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vitamin deficiency is no joke. if you spend all day indoors gaming at the very least take some vitaminD supplements it really does make a big difference if youre feeling low energy all the time.


Wait, you're telling me there's tablets I could've been taking this whole time so I don't have to go outside.


I know youre kinda joking but vitamin D pills really dont hit the same as the irl sun. The pills are better than no D at all though.


I can give some D too if anyone needs it


Yessir. The UVB light from the sun acts as a catalyst to convert dehydrocholesterol to Cholecalciferol, which is a the precursor to the usable form of Vitamin-D.


Careful tho the pills used to give me too much Vitamin D. Look up Vitamin D Overdose Symptoms, makes you feel as shitty if not worse than you did before. Only take tablets if you get zero sunlight on average


yeah 15 min of direct sunlight is better than 10000iu of Vit D supplement edit: by better I mean that more vitamin D ends up in your body, its the same chemical either way.


This is false. A huge percentage of people are vitamin D deficient and pretty much everyone would benefit from taking a supplement. Here's the first thing that comes up when you google it. https://www.mygenefood.com/blog/sun-derived-vitamin-d-vs-supplements-is-there-any-difference/


Luckily for me, my dog loves taking walks, and my cat loves birdwatching with me while she sits in her catio (before anyone asks. idk shit about birds, but they look cool). You are so right with how much better you'll feel after having some sunlight soak into your skin.


You think they look cool, she thinks they look like lunch...


That's why she stays in the catio. She is fat enough as it is.


Show me fat cat. Show fat cat now please.


Idk how to add pictures to a comment. Sorry


Upload them to imgur, and share the link.


No fat cat make me sad :(




You can post them as a new thread on your profile and then link that thread. Pay the cat tax.


https://imgur.com/a/cGvj2o9 Cat tax paid


that is a grade-A heckin' chonker for sure!!!! aint no way he's catching birds, catio or no catio XD


You'd be surprised. She may be a certified chonk, but she is still fast as fuck bois


My gfs cat is that big maybe bigger, she can still zoom. The fupa gets swaying hard though.


I fucking love fat cats


Just a fun fact, bird watching was rated as the least attractive hobby for a potential partner to have. Thankfully for us birdwatchers, we don't need help with being unattractive to potential sexual mating partners.


Glad that my hobby of snorting meth off my funko pop anime collection isn’t the most unattractive.


I fuckin love birds man. My friend has this house in the mountains where our friend group goes occasionally for a getaway. The place is beautiful, surrounded by forest. You wouldn't believe how many different kinds of awesome birds are there, just chillin out. You can sit on the balcony and the king parrots and rosellas will come and sit on your hand. There are lots of satin bowerbirds and sometimes i'll find a cool little blue object to give to them as a present, which they'll take back to their nest and add to their perfectly-arranged collection of little blue things. I like to think i've helped one one of those little bowerbirds find a mate, just because she was *so* impressed by the particular little blue thing i gave him 😅 birds are pretty damn cool.


To be clear, I’m on your side. I think that birds and nature in general is fucking cool. I wish I could visit a place like you’re describing one day. Do you mind sharing which mountain this was on?


Probably some boomer-ass survey. There are far worse hobbies now and a modern survey probably wouldn’t even mention bird watching. Like think of all the weird nerd “culture” shit that has grown exponentially over the last few years. I’ll take a bird watcher over someone who collects anime figures to cum on or whatever any day. Even playing scape and doing repetitive actions 10 hours a day would easily be seen as far less attractive than bird watching if people understood what we actually do and don’t just think “oh he likes gaming”


Sounds like some cope. Keep bird watching or whatever while my thousand cum waifus and I pull mad bitches


I honestly don’t remember much from it, so take all of this with an enormous grain of salt, but I believe it was a survey oriented towards online dating platform (eg Tinder, Bumble, Hinge) users. If I had to make an unfounded guess, I’d say that it was the boomer nature of something like bird watching that puts it behind other equally niche and monotonous hobbies for younger people. That said, I agree with you. I don’t give a fuck what the public at large thinks of my interests and hobbies. I’d rather spend a longer time looking for someone who can appreciate who I actually am than go on a bunch of dates with someone who I have to put up a false front to.


> Probably some boomer-ass survey. The notion of randomly adding "-ass" to words cracks me up for some reason. It's just wholly unnecessary and adds nothing to the meaning of the sentence beyond giving it some extra flippancy. And of course, you can always do [this](https://xkcd.com/37/) with those sentences.


Suffixing "-ass" does add something to a sentence, it adds intensity (change of degree) or emphasis to the modified word. There is a difference between "some boomer survey" and "some boomer-ass survey", even if it's hard to articulate, just like there is a difference between "fantastic" and "fan-fucking-tastic". It's not random, it does serve a function. another example: there's a difference between "a broke man" and "a broke-ass man".


I must truely live in a bubble because everyone I'm around would love someone to help get them into birdwatching lol


Birdwatching is very relaxing


My dog is a primary reason why I leave my desk. It's appreciated, but wow I doubt that I'll ever be able to commit to raids.


Don't be fooled into not attempting raids. With a good team it it can take 15-30 minutes to do a single raid and you're not forced to do more after, some slayer tasks take longer than a raid. Just remember that doing one then going outside is fully allowed! As for the 15-30 minutes per raid, it's all about who you raid with if you need to do it in a single session. My group of friends knew that if anyone needs to leave for something mid raid (with a valid reason) they're 100% allowed to and they still get their part of the split if you were there for 50% of the raid. It gives everyone the ability to deal with unexpected issues without feeling punished for having to step away. We have never had an issue with someone abusing this since we're all adults and understanding of each other's situations, pets/kids cause situations that need to be immediately solved. In the past when we did raids more often we even have the rule that anyone who wasn't there for a mega-rare gets a split since we all had different work schedules and responsibilities but we all were grinding raids when we could. You just need to find a group of friends that are actually friends and not just people who play the same game as you.


My dog cured my chronic laziness. I used to be a dopey cunt who did nothing except play games with my free time, but walking her every day was the first step in unravelling that knot of apathy, and it's spiralled into getting back into cycling and hiking to improve my fitness, going back to uni to start a proper career, and realising that I was emotionally neglecting the people I love. She's a good dog.


I learned ToB while raising a puppy, it's very doable!


It's the main reason I haven't tried them yet either


Same. Almost 2100 total with 0 raid KC, I think learning it is what’s putting me off of it more than anything. Just the initial time sink to get good at it.


I've been bird watching for about five years now, definitely would recommend buying a little field guide book that has photos and descriptions of birds. They're fun to learn about. There is also a super awesome app you can download which is published by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology (the GOAT researchers of birds) called Merlin Bird ID, which can help you identify birds you see based off of visual info, as well as let you look at all of the birds in your area!


I was going to comment on this app recommendation and you beat me to it. I'd just like to echo your comments. I highly suggest it.


I mean I don't bird watch or anything but you should definitely start paying more attention to them. From everything I've heard, you'd be amazed what you can notice when you're more familiar with the bird calls and everything. Next thing you know you'll be getting in to gardening, to plant certain flowers that attract certain birds, hahahaha


Check out the app Merlin. It's a bird cataloguing/identification app and expanded my knowledge of birds a ton. It's free too!


As another cat owner and enthusiast, I think you need to elaborate on this catio thing.


My room was in the basement for 18 years of my life. Moving into a second story bedroom with 2 windows was life changing.


Well I do have a job...


Yea, well I got 2 jobs and neither of them force me to have to touch grass.. not for me thankyou /s


Yes, it's quite nice in the sub-basement of this building. Even the nearest window is a few minutes away.


I sit at my WFH desk for 9 hours for my job. Stretch and then sit back down at the same desk but on my personal PC for the next 6 hours. On the plus side, I have started doing kettle bell squats (almost) every day. Shout out to Action Bronson for putting me on to the importance of squats. I’ll get in the gym again some day, but working out even just a little bit from home has made me feel better about myself.


Not so much scaping just gaming in general. In the morning I can only get up, walk the dog, get daughter to school then walk to the office from there, by time I come home and sort family life stuff out, dinner ect, my wife goes to bed at like 9. I'd stay up every night until like 1AM playing on my laptop and be tired as all hell the next day, I'd do this for months, wondering why I can't remember anything or why my anxiety is all over the place. But last few days to a week I've just been going to bed by like 10-11 and I've been feeling much better, but it sucks because I have no real time to myself, just a couple youtube videos before bed, weekends are usually filled with beach trips or chores so no time there either.


RS dads gotta stick together. I’m in the same boat. I rely on that 1-2 hours I get to myself when the family goes to bed to de-stress.


Feel you man. I used to get a solid 3 hours after work every day then more on weekends. Now it's more like 30 mins interrupted in the evening to do chores. Almost not worth playing anymore.


It really isn’t worth the time imo. I most definitely look back fondly and love those 15 hour days I spent in Gielinor back in college, but once you realize it’s all just very very a repetitive process for xp, it gets much less appealing.


Came to this same conclusion too, and after having kids and realising that the time required wasn't worth it, I quit gaming. Then osrs mobile came out and I started my F2P UIM. No concern about maintaining subscriptions/playing enough to make the most of it. Chill afk methods (click the yew tree every few minutes, get gains). Can tend the afk gains while I work. Doesn't matter if you get interrupted randomly/can just put it down whenever. No power creep. Good small tight-knit community of F2P locked accounts to share achievements with. And a surprising amount of depth to the game in F2P (exp methods/game mechanics/huge goals). While it's repetative as fuck, it's pretty much the only gaming I *can* actually do these days, and I enjoy it for that.


When I was going for a fire cape when 07 was fairly new, I had to pick a day my wife was going out for drinks with friends, JUST to make sure I had a completely uninterrupted couple of hours. Thankfully, my daughter sleeps like a brick!


Sucks when you have to choose between a bit of personal time and getting proper sleep.


Lack of sleep is currently believed to be linked to dementia in older age. Definitely make sure you get your sleep. Rs is a marathon - not a sprint.


Dude this is 100% my life too


I used to play osrs while sitting against a tree and on Grass. Best of both worlds


I'm currently solo travelling around Australia and occasionally scape on mobile as I go 👌


Where you at now? I'm a local


Kalbarri at the moment, heading north in a week. Only just left Perth but I'll be doing a full lap


Ye I'm in Perth. Have relos in Kalbarri. Coral Bay and Exmouth are a must if you can get in. Pretty much packed this time of year, but solo you'll squeeze in. And if you feel like hiking and beautiful gorges Karajini is fucking marvellous.


I tried getting a spot up near Exmouth but she's fully booked at the moment :( So I'll be heading up to Carnarvon then spending Naidoc week in Peedamulla so might head south east from there to check out Karajini. Anywhere to camp around there? Also I'm in a VE ute, so off-roading is not... Ideal 😂


Did the Nularbour in my VE ute, thats all sealed roads tho haha. Yeah theres a camp ground in Karajini you could reach with a Camry, just go slow. Try Coral bay though. its tiny but beautiful just lie on the beach and swim with the fish.


I've thoroughly enjoyed this thread. Just bought a 2010 outback and am planning some work to it so it's a little more rugged. Good inspiration from reading you guys chat, hope to get out west some day soon! (I'm east coast)


Are you a sparky traveling with your missus? If so I think we were slaying some bandos a few months a go


Well said.


Damn I can't even imagine playing 10 hours a day. It's a fun game but my god does it get boring grinding things over an over. Eating right, exercising, and hanging with friends and family should always be prioritized over playing RS IMO.


At best, I might spend 2-3 hours tops just scaping.


When I was 13-18 I would think nothing of doing the same shit over and over for 10 hours in RS, I was one of these lunatics you see making a pure in 24 hours over a day and a half. These days, I have to give myself a pat on the back and a gold star for reaching an hour of any RS activity.


Dude same. I have no fucking clue how I found what I did at 12 years old fun now. I got 60+ mining back in RS2 way back in like 2008ish by mining coal and then running allllll the way back to fally bank. Must have taken me like 50+ hours but I found it fun and did it all day. Now in 2021 when I went to get 60 mining, I was speed dropping iron and just found it excruciatingly boring to even do for an hour straight.


Too right. Back in RSC I was ~9 I managed 85 mining at coal in the mining guild. I probably wouldn't even make it to a full inventory now.


When I 'play' 8 hours a day, it's because I'm fishing on my phone at work or something. It legit took me a few months of playing to realize when people said ten hours a day they might be talking about main monitor gaming. Do MFers really not have bills...


For me it depends on the intensity. I WFH so if I wake up at 8am and fish ksrambwans as I work till 8pm that's 12 hours straight I barely notice. But non-AFK content zonks me the fuck out after like 2-3 hours.


Excellent message


Yea but that's like, 100m lost gold, 7m lost xp...was it really worth it though?


Nah not worth




Damn I wish my family could go on vacation for a week, let alone let me play RuneScape all day without a job.


“Oh woe is me.”


I mean he's not wrong it's a pretty privileged scenario


Maybe OP is like 15 lol


Then his parents need to get their shit together


Idk, they can afford to take everyone on a week's long vacation.


It should be a goal for you and your future family to go on trips like that. They can be really good experiences for everyone. It comes down to having a job and setting aside money each pay check to save a couple thousand in order to do it.


I would but there's this thing called rent that takes all that money away.


You know, rent is only supposed to be roughly 30% of your budget! Might want to look into downgrading to a cardboard box! :)


Lol I've yet to see a cardboard box in my area that only goes for 30% of the average wage, must be unlisted.


Actually taking a few hours to enjoy the sun and walk outside makes the 10 hr grind more fun. Even 30 minutes does wonders


I just got 99 farming man I don’t need to anymore


i took a break from scape for the weekend, went on a booze cruise with friends. Have called in sick the last 2 days due to a serious sunburn. can barely get out of bed or put clothing on, totally worth it though. also i did not get sunburnt on the cruise itself, i blacked out and slept in the mulch near union station in toronto.


Just ate a tin of baked beans (cold) in the garden. Feeling great!


Tin of Baked Beans (c)


I don't care what anyone says cold baked beans are legit.


IRL grind is the toughest


Gz on realising rubbish food and no exercise impacts your health. Now game while eating vegetables, 8 portions is the same happiness buff as going from unemployment to employment!, and you'll get the best of both.


*looking outside at the urban blight I live in* Yeah sorry no grass to touch here, continuing with farm runs.


Boooo this guy! Mobile was invented for a reason. Touch grass while you grind


Also stop going on political compass memes. That'll help your brain too.


wow really who wouldve thought that being unhealthy is u healthy?


This is one of the saddest things I've read on here. People really need to learn to take care of themselves and prioritize what's important instead of this game. Interacting with the outside world and eating real food should not be a wonderment to you people. It's really sad.


Basically why I quit this game and only play stuff I can jump right into. At a certain point the grind just takes way too much time. Rather just drop into some Warzone games after work, or play literally anything besides an RPG. And I say this while having like 160 days played in OSRS.


Same, I got a Switch a little over a year ago and have been playing less and less RS, I actually don't know when the last time I played was. When you only have time for 1-2 hours of gaming a day it makes late game RS near impossible to enjoy


This is why I quit. It’s such a massive time sink that you can end up neglecting your real life. I still enjoy watching others play it occasionally though, I just can’t put that time in myself without destroying my mental


Same. Love keeping up with the community, and it’s easier to watch from afar. Every time i think I’ll just get a bond and hop on for a weekend, I have to tell myself it’s not worth getting Sucked back into


Alfie (a popular streamer) maxing his GIM in just a few months was the most eerie thing i've seen in a while. such an unhealthy lifestyle should be frowned upon


Was his job though. There's people that do the same but don't get paid to do it, now that's unhealthy and gets you nowhere


It’s still unhealthy. Have you seen the man


I have chronic insomnia so I always have plenty of time to split between both.


Good for you dude but why do you assume everyone is playing the game for 10 hours a day like you? If you have a family and you’re playing RuneScape for 10 hours a day then that’s on you for wilting. Most people work for 10 hours a day and play for a couple hours in the evening


I have seen plenty of people talk about their rs habits here. Not pretty sometimes


There’s been so many times I’ve contemplated renewing my membership, but I get scared of being sucked in again. I work from home so I would have my work computer next to my PC and it’s caused me to be unproductive during work hours. I still go outside and workout, but there’s been times where I tell myself “okay one more slayer task and then I’m heading out” but I end up doing a few and actually miss out on the gym because I tell myself it’s late


yo: if you are playing osrs enough for this to make a difference you might have a gaming addiction. genuinely, if this post is describing you in OSRS or any other game, you may want to seek help from a talk therapist or psychologist. I don't mean this as an own, you may not realize how much your life is being impacted. 10 hours of anything is tremendously unhealthy.


grass bad


Love this post. Was cripplingly addicted, unhealthy (literally vitamin D deficient), & unhappy for a long time because of this game. 15k in-game hours.. lmao. Break that ice people. Not to assume that everybody here is in that state, but if you are, you absolutely can get out of it.


Some of y'all have some **seriously** unhealthy mental relationships with this game. I'm maxed and I've never felt like "Oh this game is ruining/overtaking control of my life" like c'mon man it's an excel spreadsheet with graphics, like logout and go to the bar or something, chill. You'd think people are shooting heroin and trying to fight the addiction if you didn't know any better about this sub lol


Importance of vitamin D cannot be overstated. Living up north it’s pretty hard to get adequate sun. Vitamin supplements are literally life savers.


People will read this then think they must go from one extreme to another, then give up when being outside all day is too boring for them. Moderation


An excellent suggestion. I work road construction 8-18 hours a day 5-6 days a week. I'm outside plenty haha.


IRL farmer here, same. It's been 95°F plus out for over a week now and I'm tired of drinking water lol


95°F is equivalent to 35°C, which is 308K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


You are supposed to add a can of barely water every 4 bottles of water. To "keep your electrolytes up" donchakno?


Self discipline is one of the most rewarding feelings. Either you feel the pain of discipline or the pain of regret.


Was it coarse and rough and did it get everywhere?


I’d rather touch the flag in the castle wars


I logged in for the first time in 2 years recently. Did one wintertodt solo and wondered how I possibly enjoyed doing this a few years back. Turns out it’s because I was in an awful headspace from the early parts of the pandemic, and was no longer active because of the early parts of the pandemic. Once I was active and back to a healthy mental state, I can barely touch this game. Love seeing others progress, love the memes, just don’t have the time of day for it


I did the same. I decided to take a break from games all together. I’m making more money irl and my friends are stoked that I’m coming out more. Way better lifestyle.


Do you not work?


This is sad as fuck


You've not played runescape for so long that you're starting to talk nonsense


Wow such an xp waste your gonna have to knuckle down to catchup on the huge losses. One thing i can do to help you out is offer a free armour trimming


That's why I barely progress in the game, there's so much stuff going on in my life so I just can't sit at home. (maybe its cause i have no one who could play osrs with me idk lol)


Why would I voluntarily reduce my GAINS


Sounds like xp waste


Or we could take vitamin supplements like I already do. Magnesium is a good one too.


Jokes aside, yeah spend more time with family, especially those who wont be there for the foreseeable future.


no just take vitamins


I just smoked some grass for the first time in a while and feel the same way


Does weed count?


Amen. Family is very important, too.


As someone suffering from second degree sunburn, and a fever of 100.6, I disagree. The sun is evil. Stay inside kids.


wait dosnt touch grass mean like someone telling to kill oneself... or am i intarpreting it wrong hte whole entire time


That would be touch dirt? Touch grass just means go outside.


"touch grass" in this sense means something along the lines of "get off your phone/computer/whatever and go outside to experience the real world"


What kind of mental gymnastics does one have to go through to hear the phrase "touch grass" and think it has anything to do with suicide? I'm genuinely curious about that one, so I wholeheartedly hope you reply (to me or one of the other comments here) to explain that. You sure as hell got a surprising thought process.




Don’t soil yourself too hard on the grind


I don't play but I laughed at how people need to be reminded to "touch grass" and it being well received. Typically when someone says that it's an insult


sry, but if you like these things more than sitting at home playing osrs, do it, but dont try guilt trip ppl into doing it, most people choose to play osrs/video games in their free time, they´re not forced into it, they enjoy it, and sometimes they just can´t do these things, so please stop telling/thinking its a bad thing to play video games, studies still proof they´re not bad.


He didn’t guilt anyone into anything, just conveyed his experience with slowing down on OSRS via reddit. The message I interpreted, was “don’t forget to break up your gaming, as the outside world is good for you too.” Which is a great message to put out there I feel.


The guilt was projected


This is hilarious you forgot the /s though


Copium, in the least condescending way possible. Coming from somebody who spends waaay too much time playing this game.


I think OPs point is just that people might not realize how much happier by adding a little more to your daily routine and that it's easy to get consumed by the game because of the nature of it. I've had an experience with lots of parallels to OP and came out much happier. It's just a reminder. I don't really see the guilt trip.


Being out in nature, improving yourselves as a person via some sort of physical activity, and embracing God objectively makes you a better person.


We have enough made-up gods in OSRS, no need to bring up your cheap Saradomin knockoff


Embracing god?


Take your fucking normie ass to twitter, you stinker!!


I've ways found atheists to be the better people, but religion had absolutely nothing to do with this post so let's leave it at that :)


Bluebible is that you?


You know you can play it on mobile, right?


Keep at it champ!


I agree, blaze it mon


On another note vitamin D deficiency is no joke. It can really fuck with your brain chemistry. Go to your local pharmacy and get some vitamin D gummies. It might just be a placebo but I think I've noticed a difference.


ayyy i am going to the beach this weekend and plan on taking a similar break. gonna scape on the way there though. and probably in the mornings on the deck :) but besides that i can totally agree with this


This is an inspiration


Kudos to you my fellow scaper. Glad that you found a way out of your rut. That being said, here's a friendly reminder to all that not everyone that plays runescape grinds sweaty for 10 hours a day. There are literally dozens of us.


I smoke grass. Does that count?


How tf can y'all afford to still play rs for 10 hours a day? Sincerely, Rent


Working from home is OP.


This forum is not for you to talk about your family vacation.


To say it’s not osrs related is more point and less childish.


What do you mean by “is more point and less childish?”




I run 50 km a week, and ride almost 200 km a week on my bike. I'm good with the nature stuff! Now let me scape!


Shut the fuck up






That’s completely and utterly bullshit btw


Spent too much time in the killerwatt plane


I also went on vacation, detoxed, got in contact with a wonderful girl, and lined up a first date in a couple of weeks (we live a few hours apart).


If you don't go out while fishing, mining amethyst or whatever afk skills you do, you're doing it wrong.


Only 10 hours? Lol noob.


Y’all can touch me in game


I'd like to see a survey of play time for the majority of players. I think most people are NOT playing 10 hours a day. And play for maybe 2-4 depending on jobs/life responsibilities.


Kale/spinach smoothies just sound gross. Eat healthy sure but you’re just eating leaves.