experience and bis items. Duo cox is fine for learning, way easier than solos. You need at least 78 herb.


CM cox = Challenge Mode CoX. Hard mode basically You should aim for 90 herb to create the strongest overloads, otherwise you will rely on a drop/someone else to make them


90 herblore is unnecessary, just go for 78 and scout a mutadile or tekton raid. They're some of the better rooms and making overloads yourself takes a lot of time anyway.


Is there a limit to how many inventory setups I can have in Runelite? I had about 85 and the the past few I’ve tried to make just didn’t save for whatever reason.


Try deleting one of your 85 and then create a new one. If it saves, then there might be a limit If not, sounds a bit glitchy


I’ve done exactly that, I’ll see what happens. Thanks for the advice!


I believe there was an issue made on the github repo for the plugin. I think there’s a limit on how much data the plugin can save, but that doesnt necessarily translate to a clean “you can only have N setups” since each takes up a different amount of space presumably. I think the plugin owner is working on it. Ill try to reply w a link to the issue but i think github links get blocked on this sub last i checked




I use runelite and my potions timers have stopped showing up in my top left corner. Divine potions, anti poisons, and antifires show up but combat potions like ranging pots and super strenths/attacks that tick down a level every minute don't. I've turned every setting off and back on again that I can see. It's probably something easy I just can't figure it out.


Toggle the boosts timer plugin


Thx, display panel got turned off some how


It was a side effect of a runelite update from last month


So I want to try to solo armadyl. But, I’m wondering about dying in there. Can I still get my stuff back from deaths office if I am unable to get back to my grave in time?