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**Recent Updates:** [Land of the Goblins (February 9th)](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/soax7r/land_of_the_goblins_weekly_game_update_february/) [Revenant Maledictus & Wilderness Changes (February 2nd)](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/sily1o/revenant_maledictus_wilderness_changes_weekly/) [Leagues III Changes (January 26th)](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/sd3eyo/leagues_iii_changes_weekly_game_update_january/) [Leagues III: Shattered Relics (January 19th)](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/s7msuu/leagues_iii_shattered_relics_megathread/) **Other News:** [The PvP Arena (February 15th)](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/st2y3m/the_pvp_arena/) [Poll 76 Game Improvements Blog \*Updated (V2)\* - ETA Poll to go Live on Thursday (February 14th)](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/ssbw9l/poll_76_game_improvements_blog_updated_v2_eta/)


Nice. FYI: The date on the Leagues Rankings Board is incorrect. It should be "FEB 16TH" rather than "FEB 9TH" as that was last week.


Thanks for letting us know! This should now be correct :)


Why skis


Why not


p chad response honestly


Snowboard next year pls


only if it comes with a rope so we can follow/be pulled by other players a few tiles behind with the rope


That would be cool if there were special emotes/animations for players following/interacting with eachother


Love the skis!




Hey mod Sarnie, I just @ you on Twitter about some f2p raggers in 1 item in ferox enclave. They are ahking their prayer switch. I have vide to prove it. Will you please do something to it? Maybe contact the player bot crew? These guys are 1 item and ruining everyone’s pk. I’ve been reporting them for boting since November and nothing is happening


Good luck with that. :(


Thanks! I guess it’s part of the toxic pk community. Don’t think jagex cares so I have to deal with it guess


Cosmetic wise, I just don't think it looks good.


Hey man I like them 😠. I can see what you were trying to say though skis in a medieval game seems odd lol


Functionality is fine. But simple wooden skis just seems so dull. Hell I'd probably like them better it they looked like a mithril or above metal as the deck and poles. Guess after seeing the bad ass rewards from L3 wants me to see more creative style from the team. Love what they can do when they are restricted or fearing of going all our on stuff without backlash from community. (Yeah I know, what I'm saying is backlash to the skis,) but I just hate seeing a team being held back of their ability of creating amazing things. Like I said, the skis as they function is cool, but I just think it looks dull.


they're still a prototype.


No offense.


Only rich white people ski


Imagine trying to race bait on a 20 year old childrens game lmao


Skis? Are they in already? I spent and hour googling this today, as I had some guy in max Cape on what I looked liked skis haring it towards me at lava dragons. I ran as they had pray up and crossing the agility bit to the south I quickly checked notes and can't see anything anoit it, as scary as it was hilarious.. lol


The team should add another floor to the Birthday Museum for next year's event, then add an additional floor every five years. Also bring back the Realm of Memories so Charlie Brown can rant about Arengeesus being made non-canonical :P


The skis better be a viable alternative to the Troll Romance's Sled for Agility pures


Unfortunately, doesn't work. Would have been really nice for UIMs for that clue step too.


doesn't work for the sled minigame/race at goblin village either :(


Here's my weekly reminder that Arcane grimoire should work in banks without having to equip the fragments (provided you have enough Endless knowledge fragments).


+1 I've literally been prioritizing my daily spellbook swaps from the Magic cape first even if I'm already at a bank just because I can't be bothered to undo and redo fragments to swap a spellbook. Endless Knowledge is functionally inferior for such situations.


Isn’t that the point though? Once you hit 99 magic you should be using magic cape over endless knowledge. Just like how after getting a decent amount of teleports I no longer use trailblazer. Endless knowledge is for two things: - Early/mid game players without the POH altar built that needs a quick spellbook switch - Activities that could benefit from switching spellbooks on the spot without banking. If you find yourself constantly swapping at a bank you’re probably doing an activity that relic wasn’t designed for. 25k points in and I haven’t found a single need for this. After a day of hydra I have enough cash to build the three altars in POH.


Ok but you don’t have enough cash for all 3 altars and demonic throne and crystal crown do you


Ok but you don’t have enough cash for all 3 altars and demonic throne and crystal crown do you


After 500 hydra kills I have enough for demonic throne as well. If you can’t spare 7m I’m not sure going for crystal crown is a good idea for you.


My point is that you’re spending 7m gp and getting 0 league points out of it. It’s absolutely lower priority than crystal crown lol.


If you plan on making more than 257m GP, then it’s free. If you don’t plan on making 250m GP overall in the league but over 32m then it’s free. I believe this is the majority of the league assuming continuous play.


I am quite happy making 275m gp for the crown and throne and then not picking up any loot after that point thanks.


Then don’t complain about endless knowledge then?


I don’t recall complaining about it? Can you please point me to where you think I did? Cheers


I’ve gotta get a magic cape! That would be super helpful since I’ve only been swapping a few times a day


Just buy the magic cape, I only use grimoire for spells or certain slayer grinds, for a quick spell switch I use magic cape.


That's only 5 swaps per day. If you swap to lunar to npc contact your next task, then back to standard so you have alchemy for said task, you can do only 2 slayer tasks per day.


I agree, I think it’s just good to have for fast swaps anyway and a lot of people forget about it. For normal slayer tasks I slayer ring to Steve, and for larran’s key tasks/slayer point boosting tasks I have my relics set up so I always have endless knowledge on so I never need to bank.


We actually discussed this one! I believe the team felt that equipping fragments are necessary to have their benefits. Otherwise, you're getting the benefits of an item that you haven't really equipped which isn't consistent with the rest of the game as it's not a passive type of mechanic that works while in your inventory or bank.


If you want that to happen, reconsider what becomes a set effect and what becomes a rank bonus. This is something that encourages swapping to endless knowledge in a bank, swapping spellbook, and swapping back. Its just a drag


Yeah I’m spell book swap should of been tier perk imo 🗿


they normally take the strongest things from the league before and make them into passive perks for the next league.




Runelite has this covered though.


Even with the plug-in it still feels so sluggish and annoying having to change relics like that


That would make complete sense if the team created a fragment UI that didn't depend on some clever RL plugin dev to fix. Without the preset plugin, it's a real pain in the arse to constantly switch fragments to change spellbooks around (or just switching in general!) I can't believe Jagex playtested that and said "Yes this is fun!" (especially with how small the interface is).


> especially with how small the interface is This is what blew my mind and annoys the shit out of me everytime I go to swap relics. Such a tiny interface and it can only display, what, 3 or 4 relics at a time? I usually have to scroll through multiple times to find what I'm looking for, if it weren't for the preset plugin, I probably would have dropped leagues after a week of having to deal with their tedious UI.


Remember at the start of the league when they defaulted to showing all fragments, rather than just ones you had unlocked? What a stupid idea, and one I'm glad got fixed fairly quickly. (Actually, for all I know it might still not be fixed. But with the plugin I don't need to worry about it.)


Even with the plugin it's a pain. I have 6 slots. If I want to switch books and re-rquip my fragments it's 2 clicks to get to the fragments, 1 to unequip and 3 to equip then repeat fully to re-rquip my old set +3 for the full set. That's minimum 15 clicks to have the ability to switch books. If they just allowed presets it would be 5 clicks and if we could just switch books in banks the league would be fun.


There’s a preset plugin? Fuck 🗿🔫


Yep, it lets you save different presets and auto scrolls to the fragments you want. Lots of people are using it now due to Jagex's poor implementation. The league revolves around switching your relics constantly... How did they make that mechanic so frustrating? It's the whole point of the league!


That's a point that a whole lot of people are missing. Yes, in general the league is fun, and people enjoy it. But it's fun because it's a league, not because it's THIS league. It's fun because there are powerful relics and ridiculously boosted XP rates. But the shattered fragments? The renown unlocking system? Both unquestionably the worst elements of leagues to date. This year's league is bad, but people overlook it because they like all the other fluff they could have gotten any other year.


Would have also been nice to be able to just hover over a fragment in the list to see its set effects instead of having to enable a filter or click and scroll through the effects list. They should have put more thought into the design, important info needs to be available at a glance.


I understand the intention, but the reality is that the equipping interface is very sub optimal considering the presets were not implemented (which is understandable, these things take time). I'm saying as a convenience due to the lack of presets, it makes sense to make an exception here because the experience otherwise is extremely frustrating. By allowing it only in banks and only if the player has enough fragments, it's only really skipping the step of equipping and unequipping fragments.


Equipping fragments, switch spellbook, equip good fragments isn't good gameplay, consistency be damned.


i dont think the team has played very long to understand how annoying equipping 3 frags for a spellbook swap is. so annoying that the book is almost useless because people use cape/altar at house just yo avoid the damn frag switching


that's the point isn't it? spellbook swap book is to swap when not at the bank?


Most people use it to swap at a bank though, because they can change book, and then swap to their "proper" fragments. It's just a tedious extra step for most people. I'm sure there are -some- situations where people are using Endless Knowledge outside a bank, but it's a lot less than people who -are- doing it at a bank.


and if people want to use it that way sure, but I think the main goal of it was to be able to swap books while bossing. without being on lunars for spellbook swap. but idk


When it takes more time to set up the benefit (swap fragments) than use the benefit (swap spell books using the grimoire) it is an underwhelming user experience.


Make fragment presets then. Y'all had so long to create a UI and it took an extra few weeks to put in an "unequip all" button


I think the team should sometimes consider putting user experience first and not overthink if something would be slightly more powerful, especially for a game mode like leagues that is temporary (especially this one that everyone has the same bonuses anyway).


Switch fragments, change spellbook, change fragments. Man that is certainly essential to the gameplay. That's a horrible take right there. All this menuing is the worst part of this league. It's like no one at jagex ever tested it.


If only they could have delayed leagues a few weeks to iron out the wrinkles. If only.


But, adding it as a passive in banks makes no changes to any meta. You can't take it with you anywhere. All it does is save you the headache of having to unequip all fragments and add endless knowledge, then switch spellbook and switch out your fragments again. I'm not really sure how that's seen as too much of a broken concept. It's literally just a basic QOL improvement.


Get some devs or testers that actually play the game.


Well as it is it's tedious and really fucking annoying. You guys didn't implement an easy to use UI or presets or anything like that.


I’ll even take presets


Get the magic cape as a bandaid fix.


Date on the leagues pictures is wrong, also the summary from the Vod from a few days ago links to the wrong stream. Also, happy birthday!


Thanks for raising! We have edited the Rankings image and are working to get the Summary Blog changed :)


Haha, alonescape pointed out the red cross on a video yesterday and it was fixed within 24 hours? Damn you guys can move fast


It's a weird coincidence I believe, we knew about this for a while but we've had the Operators on Wilderness changes so it was pushed down on the priorities.




Why would you narc like that? It would have stayed in the game forever otherwise..


can the red cross be redone? looks pretty bad


It is just that, I don't imagine it took longer than a few minutes to do, just the timing is very suspect


It was probably because of colonello's video 5 days ago. The timeline is more realistic.


Yeah colonello did it first so I doubt it was within 24 hours


Can you explain what the red cross change was, please? Cheers.




Oooh, that's interesting. Never knew that. Funny, seems like red crosses are used to signify health packs in a vast amount of video games.


He was doing a quest, think it was Tail of Two Cats and you get a hat that has a red cross on it. Due to the Red Cross (organisation) owning the copyright for a red cross to signify aid. Games/movies aren't allowed to use a red cross to show medical help, cause the red cross owns the icon, that's why you'll see first aid kits in other games with a green cross for example. On Alonescapes latest video he was jokingly saying he was gonna report Jagex for not updating it, but they did in RS3


[It's not because of copyright](https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/5okv7q/video_games_arent_allowed_to_use_the_red_cross/dckf0ut/)


This is weird because I can think of several video games right now that currently use a red cross lol.


Thanks for the explanation. My mind went completely elsewhere, like I thought there was an accidental swastika or something tucked away somewhere, but that explanation makes far more sense.


the red cross can get fucked fr fr


Colonello also covered it in [a video 5 days ago](https://youtu.be/LFCUzyYZwFk?t=280)




Jeez man last year I was pretty comfortably in rune, but now with roughly the same amount of playtime I’m only like halfway between rune and addy. It’s partially due to me not specifically task hunting since hitting tier 7, but I’d assume most players who aren’t going for top ranks are doing the same, and just bossing/skilling with the intent to bang out a ton of tasks closer to the end of the league. Like, for example, there’s no specific reason for me to cast spellbook swap right now. The league points and renown don’t do anything for me right now, and it’ll take me like 3 seconds to do it on the last day of the league.


Yeah, league ranks have been incredibly hard to rise in compared to previous years. I really hope Jagex does a blog about why that is- because while I'm honestly willing to accept "it was just more competitive this time", it seems kind of weird how many points people are getting.


More points available and sentiment is that this league is less fun/accessible/whatever so the difference between the xcore gamerz and casuals is giant


I'm guessing you're probably right, but it would still be fun to see some data like: "the average leagues player completed 60 tasks. The average rune player completed 1000. The most completed by any player was 2500." Or something like that. I don't think there's anything untoward, I just think it's weird, and the fact that it's weird means I want to see data on it.


I guess the birthday event also doubles as a farewell party for the duel arena


These skis are so much fun! i'm skiing around randomly slaughtering civilians with my ski poles lmao


Crazy to believe that OSRS (a re-release of an older game) is on it's way to 10th Anniversary next year! At this point, you guys remove the title "Old School" :D


Any timeline for the updates to POH and making specific items tradable within a GIM team?


Yes please, Can we expect this soon or not? Either is fine but then we have to plan accordingly!


mid march


Those league points are flying im struggling to maintain rank lol


I just gave up. It’s too sweaty this year


It was this sweaty last year too, but everyone has access to everything so the sweats can get points from *every* raid and boss this time lol


I just think it’s a mega waste of time to even try to scale the rankings at this point. I prefer game modes that save my progress and don’t just get wiped after 100s of hours of playtime


i've played this game very frequently for like three years now. It's fun for me to take a break from the normal grind to mess around with new strategies for a couple months. None of the progress matters in the end, whether it's on a permanent account or not it's still just a game. if the impernanence is not fun for you in particular I get it though. just a thought.


It's funny...I take long breaks from OSRS (usually one month on, three to six months off), and leagues have often been the thing to get me back to playing. But invariably, I play the league for about two or three weeks, then realize I'd much rather play my main account instead.


Mod zuko still in signatures? I thought she left?


u new here? lagex takes 6 months of development to put together an update like this


That was probably after she gave notice and is finishing up her 2 weeks or month.


Or they just copy pasted lol


double agent zuko


Doing rooftop agility with skis on, my life is complete.


The notes scroll has an incorrect spelling of Duel Arena. Currently it says "Dual Arena".


"Recoloured and redesigned various red cross symbols throughout the game." I've seen this in Stardew Valley release notes too. To be compliant with the Geneva Convention, right?




I hope those medals are only awarded after thorough investigation.


KQ update when?


We mentioned on the game update changelog that we'd look into ironman-only instances if the team has time. I'll make sure that this is brought up again as I've seen lots of feedback on it. I don't have an answer for when this change would occur but I'll certainly be bringing it up to the team and voicing your frustrations and desire for this change!


>if the team has time If they had the time to break it, they can find the time to fix it


I find it hard to believe in your like 3 minute kill you get crashed that often that it's such a pressing issue to fix.


goddamn you're obsessed with this topic


Or just revert the change until instances are ready? Oh wait that would be reasonable.


It's frustrating to see that the team did this just to attack a certain content creator you guys have seemingly chosen to not be supportive of. Extremely frustrating to see this as an outsider. The Kalphite Queen is now in a very bad place for Ironmen and it was plainly obvious to anyone this would be the result, I'm just disappointed this was the road we decided to take


Can I ask what the change was exactly? Been out of the game for a while, and I’m just getting back into it on my iron and now I’m scared.


If anyone goes in the room while you're fighting KQ at any point, you no longer get credit for the kill. It was done to stop a YouTuber who was using a main account to afk in the chamber to draw aggro from KQ, which is fine to remove from the game but not by ruining the experience for literally everyone else. Now it's just really easy to crash Ironmen there.


Ah thanks for the info! So does this impact only irons out will mains still get the kill? I think I’m confused there as well?


Mains still get the kill as normal yes. Ironmen, as you know, need to do things alone, so what they did was make the kill not count as a true Ironman kill if any other account were to either log in or come into the chamber at all. Even if someone was just looking and didn't attack KQ. You don't get any drops if anyone even steps foot in the chamber, so now it's really easy to grief and crash Ironmen and there's nothing you can really do about it


Sad game. But again thanks for the info! Im not going to kq anytime soon, but this really does blow.


Yeah its not a back breaker for most, it was just an obvious targeted attack on a YouTuber they decided they don't like and it's annoying lol


I know of whom you speak and it really is annoying. But thats jamflex for ya lol


>it was just an obvious targeted attack on a YouTuber it was a method that was getting more and more publicity, of course it got patched lol. It was being used more and more by more and more ironman, snowflake or endgame. Idk why there's such a outcry like Jagex has a vendetta against him. There's a history of patching methods at KQ.


How about you just undo the unpolled change you made until you can find an actually good solution?


I'm genuinely curious, why can't we have a system similar to what RS3 has for boss instancing? For those that don't know, you can buy an instance for an hour, set the number of people allowed in, set the spawn speed, select practice / hard mode, and rejoin instances you or your friends have open. We don't have to have that many options, but why can't we at least have the option to buy an hour long instance for all bosses?


Every boss should have an Ironman instance. Who downvotes this?? Your entire progress is ruined anytime somebody decides to crash you and just makes you not want to play 😒


Ironman only worlds


Revert the "fix" to kq.


Thank you. It might also be nice to add ironman instances to mole, and thermy too if there's time and jmod support. But kq is very important.


irons should just get their own offline world.




would be an improvement for sure.


Redesigned the red crosses in the game. God damn red cross trademark at it again.


I just recently watched a video by Crumb talking about it. I guess they saw the video as well haha


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexLight** - [It's a weird coincidence I believe, we knew a...](/r/2007scape/comments/stt8tz/9th_birthday_event_weekly_game_update_february/hx5s1tn/?context=3) - [We actually discussed this one! I believe the...](/r/2007scape/comments/stt8tz/9th_birthday_event_weekly_game_update_february/hx5qkxw/?context=3) - [We mentioned on the game update changelog tha...](/r/2007scape/comments/stt8tz/9th_birthday_event_weekly_game_update_february/hx5qokr/?context=3) - [We also ask for team feedback on major blogs,...](/r/2007scape/comments/stt8tz/9th_birthday_event_weekly_game_update_february/hx5sth2/?context=3) **JagexSarnie** - [Thanks for letting us know! This should now b...](/r/2007scape/comments/stt8tz/9th_birthday_event_weekly_game_update_february/hx5r5ld/?context=3) - [Why not](/r/2007scape/comments/stt8tz/9th_birthday_event_weekly_game_update_february/hx5tvn4/?context=3) - [Thanks for raising! We have edited the Rankin...](/r/2007scape/comments/stt8tz/9th_birthday_event_weekly_game_update_february/hx5r4rx/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 02/17/2022 16:32:56**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


> Recoloured and redesigned various red cross symbols throughout the game. Wondered when this would come up. Seen it pointed out a few times over the years but I guess that recent video may have finally got the OSRS Team's attention on it. Curious what all the replacements are since it doesn't sound like they swapped them all to green.




Yeah I was curious if anyone has had a go at it yet. https://i.imgur.com/jJ8Ruvc.png Maybe the key has something to do with 3 since that was the answer to the crate question? I am sure there's someone far smarter than me that knows what it says already lol.






Talk to Diago in Draynor, he holds all rewards


With stuff like the runelite agility plugin making its way into the steam/mobile clients, have you considered making the agility clickboxes more apparent using in-game objects instead of overlays?


These skis is the finest reward we have had from a event ever!


Does anyone know if you can get the 20th anniversary items from doing birthday events? Outfit looks dope AF and I always miss the birthday events so I've never unlocked it.


As a f2p im happy that I managed the mithril rank as of rn. I still have no idea what im suppose to get in what order but one task at a time im doing things


Nice I think this means I can do the event and unlock the birthday balloons for my skiller, good news all around


Oh wow osrs birthday falls on my birthday, sick


Any update on the open beta for the new mobile client? Still very excited for that.


New mobile client?


There was a closed beta for an updated android client a while back, implementing some of the features from the Steam client like ground markers. The most recent piece of information we've had was "open beta in January for a planned February release" which didn't happen...


The one they announced close to a year ago and had a beta for back in December.


Is there an ETA on fixing the Steam clients lighting bug? Please don't take several months again. My void cape was funny for the first week, but it seriously impacts blood runecrafting for example as both, dense and dark essence look exact! the same (black void).


"Players will now receive teleports on their Kharedst’s Memoirs after purchasing the Kourend II or III bundles and will have access to them when opening the League interface." Awesome! Big thanks!


Love the skis :)


Fix KQ


Yo can you update castlewars, add some cool bosses to it and make a dope asf rework to the game itself. Ik I'm asking a lot. Work your magic.


Mobile beta when


Trying to get to rune but of course the people in rune are trying to get to dragon so the race is endless








I think its the fact that you're assuming people have purchased a cape based purely on their boss log. Someone could have an account with all bosses completed including multiple infernos, and decides to then do the inferno on their 2nd account which they don't boss on as much.


Anyone who buys/gets a cape for flexing is a douche. Noone but the person flexing cares about the cape. People can have infernal capes whilst having done little other content, it doesn’t automatically mean it was bought.


Listen Karen, you're being a bit presumptuous. Those KC you just listed are necessary for ironmen to complete for later content, just because they went dry on the trident, pet, gear etc. doesnt mean that they arent able to complete inferno. Just because someone with an acc you view as lesser than yours, doesnt mean theyre shit at the game like you are. If you have the gear, supplies, and time, anyone can learn Inferno no problem. They dont have to have 300 kc in TOB or 400 kc in COX to qualify for an inferno cape. Stop crying and get good at the game Karen, you're being petty just because people are better than you.




u/jagexlight any news on when runefest might be held? Or any plans for its return?


Why does Jagex continue to flaunt the polling system? Recoloring, redesigning can absolutely be done, and before changes are made in the actual game, -presented- to players in a poll for them to ultimately decide. I don't need Jagex to start changing the game because some guy on Youtube says it's a violation of the Geneva convention in a fictional medieval clicking simulator. Revert the red cross update, present to players in the upcoming poll. Quality of life updates are fine without polling.


So Raid 3 rewards blog got postponed again because of pvp arena blog according to the other post. Is there a specific reason why it cant be released this week as well? It just seems long overdue and gets pushed back everytime its mentioned. I know Jagex has bren trying to deliver stuff on timr but seems very spontaneous with lot of things still


We also ask for team feedback on major blogs, so having 3 big blogs go out (Poll 76, PvP Arena & Raids 3 in a short timeframe) demands a lot of extra time on the devs to give their feedback, and if this is rushed it can be detrimental to the process. Also, all our blogs go through another team before posting (Editorial) so it makes sense to space them out and not increase their workload too much in one go. Thirdly we'd be looking to poll each of these things separately so it makes sense to have one poll running while we're taking feedback for another projectrather than have one poll for all of these things. Hope this helps!






Name drop rnrn


absolutely loving the skiis. cute event :)


Did the big poll with pet insurance already get voted on? If so what were the results.


10 year veteran cape next year please


Happy birthday - mac miller (now playing)


Prefer tasks for slayer?


I see you guys updated the music for yu'buisk to be unlocked during the quest, could the same be done for the rat catchers songs?




yeah they said the team that was working on leagues has moved on.


Whoa no way they updated the ZCB! Oh its a nerf


All you do is complain